tv The 2021 Flood Catastrophe Deutsche Welle July 18, 2022 11:15am-12:01pm CEST
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is yes, and we been talking to some of them who said they're worried that today the army would come and clear the scamps. now if there's any kind of violence, the mood could turn very quickly. so there's an uneasy calm and the city and the country is still on edge. and that was dw southeast asia bureau chief, i'm ranked a tumor reporting for us from sheila as capital colombo washington. it is live from berlin up next. it is doc film looking back at the devastating floods that hit western germany one year ago. i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thank you so much for watching thing. ah, high school is establishing a lawyer. she june ping, president of the global power china. any criticism of his regime, isn't it in the bud piece? part of a whole system which believes his time has come with china's president,
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she ging paying starts july 30th on d. w. ah july 2021. i have book man. where'd all this water come from? here in germany, the worst flooding in over a century. visa, i miss it. these events will occur more frequently. that's for sure. zisha thousands lost their homes, them on yet, so we are the sock on with the 1st anniversary. now it's like you fall into a kind of trance with all you see it all happening all over again. for organ still visible, the destruction wrought by the flood. ah, on the day of the flood, bud minster. i fulls,
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historic old town was deluged a year later, reconstruction and repair work here is ongoing tourists are starting to return, though they have to watch where they walk. gradually businesses and shops are reopening a year ago. small rivers like this one became raging torrents within hours. july 13th, 2021. the whole day the rain came down and drove the design cut off. there was a catastrophe of because it went so far beyond anything with experience before
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water level records were completely shattered, yet even the gauges were pulverized hyphen approved. on the previous day, germany's weather service had issued warnings. they notified district authorities and fire departments about dangerously high water levels after attention. expect lots of rain in the coming days. peak river, water levels, which are already quite high from this time of year. why right? is in fee and are many places, especially in western ryman platinum, obviously a 100 liters per square meter. and more at its peak, a 150 to 200 liters per square meter for i'm calling as a government of the water rose from 80 cents meters to not just 3 or 4 mates is like, it seems a 4 foot and 9 meter. this annoyed me that soon further advisories followed localized rainfall at over 200 liters per square
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meter can't be rolled out of season. it was a disaster just waiting to happen. especially along smaller rivers. 11 p. m. the storm front moved away from altenor in as our land towards hog, and in the next 3 hours alone, this area received twice as much rain as it normally does. in an entire month. the fulmer overflowed its banks and flooded the streets. the lena did the same just after midnight, an alarm went out to huggins. volunteer fire brigade, heard us on him by hundreds of emergency calls, were coming in and need to know where to start. or now i from proof of that i river was already running down the street and there was a woman stuck in a galley. we were supposed to drive somewhere else, and that's how it started loss. even
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the bridges sank and it never stopped raining for the next 20 hours. a lot. i me, i wanted to go get some cigarettes such as suddenly i found myself stuck in the water. i couldn't get away removing at 2 in the morning, the crisis management team met in hug. and there assessment, even with 500 rescue workers on deck, the situation was already out of control people radios, the control center saying we need a boat. they just didn't know what we were dealing with up here last wednesday, july 14th. when dawn broke, the scale of the devastation became clear as mud pattaya mc. nothing will be happening here for a few days. i'm pretty sure about that. it's crazy, just crazy. i thought more and the rain continued. the full
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moon river flowed through the entire city of us, of woods, the water kept rising and with it the time pressure buildings verged on collapsed lad crags and parts missing. toiler. hogan, who in limbo was in a state of constant alarm. would like wilful desert, they radiate dawson said go up there and help rescue people. i saw a mother with a crying child screaming. what should we do? help us fund the ugly transition. they were really scared and stood by the windows in despair. when i could only rescue 3 or 4 people bring them in and head out on the next round. our folks will be standing by windows with kids and some babies waiting and yelling. they wanted hours one while people in north ryan westphalia were trying to stem the flood waters anyway, they could on the river. ah, things were still quite calm. cornelia vega, and then mer of the collective municipality of alton,
