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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 24, 2022 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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ah, where has history left its traces? ah, meeting eagle hearing their dreams mediterranean this week on d. w. ah, ah, this is g w. news live from berlin, ukraine's independence day mark by war, and alleged russian strike on the train station has reportedly killed more than a dozen people. the attack comes as ukraine marks 31 years of freedom from moscow's control celebrations. today we're banned in the capital of keith over fears of
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russian air strikes. plus, polls have closed on this election day in angola. will the left wing ruling m p l a party be able to hold on to power and beat claims that it has squandered. the countries, oil wealth and drought ridden europe could face 3 more months of no brain. italy's longest river, the po is on the highest level of alerts losses to farmers or in the billions of europe. ah, i bring gov is good to have you with us. we begin with breaking news from ukraine. ukrainian. president zalinski says that at least 22 people have di, did a russian air strike on a train station in the central part of the country. now shells reportedly hit multiple passenger carriages at the station. you see right there,
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causing them to catch fire zalinski and been warning for days that russia was planning an attack on civilians today. to day, of course, as the country celebrates its national holiday independence day commemorating independence from the former soviet union. ukraine is also marking to day 6 months of the russian invasion. in a moment, we'll have a report on a nation that was scheduled to celebrate freedom before a war got in the way, but 1st he w as much. he is burling her in keys. he has more on that attack at a train station in central u grey. yeah, we've just heard that 15 people were killed and several dozens wounded in that attack. now, today is a day where many people have expected such attacks will happen. possibly even on the capital of key, if this has not happened so far. but we've also heard that quite
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a few rockets have been intercepted by air defense by ukrainian and defense and something possible that some were meant for here for the, for the government buildings that russia has threatened to attack or that at least some russian, a propagandists have threatened to attack and we've also seen rockets come down in other parts of the country in the more western many ski region. and also in hoc, if we've heard about explosions. so it's clear that russia is sending a signal out, they stay and it is that people have suffered from russian attacks again in different parts of the country. ok, mathias stand by this attack comes, as we said earlier on this independence day in ukraine, celebrations were banned. in the capital keys for fears of a russian attack, we have this report now on how ukrainians are finding ways to show their resistance . russian tanks aligned up in the ukranian capital the
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message. this is the only way russian military equipment will appear and give burnt . and destroyed it was unusually quiet as ukrainians marked that independence day in the capitol. occasionally eddied warnings disrupted the silence. ah, but the mood in the city is defined. we had as a precise and i should greatly withers. i'm very proud of our country easily could i? you know, i'm glad that we came back from europe where we had fled to, to celebrate here. now on this day with our fellow citizens. some of the day i believe the tree will come dates if it's a special day for me today, it will ensure i feel nothing, no fear. i traveled almost a 100 kilometers here from near keith. nothing scares me to do it for you just have
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to do it even. and it's a holiday after all, it was filled or food them. i am president while at the music lensky release, a pre recorded message. grady you vowed to fight until the end wasn't here. with him when i was just selling this thing, what for us at the end of the war, will you cite piece? now we say victory, and then we won't look for a mutual understanding was a terrorist yet got even though we understand the russian language, if you came to defend lakoff while killing thousands of people, you came to liberate in as i knew similarly, we finally became united saras customer and you nation, emerge on february 24th at foy anthony. not gone for me, but reborn more. a nation that did not cry, screamed o gets his gantski. when that did not run away, yet he did not keep up and did not forget. the president and 1st lady also visited a memorial for the soldiers killed in the conflict.
