tv Covid-19 Special Deutsche Welle August 5, 2022 5:30am-6:01am CEST
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just doesn't really mean much does the bundis league oh, well, don't worry. it will start up again as soon as legal football, action goals, all in all kick off stores, august 9th, here on the w. finally, d. o. sewage is dirty. that interesting and potentially useful early warning system and a pandemic, a pilot project in germany is working out just how useful in india, the pandemic has led people to grow more of their food locally. quite well,
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think our teeth into that question later in this cove at 19 special but right now, come with us to the republic of congo, where research is studying the lights of guerrillas in the current pandemic as a risk that people will, in fact, the great apes it is 5 o'clock in the morning and robbie booker is already tracking through the congolese jungle. early mornings are the best time for the young environmental scientists to search for and study the gorillas. after a one hour trek, he spot some under strict precautions, he tries to observe them, study their behavior chemically prohibited equipment. a mask is to avoid contamination. been able in contamination with the gorilla with corona virus. it's important that we protect the animals against the diseases because we know that when the disease migrates from humans to animals and then possibly back to humans, it gets very complicated along. that would have been,
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you can pick up the north of congo. browser vol. is home to the western lowland gorillas. thousands live here. nowhere else in the world. can you find such a density of guerrillas? how dangerous as coven 19 for them? that's a question. robbie becker and his research group often debate, but they simply don't have an answer yet. after a silver back out, seriously, sick with cove it in the u. s. sue. they have been very careful. they keep at least 25 meters away from the guerrillas, and everyone here is vaccinated. in the early, 2, thousands a bowler killed almost 5000 guerrillas. that disease was most likely transmitted by bats, possibly from eating the same fruits. that's my rubber cocker and a group of students from the university of brother val are also resetting the areas massive back population the current on the phone. it's very important to follow up on better pathogens because there's
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a local community that its bets in and scientifically. we know that there's a risk of transferring disease from bad to humans herself, so we need to know and avoid that kind of transmission and possibly also for forecast what could become future diseases like your future corona virus literature . one of you was in the capital browser. well, there are several high risk places for the spillover of diseases from animals to humans. bush meat markets while selling endangered species like gorillas and chimpanzees, is illegal. many other varieties of bush meat can be bought here. rub because i can understand that local residents hunt and eat bush meat to make a living. but he is opposed to bush meat markets where he says endangered species are also often sold illegally for thorn be masika blue cross blue. com. these are markets that can be considered breeding grounds for diseases. in those markets, viruses can be easily transferred from animals to human asthma, along it pre op,
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quickly and when of some one contracts the disease, it quickly spreads to others. it not that we talk about it can easily escalate from epidemic to pandemic. bonding knox is, that's the danger of those markets because he marcella. to prevent future disease outbreaks among the guerrillas, the scientists have increased surveillance, creating an early warning system. the research base is the core of the congo conservation company. his research has financed by eco tourism. it also creates employment for the community, encouraging participation in conservation efforts. but they want to keep the number of tourists low. we don't want to pull shuns glorious to much and or so we don't want to have a kind of factory. and like a lot of people coming in coming in from indian, we wanted to keep bits or as was come as possible to be a bull. oh, to manage states,
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we was of park and we've got so much in aspects. we don't want to move to rhythm here. the congo basin is the 2nd largest rain forest in the world, often refer to as the earth's african lung. it absorbs more greenhouse gases than the entire continent emits. and it has a unique and diverse ecosystem. in the meantime, robbie because getting ready for his next track to the gorillas, he has a few more weeks for his research here before returning to the capital to write his master's thesis longs on his boss because it is. and i think i'll never get tired of seeing the gorillas fit for me. it's a dream, it's a dream to be here. to be able to go and see them as a dream. i can spend all day long watching them before me as well. that's the life i want to live for. letty could come in. rather the cocker, once more congolese, to appreciate the environment and study natural sciences. in his master's course, there are currently only 4 students.
