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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  August 15, 2022 7:15pm-7:31pm CEST

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submerged in a swimming pool. owens mcculla muscle key of ich took the title after 4 rounds. unfortunately, the sport is not quite as exciting for spectators. why? i said you up to date. well well news at the top of the our up next here on d. w. the melissa chap. house news, asia. good thing is the 2021 afghan. the stuff the taliban take power and humanitarian catastrophe begins. women of violently oppressed,
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abject poverty becomes everyday reality. how do people in afghanistan live today? insights report? background stories on all platforms will see by d. w or what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites with d. w world heritage 360. get out now here watching d. w. news asia coming up today, one year after the taliban seized power in afghanistan, we take a closer look at girls access to education. the government is permitting some schooling, but only up to a point. and other children are in even more dire circumstances facing the prospect
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of starvation and illness. ah, ah, i melissa chan, thanks for joining us. is the one year anniversary of the fall of cobble afghanistan to the taliban. since then the country has faced economic chaos. political fundamentalism and the forced exit of half the population, women and girls, from many parts of society. somewhere from 850002 about a 1000000 teenage girls are missing out on high school education, which will have big consequences on the potential and prosperity of the country. dw, sandra petrie. mon reports from couple. oh, these go to hungry for the education they get. it's are going a high school in cowboy. they have big plants. who of you went to be a doctor?
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raise your hands that these plans may end up as dreams. although they are only 11 or 12. this is their last year at school. the taliban are allowing only very few goods to study beyond great 6. the leadership has effectively bent secondary education for girls. these remich emerett as the taliban called their government. once to enforce agenda, segregated society where teenage girls and women mainly stay at home. ha, ha ha. i will try my best to continue with my classes here. but i asked the slammy camera to open goals. school is still great to alberta for that we can study properly. again, it doesn't, it was that i'm not the specific doing businesses about that. i'm sad. i ask our government to open schools so we can all study the rights of women and men should be equal but does but overshoot. my mother, this used to be
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a place of learning for more than 8000 girls after that. now there are only 2000 students in grades 7 to 12 are at home. the teachers keep going, but everyone knows that when the girls finish this great, all these would be doctors will be banned from school. oh touch some other are in the i feel for the future of our children. i feel that leave will be as an literate in the future. you mothers are in the another, a country without education does not have a future. i mean, the future of all of us live in the hands of these teenagers. i could show others my show good for that. i had to tell my students, you can't come back here until there's a new order or but in tom, why are you taking my students out of class all good to no matter since nicholas you. oh, we take that question to the taliban. made history for the promotion of virtue and
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prevention of vice. that's the ministry responsible for social behavior to fit with the taliban vision of islam. delaware, the spokesman mirrors many other answers by only offering any basis and sadly loose for them. that'll dollar somebody hammer hover sedona. there are definitely some problems for the grants after class 6 live, but you need to ask for ministry of education for specific. so the issue will not last forever on that. i hope it will be resolved soon. that will be as la mic emerett i was thinking about it. that said up has been out of school for 2 years. first due to corona, then the taliban, the 16 year old study set home alone. no stone in me. i miss being that my friends, i miss drawing and studying with them by me. i also miss being that might each other during exam, so i missed them all. my biggest hope was to become a doctor, was now my biggest hope is that my school will start again. her oldest
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sister, fresh day as a teacher, she still works teaching little boys. she understands sad duff's desire for schooling, but can do little to cheer her up. i mean, cupboard i had a body commissioner can work every time said off. here's the news that schools remain closed for girls. she gets more depressed. she cries, at least once a week had she sits with a bleeding heart asking why the school is not opening. i can't i finished grade 12, michelle myself. it was the monday of kindest dance. little girls are still in school, but despite domestic and international pressure, the taliban won't let high school girls continue their education. currently, that lease nearly a 1000000 futures hanging. oh, we have d w very own was lot had starting at c me head of the dairy and patched ho service . joining us from bon a, was that taliban enforcement of education has seemed pretty un even
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are there pockets of the country where teenage girls are able to learn? well, melissa, unfortunately this is not the 1st time african women and girls have been barred from education during the ninety's. during the taliban 1st rule, all girls had been forbidden from going to school back then. underground schools were set up all over the country and girls would meet up secretly to study. and we're now seeing that a similar strategy has been used. some of the women teaching them have undergone, does the same restrictions when they were young themselves. so girls are still learning, but they're doing it privately and shut off from the other outer world. ah, you asked about pockets. i have to stress that there are indeed still regions and provinces where there are a number of girls that can still go to school after grade 6. it depends on the governing taliban group in their stance on girls education, which might differ from the overall rule or the, the, the rule of the supreme leader. so what has been the punishment?
