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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 7, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST

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ah ah ah ah, the see that we news live from berlin? europe moves closer to a show down with russia over energy supplies. the u unveils plans to cap the price of russian gas to undercut moscow's ability to wage war on ukraine. let me put in his back saying europe will free if it follows through. also coming up after record
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breaking range, water born diseases spread among flood victims and pakistan. more than 3000000 children are at risk of illness and malnutrition. and brazil marks 200 years of independence with an election just around the corner. will look at why critics day president bull tomorrow is using the bicentennial to boost his own election helps. ah, and the cough really gets very get to have you with us. russian president vladimir putin has told an economic form in vladivostok that sanctions against his country are a danger for the whole world. he also condemned moves by g 7 nations to impose a cap on the price of russian oil and e. u. member states looking to introduce a price count on russian gas. this comes as e u. countries face
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a growing energy crisis as winter approaches. with him, good evening newsletter may putin struck a defiant tone at the economic form in vladivostok where he had you, he said, any efforts to isolate his country with futile stressing that moscow now was looking to the east and iran for new opportunities and not one to mince words, putin was straight up about what he thought of the west sanctions against his country. and i, here russia is coping with the economic, financial, and technological aggression of the wesley's. i'm talking about aggression. there's no the word for little foreign currency exchanges and stock exchanges have stabilized in the us. we are in the crazy that years with he said the sanctions were causing world wide instability and compromised europeans quality of life. economic crisis. western governments began imposing sanctions on russia after invaded ukraine in february. since then, the european union has moved to cut its reliance on russian gas and oil,
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causing energy prices to saw. the situation deteriorated further at the beginning of september when russia's state own gas company gas. brom said it was closing a crucial gas pipeline to the you. again, the criminal since the closure was due to technical issues, contract obligations and international sanctions. placing the blame firmly on brussels, e. u officials refute his claims and accused russia of trying to blackmail the block. they truly say we're using energy as a weapon. they put themselves in the situation and don't know what to do now. they painted themselves into a sanctioned coronet, only took the last week g, 7 nations, a grade to a russian oil price cap to rein in russia's revenues and stabilize energy markets. now the use commission president is also calling for a cap on gas. we aim at lowering the costs of gas and
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therefore we will propose a price cup on russian gas. of course the objective is very clear. we all know that our sanctions, deeply grinding into the russian economy with heavy negative impact. but booting is partially buffering through fossil fuel revenues. so here the objective is we must cut rushes revenues, which fortune uses to finance is atrocious. lauren ukraine, while potent has called the latest move, quote, stupid. the use intention is clear, even if the details are not yet. the plan is expected to be tabled at a european energy council meeting on friday. and for more on this, i'm joined by michelle kritisha and oslo. he's an oil and gas expert at the independent rust energy consulting agency. mr. curtis, good to see. let me put this,
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he's not weaponized russian energy and then goes on to directly formulate a threats to cut it. how does that go together? well, would it also says that the rest of the day, the crane, and he also said that the russel did not break any international laws and everybody understands that all 3 statements are leg drunk lies. all right, so now the e. u is working on a price comp for russian gas are all member states on the same page, there no way to know the thing. so unfortunately that was a brilliant idea. provided there is no capitalism but socialism or communism in the europe. and the well contrast between the buyers and sellers do not exist. i cannot understand how well any regulator is bought. the
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of the you can change the terms of commercial contract between the seller and buyer. so i think it does not go into work. all right, so this is a good idea, you say, but in practice it would not work in, in europe if we, if there were price counts either on gas or oil and why are we doing this? well, i'm afraid that this is just the rhetoric and, oh, well, good intel selzer without any phone dish in the, in the any practical misers, it would be much more efficient to continue no of these same shouts which are proscribed in the package. number $60.00 sanctions against russia, which is a default embargo on imports of russian crude oil starting in december and
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a full embargo in the u on imports of russ on the refined petroleum products started in march next year. it would hurt the russian budget and the russian economy enormously without so well, some measure such as a canceling the capitalist market in europe. but the ultimate goal here is to reduce reliance on russian energy. isn't it our european countries doing enough to achieve that goal? you're saying that's thanks, it might be a way to hurt russia, but is europe even in a position to be able to implement these sanctions without hurting itself more than it would hurt russia? well, i think the main problem with the sanctions and the at, if you all the, you and the russia in the energy sector is a well,
