tv Chasing Danger Deutsche Welle July 11, 2022 6:15am-6:46am CEST
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you're watching dw line from berlin, coming up next to our documentary. chasing danger asks why, extreme athletes risk their lives. ameren tilton, thanks for joining us. and i remember we'll have more news back at the top of the hour with her again that i think that tags and in the end is a me, you are not allowed to see you anymore. we will send you back. are you familiar with this? with the smugglers, with lions as of the what's your story with. ready
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women, especially victims of vine and seen a lot of them take part and send us your story. we are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor, not the guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information ah, 3, do one item, why do people do extreme sports? did this you did? i've decided to if my friend every day, the law doing what i love most,
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it's along the people go to the edge for different reasons. ah yes. yeah. i didn't 1st knocked and her husband ziemen. vanessa. are based jumpers. they dive off cliffs into the depths below him. you thanks to their wing suits. they can glide through the air before releasing a parachute for landing emiliano, montana. i got the nickname bird woman because i love flying gen says, but my volition, my life is all about fly. taking off from the mountain feels more natural to me than jumping out of a plane. li, the piano you were according to the
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statistics, there is a one in 60 chance of dying while based jumping. despite this geraldine fast not relieved. the danger is controllable. the pin fellow, when you jump off a rock faced, it's all about nature. dearly humpy, you hi, tara climb. look at the animal. feel the air sense if the conditions arrive and then you see, show flight path over the terrain you put on the wing seuss. and get ready are we thought to clear everything becomes calm and quiet. then you fly away from really the 40 year old has spent more than half her life jumping off mountains all over the world. and nowadays, she is accompanied by her husband, mid island. pardon that it didn't rest from dynamo label to the bidding. that dust was the emotion, spending the rest of your life with someone who doesn't understand what we do would be completely impossible won't. a dust was on to ma. hm. is not duty to should stay . there is no way it will work out in the long right. fit,
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been domina in the united be seen, but doing this together is great, should stick as sharing what you love doing with your partner is a best thing of all this money to small mot. it's not too late to sir. does hooks to the dingle base jumping isn't the only thing. shahan. dean fast knocked henzy morn, vandella share. their son already just turned one and a half to return it. but when parents had up into the mountains, little audion has to stay behind in the valley. meanwhile, j dean's mother takes over the babysitting duties. dumb no. oh no. dad, i enjoyed her dean's mind. her sport is not about playing dice with death, but fulfilling a dream. she did this, got the bundled boy,
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i hate it when people talk about extreme sport to being vocal, it's a sport that requires a lot of feelings and not have gentleness, knowing yourself and your own limits. yet on the hear, you must also know how to step back and say no is there were times when i couldn't continue her. when i was pregnant, i stopped flying in the 3rd trimester after giving birth, it took me awhile to figure out if i even wanted to start again or not. i explained to me means having something out of your control, but you're afraid her it takes about an hour to hike from their house nearby, up to the exit. as the jumping off points are called and based jumper jargon, their biggest worry on this day is the weather. time and again, clouds obstruct the view down into the valley. on identity did we have clouds and sonali escaped din optimed in shot will be looked at when we make the jump the take
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off april we really need the best possible visibility enabled us legal to that is to say no clouds or fog in one mean distance at the very least, you need an opening, then keep the stint fluke south of institute. then there is the flight itself. know if it's extremely windy, of course, it can be a bit turbulent by the london and logically, the same goes for the landing spring and you can, i may be able to take off and have a good flight. but if there is such strong wind down, there were several valleys come together. i'm just moving backwards as soon as i opened the parachute regret and less not fun at all. miss, almost sitting, if it's cloudy, will wait to see if it clears her. there's always some one didn't the valley that contrived the clouds away, but we just need a bit of luck on our shot. so far, no luck. the weather is shifting. the openings and the clouds are too small, making the risk too big. they know every nook and cranny of their local mountain and could almost jump without a worry in this sport almost is still too unsafe. max
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vander also used to be a base jumper. he has close to 1500 jumps from various mountains under his belt. but in april of 2017, he took his final leave. to day the real estate developer lives in a small bavarian village on the comparatively safe sight of life he licked is in the saw. the old relics are still there. give to me, i could sell them off risking that some one else kills themselves with my outfits on billing. the other option would be to throw them away from boswell and that would be a real shame. oh, there are, after all, memories attached to the suits and not only bad ones, no, she left it above all, they evoke the feeling of flying hulu. so looking at these old wings every now and then, is something special to me. his own flew him and be the milan savish almost to san louis. claudia and marks are now a married couple for his longtime girlfriend, getting out of extreme sports was