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i wonder for the girls who've sought this informal education, whether in a private home or as you say, an underground school. so the most bizarre thing, in my opinion, is that not the girls themselves are being punished or they might be punished. but the, the general punishment is to punish brothers and, and fathers. so male, family members, which is quite effective because obviously the male relatives in a family will do everything to hinder girls from, from, from finding and seeking education. and do you have a sense? i know it's just been one year and there's so much uncertainty, but do you have a sense of whether things might change for the better on the education front? because you mentioned that there seems to be some pockets, some places where the person in charge thinks it's not too bad to allow girls to go to school. well,
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it looks like and is becoming more and more obvious every day that the taliban are not like a group that is completely homogenous on, on all issues. so they are divide it especially when it comes to, to the, to the, to the issue of girls education. because, i mean, it's pretty obvious. but a number of taliban on also see that the future of millions of girls also has an effect on the country's economy. as well, and in fact, it's also against the, the, the, the, the pillars of islam which islam tells afghan and tells all women and all girls to, to, to, to educate themselves. and units have just published a statement that clearly states that depriving girls in afghanistan of the right to education has had a divest it of a devastating effect on the country's economy, which is already on the brink of total college. so closing the education doors to girls has cost 2.5 reduction and afghanistan, g, d p, which is
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a huge very quickly um, what is the distinction that some of these guys men are making when they allow girls to go through primary school and then stop at secondary, what is scary to them about secondary school education that they say, this is the stopping point. it's pretty complicated to melissa. it's not so easy to, to explain and a few sentences. but i mean, puberty as one thing. so as soon as the rim, as soon as girls reach puberty and become women, they want women to stay at home. so i think this is the most obvious, but then also we have to think about the overall effect and long term effects. it has on afghan society and, and, and, and hindering girls from getting an education hindering women from gauging, getting in education. we'll also keep the obedient in a sense. so i think this would be my short answer to this was that thank you so
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much for addressing that. it's a question that i've been, frankly wondering for a long time was not had you not see me. thank you so much for joining us. for some children, however, the problem isn't even access to education. it's more dire in parts of the country, families are starving, and parents are faced with the impossible choice of selling one child to feed the other children. i mean, how do you even pick, here's the story of just a few of the people impacted far from afghanistan's capital. kabul lives, maria. she and her 4 children are hungry. she is already given away to sons and sold one daughter for around 208 to your rows. gone as pay that ga that i couldn't feed them, couldn't provide their clothing. i was unable to buy food and cover the expenses now for children with me. i do laundry, bake bread and work as a maid in order to make ends meet appeared america. since the death of her husband
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maria has had to make it alone. her story is all too familiar to many parents in dire need of help. i love my daughter was 7 years old mob brought them by, sold for 70000 of danny's law, just so around 750 ye rose. war. but we'll now i'm dying of starvation back there, but i had to sell my little girl with my children would have died of hunger to butcher. i have 5 children. what of where i sold one to phoebe of the fall on will yet your will roof them on what java. since the taliban re took power a year ago, have gone to stand has become increasingly impoverished. those bearing the brunt 1st and foremost are children. when it comes to child trafficking girls a more valuable than boys, some married off extremely young, others as sexually abused and sold for the same reasons to afghanistan's neighboring countries. boys are also sold abroad. they're of interest to the taliban and other extremist groups that indoctrinate them from an early age.
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i have that said that that will be stanford where, coma, unfortunately not that the poverty became more severe and with the war accelerating . humanitarian aid was reduced. tapio, on the other hand, with changes and transition is in the country. i'd to afghan a stand was slow down in the me all men. the specter increased the poverty amongst families, particularly the displaced families in the habit for and forced people to still be children. kidneys for and their body, you have good odessa, but on a holder at the foot of jayla, most families don't escape poverty even by selling their children at children's hospital and they harrop province, young mothers queue to have their severely malnourished children treated by the doctors. they tried to strengthen the children with high calorie energy packs. oh,
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the situation is deteriorating in this country and especially children are suffering heartbreak. so it's the right time for the humanity in community to stand up. and steve, the people abandon providing for the many internally displaced persons, remains difficult for the country itself. hardship is growing and the greater the poverty, the greater the danger for the children right back at the same time to morrow. until then, good bye. ah ah ah, the buddha of bomb yan destroyed by the taliban in 2001 shock waves around the world will history repeat itself a year after islamists took over afghanistan, attacking cultural heritage has been
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a tried strategy since the dawn of culture. the fear is not unfounded. how extinguishing culture wipes out, history aren't $21.00 next on d, w. ah, what people have to say matters to us. m. that's why we listened to their stories. reporter every weekend on d. w. mm hm. with 1st time that i saw it does it does it for as a video and i really tried to avoid it and that's why i decided to.


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