tv Kick off Deutsche Welle August 9, 2022 2:30am-3:01am CEST
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for a, you know, or this, i know we are not afraid to happen delicate topic because population is growing fast. and young people clearly have the solution. the future belongs to the 77 percent every weekend on d. w in welcome to d, w. health show, we're glad you could join us. not everyone will have the opportunity because around 6000 women in the world will be giving birth during this program. they might have been through strenuous time during pregnancy or time full of questions. what should
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i eat? can i still exercise? and now they face new challenges. how do i keep my child healthy and happy? stay tuned for answers and in good shape with women around the world have different approaches to pregnancy. traditionally, german women don't drink, roll milk and avoid cats. french women don't eat ros salad. a new guinea, they don't eat marsupial meat in poland. they don't cut their hair believing it could effect a child's intelligence. in guatemala, they believe the full moon and midday sun can cause deformity. russian. women should not eat in secret, so the child doesn't become anxious if italian and have an urge to each office or
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strawberries. they should do it so the child isn't born with a birthmark. of course, expectant mothers realize there are many superstitions, but there are other pregnancy myth that people answer sure about their foods that pregnant women should avoid. so one that i've heard since i was a child is that if you eat a fire, then it causes some issues in the pregnancy. again, your know if that's true, anything really spice really like vinegary? maybe that's all. that's really all i've heard. i mean, i've heard that you're not supposed to eat sushi, but i don't really know. i me because the mercury somebody should get a big adopted with us that you didn't advise us not to eat a buyer. so let me tell you that i draw up a buy on, or cindy, right,
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but buyer has good been in it, and dodge in it, which can cause contract shows and the uterus. and that leads to abortion. but it is actually if a lady is needing a ripe a buyer, it is absolutely saved to all the pregnancy o chilly and other strongly spiced foods are safe. even during pregnancy. according to the u. k, national health service vinegar is allowed to, but some experts advise you to only use pasteurized vinegar. and there are other precautions. rule, eggs, seafood, and rule meet can contain home full bacteria. fish with high mercury content like tuna, can disrupt the baby's neurological development. so avoid certain seafood, andrew eggs, ion and folic acid supplements and commanded to avoid miscarriages. and always cook
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meat thoroughly with should pregnant women eat for 2? i think you should be eating for to eating more than you normally do. and you should honor your cravings as much as you want. not quite to a, but they are growing a human so they probably have to eat more nutritious. li actually is a miss that of them. and you eat for 2 during pregnancy, in the 1st trimester, and maybe the 1st half of 2nd drama, so they don't need any extra oncology. it is the leap 2nd trimester and the contra mr. they need up 230235400 extra localities. and these galleries can come just by a day or 2 doors with some of the not, but no annette or some olive oil in it. or it's just so fist full off,
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not too much weight gain during pregnancy can increase the risk of premature labor . and can even lead to silva. so eating for 2 is not recommended depending on their starting weight. women should gain between 5 and 18 kilograms during pregnancy, or is it risky to exercise during pregnancy? rather pregnant one mission exercise more because you want to stay fit and healthy for the baby. i've heard that if you are very active before being pregnant, you should continue your same level of activity, but you should not increase your level of activity when you're pregnant. if you weren't previously very active, there was
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a long standing thought that if you weren't active before pregnancy that you shouldn't begin exercise during pregnancy. i however, the findings are gone. mine was that are versus my views was that when you started exercise during pregnancy they had some of the greatest benefits. now what my, if you were before pregnancy, do you want to you and you are starting, i'd be more active during pregnancy. you want to start, bo, go slow and gradually build up towards the guidelines. this recommendation is 2 and a half hours. if moderate exercise per week, you should be able to talk while working out. and you should avoid prolonged periods of exercising, lying down done rights exercise can have many health benefits during pregnancy. so to summarize, pregnant women don't need to be to the,
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to ask your doctor what you can and county to during pregnancy and moderate exercises healthy for both mother and child. as soon as the pregnancy is over, mothers and fathers face new challenges. how do you raise the child to be happy and content and what's the best way to keep them healthy? parents can always get advice from family or doctors, but that's often subject to change. things that doctors used to recommend are now considered outdated, or even unhealthy. when it comes to a baby's well being medical advice has always been high in demand nowadays and long ago. the 1st question is what to do when babies cry from the 19 thirty's to the 1950s, some doctors recommended that parents leave the child to cry. they said,