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the problem is that the europeans are doing it very slowly with great delayed. how many years ago it became clear of the thrush, it uses the flow for gas and oil supply as political weapons. and there was plenty of time to build new interconnect or gas pipelines across the border of european countries to build the new o terminals for imports or natural gas. do i will work with such countries as, as, or by john or even torque minnes done in the kitchen area to bring more gas from your suppliers, and not to diversify the rules or guess supply but the suppliers themselves. i think this is very high time to start doing something like the mechanic or to him. thank you so much for your analysis today. well as letting me
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put his war continues in ukraine, many russians have decided the political climate in their country means there is no future for them there among them many members of the jewish community this week on conflict down tim sebastian asked the former chief rabbi of moscow, pinchers. goldsmith. whether he thinks that jews would be well advised to leave russia if they had the chance. yes, i support this view and for many reasons. and for the many reasons why jews to day and concern about the future, russia, it is a the rise and anti semitism. b, the possibility of a closing of the iron curtain that it is going to be impossible to leave. the number 3 are the hardest hitting the sanctions, which are going to damage the economy, long term and number for the possibility of the of that is going to be a general draft for the army and an end. and number 5 is the whiting
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repression of civil society. and you can watch the full conflict zone interview with rabbi pinch as gulch men after this program or online at d. w dot com slash conflict. so let's get you up to speed now on some other stories making headlines around the world firefighters are searching the rubble for survivors. after russian shells had an apartment block and a school in the eastern ukrainian city of soviet, at least one civilian was killed in the rocket attacks. a court in hong kong has convicted 5 people of sedition for publishing children's books. the picture books explained hong kong 2019 democracy movement to children, but the core deemed the books to be anti government. brian's group amnesty international called the decision, a brazen act of repression. archaeologists have made a startling find in borneo that appears to show surgical amputation was taking place 31000 years ago. in a cave they uncovered the skeleton of
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a young adult whose foot and lower left leg appeared to have been surgically removed. the person survived for some 7 years after the loss in pakistan, millions of people who've been affected by record breaking floods are confronting a new threat waterborne diseases. tens of thousands and heart head provinces are falling ill after drinking contaminated flood water. dr. say they've been treating thousands suffering from diarrhea, skin infections, and other ailments. 3 year old, our child has been feverish for days ever since the floods badly damaged his family home. and they've had to sleep out in the open. he didn't get any medical treatment at the start because the family couldn't afford to go to the doctor. writing a book out of, of my son fell ill a few days ago on
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a burger. i didn't have the money to bring him here, but i found it that the doctor says he's got malaria that he's getting a bit better with the debit. when i go either i can i or my liquidity retina, like we're fancy, that the stagnant water means mosquitoes couldn't quickly spread malaria. but medical facilities are basic in this remote area of the southern sinned province. at each kumar runs a small practice and is always busy. most of his patients can't afford to pay some debt m a, but we can't really treat patients for free for them, but we do it anyway. but they still have to pay for the medicine. i think, but there's a lot of disease that's out. most of the children often have several illnesses at once because they're drinking contaminated water. but if you were to lie again, they've money vinegar. it's not just medical treatment, which is lacking. food is also in short supply,
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most of these market traders of farmers whose fields are flooded. they also have to deal with the extreme heat aside yankee re on my house and the harvest have been wiped out yet. that is said, there is no shelter from the heat in the water and the fields are still waist deep . they did a vine. my business will go bust. actually had them to, to hear it hasn't rained in this region for about 10 days. but the water cannot run off because the ground is saturated. scientists fear the harvests in the next 2 years will fail. it jazz ali and his family are in a desperate situation. their house is uninhabitable. part of the roof has collapsed and they live in fear of the next rain full and then there are going without a government has to help us. our home has been destroyed or rocky. the children are
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sick or but the and we have no work. i'm really worried about the you are in the mobility login as of now don't bershana there's no food in the family is having to survive on a few cups of tea a day that will not sustain them for long. and let's bring in asia, the deacon. she's of pakistani climate and human rights activists. and currently a researcher at new york university school of law. i shall good to see you. your hometown and pakistan has been affected by the floods. what are you hearing from people in your community? well, the water is not leaving, it is staying there for it is staying there and it's going to continue stay it, stay there for 2 months. and what that has resulted in, as you were saying, is an abundance of mosquitoes. they are crowding above the sitting water and an abundance of illnesses. i cannot even qualify. how many people are, are going to become sick because of this water that is going to be the reality.
