tv Political Prisoners in Erdogans Deutsche Welle July 13, 2022 6:15am-7:01am CEST
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officials say go to buy or what your pot sought and his wife ordered a plain headed to the mold thieves is expected to resign this week. prompt continued occupying his former residents in the capitol colombo for right off. next, we have a documentary about political prisoners in turkey. and remember if you need more news on the go, there's always our website that's d w dot com and you of course, you can also find us on twitter and instagram. i'm here until berlin, thanks for joining us. with a man with the memories of a woman ah ali from syria is born in a female body. forced into marriage, raped. far from home. ali can finally become the person he's
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always wanted to be. i was born in berlin, starts july 22nd on d, w. ah, be destroyed, non ideal dimia jam mashaila t o lu. dennis you gel. these are some of the well known german political prisoners in turkey, along with many other germans. they have been targeted by the turkish judiciary and the turkish president. although an agent of terror who claims to be a journalist, that's who they want from me. to this day, several germans are held in turkish custody. all prohibited from leaving the country. many for political reasons, victims of a president who persecutes his opponents without mercy. ah. ready
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ah, this is the story of 3 of those prisoners. 3 women who were held in turkey for yes . what did they go through? and how did it change their lives? they all the journalist mashaila toler, arrested in his dunbar in april 2017 ish galvis. alas, i think it was all politically motivated and decided on a political level. everything i experienced makes me angry macintosh as often the german kurdish thing a hose on china jailed in at dina july 2018. 0 took it of trickle all month. there is no little of lo and turkey sol. decisions are made behind closed doors. la copa, archuleta and her daughter, the social worker,
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girl di lan, earth arrested in istanbul. may 2019th a come. well, i mention how can you do something like is to a person man to simply stripped them of 2 years of their life, financial and for austin, indic sandy, it all 3 were accused of membership and terrorist organizations, or distribution of terrorist propaganda. they were being held in a country where judges hand down political sentences in line with the president's will and his fight to silence. critics, even in germany, how did it come to this? ah, it all began on the night of july, the 15th 2016. the part of the military attempted a coup against the regime of president reject type ad on the 2 failed and there
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were several casualties. edwin blamed the attempt on his political opponent, the islamic preacher, fed to local land with us. he vowed a bitter revenge that we will wipe out this virus that is spread throughout all state institutions. a purge began immediately and continues to this day, tens of thousands of citizens, soldiers, and teachers, as well as prosecutors. and judges said to be close to glen, were arrested or dismissed, and replaced by inexperienced officials, loyal to the government. ah, the diplomat martin at mann was the german ambassador to turkey at the time of the failed qu, most of turk, his german political prisoners, were detained during his posting. and german turkish relations were at
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a low point in skunk, for there is an overarching political atmosphere in which judges or prosecutors believe they have to act a certain way. it's one aspect of the politicization of the system. the police, easy on to sustained, in some cases, detained. foreigners have been openly used as political hostages. one example is the u. s. pastor andrew branson. adon would like to exchange him for another clergyman that to la glenn, who he sees as the mastermind of the co attempt glen, now lives in exile in the united states. navy sa bill. you should be. yep. she of you americans also have a preacher of your own. give us our preacher,
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and you will get yours. papa's observer. tunica hobbin, not the president. is it actually on golf game? not. but after that statement by the president, cynic spoke of political prisoners as human bargaining chips, namely, peasant person is arrested to be used in political extortion liter. a person took an aunt. and there certainly have been such cases regardless of not only americans, but also french, british and germans have been detained. the most prominent is dennis huge. l. a german journalist of the newspaper developed i what she, she pitcock on and this person all who was a representative of the p k. k. a and a german agent. all was hiding in the consulate for a whole month. the, the whole time we told them, turn him over to us if he said that we can bring him to justice for whatever reason
