tv DW News Deutsche Welle August 26, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST
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so you are not a visitor, not the guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information. ah this is the w news live from berlin. europe's biggest nuclear power station goes offline for hours, shut down of ukraine. separation plant caused regional blackouts and res fee is of a radiation disaster. also coming up and gold as president heads for a 2nd term is long ruling party is in the lead with the all votes counted or go
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live to the wanda for the latest. plus the bitter legacy of the munich olympics, terror attack, 50 years on is still a dispute over additional compensation for families of the victims. a calling the amount offered by berlin, an insult. and in the us, the mighty colorado river is running dry. it powers hydroelectric plants and millions depend on it for their water needs. will a cotton consumption keep it flowing? ah, i've been for sewland welcome more conflicting reports. so the ukraine separation nuclear power plant. the facility held by russian forces was knocked offline causing regional blackouts. ukrainian officials say crews have reconnected one reactor to the power grid, but there are confusing russian state media reports about the current state of
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electricity supply from the plant. more shelling was reported over night, which is heightened fears of a nuclear accident. the risk of a nuclear disaster in europe has been looming large for weeks. ukraine says it was narrowly avoided on thursday. yet with dc, if the diesel generators didn't turn on it after the black out, the automatic systems and the personnel didn't start working, we would have to face the consequences of a radiation accident. the lug nuts, litski, i get the name of audi. russia has put ukrainians as well as all europeans, one step away from radiation disaster pedestal. there has been growing concern about fighting the bar blonde on thursday fires visible your on satellite imagery knocked out its lost external power line. the electricity it's applied was used for cooling and safety systems at the nuclear power plant, nor loma,
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but there were some ukraine has blamed russian forces for starting the fires rush us as they was bog by ukrainian chilling g residence, while the danger has not been avoided. yes, all my all what i think every sane person is afraid. now every one is afraid. knowing our neighbor, knowing what it is capable of, that we understand that there can be different consequences of what is happening there. now that is why everyone is afraid. we are not worried about blackouts, see, but that the ecological situation may change tribulation to supply. tim will jasminenewton dismissal. start here with of course everyone is afraid. the entire world is afraid that if i really want the situation to become peaceful again, i want inspectors to finally reached the plant. i want the power shortages to be overcome and additional facilities to be operational. but it's of, i want all of us to live in
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a safe world and will speed your inspectors from the new and nuclear watchdog planning to was at the bar station, which is held by russian forces. the waiting to be rounded axis dw correspondent, omen gunshot ankle is in cave. just how difficult is it to determine what's going on at the plant. well, it is indeed very difficult. the situation is changing very fast, and we have contradicting reports from clear and from moscow. ah, so as of now, as we speak, there seems to be a solution to the problem and ukrainian, a company and our garden, which is responsible for nuclear power plants in the country and has reported that they have restored the line, connecting that to power plant in the parisha with the ukranian power grid. and that a one, at least one of the 2 nuclear reactors, was delivering an electricity to the ukraine on the key of control territory,
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which is on the other side of the new pro river. but we do not have a confirmation for that from the russian side. earlier today, the russian side contradicted such reports. so the situation is a very volatile once again. and let me give you just a little background of that power plant is in russian hand. seems a march, my daughter is still ukrainian personnel and that plant, and that is why ukraine is responsible, and ukraine is demanding for russian troops to leave the power plant. and moscow refuses to do it. ukraine's president claims the world narrowly avoided a nuclear accident. how concerned are people there? well, of course people are concerned, or ukraine is the country it to had the to turn novel tragedy more than tried to do or 30 years ago. not far from the capital kia for a nuclear power plant exploding in the late eighty's. but at this moment i would say most of be of the people i talked to,
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and i think it's true for most ukrainians or not so much worried about that plan. they are much more worried about their relatives, their friends fighting, and the front against the russian army, or they are more afraid of russian missiles coming down on ukrainian cities. this situation hasn't changed and there is more probability or 2 to 2 of that than of nuclear power explosion. also, the international atomic energy agency says the plans to visit separation. what is the likelihood of inspectors getting in? i mean, there is a war going on. yes, there was some news on that from kia firm on this day and an advisor to the ukrainian energy me to minister said that a delegation of the i e a will probably visit the power plant in as a procedure in the coming days. so in late august or early september, and she said that they would come through ukrainian territory, and this is something that the government in kia was insisting on our president
