tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle August 24, 2022 11:30pm-12:01am CEST
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the international gatherings piece and cooperation becomes the scene of a horrible tragedy. arab terrorists, armed with sub machine guns, went to the headquarters of the israeli team and immediately killed one man. and that this will be the last one was all in life or worse fears of lives to night. they're all gone out. i witnesses experienced the terrible events and this, the world should not forget the long shuttle to 1972 olympic massacre starts september. 3rd on d w ah, ah, ah, welcome dick. label 3000. getting the ball rolling on rain 1st protection, the former gold miner turned sucka precedent out to save the amazon and underwater
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paradise. how c? grosse beds are helping protect the moldy is from erosion. and the growing hunger for meat can selective breeding, or genetically modified animals may cause food production more sustainable whether barbecued fried or smoked, or global appetite for me to stronger than ever. and each year, some $80000000000.00 animals assorted to satiate it. but the amount we consume varies greatly from one country to another. and india, an average person eats around 5 kilos of me. chinese. in the usa, it's over a $128.00 kilos. and in germany, people consume an average of $76.00 kilos of meat each year. are increasing production of meters, taking a big told on the climate. there are ways to make it more sustainable, but not all of them are ethically so straightforward. they're large,
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they're mostly hand, they're the pride and joy of their breeders with squeezing as much as we can out of our animals. the world is getting ever hungry. f, a meat and milk, but by pushing animals to their limits, we're doing the same to our planet. but if we can turn our animals into food production machines, couldn't we also breed them to be more environmentally friendly? there is hardly any ecological nash. we're genetic fuel generics and can't come up with a solution. scientists are working on designing more sustainable animals spies, selective breeding, or even by artificially changing their genetic code. revolutionary ways to make food production more sustainable or a dangerous manipulation of nature. for more than 10000 years, we humans have optimized corn and rice harvests and engineered zucchini to be non toxic, sheep stronger, and wolves,
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more obedient. we've been doing this very successfully. this is professor john, do pray. he's an expert on the ethical aspects of animal breeding, rob, i mean, you know, if you, if you could pay the growth rate to the sizes of animals. yes, over the last few decades. i mean, it's been enormous increases in productivity. the hunger for more and cheaper meat milk has led to chickens that seemed fully grown at 20 days. double muscled cattle and pigs bone with ho extra ribs. in 1961, a single cow in the u. s. produced 9 liters of milk per day to days. cows produce an average of 28 liters. that means that 3 breeding the carbon footprint of one glass of milk is a 3rd of what it was many decades ago. cow, still burp, and fought greenhouse gas is, but they also produce much more milk. however, a far higher milk consumption worldwide negates these savings in emissions. and as a brutal fl side to such feet production to animals that live in horrific
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conditions or grow far faster or heavier than their bodies can cope with. and one factor is driving this to ever greater extremes. meet consumption is booming around the world, while the global population has roughly tripled in the past 60 years. meat production has increased fivefold with richer countries devouring most of it. livestock farming requires enormous quantities of water and agricultural land for animal feed and contributes more than 14 percent of all man made greenhouse gas emissions. and regardless as to how productive our livestock is, the way we produce al food is disastrous for the planet. that's why some research as the trying to improve livestock sustainability, either by selective breeding or by artificially changing the company. aqua bounty from us is that they are genetically modified. fish is more sustainable than traditionally produced salmon. they introduced to genes from other wild fish to
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create what they call aqua advantage salmon. the super salmon is supposed to grow twice as fast as usual, salmon, and require up to 25 percent less feed. this is not about an sustainability that is not about producing better animals. this is the output in seeing a genetically engineered product to the profit of the company. this is donna pulse from the n g o friends of the us who advocates against this practice. and we can't seem to do that. there's a lot of things that is, that is confidential business information. we asked the company for a statement and access to their scientific data, but hadn't received an answer by the time we made this video. the us food and drug administration approved the fish as safe to eat in 2015, but the decision saw heavy backlash from civil society and environmental group.