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ah, not far from kate town lies one of the leading lights that south africa is academic wild stellan boss university. here a teen for search is, is on the hunt for new virus variance. late last year they discovered the on the current variant this is the room where the omicron variant of cupboard was 1st discovered. professor julio, the only vera of stolen bosh university in south africa is leading a team, conducting the dynamic surveillance of deadly pathogens. and a 100000000 euro research facility. how got that? a lot of the war, the got very surprised how south africa can can be a lead that on genomic valence. but we, we were not surprised because we, we had to be leaving on genomics. avena thought on what the agenda for the past 20
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years. it was this experience that said south africa, apart from the rest of the globe, scientific community. in isolating, identifying and revealing oma kron south africa, may be a middle income country, dealing with rapid unemployment, stubborn poverty. and one of the highest rates of inequality in the world. but it, scientists are world leaders. they are leveraging the experience, gained from over 3 decades of managing one of the globes highest rates of h i. v and aids to be among the 1st to discover the intricacies of cove at 19 and its variance. one thing that people don't realize that in addition to the only cra we alpha, the tech, that, that defense variance wasn't that bit and was with our t p and guidance that the united king bed identified that alpha. so in reality,
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we have how choice then fight 3 of the 5, very info, and there was a hypothesis that a cluster of new covered 19 infections in johannesburg. south africa is economic capital were behaving differently than previous variance. he and his team worked around the clock to make the o micron discovery with hundreds of samples flown down to his lab over night. in mid november 2021. we did the every field from beginning to the and the 36 hours, which, which was a lot of pressure. but, but we, we, we had a very clear line of communication and that wasn't reviewed by all the thought sciences. and it was crucial because that to what allow and not only the water to and the fan that in both the against the only crumb would fade life and death. what
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we did thank south africa. we had the very small number on that on the, on the con wave. and we think that our very quick scientific results to help that one to alpha had a lower level of death. but the discovery did not come without its costs. south africa's economy took an immediate head as the government extended lockdown measures in response to the announcement while travel bands to and from the country were immediately imposed by the already of the global community. and the team's lives were also put in immediate danger. we received many, many, many press menu that threats at given time. we had to put like security in the entrance to the university because we could carry our work and the big glass center there. what is that they shouldn't make a mechanism that don, in a life counters to identify your pathogenic otherwise we're going to have more than might have been them. you can find that that's not identified,
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that the stress of all microns discovery has taken its toll. but professor to olivera believes that his professional pressure increases, so should efforts to stay sane and healthy, both mentally and physically. so the to relax. in this kind of environment, you have to think almost every tool that we have in the kinds of mental health basket. so in our lab we lost a lot who we tell jokes we play a lot and i do a lot of exercise, especially nature high in the whole thing. go a lot to the b and alpha for me and meditation work. wow. every morning i wake up around 5 am and do a session of meditation before the day after almost 30 years as a genome sequencer professor to olivera believes the future of his profession lies in computing. and that anybody who wants to follow in his footsteps needs to be
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dedicated and patient the main advice. sure. young people that went to become a scientist, genomics scientists is true, is to invest a lot of time, not only on the online, in the lab techniques, but learning decoding, computer coding software development. because this days, all the data that we produce in this lab is completely automated. and after 27 years in south africa, he has no plans to move abroad. even though he may have been thrown into the global spotlight. and his, you know, make surveillance skills are in high demand elsewhere i always had a fashion to walk on science that can help to save lives that and felt the african africa into great blades from that. and that's why with the vote, the local fallen time. true, walking with science,
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but also informed welcome it on how bad the to respond to it. today. me not only thought would be true of it, but also from on the epidemic that, that called millions of that the corona virus may have made professor d olivera famous beyond the borders of south africa. but he remains committed to his humble approach to solving some of the world's most pressing health problems. ah, do you have questions about the korean of iris? ah, science jennifer, derek williams will answer them and bring you up to date with the latest research. send them to gay they but usa at d, w dot com all farish saline wants to ne, have there been human challenge trials where vaccinated people were exposed to new variance? human challenge drives or
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h. c. t's are trials where healthy test subjects are intentionally exposed to pathogens in a tightly controlled set. they're very useful when it comes to providing solid data on questions like how much of a virus it takes to really make you sick, for instance, or, or how much protection vaccines really provide. trying to figure out stuff like that from real world data is tricky. and it. busy involves making educated guesses, m h c. t's can remove a lot of that guesswork. but of course, intentionally infecting volunteers with diseases that could take a serious or, or even a deadly turn is an ethical minefield. so h, c. t's are not entered into lightly. i'm aware of only one human challenge trial
