tv The 77 Percent Deutsche Welle July 31, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST
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racism continued long in politics, society and in the media. and it persisted to this day, post rule persecution, the place of west german cincy and roma in 45 minutes on d w. they want to know what makes again love via banning thing away. i'm not going to have my own car. everyone with later holes in every day. getting you ready to meet the german can join me. rachel stuart on the w. it's time for the 77 percent show for africa as young majority. i'm your host, eddie micah junior. it's a pleasure to welcome you as always, we have a lot in store for you. if what's coming up in our streets,
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the be either commodities and legal talks of victims authorities about the aftermath of the end stuff in kenya, we meet in line fetus conquering the streets of nairobi. and in my city, we explore. they have speeds that are public of the congo rather than the let's start off in i area. i'm sure you remember the special anti robbery squat. soft for short. well citizens accused them of police brutality. this led to the hashtag and south protests, which called for the unit to be dissolved. fans has since been disbanded, but no police officers have been charged than i. geron government still denies killing them with st. s. in lagos. even do i do this. your panel found otherwise you w report shallow wall. reconstruct what led to the deadly standoff leki toll gate.
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from the night there were 2 with 22020 niger and police literally gone down. young protest is what come together to form. one of the biggest youth movement in the countries history, just hours before the killings, thousands had got to peacefully demonstrate a gave rise in cases of police brutality. i know that the protests were largely peaceful because i was there reported. but that evening, the protest songs illegals were turned into christ for health and the same place where people called for their rights to be upheld would be the same place. they were killed. it all started on a 3rd of october, policemen from the special anti robbery squad. you need better known as sars, allegedly killed a young man in southern delta state and took away his scar. as a video of the deadly assault leaked online, hundreds of young people took the social media event and share their own, saw the experiences, all of which were bad, saw initially form in 1992 to tackle armed robbery in the country. well,
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the unit grew into in notorious for the popular for a stuart in an abusing young nigerian. my 8th, the online anger against size had gone so much that is built into the st. nationwide. illegal protesters mounted road blocks and shut down traffic. thousands got it as licky told him, major highway in the area of the city. this would come to be the main demonstration point. their demand was simple. they wanted size band that officials prosecuted and for the victims to be compensated. while they were also advocated for the officials themselves, they wanted them to be mentally evaluated, and for the salaries to be increased, so that you'd have fewer raises to extort. on the 11th, as the process gain momentum, the nigerian police finally scrapped on this fisher robberies quote of denied europe police, otherwise known the size i deserved. people were buying it. this was the
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1st time the police was claiming to reform size. by then, the demonstrations had become more of a movement anyways, and people were demanding not just for police reforms before better governance play animals. and it will meet on monday, the 19th legos of no budget is all new from introducing panel to look into saw abuses. but the process continues still and safe for some cases of police crackdowns. there were laws lead fiscal, although criminal elements has taught infiltrate. as thousands of protesters got it again, lucky to get on tuesday, october 20th. they noted the things with different people told me that they saw toll gave staff, removing ccb cameras installed in the area. and that as evening fell, the street lights wouldn't come on, leaving the place completely dark at around 4 pm. glove notion will lose imposed a curfew, tried to instill order,
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but many poor testers at the toll gate remained there. then at around 7 mental denija, an army holding on several vans and thought to the own, am demonstrators who could not talk to people. eye witnesses told me, they counted several buddies that night taken away by the army. but it wasn't over as one of the killers traveled. angry mobs through the streets, looting shops, burning buildings, and attacking policemen. 12 people died according to amnesty international and many more were injured. the nigerian government has set up judicial panels to look into police violence, but denies the killings of october 20th survivors. don't fiddle. keep looking for justice. dieters because i need to fight a fight for my kids because i need to be an engineer. and it's not just him. mean in adrian's ones, he better like area and prepared to push for positive change before protest is one
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way. but in many cases, they are met with police brutality. so why on many african governments seemingly threatened by youth demonstrations, fostering debate, either tamani mat with some like terence and legacy to discuss the legacy killings and how to prevent it from ever happening again. ah hello and welcome back to the 77 percent. this week we are in nigeria. more specifically, lagos, the city that gave us fella cookie, who, by the way, in 1977 in his title track for the album, them give us them leave tears, sorrow, and blood explained how the police officers were up a time. brutalizing, the citizens of nigeria fast forward to 2020 and his words still resonated as young people gathered to protest what they said was ill treatment by the police officers until we're here to find out why the african government seems so threatened by
