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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 20, 2022 8:30pm-9:01pm CEST

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ah, the healing lies in making visible the faces of war. in 45 minutes on d. w. a sex for an operator who wrote her master's thesis on the potato railing to read a not the turn on. well, it gets more ridiculous from there. you don't, did you little to list? determine my screen. this is either be in east africa coming up on the show. demand for justice and accountability in south africa. 10 years off to a brutal police crackdown, killed dozens of mining workers. survivors and families still can't find closure. no one has been punished for the murray. cannon massacre. also coming up 6 women in
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somalia tell new stories the way they want to hear them. changing the media scene and shifting its focus. plus, if a child gets a fever, many parents worry that it could be malaria, new research finds a way of diagnosing the severe cases and distinguishing them from even more dangerous elements. and is that the else? no, this is africa is situ has become the go to spot full sub saharan ski is ah, i'm rena mohammed, welcome to the program. it sounds like something out of the worst days during the error of whites only rule in south africa. poll workers striking for better pay and conditions, gun down by police as they protest. but the killing of 30 mine,
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as in mary connor a decade ago, doesn't happen under apartheid. but on the watch of the amc government and official investigation is blaming police tactics. but nobody has been convicted of the crimes. thousands of people gathered at the scene of the massacre in murray khana to monk. what they say is the decade of injustice. families lay flowers at the site where they loved ones were shot dead. and they're still demanding answers and accountability. it actually is asia increase travel to marianna and sent us this report. it is hard forms of all omega d one not to come back to this place where his life was changed forever. is very bad for me said athlete. it was very bad to me because i saw dag. is it the tea in which coming to meeting up teen the pain? i felt grandma is the same as if the earth was going to become her till mine
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darkness. oh i saw some one get shot right in my head. i come brain, lottie, la e lees. it something like that. i will never forget to let her new berlin if it im, yamagata it is. are you doing agonies and anybody never forget any, any time the murray cannot, mine sits on rich deposits of platinum. a precious metal of which the mine workers say they see precious little profits than years ago. a bitter strike broke out. there was deadly strife between the union. when 2 police officers were also killed, the state responded with brutal force in front of rolling cameras. 3 police unleashed the hail of lead on the protesting minus killing $34.00. please good. this is dramatically and will foresee to less maximum force to defend
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themselves. that is a lie sessoms apollo maga, d wanna. he was one of those shots seen here in the green sweater hits by 9 bullets . he also says it's a miracle that he survived. so yeah, i like where to windsor gate, yolanda, ever since that incident, soon enough, i saw myself as someone that nobody cared about regarding it. i feel like a slave in the government was supposed to be looking after me the whole, but they didn't change on next. to the copy where the minus where massacre to there's a settlement of tin. that's it was maggie the one us home for many years. people here have seen practically nothing of the rich resources extracted from the region lower than the seller will. yeah, you and under and like i or your game should get the benefits or the rich guy bondo about the people who are living here, let you not benefiting yet benefit of land now. and then if i buy the living
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conditions on, won't be bent on, if me tobacco valuable and out employer will need a bed or eye gaze here. so let me when you guys get there daily, we are struggling to p no longer be. it's just getting worse like nan door. we have an improving handy, but they gave an alarm as nothing changes in our life. yet by ways we don't see anything change a balloon? yes, it would be better if we at least got social housing or aim with improper toilets quickly. similarly at a t p no toilet isn't. that is bad. one de la, 10 years of betrayal. that's the bitter balance drawn by the union, smarter for the memorial. the widows of the slain men have new homes and new jobs, but dozens are still waiting for compensation. there's deep anger at the authorities and the police because no one has been brought to justice for the crimes committed. no, we're running hunting down the went. i've kinda hiding here in the glades and
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under there ross trying to cover themselves. but the police came and handed them and sought them again. i don't know. i saw a boy some ending it was in it for days, no apology. that was extended to their families. there is no accountability, there was no justice. it's the fight for justice that still drives them. zacalo maga, d y, now he battled heart with a mining company to get himself a flat and a celery again. despite the trauma and constant pain, which he can only manage with medication me up to 50 percent off south africa because no one to keep survive. that may make the issue out to my 90 times or only me and 50 says, i'm powerful men. that is why they're people of my life. i know you called me that
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debt. milwaukee ish means me. i'm a strong strong enough to continue the fight for justice, for compensation and for fair living conditions. for all the miners and families of america, let us get more on this and speak to mama get the more piano. she's a policy and economic analyst, specializing in mining and labor. she joins us from brits in north west. south africa is good to have you with us here on the w news. now we heard the minus union, they're calling this anniversary 10 years of betrayal. has there been any accountability? there hasn't been accountability at all. instead, what we have seen, these key actors are deeply involved in the tragedy shift accountability and not the one to take responsibility. we have also seen we have fallen commission that was specifically set or to get to the bottom of what led to the tragedy.
