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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 2, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm CEST

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ah ah ah, this is dw news alive from berlin, pakistan braces for more devastating floods. rivers have again burst. their banks and agencies are racing to bring food and medicine to the millions affected by the weeks of heavy rain. un inspectors are worried about the safety of europe's biggest nuclear power station. experts plan to stay at the plant in russian the occupied
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you crane despite more report. so fighting argentina's, vice president survives and a parent assassination attempt police arrest a man for a pointing a gun at the head of christina hernandez to kitchener. and pulling the trigger in front. shocked, cra, plus a return to middle earth fans of the lord of the rings. finally, get a glimpse of the new made for t. v. pretty cool. we look at one of the most expensive series ever made. ah nick spicer, welcome to the program. after weeks of extraordinary monsoon, rain and devastating floods across pakistan, dish mandatory crisis there is expected to get even more drastic. southern pakistan
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is preparing to be inundated again as a wave of water surges down major rivers from the north. already some 33000000 people have been affected, and more than 1200 have died. oh, this flood, but the town in the southern province of sind is already preparing for more shoring up existing defences and building new ones with huge areas, still submerged authorities. a warning even more water is surging down river from the north abbey, but not ag. bonnie b b, i was told that more water is expected to flow. the screen is a gun, looked at if we have been working to make and reinforces dikes since early morning . donna, i, we have been doing not to leave this down that i, we will save down that i can make a long push as buckeye. but that will be an uphill battle authorities trying to evacuate people before the new flood waters hit. millions of other
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pakistan is have already fled their homes now their left scrambling for food and shelter like here in the northern punjab region. 8 efforts all across the country have been hampered by the sheer scale of the destruction and extent of the need. we wanna, we have in the space by the water for the boss 15 days, we have lost everything. but until today, we had received nothing but with more flooding, expected in the south. and more rain forecast for september pakistan could soon be facing an even deeper humanitarian crisis. with a rift of our can, is the pakistan country director for the non governmental organization, water aid. he just came back from sin province and tells us more about the situation over there, over images that he sent us earlier. well,
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the situation is there to, we have a, you know, flooding that came in for some people out of middle still within the religious are, there is as you can seem to see if you have gone to the embankments, all the roads, whichever hired around it, i don't define and they are now living there without any, you know, any leg support systems the, because the left with all was nothing you can see, you know, on, in the speak to there's a lot they would come with was their clothing and some of the basic stuff they could take with them. and what do you also see now? it is actually, it is also converting into a huge disbursement emergency as well because hundreds of thousands of people are on the move. besides, you know, millions being stranded in their own really is there are hundreds of thousands who have come out to cities to do whatever it is drain and they can, they can fly and or an empty building. they can find their house still. so that's the situation and then there is also a 3rd emergency which is the public health emergency people and it also the rise in
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malaria and, and called right. and you know, and entry and then what related diseases. so we're looking at multiple disasters, multiple emergencies. yes, the created by fluids and, and climate change. but i think it, you know, the scale of it is huge. i mean, it's beyond the capacity of, you know, even any country or that, you know, if it had fear something like this, it would not be possible for it to book it. and you're talking about the risks of, of spreading water born diseases. and we're just looking at those pictures tense, lined up along a body of water from which i assume people are getting drinking water. and also using assume is that, is that part of the problem? you, you know, you can get a separation. exactly. and, and, and, and, and also even view, this is people displeased, but those who are living middle in the villages, they also don't have good water sources contaminating, so whatever the water source is,
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even the dry land is actually contaminated by the flu. worse because it is contaminated groundwater also and that's something the focus on focusing on with these people, you know, to make sure they're clean drinking water to make sure they have. busy letters that especially for living become such an important issue. let me just ask you quickly. aid relief is arriving in the country, but flood started weeks ago. what took so long? well, i think it came in bits and pieces actually and, and also i think we didn't realize the gravity of the country didn't realize the gravity of the situation till it all came together because we had 1st flips in. well actually before this we had the heat, we're, so people are dying because of heat. and then we had floating in the south and then in the west and, and then we had floating in the north. so i think the community effect, once it starts coming in, that's when people started realizing that it's a huge disaster. so yeah, it took us a while, but i think now they do, you know,