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protest held by the youth who better to answer this question for me than fellow nigerians. and i'm going to start out with by and so i just want you to give us an overview of what happened in 2020 because not everybody has a clear idea. so i basically begun with a lot of discontent and unhappiness and rage against the special launch robbery squad of the measuring police. and youth just felt like you know what enough is enough. and like that's almost as if they were coordinated. protests were happening in major cities in the southern parts of the country, especially. okay, let's hear from suffer because i understand you are the protest as well. and obviously we wouldn't be talking about these protest if they hadn't ended in unfortunately death. so how did it come to be that something that started organically and in bloodshed? i think one of the selling points i'll call it out of the answers, protest was that there was no coordinated leadership. people just appointed
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themselves to, you know, coordinate, collects and distribute resources. there was a lot of heavy pullet to size and like in the f city where some of the boys who disrupted they protest, testified that they were given 500 narrow or so you could easily by street power. yeah. by any one. okay. let me hear from matthew aka precious stone. oh, who was not only at the protest, but unfortunately actually ended up being shot. so perhaps that by telling us what took you to the protest, why did you feel that he was so important for your voice to be heard that day? many times fast asked, told me on it. why do you do your l i d 's as i'm no, i'm no you. oh boy, god oblivion and you know where you live fi or where you to enjoy your bad boy. oh boy, i'm no one of them. but when a hardy to that are people, when you turn in, julia will godaddy left top. this sucks you clean or finish it is of this country.
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so i need to john to protect despite the fact that the government admitted its fault and said, we should have shot you. and you were given compensation, you still don't feel safe for her. you just know composition, notting, since they wanted to partner or one every to you does not. not upon our chart on my church. the blood p. s. m are from the back yet. so i know the kennel big things that thinner as typical in the political help fracture. on my segment, rip, i'm says kid, what, what are you scared of? i'm scared all my life because they adjusted angry. god meant as the angry bullish just angry because we can come out, challenge them in the court of law. it was crazy. let me come to an officer who day in here because pete, he said very passionately that police officers are still angry because the youth dead to challenge the authority, they dare to stand up against you. and is this how you're feeling?
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honestly, i don't agree with him that's police officers are angry because of answers. we knew that the youth just started the zone process when at rollins were college got so it will be the process we are term hijacked by some hoodlums from colonel asked or tack. i think you should use the right, i think. okay, the right word, the process. whenever a jack, nobody i just to protect the protests was attacked. so who attacked these brutus? the process was at sacked using government owned properties, government's own assets. so are you suggesting, sarah, that the people, the young hoodlums, as the officer has called them here, who infiltrated the protest was sent by the government? i am there, i am his claim. i am not suggesting i am saying you're saying it on the day on the 9th of the lackey massacre, we were able to get about 21. people with the same shapes of and the same shift of
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cutlass like this, mash, etc. the same, they had the same tags and eats. so it was like they were given to them. so we got about 20 to one of these people. i still have a, i mean must do all the videos we played at the panel. that was actually what made a panel to which they are the session. we took this people to the police and guess what? we're told that they are not their problem. all right, let's come back to the office a. i think it's important that you are able to, armand, i'm will look at the answers protest, but everybody turns a blind eye to the fact that many police sessions were attacked. many police sessions were burned down. i don't know if you, if you are way back, many police officers were killed when police officers will be had they do this and we, many, and many police officers where, where are roasted on eating. these are facts and i will tell you that when this process started, i would check what they were fighting for. men of us were happy because our welfare was part of it so, so, so some was behind the scene where given them this not like go ahead,
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we're going to benefit from okay. so how did it come to be that then people who armed by the government, are opening fire on their own citizens who are and i am going to ask you if, if that statement is a statement or fox, will you tell me who else has fire arms in this country who will police were o l. b every day yesterday, the voice, the week of our firms room hoodlums. so i'm wondering from you a p t. would you ever participate in a protest again, given what happens again and again and again again and again. broad noted moody, i with no doubt by that you can do sincerely speaking. we know that the, our web, our government are crazy. so we still need to be crazy, so we need to be good bye, brenda. total lot. also due to necessity, being good. now a butare cod rule to order things not by shouting is not by okay. look at it. yeah . right. porch car we got just is it do or what new the true. okay. jail. let's