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really not come out to very clear direct wording that says setting people are responsible for this to have happen, but instead it gave recommendation of what it more like a remedial exercise. really. so know in shut, there really hasn't been accountability tenuously. there are many questions that have not been answered. now, so africa government says that it has paid out almost $10000000.00 to the families so far and that it aims to settle all outstanding claims by the end of august. what more are you calling on the government to do? well, i'm calling the government to formally apologize to publicly state that or what happened was a tragedy that shouldn't have taken place in the 1st place. because in a matter of employee and employee engagement, industrial relations, one does not know why where the police involved. and secondly,
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it's quite critical. i think that the government gives a very clear position of, of what apologizing for the trogie that has happened. and by the government, one of these and you can see lead government a for that matter. and many of these minors has said that despite the reparations their lives haven't improved, can you just talk us through some of those social and economic conditions that many of these people are going through? oh absolutely. i mean sub africa, it's currently owing, in a slow growth, the face of the movement of its economy, even before that. many of the mine where cause the communities are on the mice, in an informal settlement called in gunning their lunch. so it's not really change 10 years later, they're still more basic services. are tenuously tied, the social labor plans of the mining companies that are active operating in that
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environment have not really yielded the results it once it is meant to be, in other words, believe in conditions of people around the area of murray connor and the informer, supplemented the community of america has not had any improvement in their lives. now more generally, how wide spread is this issue when it comes to exploitation of poor workers by industries who are profiting from africa's mineral wealth is quite widespread. it's not unique to south africa throughout the continent, and mining is built it the economy of mines such that it is always been not just an extractive industry, but also extract even the 10s of the amount of labor extracts out of where cars and the amount of exploitation that it does on mine where it costs more like bodies in this instance. so we, it, it is known historical and it continues to be that the,
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it is always going to be the way mining industry is able to re invent means of production. such that it takes that as much simplest value out of minus in an blake bodies throughout the continent, while compensating them as little as possible in comparison to the kind of compensation it pays where it has in developed countries in other parts of the world. so in the short term, what changes would you like to see much more strict policy into, in terms of a demonstration for mind workers much more stricter and follow up policy in terms of the social li by implants. because it's not enough to be accepted and paid by an approved by government, but there must be enforcement of them. and a quick taking away of the license in mining rights, if companies or the industry as not to meet those social commitments they have made
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for social labor plans, but also a government that equally takes responsibility by provide 2 basic services to people in communities that have mining activities such that it doesn't become a burden that falls on mining companies as a way to provide basic services. i do think this is critical that government continues to be able to provide basic services to the people even around communities and not on not wait for mining companies to undertake their social economic responsibilities. ok. mama kathy mala can i thank you very much indeed for your time. ah, they're watching the diabetes africa still to come? we had to wintery slopes of less to, to whisk is, are enjoying the only freestyle snow park in africa.
