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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2022 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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it almost rocks and so far do korean drift along with exploring modern life styles and mediterranean youth where has history left its traces leading people hearing their dreams are ready to journey intended those sorts of august 14th on the w. ah hello and welcome to if africa, the environment magazine co produced by mtv in uganda channels t the image area and dw in gemini. i am sandra tree, nobody and with me today as always is michael present a crease. hey chris, how are you today? just fine, sandra,
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thank you so very. a much on the one. welcome to all our viewers out there. we have a lot in store for you on today's program. so let's take a quick look at what we have coming up in our cheerio. we'll meet a young activist campaign in for the environment. any rhonda will learn how depleted from land can be restored according to our re sent you and report climate change is having a growing impact on the african continent hitting the most vulnerable. the hottest science base climate information can help build resilience, a cornerstone of climate change adaptation. what enables people in the villages and communities to understand what climate changes and at the same time to do something about it. the gambia environmental monitoring system science project in west africa is also tried to involve the local population in the process
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with one waiting for every change as carefully noted m u h week cardiac to clarity and are the see not david davis collect environmental data from the aquatic, an terrestrial echo systems in 6 locations along the gumbo river. right now i'm recording the parameters we have here, which is their temperature humidity, the wind speed, the wind chill, the air pressure, altitude, do point, and the wind direction. the effects of climate change are causing hardship for many who live near the river. for centuries, they help subsist that on small scale fishing and farming man groups, which will to salt out of the water made that possible. but due to the rise and sea level and extensive droughts, the reverse salt content got so high, it's killed many cheese. that's been disastrous for farmers like fat to mata barrow
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ha, car, or data. we used to harvest rice here down, but now the yield is low, ambled, went among gross, we're helping big nowhere, no problem. so wondering why they are now dead. and our crops are not doing well when they, when they load up on it. not a lot of research has been done on bio diversity, india environment in the gum. yeah. so that makes predict the impact climate change might have on local ecosystems. more difficult. that inspired 10 young scientists to launch the gems initiative. yes. is alex learning program there? environmental measurement systems project, and it is the research project whereby we're collecting environmental data along that of a gamez. understand this is not an yellow fluctuations happening, but what's away is almost 1200 kilometers long. so the institute to rely on the
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support of community based groups and locals like c double a journalist by trade double works as a citizen scientist, 20 kilometers from the capital bank. jewel. my role as it citizen data collected is to collect data and then send to them every week and also to in some students, along with me to also a leak on know how to collect data. i decide to participate in this program. because if you look at this area, you will see that it's already dead. here in the lower river division, the die back is extensive mangrove stamps, lot an otherwise empty landscape, live in the coastline exposed. it's no longer possible to maintain fills through title irrigation from the river. the loss of the mangroves also means a loss of habitat and breeding ground. for fish and other aquatic life. the fresh water fish have moved further upstream. with the help of international
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n g o z and volunteers. and so my not double pops to restore the mongol forest, but what a different, more robust variety thank study did as required, regressing should we have been able to know the salinity level of, of the water and secondary. i've been able to identify a dispossess of mongrel of re half. we didn't our echoes, houston gay, absolve. lot of sort a lag before wendy. i was not 30 sort in tucson is her. well, now how's the among those are sort taura. label the observer lot or saw that house mid a decrease in salinity level written the woman raised far too much a barrel. who has been gwyn rice here for 20 years. halston newly planted. redman gross will give her crops a fighting chance. y'all while we thank god, what a new man gross along the river asked
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a grueling less salt. we'll get through coney island, the wound since august 2021 more than 850000 mongrels having planted in the gum there of a delta in order to conserve the eco system. the symbiosis of scientific knowledge and local engagement is barren fruit. why do we actually need climate activist? what can they do better van politicians and scientist for one thing, they speak for the our own generation. our generation that has to cope with the world will leave them, but more importantly, the money to motivate other young people. and my compatriots, identical or ludvigsen says, but what lies the head offers in terms of environmental protection. cannot be done by the few echo africa visited her. oh