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meanwhile, ukrainian troops in the east are locked in a riding war of attrition with the russian army. mathias bellinger still with his mother. he is on this independence to day. we're talking about a possible war of attrition. now 6 months into this conflict. is there anything for ukrainians to celebrate while this war of attrition has been going on for several months now, and it's the fear is that it's going to be a war of exhaustion actually. and of course then many worries occur. how long will the west sustain its support to ukraine, et cetera. ukraine is making, of course, sometimes even spectacular strikes against russian ammunition depots, or, or supply infrastructures. we've seen the strikes on crimea. we have seen several strikes in the house on region, mainly in the south where ukraine was able to take out,
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seemingly big ammunition dumps which were spectacular explosions, et cetera. so ukraine is in a better position now. there was 3 weeks ago a 3 months ago. when it was just pounded by this, these, this russian fire power that was 10 times people estimated at the time higher than the ukrainian. but still, we are not seeing any territorial or significant territorial gains by the ukrainians. they have been able already, a few months ago to drive back the russians from some of the positions that were very close to the cities of hark if and nick mc alive. and also of course, the, the retreat from the key of area. but since then, things are really grinding, lee slow, the russian advance is also slow, but it is a consistent so we, it doesn't look like there is going to be at fast turn any time soon in this,
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in mit if we have heard before and during this war, particularly for multinational issue in russia that, that ukraine is not even a real country. what has the russian invasion, what is it done to strengthen ukrainian identity while that's not only i try nationally also fulton who has said that i am yes. clearly miscalculated, of course, the ukrainians saw themselves as a nation before what it has done is that it has further consolidated the feeling of the nation and may be also the feeling of a nation that is united. i mean, you can be a nation and you can be quarreling all over with everybody. the elder, with the younger and the eastern, is with the western. is the russian speakers with the ukranian speakers? and i think after this 24th of february, what has been diluted is this may be mistrust of groups against each other. there
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was a process that was already on the way, at least since 2014. but also maybe since the 99 t's it's been accelerating over the time, but the to the 24th of february has really boosted this feeling of unity here. and people perceive themselves as more united than before. he debbie's what he has beleaguered with the latest to night on this independence day in key. and let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines. she was, president biden has announced a partial cancellation of student debt for some borrowers, a $10000.00 cut for those whose income falls below a $125000.00 a year. economists say that this will free up billions of dollars for new consumer spending. the german government has agreed on the legalities for any measures to counter any uptick in coven 19 infections. this all them, their plans for stricter mask rules on trains and plains. germany's health minister
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expects a new wave of cases this fall, but says there will be no walk down un secretary general, antonio gutierrez has condemned the resurgence of hostilities in the t gray region of northern ethiopia. after an attack near the t grey border broke a shaky ceasefire in the region of conflict between the central ethiopian government and to green forces, flared back in 2020 south africans have gone on striped approach as the source cost of living and high unemployment trade unions called the marches to day in the city of for tory up. the pandemic has caused about 2000000 jobs in south f. repose have closed in bo county is underway in angola most closely contested election since its transition to a multi party state in golden or picking in new parliament and a new president the governing party. the m. p. a lay has been in power for nearly 5
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decades, and for the 1st time it's facing serious competition. poverty, inflation, and corruption have been the main campaign issues in this former portuguese called w, corresponded adrien creech is in the golden capital. i'm seeing the most competitive election in the history of the country most year, expecting a tides race between the canada of the m p l a. the governing party to our in. so who is the current president and the major opposition candidate to acosta. junior of the you need help hockey, the opposition have their strong holes in urban areas in cities like here in the capital luanda where a lot of young people live. and many of them are frustrated about the rule of the m p a. that has been ruling this country for almost 50. yes, angela is africa. biggest oil producer. yet the oil well hasn't trickled down to the majority of the population. use. unemployment is
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a massive problem. and this is why a lot of people, especially young ones here, are calling for it seems the p l. a however still doesn't have a lot of supported, especially in rural areas. and they do have control of a lot of government institutions, including the electoral commission. critics fear that they could use their power to manipulate the vote, which could then possibly lead to protest when the results are announced. but so far everything has been calm and peaceful during the campaign during the election day. and also now, while the votes are being counted, almost half of the european union is under a drought warning and a report from the use earth observation program shows the extreme dry weather could continue in some regions for 3 more months. the po river in northern italy was once known as the king of rivers, but the parched conditions this summer had caused billions of euros and losses to farmers who rely on italy's longest waterway to irrigate their fields. the river
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po has reduced to a trickle in italy, lombardy region. it has drained here properly since spring stefano crappy is keeping an eye on the rivers, sand banks which are growing wider by the day. sam, only of a lot of my cache or the water levels under 3.6 meters hormone means they live unusually, it's much higher out of here at the black line. when i last year, those units here, this in unit, that's where the water was la put into the aqua. not only farmers are affected some 90 percent of the small hydro power stations deadline. the robust channels have shut down. tanks are empty. one of the big plants either as that, i feeney, close down back in june. there wasn't enough water to power its turbines. usually almost a 5th of italy's electricity is generated through hydro power. now production has been cut by 40 percent. pharma gen luca to kini is concerned about the poor quality
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of his corn. the plants on his fields simply didn't get enough water. he harvested this field well most 2 months early. rena, me again. this is the 3rd and 4th situation is tragic. we had to harvest her 20 days ago, which took because i ran out of water and everything dried. oh, why savage garden, in order to save a small bit of the harvest, florida? well, i have to cut everything di, yada, west or crystal council. the regions thomas are losing half of their grain and rice crops. oh no, so part of the vill maybe was survivors mossey a little or we'll have to close up shop at the end of the year in the book. i barranca fuel day. picturesque lake garda is whether with a pud gets a part of fits will to from but the lake only has 60 percent of its usual water. bogan locals are worried. tourists are making the best of new swimming spots. we'll find out about that. but you can have a nice holiday it get, i mean that,
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but somebody to say that the quality of the water is, is fine. here, there was at least some rightful a short while ago where the focus to say it'll be september before more is on the way. it is a reminder, the top story we're following for you this. our president zalinski says that a russian strike on a train station central ukraine, has killed 22 people and wounded at least 50 more. the country was on high alert to day as it marked 31 years of independence from the former soviet union. canals of next to the w business moves, i will see you tomorrow she's up to date. don't miss our highlights. the d w program on line d, w dot com highlights then jasmine which the deadline.


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