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they took the company to court. there's evidence highlighting this. if genetically engineered salmon bleed with wild salmon, that within a couple generations, mild salmon. and not only are ecosystems at risk, the potential benefits of artificial genetic engineering can come at a price, undesirable mutations and side effects. in 2020 a u. s. court ruled that the f d a had failed to sufficiently investigate the environmental consequences of approving genetically engineered salmon. but what about less invasive selective breeding? that's when animals with the desired features, a cross bred with each other to boost or disable certain traits. their genes are not directly modified, or this shape has won an award, or rather its creators were honored for their contribution to mitigating climate change. and where else could the sheep have been bred than in new zealand, where she pout number humans, 6 to one greatest sustainability in its meat and wool industries is key for the
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country's own net 0 target. we basically discovered that we can, we can breathe full unless we think this is dr. suzanne ro, for years. she has looked at how she could burp out, fewer climate damaging gases. we can change the, the bugs that are in the stomach that break down the feet. and we can change the amount of methane that's emitted. every generation of sheep bread here emits slightly less methane than the previous one. an effect that accumulates over time. dr. roe says that apart from burping and floating less methane, the sheep are as healthy and productive as their high emitting companions and even meet the criteria for organic farming. to selectively breed the low methane shape. the scientists 1st had to find the nest, gassy ones. so they put the sheep into a special high tech chamber and let them get windy. the sheep here are only used for such purposes, then not sold. the institute is traveling the country,
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measuring the methane levels of sheep regardless of breed. this means farms can select the more sustainable animals themselves, the so called font chamber could potentially also be used for other graces to. currently the only genetically engineered animals approved for consumption are found in the us and canada. b, u is still far from making such a step, but environmentalists and consumer rights advocates fear that could one day change . meanwhile, the u. k. government has already proposed legislation allowing for the commercial development of gene edited livestock. it seems to me likely that this, these could be on some of up later on in the next few years. ah, let say within the next 5 years. genetic intervention raises questions about potential risks to the environment as well as undesirable side effects. selective breeding could be a safer and more viable alternative, but would demand more effort and time was also clear. is that the problems that
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come with milken meat production won't be solved by simply altering car animals. ah, the bright world of plants is losing color. 2 out of 5 species are at risk of extinction. according to an annual study by botanists is largely humans who are responsible for the dramatic biodiversity losses with our increasing use of land for agriculture, destruction of forests for wood, and ever expanding cities. but there are also other reasons for species loss such as disease or increasingly plant poaching. as our next report from south africa reveals no macro land is a semi desert, a north western south africa with extreme heat and barely any rain. anything that grows here needs to be hardy, like these unusual looking,
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collins known as living stones. the limited water source comes from you that forms between the quartz stones and mist from the air. they grow slowly, some living for hundreds of years. alas, in a goblin the eucharistic are by this is a plant that can really withstand a great deal lively in file. it can survive with very little water in with almost no rain. cd quakers this one is under stress. you can see by the markings and colors. this is this degree. it's all about survival in this dry environment. the idea the ranges and corners flat a nature reserve are responsible for an area, the size of berlin. they're trying to protect and preserve this unique ecosystem. because of the $190.00 species that grow only here around 80 percent are at risk of extinction. by poachers they common ever greater numbers ob, routing, thousands of plans to sell to an international market that is constantly
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growing. it's something that people want. they one fact they want to see that plant that grows naturally and suffers so to speak with in the environment and especially that it's a story that can be told with regards to that plant. so it's something that's increase over the last 3 years. i would say drastically their ability to survive and the most adverse conditions is what makes them so attractive. few people live in this barren stretch of land. the farms here are spaced very far apart. kobus vista is a sheep pharma. if you want to farm here, he tells us you need to keep your eyes on the ground. see what's growing. make sure there aren't too many sheep too close together, pulling plans out of the ground rather than just eating them. visser farm sustainably. and he knows the importance of these succulents to the ecosystem,
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say disappeared, the whole system could collapse. the soil will a road, the land will turn to desert. the poachers are putting everything at risk dark mesa, but see there are people who say that the poaching of rhinos or abalone is nothing compared to what's happening here. belmont, a separate, it's so bad that it will change the way that people live here in august. these are only 80 mays of my closest neighbor lives. your teen kilometers. aware, an unfair. the poachers are threatening my safety would be at a month. we're usually out here all alone on our land a. so what are, what are your for your high grandma? had that on, on poachers are becoming more common, says vsa police are also armed to protect the plants and the pharmacy major, but the aren't enough of them to cover such a vast area. here and spring box, police are planning a road block this evening. we head into the house of the semi desert. the