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a condition for accepting his proposal. spot says it's in missouri, sebastian style, um, it was quite a change to be honest. what law going from being an extreme athlete with you helping from one barbecue party to the next and driving fast cars to driving an electric car and having an electric boat that goes 11 kilometers per hour. what's this hot hog? it's nothing dangerous anymore is mere normal motorcycles. no, go jumping a vague and diet unable so awesome. you could almost say that all of this was an extreme transitional of max's willingness to take risks. increased from year to year at mid morning was daunted with noticeable now and it got faster and faster. riskier and riskier wants the next step much. why? well, it's already such an extreme sport that the next step is just going closer to the edge. with this boat, you can't make mistakes, get
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a lot and when we became aware of that, yeah, that's when i got scad. this isn't it. on the one hand of her attain has been broken off, but on the other it has been a relief. mercury said, i thought there's a new found. com, nice high, exactly. for the now 33 year old. it had become a compulsion to keep daring riskier jumps. for example, from the highest mountain in europe. i used it. i still have some jumps on here that i like to look at again, like this. one of my favorite jarman from the time at mont. blanca, this is sir. and this jump and the flight that follows through these different climate zones. one could almost say you fly past the glazes, then over meadows and pastures what's on the merge them and then you land at the bottom in the heat of a summer's day. you're divisional. i'm in law live and we go from minus 5 degrees celsius at the top or to 30 degrees,
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plus at the bottom was less issue. and there are about 3000 meters of altitude difference from exit to landing equals of x. it takes forever. and as you can see for the 1st you are above the clouds, almost like a skydive jumping out of a plane. and only later, these alpine pastures appear. and the forest is on this and it's still flying and more flying blue. it just goes on and on, and then before you just keep flying, i always enjoyed these long flights. the most flying was all i ever really wanted to do. that was my main obsession. when it helped hopes to see on the sport ended up costing the life of 6 of his comrades and friends. the script isn't alyssa. there's a list with all the people who have died while jumping or, and it's pretty gruesome slim. but you need to scroll all the way down until you see the most recent case. you just keep scrolling past movies, fatalities,
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and the names of that dead, ma'am. and, and everybody knows each other in the scene, which is so small and still the class, he seemed unaffected by it. and that really made me think met, and vicky said thank you again. 0 hope to for our question is, what has to happen for a person to get to that point? what drove me so far, to the point that i had to jump off mountains. to give an example, i simply noticed that when someone had an accident, when someone died or something bad happened, it left me feeling completely cold. it somehow didn't concern me. we would even go to funerals with our gear in the trunk because we planned to jump off a mountain afterwards, only buried such platforms. hm. as a slim service, my, the west was when a man with family had died long basement. there was a photo of him that with his young kid. and the caption said that his family, his wife and his child meant everything to him. and if amelia's and i just thought i left it, no, that's not true. he meant flying meant everything for him,
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pleading for alice fain with johnny's blonde dog lives in the french alps. he is a designer, inventor, and extreme athlete. he was a student at the school of design in paris when his life took an unexpected turn. what started as a thesis became his profession, his sport, and his product. the 51 year old became the roller man. and all the story of the buggy rollin began as a study of the sense of violence and the locomotion of the human body in space. for the pan i started off, it didn't occur to me that it could ever become an extreme sport of its own like that it was more a search for something that didn't exist yet than me. you just take a leap into the unknown. took not even knowing the goal here, but you set out of the journey. regardless. the result of his thesis, a kind of armor fitted with 24 rollers optimized for speeding down steep mountain
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roads. johnny forlorn door has gained a following on social media in the guise of his alter ego rather math. individual videos of his descent have been clicked more than 27000000 times. yet the hybrid between man and machine has very real feelings away, missouri tougher. yes, i am certainly afraid, silva, i would say fear is a life saver who are still without fear. you wouldn't live very long. the latest innovation from his workshop, an electric drive that also makes rolling possible on a level surface. his friend and collaborator, kristof andrea tar, is helping to develop the controls with his daughter. kyla is about to test the prototype. the 17 year old has been rolling since she was 9. 0, to did. yeah. she kumasi saw at 1st i wrote without electric, which was fine as you might, but the fact is, when it gets dangerous, it's easy to break with the electric version. we're vaguely the test run is to take