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r followed the river to the town hall. she'd heard the weather warnings, hmongs annoyed at 9 am on that terrible day, you'll go to level was still 90 centimeters up, but i thought that okay, we'll come through the 1st night relatively unscathed oscar. at 924 a. m, the state environmental office, announced that the our rivers, water level was expected to triple in the coming night to 2.4 meters. creating a perilous situation for the village of should in the eiffel to as lines or fan. and us does a lot of often very morgan solution american, but it was different in that it had rained like cats and dogs nonstop since the early morning feel they gave you an odd feeling because even the tributaries from the valley is turned into monstrous rivers. some you have on these a demons,
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yonah with never seen anything on that scale before densely over concave. his shields was practically wiped off the map. the whole village was engulfed. it hasn't recovered from the flooding to this day. lemons, in aught so unchartered looking at the place to day, sometimes can't tell where the streets ran or how it used to be of up the flood waters backed up at the bridge. a pizzeria, the local meeting place once stood by the river bank. across from it was the bakery . today, there's nowhere to buy food in short. july 14th, 1224 p. m. the state environmental office raised its high water advisory to 3.3 meters, and the german weather service issued a storm warning for 37 districts, citing extremely abundant, continuous rainfall that would mainly affect small rivers and streams. watch out
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for rivers, they can get real dangerously fed out us and tried and is done fee by to teach to 3 to beat house. but the decisive thing is, emma, where does this? rainwater go 1st on what happened here was the very small rivers old trained into the hospital. the air was, or are the rivers in the cell, and under the same time, the shuttle village. so these flood waves all came together even, and just kept on rising under boxes. at 234 p. m. of islas, district all authority, warned the population by apt to expect localized flooding. not an hour later, the state environmental office made an alarming projection. alternate water level gate would read 5.19 meters thus far more minute was a shot. and none of us had any experience with this kind of full cast. all these kinds of water levels. it hadn't happened in a century or more than up, which might definitely from a chief, looked at buildings. and i asked timothy as man, what can i do? he said, as of august of declare, a state of emergency declaring
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a state of emergency would have given people time to save some of their belongings . even now a year later, elton hours hotel still lying ruins. on july 14th, 2021 fire brigades everywhere were battling the waters in the eiffel to st. started to flood in bad minster eiffel the river f had been rising steadily since morning by the afternoon conditions had far surpassed all the weather. warnings, dramatic reports were also coming in from altenor in the south island. after rescuing some one, a fireman was himself swept away and drowned. the flood waters had begun to claim lives. 2 hours later, another fire fighter died while on duty
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yet another was luckier. people were able to pull him out of the water in time in stolberg by arkwin, there was also a last minute rescue. in altenor cornelia by gun to was worried. the expected high watermark was 5.19 meters at 420 in the afternoon. she called her districts administrative head. but a lesson cut us please declare a state of emergency and it shows that they said just a moment were calling you back on that they called back. we need a bit more data. we have to verify something that was to take a while. dunbar, as at the time, was the last we heard to wish. at 540 p m,
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the crisis management team of bud neu in our av islas, district or authority met. the district head could have sound of the alarm then, but he didn't miss holmes this done. and then, and in the evening and the night to law for as long as mobile radio and cellular service kept working, emergency calls poured in kazama, who are not here after once we realized that many people were out on their roof, asked con, which for when the whole night, there were no helicopters thus far. that was an awful night, and no anna, sham enough to day by guns has taken over as the new administrative head of the av . i'll a district if needed. she can declare a state of emergency herself 6 pm on july 14th 2021. in north rine westphalia, the rain was coming down harder than ever. rineback was plunged into chaos as flash
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floods hit its town center. in bad minster eiffel, the eft turned into a raging torrent. it devastated the historic old town $642.00 p. m 8 kilometers further east. on the evening of july 14th, the steinbach towel damn was in danger of overflowing and flooding entire villages . and a good hour later, the dam began to overflow. 120000 liters of water poured over per 2nd. it was feared, the dam would break. meanwhile, 20 kilometers to the south in the our valley, the mayor of the village of chute helmet. lucy suspected what was heading their way