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the government and international community has started. somebody is born, it's much, much smaller than what is needed, but some it is now coming. you know, it's just trickling in at the moment. okay, thank you for your time. a reef jabber can from the end geo water, a pakistan. thank you for reading. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines, reports from afghanistan, say, one of the country's most influential clerics has been killed in a bomb blast in the western city of herat. authority say some 20 people were killed in an explosion outside of mosque. the clerk had called for beheading as punishment for even small acts of defiance against taliban rule. a military court men mar, has sent in song, sang sushi to 3 years in jail with hard labor. the closer to court reportedly found the ousted leader guilty of electoral fraud in the 2020 elections when her party won a landslide victory. she's already serving
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a 17 year sentence. job with you as president joe biden has hit out his predecessor ahead of the key mid term elections and a speech from philadelphia and warn that donald trump and his supporters represent an extremism that threatens us democracy. he called on all americans to reject political violence. europe's largest nuclear power plant is the latest cause for concern. after russia invaded ukraine, the un has sent a delegation of experts to assess whether it has been compromised. they've now reported that the physical integrity of his operational plant has been, quote, violated inspectors toward the facility which sustained damage from shelling 5 of its 6 reactors are now offline. several members of the team now plan to stay on the russian occupied side. despite reports of further fighting in and around south region are correspond again, philip schultz is following this forest and keith. here's what he told me about the
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inspection teams assessment of the nuclear facility. we only know what agency had grossey sets yesterday after he visited the plant. he said he was worried, he is worried and he will continue to be worried. he also said there was evidence that the physical integrity of the plan to was violated. of course, we don't know yet what this means. so regarding possible risks of radiation leaks and so on. the assessment of a nuclear power plant as an extremely difficult task, especially in a war zone. and i doubt that we will get a lot of details at the press conference later today. what we know is that the ukrainian site has repeatedly accused the russian side that they don't give her access to the team to read when it comes to some very important structures at the
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plant. but grossey has repeatedly emphasized that they were able to see what they wanted to see at the plant. and if things go according to the i. e. a chiefs plan a continued to get more information because they've been talking about a constant presence at the facility, staying on site, do we know more about that long term plan and, and, and it's a possibility exactly. the agency has said that the team was there to stay. we don't know exactly what this means. it was probably also a technical move to increase pressure on russia. there are reports in russia media that there is an agreement that at least 2 inspectors can stay at the plant on the permanent basis. but this is not confirmed
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yet. of course, a permanent submission which be very important, a permanent assessment would be important regarding the ongoing risks at the plant . and ukraine also holds that the mission in the long run will contribute to a delay, demilitarized zone bow. but this would probably be the hardest part of the mission to fulfill. and we haven't heard anything from the agency about to demilitarized zone yet. okay, that was seat of use yet to look schultz supporting force from keith. thanks yet. and now to ukraine's offensive against russian forces to recapture territory in her son region. in the south. there are questions as to how far it has progressed. both sides have claim success on the battlefield, but details are scarce. ukraine military leaders say they have destroyed ammunition depots and bridges and a bid to disrupt supplies for the russian forces. but these reports have not been independently confirmed. russia denies any progress and says it's routed ukrainian
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forces. justin brock as a senior military researcher at the royal united services institute in london, i asked him what we know about ukraine's counter offensive near hair song. well, we don't know an enormous amount because the guardian government and military have effectively ask for and then try to enforce a media blackout in terms of any detailed reporting of any information about how that was progressing. in order to deny the russians operational intimation, because the russians presumably get a great deal of use out of the extremely high granularity of information that we get to that consoles about movements most of the time. so interesting that they've been very successful. adjusting that down, we know that ukrainian army is not necessarily ready for large scale new warfare as we would see it in the west. so particularly commodity inflammation
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to brigade level or above. because ukraine anyhow, to you formation that were trained, used operating at brigade level before the impatient, those that have been training place. people thank you for systems 2014 and they've been used extensively all over the front as a sort of fiber data. and so i've been interested quite heavily. ukraine of c, mobilize the huge number of people from february, with national liberalization, but it takes time, it takes months and months to, to get new volunteers to the states where they're useful on the battlefield. and far more time to make them into large scale usable formations. so what you're currently probably doing is more of a probing and attrition strategy here. they're putting pressure on the russians around caisson, where the russian forces are on the west bank, the river that usually isolated from their supply rates compact to anywhere else in the front. and so they can be kind of pending and forced to defend the politically important position by caisson for the russians. but the military is