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hear for me is good to hope that i mean hope is is free is good to hold that against be a different game. there are electrons immediately after and sauce, and the toner was one of the louis irvine, the history of the country. does that surprise you though? it doesn't, it doesn't, and we have to say things the way they are right now. there's nothing to say that the voting dynamics of nigeria in terms of voter turnout in other because if you could have a vote on all the opportunities of woodson would change, we do lessons that are coming in less than a year. yeah. and i want to come back to you of his own day and because what can we do so that the next time yon ne julia's which will inevitably happen, come together to protest something then not met by bullets. well and says was a linen process for everyone. if we know you're going to protest, we have to put certain measures in place to make sure it's not. i checked glass and i said i checked everybody attractive. okay, at sac. okay. so that was good measures in place to make sure that there is no at sac. and i'm going forward. like you said, inevitably,
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processes going to happen again. but we hope we have lens. we hope that it will become floating next time. okay, sarah, i want to hear from you solutions going forward because like i said, inevitable protests will happen. yeah. every single person in danger, once a better name here, the government needs to understand that you need to constantly talk to these people . you need to consulting, talk to people so that you can or what their grievances, ah, and how to meet them in the middle. okay. why would it be q? let's conclude with you. what do you see for the future of this country? posts and saws? brutus, i think understanding that we form as youth a critical mass that can really move the needle forward. is something that we need to take very seriously. i mean, we formed like 60 percent of bacteria, the best we could do is get our pvcs more work. you put in a better change, you will see. all right, well, that's a fantastic place to wrap up this debate. the sun is going down. it's so beautiful here and actually feel really good in my heart, which so rarely happens at the end of debates. but that's because the young people
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here i asked, i'll protest, threatening to governments perhaps. but what i've had to date resoundingly is that they use their no good tire. thank you for watching. ah, the you never good tire. meaning the youth will never be tied up for a longer version on this particular debates. go to are you to page to also check us out on instagram, on facebook. governments should realize that do tally t never solves anything, and it's hardly discourages young people from demanding posits of change. guardian, rob, michaela is agrees with me. just like a listen to his song. hear us out. oh, yes, the only demanding for ya to here with. stop the implementation, no need. that was out cuz we only demanding for ya to help us out with
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because we only demanded for y'all to help us out. i'm calling more. african assembled is the cost. it was, you know, right. we can no longer live cable and abuse in all right, we have a good number to start using the right. the system has been with a festival to cease greedily. the sacrifice of the old people for the security, of course, is where the crypt like they go when a war with us like this brought it takes to get full on us. they've come for something in the truck instead of going after the and just and to mr. over. so why do you choose dakota was rid the country fight you for is for all of was mr. president came to see that is good. so citizens want to live in a better land to all the people you probably need to can, you can stop what you did, the same people with the people and stuff back in like come back and like you
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oldest les, when the country is ours. yes. be only demanding for ya to help us out. let me in please. what was it about? stop the implementation. no need to solve because we only demanded for ya to help us out. you. we only demanded for yell davis out. let us demonstrate you, please. what we're saying about stop the intimate, they said no need the cameras out because really demanding quite out in the south. that's right. we only demand in our lead us to hear us out and do what is right. governments are supposed to be for us, not against us, talking about governments. let's roll into kenya and see what is caution on. inline skating is growing in the country, even without government support. but us not stopping the youth from claiming urban spaces and showing off. let turns, check it out for yourself. getting in, it'll be easy because the streets on monday thank was get us. we are in constant
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a bunch of lead that would use us. you have to share the road with my time 2 other vehicles. and this means that you know, competition over a car and a skater definitely to collie with a yo yo b for boy on i thought you meant to open up with us. good. was here to is going to the people love it. you love it. the kids love it,
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but there's no government support to me. it was silenced here because i also loved skating. and by assailing them i can just walk wild them in a different way. anything with was i was getting both i was taken on was i'm able to sell them lots, a lower price. we just import them pro la ne you k australia. so i'm sort of like a skates distributing k, catering by nature being that all sorts of people escaping you don't really have that segregation that have been may been either sports related to agenda. you don't get guys having to be under owen,