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they did for and our judiciary did what was necessary and arrested him, they are good. good. i mean, you have to look, look to cindy, there's no way he's going to go free as long as i am in office kosler was, you jour also such a human bargaining chap, according to martin edmond, no price was ever mentioned for you jell, all the others yet they were pawns on the turkish president political transport, his aim to rid himself of opponents and appear as the leader of a strong and independent turkey. he has demands for europe, money for syrian refugees, relaxation of visa rules for his turkish compatriots and a customs union. at the beginning of 2018, the german foreign minister zip mar gabrielle received his turkish counterpart chavel sharla for tea. a few weeks after this controversial meeting, dennis eugene was released. he claimed he didn't want to be the subject of any deal,
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but turkey wanted to get rid of him. as a saul thus leaf i last long shot. frankie, by the fact is that the releases came about because these detentions had become too burdensome by because the german media was constantly reporting on the arrests and attention to soft. and because there were all these solidarity rallies. so all and all hunger, it was putting turkey in an increasingly bad light. okay. in an emotional flish, dr. german demands for the release of political prisoners were dismissed as interference in internal affairs. ambassador ad man was regularly summoned to the foreign ministry in ankara. a total of $28.00 times during his 5 year posting mama, i tried some von minor and booster long. i believe my so meanings were often being
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used as an instrument and domestic politics. the idea was to show the citizens of turkey that once in a while, these germans need to be given a good talking to delivery. it leaves and come a message directed at the electorate, but also at the opposition at home and abroad. it didn't have the didn't not, some people participate in rallies of terrorist organizations in germany, and then one to go on vacation in turkey. we have now taken some measures to deal with them. they are arrested upon entry and sent right back is optimal yellow. i'm still am i so let those words have slaymen, so low have deterring some people from taking to the streets in germany again because they also have family members in turkey and fear for them if they participate and demonstrations here. what are 1st unless lindsay, he has his pathetic
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in june 2018 german kurdish singer hose on china was arrested in edna in the west of turkey. shortly before the presidential election, she had performed in the election rally for the pro kurdish opposition party h d p. she was brought before a judge on the charge of belonging to a terrorist organization and said to have contacts to the p k. k. it was the beginning of a 3 year odyssey with today, her son, china is back in germany. she kept a diary about her time and turkish custody and is now writing a book together with her daughter and a friend. she clearly remembers the horrors of the day. she was taken to the prism in edna yeah. then and didn't a deserve that when it quote a lot as publicly been hitched as evy or when i came to engineered prisoner. i didn't know how bad it would be that they would treat me like they did wish tanya's
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3 guards brought me to a small cell where they undressed me. g one grabbed my right arm. the other grabbed my left arm and held my head. there was the 3rd one knelt down in front of me, held me back with one hand and penetrated me deeply with the other, all the way up to my uterus. but i screamed and cried. why are you doing this? i started bleeding oliver. he said, well, maybe you have hidden some heroine up there or did he rescue arrow in order sack lunch? it didn't beat i didn't edit. an edge is a little to grew cornell, her daughter gurnett. dylan urs learned about the arrest at home in germany. they didn't get, but they were only allowed one phone call a week to an m been in at the image is the worst part was the time i did in the prison in adenine, albeit especially the last month i was kept in isolation as i almost died of hunger and thirst, it was a place where people were tortured and i could hear their screams soon as you when
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i wasn't coping mentally and thought the best thing would be to just die. but the german console talk to me out of that. in germany, gern old publicly calls for the release of her mother. as her mother's health keeps deteriorating in the prison journal decides to travel to turkey to visit even though she is aware of the risk the i'm from i already have my mother. are they going to take me to another on what grounds also for me, they already have a family member, so you think they wouldn't take me just for being her daughter. and that's impossible of all that was my thinking in it was very naive. many people who watched this will probably say, how came on even be so naive, but i, the time i wait the options like, what's the most important thing may be seeing my mother in law awfully. so journal flew to turkey and as soon as she landed in istanbul,
