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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  September 8, 2022 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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many cultures, ah, seen it almost rock and to fall do korean drift along with exploring water more styles and ready to ring. whereas history left its traces. hearing their dreams ready to this week. do you w ah ah ah, this is focus on europe. i'm larva lola, welcome. imagine waking up and being told your freedom is gone. your right to self determination has been stripped away. your fundamental rights are no more. it's a reality for women in afghanistan since the taliban seized power
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a year ago. they are living at the mercy of the militants. many are bound from going to work, attending secondary schools, and participating in sports. women and girls can only leave their homes with the permission of a man will. so har was able to flee kabul and escape the taliban. she now lives in exile in italy and is building a new life for herself, one that promises safety tolerance and basic human rights. but already she fears that her new found freedom is in danger. and that's because of this woman far right leader, georgia, maloney, her brothers of italy party is leading the poles and the upcoming parliamentary elections. so har says their victory could bring bad news for refugees. the party is openly hostile to migrants. and so hard now, worries about her future once a har feel sad or desperate when she's received bad news from afghanistan,
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she comes here. usually bad news is all she ever gets from her home country. she started working at orient, express, a restaurant run by her brother hom. it mom at only hires refugees like his sister saw her because he wants to help them make it in venice. boys should they care it? working here has helped me overcome my depression somewhat to get him as it reminds me of when i worked in my own restaurant back in cobbled up cob, would buy it as soon on. what am i in is the rose i them. i established the restaurant myself and buy some place that i was never able to open it. how many of his nobody been thing going on. but what about all the african girls and women whose hopes and dreams are being dash 20 does show as being that it feels like your body is alive, but your soul has died more love. i think it was that you could just mental when
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your spirit and dreams die, you're practically dead vivian. what at more the last day near the again, it's a function of the 12 when it's done but saw her has a new goal. she wants to become a head chef in italy. she's already contacted several chefs and venice who were very encouraging. though she still asks herself whether she deserves to be so fortunate when she hears yet more bad news from cobble. we call a woman whose identity we must keep secret for security reasons. she lives and cobble with her 13 sisters. salanza said technical wednesday. what i learned. i me, axel, after this past year, i feel like i no longer exist. to go. i'm not allowed to study me because i'm not allowed to decide what to wear. we feel like we're birds locked in
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a cage. you can no longer fly shawanda. that's how we feel. which i'm mom additionally think when they only leave their home wearing a burka, but they rarely go out because the taliban say women should only leave their homes for important reasons to taller haunted bearing has had to what have you or your sister ever gone out in the streets defending your rights with that along with the women protesting against the taliban garcia now to your closet, to columbia the meeting we wanted to use. but when we saw with the taliban due to protesters whipping and punishing them, our father said we couldn't marry niger. i got married sometimes. so har says she feels like she is suffocating. when that happens, she heads out, walking aimlessly through the narrow streets of venice. recently people in italy have been talking about how right wing parties could win the election in late september, georgia, maloney could become italy's next prime minister. so har is worried,
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would that means she might have to leave italy, her brother hom, it tries to comfort her or vice versa. his former, what is maloney's policy towards migrants? it go about your guys' hours or about she leads of far right potty in italy. yeah, need careful study. of course she's against refugees and migrant album all junior in though not against ukrainian joy. she has no problem with them right now. oh great. okay. i won't get involved, but she might have a problem with that. that was good. warm or sorry, not with us personally now, but her approach to international politics. she is fundamentally against refugees and migrants, yell more gift on him. but he knows what will restore her confidence. ah, joy isn't you know, what's a ha, got your living in a place where you yourself could take maloney's place, become a prime minister if you wanted to watch on it. something like that is no longer possible in afghanistan under the taliban. when he does in the stuff
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and then it's time to do something else that's no longer possible than afghanistan . another moment of freedom. these 2 fins pay coolness and paki pam, on and live on the border with russia. they speak russian and are friendly with their neighbors on the other side. but that was before put in, invaded ukraine. since the war broke out residence in the small town of their cilla are divided over their russian neighbors. while most fins stand united in condemning the kremlin war here at the border, there's little consensus on what should be done about it. mm. finland's border with its russian neighbour runs over at 1300 kilometers through the rugged tiger piece has rained here for decades. but ever since russia invaded ukraine,
