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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2022 12:30pm-2:00pm CEST

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oh, free climate. oh, ready knows. with hackers, paralyzing the tire societies, computers that out. sure. you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now on youtube. ah, ah, the 15th of january 2017. went down in the annals of history for the 1st time ever, a keynote speech at the world economic forum in davos was held by
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a chinese head of state. she gen paying an extraordinary event in front of the global business elite, the leader of the world's largest communist country, presented the case for strengthening free trade. while we are generally will ye fi, then change old c o molly? but holds tie. okay. if i don't play the molly, it was a remarkable beat of public relations she knew because of course, the chinese are by no means advocates of unlimited free trade. the blush aro, in my lashing china, is emphasized the more and more the superiority of the chinese model. with ish and what is your pain is a very clever leader. he takes every opportunity has given me when there is a vacant space. he would call his line call. she shouldn't be when she in ping
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addresses the you and our travels to africa. it's a major event, jasa. he has the stature of a great leader nicoli do. spurred on by international focus, she jen paying revealed his true intentions tongue. i'll go generally moved towards enchant enjo to refuse you think we must not forget that john quote does not mean middle kingdom but center of the world. so to june, in march 2018, she jin, paying made a surprise announcement, he was amending the constitution and removing the to term limit on the presidency, allowing him to remain in power for life. this elevated him to the status of chairman mao a 1st for a chinese president salutes an alliance between addicted tauriel system and silicon valley sneakily che got now canal a threat to global civilization always. oh, it's the 1st time
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a chinese leader has exploited china's secretive culture to such an extent that he privacy eugene pangs, cove diplomacy goes like this. you 1st to keep everything secret, then denied, then take a position until a strategy is adopted and implemented on st. john ambrose coughing in lockdown. se did not stop the chinese little daughter from continuing to wipe out the weaker is, this is now chinese history. it's the legacy of she's in pain. should you be when the corona virus pandemic head, she gen ping, sealed off china and went on the offensive. he clamped down on the hong kong pro democracy movement stepped up the persecution of wiggers and shin jang, and ramped up military threats against taiwan. this shit is old bellville is hiding his head in the sand because it sees the tie one conflict as a local conflict color. he's right, it would have global consequences because the americans would intervene uptown away
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. ah, never before has china been so powerful? and so authoritarian never before has china opposed such a threat to the balance of global power? who is she, jen? ping. where does he come from? and what sort of a world does he envisage? ah ah, ah ah.
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one year after the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic with the world plunged into crisis and searching for the origin of the virus. chinese president, she gen ping, felt triumphant. only julia la calisha. she from what she g e shall you by was a little while john, she again honey and she did do shipping's high email. would you also from what heritage of home go go. felicia each in franklin. yo eating. yay, was i should hear, georgina, he don't shy shanisha shan tundra and this museum exhibit, and wu hon. the city where the outbreak began. she gen paying as depicted as a hero in a historic victory. an exemplary leader spearheading
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a global fight the dongle. you didn't talk what ritual she didn't ping wants to show that china has joined the ranks of global powers. you didn't call you and that the chinese system can now compete with the west's or even replace it. the chart i de la, lucrative polish in the you declare china's objective is cliffs, not to mention she jane pings is it. the corona virus crisis was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the chinese model. and to show that it's capable of protecting the population without damaging the economy and develop more economic temporary hospitals were open locked downs and quarantine rules were strict tracking and compulsory mass testing were introduced. thanks to these measures said she jumping, he managed to steer china out of crisis and put it back on track of the
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film by locking people inside. you can contain the spread of the virus. sure. we don't know how many people were confined in this way, but we'll hand province alone has a population of 90000000. that's more than france. just imagine you, but 67000000 people in france locked up for a whole year on an in this exhibition, celebrating she, gen ping. there is no mention of the thousands of cova deaths and china of the virus as controversial origins or of the dates of the 1st cases. yet oh, nor is there any mention of the dozens of people in china who were missing, detained or imprisoned, including the citizen journalists whose videos at the start of the crisis showed the aggressive nature of the virus. and the system dysfunction in response to it was shot ha, what shamperdeen blower should dawn with
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a filing listener leader to classic his order politic. there's a lot at stake now for the chinese government. so when it identifies the source of information compromising it and challenging the official narrative, it makes sure it disappears from assured where despite the horse conjunction, the uncertainty here. well, i don't wanna lose any kind of uh, hulu. live, uh, holla, lovely keeps her dement, the goal is to highlight china's successes and cover up any mistakes that might have made. oh, your china has to transform from the country that might be responsible for the pandemic. into the one that is capable of saving the international community, the tough and the center. she jen paying says he has won the fight against the virus. but at what cost to the chinese people and the world population. what is the ideology driving him? his management of the corona virus christ, as could be seen as the perfect illustration of his world view and the legacy he
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has sworn to defend. to understand that legacy one has to understand the chinese communist party. oh, the party that she gen paying joined was comparable to joining a religious order. after his appointment as general secretary in 2012, he came here to the historic site of the 1st party meeting in 1921 to be sworn in under the illustrious eyes of the founders of communism. oh, with oh, shooting ping as a servant of the party mission. i almost like being a catholic priest. so she is highly trained within himself to
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serve this mission. so he's part of a whole system which believes his time has come. yo ha, ha ha, financial fijian thing clearly stated that communism is the only truth always away . the communism not only has to be the system in china, it must spread around the world too much hassle year. she gen paying will remain the leader of the world's largest communist party for the rest of his life. it boasts over 90000000 members, all of whom have sworn loyalty to the party and thus to him, above everything else in progress, what strikes me most about she jin ping is his benevolent apple open and smiling manner. yes, it's all just a front vessel. he has an iron fist and a velvet glo, andrew.
