tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle August 20, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm CEST
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ah, and looking for new years old with here we moved here, we groove in 60 minutes on d w. these places in europe are smashing all the records. stepped into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of you are to record breaking sites on your back. you too. and now also in book form i eyes are often called the windows to the song when we feel connected to someone, we look deep into their eyes. they can supposedly also help us tell if someone is being honest with us in this episode of in good shape. we'll explore the world of
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optic health and separate fact from fiction. and how about lesson no methods for keeping our eyes healthy. welcome to in good shape. ah, ah, who ever wanted to take a deep look into your own eyes? you can at this berlin photo studio using a picture of your iris. i know there's so much more to it than what you see at 1st with fascinating counter like looking into your own. so in the video. but some people also believe you can see much more in the color and structure of the iris. we're going to take a closer look at this and other related theories
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o followers of era dollar g claim that the iris provides insights into our entire body from the lungs and stomach to heart diseases. ah, is keep touch safety. there are small number of illnesses that can be seen in the iris and, but they're mostly inflammatory diseases of the eyes, which then involve granular, almost our deposit or other change there would applicable in either systemic diseases that iraq daughters claim to see can definitely not go detected there come on definitive nice decade. oh which theories about the eyes are true then we asked people from a variety of countries. my parents always told me not to play video games as video games could cause my prescription to go higher. and i've said his stop,
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so it's you, i just come now, i know that you shouldn't play computer games too much sheet and all don't to stare at screens too much because that's going to be of that kind of make you the service and have miss emma i've always wondered why display screens are bad for your eyes, much out of the organs and there's looking at a screen damage. your eyes is august. the concern was that the blue wave length component of light could be harmful to our retina. but fortunately, these problems only arise at a far higher level of exposure, so we won't have to wear blue protected glasses allow shorts, but in of seen going longer offline beach, i'm looking at a screen means looking the same direction and from the same distance for a long time, this is all we also know from studies that the blinking frequency is lower. her eyes dry out more easily, lena is, and that can cause problems such as i $52.00 eyes and burning eyes. all them you
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don't talk miss. all the been the old. oh it doesn't usually cause long term damage and you can prevent the feeling of dryness with regular breaks. the best place is outside where the air is more humid. the simplest option is to just close your eyes for a short time. and what about this classic? it's a healthy do it in, in dark places, mine a motor. my mother read books under the cover is with a flashlight, isn't as a mid ms on, and that's why she has problems. now he again had this problem. it is reading in the dark bad for the eyes. that's it's, it's not harmful as such, but it can be a strain on your eyes and treaty all when it was hellish when something is bright and the contrast is good and it's easier to see a bigger body's mind if you're reading under the covers. when dimmed light i for, or you're really focusing your eyes, then you have to exert them more. i mean, i'll, should, them was more than to me on thing. so screens and dark lighting are
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a strain but not harmful. in the case of children, however, that is not the case, thus intense even now by it. when the intensive, close proximity attitude with eyes, whether it's with books or computers, can lead to the young. i becoming more nearsighted and school age. so i was booked thus. thus, younger algorithm should i adore stack. there was very clear evidence that when children are outside in work during school recess, this contributes to their eyes developing healthily and becoming less nearsighted in august all isn't advocate on vinegar equity. ah, this vitamin a rich vegetable is said to be really good for i cite. carrot, i love drinking carrots, you sold his off. he says a perfect of always her dad. ethan keratin blueberries, are gonna help her to see better in the dark places. i was eating a lot of carrots when i was a char, as it says, my,
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our site was ready. my mom said that caris of course held is taken. dick, i think carrots are very important for eyes, but i don't know why you are carrots. good for the eyes is which i mean i broke the body needs the vitamin to produce visual pigment. the fox is pigment, helps the sensory cells to detect liason, least watson. you wouldn't vinzini. and if you don't consume enough vitamin a with to be due to malnutrition, or to certain intestinal diseases or mr. ben, at some point on your eyesight might actually be impaired. when does one, the 1st sign of this one is night blindness, or se soon mixed. on or not as gap, i my there was this woman who hit her husband, 2 kilograms of carrots every day. he had a toxic reaction to him. so here to normal, healthy nutrition is advisable. you that you don't need to eat excessive amounts. i'm almost yes me excessive. it wasn't ha upwards. ah,