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also, northern focus on his home to crop such as sugar cane and cotton and sugar cane. and cotton also happened to be one of our biggest products that we export. so that is completely wiped out. and that means that families are not just going to be hungry for the next coming months. they're going to be facing the effects for years to come. what are your biggest fears for pakistan and the time ahead? what looks like a natural disaster right now and is slowly becoming a humanitarian crisis is about to multiply tenfold and we as a country are now prepared for it and globally, we are not prepared for it. flooding in this part of the world is not new. neither are monsoons. in fact, if the climate crisis, and because the climate crisis is going to continue to get worse, he's plugged in,
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we're going to become a new normal. the country right now is just in it's responding in an emergency, it does not have a plan or next week, a month to come and the illness and that will come out of this. in addition to that hungry people, get angry, focused on g. d. p is 9 percent cotton and cotton and 30000000 acres of call has just been completely destroyed. that means that internally there's going to be social collapse. if not, political uprising. you say the current situation pakistan is a textbook example of climate and justice. so do you think richard countries have a special responsibility to assist pakistan in the aftermath of the flood? you know, it's not a special responsibility and neither do i think, is it a debate of whether or not a global north? those countries like focus on reparations. the global norris is responsible for 92
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percent of the excess emissions. you is responsible for 29 percent of what we call the climate crisis in the united states. 40 percent. meanwhile, pakistan is responsible for less than 0.98 percent of extra emissions. so yes, this is the global north should assist us financially, but it is not just that. what is happening to in pakistan is an issue for all of us because this is, this can be the reality for the rest of the world. if we don't take the climate crisis fiercely, if we don't stop or emissions yesterday, what is the flight? and what we're seeing in this extreme suffering can be your home, your family, your land in the next coming years. if we, if we don't stop our production of fossil fuel power for a wake up call, we're seeing in pakistan, asia, cd climate and human rights activist. thank you so much for your time.
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for those present enjoyable. so narrow has told his supporters to take a stand as the nation marks the $200.00 anniversary of its independence with political rallies planned across the country. critics say he has transformed would, should be a day of unity into a campaign event that they fear he will use to undermine next month's election. opinion polls indicate he's lagging behind his left wing rival led us silva. it was supposed to be a celebration of 2 centuries of independence from portugal, but president jerbill. so noro made every attempt to turn it into a political event. less than a months before brazilians vote on their next president a this you or this feeling it old border the, the brazilian people are taking to the streets to day if they're to celebrate 200 years of independence and eternal freedom that what is at stake is our freedom, our future da da da. lawful to also at stake is both scenarios job as head of
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state polls show the president trailing behind x president. louise in us ceo lou la da silva by double digits. paulson aro, has called the contest a battle of good and evil. and in front of a sea of supporters, he denied the numbers from leading pollster, dot to foyer, with a bit of word play. rocky. no. here there is no lying dot to foil. ha ha! here is our data people. bob boy, here is the truth. that here is the will of an honest, free, and hard working people. live with bill about, oh, it's not the 1st time that wilson aro, has called the electoral process into question. he's being investigated by the supreme court after aggressively criticizing the electronic voting machines that brazil is used for decades. audits found no issues with the system. ah,
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critics of wilson are a worry that the far right nationalist who once said, only god could remove him from office, will attempt to cling to power even if he loses. the election is to flinch. the put is visible, so this flirting of president wilson aro, with the cooper, is not a recent thing. it's an old thing. you of the people that support him are willing to do anything, just like the supporters of president donald trump. when the capital was invaded. mckillop cologne. lucas douglas. look up dog. lily. i have no doubt little i've even written about it easily that here in brazil we will have a tragic dramatic repetition of what happened there. those episodes of this suit was law in its 200 years of independence. brazil has seen revolutions, military rule and scandal. the election in october and the president's response to a potential defeat will be crucial and deciding its future. and i'm drawing now
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from florida novelist by journalist, but he has a back from the german public broadcast network, a r div mathias critics able to narrow is instrumental izing the anniversary celebrations as a campaign event ahead of elections on october 2nd year. agree. yes it seems so because it he might and he shows to use this anniversary and for his campaign to a show frank and to united his supporters behind him. so i think yes he's doing so in brazilian, the morning he talked to his support us and he said he wanna save brazil from communism. so he's clearly campaigning here and budget you might be able, but as you this important national holiday in 200 years of independence, we can see clearly the polarization which the country is suffering. and we don't
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know what gonna happen soon. the polls show balls and are trailing his main challenger and losing nasty lula. so the former president is balls in our loses. will he go peacefully? i think em anything might happen. we don't know so far. at least he always argues that the electro system is not it. he's not trusting in it and he wants to indoctrinate his support. us not to accept the result if lulu might win and will win. so we talked to people here in the street for our noblest today who are really willing to not accept the resolved. if was an hour my will lose. so we, i really am looking for a little bit scary, a little bit frightened because it might happen a similar scenario as in the united states and in front of the capitol. mateus a about in the brazilian city f. lori not bless. thank you so much. and i apologize
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for the technical issues we had that before. we couldn't hear him properly to the united states. now where more details are emerging about the highly sensitive documents seized at donald trump's florida, home and early august, 1 the even detailing of foreign governments, nuclear capabilities and other military defenses. that's according to the washington post. the report does not identify the foreign government or whether it was friendly or hostile to the u. s. the f. b. i recovered more than $11000.00 government documents and photographs during its search of the former president's mar logo estate in florida on august 8th. and for more on us we can now cross to our correspondent mckayla kuth not in washington d. c. mikaela. if these reports proved to be true, what could the legal consequences for donald trump b?
