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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2022 2:30am-3:01am CEST

2:30 am
ah, go, mike speaking, how can miss passionate hatred of a people be explained? a gold con go. a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power struggles. it's a history of slender, of hatred and violence even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. a history that you semitism starts july 2nd on d w. ah, she'll need something to want to put you down. but it's not. my clown umbrella. well here
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we are living during the most extraordinary time in history of transport will go full. the electric with red, the auto and mobility shed. mm. 3 pioneering people and one trail blazing vehicle. the opal devaro e hydrogen van is a 100 percent emission free. the only exhaust is pure water vapor, so it's real 0 emission baker canyon sleep. a blank champion whose love of racing santa into an inspiration and took up the challenge that was given to the buddha. first and may be if i, for a dream job in chennai, the detroit of india, a systems engineer, striving full emission free mobility. the only sons has to feed their balance and
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are destiny. and so can someone tell family a driver with a passion for berlin's? a seen me to long electric at the front front as if i could i just contact was this amp or the common bank? this is fatima. i am is role models trends center right now on math. no emissions whatsoever. a plugin hybrid car without any c o 2 emissions. sounds too good to be true. well, it's not that open the viral behind me does just that. how does that work? we'll find out right now and would that well, county the raft jack today we're testing the opal devora. it's
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classified as a light commercial vehicle and is mean we use for the transportation of goods or as a service vehicle for engineers and technicians. of course what you probably want to know 1st is how this all of that work. and the answer to their question is already in the name of the car. the old book we borrow a hydrogen. so it's driven by hydrogen. the fuel cell stack will take the hydrogen from the tanks and the air from outside put them together through a reaction generate electricity. the on the byproduct of that reaction is water vapor, and that's it. no emissions whatsoever. the rivero e hydrogen is based on the regular b borrow e. so the battery electric vehicle, what they did is they changed
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a few things. the electric engine is the same, but they took out the big battery at the bottom, replaced it by the hydrogen tanks. they added fuel cell spec and a lot of other things, but to go into a little bit more detail, we're going to talk to an expert about that. ah, it is a fuel cell, electric light commercial vehicle. and as it same says it's runs on hydrogen. the hydrogen is stored underneath the vehicle it hydrogen tanks system stored at several 100 bars. it can be refueled within 3 minutes. and the hydrogen is used by the fuel cell, which is located under the hood, which converts hydrogen and oxygen from air to water vapor. and electricity, so it runs the electric motor that is right underneath the fuel cell. and the only exhaust is pure water vapor. so it's is real 0 emission vehicle. so, but furthermore, does not only have that fuel so, but also
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a battery. yes. but we have developed here is the so called mit power system and it offers the opportunity that we have the full cargo space of the vehicle available. and the system runs, in addition with a battery, which means that we can have a relatively smaller fuel cell as compared to the so called food power system. so we have a mit power system which is assisted by the battery. and this enables the system to run at optimal operating conditions relative to the fuel cell. and also in addition, it offers the opportunity to externally recharge the battery. so you can reach the vehicle, the battery and the electric grid. so you have the hydrogen, as well as the battery power, so it will work in everyday conditions. talking about everyday conditions. this is a delivery car. are the plans, for example, to bring this into costs for people's transportation to day if you consider the,
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the cost situation in the application of this technology is, makes most sense to start with the hydrogen like commercial vehicle, which is what we do because we have a lot of customers, fleet customers that have their employees that go home in the evening. they park their car on the street, so they do not have any opportunity to recharge electrically. so they like to rely on the hydrogen refueling station network that we have in germany. we have about one hundreds stations nationwide, all operated by h to mobility. so they'd like to use this opportunity to refuel the vehicle within 3 minutes, like we are used to with diesel or gasoline vehicles. back to our test drive there are different types of hybrid options that you can have with a fuel cell vehicle with the battery inside. for example, the so called range extend the weather fuel cell stick will be very small. and just
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providing, let's say 5 kilowatts of power so it will not be able to power the car on its own. and you will rely on the battery to get the car driving. the other extreme is where the fuel cell is huge. so, for example, $100.00 kilowatts and the battery is very, very small. so that means if you run out of hydrogen, you will not be able to drive so what opened it if they chose the media away, we have the $45.00 kilowatt fuel cell stack, and we have the 10 and a half kilowatt hour battery. both of these can drive the car on their own and that is the advantage. so let's say you don't have any hydrogen left. then you can still
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drive with the badly. since there are way more charging stations than hydrogen stations, you'll always find going to recharge the battery enough to get to the next hydrogen source. the rivero e hydrogen is available in 2 different length, 4 meters and 95. that is the regular version. and this is the longer version 5 me this and $34.00 additional cargo space. the hydrogen v borrow boasts a capacity of 6 point one cubic meters. 0, one thing is clear, there's open, the bar is not made for people transportation. but you can fit up to 1000 kilograms inside and you can also tell an additional. ready 1000 kilogram new just like a battery electric vehicle. navarro e hydrogen comes with
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a be driving mode for higher recuperation which will charge the battery. ah ah, what i 1st thought when i heard i could test the open to borrow a hydrogen is that sounds like some brief theories technology. and guess what? it's not. this is already series production standard and open work produce around 1000 cars a year. that is the plan for the next years and then in years to come, they will and pop the production up to $10000.00 vehicles per year. and even more than that in half way, this infusion, of course, all of that depends on the willingness of fleet customers. and although to preserve to lease such vehicles, production of the hydrogen devaro takes place in which the time not from frankfurt