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one possible reason behind the persistence of this belief dates back to the 2nd world war. the british didn't want the germans to know that they had invented radar . they prefer to suggest that their pilots aid a lot of carrots, which explain their accuracy in the air. over in colombia, this fruit here is said to have special properties. says that the you put lemon juice in your eyes to young leg babies. then your eyes will be like a blue or green. ouch. as of this and yahoo, we now know that i color is primarily termed by genetics. you need to see in the clinical practice, though, you can't turn eyes blue that way. media right, almost min isaac guns closet. it's just a myth that doesn't stand up to any scientific scrutiny. this is jackie here we focused on. ah, so for healthy eyes, take regular breaks from screen time, get enough daylight and eat a balanced diet. ah,
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places like these are used for a wide variety of purposes. we most likely to see them at light shows or at supermarket cash registers will scanning bar codes. but some lays is a strong enough to cut through metal. others i used for medical procedures like skin re termination and lasers can also be deployed to improve people's vision. so they no longer need to wear glasses. uninsured angel is passionate about tennis. she's played since she was a child, and she's also warn classes since elementary school to help with her year sightedness. but they're less than ideal for tennis with tennis, her skin, i love playing tennis, but wearing glasses when i play in annoying, they're always sliding down when i run and they get dirty and rained on. plus i
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always have to worry about a ball hitting me in the face. cuz if the count on the 26 year old student were contacts for a long time, but she suffered from dry eyes and conjunct dividers, and couldn't stand them anymore. that's when she decided to undergo laser eye surgery. this procedure is used to correct vision disorders and is usually performed on healthy eyes. it's not medically necessary. how safe and effective is it? before the surgery, there's an extensive preliminary examination to find out whether or not honest styles eyes are healthy enough to endure the surgery. her vision, retina, and pupils are carefully measured. the shape and thickness of the cornea is also very important. as this is the part that will be altered by the laser, each w to, to, to hong if one of kind of his own notes, we definitely want to avoid making the cornea tooth. it was another risk is
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infection. and the 3rd risk is that it will have to be corrected again. this doesn't have into them. and those are the main risks pleasing to vom understand those eyes are healthy and are cornea is sick enough for the procedure. naturally, huffman respectful, of course i operations come with risks, but i think everything will be under control. and i just can't wait for that moment when i can see without glasses and eden denisha. her laser surgery is booked for a few days time. we'll find out later how it went. oh, zana flare from lans bag is also near sighted. she's. ready about to have ice or drink at the munich university hospital. i want to be a police officer, so i need better vision to pass the entry requirements. i'm a bit nervous at the moment, but i'm okay. is, i'm a flare is only 18 years old. but laser eye surgery is legal that this young age of
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it's a tricky, ave. there are downsides to having the surgery. so young is always because the i changes throughout our lives, it continues growing for quite a long time. and the length of the eyeball changes which can worse than nearsightedness. but if there are changes, we have enough tissue as a buffer for follow up treatment. on the one off the others, professor myer uses the smile method on sal replaced numbed i. that's when the laser cuts a small linds shape piece of tissue called alenta cule within the cornea. professor meyer then removes the lenti q via a small incision in the cornea, and correct sir nearsightedness in the process. the surgery only lasts a few minutes and it went well. cool. there's a strange feeling in my eye, but it's not so bad. it's definitely a lot better than a trip to the dentist. when problems occur, they usually appear directly after the procedure. this includes light sensitivity and dry eyes. this more slow,
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we need to identify problems right away and treat them as required. we can administer eyedrops as tear substitutes. the entire process lasts 2 to 3 weeks. longer of necessarily corrective eye surgery is expensive. the costs vary between a few 100 to a few 1000 euros. post operative care is very important as well. 40 year old ellen tok has come in for a post op check up. the laser surgery on her eyes was performed by professor daniel cope. he used the logic method, which involves cutting into the very front layer of the cornea. the surgeon creates a flap and opens it like a lid. then a 2nd. glaser re shapes the cornea underneath the flap. finally, the flap is closed again and sealed in place. it's been 6 weeks since ellen's procedure blue. i hadn't, i never felt any discomfort like there was something in my eye or that my eyes were
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dry right from the beginning. it was a perfect result. seeking. laser procedures have been around for decades with constant advances in technology. long term studies on the logic method have revealed that more than 95 percent of patients who undergo the procedure are satisfied. but there's no guarantee of a lifetime of good vision. you'd have men's couldn't middle age. every one start to develop, press be opiates efficient, where the eyes gradually lose their ability to focus on nearby objects. that's when people start to need reading glasses. laser surgery can't prevent that is a font that to tennis player honest. dined on her surgery, went well to doctor vine of id fung, used the smile method for her laser eye surgery. the entire procedure took less than 15 minutes, that says under sierra clinician, also the small incision is still open, which means she won't be able to drive for the next few hours. but when she gets home and rests her eyes for a bit,