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lansky said that if they come from russia control territory, for example, through i next crimea, then ukraine would cut off, dies with the i, e a. so that was a solution. they are, they will probably come to the front line and then cross it. and we can only hope, then this will bring an feast ill or at least come to the situation, which is very volatile after, as i've just said, did oh, he's woman control ankle. thanks phil, bringing us up to date and let's go over to bought him tomorrow. from ukraine's national research center for radiation medicine. i'd like to analyze this a little further. is the fear around a nuclear accident acts apparition warranted? well, good afternoon. so i wouldn't say it's a big exit exit ation in the society. but of course, the specialists are preparing,
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so the local authorities for their emergency plans and even our hope to hear is preparing to accept to a possible person's responsible relation in years. so it's preparing, preparing, preparing for the was, but how much of this is being used as it is this facility being used as a propaganda tool by either side? well, so my personal condition is that, so now we're dealing with the typical russian blip mailing. so they establish a problem and then still is a step in bargaining can, to calling to negotiations and to signing some agreements, which i never fulfill. he was or not change their interest. so i, a, this dimension is called just to political game. joe political game policy. and is there anything i mean is, is there anything to the speculation that russia wants to connect the separation to
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its own power grid? yes, it's a very serious, are very serious consideration about that. because i mean, it lies. what a 5th of the country countries, electricity, doesn't it? how would russia actually do that? i say actually it's unknown for the credit, not that critical because in ukraine, it because it was a industry's not working. so energy consumption dropped a lot. so it's not a big deal for you, granny for this nuclear power plant feel disconnected. but for russia, they have deficits in crimea, particularly after you create heat get platforms which were stolen in 2014. and they've, if you didn't or plants which were equipped with seamless to revise in 2016, i guess. so now we're going to have this green in gus and this told me gus, they try to deal with that. so simple. ok, how, how much,
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what do you put in these international inspectors who are expected to come and take a look at a facility? well, of course it's students who are important to buy deferred, but different aspects. one is that it will be a 1st time it will be unbiased opinion on what is going on there. indeed, because as you mentioned, to a part that is the biggest in ukraine and to make the biggest in the europe, we say 6 gigawatt a capacity. and it is administratively under control if you created and i got them as a company again as your company, but you know, under effective control for russia versus the sheer they broke any barriers to. and then, you know, this is very strictly managed to. there are a lot of restrictions so visiting, so russian was a,
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was it a very important to, to bring it inside of for what is happening? because only for mission. you claim it now is from maybe from in the official channels. there are 2 mobile which can be collected from another, the town, the next to the power plant to create in so networks that nuclear a, how information is transferred to peer. it's not acceptable. ok, we'll have to leave the about in too much from the ukrainian set of radiation medicine. thank you very much for your time and insights. yes, lat be as large as soviet memorial has been destroyed on the orders of the national parliament. a concrete obelisk rising almost 80 meters into the sky, formed the centerpiece of the monument. it commemorated the red armies victory over
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nancy. germany in the 2nd world war. it's toppling is the latest example of an ongoing trend in the baltic states and eastern europe, where relics of the soviet union being removed. the w's claimed by a reports from rica meter upon meter of concrete, steel crushing to the ground. the monument may have been destroyed, but it leaves a political divide in its wake. nobody mistake is that my feel wonderful. because i experienced the awakening of lap in independence in the 19 ninety's and how it feels like this chapters finally closed, the i brought them your order to burn their pain and injustice. my grandparents died in the ball and ways of the that offended the whole world from fascism and shirley. this me at 1st was just a few months ago. regus victory park looked like this. it was the symbol of
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the red army is victory over nazi germany. a place for ethnic russians to lay down flowers on victory day to commemorate their ancestors sacrifices in the 2nd world war. but the war and ukraine changed something around one and 4 people living in latvia, or of russian descent. many of them cherished their soviet past. for the majority of ethnic latvians, however, see this monument as a symbol of russian imperialism, and are glad that it's gone. for lat turns this monuments symbolize lattice of 1st muster 2nd world war. and after russian risen in your crime, we can't tolerate it any more. on june 16th the latvian parliament voted to remove all soviet era statues. the monument in riga
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was the largest in all of latvia. it took hours of continuous hammering to eventually make it fall. with it gone, some hope that the scars of past can finally heal. and that russians and latvians can live together peacefully. in angola, it looks like the ruling party, the m p. a label. hold on to power in the closest free vote so far. recently, all ballots counted, officials say m p a lay has 151 percent of the vote and a majority in parliament. i will send me a 2nd term for president chow, lorenzo. the main opposition with 44 percent increased, it's showing increases in the angolan capital. the wonder for us are the an official figures. ah, now giving the ruling m p l a. a clear a lead,