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she was detained at the airport by the pass controller at the passport control they told me to come along because according to the computer system, i had an outstanding warrant i was escorted into a separate room by a couple of police there. i was told i was supposedly a member of a terrorist organization over there. so she had no explanation for this accusation . and the following day, she was brought before a judge when i met and, and had said, my lawyers simply requested to see the case files. they were sent by fax i had in contained documents about a demonstration that took place in cologne in 2012, a chase that was dropped line as i thought, was this all about? this can't be alicia. i had the shock of a lifetime. this is kind of fun. in 2012, she took part in a demonstration on board, a tourist steamboat in cologne, when 9 activists voice their support for the kurdish cause. the case
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against curnow was dropped by the german authorities. but years later, those files from cologne turned up in ankara will say, class, is that nick, i have traveled to turkey on multiple occasions since 2012 and nothing has happened . oh, so why now and why only now? and then i thought, well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that i've been speaking up for my mother in the media these past months. a probably started taking a closer look and fished out this folder and allow a harmless demonstration lead to gunners. undoing because edwin's prosecutors and judges treat such public manifestations as crimes. even sharing a critical tweet can lead to harsh punishment even more. so if you are someone who works for opposition media like mashaila tolo. after finishing her studies in 2014, she moved to turkey. she earned a little money on her side as
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a translator for the left wing news agency, eta. it didn't occur to her at the time that she herself could become the target of anti terror investigations. it would exited from it. i would say that i simply got caught up and what was happening at the time, michelle, at all. they weren't looking to imprison michelle or toller in particular, but they carried out raids against the free press and i was part of the bi catch. i changed my whole life in turkey, hired as had my labor for in less than that. okay. we had already visited her is 10 ball apartment in 2018 where she lives with her husband, so at and their young son mashaila tolo recounts the events of the night when an anti terrorist squad stormed the apartment where she and her then 2 year old son was sleeping her husband, so at was already in custody at the time on suspicion of terrorism until the regular seminar cuff. what you can see that the vault is still broken. hearing they
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burst in here and slammed me on to this floor by the kitchen hanging out. and i was lying here with dozens of men standing on top of me. men on the ultimate of austin mental illness. my son came running out from the room across the hall. he was crying because a member of the swat team had pointed a machine gun at him in the dark. in dolton and machine give elfin gillis to 30th for hours, she had to look on as the security forces ransacked her apartment. and before being taken away, she had to leave her 2 year old son with neighbors does. doesn't hear mice. oh, get the thing that affected me the most and left me traumatized was probably the police detention on baton street. and it was known as a torture center and eighty's and ninety's finished the door. i was constantly threatened as well to if they wanted to scare and intimidate me if i was the legally interrogated without my lawyers being notified of infamy, i can only say that they took every measure to break me during that period of my
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detention. we'll miss to the question and is offsite after a few days in police custody miss sharla tolo was transferred to the women's prison in bucket creak. and on readiness to me, a covenant had a lawyer came to see me and told me that my son was doing really bad. when i heard that i had to make a choice and decided that he had to be with me was ang. when's almost by me, isn't the psalm was allowed to join his mother in prison and spent the next 6 months behind bars with mashaila. but a women's prison is no place for children. she goes, i don't want for toys where forbidden imprison adult had sick and faggot, we didn't have any thing when we arrived. when hamilton, by nick, we made up the whole big, colorful world together and let her fantasy run free, no less so that my son could cope with the situation. i thought best till dice
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called meanwhile, she tried to defend herself against the accusations of supporting terror. but turkish media loyal to the government had already given their verdict, is what actually rhoda was a terrorist and foreign agent. how can you refute others when you've been locked up and stripped of your voice, or how can i change a story that has already been written and proved that it was nothing like they are claiming if i have no means to do without that so happened. she decided to fight and go public. family and friends, organized a protest alongside dennis you gel and to be destroyed. nat mashaila toller became turkey's most famous political prisoner, and thereby a problem for both sides. turkey and germany. a subject of behind the scenes negotiations. as cub mavita, i'll present ballistics myself imbecile. there were always some reports in the
