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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2022 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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and dining office and jolly alice services will be our guest at frankfurt airport city. managed by frappe waterloo just ah, this is dw news line from berlin. the un secretary general says ukraine's energy belongs to ukraine. and tony, good cherish calls on russian not to cut this operation nuclear power plant from ukraine's power grid. something here says moscow is planning to do. also coming up in the program. driven chance offshore testifies in inquiry into germany's biggest
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tax scandal, but says he can't remember crucial details and an ancient city facing a modern problem. climate change means athens is getting hotter and dryer. but the greek capital is finding ways to adapt to rising temperatures. ah, i'm aaron tilton, thanks for joining us. a top level visit ukraine and a stern warning to rush up. the head with united nations has reiterated concerns over the safety of your biggest nuclear power station and renewable cherishes calling for a safe zone around the russian occupied separation nuclear plant. each side accuses the other of shelling the facility she of also cleans russia is plain to cut electricity produced at the station from its power network. missing the port odessa
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quoterush had a clear message for moscow. obviously, the electricity from somebody, its ja, is ukrainian electricity. and the, it's necessary, especially during the winter ford of ukrainian people and these, but his people must be fully respected. the risk of a trouble like accident or worse is spreading fear among local residents, while still under ukrainian control. the city of separation is alarmingly close to the front line. nuclear plant. the demand is skyrocketing every day, pharmacies ins, parisha, so iodine pills to residence. they're anxious about the russian occupied nuclear power plant. and we 40 kilometers away. merchants thrust was good. yes, of course, it worries us a lot. we all still remember chernobyl hills to, we're afraid, and we worry a lot. a humanitarian center here, hosts refugees from a nevada,
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where the power plant is located. a former employee he wants to remain anonymous, describes the situation there is b, mitchell. they beat up the head of the department. they took him away and beat him . be why they don't explain it, they just take people away and mistreat them again and again, the size of the nuclear power plant comes under artillery, fire, russia, and ukraine. both blame each other just across the river. in the town of nico po, people live in fear not only from the daily shelling, but the risk of a nuclear disaster. was life alarmed when we go to bed at night, we always say good night, i am. but now we don't know whether there will be a tomorrow. i've only got no. residents are hoping the united nations can help. they say that what's unfolding here, threatened, not only them,
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but the entirety of europe. with all eyes in jeopardy, shall we asked our correspondent young for the choice to give us the latest on the volatile situation at the nuclear power plant. well, after our days of horrible news, there are some potentially good news, sir. during a phone call with a friend president my call hootin agreed to emission of international inspectors at the power plant. this is remarkable because he seems to agree to ukrainian demands to let the inspectors travel through ukrainian or controlled territories. so this is a huge, a step forward. of course we have to see if he will really stick to this announcements. there have been very many misleading announcements in the past. and in the meantime, a situation at the power plant remains highly dangerous. a lot of international experts say that it's not only the shelling of the plan that is so dangerous,
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but also the increasing risks are increasing risk of potential power cuts that could lead to a serious overheating of the reactors with disastrous consequences. let's take a look now at some other headlines around the world. at least 14 people had been killed and dozens wounded in a rocket attack on the crowded market in the town of al bob in northern syria. theory is controlled by turkey backed opposition fighters. the syrian observatory for human rights as syrian government forces were behind the attack. police a gunman have taken control of a hotel in the somali capital login issue, following car bomb blasts and gunfire. the al qaeda linked, alicia bob group is claim responsibility for the attack on the high yacht hotel. it is a popular venue among wall makers and other government officials. mexican authorities
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have arrested a former attorney general in connection with the 2014 disappearance of 43 students . a source morrila car um stands accused of mishandling investigation of the student's suspected reduction. he's been charged with forces, appearance, torture and obstruction of justice. a statement from a real comes party called the arrest politically motivated is a tale of tax fraud worthy of a hollywood film. the multi $1000000.00 com ex scheme enabled many to get rich. i've also reclaiming tax rebates. that was until authorities in germany got wind of it and closed it down years later, questions or been asked about german chancellor all off, shall. it's new. when he was mayor of hamburg. he's been given evidence at a hearing in the city shoulder has been facing some difficult questions. lo maker is that the inquiry in hamburg, want to know whether he helped a local private bank avoid pain back millions and taxes. when schoultz was the seed,
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his mayor, him at officials from barbara bank, which owed the city 47000000 euros for claiming refunds on taxes. it never paid. after those meetings, hamburg authorities dropped a payment demands. at 1st shots claimed he never met with the banks representatives . this was later proved to be wrong. now he says he cannot remember what was discussed and stresses. there is no connection between his meetings and the cd back in down. it is unlikely that he cannot remember anything from this meetings. during those meetings or phone calls, it was about nearly $50000000.00 euro for his city in tax revenue. the whole aspect of working here with this alarming tactic of just admitting what he has to admit and once more has been proven, you will admit more masons that much more doubtful that there is no memory at all.