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my name is al i the sardine k. i'm an equal feminist climate. justice activists on an equal reporter using a video blog as her fighting to orlando. so i didn't care is one of africa's most vocal environmental activists having studied agriculture. the 27 year old has always had a love for the environments, but it was after meeting great. i tuned berg at the 2019 cop conference in madrid, that she was inspired to take further action. standing alone, she started the fight in future movement inland. jerry, all, what we want is to have climate. justice is where we are going that mike has the most irrespective of the call to where we have from all the oh, i read. we are all in the same one year into protesting every friday and giving
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talks allowed us to realize that there was a lack of knowledge about climate change on the continent. so she started her own pan african climate just this movement. and website where she writes about how africa specifically, is affected, just like the classes between the for my son, it's min, the survival issue. for full resource control, the strength they had. and they build our crisis up and we didn't africa, i goes on hot. let people get in this turn that we have a problem in our society. we need to solve this problem right now as an equal feminist. what allowed us is, work also focuses on how environmental rice a connected with remains, right? she regularly visits female farmers to teach them how to care for their environments and adapt bits after the changes. her greatest fashion is
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inspiring children and getting them involved in climate activism. at schools, she teaches about recycling and planting trees. um, dolly sands, ohio, and i know the importance of flatten off trees collected is bird me to stop cutting down g. i'm plant room. she, when i go about plant trees in my house, trying to stop erosion for allowed to sue climate. education is the only way to secure their future in thickets to call it albeit in this family. that there will be the one at the forefront of the climate and justice movements we had with kids in the deb different perspective, orlando. so beneath that, everyone, regardless of age, can and should do something to protect a planet. oh it. so why no stop right now? climate change is needed to set the necessary changes in motion. only
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a combination of all of them can slow down the increase in global temperature bit by bit. but crease even if we stoped in written greenhouse gases to date, the rise in global temperatures would want to begin to flatten after a few years. there is a time loud meeting and what we do and when we feel the results, this is why it is i jumped up now and why other plan is a walking, a new mobility concept that can be implemented quickly and sustainably. best animation shows what the hopes plotkin hamburg would look like if all the cars and traffic signs were gone. making room for trees and graph. it could be a square paradise for cyclists and pedestrians. but it actually looks like this, much to the displeasure of hamburg graphic designer, yan kaminsky. he would like to see fundamental changes,
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which is why he began making animations of how he believed streets should be been on for us point. so we're going, the project got started with the beginning of the kobe man, demik merchant. i looked around and thought of, i don't want to just sit and wait for the changes we need, like i want to contribute. read august i. and as a visual designer, i can change urban spaces up or before and on. john kaminsky thinks grace treats and dreary squares should be transformed around the world for at least in animations. to start like here in new york city and in belgium's capital, brussels and journeys, capital berlin, the graphic designer, launched social media accounts under the name utopia. for bicyclist. as paul may up trucks was father. we need more space for bikes and more bicycles so that their
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genius can take effect. for some follicle, they are low emissions, so i didn't take up little space compared to other modes of transportation plots and can be used for many things. on us a few studies in that spot. young kaminsky fission is already reality in terms neighbor, the netherlands. for example, in the countries port largest city attract where a $125000.00 people cycle daily, whatever the whether that's more than a 3rd of the city's population. communications expert chris franklin works for the dutch cycling empathy. a network that advocates for greater use of bicycles. he spent much of his time on the bradenberg, the most heavily traveled bicycle path in the netherlands. a good 33000 to buy craters, use it every day. but before it used to be a mouth, tulane road with heavy traffic like the one found in all cities. unfortunately,
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a lot of cities cycling is still just for the fit in the brave and the really risk taller and people that are willing to rub shoulders with motor vehicles. but that's not the vast majority of people who live in that city. they want to be able to tune outs and just enjoy their commutes. and when you provide safe, sag separated space for cycling. you're going to attract more of those, those casual users. a lot of women, a lot of children, a lot of the elderly people with physical disabilities in 2019 to run the biggest parking garage for bicycles open to track displays, tell cyclists if any spaces are freed up to. 12500 bike riders can park here. right next to the main station. chris franklin says the garage is another reason why the netherlands can be described as bike friendly. in fact, the country has become known for its bike friendly and dixie, please, and solutions such as the destiny shippers bridge which passes over the roof of the