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you all know she'll notice that she feels better with each passing hours, but from school mitchell knew vessels to connect us as much atlas blended on i'm experiencing a bit of glare. other than that, a slightly milky hazed, but it's already a lot better with no glasses. and the entire operation was so fast, it's crazy for bias. as a swanson ana gets picked up by her sister in a few days, her vision will stabilize the decision to get laser eye surgery is a very personal one. what's crucial for all patients is being able to make an informed choice. and now we'll take a glimpse into the future of medicine. many people only know see lead as a tasty side dish. research has, however, believe that the plant has a wealth of medicinal potential. seaweed has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. it's healing benefits already being researched on animals as an alternative antibiotic and for healing wounds. can see we'd also help our eyes
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the waters of germany's baltic, sea coast, our home to some real treasures of the natural variety. there are 1800 different species of brown algae. one of them grows on strings right here on the seaweed farm run by inez lanka and her team to the marine. biologist believes in the huge potential of sugar help or in latin. sa carina letizia not as i add them to see weeds are so fascinating because they really are the oldest plants in the world . you have to think about the time scale and how they've been able to adapt to underwater habitats and sometimes to the shore zone. to unpack the sheer diversity of natural active substances involved is amazing. ok. whose seaweeds are rich, minerals, vitamins and fiber, which is why they're considered
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a healthy food option. japan is a country with a high consumption of seaweed and also one with a long life expectancy. could there be a connection? mm hm. does see we'd have more uses than just holding rice together. might even strengthen our immune system. exactly how beneficial seaweed is to our health has not yet been comprehensively studied. but scientists like susanna alban are convinced seaweed contains a treasure trove of medicinal compounds. the pung and tighten is brown algae, contain certain polysaccharides or long chain sugar molecules which boast a particularly large number of biological activities. and that's very exciting for potential pharmaceutical use in the long term. the tuition i physician together with biologist, alexa ledner and her team, susanna,
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album is conducting research on those long chain sugar molecules from the cell walls of the algae, so called few coins are found in varying concentrations and compositions in all brown algae. and they can evidently stop a common aggressive eye disease known as age related macular degeneration. the condition is caused by damage to the macula, the point of sharpest vision on the retina. abnormal new blood vessels develop under the retina, driven by special growth factors. the vessels rupture burst and leak fluid or blood causing damage to visual cells, which then die. the results is blurry, vision, or even blindness. the i just, there are different manifestations of age related macular degeneration in the worst kind, the wet variety, a growth factor called v g. f plays a role. and what we were able to show very early on is that some food coins can actually inhibit the
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e g avenue chron. but which for coins from which algy can best prevent this pathological growth. a question the researchers want to answer that for coins also have another positive property. they apparently protect cells from oxidative stress . in the i oxidative stress is caused by exposure to light uv. radiation is considered a major cause of age related macular degeneration. laboratory tests have shown the adding for quite ins, gifts i cells and improves capacity for surviving. oxidative stress. busy moving against on what i really hope is that the food coins will enable us to develop something that can be administered much earlier when the patients are still asymptomatic. us here we ophthalmologists might already see that there's a problem even if the patient doesn't notice it yet. if we could introduce who coins at that moment, we might be able to prevent vision loss happening at all. that's our dream. which
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is why for coins are being systematically studied. the long chain sugar molecules come in a wide variety. even the process used to extract them from the seaweed has an effect on their chemical structure, as does the time at which they're harvested. and the see they grow in size diagnosed after high solidity nutrient content, u, v exposure, title range, and wave height. all of these factors have an impact on the food coit, in content, and as such, the quality of the flu, coit and this will good on spine. the quality of the active ingredient has to be consistent if the seaweeds are to be used to make medicines. so there's still plenty of work ahead for the scientists when it comes to harvesting the full potential of these very special plans. do you have a question then write to us whether it's about nutrition,
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exercise research, or therapy in good shape. we'll ask the experts just send us an email and the digital consultation can begin. dry eyes are a common problem worldwide. studies show that in this era of lock downs and an increase in work related screen time, the problem has gotten even worse. make sure to take breaks regularly and to stay hydrated. but if your eyes are read for prolonged periods or if they heard head to, your optometrist wants to get rid of those unsightly red eyes. no problem on a computer at least. but it's not always that easy. this ophthalmologists practice sees patients on a daily basis complaining of genuine red eyes. among the possible causes. a burst blood vessel in the conjunct title membrane at the front of the eye, leading to