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by having to be on their own, get together. most of the same with these players, he's like on bus pulls, kato, and we are getting here because it's the only place we consider kate, fuck when you own the road maha he'd skating because you are putting on death going forward, but yeah, you get they've getting because you create to create whatever you have in mind. if anything i'm both getting when you think about falling actually for when you try to shift your focus to something else, then you become dirty. because in your skating you don't think about anything as he does. he in the air, enjoy the marshal. i'm
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definitely pulls and he, bumblebee, he took getting k down because i've seen more people land. katie, and that new mobile you know, the last time i tried to skate, i fell heavily on my back. so i got nothing about respectful all you skita out there. let's hope the sport gets to supported needs to blossom. now, i'm not exactly sure how popular escaping is in congo. bravo, but one thing is for sure. the sapir culture is on a whole new level. so pers translates into the society of kiss me kiss an elegant people. so those who identify us a purse are quite stylish for more on what to see in congo brownsville. some beebe, an artist from the city, shows us around willow family, high congolese urbanites. i'm sam, baby, artis, dancer and performer. i'll show you my beautiful city, brazil. welcome,
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russellville, old plaza, aust. lucas' call. it is the coffee, tall of the republic of congo. but about 2000000 people. it's also the biggest city in the country of some 515000000 inhabitants, named after french italian explorer, pierce of young the plaza. plaza fuel sits on the north bank of the mighty campbell river. across the water is kinshasa there, mega capital of the neighboring democratic republic of congo. plaza. i'm in brother bill and there's keisha. they are the 2 nearest capital cities in the world . although kinshasa alone has 4 times the population of my entire country. also it's like looking in the mirror, our countries have similar names on them, but our histories are very different. well, we may be closest, but there are many contrasts, have horse millison plentiful. some phoebe ticks us to meet max empty pool. ma
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bonsa, he is the ambassador, the co, lisa suppers, a society of people with risks by listening with loss of extravagance. maxim is a world famous supper and is especially popular in congo li, less up up there today. this movement has a lot of influence on our congress culture. every congolese wants to be, i suppose, to day being status is in our blood in congo brezza village. there is no substitute . we are the kings of the separate movement. whose are she? a school was formerly, what will us up later on? some brings us to a special place for have creativity. there are till yes um, it's a cultural center founded and run by distinguished artist bill co lannie. some is one of the selected young talents in residence here. everlast. you see some was actually the sam b italian. sam studio is a multi disciplinary contemporary occupant. for me, it's a place of residence,
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of life. and my worth this center has given me everything i have. it's where i lent my craft and really great as an artist some and has more dance. company amazed, treat our re hasn't a new show based on the autobiography of vill, poor lanny. it's called the piano and fortress moments of the bloody civil war that in golf, kroger brussel in 1997. 0 i by mid day it's sweltering in the tropical heat. and some knows the perfect place to cool off bound to beach. where else in the world can you have a drink and tis the local food with your feet literally in the combo river, i go through the whole thing. this is the food of my country. is folk you buy meat
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with settled foods and food cornstarch. here we eat a lot of bush meat. whenever i have this food, i feel very happy. join me, went up, it was an auto of russellville, is almost all of up. some takes asked to lead a p, the cascades of cornwall river. it's a bathing place, not only for kids, but also for taxis on trucks. one law, we started at the river and we end of the river. i hope you enjoy my city and i look forward to seeing you very soon. bye for the talk. maybe i cannot compete with if i pass, but looking forward to check gravel out myself. and that's how you wrap up this addition of this show. thanks a lot for your time. don't forget to check out our social media feeds and also the
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the racism continued long in politics, society and in the media and a pacific to this day. post rule persecution, the place of west dunham, cynthia, and roma. in 15 minutes on d. w. o. in india, a land of contrasts of ambitions of equality 75 years ago, mahatma gandhi peacefully led the country to independence full of ideas of what has remained of his vision with what's the status of human rights and social justice in what's called the world largest democracy
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where is india headed? this is the moment to unleash on, on violet pass, and re imagine that these teachings for relevance to us. gandhi's legacy starts august 6th on b w. nico is in germany to learn german lodge, benita, why not learn with him online? on your mo bile and free chest c w e learning course, eco's vague ah ah, ah
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