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the mask soon began to slip, though and 2013. his opponents leaked a confidential internal document known as document number 9. it showed she gen ping's predominant ideology for a prisoner level for well, shortly after assuming office from she, jenna pang, very discreetly circulated a document in the so called document number 9. we heard about it in the spring of 2013. it was a vehement attack on liberal ideas debbie aisle and revealed the chinese leaders true colors. it warned of 7 dangerous western values that posed a threat to china, including democracy, universal human rights, and freedom of the press. which oh just so that even on document number 9, laid out for the 1st time, the values that she gin ping represents natasha with how they go there. catholic
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it's publication helped shatter the illusion that some people had about. she jin pink, shall now you both and the higher your white under that they'll call me or so all courts could lead was clear that his arch enemies are so called western hostile forces. or what does that name steal? it means that universal values have freedom and democracy are dangerous. anybody else in the west is the dangerous sailor, the more custody behind it. okay, don't a solution zones. also there sla, bustle. we don't realize that criticism of the west is part of china's daily propaganda. who the norse, then was novella, they condemn our values, to and fight against the political ideals. we believe it is a really the goal here in the middle of an ideological war with the chinese masses and don't even realize it in jekyll, because we're not in china and we don't speak chinese fashion them. the convolution were the roots of this ideological war and the
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key to she gen, ping's personality and motivation lie in his past his own personal history as closely tied to the history of his country. oh, because much like communist china itself. she gen ping, had turbulent origins. ah, ah, she gen paying was a red prince. the son of an elite communist party official. his father was she junction, a communist revolutionary among the 1st generation of communist china's leadership . a contemporary of mousy tong. ah, she jin being spent the 1st years of his life in the secluded compound at young nun high,
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surrounded by party elite jean thing was the son of an elite leader c junction. his youth was privileged and that he was in beijing. he was at one of the main schools there, but his also on privileged, according to the stories. his father was a very harsh father who, you know, made him by even cold water and kind of really toughened him up. but in 1962, when she gen ping was 9, his father fell from grace and the families, fortunes declined dramatically. his father was accused by mouth, tongue of plotting against the party. one of the many victims of the leadership purges during the cultural revolution were young. she jen pang was no longer a princely. he was now a traitor. oh,
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at self criticism meetings, he was forced to denounce his own father. he too, became a target of the red guards brutality. there was no reference to these experiences and she, gen ping's official biography. but they shaped the personality of the future president in an interview with a chinese magazine in 2000, he described himself as a survivor. the red guards told me a 100 times that they would shoot me. he said they threatened to execute me. and i had to read mal quotes from morning to night. he also had blue didn't hear that he was 9 and didn't understand what was happening . his father had been condemned as a counter revolutionary me will be. so he had to make up for it by being more communist and more revolutionary than the others in order to survive hobby. to prove that he was a good child of now, he redoubled his efforts to study mouths,
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works good. he memorized his speeches until mouse legacy was deeply rooted in him one day whenever he spoke, i spoke in mows words, duncan, people, your model, mental. oh c gen being was confronted with a dilemma, renounce his father and survive or reject the party and risk execution. oh, little soupy and i think the impact on she of his father's disgrace was misunderstood. he was feared that he might hold a grudge against the communist party, but in fact, this was absolutely not the case. i'm only particular in his tail fits is dependent to luca was ever duty. there are 2 kinds of sons his those who want to take revenge in some way. and those who seek to make amends though he wanted to make up for what had happened to him. and he raised the stain on the family de la pies. he said basil hippa, sir, said thus, you eat park condo, the wilderness,
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his father was treated abominably during the cultural revolution. we'd have thought vowed never to become like him until we thought by one hour he made mouse it on his role model. he didn't want to suffer the same fate as his father will be leaving that other. but a few years later when he was 15, she gen ping suffered a further below. along with millions of other young intellectuals, he was sent to work in the countryside to be re educated, to learn of the hard life there. according to mows theory, she gen ping was sent to a village near the yellow river of baron bitterly, poor region. even there, his father's reputation continued to dog him and he was labeled an enemy of the people. ah, during the cultural revolution, several 1000000 chinese died of exhaustion, starvation, or disease, and thousands, including she's older sister were driven to suicide. ah,
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but she gen pink, survived the ordeal or get a hold of she's tired. she saw you. when you go she father came here to describe it in a way that the west can understand. it was similar to the psychological phenomenon of stockholm syndrome full time when a hostage takes the sight of his or her captors potter. so he fos, look into a ball fee to the young. it was not to be a victim. he or she adopt the mindset of the kidnappers power, shall ah, will you ho ye the i don't watch him. he. what he jin ping came to the conclusion that the way to ensure he would never again be a victim, was to become powerful. li, cough our way back, he adopted mousy tongs approach. he became in a way what kind of another mile, gee, what joe siegel shall model. busy busy after his return from exile, she gen ping was determined to triumph over his past and rehabilitate his family's honor. busy now 22, he began single mindedly pursuing his goal,
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a career in politics with the help of a friend who doctored his file so that his father's past was erased. she jin ping was finally accepted for membership and the communist party. after being rejected multiple times. ah, when i went to the country side at the age of 15, i was anxious and lost. he said, when i returned home at 22, i had a clear goal and was brimming with confidence. didn't wishy wisdom and then go chung it. it was only because he rose to all these challenges that she jin ping was able to rise to become the 3rd great hero of the chinese communist party, after mouse, satan and dang, shopping. well, as the proverb says, only when the iron has been put in the fire a 100 times does it become steal? yeah, i advise all countries of the world to follow china's example. your chart,
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electing a president by a democratic vote, gets you nowhere. it made, you've talked to toys on hall in 1979. she jen pine and up the political latter step by step. it was a strategy that would take him all the way to the top. ortega jumped here. i downtown have highs. you don't put your lunch when you got the party clicks, don't usually back strong personalities because the older party officials are less able to keep them under control, which are co sign and how many cache they prefer. more average types. traci, sheri, always among all russia, was your let your yahoo! she jing ping was chosen because his career had been in no way remarkable, shall high tell may arshella torture that john t o to gain the trust of the parties leading officials, she turned himself into one of their most loyal servants. by now he was married to
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pang li, one, a famous singer in the music core of the chinese army. she helped raise his profile and improve his style of communication. a legit men on your knees and on a place she always joked in the chinese media that she used to be much better known than him because she sang in the choir of the people's liberation army. do let me put you down there. dibiase on good amish sheila's. ah, why new fun? when she's she didn't things calling carter nym here. oh, she makes her husband seem more likable. and i did her in gen being cultivated a progressive liberal image that one over the public in 2007. when the party began looking for a successor to huge and how the president and general secretary of the communist party, they decided that she jen ping was an ideal candidate. by
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november 15th 2012, she had beaten out his rivals and was elected to the position of general secretary of the c. c p. the next year he was elected president. ah, now that he had fulfilled his personal mission, he set about fulfilling the mission of the communist party city at saint looking santa rosa antoine, she jane ping seeks to reconcile imperial and communist history. so he wants to give the communist regime and you legitimacy to do it because it no longer has revolutionary legitimacy, as it did on the mouth whose goal was to advance the revolution and established communism's boy. okay, nor does it have the legitimacy it had under dan shall ping who promised to people welfare, fish. it was all and you legitimacy had to be found and she found it in nationalism