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press. i, for example, in relation to former chancellor shrewd as, as a turkey and as that was made public. so nobody can deny that diplomatic topic took place between turkey and germany about our release of the a skirt dealing in the stuff. well, i don't think that the german government entered into something like that. also his one. and if it did, i can say that probably none of us would have wanted that nerdy all sagen, thus, as kind of fallen slush on it, give. later to the talks seemed to have been successful. michelle, his father was overjoyed, after almost 8 months. his daughter was to be released from pre trial detention, but apparently some forces did not like this court decision. yes, yes. it was like a scene out of the spy movie film. as an alt one to 5 and 7 as a car pulled up a silver car with tinted windows in and i was simply driven through the crowd and abducted from the prison and foot. awesome defenders haven't driven onto sled
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saddam. i'm from late afternoon until the evening turned into a car chase and a single shocked. i'm a convoy of embassy cars and camera teams, was speeding through est amble. nobody knew where mashaila toner was being held and why she was still in police custody. essentially say something is he not milan? after several stops at various police station students, we finally found her in a small precinct in the city center and follies. she was being detained there lot vesee fiscal. that's one of the photo here of this was to lose being held. here's mission. we know this what we don't knows on which grounds, etc. if and that's what i'm trying to find out. so. so what you can also just been on indies. a police are shot, so i walked into the police station and explained to them that i would only be leaving together with michelle, who told her unblocked for the wise. i would stay on start here. now black and in
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the course of the night, the german citizen is finally released, but she is not allowed to leave the country and master upon regularly to the police . if you have all the sentiment orders mentioned, i think it's just another method to intimidate those that are released one more time before letting them go. as the implication is, that even though you are free now, we can come and get you any time attack till they leave you somewhere and nobody will know and will upset. so kind of a compliment, ah, good old deal on us was also stock in turkey after her arrested is temple airport. she was initially released, but she too was given an exit ban. she didn't know where to stay or how to finance herself in target. at home in cologne, she ran a social counseling center that now might have to close. oh, the existence as bogo in dodge land is defeated. your livelihood as a citizen,
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and germany is in danger. and ask, because you no longer have an income, her cousins, you're not allowed to put your personal affairs in order. you need people to do it for you, et cetera. in that regard, an exit ban from the country is tantamount to imprisonment enough to your own clothes was my landline dish. oh my god, if this country will kill uses, if not in prison than outside, psychologically because a fear on but then i did a little research and realized that it's quite easy to find human smugglers in at hercules. she says, elijah and registrar and for com after nearly 4 months of confinement and turkey, she attempted to cross the border to greece at the everett river with the help of smugglers. but the escape attempt failed. she was caught by turkish security forces and transferred to the nearby adeena prison
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internet. as i know the shifting of things, sir. does lush alice give? then i thought it would l. dena is probably one of the worst prisons there is. but it was only a transitional person for me, and after that i was transferred to godsa and didn't want to go back one day. when i arrived in kepsa, i was placed in a cell for political prisoners i with the kurdish women by this english. i was happy because there was finally some warm water oil and there was a garden escape and forgot, well maybe not a garden, but at least a court yard surrounded by 4 high walls and hole off here. it was different in edina and this i knew we were kept in the cell for 23 hours as a still in i said, 12 women in one room with 6 beds zix. that is to say we had to share a bed longest laugh at cathy. so i was happy to be able to breathe freely and stay in that courtyard for some hours and i was which offers epo 5 aft and sure it was
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the worst time in prison, but i was able to endure it because i knew what i had done i went back to school, you were trying to go home and now you're being detained, fired, but will say my dad was a fizzle, i was able to deal with that. ask i had, i was fine with it back home. but the time and house arrest at that still gives me nightmares cuz his staff on of she will not have time in december 2019, after nearly 3 months in prison, colonel was finally transferred to house arrest. we were allowed to visit her there, accompanied by i shall jelic journals, lawyer we had to agree not to broadcast the footage. as long as gun on remained in turkey, similar conditions apply to house arrest and prison visits are allowed cameras not