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crying strengthens the lungs and the infants should be raised to be tough from an early age. mothers were advised to leave their babies alone after putting them to bed. in the 19 sixty's, it was still believed that infants noticed little about their surroundings. so babies were left on their own for hours to make them tougher from that slightly ins lavonne from the 2nd week of their lives. your child can spend the entire day outside in the fresh air out and it doesn't hurt if it's raining. they snowing or fog, it would have been as nibbling his mouth. psychologists know that even the smallest infant need loving attention to develop trust in their surroundings. so just letting them cry is not advised any more. people have often sought advice on the right baby food. one thing was august clear, vista, it is important for an infant to be fed. that's clear, but what kind of food? until the 19th twenty's breastmilk was considered the best choice for infants. but
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then industrially produced, baby food conquered the market with convincing arguments. time for jan frayne. hygiene it absolutely perfect. it can never be that. so i'll at home in humans. a growing number of young mothers switch to bottled milk. breastfeeding was considered old fashioned a decade later, there was a return to nature breastfeeding was in again and recommended by doctors. now, scientists are convinced that breastmilk is best for infants. early physical contract is also considered crucial for the baby's healthy, psychological development. a 3rd issue was the best way from babies to sleep. oh has latest. the 19 sixty's doctors recommended wrapping babies legs tightly together to sleep. that allowed them to be calm and stabilized their weak
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bones. in the 1970s wrapping their legs was no longer recommended. babies should be allowed to kick freely until the 1970s babies were put to bed on their backs. but then pediatricians started showing pear to lay them on their stomachs to sleep, to encourage their motor skills to develop more quickly. the consequent, consistent prime position enables record static development, prevents the risk of suffocation for vomiting and prevents joint malformations were this recommendation turned out to be catastrophic. putting babies on their stomachs dramatically increase the risk of sudden infant death to day dr. se babies should be laid down to sleep on their backs. all excessive amounts of sugary drinks and fast food at an early age can have serious consequences. world wide
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around 40000000 children under the age of 5 are overweight. in the o e. c. d countries, the highest percentage of everybody children live in the us. mexico and turkey were around half of the weight they followed by israel, france, columbia, and south africa. we're around a quarter of the ways this situation is better in italy and norway and japan is home to the healthiest children getting to know mother earth, digging, pulling up roots, getting down in the dirt. all to put food on the table. you come along didn't know that. have him on the, on the point is to show children that food doesn't just come from the supermarket. i duck so you've got so good. this ticket on this teaches them to love nature and appreciated you with, oh no, not a must see. the children are digging up sweet potatoes later,
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they're going to have what they harvest for lunch. oh, eco is digging up some taro. and finding out that the root vegetable can make your skin, it really is the 1st time i've ever harvested vegetables. it's great fun. not all the children are having fun, but it's all a learning experience, like harvest day at this elementary school in co, direct tokyo is no doubt a nightmare for the cleaning staff. but for teacher heating, co shirad, it's a huge success. she teaches nutrition. the subject has taught in schools across the country. first the children take a closer look at the fruits of their labor. 6 meanwhile, the school is taking a delivery of more fresh produce. it has
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a contract with farmers on the edge of the city. the school canteen prepares meals for over 600 children every day. today's lunch will include with the children harvested earlier. the cook discusses the meal plan with the nutrition teacher. the children get balanced meals with carbs, or fish and vegetables, not the usual school dinners that most adults prefer to forget. when i was at school, the dinners were pretty awful, to be honest with that, but that was a long time ago and things have changed. school dinners have improved a lot in and goes in and that there are northbrook, a seen cascade day. the idea is also to introduce the children to new flavors and textures like this charo stew. but the most important thing is that they enjoy their lunch
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you is in grade to all the children get to do kitchen duty once a month. and today it's her turn. they all have to wear aprons and hair net. they visibly enjoy themselves. they can't wait to see with the cooks have done with the vegetables. they dug up his lunch is served in the classroom to day. it's fried rice with vegetables and salmon with grated radish along with the chairs. do the children 1st express their gratitude for the meal? oh, then it's finally time to dive in. obesity rates among children in japan are lower than in other industrialized nations. to these meal contains about 600 calories. the children aren't supposed to bring packed lunches from home. they're expected to eat up everything on their plate. in grade to every one does. it does this,
