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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  July 18, 2022 3:45pm-4:00pm CEST

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together on a response to food shortages, energy price rises. we'll ask that correspondent, why. as europe swelter is under a record breaking heat wave, we'll ask how technology can protect communities from wow. this is database business. i was in berlin. welcome to the program. after a 3 year long pandemic break, the ation industry is holding its 1st major event with the return of the farm brook global ass show. but it comes against a backdrop of an aviation industry, battling staff shortages and bankruptcies across the globe, but particularly in europe, leading aviation companies will showcase the latest innovations during the 5 day event. despite reco at temperatures. forecast in the u. k. tens of thousands of visitors are expected to still attend the show taking place south west of london. less cross to our correspondent jack barrack,
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who is in farmer for his great to see you and to see the plains behind you. i was the mood like that because we all know about the well documented problems facing airlines, naps at the moment, but well out exhibitors at farm bra. yeah, that's right road. this is a very interesting type of air show. obviously the, the priority for the exhibitors is to show the best of the global aviation industry, but passengers around the world and especially here in europe, a seeing enormous lines and cues, and troubles and cancellations at major airports like london heathrow like amsterdam, scapel and fight all across the continent to the mood here is trying to show what the best of the new and future businesses, but an understanding that they need to focus on what's, what's really important, which is keeping people moving at the moment. i think was interesting from a very initial scan of the exhibitions here is that
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a lot of them and not only about the sort of traditional airline industries, you're boeing's, your lot had martin's and all of these companies. but also there's a lot of different exhibitions with things that look sort of like smooth flying cars, essentially very futuristic. and i think that something the farmer is trying to look into to make sure it leads on the, on the progress of aviation industry. you mentioned lockheed martin, we can say some ministry jets behind you. thou say also a key bit of context. this is the war in ukraine now. is that music this altering how the exhibitors are approaching? this is barbara. yeah, definitely is as you can see. yeah. there's some, some fighter jets behind me. there's a lot of military helicopters just over there. the question is, is sort of, what does this mean, the context of the war in ukraine? we know, obviously that nato has said that ukraine's military should be swapping into western millet, free as supplies. so that is interoperable with nato rather than the old soviets or
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equipment that it traditionally uses. but ukraine's military is unlikely to be buying these sorts of aeroplanes instead, they, you know, they're using a difference of aircraft, anti antiaircraft missiles, essentially that are being supplied by western allies in large parts. so the question is, what does it mean for, for this industry? because these planes will be being sold to, to the british military and the u. s. military. but there is, as you say, there's a sort of context here is an understanding that, that war in ukraine against ukraine is having an impact on every single industry. because it is a large part of why asian is struggling as well. and just very briefly, if you can normally billions of dollars or euro's worth of deals are struck during these, these asher's is looking the same. the ship yes. so that the, the real focus is on the deals, the boeing, the american airlines. that across builder is signing. now we understand that
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between delta and lufthansa, around $50.00 and $50000000000.00 worth of airplanes being sold, including the 777 x behind me, which is sort of the big, enormous star of this show that everybody is a, is coming to see american farmer for us, thank you very much. moving on weight is in high demand. the war in ukraine means that k exports of the grain on getting to the countries that need them fueling a global food crisis. solutions are urgently being sought in argentina. scientists hope that they have the answer. what girls here might transform the future of agriculture. that's if argentinian researchers have the away. a new genetically modified variety of wheat is being developed by private company bill salus. they've added a sunflower gene to the leap plant. derek aim is to make argentinian wheat more resistant to periods of dry weather. what jane?