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as from a celebration of what makes the country great. i know to ski, phil, i called on your b, she gen paying san to rejuvenate the nation and pursue what he called the chinese dream, a blend of prosperity, unity and strength. his aim is that by 2049 when china marks it's 100th anniversary, the country will be the biggest economic and military player in the world. j hominy wave off wishy to womanish that. sure woman, diesel g. shoes deal with hi, julia. wooten. leisure, late social come back home, gender. sh that opa oh, leslie, asleep. the chinese strategy had been to look unobtrusive yet to progress stealthily sick. yet stay under the radar of wet hole, but also the honda fishing being accosted agent. ping was of the opinion that the
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error of discretion was over and the china should now publicly aim for a leadership role. he dish she thought to legitimize his nationalist dream by pointing to historical events, such as the series of defeats china suffered in the 19th century. and the damage inflicted by the west. during the opium wars, which had brought about the decline of the chinese empire. imperial china, he said, was humiliated by britain and other european states and forced to open its market to the opium trade. millions of chinese became addicted. ah, the opium wars resulted in what became known as the unequal treaties, which saw china concede key strategic territories such as hong kong and the shanghai port. to add insult to injury, french and british troops looted and destroyed the old summer palace in beijing.
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china really suffered defeat or humiliation again and again, all the many occupation seasonal. the lads sent out concessions to church and i would say the chinese feeling about indignity up are all these for re aggressions is very deeply rooted from one or 2 before court should have got the chinese dream is born from the roots of western aggression. the sources go with offer you. this makes it necessary to rebuild our country and make it stronger for you that will amazon yasamin, whether yadi, we want to return to greatness of imperial china. how me a book. i let i wasn't she jen. ping's aim of regaining china's lost power involves chinese unification. a project designed to establish territorial, ethnic, and ideological unity. don,
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according to she's in pink chinese dream in his china such there will be only one identity. don't know more differences or differences will not be tolerated. tale. the 1st step in this unification process is the forced assimilation of the majority muslim wiggers in the immense shin jang region. another goal is to bring hong kong into line. she jen being as keen to put a stop to the pro democracy movement. ultimately, the president's plan also entails unification with taiwan, which has been de facto independent for more than 70 years. i, in his pursuit of these goals, she, gen being demands full loyalty from the chinese public. since taking office, he has paved the way for a cult of personality. oh, she can't pin will be the great leader who achieved that. we are looking into
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the eyes and seeking ping of some one who believes in a enormous sense of destiny. and that's kind of more intimidating. this story only has one line for him and it's not for china to fail. she jin, being enlisted, one of his most trusted aids to help him achieve his goals. long who need a veteran party official as an advisor to the previous to presidents. he knows the inner workings of the party better than any one. he and she jen paying flushed out a new ideology and a global development plan for china. leads and got some good thought in gung ho named extensively studied the question as to whether china should follow
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a democratic or a totalitarian mass. you mean the you the think alisha said had cecilia. so a thought on that you see, and his conclusions had a major influence on she jin panko, thin village in the father, a soiled hug. in his view of august, economic and political development can only be achieved with a period of totalitarianism and stability changed. social and political progress can wait long. that's the fundamental idea in the lightweight. it just how to watch on whether you go she been through them. ah, a brilliant theoretician wong, who named convinced she jen ping that what china needed was authoritarian leadership in order to bolster his power, she gen ping launched an ambitious anti corruption campaign. he vowed to fight what he called flies and tigers, lowly bureaucrats and high ranking officials in an echo of mows, infamous purges,
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barajo. he shared to awhile by him some of the population were happy about the anti corruption campaign. lloyd and welcome to the outing and punishment of corrupt officials by a thorough job, which was also what happened during the cultural revolution to calabash. him, yada, yada had talked. is sheila magole thea? most chinese still want a strong leader whom they can revere like an emperor for them. that's what she jin ping represents. so he fights corruption. and for the good of the people you booked . what all of them could you believe that she jen paying used the fight against corruption to sideline his political opponents. hi alcorda. he did. charlie, in order to consolidate his power highest. he had to 1st dismantle existing political structures. say your shoulder shall fighting corruption, is the most effective way of eliminating a political opponent at all. because all the big families are corrupt, saying that it's very easy in china to convict someone for corruption. ha, ha, ha,
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ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, on call. 170 ministers and deputy ministers, 4000 army officers, and some, 100 generals were removed from power and the corruption crackdown. sunset wasn't gonna touch, need a call stallion. gumble, older one and a half 1000000 party members were purged during the anti corruption campaign. yeah, that's about the population of a small country. i see it shows what a ruthless dictator she jin ping has become ands or sheila, of faith on this hankle. the message that she conveyed to chinese society was clear . no transgression of party ideology would be tolerated. confessions and public admissions of guilt were broadcast on television vision. geneva, she lashania, yamashita, emily, chunky henderson day didn't mean then
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the clean up campaign cemented. she's authority and ensured public support for his historic mission. in this propaganda film, she revealed the 1st phase of his plan, the construction of a new silk road, a global infrastructure project, spanning multiple countries. it was dumped the belt and road initiative. she gin ping is the 1st chinese president in history to launch such a mammoth project beyond his own country book. she committed one trillion dollars to the construction of railroads, ports, and c routes by 1st in asia to close the infrastructure gap. then in europe, the middle east, africa, and latin america,
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a project unprecedented in the history of mankind. the primary purpose of the initiative was to accelerate trade, to sell chinese goods in record time and guaranteed growth. though jose dealt in road project is part of a strategy of bypassing western powers in order to gradually erode their sphere of influence in the world. they are starting with the central asia, the and moving through pakistan to must africa and even on to eastern europe. leslie today. ah, when go one road as a major strategic vision for presidents, huge and paid to long term plan. we have no long term plan in that space or, or do other western countries in our, in of ourselves, let alone visa be china. she jen paying
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offered to lend struggling countries. the necessary financing for the new infrastructure about 60 countries signed up including sri lanka, one of the 1st countries to accept she's loan and then built a huge port in the south of the country. for the people and the country. all sri lanka benefited a great deal with the construction of that port. now, at this rate, langkow is becoming a very active, a very profitable transit port. i think present, she jim thing is preaching a future vision of the world whereby all the countries can really join in the mega
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trend of development and no countries should be less behind. ah. but despite she, gen things, when, when promises 3 long approved unable to repay its debts, china promptly offered new terms and took it, alicia vandalism instead of demanding money. if aging st, we'll assume control of port activities for the next 99 years will definitely isn't of a system example. fact, this is an example of a kind of cree having to give up part of it sovereignty and for important infrastructure of hospital critic. she's chinese dream turned into a nightmare for sri lanka. it not only lost control of its hort, but also jobs in the sixty's square kilometer industrial area surrounding it.