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. the floor villa div is national. the flat waters had risen by a metre within the hour, and i could see how the homes were being steadily inundated and in parts demolish a campsite. right on the our river was the 1st place affected dozens of trailers and wood cabins. was swept away by the flood waters. he was it suddenly, aka, alec allowed, the owner warned, every one lost in she got them out of their mobile homes and told them that they had to get away from here. but she said that something unprecedented was happening on thanks to her. no lights were last isaak. i normally moved from more than 100 homes were carried away. the residential campus still haven't been allowed to rebuild. only dwellings that can be cleared within an hour are permitted
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i'm comes in to decent loudly this incredible amounts of rain. have to pass through these confined spaces and just look at the valleys with their bottlenecks. then bernoulli's principle comes into play bottom with lots of water must pass through a narrow space directly. only way to get that amount through is to increase its speed filtering, which leads to these torrential flood waters. as that they went so high that trees were approved to ayla from parts of buildings broke off and were washed away with the river. meet them then comes the 1st bridge, dorna called everything gets clogged up from the forest, grow stronger macalucio. so this combination of things and that was decisive as father and child 7 p. m. at the ar, viola districts crisis center they'd yet to feel the floods impact. the alarm signals from schulte and alton are never arrived. as digital phone and radio networks had gone down, the district administrator met with rhineland for latin,
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its interior minister who left the meeting thinking the situation was under control . so no warning went out to the local population, who still would have had time to get to safety it was guns early, sung. i honestly have to say that our district administrator completely mishandled things. issue ralph, my queues, him of not reacting properly even though he had been given enough early warning about this at the time, altenor water level gauge, read 3.92 meters, but the number just kept rising just before 8 pm. the state environmental offers up to its projection to 5.3 meters. entire holmes floated down the ar. the river rose to more than 8 meters, and shoot went under manager. i'm that night you can see the village dying a slow, dazzling, stopped. now there was nothing anyone could do. the volunteer
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fire brigade were powerless to help that evening. ulton book also flooded. altenor is just a few 100 meters downstream. lucas sammons wine growing estate is located here right on the our river. salmon and his father hoped to save a few machines in the wine press, hol, or dish money. meanwhile, the flag water warning had risen to over 4 meters in parts close to 5 when i so he put everything that couldn't get wet up high and around as a loft in the hole. at 845 p. m. alton, as water level gauge, red, 5.75 meters. soon afterwards, the gauge was washed away. along with the whole building. luca salmon had to abandon his hope. the water had torn off the entire wall, facing the river,
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40 full barrels of wine and 25000 bottles were carried off into the flood waters and disappeared. even his winery was no longer safe. famously we had to get out of here right away. otherwise, the water would have come down here and we wouldn't have gotten back up the ramp. it would have been forced down into the carriage where we would have drowned from that home. at the last minute he and his father sought refuge on the balcony of the ice cream parlor 2 houses down. it was the highest spot on their st. and still, there was no official warning from the crisis center in bad neu. enough to day zelman is back in the wine making business. he got to work straight away. and soon i spent lots of time talking with architects and trades. people. i must say i no longer feel like a ventnor or let's put it this way. it was like taking a course in construction marker. at least he could rebuild just
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a meter away. there's a new flood zone that must remain vacant as been shawn bench for last fall. as of the software, alex's, i'm no shafter, i'm proud of what we've already achieved together. fish off, and i think we should be in a blink of does. was it motivating? not just to look at what's done missing, but to see what's already here. like sergeant, the flood itself is gone or there's no getting away from it. here are finished. there are ruins in many places. still, it's annoying and you wonder why here and then nothing's been dance a shannon for those who wanted to rebuild have done it master or are in the last 8 years. young. several from those who haven't and from just a wanting, when did your initial only wanna finish their still work to be done in altenor? july 14th, 40 kilometers further north in after that lesson. it was almost 10 p. m. and water already covered the floor of the writing arena. at another pause felton