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enclosed to ovals headquarters in the end by a final verdict on the new opal devaro, e hydrogen. i really like the idea of their car. so you have the advantages of the fuel cell and the advantages of the battery electric vehicles without the disadvantages of both of these. why does of course clear technology like bad is not exactly cheap. so companies look in to put a car like this in their fleet, will have to pay around $700.00 euros a month of leasing. and that is the only way you can get a car like this right now. leasing $700.00 euros a month. it's definitely not a bar again, but you will definitely support the environment with their car and who knows, maybe in the distant future combustion engine, cars will not be allowed in the cities anymore. and then you will have a car like this to sum up the idea of
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a 0 emission hybrid vehicle is very appealing. and the v farley hydrogen doesn't seem to have any technological flaws. unfortunately, the technology is still rather expensive, which is why we'll have to wait a little longer before it makes it into passenger cars. harmony one chico is a true speaking in the professional super by who has been racing for 5 years. she always love the open air rush of motorcycles, but her racing career began with a dare from a friend presenter of a good rayleigh. so why don't you pick up the challenge? oh, mean the 1st one on the truck. and are you cause, you know, you can do this so that i mean funny is that and like
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a challenge and they're fairly limited. and the fossil following, her passion has paid off in 2019 harmony, became the 1st woman to win the east africa superbike championship. she then came 2nd at the 2019 red star supervisor championship in johannesburg, south africa per secret weapon. the cheers from her dad. that was that he of a sony that was in 2019 and then iving them. what do you later on? gabriel, ma'am, and i q. yeah. a rule good. harmony is lucky to have her parents blessing, but she didn't exactly give them a choice. well, anything no one is stopping me. if i come home, use that mugging and thing thought off. i'm not stopping. harmony is smashing the stereotype that racing is not for women. even though some racers told her that she didn't belong on the track. she didn't let it slow down. is she going?
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was there was you, you'll need some people who want to put you down. but you know, my clown rela, i'll hear it. oh, is it with me? since harmony started making a name for herself, her coach has noticed more women on the track. we are seeing more and more interesting factor. i would see easy. now we are heading towards that fatty puffin mock locally as bowed up photos. motor bikes are a common mode of transport in kenya. while it's still uncommon to see women riding them more now, experiencing the freedom they offer, whether they're sneaking through traffic or sipping along roads. harmony also runs a motorcycle dealership and kits up. anyone who wants to hit the road that get from that put up under a does a that you do euclidean buddha, you're into a private bike. and even organizations live in the delivery guys. yeah, i think it,
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i don't have a specific people that i target aren't any, encourages all aspiring writers to simply start with what they have by when isn't it alone in have a team in have a sponsor in on a bike? well, i know early knew is good writing skills and at the end of it took up the challenge i was given to be to be the 1st and may be the 1st load the truck. after a recent injury, harmony is back on track. she's impatient and already trading, to claim more victories. in east in india can i is known by many as the detroit of the subcontinent. young talent comes here in droves because this is where most of the countries cars are produced. it's here that most engineers are trained as well. engineers
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likes one a lot every day. the 25 year old is from a neighboring region and now lives in chennai. every morning she commutes to one of indiana's largest carmakers mckendra. there she works as a systems engineer on the cause hardware. it's a stroke of good fortune for her family law for local farmers. my hinder has taken me inside so this, this meant a lot for my family. i'm very happy like as a daughter, like just to rule, only not, not only sons has to feed their parents or does. we also can subordinate families for this young engineer and many other workers just starting out in their careers. mckendra is a dream job. chin i is a favourable location for industry logistically,
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it's better connected than other cities in the country g to its port. but that's not the only reason why so many automakers settled in the city. early on, the local government decided to attract entrepreneurs, including swan, a lattice employer, mckendra. of course, when you come to them, largely you'll get a lower manufacturing of caspar waykell compared to any other location in the 4th. and therefore that's an additional benefit that you get. and in order to boost the investments godwin, give you land and at a cheaper rate of the electricity, then the cut are input packs, and then, based on your investment, they also give subsidies on your ideas. davids are selling rates or taxes. so therefore, you get multiple advantages. german manufacturers are also benefiting b,
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m. w builds 12 different models here, all for the local market. one particularly attractive aspect is the comparatively cheap and well trained workforce. and india's political stability, the society, the government, the administration knows how to deal with the industry and we have a lot of capable companies are settled down here close by to support us to supply us. and this is a unique situation where you can perform very well the frontier of the auto industry electron mobility. that's because indian cities are increasingly drowning in smug, but from 2035. india only wants to authorize new 0 emission vehicles and manufacturers a gearing up for that challenge. mckendra is already a pioneer in india in electric $2.00 and $3.00 wheelers. it already has its own
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electric cars, and more models are set to follow. why indra rio electric levy lives really did a so to preserve a policeman of the cost of diesel is very, very high. ah, in the reason the of is and do that is causing war under group is vanita. and that's that i have not seen in my lifetime thought it is pushing the electron mobility in the toilet in the state under 3 will industry very, very fast. it is happening now. well to be the toilet investing is growing at a debt rapid bass i, i believe. well, what do you present that? you know what the president if we can expect to buy another property? if volkswagen has just signed a preliminary agreement with mahan dresser, it's electric vehicle technology, this would make the hinder the world's largest buyer of the german companies tack.