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. she was living in her uncle's apartment, not allowed to leave the house and having to wear an electronic ankle bracelet. the essential angles was grumbling issue of osha, invisible as she it has to stay on 247 shined. ha. i'm not allowed to damage it either because then it sends out a signal for so they told me, can sure. i have to keep it on when i shower and go to bed. russia. it's really not a nice feeling. it makes you feel like a serious criminal. no. i have lived in germany for 25 years and studied, carved out my own professional path, had an apartment or friends, a boyfriend and family. that's all gone. completely gone completely. a so club. i can understand that people are afraid to
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even just write me a letter. i sam and i understand that they are too afraid to call the eye exams. and so yeah, control manager still somehow you lose everything it gets used out. but i also know that every story has an end and whether it's a happy end, or as that one gets an end at least visiting. so i believe that sometime this too will pass my current situation. i just don't do when said physicians to begin with good. all kept her ordeal hidden from her mother so as not to worry her horse on china remembers how she only learned about her daughter's fate after several months. cuz i'm a try to get a get that done. i. i didn't know anything about this that my daughter had been
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detained at arrival, jailed for 4 months and not been allowed to leave turkey afterwards. they kept the soul from me at ease armour, when the lawyer finally told me, i almost lost my mind. shame it kindly to me i must allotted poor ah, either is her own situation has become less important to her than mine, vinegar. wish us my distress. young people say you knew the dangers. so why did you go there in the 1st place? i said we left a broken woman behind a few weeks after our visit. good old wanted to kill herself by jumping off the balcony. ah ah, well mat sklar wish accomplishment by this i think it was sometime in march. i just couldn't go on mac because at that point when i was completely exhausted and at
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a breaking point psychologically months, they still hadn't brought any charges above isley stack. when you are not strong in, at that point i wasn't mad. you just want it to be over. i just thought this is it? my cousin stopped me. she locked me in the bathroom like half an hour later the console arrived from is mere. they contacted a german psychologist who talked to me over the phone, chanted, i just let it all out. of course, i always knew that the consulate would support me laughing. she, madame, for each passing day, and you will lose a little hope. philip monday, hoffer after months of waiting, her trial finally began, and colonel was allowed to leave the house in man nisa for 24 hours. it was the 1st time in half
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a year that she could move freely. she was allowed to attend the trial in person and travelled to istanbul the evening before the court hearing she had the chance to practice with her lawyer. oh yes, yes. oh, oh, i keep going here. yes, we are talking about events that happened in 2012 more than 8 years ago. i don't speak so harshly, please, but a little will calmly. this isn't calm enough. okay. i can recommend but honorable judges, the events we're talking about happened 8 years ago. in 2012, as you noted, i therefore find it hard to remember every single detail. did you take part in the actions or not? well, there, it is inconceivable for me to participate in
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a terrorist action. i'm not a member of any terrorist organization and i don't support any such organizations either. the 2nd sunday, the next morning both press and representatives of the embassy were present at the main proceedings. the hearing only lasted 15 minutes. everything seemed staged. and sure enough the house arrest was lifted. yeah. well, i'm still not allowed to leave the country and i have to check in weekly, but no more house arrest and no ankle bracelet. that's something at least this thing is said out, this thing has finally come off after almost 7 months. i just have to wash it a bit and disinfect it before i give it back to them. but it's off. so freedom or partial freedom at least feels good. how you cry? i'm a fool. i'm glad if light of,
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of the joy was short lived because at some point the stress and the psychological pressure returns will come down. and then you realize that you still can't leave this country if you're still a prisoner here, only now your radius is a little bigger there. as it novices are glad that the political prisoners continued to be a strain on german turkish relations. but both countries were working to improve those ties. mutual, economic and security interests was simply too important. the tensions was slowly easing not seem to be having an impact on the situation of the political prisoners. there were finally some developments in the case of house on china, despite a court having decided shortly before that she should remain in custody girdles. mother was unexpectedly released from prison at the end of september 2020. the colors sign in. and what i like, how is that even possible?