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hall. for 2 hours, people formed a human chain and bailed to try to keep the water away from the stables. 60 horses stood there in the stalls and back on until they so much water rushed in. active fighting, it was pointless. it came in from all sides. i left earth doors filled with water and fire. in the r valley, the flood waters had already ravaged my shores and rush around 10 p. m. they reached down out a village of close to $1800.00 residence. we want to take everything upstairs. you are mister alice hall. not now yet yours coming. it's breaking through everything we ever florida in heaven, lord and heaven. people scrambled to up her stories for on the roof tops quite
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canada that no one happened to my regret taking the things upstairs and not climbing the hill to the vineyard. we not, you felt so naive in that situation. so the water just kept rising, the terrace was hold till at 5. the water started creeping up. the building walls is the number that were on the 3rd floor. the walk with does not dying. how high will it go? what if we have to swim it? how do we do that most? what if we have to climb? how do we do that? where do we climb to? and in the end we're just power levels. and then honestly, we just prayed, visits only at 10 o 4 p. m. did the crisis management team call a red alert? the flood waters kept streaming towards bad neu, anna, where the crisis management team was sitting in a basement with an unstable mobile phone network, half an hour before midnight. a huge wave of water hit the town. it citizens were completely unprepared holes till the door to our home burst open on the water
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rushed in here from the moon for a minute before who still this high muscle than the water came and forced the door open. my girlfriend went flying through the apartment, followed by the cupboard. then we were almost almost killed no 20 years. at 230 a. m. water was also surging through zinzis based on old plans. they'd evacuated people living within 50 meters of the art flood waters had never gone further than that. so no one had given much to the disabled residents of the label here for house located 250 meters away from the river. yeah. yeah. as awesome. yeah, yeah. health we're drowning here. can anyone hear us? we called back, but it was just incredible and we called the fire department. they knew about it and probably tried to get here show that the water came so quickly. this was a, comes with no 240 a m,
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a single soul or night. duty managed to bring 8 of the 20 people from the ground floor to upper levels. after that, the doors would no longer open on neighbors. had to come out, they couldn't do anything more. they had to wait till the war to receive it, to open the doors by then there was foreseeable what they'd find would up silver singleton. 12 of the homes, residents died by now. shocking images of the floods was circulating on the internet. i've been through of steel and i'm an early riser, and at 4 or 5 a. m, i was writing back and forth with a friend. he wrote, have you heard the r valley looks quite hard hit um at some point he said, well i'm going there now and i can't take a front end loader and fight people with chainsaw then because they'll surely need help. let's meet up there or florence golf fuel or did he heard from marco's vip or through its agricultural social media channel, had 70000 followers over the next few months,
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many of his followers saw his call for help, and wanted to lend a hand or the others monday, video voice, if you want to come and help, please do that. otherwise folks who want to help should look where the are ronnie's . there's work to be done everywhere. lots of it here. clellan did of ng along here come a bunch of farmers. look how far back it goes. it's a convoy and drug has been based on it from the vest of ald for our viola, violence on people who spent the entire night driving here with their tractors. got to work right away. well, i'm direct young folks. i'd sit on the tractor or dig of 24 hours straight and keep on going. we were full of adrenalin. no one could start from buffalo. we knew we had to present because maybe we'd still find some one, some one symbol in the day to more my ball were rescued
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here. thank goodness. back at the stables. in f stud, the water was now one and a half meters deep, but they still didn't dare to lead the horses through it. wait until it got light that was the worst time. then the water rose quickly. never sent me. light is all i meant. it was so high, there was nothing left to consider when it was clear, i must believe now when it, when we decided to go into sb norma stools, i really everyone, all the people who were there, hot people, let horses out, you'd never laid hands on a horse before and i was guiding a horse when a door came flying at me. i saw it coming with him, ran in your hands in the high water, and i tried to dodge it. also. i still don't know how is 80 guys is anxious and frustrated. i they managed to save the animal's lives, but where could they find shelter for 60 horses?