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a difficult place to defend. it's a little bit like sarah, and that wasn't the bus for the green place to apply a fishing to make some games before the weather shut things down in november. and right, well the one thing about which there's no doubt is what the ukranian president has said. blooded mirror, zalinski has called on russian soldiers in the region to flee. why they still can you think this is more than rhetoric? i think the director because i'm the signaling is a key part of the strategy. we know the russian forces are suffering from very variable morale. and in many cases in many units, they have very serious morale issues. and so that, that strategy of both the rhetoric from zalinski and of course, taking out the bridges across that my pro is emphasizing to russian troops that they don't have easy route retreat. that will be guaranteed. so trying to potentially entice units to fall back on probing along the lines with ukrainian
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forces to kind of try and exploit, you know, identify and exploit areas where russian forces may crack and move back. so definitely trying to play a role and signaling close to western partners that this is a long term flight. the credit is committed to and that they do intend to take back with us. and speaking of the western partners, don't none of this offensive. i think you'll agree would counter offensive would be possible without the massive weapons deliveries. ukraine has received from partners in the west. the ukrainian prime minister will be here in germany on the weekend. and he already announced that he'll be asking for more military aid in an interview . he said, we need a shift in the philosophy behind weapons deliveries. with that, i mean, modern tanks should also be delivered up just in a, coming back to you. why hasn't any western countries supported ukraine with such top of the line? thanks. well, the primary reason is that it's not clear that you credit the brain on forces will be able to use and efficiently yet. because of course,
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when you supply tax the tax themselves and not necessarily the difficult, very low western tanks tend to be very heavy and can't go over many bridges without specialized equipment. but the key thing is tanks or any effective, it's used on mass with alma de infantry. so you can, you don't just have to have the tanks in significant numbers, the logistic system to support them. they use a huge amount of fuel. they need to be transported to close to where they're going to be used to just support with, but also they need on the personal cars, right? infantry can keep up with them and support them. and so what you're talking about is building on mechanized for gay size forces, and that takes time. you can't just apply to them any packets, what the trainings really. and he's a sustained plan to supply them over time with guaranteed amounts of equipment. so that not only can they plan on when they're going to have it, i don't know, but also the russians will know that that will continue. ok. ok, that's all the time we have. thank you for all that inside justin brock. of the royal united services institute. police in argentina have arrested
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a man for allegedly attempting to assassinate the vice president. christina fernandez to kitchener authorities have identified him as a 35 year old brazilian citizen. the shocking incident was captured by television cruise waiting for the politician outside her home in buenos aires. ah, this is the moment argentina's vice president narrowly escaped an apparent assassination. christina hernandez was greeting subordinate, nearer home when a gunman emerged from the crowd. he was with the overpowered by her security officers argentina's president, give more details in dbi address, getting up better money. christina remains alive because the gun which had 5 bullets in it. my did not fire even though the trigger had been pulled out. i couldn't see due to her reasons as not yet being technically confirmed. ill take this is extremely serious. is the most serious instant that has happened since we
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restored our democracy. the gunman has been arrested and his weapon seized. thousands of protesters have been gathering outside the white president's home for days now and a show of support as she faces a corruption dro fernandez stands accused of defrauding the state of an estimated $1000000.00. while she was argentina's president from 2007 to 2015, she has denied all judges. the alleged attempt on her life a short of support for her. in a beer, christina is life or you know, somebody, i guess something happened to her when i die with her. i just can't believe it. it's really difficult. and with what, but a bow, unconcerned, but you know, i'm in the nation and rationally, i think there was always this possibility him,
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but i thought, i suppose, julio, the almost as him will always exposed to were where she was exposed. the i'm on i cannot believe the level of violence. medical morgan. okay. are you in there? you're linear policing. the gunman is a brazilian national. but we have yet to establish a motor for the attack and join the front side is by w l. a handle robust you at a 100. what more can you tell us about this attack? where we are here at the apartment where leaves the vice president of john needs and some demonstrators are coming to follow the case. now the police has found a 100 bodies in the home where leaves the seats 10 days here to the against the vice president of argentine. what more can you tell us about this brazilian man he is. his name is monday
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mondell. he's 35 years old. brazilian has been living in tina it seems 1993. he speaks like genius and also it's very interested in argentina in politics below. he does not belong to any political party or what it meant. but in the social networks he belongs to right wing groups, also neo nasty groups enough. and this is all the information that we have on a month ago. he appears interview a chance to be shown a talking against a valued residents. and how are people reacting? we so just saw a report where we had the reaction of some supporters of hers, the shock and so on,
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but across the country. how are people reacting to this apparent assassination attempt? well, 1st thing that, that though far gina got it all for 9 days. has a said a clear today national holy gates to let the people demonstrate the support for the vice president could it's enough fusion. and in 5 years, a 5 hours, they will start a demonstration in the plaza, my, your the, the biggest parking when the site is in front of the house of government, the rose house, it to support the vice president could see nike. and it's just a question about her security detail. she's she's the vice president. are there questions about it? she had she been protected well enough? well the some of the most of the office he showed the origin tina has a talk against vice president of the opposition leaders say that