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do taste just bright event. okay. alright. now i'd like to have this at home to put them eco, who worked so hard digging up the vegetables is really happy. it's great that so many people work hard and the farm is plan tasty vegetables for us. um, let me get disconnected from good morning with a standard school dinner in japan consists of a starch and a protein, vegetable sides, and milk to drink. the teacher posts a photo on the school website along with the list of ingredients and their health benefits and photos of harvest day. oh boy, yellow eating all that they could look into and i, we didn't have a like button on the website and go to school. and when i talked to parents, i often mentioned the school and as a nodded,
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they'll say how interesting it sounded. and so on. that day, the children expressed their appreciation for the food. the garden to table project is a great success. scientific observations show that male aids are more likely to hit something with a stick when females, female monkeys haven't even like to play with dolls. while males preferred toy cars and balls, some scientist for gender roles are genetically determined. but education and experience are important to. this also applies to opinions about people with a different skin color or culture. ah, they're angry, brave, sad. the children that elani is looking at with her dad have strong emotions. the 2 can see themselves reflected in these pictures, but illustrated books like this. a still rare in germany. as those on those when we
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say is representation matters. we can't say it enough and i can't be what i can't see. see representation or recognizing yourself is important. that's why ola looper jim bola and t bo who knew him and i don't that anger founded t bar lou in 2018. an online shop for diverse toys, a can nozzles with this i'm, it's important for children to see a reflection of themselves. and i to see i exist in the world. i'm seen our, our but also to see how other families live and what other people's living conditions alike. among mention, a delivery from england has just arrived far too late. rex, it has caused delays with the post pad. britain is more advanced in diversity issues. my mom mom with carla's kenneth now we know that her can i recognize that from my grandmother about they also used to straighten hartley
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reading stories about people with different gender identities, single parents, old black people. that was the exception in her childhood turbo, who newman day dawned at anger, grew up in the countryside. and allah, all oof i. jim paula is from the city as children, they weren't able to find themselves in their books or toys. which while now were there and i was a real book. why am i loved to read rabbit as and i think it only became close to me later when i'd already been an adult for a long time. what i had meant to do i did had now what i could imagine for myself beat me, or how to imagine myself was a princess. and that was really easy. i had to become white or another person in order to imagine myself as that kind of character going 9. so in my opinion, most children's book show a normality that is white middle class father, mother and 2 kids. even though reality from any kids looks very different than he had and kinda i can maybe find a child of color hair tank and there's no child in
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a wheelchair. and there are others missing from a picture. miles to the offset study show what happens to children's self confidence when they can't find themselves in the world. take, for example, the dull test you put a black and white stole in front of a group of children. then they are asked which one is pretty smart and good? the answer is almost always the white one and which all is bad and evil. the prejudices very clear, even small children have already been conditioned to think not all people are the same. their thoughts test by had another dole test was one of the 1st or one of the big tests to show that names. i'm one of the cannot, her children can very clearly state that there was a blacked all under white, dull eyes of papa. once these and these, those also have clear positive and negative characteristics attributed to them based on their skin color at their hop hopper. because as if that to leash m good
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child, it's pretty brutal to see that the blacked old children identify with as a seem to be evil and ugly eaten. he said, and be associated with other negative characteristics and irony, ativa business. and it isn't a stretch to ask what feelings do they have towards themselves which to ride or keep me busy? i don't have to the safe. now. the motor skills game has been a big hit. women in supposedly mailed professions, people with different skin colors, not as a topic, not as a problem, but simply as the normal that includes everyone. that is what the women of tay barlow wishful. thus far, stainless from now on, we won't let to be a much broader interpretation of what is normal in our society. all families are normal, all people are normal. and the more that children, as well as us adult, see pictures like these. the broader our concept of normal becomes bad phenomena,