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as the opposition, reacting to that a been the main opposition party here, the unique i did their own parallel count and they said their numbers are different according to them. they are winning the elections. we have to say, however, that both the electoral commission, as well as the opposition party, have not come up with a final results or they are all still in the process of counting. but the fear of the opposition has always been that this will not be free and fair elections. angola doesn't have a history of free and fair elections. and one major concern by the opposition is, for example, that the electoral commission is still very strongly controlled by the governments . also this electoral commission, for example, only allowed to very limited number of election observers. we only had about 1300 election observers for more than 13000 polling stations. are they a lot of structural issues? and we could also see, for example, the journalistic freedom as and the threat here as well. once again,
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2 staff members of d, w in the election reporting where temporarily arrested later released, but that shows the kind of pressure and kind of fear and the lack of freedom that we still see here. despite the few improvements that sir came up in the last years here, one thing that seems to be changing is the opposition making gains could change be just a little further down the road for angola. i mean, it's very likely that the emperor a, the governing party will win this election, but of course, the result is, is of wanting for them. they have to really come up with better solutions. they have been running this country for almost 50 years. 5 years ago, president raw lorenzo, you mentioned it took over as a new president and he portrayed himself as a reformer fighting corruption, trying to come up with that reforms more freedom. spent a lot of people here are saying it is not enough and it's going to slow, especially, and learn no way. a lot of young people are living. they're frustrated. there's massive youth unemployment here. angola is the biggest oil producer in africa,
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yet this oil wealth does not trickle down to the majority of the population of this is something the new government apparently has to address. again, stacy reporting from angola. thank you. there are concerns in the us about the power stations that depend on the colorado river. it's best known for carving out the grand canyon. but drought means the once mighty torrent is running dry. the colorado extend 2300 kilometers from high in the rocky mountains. it provides water for 14000000 people in 7 states. hundreds of thousands of farms and ranches rely on it. but water levels in several reservoirs have dropped dramatically in. the government is cutting back on the amount of water that goes to the individual states. the w stefan z months reports from like meet neither hoover dam ah. could the expensive fountain water display in front of
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so called sin cities? i con nikoto bellagio. be a thing of the past soon. know at least not yet. but as the entire southwest region of the u. s. is facing a mega drought water or not having enough of it anymore has become a big problem for las vegas and the entire state of nevada. we're meeting with christian gear like a community activists and senior representative of national environmental organization. the sierra club christian wants to show us a place called echo bay, within what is known as lake meet national recreational area. just a few miles east of las vegas. hardly anybody ever comes really to echo bay. unfortunately, it was a very popular spot, so popular. in fact, it had an airport. but as you can see, the water levels dropping so dramatically. it's affected the economy of the area. there are not people coming out to visit and recreate as much here in eco bay. eco bay is not the only spot falling victim to the low. a water level tear lake meet
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created by hoover dam is the largest man made water reservoir in the us in terms of water capacity. however, the reservoir is water level has dropped visibly by unprecedented amounts in recent years. as christina, top flight attendant from germany, visits hoover dam, she is alarmed by what she observed. i think the bell rang long time ago in this. it should keep on ringing and something has to be done about it. absolutely. it is very dangerously long and we actually have a flight through so we flew over here days ago and just to see it also from above 40000 feet, i can show you pictures. it's unbelievable. meets water level, shrink by a whopping 100. 50 plus feet in the last 40 years, an ever growing so called white beth top ring here and at other reservoirs would have devastating effects for all us states in the lower colorado river basin. for tens of millions of people and hundreds of thousands of businesses in nevada,
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arizona, california, and even in mexico, we are on track to see additional drops in the water levels on to the point to where it's, it's scary we may face what is called deadpool, where water will not even flow out of lake need further down the colorado river system. fixing this problem requires understanding where it starts in the rocky mountains, due to global warming, mild winters, don't produce enough snow. melt any more for the colorado river to carry down stream into lake meat and built the solution. unprecedented cuts in water use strict water conservation, and ultimately the d. corporatization of our economies. not a can do any longer, but a must. do experts say the families of athletes killed in a terrorist attack of the 1972 munich olympics of planning to boycott? the 50th anniversary commemorations here in germany. the government has yet to agree on for the compensation with relatives of the 11th rarely team members killed
