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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2022 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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a rare chance to let their hair down after 2 years of covered restrictions. but despite the grim esthetic and the music's often violent lyrics, fans described bokken as in a waste of good vibes. responded vicky. what's interesting is that if you ask most fans what they associate with metal with concerts with festivals, beer is the 1st answer and of course, loud music. but the very next answer is peace. with early all you could say these metal heads have finally returned to their happy place. ah, that said from me for now. i stay tuned for more news for the top of the out with departure be to the to day this means flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant being
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a captain and setting sail to discover a route the world famous c. voyage of ferdinand of magellan. i'd rather erase linked to military interests, erase linked to political and military prestige. that it was so linked to many financial interests. an adventure full of hardships, dangers and death, 3 years and that will change the world forever. but jillions journey around the world starts september 7th on d. w. a shift special. how technology can make farming more sustainable and efficient. and i'm in recent years, more and more bees have been dying from harsh weather conditions, disease and pesticides. startups in israel,
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indonesia use technology to protect the populations. these beehives work just like regular lives. but they are supported by artificial intelligence and robotic technology. or both ish boss and so in the robot is equipped with the sensors to know what is happening inside the hives. so why our system knows what the bees need and can adjust temperatures, eliminate power less distant sugar and even extract honey. the software collects all of this information with the help of artificial intelligence. what if a problem arises? the beekeeper is alerted through an application and can respond remotely with this, allows beekeeper slum key front cane to manage his hives, while a robot completes the simple tasks. from coven, i show this robot is a tool for b, capers to clean, but it doesn't replace them. it helps us provide our, these better and more efficient care implementable. this solar powered high tech b hiv is located in bait high
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a mac in northern israel. it's part of the be home project initiated by israeli. start up, be wise to stop more base from dying. constant surveillance means fe. cape is, can detect problems in the hives and respond before the bees are harmed. generally what, what these are dying around the world. a more than 30 percent in all colonies die each year. this not only affects be populations, but the entire agricultural sector. and the ling and ne, at the fees are a critical foundation of agriculture. they are indispensable him and without bees there would be no fruit at please 75 percent of what we eat, drink, and where was pollinated by b y baccha. drilling into nicea be keep is like las chevy also collects data from beehives. the early warning system, smart b, since live updates on temperature and humidity,
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chop rises or drops in either can harm the bees. and there's more like a set of halleck, eroni, india, and as you metallic the, the, the information we received from this electronic device. i recommend it shows us the best hives we own, denying what definite listing. i mean we can use these hives for selective breeding them, and them emily kit this way elias can identify which queen b is most resilient against diseases and can produce the most honey. he says this technology has increased his yield by about 30 to 40 percent. oh, what if you could pick tappers and harvest corns simply by swipe be on your phone in nigeria, computer science graduate. rebecca, a move has made this possible. investing in farming has never been easier.
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ah, agriculture is a big business in nigeria where they're picking chillies or harvesting tomatoes. there's something for everyone's table and taste. traditionally manual labor farming is now also becoming increasingly tech savvy. farmers can manage acres of land with just a mobile phone. rebecca, who is the brains behind this operation, initially for causal and chose to cope longer. and i shall get little doubtful that busy comes from home. but currently we have all class of people wanting to be a part of the fund from their phone programs. currently we have over 10000 subscribers. rebecca is a computer scientist. she wanted to find a technological solution to farming inefficiencies after watching her mother and other farm and struggle with post harvest waste. for years. during covered, she witnessed many nigeria and struggling to buy food. we found only
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a foreign program was launched during the fest called to week of the coven 19, but it was created to support and you'd be interested in agricultural and to also create empowerment funding masses, especially dude. and showing that the in end of us should. yeah, income from the conflicts all down from rebecca co founded the africa wealth initiative, which enables anyone to buy a stake in the farming production directly from their phone. i put in because my monica actually walk from me having a reliable do something and i good benefit out of it, which was lovely. i subscribe to farm from your phone because it is actually is a dozen for me. i can easily from on my food, instead of going to farm to run fees. and then if i'm getting my hinkle or need anything so been if with the market for remote farming is booming,
