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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 15, 2022 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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ah, ah ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin, kenya, and since it's next president william router when say tightly contested rice but several actual official site, i won't stand by the results. violence breaks i just ahead of the announcement also on the program. but tell me about mock
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a year said takeover of afghanistan. taliban fighters sing and celebrate in the streets. millions of afghan struggle with severe hunger thinking economy and the loss of women's rights. ah, i'm fil gale. welcome to the program. i can use the election chief has declared william router the winner of the presidential election, which took place almost a week ago. formerly the country's deputy president mister router ran a tightly contested race against opposition. leader reiner or dingo scuffles broke out in the national tallying center just ahead of the announcement and several election officials. now i'm say they will contest the result of the voters otherwise been largely peaceful in contrast to the post election violence of 2007, in which more than a 1000 people died. here's the president elect speaking immediately after the
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announcement jointly, we have raised the bah. this election was much about the issue than the ethnic configurations that have always inform away election. gratitude goes to them. millions of canons who refused to be boxed into tribal cocoons. i want to thank my what the competitor, the honorable re loading for a campaign that we all dwelled on issues and we tried to fail an agenda to their people. okay. i went to promise that i would walk
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with all elected leader and all the death in kenya so that we can fashion a country that leaves nobody behind a stone dw correspondent to felix marina. in the canyon capital at nairobi. are welcome felix or message or of unity from the president elect. but this result has been contested. not just by mister dingus or people, but also by election officials. yes, it has been contested by some of the election of electoral commission and executive members or commissioners. they said that it was an o pick process and they would be giving that information in due course. so what we know so far is that there is im,
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your side led by that shift. agent said that i be see that promise of kenya was a scene of a crime. then i, they also said that the i be system had been hocked. all of these are unsubstantiated claims. we are yet to see what evidence will be tabled either. either supreme court or event at the public par view, but as it stands, ah, some of the commissioners said they were not standing by their election result. that the chair pass on announced this particular evening. so it, there, there is a huge cry he and there, but we shall be looking and observing very cleanly, kinley, to see what some of the evidence will be presented ala, the supreme court, or which will be presented in the various court of knows that we have here in the country right now the i bcc best. this is the electoral commission in can you or is it a felix absolutely. absolutely. i be. see the electoral commission.
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they are mandated with conducting their leg, sean, and taking it to the final and which has culminated this evening by william root or being declare the president elect. and he got a 50.49 percent of their total. what that was costs. can you saw massive violence after the presidential election in 20? 17. how have things been this time? well, ah, we are still at bowman prayer. william brutal came in to bomb us as deputy president, his walked out as president elect. so we are yet to see what kenyans out there as saying, but even they really justly does that while at bull myself, kenya, they called on kenyans to accept their results and be peaceful. william router also alluded to the fact that it was time to now rebuild kenya, and it was in time for people to go to the streets and a contest,
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but you see that's on him as the winner of the election. so we're waiting to see what happens on the other side. but on the civil societies, i religiously does the end. everybody seems to be singing the same song that kenya's needs to maintain peace. now that the presidential a result has been and now so it is a case of wait and see. we do not know what will happen in different parts of the country, but we shall be here to inform you anything that pops in there. in the course of time, bank of about felix felix berringer in nairobi. today at mark's a year since the taliban, the regain control of the afghan capital ending a 20 years of us lead military intervention almost overnight. a year ago today, thousands of people flat to cobbles, airports as the taliban closed in trying to board any plane that would take them to tell him on a mac and the event with televised present speeches. but since our return to power,
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the former insurgents have presided over an economy in freefall, which is fuels one of the world's worst humanitarian disastrous. sandra patterson report contains images you might find disturbing. ah, this is chassis b, b o n. she was born just before the taliban returned to power. shes he has strep between 2 curses that challenged the best efforts of doctors hearing cobbler trying to help her. you see a melanie alyssa, why she is suffering from both severe pneumonia and severe malnutrition. her pneumonia has actually caused her malnutrition blood, lacey multi model that essentially a little nurse who that as like as i put on a prognosis of children like her with severe malnutrition, is not very good as their growth development. and intelligence may be affected. list of those on the home that was a problem. shes yes,
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mother did not one to be filmed, but she told us she has 8 children and is pregnant with her 9th. there is never enough food at home, she set and no money for medicine. oh, half of afghanistan's people are experiencing acute foot insecurity. that's 20000000 people who are so hungry. their lives are at risk. as we drive to cobble with facts and figures become faces. this is one of the wet food program centers in the east of the city plotted out i've got a project manager of local 8 organization is in charge here. the worst part of the job choosing who should get supplies. it is exactly very difficult for as how to choose the right person over the air. many of them, they are hungry. many of them they are in need. many of them,
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even they are running after, as when we are giving their verification in selection. but to we cannot do all we can not provide food for all those he picks get 50 k g of wheat just over 6 k g of lanterns and 5 heaters of cooking i. there are also packets of peanut butter, paste for children, and special nutrition for pregnant women. it's supposed to feed a family for 3 months. it hardly ever does. o. s. the sky starts to darken over cobble. if we visit a bakery in the north. people with money by fresh bread for dinner. sometimes they buy extra for the desperate women who sit outside hoping for charity. many of them are widows. many have walked for more than an hour to get here. we act on as mammy, they are forced to beg. why else would we sit here all day again as, as that a vision vision will?