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mm hm. adjusting the terms and his tactics and ignoring protests, she gen paying then took his plan to industrialized nations. first he acquired steaks and strategic infrastructure such as the greek paris port and to lose airport, offering development opportunities and return. initially, european governments rolled out the red carpet for she jin ping, scrambling to meet with him to secure chinese investment. sit and then he met pretty close down. he is a modern political animal yet. he's authoritarian sally but he also can be sociable . he does, he shakes hands and tries to promote a particular brand of empathy. sit there and he is a 21st century politician. we feel watching him sick laundry, who did
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a swell to the new silk road is a chinese product for the chinese milsey. but also for every one else will know me . there's room in it for us with balls. but of course that aligns with chinese goals. silicone you could effectively creates a continent, eurasia say, look that lay sickly. it's a partnership between asia and europe. well, and the silk road as the backbone of this new continent. lamb, america has long been the center of the world all. but now eurasia will be the center of the world, respond to contacted, you know and it was germany that raised the 1st red flag in september 2016 when china acquired a majority stake in the flagship robotics company, coca and 2018 during a press conference on security in europe, then foreign minister zig ma gabrielle, dispensed with diplomatic restraint and publicly criticized the silk road project.
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it's a t refund, a noise i've installed the new silk road initiative is not what many in germany think? it is a sentimental throwback to marco polo. this is an attempt to establish a comprehensive system for reshaping the world to reflect chinese interests. so it's no longer just about economics. men will, china is developing a comprehensive alternative to the west and system one that is not based on freedom, democracy and human rights. so i hate them. will cut t on indie video and mention of ashton gordon. it sidway clashing. i'm scottish enough else of course the chinese one to increase their influence. there is no question dawkins again, but they also admit that in watchable, the only answer is to stick together said europe remains divided south. it'll be easier for china to find partnership with hot button it by 2018. china controlled 10 percent of european port capacity.
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in some european countries. economic dependence on china was beginning to slip into political dependence with greece seen by many as a chinese trojan horse in the e. u legged, i say taylor lean degrees was one of the main beneficiaries of chinese investment. harass port is now chinese. it all in early 2018 for the 1st time ever for europe was unable to submit an annual report on the human rights situation and china to the un human rights council on us because greece hughes. it's vito, like i said, he's a little so they're able to use their economic power to prevent criticism of their own regime. what they want to export is influence and what they want to get. number one is silence. they do not want any, will anyone to say anything that is this pleasurable, they want acquiescence with their own international policy
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outside of europe, she jen paying invested primarily in australia in all levels of society. along with new zealand, it served as a sort of testing ground for the chinese to experiment with ways of meddling and democracies. using an old strategy to secure political influence developed by the communist party. a civilian function able to the communist united for tactic entails winning over and neutralizing non communist forces for its aims. phys, ourself, killed the yen, does any object there one over and turned into allies of the communist cause, why? yeah, china is pulling out all the stops to influence the domestic policies of its foreign partners do in politic as they are u. m. the trying these influence policy is very active
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in civil society in business, in academia. ah, in the fail nephew, sony cumulative in for man luther. it influences the chinese population abroad. and finance is the election campaigns of china friendly candidate. right. invest. thank you very much. in late 2017, australia was rocked by a political crisis that resulted in a senator stepping down from his post after controversy over his ties the chinese donors, the ship elvin urea of china, managed to bribe a number of members of our lou a year who then took china friendly positions on sensitive issues, so he would assume the shuttle mm. in the wake of the scandal, relations between china and australia soured. dasanya had reached out to yearly australia adopted a number of new measures,
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for example, a crack down on potty donations from overseas. it also banned while away from providing 5 g technology for the countries wireless networks. your sangria dorothy tensions between the 2 countries reached crisis level in may 2020. when australia called for an international, independent inquiry into the origins of coven, 19 cities. with the china responded by halting 10 percent of its imports from australia. sharon jenkins. she gen paying took a more cautious approach in europe. he cultivated a network of china friendly politicians who helped improve the country's image in the west. on alexander, one example is former british prime minister cameron, and she now holds a management position that an investment funds that supports the silk road project . last don't care. i don't know what his monthly salary is,
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but it must be substantial critical for them. ruthie commissioner, the chinese communist party maintains relations with politicians all over the world, including in france, a computer for the, for the off either you don't jump out of the hall is an obvious example is a book dollar issue. so that means i go in, he's a mouth piece for china inside of france, and you don't what us uniform default is intended for mission to defy, defend france's interests. so when i'm not some naive ideal ard, who fails to recognize the role that china placed today in the football of glasgow upon a sheet to dish and years ago, yet the u. s. was our ally, see cities i predict that in 20 years, or as many are saying well, upon our ally will be china, say, nationally. ah,
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so far she gen, ping's chinese dream has been most successful in africa. the new silk road now extends across more than half the continent. she jen being as a frequent visitor there, promoting his political dream. he calls it the chinese solution. a solution based on the principle that the main human right is the right to economic development and joy for you. oh, the jimmy, jim. young bob, woody she come by. you angels, are you from van she room? 10 sher ping bones. young back. jones on your hall, hers organizing compton, 5 of those and plenty. the chinese originally went to africa in search of raw material that the match. aconia she continued teaching ping has since added
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a further dimension to the chinese presents in africa. the china model. a sheila give on it? oh, yes. involve dante, the deal. o got these messages. look in 30 years, we managed to escape miserable conditions and become the world's 2nd largest economic power. but we did not follow the same route as the west and open up our political assistant to democracy me. but we are wealthy and highly developed. our chinese solution is a success and you can use it to. so discussion was, if religion is ah tough to do, the capitelli is not the only day. it's a type of authoritarian capitalism with the state playing a major role by injecting a lot of investment capital. it's a model that works model cheaply. there's no doubt that china is extremely popular in africa and mop up, you know. oh,