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nothing has been the same as pear to permanent and peck. i couldn't tell it both say that peace is threatened, but they don't quite agree on who's to blame for that. almost wilkerson, i don't trust the russians alive. can europe should have presented the unified front much sooner? got oh, because i feel sorry for the ukrainian people, adoptable a hook up was where attacking the russians ourselves by supplying arms to ukraine on over to the russians where the enemy now only 2 months before parity permanent and his wife had taken over running this little hotel inverts cilla. they've had guests, but not enough to get by. they miss the russian summer visitors imperative herman, and likes the people from across the border. he's been to russia many times, both privately and on business. and he says moscow's not the only one to blame for the current situation. a della me diet,
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a glare worried because finland's foreign policies getting more and more aggressive toward the east. the only thing that worries me, we can only hope will be sped and the russian missiles will pass over us if they launch them some day. i'm a peck, a coolness speaks russian as well. but unlike his neighbor, he'd rather not see any more russians advert. cilla, he says he used to keep an eye out for 4 legged predators here in the area. but to day, it's the 2 legged kind that worry him more. but that that's at best, a mighty from this side. it's only 150 meters to the international border, multiplied by like all we feel as if we are constantly facing a giant predator. thought uncle fooled by doctor a pillow top. we're not afraid about, but we have to keep a constant eye on this predator. but for now, life goes on coon us is looking forward to the traditional classic car show in the next town, ito muncie. like every year as a retired firefighter,
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he's particularly proud of his 19 sixty's vintage firetruck. from an arrow, when the cold war between east and west was raging, finland's corellia has always been a frontier region. to day, the border is also the edge of the european union and the shank area. soon it'll be nato's longest continuous border with russia. many here wondering how that will affect relations with their neighbors. will russian tourists still be allowed to cross over freely? russians have applied for nearly 60000 visas to finland since the start of 2022, most intending to travel onwards. now many you members would like to see this gate to western europe closed, insisting that russians can't be allowed to vacation in the west while they're waging war in europe. by others ask, why not?
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the responsibility for the war can't be laid on all russians. it's even a topic of debate at the car show. right. he's gonna not the guy get the hadn't, i mean, does it have and they would be good if ordinary people realize what kind of government they've got. tell olenick he comes home, but it's a general rule. hey, loud as is the government and in so are the people when i need to con consechi nolan. he hadn't $10.00 at the camilla. one country has attacked another sovereign state of the south, only right to limit the number of russians here as a way of imposing sanctions. sienna saw the small, i just hope it can help improve the situation. amino minister a back. they shouldn't close the border and the law when russians come over here, they get another fresh perspective. a lot of luck i informed they're living in a closed society. uncle obviously got cocktail. and right now they're only getting a one sided version of things, almost like a yoga yoke on thought knocked of out will be shown deshawn. businesses and finland are already feeling the steep decline and russian tourists from natoya mcdade
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double. i'm hoping reason will triumph and we can find great states people who can work the matter out amongst themselves. all of us shabury now ship discipline thought again that was at them. what's important is that we can live close to the border in peace and not have to worry about what might come from over there in the unknown east. own glosser. so good, but the damage has been done to neighborly relations between finland and russia. lock laws. and it's unlikely to be undone for many years in a region that shares a 1000 kilometer long border. will the lights go out? it's a question many europeans are asking as an energy shortage loops. mo frances hoping to avoid disruption to its energy supply with nuclear power. it's where 2 thirds of the country's electricity comes from making it less reliant on russian gas compared to other european nations. that there's
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a catch half of frances nuclear power plants are currently out of operation due to repairs and maintenance. and wow, wind power is catching on in france. it will be a while before it can make up the difference. with when night falls in paris, the lights don't go on. they go off. the young activists show how it's done. no one can, likewise, it's symbolic, of course, but the message is clear. every one can do something to save energy all, and only one hudson co. though there's never been a shortage of electricity before because of the countries nuclear power plants she known is one of the oldest. it went into operation in 1963. and since then there have been several incidents. nevertheless, like old french nuclear power plant. it has been given a 10 year life time extension nuclear power accounts for 70 percent of french
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electricity generation. ah, the work is around their lunch break. they support nuclear power off to roll. the power plant is the biggest employer in town. as the chef tells us on diana, if it is any wine buckle alicio, if at all, and that will balance it is, it's been here for years in our parents and grandparents help build it to my own father was involved in building the plant. tough, honestly just it's our shared heritage and is she not worried about the risks? no, not at all. i know pa k manufacturer, shane defiance relies on nuclear power. all the electricity needed for production and drawing the wood comes from the neighboring nuclear power plant. in view of the energy crisis and rapidly rising costs, the manager is more than happy to have state subsidized nuclear energy. long