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yeah, i thought that like i take the bread home and i eat with my children. got them. but it's not enough to fill our stomachs. i divide the bread and pieces and give it to my children so that none of them dies, make it, but our stomachs are never full. the guys who bola manet, made money, monet theater, make money, bakery own i am your dell, half marty has registered around 1000 women for the bread donations only though is with a car to get a loaf. it's his way to try to help, but also to keep the situation under control. o. 8 of uh huh. that additional got them kitchen egg associate. i started this project out of a strong sense of beauty autism because our people, our job. lucie florida, the international community has stopped their assistant for us. i don't, we are forced to fight for our people. i'm for aligned to my but what that a my, them all the thought that a hockey mama but m a water. zack wanted afghans and not only victims of massive 8 cutbacks, but also of the sanctions against their fundamentalists, rulers,
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billions of dollars of national assets held abroad. a frozen st markets continue, but the wider economy is collapsing and the taliban have no experience of serving millions of desperate people in crisis. not a single country has recognized there is in this career. yes, status, it's costing atkins dearly. no, not an a dairy was a senior advisor to the former ask on presidents and given the catastrophic scenes we've just failed in that report. i asked him if the united states shouldn't return the $7000000000.00 from the african central bank that are currently frozen in the u . s. as you reported today, and it is today a day of morning and a day of darkness for almost all of our funds across the world and in the country. so need to be recognized as the collective,
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being aware wherever they are. and because of what's happening today, and called and marked in our history as the darkest day, a year on. now coming to the issue with needs of the, the reserve funds, the reserve friends are the property and the capital belong to the people. the taliban. a feel to create systems and to into stand, that the real power lies within the hands of the people and their legitimacy will only be based on peoples acceptance. they have failed so far to gain that legitimacy, both 1st of the, both of them people and then to the international partners. okay. address the, the point reading of my question, which is this is afghan money. we have to accept that african understand is now led by a group that we the even if we don't particularly agree with him by all the countries
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leaders. so should that $7000000000.00 that belongs to the country be returned to the country's government? not because there is no government that could be recognized or accept it, but there is no obligation to this many not to be spent any other purpose. and therefore, they need to be a mechanism to which independent utilization of that fine, not for 10 very short term food purchases, but more for how to stabilize the economy itself. and that cannot go to the town on itself because they're not putting in place an independent impartial central bank. and it could be used for purposes that would not get a game to the actual population. and therefore, we must be careful. the funds must be the restrictions on transaction within the private banks and its national banks need to be relaxed and
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therefore this fund to be used not as increasing or injecting leg with you because then it will have a longer term consequences. once that i reserve for the central bank reserves are spent that i've been parents have the only backing which is this reserve. and then that is the spend. poverty will go so far and will sustain itself because the depreciation and currency will follow with that it talk to say how much further the poverty could go under the present sanctions. afghanistan remains and internationally unrecognized to perish state. is it now time for the international community to do what it can to help the afghan people, even if it doesn't like afghanistan? government indeed their ways the international community
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can support the avalon people, not the, not the group are going to factor will occur the therefore utilizing those means that includes setting up a trust fund like it was a construction platform before, but not to be channeled through the government institutions because they are not all people just a point on your own, a role within the country. you spend something like 2 decades helping to build afghanistan's democratic structures and civil institutions. but they collapsed almost as soon as the u. s. withdrew and the taliban returned. why with a so fragile after 20 years? well, there are at least 3 factors into that. the 1st factor is its nature of any sort of a group that the 1st thing they do because they don't own legitimacy. when the people, they destroy any foundation for democratic democratic institutions,
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masses in our case then all of the constitution which was defaced for the democratic institution. second is our fadia. throughout the past 20 years, we could not build resilient institutions that they could sustain some of which are they're taking, the civic institutions, the civil society, some of these women courageously yesterday today they still being on the street. they've been monday. their rights are some of those seats that were planted and the woman turned to become a woman stronger as resilience that the community based the structures do still exist, but institutions of her formerly there failed and her is the international community. there was always the short term one year plan for 20 times. that was looking in both in terms of the institution building, but also in terms of the long term democratic commencement. there it was,