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since 2013 she jen paying has lent african nations more than $120000000000.00. he invests in every aspect of society, from building africa, longest bridge to hospitals and schools. china has become the main trading partner of the african continental life long. but in order to conquer markets, she jen paying offers his african friends much more pragmatic contracts than western countries. sunday, because you don't need them. don't call the manger. international banks don't prove loans for authors, terry and regimes. so the china does election early decor, qualifying lupo feel, digit, a joy, dell of felicity picnic, erica key, or she jin pink m. o. at the ideal head of state is a leader who is authoritarian enough to use force to insure stability. depaula flood pragmatic enough to promote economic development boy and allow society to
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breathe. a bit of peace on the good. immediately said his grandpa's associated to that. she and gracie aids himself with africa by pointing out how the chinese model is different from the approach taken by colonial powers. he makes it look like he's defending african states against western imperialism. gone home from the liter. johnson's either means is sharla sing, hold of your ye. she can be angels, i your song. i think that he will be rather sitting thing with she is president, all china is ideologically, much more on the offensive. if it to, the chinese are doing everything they can to point out the laws in the west whom they call liberal libya. china wants to show that its policies are more conducive to economic development inevitably go to me. ah, it's one. it's using its ties to interfere and the domestic politics of many
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african states would be that's a new aspect of the chinese presence there. ah mm . mm. and just under a decade, she jen paying has managed to establish economic and political partnerships with more than half of africa's nations. ah, to secure trade and investment with africa. she jen paying has crossed a line that none of his predecessors ever dared approach it in djibouti east africa on one of the world's busiest shipping routes. he has established china's 1st foreign military base.
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aah! the opening of the military base on august 1st 2017, took the world by surprise. oh, does it happen? what was striking with him 1st, china went into debility and wonder the bass was installed in just a year. stella, although china had claimed a tech no intention of establishing foreign military bases or a following the american model in any way. i'll put you on with an i'll say it took everyone by surprise because to booty is a small country with a heavy western military presence. the americans, french italians and japanese are there. that's a lot of people in a small place are in the loop. china now has several 1000 troops injure beauty. she jin being is keen to play a role in african security. ah, china's military ovation. judy has gotten a lot of international attention,
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and it's pretty clear to me that probably it would not have been established if say the leader was someone other than she didn't pick. historically, of course, china has always decried us forward bases and said that china would never repeat this situation. and yet we now see them increasingly doing it. that's a big change. and it tells us that increasingly we should probably expect more of this type of behavior. she gen ping has said his chinese dream includes a dream of a strong armed forces like chairman. now he believes that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. ah, since she has been in power, china has been demonstratively flexing. it's muscle. the biggest military parades the people's republic has ever seen, have taken place on tenement square. ah,
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she likes to show the world that china has also caught up on the technology front. unveiling new nuclear deterrence and revolutionary supersonic missiles that can fly under us radar and destroy enemy satellites. ah, ah! in just 4 years, china has built up a fleet of ships and submarines that's now as strong as the french navies. seem. hildreth. yuck shit for president. she pledge to build a world class army. no just world class means it will be the strongest army in the world and even stronger than the u. s. one. and 2 or 3 decades. there's no doubt
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that by 2049, our military power will surpass that of the us. what can you like usually or not? your try, your me what? the model for a share, a doc, sickly china models itself after the us. it's arch enemy infant and it's powerful military reputed. it emulates america lemon. ethan ah! on january 3rd, 2018, the president held his new year's address in front of 7000 soldiers. the speech was broadcast and 4000 barracks across china, long to your chin. shilling not that. oh ye shanisha. jen cheer should i should let alicia fire eva powerful our will pass that dark dodging shad ah
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ah ah ah ah ah, what we are likely to see is a chinese military that is more capable, more lethal, more expeditionary, and more ex, externally focus. and that's a real challenge that the world is going to have to grapple with. only body will, oh, he gen being has also demonstrated china military might, in the south china sea and the pacific ocean, not far from us bases. the u. s. has maintained a strong presence in the region since the 2nd world war
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may wish ago. tasha t i after the 2nd world war tide he, the u. s. occupied the pacific and surrounded china. just it should not have done that. it was devious pork. i'm the weed or her from pho. in 20 years time, the us will be forced to withdraw it's warships from the region we preach with utopia blue since 2012. she has been eyeing the territorial waters and islands of his neighbors, japan, the philippines, malaysia and vietnam. mm. he lays a historic claim to virtually the entire south china sea. in late 2017 tensions escalated when china opened military bases on the sprightly islands and stationed missiles and warplanes. there. the u. s. saw this military
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build up as a breach of promise is whether you'd bother me by she is your day when he was at washington, he was asked, are you going to notarize those allison soto, see? he said no record. do we usually visit with john year we coaches along well, we have militarized those islands in the south, tennessee. he just ill that just gone very well. the scene going whoo! said to him is the coolest of several months which we saw construction is appearing on new artificial islands. so everyone was wondering alcove. why, why, what are they empty? just give, especially little by little she gen paying built a military base in the south china sea. but to this end,
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several reefs and this bratley islands were developed into naval air bases and the parasol islands militarized. these developments go against international court decisions such as the ruling of the permanent court of arbitration in the hague, which in 2016, dismissed beijing's claim to much of the south china sea. may ging refuses to accept the decision by early 2021. china's preparations for an annexation of taiwan were complete. police should he should, vash, should turn it off. title shirley issue lulu. shirt jr. lu. woman, what? hello, fun. she she already bought it was hide. she each appealed slusher the chaise. yo.