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the 1st i'd like you to meet next screen. if for him, she is the chief editor of belie media and she's part of the team of 6 women who make up some aaliyah's 1st. all female newsroom. they're working to address issues, often considered too sensitive for public broadcast and challenging social norms. they put women and girls at a disadvantage. nashville mohammed ibrahim is out on her beat shooting video. her latest story for bella media is a profile of a teenager who happens to be a mother now back in the classroom to continue her education. teen parenting is a topic that others, somali media would never cover the land, which is the miley for bright and clear are on the job. we're will and media at believe media. we focus on stories that are crucial for the somali communities we
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live in with. gary, the stories are about experience as people think in normal. but these are issues that are not investigation properly. congress if it were to be investigated and broadcast longer than we might find solutions for the future. had they been uncle? oh, so side of the hail huddle, it will not let the right to in boulder a laugh. in a conservative muslim country like somalia, being a female journalist is a challenge. nazarenes team is made up of 5 women reporters in charge of every stage of a story from research to interviewing to camera work to editing their gender often gives these journalists unique access. when talking to people about tabitha topics like sexual and domestic violence or workplace harassment, about 80 percent of their output is a bounce out tissues topics. they say people are often too ashamed to discuss. and i will tell somebody at our door, layla and egg has female somali journalist, and we encourage an advocate for the rights of voiceless women in our were she that
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anthea, crucial what i'm new car, the court of law or full battle for white glove somalia has yet to pass its 1st sexual offences, bill though it's been in the work since 2013 perpetrators are rarely prosecuted, and victims can face a backlash. so it can be hard to get women to speak up a mikaela theory of boucher that only got the height on the hunting. got a hallock and the mckuddle has like a great start up the side especially for women. so it tries to cover the needs of women, although because it gets voice to the voiceless night and focuses on the stories of vulnerable women. so i think that's really important right now. i'm a shuttle that i said boucher ramos on the needle nazarene and her team only started their work in april. but they've already shown what is possible when women have the power to decide what stories they want to tell and how they want to tell them to get it. so how much of a challenge is it to be
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a female journalist in somalia? i put that question to 40, muhammad ahmed, the deputy chief editor of belie media. in mogadishu, there are a lot of yelling in would be sure is michelle will not be middle journalists, you act it out, be put into from a min because in our society, when you got out for whacking, they just see something like a strange out or funny thing they say, oh, you don't need to do it. this is not good for you. does not yours. this is tugged is and the other thing is say our, our, our, our parents is michelle. is somali parents they don't leg female juggle, is they say oh please, can you change you idea? so what kind of issues are you trying to address that might be considered taboo in somalia? and how is that being received there?
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just we have a lot of e, he's so just in, in, in poland media example. last week we publish the day the, that deck uses in somalia is specially for for young females. and all the people they know what the bed is, it to that to the, to the, to the are young people is be silly, is be silly. female. and our, our, our community. they don't know what's going on that are, what does this? and the other thing is, we publish the day, like it stood as for the 80 piece in i, the out of the, of the c t in mogadishu. there are a lot of e mothers and children would then have trust because when the air, when they go to dig and this know we squeeze. so we have a lot of feet is the sort of in our society we in new to tell to
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that to the people. now, a report published last year by the national union of somali journalist revealed that a female jernace said that they faced sexual and gender based violence which has negatively impacted their professional development. so what's being done at the moment to make sure that they're safe and able to do their jobs. sometimes it can happen. it can happen part day. most of the time, it's not because if you want to do this job, i need you talk to piece chunk parson. you can face some deland, the from the society of, from the colleagues. so from that the people in where you've got to talk to, to do they study. so you know, to, to, to be strong. and do worry for your safety when you go out and,
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and tell stories. sometimes yes, because it use media unit ease say unique in somalia and when we go out to do wag some of our community the he said when the where you from will and media, what is the bill and when we explain was bill and on was doing is they just they pleased in so it's good to have some some, some mentally does a while you are just 6th female, a on so we have we have what are, what are some times and they said please, can you have some other men to, to work with you guys, so been on as seen as a way for women to reset the narrative in their societies in somalia. how far are you prepared to take this and where do you see belong going in the future?