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and quality control is rebecca's top priority. she and her team keep pesticides to a minimum we carry house and so i and analyses. what are analyses restore the pavilions, pests? i round and climate, and for declaiming condition over please. that helps us understand the balance they exist in the environment already. so that help shows a mirror on the candle of an organic process to follow to water and reduce the attack, whole paste on to increase productivity. and that's how you get part jews from the farm to the market in the 21st century. rebecca and her team have made it easier than ever to start farming with just a swipe of your finger. mm. how can a herd of cattle be kept without offence? by equipping their colors with gps navigation, it not only benefits the animals,
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but also nature as a whole. a new type of color for a new type of farming. these cows in the south of england are wearing the gps chips as part of an experiment. their posture is fenced in digitally, not physically. they tell us inside the posture, wiring a color. well when it meets the boundary here an audio and our audio will born the animal that you are outside your grazing era. you need to return. the animal learns that if i don't return, i get an electric post. the pulse is comparable to that of an electric fence, says the norwegian company that produces the colors. on average, only 3 percent of the animals that here an audio warning venture out far enough to receive an electric pulse. a sim card in the call, i helps farmers track missing animals on an app and satellite data. let's farmers redraw the boundaries of their grazing area as often as they
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like. regularly rotating fields allows the soil to regenerate most of our cattle, we move on a daily basis using a system called mop grazing. but with the colors here where we're doing much more gentle moving the gps colors are being tested at the net re wilding project ecologist penny grain has already observed the hedges at the edge of the postures recovering over time. within a fence colors for starting to see this hedge starting to spell out into the, into the field, a billowing out and having a chance to breathe more easily. and overtime this is could be much better for biodiversity much better for nature. when bushes and flowers spread out, the posture becomes a more attractive habitat for insects, which also means more food for birds.
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nature's resources are finite. global farming needs a large part of the world's fresh water supply and some 40 percent of its land surface area. as millions starve around the world, how can smart farming help us to use resources more efficiently? we need to grow more, but we also need to grow good food, nutritious food, and we need to grow that food without harming the climate. that is, the water level sort of seating the soil start getting a new teacher. so how will be going to grow more good food? one of the most promising approaches to get there is data, data driven agriculture. that is, if you could use data and e i along with and copied with the bombers knowledge about the farm. you have a good shark at increasing food production. this acro farm in malaysia
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uses the smart farming system. smart tani senses in the water collect data that are important for the growth and health of the lobsters bread here, such as ph and oxygen levels, as well as the water temperature. we can see her temperature, her i this for me, the liver. previously we do everything manually, we have to use it that it reaches a very expensive and we have to wait and getting here. so no via earth energy, we can use it. we bait one time and it can help us to collect all the data. and then also edit every secretion. hipaa. in the fall on the app pharma farhana of us is can access a dashboard where daughter is analyzed whenever problems arise. the absense notifications which allow farhana and her colleagues to react quickly. this way
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they can keep it constant. i and water quality without extra effort. i think it is easier because we didn't have to data any come to the fun weekend. it was so when you say from our home or an hour and we can do it. aplomb are everywhere else. smart. tiny was developed by the malaysian company, sat asia, huff is hudson's company specializes in apps for the internet of things and big data. the smart fan is made up of a few different components. the 1st one is affordable census. second is white linking connectivity that's available. the 5th one is our big fat novick system. it senses also measure nutrients in the soil, like on this pineapple farm. the smart system costs a few $100.00 euros, depending on the equipment and number of senses with a low initial cost, strong connectivity. despite wake mobile networks and clear data presentations
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games, it is particularly user friendly, even for farmers who are not very tech savvy. a lot of our customers are, you know, for coming from the younger generation, they are more adapt in i'm facing the facilities. so as we possibly fill in a weary, i thought i'd forgotten that i shall pharmacy at the going to the be from the thought. but for smart fami to have a positive impact worldwide, it must be used on a global scale. not only in select economies, details with arctic coach. it is a necessity. that is, if we have to get to increase food production, we need growers to start using data to start using ear to make smart decisions in the arm. ah, smart farming can help make agriculture more efficient, thereby also making it more sustainable. and amidst the climate catastrophe,
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it might increase food security. ah passengers here are in for a ride. taxi drivers here need nerves of steel. wild passengers here can get an eye full along the way. reb taxis accommodate passengers all over the world. the driver, our series. read next on d w. well, let's be honest. the summer break and just doesn't really me
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much does it without the bundis league? oh, well, don't worry. it will all start up again soon. and as legal football action goals all in on kick off starts august 9th here on t w. finally, i at door i, i can find award to say how much i love this walk because i love driving with .


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