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obviously, we are not in a country that is governed by the rule of law, but still a judgment is past 10 days ago saying she has to stay in jail. and then 10 days later she is free to go. i stood, i'll get it finished was either missed. ah, ah, yes. how you mother e? burton? this is up and been in the 1st time i saw her. my health was not good the day and the day i had my chest pains on maybe it was because of the joy, i dont know, but i felt very lost at the time savings in later glenmuir, m. amr. or on the 10th of mckyrie timmy, he said he had a ah, the sunshine today share for more. it wasn't my mother from sun months back to where she was looking, emaciated and scared. it wasn't the mother. i knew i was mad. i asked myself,
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who is this woman, is it? this isn't my mother had a motor who united once more, mother and daughter rented a small apartment in istanbul while awaiting their next court date. their ordeal were dragged on over several months last night. after realizing that the apartment was under surveillance, they decided to leave his damn ball and stay with different relatives. and friends journal's trial was taking place in istanbul, a mother's in edina, a 3 hour car ride away, a good one, the, it's a political decision. it, it has nothing to do with the rule of law apartment with political decisions. there is always a back and forth. everything is subject to change, so i might be acquitted today or put back in jail nonsense with him. you never know that when every court date was accompanied by an agonizing
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uncertainty once again, the proceedings lasted only a few minutes. once again, the trip was in vain. and once again, the court was adjourned, setting a new date for months later, we'll give you the other. all my is my case is not your normal case. better political one. i know that have settled on venom. i think there are some problems between the 2 countries. that have nothing to do with me. i mean, if i feel like a ping pong ball are being bounced around me, it makes me very sad. i do remember without any talk as your mashaila tolliver felt the same way. after 8 months in pre trial detention, she was set free and moved back to is damn ball. but the ongoing process would drag on for months as would her husbands for a long time their lives were on hold. does it hurt to imminent,
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although not allowed to leave the country? honestly, that something i expected i knew from the beginning that all decisions would be politically motivated and she can go down. and i believe that was the case to day observes over the televisions, which is more sir, in mavita document, i had to keep submitting doctor mansfield, i was not allowed to leave the country by and as soon as i left his humble, a whole column of police officers followed me, nor from foot. it was a time when i felt even more i secure than i didn't prison. like, as i knew that the police were always at my door and that the anti terrorist unit could come from me again while i fiddled sockeye from country. the family spent 8 months in istanbul. finally, the judge decided that the ban on leaving the country would be lifted, that mashaila toller would be allowed to return to germany with her son. shortly thereafter, her husband, so at was also allowed to leave turkey. is he similar as gift?
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and they always said that there was a witness who had testified against me. i had mine, and in the end, my lawyer proved that there never was such an ominous witness that there never were any investigations against me and turkey kind of emma killed for fun. ye might skin mission at. okay. they couldn't even prove that they're ever had been my suspicion of any membership and a terrorist organization that's on the visa doesn't cut. on the other hand, it did not look like colonel di lan ers and her mother on china would be leaving the country any time. soon. on the contrary, after nearly 2 years in turkey, many months in the courts. and despite the flimsy evidence, the prosecutor surprisingly demanded. 15 years imprisonment, wicker know the verdict was to be handed down a few days later on down because i okay. the next life as a, that's when i told myself, i don't want to go to jail for 15 years. at least not for something that i didn't do. what then i summed up all my courage and firestick. i don't care any more as
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comma now, if i'm going to jail any way, i don't want to regret not having tried to get back home. escape while a house is to look and find a half of this time it worked. the day before the verdict, she escaped to greece, and on the day of the sentencing, she excused herself due to illness. but by then, she was already back in germany, where we could reach her by phone. to this day, she can't understand the harsh ruling guilty with a sentence of 10 years and 5 months. yet at the same time, the exit ban was lifted. torn alice omega. this of the fly language with aloe, my god, they will do anything not to lose faith and money. say you can't sentence someone to 10 years and 5 months in prison and then say you're free to go. now we're done here by done with what for by i get sentenced to prison and then i can go home or