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sassy, this is our heating system. not it runs on hot water from the nuclear power plant. yeah. it economically with the rising energy cost, but it just wouldn't be viable without nuclear energy. but dom cesspit or shell on analogy to so for president emmanuel, my con, nuclear power is the future. but currently half of frances nuclear power plants and not in operation. and the state continues to keep energy prices artificially low, with billions in subsidies. all my con knows all too well that he can keep this up indefinitely. a crisis meeting at the alizae palace and national emergency plan is needed. no hour today. so you can, we've got all our cards on nuclear energy and haven't even come close to our renewable energy target. france is the only country in europe that didn't reach it's 2020 objectives. now with that, i've had just to sat in sun as in brittany,
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they are pushing renewables. frances largest offshore wind park is being built here for 2000000000 euros. 80 wind turbines being ankle deep in the sea, and that's just the beginning. 50 more are in planning bucky radio man. when the wind turbines are operational, could you i'll provide energy for 700000 people, but that's equivalent to a city the size of frank frank from from but not everyone here is so enthusiastic. tama has been working as a crab fisher for 18 years, though the wind turbines are not in his fishing area, he's still concerned on resolve all. do they say people don't worry ladaja, but the turbine? so the 1st thing you see when you go to the beach and you know it's a bit shocking to come in before gold. france is banking on wind energy and green hydrogen for the future. but they're not as short term solution,
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and they won't be replacing french nuclear power. any time soon. have you ever played foot so it's similar to european football, but it is played indoors and with a smaller ball foot saw was invented in south america, even soccer legends like paly and rinaldo hone their skills, playing it as boys. well, these boys in the czech republic, dream of playing in the same league as their idols there from the roman ethnic minority, the disadvantaged youth face discrimination and even segregation in society. but in the northern city of austin, i'd love them. they dare to dream, thanks to someone who's walked in their shoes. fruits are a very and of soccer, is all about fast paced, dribbling, and passing in a small field with small teams. and these boys excel at it, or is that a little bit of go on faster? go on my cell, my cell
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a better pos. okay. so that's what i want to see just like that box dark dark. but coach lou crush pulled co, says education is even more important than foods. all, particularly for these boys who belong to the check republics, roma minority to day the coach is checking their report, cards me, shes grades are pretty poor. they are joke. look, you listen, i'm sorry to say you have to stop playing until the end of september. you the alarm don't you can't join us. he can't join foot sell practice, or matches least i'm acquitted of running in oklahoma. now, masha is disappointed, but accepts the consequences for his poor grades. he stays and watches from the side lines for the boys from crash neck, as they called their neighbourhood food. sol is everything. their district lines about 2 kilometers from the center of las t. this used to be a mining community, but those days are over. today,
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this area has the highest unemployment rate in the country. luc pulled co works in underground construction, operating and excavator lost him. oh my, it's my brother's company, lawson. brown. he founded it. he's our boss at e, it's osh f. my other brother pepper and i worked for him. yamagata, you could say it's a family business or facility and offered a mot. all calls says any one serious about finding work will succeed. it's this attitude that makes him a role model for the boys. it all started 8 years ago. he was standing on the balcony. and a brazilian soccer friend had just brought him a set of jerseys from unquote, brazil i know from the field now. on that very sunday i was watching the kids playing on the pitch down their claw. allison, it was faded too. i went down and gave them the josie's, this almost a shoebox and that's how i'll club one ga guar was born of that. that doesn't get
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them up. that is in common rule, that's when he started coaching the boys and keeping them out of trouble for them. playing from onqua is a great honor for her. i think we're on the right track, natalie's sister, but many children, he is still struggle with alcohol abuse, alcohol, drugs and gambling. also over time, mormon goggle clubs were created in other check cities. there are 8 of them in all a success story. in a 2021 online pull pull coal was even voted listings person of the year. i'll sister so some so thought open a book. i'm the 1st roma to win the award a little bit all. and i received the most votes out of all the nominees, momento money, news also. danny was one of the 1st players to join magog was to day. danny plays for rapid listy in the check football league. the club has given him
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a starter contract that he hopes it will be a stepping stone to the pros. with nickel gould, the moth are many roma boys and girls here lack confidence. they say things like, i am from crush new york. i will be like the others go to work live here and that's fine. one of them is such spoke as they're satisfied with very little, but that's no life to them. we should live our dreams nights as i can. this pitch was already in a bad state when danny was a child out of 20 pitches in the area, only to have been given an overhaul. but the coach doesn't want to complain. his cuckoo m our that even a circle. there's not much change from louisiana, colorado. many people talk but do nothing nice other. i see that every day. oh okay . it's a shame for the boys. locker mirage miss i was in the locals living near the pitch in this neighbourhood. don't want change. that eats about children have always played here on the roof, but some of the residents don't want the pitch modernized,