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by palestinian terrorists. the families of calling watts on offer an insult. their husbands were killed half a century ago, but the wounds of that loss remain openness. and we'd hoped that on the 50th anniversary, they would really open their eyes and their understanding that this is an international tragedy we're talking about and it's being commemorated around the world and normally do lana's husband joseph was a weight lifter in munich. he was tortured and killed in front of his teammates and kiss husband andrew was fencing mazda and one of the hostages of the palestinian group. black september, who died during a failure rescue attempt. the names of yoseph and andree along with of the 9 killed israeli t members. a coughed into this memorial stone just outside of munich olympic village, where the massacre unfolded in september of 1972. although berlin admitted its
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responsibility for its mishandling of the attacks relative say that is not enough. it must the look out. don't take responsibility. there's the price. if you do something wrong martial, there's a price for it. so pay a fair price. this is not the math they did here again, the law at the mathematic gosh, muscley bull. much the families, lawyers say that the payments offered by gym and authority. these don't come close to the lowest end of their request. but berlin declined to comment on the specific figures of the negotiation once the given, but a federal government regretted that it has not yet impossible to reach a consensus with all relatives on the spaces and expressly emphasized as its willingness to engage in further talks. employ a willingness that relatives stone see they have decided to boycott the upcoming commemoration. show you show that that lazy, nothing will move me unclean. and the families from coming to gemini malagra. we
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won't be coming to germany. you should a solution not be found that own families have asked to israeli president, isa cats look to boycott the memorial as well. a possible high level boy could. they could further reopened the fraud issue, but they could also bring about closure full that waiting families. let's bring in d, w chief, political correspondent, belinda crying. these victims families claim germany failed them for decades. is that justified? certainly the anger that you could see there in that report would appear to be justified. the rescue operation was very poorly planned. the police and security officers who executed it, had no training in hostage rescue. after a pause of just one day and a funeral service. the olympic games in munich actually just continued business as usual. there was a hijacking some weeks later and the german government then released the surviving
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perpetrators who had been imprisoned. that public declaration of responsibility on the part of the german government came much, much later. there was no immediate such declaration in the aftermath, nor an apology from the politicians who bungled the rescue or the police. no committee of inquiry was set up. no one took responsibility and the victims relatives have had to fight for decades to gain more information to gain access to the files. in fact, the bavarian commissioner for anti semitism said that the victims relatives had been treated like annoying, poor relatives who get shunted to one side. so it doesn't sound like money is the only obstacle he will money definitely is also an obstacle. the families received $2000000.00 euros in the immediate aftermath and later on they got an additional $3000000.00,
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but they say that is far too little to possibly compensate for the suffering and the loss that they have endured. and in fact, they're asking for 40000000, according to media reports, the german government has, is said to have offered them 10000000. but as you said earlier, the family say that their treatment so far has been an insult. melinda, to what extent is this way on? germany's wally relations it definitely does weigh on relations and it comes at a particularly uncomfortable moment. for germany. we've seen an anti semitic attacks in germany on the rise for the last couple of years. we've just seen an incident where chancellor sholtes stood next to palestinian president abbas as he appeared to relative eyes the holocaust and didn't say anything in that moment. so that there's a lot of discomfort here in germany surrounding the idea that now the victims
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families may boy caught the official commemoration on september 5th. and i think certainly the, the german government will be working hard to see what it can do. politically. belinda crane out chief political course, want to thank you very much. finally drive in cinemas made. they come back during the cove at 19 pandemic as a great way to socially distance yourself from other movie goers in venice. you don't pull up in your car, but you come by water either by boat or gondola. and if the movie doesn't captivate you well, you can still just enjoy the beautiful views over the lagoon. the venice film festival, by the way, gets on the way in a week's time. and a reminder of the top story way following for you. ukrainian authorities say one reactor at the nuclear power plant and separation has been reconnected after being
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knocked offline on thursday. russian st media is issued contradictory reports shelling in the region has raised concerns over a potential nuclear accident in watching t w. news up next in d. w. news. asia is the time prime minister out of time. why the opposition is trying to ask the former qu lita for exceeding his time at more with fearing vanity, i'm been for solon, i'll be back next to ah ah with
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