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how's again toward the next plane and fly back in the house. it makes no sense at all. i still don't get it. i just have to laugh, it's just inexplicable of a as an authorized template. the fog and i didn't really vanish turned off again. i don't want to speculate about the reasons. the result is what counts. and the result is that miss oars is free and was able to leave the country for her german home and how to system deals with this glaring paradox is for the system itself to figure out to be it does more so sustain savoglio is carolina hausa tenisha size file i know and her when i got back home i was alone at 1st. it i opened the door and everything was just away. i left it fun out from an adviser. they lag lesson had to i said i was so tired after the long travel that
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i just got in a little and crashed on the couch. i says, all knew the high schools i asked in court. i only woke up the day after i slept, michelle nigger come over the next few months. she tried to get back to her old life. she reopened her social counseling center. a friend offered her an empty room and his office people. my 9, my old business cards, i will have to change the cost . oh wow. look what i found did you made does it does a little longer thing. they are from the prison. i didn't sit still in prison as
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you can see. soon to this to everyone surprise, the exit ban on her mother was lifted. one month after journals return. after 3 years in turkish captivity horse on china returned to cologne. ah, the 2 women were living together once more. and although hoss on china was happy to be back in germany, she didn't feel safe fare either to cuba among other buffet site at the the germans were very supportive. her the german government looked off to me. but i'm still afraid there are many turkish fascists here as well. anything can happen. ha, for girl. no. her time in turkey sometimes feels like
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a bad dream. oh, has infinite, finished iowa. i don't feel hatred her just to kind of disbelief and disappointment . and how can you do something like this to a person i'm? it is simply stripped them of 2 years of their life. man, i could have done a 1000 other things in the meantime, i've lost them in the country. it indecision says hedges festival. and they took all of that away from me. me a 2nd on the bottom. ah, to day michelle, a tony who is living with her husband and their son in her father's house in the south of germany. after 4 years of prisons exit bands and court cases in turkey, the prosecution finally asked for an acquittal due to lack of evidence. a has evidence, i'd say you had tucked us. i was so angry when i heard that the prosecution was dropping the case. however, i have been traumatized, experienced for oppression and live. i was kept in prison with my 2 year old son
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for months on end and in horrible conditions in me to then hear the prosecutor saying that it was all for nothing. so hell thus, and that's on lives act as fatherless. finished, the turkish president has accomplished one go. as long as he is in power, his critics like mashaila tolo good deal and ers horse on china and all the others that have been released will not set foot in turkey. and their stories will serve as a warning to his political opponents. i thus fit the food assistance, it all indicates that turkey hasn't improved in the least. i took the repression has become even more persistent outside long when i was there in 9 german citizens were officially being held in turkey by the that's what the console told me at the time of my guitar to day. i think there are more than 60 m. it was a thing. mm. thousands of germans are still being held in tacky to day. according to the german foreign office. they are kept in custody or
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subject to exit bats. many for political reasons. their cases did not make headlines, but they share the fate of the 3 women who have told their stories. they are or victims of a system that is declared its critics enemies of the state. ah welcome to the city of the future. to slow, instead of a permanent traffic jam would instead of concrete e mobility instead of air pollution. new concept for the mega cities of
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tomorrow made in germany in 30 minutes on d w. oh. mm. hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for africa, you to repeat issues and share ideas. you know, on these channels, we are not afraid to fasten. denny kids. young people clearly have the solution. good future with the 77 percent. every weekend on d, w. o, you become a criminal law pre cal. i may all ready know who's coming to
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take? told me about hackers, paralyzing me, try your societies, computers that out for you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go with ah, that's how they can also go terribly with what you know ah, this is dw news and these are our top stories. nasa has released more photos from the james web space telescope showing the most detailed images of deep space ever seen. they allow scientists to gaze back billions of years and time.
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