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prosecutor stressed the chancellor is not the target of the investigation. speaking after the hearing shot said he acted appropriately. he had them off. i admit i had prepared myself for it to take longer than now. but the fact that it was done quick and speedy, also speaks for the fact that everything is now on the table. and one can also draw the clear conclusion. there was nothing. there was no influence kind of interesting on the game. turned on. this was the chancellor's 2nd appearance before the investigators. his political opponents already seen. it shouldn't be the last or just when the world was getting the hand on the cobra 19 pandemic. along comes another new medical puzzle. 19 countries have reported monkey pox cases so far. with over 30000 confirmed infections, while this is not spread as easily as the corona virus, governments are concerned and demands for vaccine or rising. india has seen very few cases as of yet, but hospitals are preparing as d. w 's,
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maria madeira child re reports from delhi. this hospital in delhi was at the center of fighting the coven 19 pandemic. it's now become the center again. this time the battle yet another virus monkey box thousands of cases have been detected in dozens of countries around the world. but just then cases have been officially reported across india. so for some exploit suggest more maybe spreading unchecked up as the racial mar is the medical director here. he says the hospital is fully prepared to handle infected patients. we have a dedicated or isolation ward treatment facility and dedicated staff for one coupon here, cleaned our doctors, nurses, technician paramedics for this virus because this is new in our reason, in our country because these patients are pending. these patients are worried to
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poke there. oh come, so we have a dedicated counseling unit, also. the out of the world health organization declared monkey box a public health emergency. last month or 2, the indian government sprang into action 1st. the government has constituted a task force and relieved a horse of guidelines to check the spread of the spiders. and according to report, at least 8 pharma companies have expressed interest in developing a vaccine for monkey box. this of every biologist within their esto, hon says, more box vaccines are effective against monkey box. but the country does not have stalks on hand. he asked that it's important to be cautious and ready, but drew with neither back see that this stage or not, i'm not really sure because a self resolving infection is it doesn't spread very fast. mortality rates are very, very low. so i don't do mos vaccination for,
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for monkey bokes is something we should be looking at right. the monkey pox virus is not perceived as a serious threat at the moment. but having recently emerged from deadly deeds of cool with 19 and dealing with rising cases, yet again, the country can not afford the good laps when it comes to a potential health. and the researchers investigating the mass death of fish in the river odor at the german polish border. say the most likely cause is industrial discharge. the order has seen large scale growth of toxic algae that flourishes in salty conditions. it doesn't grow in such large quantities. under normal water conditions, the polish environment ministry has announced an investigation into this bill. on stain in europe. there's been little lead up in the heat wave that has group the continent in the past weeks. temperatures have top 40 degrees celsius in several countries. in our next report, our correspondent, gunner corona travels to the greek capital athens,
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to see our authorities there are dealing with the extreme heat. alaneese mirror villi always has her water bottle with her in summer. she's used to the dangerous heat waves in her home city. she is the 1st chief heat officer in athens and across europe. it's her job to get the greek capital fit to face the challenges of climate change. she's on her way down into the depths of the city with someone from athens waterworks. it's also a journey back in time. the subterranean tunnel, almost 20 kilometers long, was built by the roman emperor hadrian. in the 2nd century, mira really is planning to have water flowing along hadrian aqueduct. again, engineers are already working on her idea. they are planning to grieve, 20 specific points where the, where they tap into the water,
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into the green new parks. a green belt across athens is intended to make the city cooler and the pleasant mere villi. once more parks. she is particularly proud of these japanese style space. she is friends with the landscape gardener who created it. we don't have a lot of barks and, and green spaces and we have a lot of old people. the fact that the surfaces are, are we have a lot of surfaces of 10 to heat up. we have a lot of cars that produce even more heat and air conditioning and produces even morrissey. so it's actually a pretty deadly mix enough. in grease extreme heat waves with highs over 40 degrees, are almost always accompanied by forest fires. and they also threatened the capital . in mid july fire reached athens in northern city limits. dozens of homes would gutted. experts fear that large parts of the city,
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home to 4000000 people could be uninhabitable in a few days. studies already show that heat waves are responsible for a rise in mortality among the elderly. in particular, the chief heat officer is seeking advice from the red cross, red cross representatives from australia explain, they have their own emergency plan. when temperatures reach up to 50 degrees, we are preparing people to be able to help her people before they get really sick. so that we can tell them what to do and if they start having symptoms, somebody is there that can answer a phone or can be next to them to help them. so they don't end up in the hospital. but not all athenians see it as a life threatening problem. and i don't know if i feel dizzy or think i'm going to vomit. i just stick my feet in cold water. oh, are you on at all? but unit happens is more and more unbearable in summer. we don't have any rivers and the surrounding area has usually already been scorched. near valley is planning
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to stick by her home city. after all, she says it's hardly the 1st crisis that the city has faced in its practically 4000 year history. all right, that's it for me and the night crew on you, cooper's mckennan will be back at the top of the hour to walk you through the days events. and remember, you can always get all the latest news and updates on our website. that's d w dot com. i'm aaron chilton, thanks for joining us. with every day counts for us and for.


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