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was almost declining as, as, as we were moving. unfortunately, to today of the class, plenty of blame to go around. thank you so much for giving us your time. not in the dairy senior advisor, the former gun president. thank you. thank you. a 2nd. it's all stores making headlines around the world. france says, all of its troops have now left. molly french forces have been fighting islamist militants in the west african nations since 2013, but a decision to pull out was made in february after relations between paris and amaco deteriorated. the troops had become increasingly unpopular with the money and public. china says it is carried out more military drills around taiwan in response to the latest visit by us lawmakers to the self governing island. a congressional delegation arrived in type pay and meant time when these legislators just 2 weeks after a similar trip by ha speaking, nancy pelosi anger, beijing,
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me and mos ministry john to has sentenced the country's former leader. sung sushi to 6 more years in prison for corruption. she's already been sentenced to 11 on similar charges after being removed from power in february of last year. analysts say the charges on the attempt to legitimize the military seizure of power to hon has denied any involvement with an assault on or for salman rushdie. this left him seriously injured, runs foreign ministry distance itself from the new yorker stopping attack. but the blamed sir solomon and his supporters for insulting islam has been the target of a decades old. fat are issued by iran's late leader, i tele, harmony or iranian president at volume in their landscape. did i say iranian, i'm skews me, i meant ukrainian president flooded me as the landscape repeated his call for european countries to band to introduce a band on visas for russian tourists. the phil is been echoed by estonia and
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finland to european countries that ship borders when russia calling for all a member states to stop issuing taurus phases to rush in passport held us. you countries have divided on the issue. lithuania isn't a you country which also borders russia. d. w. constantine agate asked their foreign minister gabriella lance baggage for his thoughts on this proposal. the thing has made this decision quite quite early and also not only just because of the political reasons, but also because of the practical reasons. the thing is that when the war started, ellison felt huge influx of people who are seeking for shelter, running away from persecution bead from from bellas, which i mean, so it's a long, long time ago. i mean, i just went to 2020, almost 2 years now and also from, from russia, from us go. so, and knowing that counselor capacity is limited,
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me that people can issue only so many businesses. so basically you have to answer yourself. a very simple question. could your issue have either 1st, is it a, a family of, of a, you know, n g o or a member who might be persecuted? who was father or mother is being persecuted or some tourist, you know, who wishes to spend a few lovely days by lithonian seashore? so the answer, it was obvious. so we've, we've basically stopped our visitations to people who would go for recreation. and the only reasons that are issued is the military and cause visas. so for us, this is not in your debate, and obviously we support that. it would be a european decision. because as you know, washington works like that. that basically is a porous borders. it means that people entering one filled and dishes a visa to someone than someone make somebody exact. and we've seen those cases as
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well. people who are not supposed to be independent, they are suddenly finding themselves in the senior, all in other countries. so that happens. so we would totally support the european decision. and then yes, obviously there is a political side of the question, immoral question. and when we understand that the people were forced to flee ukraine, some of them are remaining. they're fighting for their lives. fighting therefore, for their homes. while the country was at war is still free to people from the country still free to travel and enjoy all the amenities of the free world, basically which their government is fighting against a germany opponent of set up a joint task force to deal with an ecological disaster affecting a major river that borders both countries and want to find out the cause of the deaths of thousands of fish and the river oda upstream on the polish side of the border. the doff of sparked concerns about the potential impact on the river and
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wildlife downstream mac that inevitably skies on the lookout. the conservationist is searching for dead fish in the waters of this nature park and northwestern. poland. so far she hasn't spotted any, but she is very worried about how much at the god we know nothing about this chemical. it harms the fish, but also all the fall, 9 the river and we fear that it will penetrate into the earth. the whole area is assistant of water canals. this chemical can flow into the marsh land through this water. not only aquatic organisms live there, but also mammals and many birds. fornia thought the wave of that fish is getting closer. 20 kilometers from here. fire fighters are pulling dead fish out of the water. there's still only a few here, but a bit further up stream. it looked like this the previous day. it's still unclear what caused the mass deaths. german and polish water samples have shown high levels