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ah, luckily anousch bo didn't have to look far. so kind of sites, there was no time to be cheesy. so we were quite lucky to get this place. houghton, this is a mining region and they were set to begin excavating here. otherwise it certainly wouldn't have been standing entity, but that's how we found accommodations they fall into to come. the flood left its mark on the horses to them either the foyer both, all right, if that they don't take much notice by and that many he used to be alone for now. he no longer want to be alone. as a socialist, they'll start to call one another to winnie. and when one horse leaves, yeah, they get much louder and vicky men and can no longer be alone in the store, which never used to be a problem when taking other horses out of the house more and more don't want to be on there. i mean, he does a light in his malloy july 15th 2021658
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a. m. at dawn, the damage to the steinbach towel dam became clearly visible. the dam was in danger of bursting. surrounding villages were evacuated. germany's federal agency for technical relief pumped water to reduce the pressure at 8 50 am, there was also a red alert in f stud highway, 61 was flooded and partly eroded by the flood waters. traffic was re routed to the b 265 luxembourg street. a big mistake. at 11 a. m a flash flood, hit the b 265. it acted like a kind of funnel. the high waters of the air gushed on to the road, covering a one kilometer stretch in minutes. the water was 14 meters deep in places and swallowed up more than 100 vehicles. just got out one in
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reverse, run before me, vegetable oh, by the water rose within 2nd to one and a half meter. my can written to get away and is that men stood on the bridge of luxembourg street and saw drivers lying on the roof of their trucks and waving andy and resort in a garden. and it's not over yet to into the, our valley was a scene of devastation. there was no way of reaching the area by road. in the morning, 4 deaths were reported. more than a 1000 people were missing. that's her services just in the meantime and scored the household hauled out house, susan, because one over there has really been the in the way. it's a wonder were so last name, either 50 people were still stranded on their roof tops. after waiting the whole night for helicopters,
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that never came. but in the morning the police and the german military flu, constant rescue missions in dan out to become the ones that they came down in pairs. and one son and heir lifted the 4 of us up to the vineyard on 15 minute vine back diseased. as of his knife, we just hung from the cable that dropped us off, picked up the next ones at the attack. and i'm free. i was just carried over by helicopter. he has been so what knows, i started running right away in my socks as a 1st to my husband. after i looked for him and ran to him calling, you're not, you're not busy than i cried in his arm sign in. handling rescue is searched. the survivors everywhere,
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often risking their own lives in the process. at the same time, the police began combing the river banks for bodies, so residents wouldn't have to find their relatives or neighbors themselves. but that couldn't always be avoided. the wife loves her father that she was lying here in the corner died. we covered her body and called emergency policeman said we can't keep up with the dead leash law. back at the steinbach towel. damn. they were still trying to pump water. the reservoirs bottom outlet was blocked. that meant that the water couldn't be released in a controlled manner. trying to clear the blockage meant risking nice and lim ah, in the center. but i was asked, would you do it with an excavator? i was almost, i said, i'll have to think about it. let's go up and take a look,
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look, and standing up there, i said in our vision is, will do it is muffled us 18 meters below the water line. that then 67 year old unblocked the outlet with his digger, knowing that the dam could burst at any time. shop is at the bush. i said it one bright, can it didn't we were lucky bug replaced. i was so happy that the folks who hadn't been able to or couldn't help themselves, could now be freed from then on with every passing hour, a water would drain away, reducing the risk of a damn break, just a dumb bush. in the meantime, if start was being evacuated, 15000 firefighters and emergency responders were on duty. still the situation was growing worse by the minute a dam had been holding back much of the
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water, but now it had been breached a huge gravel quarry. on the edge of town was deluged by the aft. the sides of the piece eroded and slid down, creating a giant sink hole. early in the morning, on july 16th the rim of the gravel quarry collapsed, taking several buildings along with it. part of the riding arena also plunged into the abyss. jake, my husband got up and yelled, come look astrid, the front of that buildings gone and honestly the other homes. yeah. oh, gonna ha vague at the time? no one knew if there were people in those houses the next morning on the b, 265 near after that rescue workers searched for possible victims. but all the drivers and passengers had managed to escape