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yes, every thing you want to to do it e, you can have some jellies. we know the challenges. so we just came from our society, our colleagues, our clients. but we are going to do to to, to do something different from what we have before in. so many journalists. okay, good luck to you, fatty mohammed, and thank you very much indeed for taking the time to speak to the w news africa. thank you, my dear. oh, when a child falls ill with a fever in sub saharan africa is always the fear that it could be malaria, but not all fever diseases are transmitted by a mosquito bite and some of the others mistaken for malaria are more dangerous children who are falsely diagnosed when they're sick with something else, are more likely to die when it comes to malaria,
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is africa's children who are suffering the most of all the cases of a disease measured by the world health organization on the continent, 80 percent, or among the under fives. but it's not always simple to figure out who really is ill with the parasite. new research conducted at the university of oxford suggests about a 3rd of cases diagnosed in children as severe malaria are actually a completely different disease. lots of these children who get diagnosed as having severe malaria actually don't have to be married and they will. so now get to now get treated with an answer millerio, anti malarial or drugs, not only kill malaria parasites. they don't work on other diseases. many children thought to be suffering from malaria are actually infected with bacteria, which cause sepsis, an illness that used to be called blood poisoning. the bacteria, just worse than similarity. it's a scott higher mortality. i mean,
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commitment area is bad, but at least it's treatable if you get given drugs quickly. it's traceable children with acute bacterial substance need immediate treatment and hospital with antibiotics and miss diagnosis could mean a delay and the children more likely to die. so the research looked for clinical signs of malaria in more than 2000 patients. both adults and children from uganda, kenya, and bangladesh. malaria is caused by a parasite, passed on by mosquitoes. when the parasite bursts his protein is released and the blood scientist looked to how the levels of this protein correspond to how severe the case of the diseases. we tried to assess this problem by using biomarkers which you can measure in blood which to, to,
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to try and understand how many of these children are actually getting misdiagnosed . and they are in, this is in this, in the concept. so, clinical studies of similar dr. watson also look to the level of blood platelets in patients with severe malaria and found they had both low levels of plate that's and high levels of parasite protein in the blood. i could say the platelets are especially important. this is quite nice because it's a standard in indices that you, that you measure in the hospital is most hospitals. even in low recent settings, will have a machine commercial accounts. the other indicator, parasite protein levels. it's hard to measure that. scientists have given time, existing blood tests for malaria could be tweak to include it until then the world health organization says all children being treated for severe malaria should be
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given both antibiotics and anti malarial. and while much of the northern hemisphere is sweltering in the summer heat, let's take you to the chill of winter in the tiny african nation of less to 2 is the only country on earth where its entire territory is at least a 1000 meters above sea level and one rich top is more than 3000 meters above sea level, making it the go to spot for skiers in southern africa. i up close. it's got the look and feel of resorts in the lp's are the rockies 1st rate rides and slides from a bit further back f risky copico snow park is a nice hill to practice for the steeps elsewhere or ok. how do i need a nice hill to learn the basics of skiing and about all the how snow works?
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so let me so thank you guys. don't worry to get to lisky over. you do not worry, nothing, seeing a lot of ads on youtube and i just flood i really want to try that and i've never seen snow in my life. so this is really the dean ski f risky as africa's only operating ski resorts south of the equator. it pulls primarily from south africa, which completely surrounds las due to going on on the scene and then other than just going to in so we are a small skiing nation. so if it's the international ski federation, do give guys training and like facilities and invites us to come from the is a big field of local, the sushi scares, which is awesome to see it's grand, every single year. it is more and more and more. but your majority would come from south africa. this is wafa season. i'm riding the southern hemisphere, veronica, what i'm a celtic that i got to live with wherever the all come from. one thing they get to
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say. they went skiing and africa with that. so for now, be sure to check out our other stories on deep lp dot com. forward slash africa are also on facebook and twitter. i'm available. hm. it's for me and the entire team. i so watching i ah ah, with
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oh, no, go, no caraballo. a woolly behind a fragile piece reality loves a world inhabited by injured people. a deacon alrick were also wounded,
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their healing lives and making visitors the faces of war. in 15 minutes on d, w. o. many push a climate trade very often stores. this is my plan, the way from just one week. how much was can really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with
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a departure into the today, this meet flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant enough captain and setting sail to discover a route the world famous c. voyage of ferdinand of magellan. i'd rather erase linked to military interests, the race institute, political and military christy a certain linked to many financial interests and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death 3 years and that would change the world forever. but
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jillions journey around the world starts september 7th on d, w. a . ah, this is the w news live from berlin, russia shirts down a drone over the headquarters of its black sea fleet in crimea. it's the latest attack targeting russian military infrastructure on the x peninsula. delicious, nutritious food artists in tokyo, 10th visitors with the promise of a delectable meal.


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