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place on the coil delicious. half way between abbey. in an a, c, made of plastic aluminum alloy, ice, steel and carbon. the suit alone weighs about 15 kilos and that's without the electronics in lights, gates and helmet. but the descent today seems problematic. at the top of the pass, the mountain disappears into the fog, which could make their venture to risky. watson, it's a bit wet. was military then? oh, do we hurry or do we go down to honesty? i didn't know the forecast is this cold and rainy. walk, so i think it will get worse as i don't know. the question is, can we roll if it stays like this? little, oh no, they want to give it a shot. everything has to be prepared in case the fog lifts. lemme to your vinegar. see to tell her alchemy before we came cleared up and now it's cloudy
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. we have 2 problems for the traction. and the visibility is she? yeah. if you have drops of water on the visor, well you can listen potent details about it, a dog and her field of vision isn't very big anyway or not. so and it's blurry on top of that, sarah, it's not exactly good for us. is silly through hon. for me, as with race car drivers, every curve, every bump, every breaking point must be internalized the difference. there are no run off areas for moments of danger. instead, there is oncoming traffic. that is forced to sit down then left to a small wave, and then a big wave was on the inside of the 1st right curve. you need to turn your body slightly. you do the same and the 2nd one only a little tighter. it was also only to push the brakes and exert a bit more. force him. i like john even christoph kehoe. i can use the electric motor to break. that is if everything works of that should help you talk. i feel
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pretty cam rested and ready to roll. are you guys? i've been a little stressed, you know, but i trust both of them. yeah. i'll be in the middle her. so only sure if lead me and my father will be behind the safety to the message or to day i'm on. the fog has lifted it's go time. in viet things look, different. clouds are still blocking the view. it's a test of patients for shy dean fast not and z mon vonda. with these conditions, risking a jump is out of the question. dementia, the mc eclectic humans have always been climbers. are we climb trees and scaled the mountains? and was, is that and what has always been the dream of humanity flying tendency, martin calling we're doing comes very close to realizing that dream does is for me that's the key to understanding what we do. not kick sure. you get a kick in
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a shot of adrenalin let. there is something human to it. that was and i think that's the most important thing of the smartest on house. the feeling of being at one with the elements 1st came to share ideas with a snowboard under her feet. she became known as one of the world leading free riders is susan spotty. i am an athlete. i started my career in school again in the company. i turned crow and won prizes a snowboarding. i, and now i'm a conference speak, any ross know about. if you man, i talk about risk evaluation and help people achieve their goals and dreams are hailey's essay on the eval. halley's absences every july dean is fearless, even though her 1st husband died in a speed flag accident was sport, relatively similar to hers. ah, mal is known by our lives will all end some day. i thought said very little. i've decided to live my dream every day, her cuz she decided doing what i loved,
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the muddy from i think on my have to little walk fast. cassandra of crystal on the mox vander also lived his dream of flying, but 2016. the year before he quit turned into a nightmare for the base, jumping, seen. 37 athletes plummeted to their deaths. it gave max a reason to reflect on his own life and addiction. yes, mother, jumping out of a plane for the 1st time is an insane feeling my phone. but once you've done it 50 times, it becomes normal. my just like riding a bike was so we kind of have to kick it up a notch to get the same feeling with base jumping. it's the same as the 1st base jumps were insane, but at some point it felt normal momma. and once you understand and recognize this dynamic, you also realize that it's a dead end, because at some point your number is up. the situation arrives where you've taken it a step too far. and then it's all over bonuses for boy. for the 1st time, after years of abstinence max vander wants to hike up to an exit accompanying his
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friend michael fighting should be but this time he won't be jumping dorothy long. i know you have a buddy long time, so nice that we could meet up with you should we take the usual puzzled game when a mile owner of the ascent up the de gotten vamp is 600 meters. it takes about 2 hours difference. sure. i think it's beautiful, go all the old feelings are welling up. it's weird and like, especially now that i see marco again at fun. i'm really excited to see it again. live how he jumps off and flies away. lovek flirt max had to find out for himself, how fin the line is between obsession and passion, courage and contempt for death shop. they are, i had the feeling that i was going down the wrong path and that i had to make some changes animals. i started working with a coach with whom i was 1st able to uncover all the dynamics at work within me.
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come from was what are the motives behind my actions and where do they come from zach law. and when that becomes clear to you, you immediately accept the consequences. wanda awesome, i have to stop doing this at some point, hunter is honestly, i wasn't able to quit right away. well sure, but it gave me a way out of the sports for claudia, returning to the valley, like deja vu for a years, she waited anxiously below, hoping that max would fall from the sky in one piece. it really good luck. okay, we're turning around all duck. not doing it. yep. no jumping you here. good. yep, there for the for the on. i trust them 100 percent at base jumping is a chapter that has been closed funded our market now days. i also like talking with marco about it and reminisce, but everything has its time. it's behind us now. it's in the past, the softer the downhill course of the buggy rollers is almost 3 kilometers long.