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teeth a diverse upbringing is necessary. but no matter whether you have a boy or a girl or what the child skin color is or where you live. children are often expected to be well behaved, obedient and happy. that real life is different, the told might be stubborn, inconsiderate, and loud, which can dr. herron's mat ah, and it can be especially hard to cope if their child throws a tantrum. sometimes you're just furious, defiant, enraged. what can we do when a meltdown is imminent? how can we keep our anger under control and what makes us and our children so angry when he fights with his siblings him of i'd always at the checkout because there are so many things hanging that the parents can't or won't pay for them. the
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children get worked up and the parents detain. oh, so the only when they're hungry, anger is an emotion. we've all experienced it as adults, we've learned to suppress our emotions. but children often express themselves about a filter. what good scientific long hanger is taught of development. let's take small children. let's take babies who sometimes cry when they're frustrated. auto children in the autonomy phase, which used to be called the defiance phase of thought. we'll fight back if they're new ones and not mans. and yet they scream, they staunchly show their sadness, their frustration to anger was taught soon. we're both thought so. anger is not a bad thing. on the contrary, it can be very useful. anger is a signal that points to injustice, explains child and adolescent psychotherapist. evelyn higher order type them getting reba, i guess shows that the other person has overstep the mark vehicle and then that
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person might react by taking a step back like so. it can serve well as a protection mechanism and it sends a very clear signal on slowing stop. there are countless situations in every day family, right? that can make a parent snap at some point, suddenly patience has run out and we yell, i'm not sure if i'm afraid that they'll hurt themselves. i raise my voice and then my voice gets higher from all my read on for the shower that i see here on between michaela i'm calling from the views on that by jesus for food was i was at his keith. it's me. when i landed in monassa warner media, obviously very dollars. companies on have some to have lost lava. oh denisha yet to stay there. comforted. i'm charter out on my as i advised parents to count to 10, before they let their anger out and to ask themselves what's behind the tantrum i speak. how does the child's anger mirror something in me the adults cover? if i show understanding and look for the reason for the other person's anger, my child will also grow up with that attitude and be able to deal with their anger
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in an exemplary fashion. but what happens if we suppress our anger? affinity then it finds its own way out, is anger, actually the original emotion, or maybe the original feeling is disappear and frustration that sadness was taught or was the anger there 1st. and because i can't express that anger, i become sad, dejected, and depressed with both possibilities. exist either nuclear garden exist, ian. and how can we control our anger? done was a feel like one of maybe i have to go out jogging, listening to loud music, the whole of friends or whatever. it's good to look at what my strategy is to control my anger. and of course, to understand where it's coming from a student we are come to, but to work that out is a longer process. what says in the beginning, it's about asking myself, what do i do right before i explode? so anger can act like accomplish that shows us,
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which of our needs are not being met. and what we need is to get up from the couch and get fit without alia. dolman. today we will train our stomach. it's the most efficient exercise hollow. so lay on the ground, then shoulders away from the floor, straight in your arms. and then you're like, you're going to the pip. if it's too hard, should bend your knees, then the 2nd and your hands are moving to your feet. this exercise is the most efficient for your stomach, your every need them on your daily life, for walking,
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a room names and power insiders with the short dream of freedom. in 15 minutes on d. w. a. pulse the beginning of the story that moves us and takes us along for the ride. it's own about the perspective culture information. this is the w news and more d, w. made for mines o. a sex phone operator who were her master's thesis on the potato. raring to read
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a, not a turn on. well, it gets more would that there was from there. the w literature list in german monk street departure into the unknown. today. this means flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sail to discover a route the world famous c. voyage of ferdinand magellan part of a race for total power between spain and portugal. a race linked to military interests. a race linked to political and military facilities, but also linked to making financial changes and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. 3 years that would change the world
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forever. but jillions journey around the world, starting september 7th on d w. ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin international alarm over a nuclear plants becoming a battlefield, ukraine and russia trade blame for sharing these up are you care facility over the weekend? the head of the un calls any such attack, suicidal also coming up.
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