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but the dentist that did not hear this technology is expected to increase productivity by up to 50 percent in areas with low rainfall. and that's what our data shows. what did either, but it should be done soon as we alta i found what indian gwin double sheehan for the moment the new genetic weak, known as h. b 4, will be planted on $250.00 farms. argentina's goal is to get import approval to distribute wheat to as many countries as possible. i get sad to say a latinos yet for glee. members, use lions to issue a global food security. you are more than 800000000 people on earth who do not have enough to eat. and 2 and a half 1000000000 people are malnourished. the delancy, other argentina's farmers face climate extremes like droughts and fires are also more common. organic farmers blame these conditions on the practice of mono culture . they are also against planting genetically modified wheat. and when she met any that in one online is heard enhance an agricultural model that has become wide
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spread in argentina over the past 30 years. it's been that the mano cultures have very negative effects on the health of local residence. i don't if they cause rural accidents and produce less healthy food, and he'd as young as the medical center. but manufacturers reject accusations against genetically money. belated technology aren't any. got genetic modifications didn't cause any disadvantage. we humans, animals or the environment even if people think differently, always insist on it. then why? why shindig, daniel dra formerly been sad. the dispute over modified wheat may have only just begun. now the global food shortage was high on the agenda of a meeting of j 20 finance ministers, which was dominated by the knock on effects of the war in ukraine. growing concerns over global hunger and an energy crisis, fueled by russia's invasion,
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was central to the talks over 2 days on the indonesian island of bali. some finance ministers from the group of 20 major economies blamed russia's military action for sending a shockwave through the global economy. but there was no unanimity on the issue leading to talks ending without a joint communique. reporter nadine fry slide, joins us from the indonesian capital to cotton was following events over the weekend. just took us through the areas that are a particular concern for the g. 20 finance ministers and when the overarching theme for the entire meeting was of course of recovery. and that was an agenda that long ago. and you know, additional points for monetary post to deal with inflation commitments to trade, global taxation and also digital payment systems for big on the agenda. but of course, you know, things got destructed and quite overshadowed by the war in ukraine and which caused
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a lot of additional economic stress sectors. we've talked a lot about the food shortages, but one thing that came up as also, you know, other shortages like vital farming ingredients, like fertilizers. so i had these problems. i just compounding and it's unfortunate that you know, on most cases they couldn't really in many agreements. yes. so there was no joint statement, no communicate at the end of this, which is normally what, what does happen? so where are j 20 finance minutes is not seeing eye to eye. so that's right. there was no joint communicate which is usually the document that's come from such a forum. but what they did produce of this particular meeting was a so called chair summary. so there were 16 points, communicated that kind of discussed the themes and the sticking points and where the majority of members agreed on where they disagreed. and you know, to your question on
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a disagreement. the topic of sanctions is one where there's obvious disagreements where some countries believe that the sanctions currently employed against russia for example, or worsening the economic outlook instead of leading to any you know, political pressure and that's actually helpful. that's what he was specific. yeah. the respond yes. if you want to a specific example here, for example, the united states have called or price capital russian oil. and that particular agenda point didn't even make it to the meeting. so the finance minister at the press conference asked about this, but she did say that this was a topic that was even on the forms agenda. yeah. okay. when it in price log into cost for us. thanks. so bring is an update. let's look at some of the other global business stories making the news. china's banking regulator is urging
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lenders to provide more credit to real estate developers and the growing mortgage boycott. many home buyers have been withholding mortgage payments on unfinished buildings. johnny's authorities are trying to ensure developers have access to cash to complete ongoing construction in a bit to stop the country's real estate crisis. from worsening e foreign ministers are doubling down on their commitment to sanctions on russia for its invasion of ukraine. a gathering to discuss a new package of economic sanctions, which could include banning russian gold exports to the block and stepping up enforcement of existing punitive meshes. a one french lawmaker described it as hell. europe is sweltering under an extreme heat wave loss of life and millions of years of damage as parts of europe burn. the world's 1st smart forest. the trees in these sardinian woods are outfitted with special sensors. they're
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designed to detect the beginning of forest fires. and the biggest things happening in climate change at the moment is forest fires across the world. and ultimately, the solution which we're deploying will prevent forest fires from happening in the future. the smart technology provides a critical advantage over current fire detection systems. really simple to and you can use satellite imagery for that can take up to a month for those satellite images to come back. or you can use cameras within a sort of forest area for that can take hours before you notice the smoking, fire, the detections that are done here at the smouldering stage so much earlier on. and you can detect a fire within minutes rather than with in hours or days. this region in southern italy suffered a series of catastrophic wildfires last year. the sensors could prevent that from ever happening again. they talked to one another and to a cloud based alert center at the edge of the forest, despite being a vodafone product. they don't need cellular coverage. they run on solar energy and
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there's plenty of it here on the sunny italian island of sar dania. that's so from main visit team here in berlin from all from as he can head over to our website, either dot com slash business somewhere on the data, we'd use youtube channel as well. you can also bundle them facebook if you like to d. w dot viscous to next time to catch ah ah! with ah!
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b go, mike speaking, how can miss national hatred of a people be explained? a gold hon, go. a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power struggles in christian christianity wants to convert. that is why christianity use the figuring of the jew as little tesla. it's a history of slender of hatred and violence is the buckets memorial and then on the jews were considered servants of evil. we simply told you the most atrocious chapter. a 3rd of our people were exterminated 6000000 jews, like microbes to be annihilated. even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards jews is still pervasive. a history of anti semitism this week on
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d w ah ah ah, this is dw live from berlin, wild fires burned across the mediterranean, fueled by records, drought, and high temperatures. hundreds die in the extreme heat, which is now moving to north pulse on the program. ukrainian.


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