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miraculously, every one survived, the collapse at the gravel quarry. but 69 people perished in bud noah alone. altogether, the floods claimed the lives of 184 people in rhineland planet, unauthorized westphalia. once the flood waters receded, the big, clean up began. help came from all across germany, homes, sellers and streets were all full of sludge that reeked of oil and human waste. thousands of people travel to the affected areas. then it started with the barkeeper gates and these really young people who were
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suddenly here my heart rejoiced because every one saw and understood the problem. siblings in but at 1st it wasn't easy to reach the work sites. the few roads that hadn't been destroyed were quickly jammed with traffic until an event manager from bad noise came up with a plan of dds. some stock knocked out. the idea came to me on the saturday after the disaster funds to sort of we started calling around the 24 hours later on sunday we went down into the valley with the 1st 300 help us from that number increased tenfold. and just 7 days in a week later or we drove down with 3000 to help us in one day hardwood by the fall . over the next few weeks, the help a shuttle idea grew into a large and well equipped camp. the settlement also right now it doesn't matter who you call. they are ready to go. that the willingness to help was incredible. about in the morning was pos, operators are standing here without even having been awesome with wendy. and i just
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hear about it and arrived with a huge bus saying, i'm here for linda had been it's, i want to help flush have and help they deed in every way possible. many help has also functioned as counsellors. they listened when people told them how they'd lost everything. sometimes even their loved ones. choppy mavita ovens just unemployment again in the evenings grown men get teary eyed is i come home ice. i wanted to come and help sent me an email that i could never have imagined. what awaited me at this. let's disagree fun. when we heard the stories of what happened to people that night, because reports of neighbors have been modifying death for hours in and then was swept away crying for help. daniel, the lowest, a thing that you don't get over so quickly just as a snare lunch loss. let's zum stark was on was on the hotel of the gold last saturday was such an unusual day. oh i cried my eyes al, because last week i had
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a few experiences and heard some stories. i was in like about a kid who has not spoken a word in 7 weeks, middle after witnessing his parents drown. so tommy syracuse arms and aunt var i came back in the evening and was really shattered on our so we decided to cancel our vacation and stay here for the 14 days just to help wherever we ballads off. or they have gone. the sense of solidarity in the tent camp kept people strong and group activities helped keep morale high up feeder mentioned gov. the amazon. i had a lot of people who sacrificed their summer holidays. they'd come on the last day and say, sorry mark, i have to go back to work and you'd think, hey, for heaven's sake,
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of course many thanks for coming in for 2 days later they'd be back saying, i can't bear to be at home. and yet i can't keep doing my normal office job knowing the folks down there in the our valley still need help, but that is once the debris was cleared away, the wet plaster had to be removed. will feel is of a boy before the flood woman, many older people didn't have much use of the younger generation. the up in the now they're suddenly experiencing this precisely, these young people who are standing with them in the bucket brigade who work are to break and keep home for an hour past. quitting thailand, fuss on this. fascinated by all these young people are doing it. so this young generation wants to do something meaningful off by the hour at the end of may, the last group of help as arrived at the camp after they left, it closed down. now it was craftsman and specialist to services were required
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in the spring, a major initiative was launched to create $400.00 gardens for local residence asking him in effect, vinny was less about planting flowers and people's garden insulin and doing something for their hearts and souls. yet, because basically for months, more whole people had seen was this brown sludge look, tom and it just makes a huge difference when you get up in the morning and look out the window and it's green and colorful again. or if you keep seeing this brown street as of as really every weekend we looked into the eyes of people who cried for joy, because there was something nice on something green and my garden against bos, boston eunice, of ga. gov. the amir. come when it brings tears to my eyes to see such young people helping out. it makes me weep. pine p. c. off to you see the residency there still so much to do, yet they're pleased by the smallest thing exciting to day help as is still being