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well, the overarching issue that he over arching legal issue still is obstruction. of justice, and after all, it was strong staffers who denied that there actually still word documents on mar logo. it was only through this such that this documents were found. and we probably all seen the photograph of this top secret documents with the top secret covers. now it seems, according to the washington post, which has spoken to unidentified sources familiar with the matter. and these include in nuclear details of foreign countries. there's a lot of talk here on us television amongst the security community who of course, hate being on television at saying that it doesn't really matter to a certain degree. whether these are details of the u. s. capabilities or a foreign befriended country, because when it comes down to it, what is known about whom and what is not known is always relevant information. it's always highly critical. and at the very least,
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it is damaging us reputation of broad. certainly also donald trump's, because despite the fact that his, his trump brand of politics may be going strong. but it does thus throw it into the ring. more questions about his leadership capabilities. now mckayla a judge, one that was in fact appointed by donald trump, back when he was president, has granted his demand for an independent lawyer to oversee the case over his handling of these classified materials. will this slow down the ongoing investigation? the sort onset is yes, that would be a so called special master. we expect names to be put forward, potentially someone to be named this friday. but then again, the question is, normally, especially mazda circle, special mazda is appointed to sift through documents and make sure no documents
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that are subject to the attorney client privilege. that is secret privacy between an attorney and the client is violated. that those documents are sifted out, but all of these documents have already been seen by the department of justice, and that is raising a lot of legal eyebrows amongst top lawyers here in the united states. see saying that at the very least, this is a remarkable, the most condemning judgment i've heard is that this is a legal mess. and as a practical question, who has that kind of beyond top level security clearance anyway to be within the scope of those people that could potentially fulfill the role of a special master alongside legal qualification. so as you are hearing from my deliberation that yes, this will draw things out. one can rightly expect this to go past those midterm elections coming up on november, the 8 mckayla now in washington, dc. always
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a pleasure. and a quick reminder of the top story. we're following for you today. the european union has unveiled a plan to cap price for russian gas imports. the measures aimed at undercutting moscow's ability to finance its war against ukraine. russian president vladimir putin has condemned the plan and threatened to cut off all fossil fuel exports to the you and say to now for conflict down this time tim sebastian interviews, the former chief rabbi of moscow. i forget you can always get the latest news on our website. thanks for watching. ah ah, with
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who a into the conflict zone with sebastian russia. jewish community has been watching the war in ukraine
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with mounting along. but most of the island fearing state reprisals. the senior figure in the community hope that silence was immoral. the thinkers coach met and he wants old use in russia to get out. now. conflict zone. next, on d, w. o, a in the world right now, the climate change. if any, off the story. this is my flex the way from just one week. how much worse can really get we still have time to go and going off with his subscribe or more with the landscape. a
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reflection of a turbulent history. the cities, the mosaic of different people and languages. the ron's mountains reveal unparalleled beauty ah, a special look at a special country he longed from above. start september 16th on d, w with rushes. jewish community has been watching the war in ukraine with mounting alarm, but most of kept silence, fearing state reprisals if they spoke out against the kremlin. and yet as the fighting intensified, the senior figure in the community felt that silence was immoral. so he fled moscow after 30 years as the city's chief rabbi in order to speak freely. and he joined.


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