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involving coven 19 so far, which took place in 2021. in the u. k. i'm in it. 36 healthy young adults had drops of fluid that contained a controlled amount of sars covey to squirted into their noses. half of them later tested positive for covert 19, and 16 of them showed symptoms. none classified as serious, although 5 of the subjects did continue to report problems with smell and taste. i'm 6 months later. the study helped clarify questions about, for instance, how quickly symptoms begin to develop post infection and, and when viral load pigs. but there was one major drawback. it's that the strain of virus used in the study was isolated from a patient quite early in the pandemic. so before, sorry, coby too began to seriously mutate. and since then, we've seen
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a series of new variants as the virus changed and in pretty fundamental ways becoming a whole lot more transmissible in the process. so although the study provided great data, it was pretty much outdated. by the time the results were published, a new human challenge trials would have to more or less start all over using the variance that currently dominate the coven 19 landscape. and then they likely be outdated in 6 months or so, which finally brings me to the answer to your question. and no, i couldn't find any h. c, t's in progress where vaccinated people were being exposed to new variance. and the reason why is that with the virus still mutating quickly and, and unpredictable ways that they just wouldn't make much sense. m
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reliable day sir, and needed to respond quickly to a new korean virus ways. and we can find that information in how soon is a pilot project in germany shows that monitoring. i'll waste water can give us useful information on the pandemic. the waste water in the holy been sewage treatment plant in berlin comes from around 1000000 people. the system process is almost 250000 cubic meters a day. imagine 1300000 bathtubs filled to the brim. berlin waterworks asked huck an issue, believes what most people consider unpleasant and dirty can give valuable information about the corona virus pandemic. and as opposed to us, i thought i'm the waste water is really a gold mine for us because not every one goes to the test center of isaac, but everyone does go to the bathroom and ultimately provides data that we can use.
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apple provides develops. that's because infected people excrete viruses when they go to the bathroom long before they become ill themselves or in fact others. so why not just see how much are renee that is? genetic information from viruses arrives at the sewage treatment plant and how the numbers change that could flag waves of infection. and as, as much as it was in that it's a very, very big mix. that was the problem at the beginning. first of all, we had to make sure that we removed all the other contaminants from the waste water to really be able to ice renee, this gave me it's working very well now and the hopeless that we'd be able to get a realistic picture of how the infection is spreading and kind almost 2 years ago, susanna lac, now of the university of darmstadt, found out that wastewater samples can be used to determine how quickly and how strongly the corona virus is spreading in a region. at that time, she was in the laboratory, looking for an early warning system for waves of corona virus. she struck gold with
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the waste water. the process caused a stir at the time in the netherlands in spain and in the u. s. it's much cheaper than doing hundreds of thousands of individual corona virus tests. 20 german municipalities have been taking part in the waste water monitoring pilot project since the end of last year, significantly more have applied to be part of it. the bill in waterworks are also involved. samples are taken twice a week, had several sewage treatment plants in the german capital. the participants in germany wide pilot test had been sent the samples to laboratory for analysis in order to get results as quickly as possible. berlin waterworks even bought their own analysis device laboratory head auto bertelsmann says that she was able to predict every single wave at the beginning of the year when the number of infections in germany rose rapidly. isn't an art, we're kind of not just and monitoring services. we're kind of an early warning system and can really predict a wave, and when it's coming in the way smarter also,
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the english for he has arg, using the data from around the end of last year, would have been man shows that the wastewater analysis delivers results 10 to 14 days faster than the incidence figures based on individual p. c. artists does in here blood talk. you can see below smites here. this is the data we processed from the p c r machine in our any copies per liter. if i click here, now here we had $1500000.00 virus particles per liter and waste water heater. and now if you pay attention to the green line, the green line is the incident number of the human samples. and so you can see the green peak always lags behind the blue spikes, se vehicle there blow and cool over in my winter here. no, i've and when viewed over a longer period of time, the peaks in the blue waste water data can be seen earlier than the incidences which are based on individual pcr tests. what's more, the laboratory can also determine which virus variance are represented. and to what
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extent one could therefore react quickly if a more dangerous variant began to prevail over less harmful variance as he who design well i insane that it definitely makes sense to go beyond the pilot phase and make this part of the routine and not just for controlling corona viruses, but also for example, influenza viruses wholly on viruses and gastro intestinal tract viruses. you set up a waste water monitoring system to get an overview. what's going on with it? now? what infections should we expect? fiona, miss relation? the pilot program will soon be completed. now the german authorities have to agree to nationwide wastewater monitoring. it shouldn't be about the money for around $500.00 euros. you can get insights into a reliable trend of infection development for hundreds of thousands of people. very early on, just by looking at the waste water good