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a tiny hemorrhage on the surface. what often looks alarming is in fact, in most cases harmless madison button that manages act. most patients have a fairly mundane reason for a red eye. it might be anything from a dry eye to a foreign body or a perfectly harmless sub conjunct table hemorrhage. these kinds of things account for most red eyes, beveled to deal. now, it was a foreign object that prompted alexander yackel to see the doctor today. he's an organ maker and had a work related accident. megan, i was using a handheld circular saw to cut a plank of wood. and as i was looking down at the saw a chip clue straight into my eye pretty straight forward. but it really hurts session. as walking from the doctor removed the tiny splinter with a cotton wool bud and checks for signs of damage to the cornea. after giving the patient eyedrops, she applies blue light to reveal any injuries. oh, fortunately,
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alec sunday. yeah, cobb is unscathed from the incident. and you don't wear goggles? no, right when the chip started flying, i remember thinking it would be a good idea to put them on, but it was too late. the doctor's next patient is here for a follow up check. she also had another typical injury. this time, not from a foreign object, but a self inflicted wound. the redness in her eye has since faded friends, homeless, it's been up. go to my fingers, sledge, i'm really not sure what happened. and then i felt a stab in my, i lost them popping up for you, get this quite a what when people are doing their make up. for example, in another frequent one is parents are playing or coddling with their young children and end up with a finger in there. i. it's all the problem. minor injuries to the cornea, usually he'll on her own within 24 hours with more serious injuries. the patient should be given, antibiotic eye drops in order to prevent an infection. another harmless,
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but still painful, affliction or style, which are caused by a bacterial infection of the eyelash follicle or eyelid gland. the surrounding skin becomes red and swollen. d o nude, yvonne, my eyelids were red and you could see a little lump and it scratched terribly on my eye and it still does as, as additional disorder. styles can be treated with a special ointment and they normally go away without any complications. but you should see a doctor if your eye remains red and you have symptoms such as itching a burning sensation pain or a sensitivity to light. in these cases, the cause may be more serious, red eyes or a very common symptom, but household remedies like camomile t should be used with caution. the common man english one and the warden. patients come in with a swollen red eye and tell me what they've tried, and i think, okay, they've tried a cam, a mile tea bag keyboard,
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but that can often cause allergic reaction. so it's better to avoid that option. vitamin based on niched mom. so remember to keep camomile tea bags where they belong in a cup of hot water. and now it's your turn. take out that work out mass because his personal trainer. okay, yeah, with a new exercise. hello . all you need is to day a met and a wait, we do turkish get up. where is this name from turkish wrestlers, they 200 years ago. the same exercise to show us how strong they are. and we do today exactly the same for this exercise. you need to wait, i take today what about what you can take, whatever you want to spend your leg. straighten your arm. bring the
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other hand to the side, then sit up. wait is on your hand. heaps high. bring the straight leg backwards on to your knee. then stand up and you go back down again into your lunch. bring the weight on your hand. bring the leg forward. sit down fully controlled straight from the leg. try to accumulate 6 rips, meaning 3 reps on every side, but you chain after each other. so you do one side. when you have finished exercise to change. decide. i love this exercise because you need to be fully concentrated. this means you're being in the here and now with this exercise, you train your full body,
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you decide what really matters to you. shift in 15 minutes on d w a. so we had home p those 91011. 12 is a little tired of this. i don't enjoy it anymore. i have to do some this home and looking for new credit with here we moved here, we grew in 30 minutes on d. w. o . 50 years ago, the international gathering of peace and cooperation becomes the scene of
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a horrible tragedy. arab terrorists, armed with sub machine guns, went to the headquarters of the israeli team and immediately killed one man. and that this will be the last time i saw him like our worst fears realized tonight. they're all gone. how i witnesses experienced the terrible events and this the world shouldn't forget me the long shuttle, the 1972 olympic massacre. start september 3rd on d. w. every day counts for us and for our planet. oh, the idea is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities, reader, how can we protect habitat, what to do with all our ways? we can make a difference by choosing smarter solutions over steam set in our ways global
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ideas, environmental series included 3000 on d, w online ah ah, this is the w news live from the lead. russia agreed to allow international inspectors to visit ukraine's shop or reject nuclear plant. moscow says atomic official can assess the nuclear station occupied by its forces that says president stuck stuck on by a dean pills with both sides accusing.
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