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the security of the vice president said, and that's what he's tom of the people that support a vice person. i think that gives us a ministry ministry of security. anybody fernandez to quit of his charge. ok on a 100 bus and well, thanks so much for that insight. thank you very much. one of the most expensive tv shows that ever made has finally had its debut. the rings of power is the prequel to the popular lord of the rings and hobbit towns. but the story has moved to the small screen and takes place 4000 years before the events in those adaptations of j. r. r. tolkien novels. a days of peace. begin. the waiting is over for the lord of the rings, fans. this series is not based on a particular j. r. r. tolkien novel. but on the writer's extensive background
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essays, we thought our choice would be an ending. we thought allan night would never dean. the skies are strange. the actors say the offer is still very present. everybody in this, in the job is so passionate about talking and we could talk about him all the time . i know i, but so many conversations with electron doubt. in fact, i'm not upset the legendary mini mom because my fellow classmates, if you roll their eyes and i said the al, wet the mount between the less reliance on c g on is that in the movies and some terrific attention to detail . we're safe yesterday actually had on, on the wall is massive chart about how scale works and how tools and characters my
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half what characters are nice. and then we had to learn about how i'm perspective. so i could be acting opposite you about where they place you and where they, i really give the illusion that one of the smaller, one of us is to a lie beyond the darkness, tempting shadow for years old. and he's the man to the filming of the 1st season, a new zealand reportedly cost over $450000000.00. this is and if you're wondering if you should tune in, i asked the w cultural correspondent, scott roxborough. if amazon's most prestigious streaming project to date is worth it. ah, well, i guess that depends on your how, how big a fan you are. um, um,
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both of the genre in particular of, of, of the series of the lower the rings franchise. to say you do see the money on the screen. i mean, this is a bigger, more impressive, more spectacular tv show that i've ever seen up. and this sort of scale and scope of it does, i think, match that of the famous peter jackson a movie. so to course we're global a blockbusters of so they definitely put their money where their mouth is and they put it up on the screen. and i also think having to episodes of this, a series of that the sort of scope and this, or the depth of storytelling a, in this a lot of the rings. a series also does match that of the films, at least a so far i'm but will of course, the real proof will be in the pudding when this show goes out and whether or not earth fans worldwide embrace it because with a budget this high with so much being spent on the series failure just isn't an option. this really has to be the one series to rule them all. their failure isn't an option. and it's particularly wow. tricky when there's competition,
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cuz this is going to be going head to head with a new game of thrones sequel that dropped 2 weeks ago. i read beginning to see a new era of, of t. v in yahoo you think is going to win the battle of dragons here. who i don't know if i've got to put my bike money on one dragon or, or the other at the moment only to see how the bo series sort of, uh, play out. that they actually are quite different despite being setting fairly similar worlds on. but when it comes to sort of the size of the shows, you're definitely right. this is a new, really a new era. the budgets for these a shows are astronomical. i'm, if, you know, maybe 10 years ago, you're talking about the golden age of television and television series. trying to do sort of a dark drama in a way that before only sort of a grown up movies are used to do. now i think we're entering into almost a block buster phase of t, v series with, with these massive a shows that basically are trying to take on blockbuster films on. and i think this could be the kind of a television that defines the next 10 or 15 years. okay,
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did abuse, got rocks for foreign force from venice. thank you for that. and you are, of course watching d. w in use live cumberland coming up next. and d, w, news, asia, taiwan is foreign minister tells d w why he believes china is making plans to invade the island. as coming up next on dw news, asia with 1st energy. don't forget you get latest news around the clock, a. d, w dot com on next. spicer, thanks for watching. ah ah, with
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and all the friends stuff, the mob you dw africa every friday on dw, closely with listen carefully. don't know how with, to be a good deal the magic discover the world around you. subscribe to d w documentary on youtube. music. 50 years ago. the international gathering of peace and cooperation becomes the scene of
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a horrible tragedy. arab terrorists, armed with sub machine guns, went to the headquarters of the israeli team, and immediately killed one man. and that this will be the last time i saw him. our worst fears realized tonight. they're all gone out. i witnessed his experienced the terrible events. and this, the world should not forget the long shuttle. the $972.00 olympic massacre start september 3rd on d, w. ah, this is due to the news aisha coming up today. i'll time on use china as recent aggressive, missed and military exercises around the island. so put it all together. this is what they want to do to taiwan when they want to invade taiwan. that's time was foreign minister speaking exclusively to dw photos in taipei. today we go deep into ty wants percept.


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