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agriculture uses a lot of water baths. as a result of the pandemic projects in the indian state of carola, are increasingly relying on local cultivation. technology allows the scarce water available for adam farming to be used more efficiently. it's planting season and v jake home. our dance is placing green chili peppers into the soil. the plastic sheeting traps the moisture inside. he has worked as a farmer for 6 years. viji dance is originally from rural us, some in northern india, but he has learned these farming techniques here in the city of futile vaughan on the put them in corolla on the south western coast. if a yeah b belatoya as i make, which i used to just help my dad before i came here. there's up, up on that. hell got up of like a big a be as good. now you have learned a lot about farming and about the technology. my la luz, but i figured you made it no matter where i go. i don't have to worry you go
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mitigate. no one has told me what to do since i already know malemad medicine does bundle mc um. got a psych don't v j das works for glean agro ventures. a small company on the cities outskirts. it provides farming and technical training to people to set up farms on unused urban land. launched in 2016. the company integrates technology with traditional farming practices, such as growing vegetables, adapted to the soil, and using only natural pesticides. founder and john saline wants to get more city dwellers to grow their own food, to better cope with future shortages. during the founder, the exposure to local produce was far greater than before, simply because of the fact that your resources were limited. so that has changed the pallet tremendously. and that single aspect this ward, i believe, will be the future driver of this business. before the coven 19 pandemic did over
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on the poor m, like other cumberland cities imported most of its food from neighboring tunnel. now do but the important vegetables were often heavily contaminated with chemicals. that's why the state is now promoting urban rooftop farming. more than $20000.00 people are already taking part in the program. urban agriculture could be a sustainable solution to feed growing populations and rapidly urbanized india. but unlike and corolla scaling up could be a challenge, especially in major cities like delhi, bengal noodle and china. all of which are running dangerously low on ground water levels. but experts say there could be a solution on like, did earlier conventional method of getting blends using a board or maybe a hose. no, we have microevolution methods like micro sprinklers,
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other than that but, but again, is that government is supporting those programs also and that number of go private companies also bring your good models that can be fitted into this. so that want to shortlist for our problem can be transferred to a great extent. urban farming also creates a green buffer against carbon emissions and helps to filter air pollution. but a lot of people living in cities can't afford the fresh homegrown food. i do the helping hands. organizations supports people with autism from low income families, with the help of glue and agro it converted an acre of arid land on its lawn into a vegetable patch. the autistic people learn everything about farming and can take their harvest home. working with them in the land, the organisation discovered that farming also has therapeutic value. they are actually a coding scheme say play can all our team building skill set and the way they are
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in are working together. why debbie holl, west? so understanding the concept am acquiring, so them skills said and all communication. and now the edi us, oh, farming is really helpful. and john saline mainly sells the vegetables to middle and upper middle class families and corolla. now he hopes to reach even more people and promote the benefits of urban farming by setting up a co working space in the middle of the farm. this worked from farm initiative lets people do their office work surrounded by greenery and even raised their own vegetables. if they wish we would like to have people come over here as a regular way of life. understand as to how farming is and create that farm, connect them bond so that they are able to nurture in their minds. you know,
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a dream of a future from it's working and corolla where more and more people are turning to urban agriculture. and v j come our dos, as long hope to set up his own vegetable farm in his home state of awesome. that was the coven 19 special for another week. thanks for watching and see you next time through. blue. ah ah!
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with or something are driven by the merciless hurried others facing the destruction of engagement when one meters came to present with today, the government is trying to destroy the condition of people with large cap biotech projects. land grabbers are exploiting amazon rain forest. indigenous peoples are
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now great, we opposing them. the heart of brazil. in 15 minutes on d. w. o, a 1000000000 trees plant cannot global reforestation program. save our climate ideas and spend caustically simple, but is it which trees are suitable? and above all, where should these need for is a credit of 90 minutes on d. w o. in a and the glistening place of longing mediterranean sea have almost far
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and to follow dual career drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and the mediterranean meeting. people actually hearing their dreams of mediterranean journey 10 episode starts august 14th on d. w. india. lead of contrast of ambitions of inequality. 75 years ago, mahatma gandhi peacefully led the country to independence, full of ideals. what is remained of his vision? what's the status of human rights and social justice in what's called the world's largest democracy? we see the ahead. it is the pulpit tour unleash
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a non violent bass and re imagine these teachings for relevance to gandhi's legacy store to august 6th on b, w. ah ah ah, this is d w. news live from berlin. the world condensed china show a false around taiwan. the by did administration says it's an other reaction to us . speaker nancy pelosi visit to the island. japan's have been a circles as a threat to peace in the region thus russia.
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