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china's military exercise as took place directly opposite taiwan. you see when you get this problem has existed for too long, uniform parent, china should have unified with taiwan back in 1949 co in my opinion. good. the only solution is a war against taiwan. a war of reunification. what told you don't know bobbin. yeah . lindsey yes. hill. i think unification with taiwan is essential for she. gin ping is it. this goal has become central to the national narrative. propagated by the communist party and up was it palupa to your community? ah, they went suitable to with the chinese communist party. taiwan represents a counter model that he cannot tolerate. it's proof that a different future or a different political system and the democratization of chinese society. a possible,
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if you demo with you here at this military base and inner mongolia, the chinese army is believed to have replicated taiwan presidential office building and practice to various attacks. anerio. mm hm. since early 2021, she gin paying has been sending more fighter planes and bombers to tie wan's air defense identification zone. taiwan is clearly um, what are their ambitions not only on the development, the numbers of you know, ships or a craft rockets, et cetera that they've, that they've put in the field. but the way they're advancing those capabilities as well. and i think the threat is manifest during the stuck in fact, in the next 6 years since 1979, washington has been obliged by law to protect taiwan. in the event of a chinese invasion, the region could one day be the backdrop to
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a stand off between the 21st centuries. major powers blue ah ah. now that china has bolstered its military capacity. she jin, paying is preparing to go head to head with the west in international organize ations and create a new world order in order to do so, he's building the influence of the shanghai cooperation organization. oh, in june 2018. the s e o. summit coincided with the g 7 meeting, attended by the world's most important democratic states. local now, lately, just to mol, adora free, all so she was on ella would do less work in
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a less strategy, china's instruments of influence, or the new silk road course. it's economic strategy or good, it's political influence extending to the coast of africa, media kilo logging on as well as the political and military alliance. after the shanghai cooperation organization stem. it all adds to a china lead system that has no precedent in modern times as old aaliyah. madame akita, a very tabular, an alternative to the world order long established by the us. after the 2nd world war, he la vega again, you see a defeat a dozen gamble again. she jen paying presided over the summit by his side, his loyal friend, the vladimir putin who had been excluded from the g 7 are also the 4 authoritarian republics of central asia and most importantly to new members, india and pakistan to rival nuclear powers that she, gen, paying had managed to bring to the table, but softly issues front of soldier,
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coil full bargain, toyota golding, daughter she g. honda showed softly. she alicia g furniture, young warsaw downs. and your mom the lila gene will drunk. non did she go voided me? her. what do you, sophie? there was, madame wasn't rule, but she that yet gone by and listing countries such as iran and turkey as future partners. and promising to listen to their concerns. she jen paying, gave his international summit, undeniable legitimacy. that stuff is sitting, being pushy jim pink strategy for imposing a new world order is to walk on 2 legs as now. one said, on the one hand, he seeking greater influence in existing multilateral organizations and on the
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other. and he's establishing new organizations that are influenced not by the west, but by china on a ship, and which are ideologically in line with its interests and values. listen booker to kill me. yup. more ya. form that i want bit away to neutralize a large institution than to create your own organization to exert pressure question . the most extreme example of this is the 16 plus one format with china on one side and 11 central and eastern european countries in o e u members on the other, so coin laundry, no up in. in addition, there are 5 non e u countries and they're making them more vulnerable to china's influence shinla. this is very worrying for the you which fears fragmentation, bosco city, he's the fragment this your, you're pretty in the context of the silk road. there are over $180.00 organizations around the world lead by the chinese. they are competing with united nations system, which is some and some think this is great uncle. so for me though,
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live be but you are in the gym, hung gum been she gen things aim is to impose a new world order at the expense of europe and the u. s. his vision is of great global unity that has china at its center. for the, about all the you for so great global unity means that all the peoples of the world, we are form one big family goal and enjoy the same prosperity, security, and happiness. unlike today's world, where the u. s. rules over every one else, literally like a tiger devouring sheeman co. m. put in there on john. oh, saw sure that though he thought of it how holla, the communist party promises people a bright future and wonderful prospects qualify. but there is a very chinese calculation behind it thought i had to wash out since mouth. that's how china has been dreaming of building a communist world utopia. gov centos,
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him the co time to he, the lawyer a world founded on one central promise wealth for all. but to achieve she's goal society must be brought into line and opposition eliminated. boom. she gen thing dreams of a world completely under his control. that includes the media irregularly reminds journalists that they are 1st and foremost, the voice of china. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, to see all the details. every one, your family is the communist party to come in. it's never forget that your task is
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to serve that family. she if i take a minute, they don't. national journal are not supposed to investigate and in form, but to follow an agenda dictated to them by the parties. propaganda department. oh, they passed along the pope, i going to the pony party. sure, sir. it is susan, the ally for chinese media. the she jin ping era is the worst in 40 years. cancel it was it didn't it? so you rarely find it back in the media. now angela, and certainly no critical statement. so good, we'll talk she, she, she, gen ping has dashed all hopes that the country will democratize. from political expression and demonstrations to sexual preferences and religion. everything is state controlled. any breach of the communist parties, ideology is a criminal offense. the slightest misstep is punished. there are now hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in china. they don't to go,
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so jump me to the internet and social media are strictly controlled. not just look at it away. for example, any one who criticizes, she, gen, ping on the chinese app. we chat is immediately arrested marcella. you'll be 30 talk auto. was it a hunter who like this young woman, who in july 2018, found an act of opposition to she? gen ping and posted it on social media. i me all is or what not. so a thank you d v i o done i now they was, this is i know when i one why else you all what you did with the night with the video spread across social media. but then it was taken down the very same day. the young woman managed to photograph the police, arriving at her door. then she disappeared. morally, the parties go to utilitarian ethics,
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which is 90. 9 percent of people are probably okay. and the one percent disappearing to a black pit in our societies would find that problematic. we should be judged by how we deal with the worst. will the people who most excluded in the party that just collateral. and these people who dealt with very, very booty like the repressive tools that she didn't ping as implemented over here . since he's come into power, whether that be increasing censorship of the chinese media, internet, human rights, lawyers, judicial activists. this is something that she very clearly sees as a necessary evil. his general view is that anything that could be seen as challenging communist party rule has to be very violently suppressed since coming to power. she jen paying has also cracked down on hong kong. something no president before him dared to do the semi democratic enclave,
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a remnant of the british colonial era, was previously protected by the rule of law and is now seeing its freedoms increasingly curtailed her. she jin being is determined to stake china's claim to the territory. in 2019, he introduced legislation to allow hong kong authorities to extradite pro democracy movement activists to beijing. on any pretext, the move triggered an unprecedented wave of pro democracy protests stripping for metal front, dropping the she wants to get rid of this cancer as quickly as possible. it's a very serious crisis that could easily escalate dictionary. so key frizzy sit danye of this in everything that hung calm society was founded on in the last decade the freedom and education, freedom of the press form, democratic rights and especially the right to vote. got all these values abeyance