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school and connects to neighborhoods for many attract cycling. it's more convenient than shore is just so much more convenient to travel around the city on a bike and so much quicker and more. fund hamburg is still far from being cyclists . paradise, but young from in ski, hoped to at least bring attention to urban ability. question, nearly till thoughts of africa is a working population are employed in funding. so the sectors, economic importers can't be overstated. it also provides food for millions of fundies, of course. but climate change pauses a growing threat to agriculture, drought stricken soil that has been leached or eat nutrients, cannot produce a decent harvest. so how can food security be maintained? here is one answer from render. coaxing,
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a decent harvest out of the soil is tough here. and the mountainous chicken b district of north and rwanda. eugene hi, dina manor and his wife worked from dan till dusk. their field are on steep slopes . so when it rains, the water flushes the soil down into the valley. if things don't change the farm of fears, this family could face starvation. since this is their sole source of income. the only thing he thought you look at these bananas late, what you know, we used to harvest banana bunches weighing over 50 kilos insulation. so looking at this one, you can see we have a problem, look on them. a situation made less by climate change. heavy rainfall alternating with extreme dr. period has rendered and past loops, barren meaning then along a suitable for forming your mother. it's difficult to farm in these mountainous areas with such excessive rainfall. if it causes land, crops,
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and fields to be frequently washed away, not to mention the loss of life among local people. no, no. under these conditions, farmers cannot hope to produce harvests without a sustainable solution to all these problems. not, you know, you wouldn't it. this is where the green to can be programmed, comes in agriculture experts, visit farmers to show them how to respond to the changing weather conditions and how to protect their soil soon. this is hope the project will benefit are on half a 1000000 people across the 800 square kilometers that the jacoby district covers. it has a budget of nearly 30000000 euros and it's funded by the u. n's green climate fund with no time to waste every one pitches in to put the expert insights into practice to the hunger learning, we end up with a it increases our awareness of climate change and how to adapt our farming methods
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to it. tomorrow we taught how to restore our abandoned land, how to fight erosion during the rainy season, and how to store rainwater for irrigation during the dry season. yamazik to let you know it's very useful is up when you hit one key. this the build terraces on the slopes. this allows more rainfall to seep into the soil and slows down the water flow into the valley. plus the terraces the easier to plant crops on or is until trolls also been created to slow down and divert fast flowing run off water. that water can then be collected and stored in underground tanks to be used later. if i regain that other thought process has it double impact has impact to reduce the soil erosion daughter tain. in the side contribute a doctor that productivity and the also the physician, a garb, oh,
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per applicant, all different sizes. a going where do to did establish those benches? terraces out on the terraces. the farmers also plant additional trees. their roots will over time, protect the soil from erosion, while their leaves will provide shade during dry season. for the soul, steam, mice for longer. mays, beans, and potatoes go far better, and the farmers can improve their yields. many tracts of land they used to lie fallow and now flourishing again. the variety of vegetables leading to improve nutrition amongst the local population will celebrate as well. the harvests that were expecting this season is a miracle for me. this land was no longer usable. but since the arrival of green to cumby climate change is no longer stopping us from growing crops, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! just look at what we have in these fields,
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shown in the further boost to the farmer's livelihood. new t plantations are being used up on that land that had long ceased to be fertile, and there are more wide years in the pipeline. we can little comment any area, any srp which is appropriate, appropriate for put that before a 3 appropriate for sat for a 3 appropriate for conservation and look across the valley and beyond reveals the dividends of the green to can be project the arid brown of depleted slopes is gradually disappearing, replaced by lush greenery and farm land, with some depend on healthy soil. others depend on an interest marine ecosystem, but there is only a limited amount of fish in our oceans, and those resources are being depleted quickly. does right sandra,
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according to the w. w. f. system, marty over fission, an illegal fission of volleyball fish stalks is to blame for the destruction of many marine ecosystems. with the help of digital technology, a project on south africa's cape wants to end the suffering of local fishermen there. 5, 30 in the morning at the port of cape town. while most of the city still sleeves skipping jeffrey fraser and his crew prepared to put out to see the 10 member crew are going hand line fishing for kate green. they're hoping for a good catch today. they did it with also the pleasures of whiskey. a good skipper, you know, get loving. there might be some truth in that, but it's a little fishy to lay all the blame on the skipper. conditions for art is an old