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with top speeds well over 80 kilometers an hour. i sensation, seekers as extreme athletes are called with in sports, psychology emit less. cortisol have a lower heart rate and feel comfortable and stressful situations. the right is short, but intense with we o villarreal doing car over pretty fine at that time. so i had trouble staying on you guys. it was really vibrating even. did you drive it full throttle, voters to was just going to know had to break, otherwise i would have gone too fast. the see in this suit is really big jewelry i . that's why i didn't feel as comfortable as usual. my vehicle is it. john eve has
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5 brothers and a sister. all of them are involved in extreme sports. one brother was killed in a paragliding accident a few years ago. with some to produce bought her list. las boy lying as the sporting that is paragliding and skiing as well. sound was always something that united us as siblings and as a family was here, the left dad started at all about the but he was escape jumper and he loved flying . kimberly, yes, it was all about jumping and flying to russell oliver montage on eve is the only one who stayed on the ground. you versa, sulu bona general is when i fly on the road, not through the air, nobody should channel to. i always dreamed a flying usa, but my dream took a different shape when it was one experimental cindy. for years, max vander was driven by his search for the flow stating were risks fade away with time seems to stretch endlessly. and happiness. hormones work like
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a drug to day he has found a way out of that addiction here. boy. oh hey, this is do you are on air? ah, as it is things ever get milk. i missed a flying itself, but putting on the old wings and jumping off here wouldn't even cross my mind for business, those that i can't do any more. this. giving me all marco vitamin spear has turned the freeform into his profession should be here. this must be jump number 4000 for you guys. no idea. i said, so what's your guess? hurricane yarnell. i really don't know. i think it's somewhere between 9 and 10000 in the back. oh yeah. boy wasn't it? i'm not sure what makes you different to opt in. i think everyone has a thing where they like to push themselves to the limit, so i think so, oh boy, but maybe every one has a different approach or a different attitude on the edge. the only way you could push the sport any further
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and to make it more extreme would be to start flying into cliffs. skiing of on flim gifted with a booming industry wing suits have rapidly evolved into high tech devices from the free fall of earlier generations to today's steerable wings. still at 200 kilometers per hour with no way to break. any mistake is fatal. ha! ah, i am already looking forward to it the year you should was really still full of feeling normal and making sure that i will be back on the ground to petersburg, checking the wind and just enjoying it. as my i tried to be conscious about my surroundings and focused on what i'm doing. so if i had manage all they cared herself. and
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321 says this diana to leash on the frog. of course, i ask myself the question, why does someone risk their life time and time again for feeling and for those who do must answer for themselves, persist beyond and in my own story, it was me that had to come up with the answer that my motivations were the wrong ones, buses versus as low self esteem combined with obsession. it is simply a very toxic mixing sciences, especially when it comes to a sport like this on, on a half. so i just bought a thrift on geo, hardin, fast, not local mountain. the clouds are slowly breaking up. time to get ready since becoming parents, july dean and z more northern everyday life can also habits thrilling moments. nevertheless, they don't want to give up their passion for leaping head 1st into the void. good food to keep what. once it is sonus, just before our son was born on the last month,
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as for i didn't have the desire to jump any more. he liked it, and maybe it's just engraved in our dna that you become a protector in that moment. since you don't want to expose yourself to additional risk and just say to yourself, it will more than i have, i don't need this anymore and that is for long. the desire becomes optional. or shortly after the birth i felt like doing another jump lunch. so i walked up here alone jumped off and when i landed, i said to myself, by the law me up, this really is my thing is shall lending just before the jump peak concentration. oh, okay. 3, do one. and
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and to success for which the women have worked. global 3000 in 15 minutes on d w. sometimes books are more exciting than real life. raring to read. ah, what if there's no escape? do w literature list laundry, german ma street. i was sexual assault survivor a for those of us. can we shoot speaker? them to step up and say the truth when i see it least usable? now?
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don't be afraid to make mistakes. nothing can stop me. that is your ride. i am actually to see you and found her. so cra, taking home day. is me you her women in asia season to this week? oh, we stores of non perishable food, water bottles, gas masks, weapons, more and more americans are preparing for the worst. the columns of weitel infrastructure, riots civil war and even nuclear.
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