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challenged the civil rights for musical and 2020 she gen paying took advantage of the corona virus crisis to have the national people's congress passed a new security law, making it easier to arrest and convict pro democracy movement leaders by then washing increasingly, chinese law now applies and hong kong, beijing is in the process of annexing hong kong plain and simple. carlos la benson that went out the judicial system has seriously deteriorated ohio, you, our judiciary has become the communist parties tool to repress pro democracy activists. there shall, hugo, we'll fight. hong kong is like a helpless child. got beat constricted to death by a snake handle. aha. that was he us. so to suppose that that is little to tell you, fan kong is increasingly under to tele, terry, in control your i, brutal methods of repression are common. please stay on the scene. did many have
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decided to flee abroad. curry, it's the only form of resistance left to them. now, panel his is a year later china approved changes to hong kong electoral rules. now only patriotic impedes will be allowed in hong kong parliament. candidates 1st need to be vetted by a probe aging committee to ensure their loyalty to the mainland and then of his level down through to some sigma. we've seen the same thing happen in russia. candidates are selected by an independent committee formed by the chinese communist party to a lot. now they don't even have to bother reeking the elections. visitors with canada, china was the apostles. young. all the problems in hong kong are not just about this one city other when he was, i think hong kong is where the battle between the west and china, good between democracy and dictatorship is being fought. you a low voice young of hong kong loses the whole west, loses the whole democratic and free world loses clear to us with yellow she
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gen ping believes in a china united by patriotism and loyalty to the party a china in which all religious minorities must be incorporated into the dominant culture, either voluntarily or by force by the shin jang region in north west. china is home to more than 10000000 turkic speaking. muslim wiggers. they pose a problem for she. gen. ping. the region was annexed by mal in 1957 years on the weaker still dream of independence. after a wave of clashes and attacks on the chinese state, she jin, paying decided in 2014, to solve the problem once and for all. china's leadership drew up a top secret plan to crack down on the regions. muslim minorities in 2014, like she's anything visited the week or region. you only go to go go else or would
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he would out? would he don't you later he, he didn't you thought it was all over the media, especially his visit to the army. sure. where he inspected torture instruments. unstressed. that any threat to the unity of the country must be eradicated. men, us identity de la. d. as a result of the weaker as we're demonized, and china and labeled dangerous people who must be separated from the rest of the population. don't exclude. do hester de la populace? jo. she gen paying, sent a 1000000 chinese officials, titian jang, to monitor the homes of the wiggers to spy on their daily lives and report even the most minor deviations from chinese ideology and culture. 500000 children are said to have been separated from their families to be put into internment camps and recent years, over 300 such camps have been built in the region. these function as re education
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camps, force to labor camps and high security presence b. let the lesser da com, how they named these camps is indicative of their propaganda strategy. nicol china doesn't call them camps, but hospitals, when you ask about a person's whereabouts. the answer is often he was sick and had to go to hospital and that is the sort of language they're using you to the weaker is, are considered sick people that infected by the virus of islam yesterday. slam wiggers are basically being brainwashed in the camps. forced to give up their religion language and culture to become part of the hon. majority culture. at least 1000000 people are thought to have been in turn since 2017 mm reports of mass rape and torture have surfaced in western media. raso normally do. they have been reports that these places are not only internment
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camps, but places where forced labor and sterilizations are carried out by a cultural heritage is being destroyed with mass surveillance of the local population. these are violations of human rights and potential crimes against humanity. somebody can call her in the u. s. british canadian and dutch governments have called the repression of the wiggers genocide. la preach, i tread to pitch ocean joker and obey james current policy. and she jung says something about she jane pings, personality call to the he's willing to accept considerable damage to china's image abroad, as well as to relations between china and the west. as a result of this policy will appear ocean auto. so can you, sa, then seeker, what is this urgent? is that what the weaker is, are currently suffering is the world's largest known math inter meant must, since the 2nd world war can you to period is in young. mm. since she jen paying
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has been in power. a system of mass surveillance has been established and changing . it's an experiment that could soon become the norm across china. to ensure the stability of the regime. she jen being wants to become the 1st head of government in the world to create a monitoring and surveillance system, allowing the state to keep tabs on citizens daily behavior. to this end, he is currently testing an initiative called the social credit system. so she ends. yeah, what 2, marta sure. ho jolla. a few years ago when i left the household i was often
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followed by a car. you may order that's changed or shot, because now the cameras will and surveillance systems can follow your every movement can. but they know exactly where i've been. sham coulter that shields all said that i cherish are locked out. good, big brother is now everywhere to replace monitoring every place at any time after. yeah, it's the i of the government jayla yet you are sure he chose backup. new facial recognition software immediately assigns a name and personal data to every image. officially, all chinese people are registered in this software. there are no restrictions in china, is no data laws, really. they're not really observed. the party has the total freedom to open this space up to go in and do what it could never do before, which is to go into the, in the lives of chinese people. each citizen has
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a total of $1000.00 points in his or her points account. for each action in their personal or professional life on their bank account or social media, the system imposes a penalty or issues or reward in the form of point gains or losses in the social credit system. as a system where basic information about all citizens will be contained in a register enable to evaluate whether they are good citizens or bad citizens. it's a wonderful instrument of control. for example, is now being used to decide who will be allowed to travel and not to travel abroad or within the country. she was at it in movies, and that's your passcode if your score is bad because you criticized the president on social media who was at or behaved in an undisciplined manner at work, you'll be barred from certain professions was went out, it was like, you can't become a teacher or police officer or
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a party official guide for an executive and a company, you know, took place during her visit to china in may 2018. then german chancellor angle immacule expressed grave concern about the social credit system, referring to george or wells chilling vision of the future. said, kiss july, this issue will decide the state of the whole planet because the chinese will one day want to expand this technology. a bluish old isha us, it's all out for the day until we are the she just the dummy t social media companies like facebook follow china's orders ah, than the how it doyle, capital. what are the 2 days ago i published a critical text about the communist party on facebook or young without hate comments or calls for violent that ha, pitching that will handle. but i still received a message from facebook telling me that my account was suspended for 24 hours feather the festival at you will go 5 when she saw. so even though i live in the u
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. s, i am not allowed to criticize the chinese communist party without restrictions. so as a switch also. so we will see that phil was i me go, that the party has already begun to weaken human rights, etc. and freedom of expression around the world. i got trashed agenda marilyn shan shotzel 3 and then ceo without a hitch. and so a law passed in 2017 requires chinese telecommunications companies operating overseas to cooperate with chinese intelligence agencies and keep the cooperation secret concerned about spying. the u. s. sweden and britain have barred chinese groups from rolling out their 5 g networks. ah, ah.