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of salts. the polish government suspects that chemical waste was dumped into the river. critics say the polish side has reacted to slowly. 2 high ranking officials have since been dismissed by poland, prime minister, with my ministers from germany, and poland have meant to try to agree on a joint approach with other people. i love you for the dog. those who hold political responsibility must provide clarity on this environmental disaster to minimize the damage to identify the perpetrators. young. i hope this meeting today has made a real contribution in that direction by a task and i stood, shall know the results of the water samples will be shared and discussed together go. oh my gosh martin. she showed the meeting. we agreed on faster decision making and an appropriate course of action for the hours and days ahead. huh. on the germans side of the river's estuary, the situation is relaxed. the disaster is not yet visible here,
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but things could change soon. to mush anesco or from poland green party is in also debowski not far from the river odor. i asked him what this ecological disaster means for communities around the river it's, it's very serious. we couldn't really overestimate the consequences that the up is going to have for the community. what we basically have today is that, that river and you can imagine what that means for people who are involved in fishing tourism and recreation industry. or and use the river as background to the daily activity my, it seems on thinkable that, that a pollution incident of this size could have happened without anybody knowing what, who was or what was responsible and without anyone sort of putting their hands up and say, yeah, sorry about that, we did this yes. especially outrageous because that's the
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green party on we're dealing with cases like that on a daily basis. not of this magnitude perhaps. and cases would not that much interest from when the media and public opinion, but this is, this is hardly a surprise. i think this was the disaster and i'm making we've been getting with, with the tuition and where the current radical right wing government. it said driven by ideological hostility towards nature, preservation and mental conservation. and they've been engaged in massive project of the drenching and deepening the river and building the 1st rector or turning the wild river into shipping shipping channel. and the consequences like what we see today, we're just going to happen. and is this a region that has industrial plants or chemical plants, so heavy industry in it the upper surface of the river?
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yes, this is, this is the heart of polish industrial regions and there are many potential sources of pollution. and i can imagine it will be very difficult to pinpoint which of those was responsible for this, for this situation, assuming that that's, that's the case that this is a single event, a single, a case where some business, some, some factory need to release taxes that are given what you've said about poland government to at the moment, you must be very pleased that this is going to be a joint investigation between poland and germany. if we are, we are, we're in agreement with those who are calling for international investigation to this to this case because we have a little confidence in, you know, we're being carried out by the public government. we, we have
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a long history with them and hiding and misleading the public opinion, presenting all the information and planning line to, to publish that as an end to our partners in other countries of the european union . thank you so much for joining us, too much on ish go from poland green party. thank you. thank you. i sent you up to date. well well news of the top off be out of next year on d. w. news asia with melissa chat with ah, with
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family and destroyed by the taliban in 2001 shock waves around the world will
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history repeat itself the year after islamists took over afghanistan, attacking cultural heritage has been a tried strategy since the dawn of culture. fear is not unfounded, how extinguishing culture wipes out, history aren't $21.00. in the minutes on d, w, i a journey across the entire continent with a variety of cars. so what on this? so we focus the movers, shake of visionaries, and because when bonding the meaning of modern africa, this is after meg, i'm d, w. music 50 years ago. the international gathering
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of peace and cooperation becomes the scene of a horrible tragedy. arab terrorists, armed with sub machine guns, went to the head quarters of the israeli team and immediately killed one man. and that this will be the last one was still in the life or worse fears realized tonight. they're all gone. how i witnesses experienced the terrible events and this the world shouldn't forget me. the law shuttle, the 1972 olympic massacre. stuart september, 3rd on d. w here watching d. w. news asia coming up today. one year after the taliban seized power in afghanistan, we take a closer look at girls access to education. the government is permitting some schooling, but only up to a point. and other children are in even more.


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