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poachers used to come from abroad, but since the cove a travel restrictions more locals have taken over. they know the area better and how the police work. things are not going well this evening. folk harrowed you twice and his team. the trap didn't detect a single vehicle after a few hours they call of the operation, but they're still determined, leaving them as a positive and then the 3rd to stop poaching. it's is a really man miss. i like to night, the great 9 people a year and a member from my unit. they are really both of you can see that if they put in its scale, good overnight success, but they are leaning willingly to commit the commit. the bocce a few kilometers further south his colleagues have had better success. they've made 2 arrests by 9 30 am seizing bags containing thousands of plans. a poacher is waiting to be questioned. a i was outside the captain is already on the
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phone. about the next case. i will just and corral due to our husbands, summoned to trial as a witness where the perpetrators could face prison also with doorbell real dis, the flight grievance. circumstances the see what maximum management will get to we opened the good imprisonment died in comparison to just give, amazes, also the people as you really, it's not worth the poaching. it's mostly local poachers who are caught and convicted. those behind the scenes in europe and asia usually get away. scott free, succulent smuggling has become a business worth 1000000000. most of them are unlike endangered african animals, plants don't have a strong lobby behind them. the damage to the regions, biodiversity and ecosystem is a reparable. an issue that still attracts far too little attention. nuance that grow under water also need protecting, like sea grass meadows anchored to the sea floor. this valuable ecosystem also
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absorbs carbon dioxide. for our series global ideas, we dived into the fascinating underwater worlds of the mold eaves. all the island assholes of the multi. it's unknown world wide for that crystal clear waters and coral reefs. they're also home to another, incredibly bio diverse and important ecosystem. c cross meadows. ha ha, seem is amal devion, ocean conservationist working to bring this overlooked ecosystem to light? looks like there's a big, a huge patch of c grass actually segmented. dumping have a look 1st and then we're going to do a rapid assessment of the meadow. this is to understand what kind of species there
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are, the species composition and whether the patches healthy to do a more in depth. so is very little scientific work has been done on the country, see grass, meadows, and new sites are still being explored. secret meadows plan important role for the climate as carbon reservoirs, there are 8 different species of secrecy found throughout them all deeps. the root system of these plans closely related to orchids and lilies helps bind the sand together and prevent erosion. a major challenge for an island country like the more deeps. a number of results in the maldives, actively remove sea grass meadows. but in lamar at all? sure, ha ha, shame has helped bring about a change in strategy. the resort has stopped removing c grass and begun
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educating his guest. 3 talks and guided snorkeling to his with marine biologists to showcase the environments natural biodiversity. c, grasses are incredibly efficient at storing carbon. some studies show that they capture carbon $35.00 times faster than tropical rain forests. the multi, it's under water initiative is currently involved in a global study looking at exactly how much carbon the multi abs meadows could sequester. once we split our sediment core into the different that profiles or we will weigh it dry it and then weigh it again. and we will send it off to a lab for analysis. and they will be looking at the organic carbon content inside each of the depth samples. this is really important because it will help us
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understand how much carbon these marine ecosystems are storing, which would help mitigate against climate change. c, grass meadows also act as a nursery full small fish, including economically targeted species such as snappers and groupies by educating local communities about c grasses. shahan her seem hopes that both nature and the communities relying on these ecosystems will benefit in the long term. now really know how important it figures because it's more efficient or they're live in this he r t a garage and they will get some food and we have to keep the fish until big the big. so didn't know fishermen can catch the big fish and eat it and it's very important for the real fisherman's also does he grass so of you have to protect the sea grass. the government now plans to put sea grass meadows under protection. and many of the countries resorts have also pledged to protect over
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1000000 square meters of sea cross across the mall div this could mean less drastic interventions in the future. it is thought that up to 30 percent of sea grass habitats have been lost over the last century. but it also seems that these ecosystems are resilient. the maldives underwater initiative has tracked the meadows at the resort and identified that they've increased in size by over 20 percent in the last 3 years alone. the addresses are absolutely essential for the future of the motive in islands to get there with coral reefs and mangrove . c aggressive play a really important role in protecting the island from outside forces. eroding forces thanks to increased awareness of the importance of secrecy for the survival of the maltese and times of climate change. the research is hope
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action will be taken to better protect these beautiful marine meadows. the amazon rain forest is crucial for biodiversity and the ex climate system but its being torn down at an ever faster pace. environmentalists fear the destruction of this vital rain forest could reach a new hi in 2022. but there are some small initiatives providing hope in the middle of the lush forest of the amazon delta fly spell m. a special kind of soccer club has recently begun playing in the jungle metropolis. it was founded by vaulted lima and is called the amazonia independent. yet the club is dedicated to