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step by step. she jen thing is pursuing his plan to make china the world's largest economic, technological and military power. ah, she is been generally accepted as a very strong and capable leader, a well respected leader. and would you not want to lose this chance? we want to keep him there for longer, for more years. and hopefully he can continue to make contribution to each other. and also to this, while the majority of the chinese population seems to believe in the chinese dream that she gen paying, as promised, the international community has come to see the true face of the chinese president and his regime for the 1st time, the community is officially demanding clarification on
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a number of important issues. starting with coven 19 which began in china and caused a millions of debts world wide. 2 2 2 a year and a half after the outbreak of the global pandemic, china has still not explained why it was so late to warn the global community about the highly contagious virus. and why misleading information was circulated about its origin. zip but that la palmer, what don't leave this is perhaps the 1st time in the last 2 to 3 decades that china has engaged in a disinformation campaign campaign of rumors and misinformation folk to waste the time of foreign governments so swiftly to particular it wholesale a fact finding mission by w h o experts and whoo han was strictly controlled by the party and proved unsuccessful. the origin of the virus remains a mystery. the international scientific community has appealed to china to disclose
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all its data on various hypotheses. including the lab leak theory. does a have sate. oh hype, what does he saw on the table? and what and complete and further the studies from what i have seen sofa for a shinla piece, direct them through law, toys you the moist. hm. or who china, of course, the lab late theory is extremely problematic because it calls into question the entire national narrative law. and could turn china from the savvy of the world to the country responsible for the pandemic lead of. so the, a little at the 1st meeting between the biden administration and the chinese government and alaska, in march 2021, the atmosphere was frosty, or than ever. 2 of our nations closest allies. today we'll have an opportunity to discuss key priorities of both domestic and global. will also discuss our deep
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concerns with actions by china, including and sion john hong kong, taiwan cyber attacks on the united states, economy coercion toward our alice. each of these actions threaten the rules based order. good d hoy tool. so we'd still duda java though. so tool, either. no good jo, lay would sit a means. so go you to go. cedar means you pull upon your one of one for the 1st time we're dealing with a leader and powerful country. china is the 2nd largest economy and a highly armed military power. him that dare to go its own way is good, aren't as you have to until now. the authoritarian regimes have always claim to respect universal human rights. if he, she gen paying, says no sceptical human rights,
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don't apply and china and agree. don't try to convince us we stand by our policy uses schumann scripture i've known she's you paying for a long time and have a democratic with a small di bone in his body. but he's a smart, smart guy. a power struggle is now underway between china and the west, where democracies will need to stand up to china and defend their values along with the u. s. canada, and the u. k. the e u has imposed the 1st sanctions on china since that tenement square massacre. a response to the oppression of the wiggers or debt will be there will be no change in the european determination as to defend human rights before 2021. he of will, at a point of view, less will and to respond to serious violations and abuses, say,
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where they are committed. in light of the threats against taiwan, joe biden has stepped up military maneuvers and the endo pacific in alliance with japan, australia, and india. early the assumption that a conflict in a tie, one straight would be limited to china and taiwan is a misconception. in fact, this would be a global conflict or at the very least conflict with global consequences. global china is also stepping up joint military exercises with russia and its new allies. they are then the change she no mister she to look. suffice she severely before the 2nd world horn said naziism and the mashes were a threat to the world killer sheets. and if the day it is china that challenge is the democratic world, you g o, 5, she flew with a blend of fascism with its traditional imperialism and technological totalitarian
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. as ela is the gold. could sheila, it's 100 you, when you consider that china, she has the world's 2nd largest economy, which enhances the largest population. now with holland, the 4th largest territory, you darlin, and the largest authoritarian party number, how you just to see them for you? it becomes clear why this is the greatest threat to tell since world war to chance until then. she's so wishy she can back, oh, if she gen being succeeds in creating his new world order, the future of the world will be decided by an authoritarian regime. ah
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ah oh yeah. i with
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a child trafficking in every year the mafia smuggled hundreds of children in their fate working as slaves in the clutches of the games who trade in people
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a journey across the entire continent with variety of cod, so would on this. so the focus, the move is shake is visionaries and make it when by the, the meaning of modern africa is actually august the 5th on d w. like when you have it in the listening place along the mediterranean, it's waters connect people of many cultures. seen it almost rock and to far abdul karim drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and mediterranean, where it has history left its traces, meeting people hearing their dreams, ready to read journey intended those sorts of august 14th on
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d. w. ah ah ah, this is dw news lie from berlin. ukraine is calling for the red cross and un to investigate a missile strike on a prisoner of war camp that killed at least 50 ukrainian soldiers. president and val. autumn is lensky describes it as deliberate mat.


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