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having a sheet of yet so much. are they worried that teenagers will use it to hang out instead of playing sports all or you just them would as causes on laguna, on the buddhist for the actual boundaries. but lucas pull, co won't let that deter him. what matters to him is that the boys keep themselves busy. on and off the pitch. madonica gave us a made to measure suits, the quintessential outfit of the well styled english gentleman. during the pandemic working from home became the norm. a sartorial shock for london taylor, james sleeter, demand suddenly dropped. he feared his custom tailored suits would be replaced by sweat suits. but now london's famous men's wear st. savage ro is buzzing once again in london. sap hill row where men's,
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where meets tradition. james sleeter opened his shop here in 2008 before that he was a banker. now he offers custom tailored suits primarily for the office. and he was doing good business until the pandemic are generally tapered business always. he took a, you know, took, took a huge hit report about 80 percent down in revenue. and since i'm looking it's, it's, it's been incredible. and very few people remain the same shape ashan low down a we're not the one on the health care co in i. they sat back and became lazy and older. lots of takeaways. it was nothing else to do. oh, so in other ways, the locked downs helped fashion changing physics meant new wardrobes. james slater's employees have never been busier. after months or even years in lockdown. well, many gentlemen feel like trying something new. something
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a bit looser and more comfortable. if i put on a blue suit in the morning, is just one decision trousers jacket, come as the policy. if i pick a jacket out, i have to think about what trousers to put with what shoes and socks you cause a lot more thought and a lot more work for your tailor. therefore. but fashions starts before stepping out the door with ropes of velvet and silk with entrepreneur marcus davis might easily where something like this to a business meeting with a pandemic, i think things have gotten more casual. you might even say more fun. so at least for me, this is a way to express my style in a way that doesn't feel so formal shirt and tie, but still gives you that genocide quote. i even now it still takes us special kind of spirit to go for iridescent magenta ropes.
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and yet the traditional dark business suit sat become quite rare in downtown london this summer. the english gentleman preferred a more casual look. it's all to do with a yearning for frieda, says fashioned blogger, i'll expect coverage. and with the hope the locked downs are now a thing of the past. the business suit is having quite a tough time. but that does something. i think something quite exciting. because if men no longer have to wear the suit as a uniform, they can use the suits as a tool to express themselves. so what we're seeing in london, or what we've seen over the last sort of year and a half or so is a big d corporate thing if the suits the suit is become much less corporate and much more of a lifestyle garment. now you move your arm forward to major on time. yeah. nowadays tailored suit is a deliberate statement. zachary freud, for instance, had
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a tuxedo tailored for his wedding, or a thoroughly traditional one. and he asked the guests to come and tuxedo as to when there were these events and the special occasions people enjoy thriller dressing often thinking about it beforehand. it's a different topic awesome than you'd normally buy. and so james sleeter needn't worry that his crowd will go out of fashion. yeah, looks looks very good. yeah. suit is definitely never going to die. there's always an occasion you know to why. so whether it be an interview to a wedding, go about your question about english gentleman this you can never be addressed. you can never, it's so much better to be addressed it on the address. if i turn up to a cocktail policy, the only person wearing a tie, i could just say the tiles. but also there's nothing wrong with being the best. just gone room for the english gentleman still aspires to be well dressed. he's simply expanded his repertoire and his range of colors
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looks like the loss of case during the pandemic wasn't permanent. that's all from us this week at focus on europe. thanks so much for watching. bye for now. ah ah. ah, with
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who a vapor real what it sounds like a joke at 1st i can medium started up, wants to make reality soon. find out how they came up with this idea, how it works, and how it will help the environment in made in germany. in
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30 minutes on d, w, these places in europe are smashing all the records. step into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of you are record breaking sites on your back. you know, also in book form, we're all in beyond as we take on the world. i do understand we're all about the stories that matter to you with whatever it takes. 5 police, my phone with
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we are your is actually on fire made for mines. ah, a man knows that the child needs food, food can do nothing. before movies, news can we had a lot of programs. they drop out of the school because they weren't eating nothing when it coming from home. that could have easily been us. anyone with
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oh i ah, this is the w news coming to you live from berlin. ukraine reports what it calls good news from the front key of claims, more territorial gains in its southern counter offensive. and says troops have re captured several villages in the northeast. ha, he region as well. also coming up the u unveils plans to cap the price of russian gas to undercut moscow's ability to wage war on ukraine.


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