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sought and found via an online platform. now disbanded, the camp was a great success. rebecca, i know lee's house is slated to be torn down for now. she's turned it into a symbol of hope. if i asked my move to mind the zealots had they sat 1st, it was just something for myself. this is and then i saw right away how many other people it helped us from the as a right at the start, someone stopped and named thanks for painting that i seen so much crap here who fish. thanks for giving help, dan out with self. non gibson does as a walk, as now it's known as the flute, quince, house, or flood house of art passes by can scan a q r code and find many other painting projects here. ah dear. now is also home to lucas simmons vineyards. he's
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wineries located in altenor, and he filmed the devastation, the flood waters wrought there. ah, no, alaska young, i was good. and i went live again. i think on instagram or facebook. i don't remember any more for labor, so crazy guy. i went live and i wanted to say something dish. so i couldn't. and the whole time i showed the water that i'm standing in water looking away and thought you mama, what should i do now? just rec and then i just posted it and setting a mom. were sunk and complex. hm. starting now. let's meet at 9 each morning on work. thanks to many helping hands. vintner lucas sam on his back in business with new barrels and cold runs in his wine press hole and a new outlook on life. the flute is off, the flood brought freedom to you did not sound disrespectful. but since you have to
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redo things, you can make them the way you've always wanted. a luca salmon has created a little piece of paradise around his new wine press hole. here his family serves up their own vintages and tasty food to regular customers, and high cost of they all love the r valley. heritage estate, good bon appetite almond. and as the reasoning, it's quite chris this year due to the heavy rank hopefully the surround area will soon look this nice again to what should stay and what should go mandavi's, unenforced. mustang ganita. think about tourism to object aside and come in, bud noise. now this pedestrian bridge was up ended and washed away by the flood waters. isn't worth keeping as a memorial. people here are thinking about it on comes on ish, i thought, no, you can't just haul it away and scrap it. those who come after us and you should be
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able to see what's happened here. what's your procedure is meanwhile, the supposed similar family returning home to bless him. plus emma, that's always been i wish of us. no, it was unrealistic given it was eyes. now we're thinking of having just half as many houses before the effects the deal to now we're planning on just 35 and in the house we can go back, have been the house to come. the gravel quarry has shut down. the sink holes are being filled with sand, but it will likely take 8 more years before the current plans are fully realised. with new stools and a new arena so daughter paulina can continue her writing exercises in blessone in the uh valley 2 rebuilding will take years on the line of forster, nevada swash rolled so in fly. imagine the reconstruction would be completed in 4
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years often. but that hope is fading fast. i'd say it will take 6 or 7 years on the one year after the catastrophic floods. nothing is the same as it was everywhere. here people continue to improvise and practice patience. they keep hoping that one day life here will be as good as it used to be, or maybe even better. ah, with diversity and anything unusual, no mountain is too high. no road is too long. in search of the extraordinary we are the specialist of lifestyle,
11:59 am
europe your romance. in 30 minutes on d. w. in a globalized world, where everything is connected only takes is a start to set things in motion. local hero show how their ideas can change the world. global 3000 in 90 minutes on d. w. and we're interested in the global economy our portfolio d w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission to analyze the
12:00 pm
fight for market dominance versus way ahead with the w business beyond ah ah, this is dw news coming to you live from berlin, a security shakeup in ukraine presidents, lensky, suspends tube. his top officials at agencies were hundreds, are under investigation for helping russia also coming out the climate crisis hitting europe. huge wildfires burn across mediterranean fuel by record drought and high temper.
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