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commercial fishing on the cape, have grown tougher over the years. possibly climate change over fishing of the bites. change of current young plenty reasons i can give you. they also struggle with fishing quotas and market access. jeffrey fraser wants to improve conditions for his crew and has found the solution in the upper lobby app of a lobby, which means someone who fishes in a local language connect small scale fishes directly with consumers. daniel smith helped found the app and the n g o of the same name, which began as university of cape town, research pro in 2017 karens on africa under on the world. small scale fishes have been excluded and struggled for access to market a below be came about recognizing that there was this need. and there's an opportunity to then connect these small scale fishes digitally to markets. and for
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them to be able to access and, and own their own data. in practice, this means jeffrey fraser and his crew consolidate daily cats to restaurants. private pessimists directly through the up and we'll be testing out the middleman level of a quite good alpha that we know what we're going for. and what we catch in the price is much greater than we get from the local buyers. so for us, it's a big deal room in the reggie saying, says middleman only pay fishes roughly a euro kilo, okay, bring worth on of a low be the crew can next over $3.00 times faster. that means they can generate the same revenue with a smaller catch up a little bit as finance, through donations and outside funding. the entry oh, behind the app helps the fishes with infrastructure and logistics catches go by
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refrigerated truck to decentralized refridgerated storage facilities. short holes help reduce the carbon footprint of a low be employee, hung goliath, confirm the weight of the catch. he comes from a fishing family and wants to help his community for sure. and i want to remain the future. so the respect are what part of fishing i do, i think for their only time the fishing industry, what i will do is to just assist us with the process between after we get to the fish and the end consumer, which is a challenge for generations. and that's exactly what happens the catches from geoffrey phrases, boat and other absolutely, fishes go online and become available to customers on the apps market place. page
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chef neal swat is co owner of the restaurant in cape town. he is one of over 400 ships and 8000 private customers registered as buyers on upper luby. last night, the ship placed an order on the this morning hung alive, delivers it 5 killers of cape breed. the proof is in the pudding or the fish fish for that matter, like the, the quality of the fish we got is just something we haven't worked with before with the apps, q r code, the restaurant. and his guests can trace exactly where a fish comes from. the fishes name, the species, and where it was called jeffrey, i love knowing where the money is going. so i love knowing that the money is going to the fisherman and not some massive companies just amusing the sea. and the customers also enjoy hearing that the money they spend here by us goes
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directly to the fisherman. and we can see exactly how much they get. census debut, applebee has put more than 500000 euros directly into the pockets of struggling fishes. similar projects are already up and running in other countries, all aimed at preserving fish stocks and ensuring local fish as get a living wage. arming ourselves against climate change and its consequences, as well as gain in new knowledge to educate local populations and apply new ideas and methods. i hope visitation of the show convinced you how important, caring for environment is for now. good. by for me, chris a lamps in lagos, nigeria. we hope you enjoyed a great mix of topics coming through from africa and europe. and of course, we look forward to having your company once again next week. i am sandra, twin over your site, go from compiler. here in uganda. oh,
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a, a, [000:00:00;00] a, a ah,
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with families, a social network. many extracts working in germany, send money to family members in africa. this create new jobs. they're a german development organization, wants to harness with cash flow,
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with an ambitious project. sending cash in 15 minutes on d. w. animals. i'm clever in some of the smartest pigeons. their visual memory is outstanding. can you memorize $700.00 images and recall them at any time? for a pigeon, it's a piece of cake. to morrow today. 90 minutes on d w. ah, with rearing to read. ah,
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everyone who loves books has to go insane with a d. w literature list. 100 german must reads i thought it's a journey across the entire continent with a variety of cars. so what on this, so we focus the movers, shake as visionaries and make us when binding the meaning of modern africa. this is an egg on d, w, and the guy in iowa, sexual assault survivor, them to step out and say the truth. yes, this is keith. nothing can stop me. that is out with,
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with this week with this is dw news coming to you live from berlin, the f b i searches donald trump's florida estate. the former president said a large group of agents rated maro lago. it's son says they're searching for documents taken from the white house. also coming up, veteran canyon opposition leader. right, loading of hopes to become president, but the front brother pace is all strong challenge from deputy president william


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