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back to our engineers swan allotted radio specialized in electric mobility at university to pursue her career. she's moved away from her tight knit family, but she still checks to them every evening. it's a winning situation for many people in can i work isn't. wow. while the city gets a new generation of ambitious employee. yeah, robin, did you try to run them to tune for a little bit by that time comes with my lawyers. been harsh mom, a bite of april div, federated sang human, i'm elect. all asked me to do esteem vilnash top my head up some more, but i'm not as i fight and had some issues with sliding when people land with
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it's been after funded yadda. i've come out been to you because i got my respect this because you've always been yeah. i've been you go on father only for the guy. i'm not happy with love. i know a man what are they about 5 or for him back on my demands as we might have talked with about their, their stories on the off on maybe i had not finish off because i managed to do the full of the so tough on the chef i distance one by like you the fun. come then des moines, elect holger lane was about saudi watson or not. mine is also on wall, as or the inverted the on the, on the final will consist of an option for the,
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in the bid ads. it's on the design stink, or she still hasn't been reviewed. and that doesn't even pass like d. i'm employee by cut supreme court observations. i had a few span burnett dish, good de gang id. and on down the tune and alpha from that the here tomba kind touch all populations on october 15 with yeah, but and i'm one of the 1st day of cleanser. they're both sick and complete. my yeah, i list muscle design and girl made on what i need to 1st step on zion gleick learn a session and you want me to thoughts as i'm done. do you get finished? do you have fun with
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them and find out the truth? i know all of yeah. and then you should bargenson of time on and why didn't it makes me hard for it and it's not to distribute a holler all had he had been time with the high fall into the base lot of the month, many young con can't climb shells, but i didn't get the time to get food. i was on the south side and okay, that's fine. i didn't talk to i talk to canada, which one about the money i got in the store? yeah,
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it's mighty guy. would not want him to finish reading the news. this is jordan. i talked to the truck has to come off the black one. i believe more scientists 100 more went off saying i'm a come out and i have to say now along o'clock because we can convert feverish on a pre voc. thank god on can get man bust me where to buy books, find the advantage. and i had to deal and of monopoly of auto and understatement, warned in only fall from down my ghana to calm down the senior life in awe,
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shout and putting it by will not i know what you mean. yeah. you're trying to figure out what some of the solution got when convenient. i will not, he said and we can show in the contents and the completion me as amanda. one punch of the offer. i'm power lot as team ones on next. lot of pod all the fat took off on from what i just want the death side or side football foot shop and these adults and high on josh on the complex of me
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a lot of fun. good ones now had to john good doctors on the display. i got the blue done all going listed on the titles design. give me the fractures, your bookkeeping test off side the nice fight and the thing not to show his content on the best move list of been funding. colleen, thank you. get this in mind of this entire this gets this fall by using alice spot the noise because one for under 2 called cob model. because
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again, i do mine again. i want to digest to tie for all kinds of interest home, a lot of years. it looks so fun. this is this from spun as it's argued. i just time talk to all of the come on, but tina as, as a much fun medina, i'll just casa in fact and monday because she's going to tie that so much about one fellow god woman fat susie as a fit me laugh and see you next time on red, blue, blue with
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who a to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective with liberty, that is the big american trauma as a foundation of the american dream. and it's
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a beacon that shines around the world with that american brand of liberty is under threats. find out more on to the point to that point in 30 minutes on d. w. or powerful and mysterious. oh, to stay. it's close to the vatican and supposedly has connections in politics and the world of mentors reported manipulation in the secret in 75 d, w. and we're interested in the global economy, our portfolio d, w business beyond. here's
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a closer look at the project. our mission to analyze the flight for market dominance. get a step with d. w. business beyond i am company guy here in iowa, sexual assault survivor. step to step out and say the truth has women in asia. i pc, it's peaceable, nothing can stop me. that is out with, with these into, starts july 6th. ah ha.
3:00 am
ah ah, this is deed of the news live from berlin missile strike in the ukrainian region of odessa cube says at least 21 people a dead after russian aircraft, 5 muscles that hid an apartment building and all the.


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