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the environmental protection of the amazonian rain forest. the teams jerseys are made from recycled plastic bottles. the mora kita an ancient frog symbol from the myths of the indigenous amazon inhabitants is emblazoned on them. the club is financed by grants from the regional government and ethical sponsors, jessica launched in the well being seen the brit. i've said no to sponsors who didn't made my ethical standards. ovalo from they were shady, for example, there was a timber exploiter who i didn't want as a sponsor to add on. my dear mother did. i'm a zona independent ya is a successful professional team that has aspirations to move up to the top league in the amazon region. voucher. lima is environmental concern stem from seeing 1st hand how quickly brazil's nature is being destroyed. bush misses you got in the dos, i used to be a gold mine and myself will they then i quote,
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malaria and stuff located will see. since then i've seen how much environmental destruction is increasing. yours them with the fuel. tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of gold miners scoured the amazonian soils for deposits. deforestation is rampant. the amazon still looks and chanting like further upstream and the tranquil provincial capital of santa rem. it's from here that valve to lima will embark on his own personal mission. to do this, he 1st has to buy lots of soccer balls, gifts for an indigenous village, wible 50 wisdom. and like almost we are jackie, i plan to go upstream on the amazon tributary ira opinions like this. i want to donate soccer materials to an indigenous community that, that establish a base for my soccer club on amazonia in the bed. and she wasn't the financial
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although lima doesn't have much money, he still wants to help. when he's not playing or working as club president, he would like to distribute personal donations and those of sponsors to river communities. his family accompanies him on the trip. on the wooden steamers, you cannot a up the river that several kilometers wide. they're taking with them. not only soccer balls and jerseys, but also a message of environmental protection. longsol from wish to so much more close, amazonia, independent chair is supposed to be more than just a socket club. for me, it's about triggering a new awareness and people about the preservation of this incredible treasure, our wonderful nature, we do not believe it will bill since his time as a gold miner, walter has been worried about the destruction of the amazon. that's why he's visiting the indigenous village of lago de prior donations. only usually arrive
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here in the run up to elections when politicians are buying for boats or no, de leon, you move. i can assure you that i have no political agenda whatsoever. the fuel filters in the donations we have with us only come from me, my wife and friends of the family law lawson, fulsome meal them. if um you the people who live by the river are suspicious. they're worried about corporations that want to exploit their land. and my lady do it domain, how many loggers are invading here? and nike mining company is also went to my box site on our territory. we are fighting against did it have already submitted our protest in writing to the public prosecutor's office. that who all the villagers have gathered to hear walter? lima explained the purpose of his journey in all the most good. now that i'm not here for anything other than to make friends with you as i did, you will see i went to establish a connection between us as laconic,
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slowing benoit, shortly after he distributes the donations, soccer balls, clothes and food. a dan, john pollock. ya, so i think my goodie wants to set up a soccer club here. it's a, it's fun for our kids all and we'll make them stronger. noise ain't bought bunches to pull them as a thank you. the locals perform a dance. this means the ice is broken. daddy, ha, ha, ha, ha. and dr. lima project can begin at, and it will say they will because i want your children and grandchildren to experience and unspoiled amazon rainforest. celia water located where you live with florida and not just denote photos. amazon from web was nevada. lima wants to start holding regular training camps. here, he hopes that more sponsors will jump on board and that he'll discover new
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talent from the amazon and board. the amazon that's all from us here at global 3000. thanks for joining us. we're always open to hearing your thoughts on the program, whatever they may be. so do you get in touch? just send an email to global 3000 at d, w dot com. o. check out our facebook page, d w global ideas. see you next time ah, with,
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a change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. the economics magazine made in germany in 30 minutes on d. w. o. the rhine is drying up. at certain places along germany's longest river, the water is not even one meter. we take a trip on one of the few, ferries, still running on the rhine. mm. will the drought soon lead the entire shipping industry high and dry focus in europe in o. d, w ah, in on this day it's been 6 months since russia
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started for us to talk on the summer and name on ukraine. we are here. we talk to people on the ground, to politicians. we said light events and that consequences 6 months that have changed ukraine on the will. on all platforms brought to by g w. departure into the unknown. today. this means flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sail to discover a route in the world famous sea voyage of ferdinand of magellan expedition then became a scientific expedition. as many new things were being discovered, it was in fact an adventure in the end of a race for weren't power between spain and portugal. a race linked to
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military interests, erase, linked to political and military prestige, but also linked to main financial changes and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. 3 years that would change the world forever. magellan journey around the world starts september 7th on d, w. b. ah, this is dw news, and these are our top stories, including president vladimir soleski says our russian brock attack on a train station in the central town of japan has killed at least $22.00 people. it comes on equal independence day and the 6 month anniversary of the beginning of the
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