tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle September 10, 2022 5:30am-6:01am CEST
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gonna watching on length on the why fi is holiday destinations and drowning in plastic white wine and happy to look at the car. every year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic with there. another way. after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines creating a green oasis inside a road tunnel. what can this experiment teach us about making cities more livable? closest stress in the city? what effect distress? hop on our brains. and good mood,
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food. come what you eat, make you happier. feeling hungry to learn more. ah, welcome to you tomorrow to day d. w. science show sharing a meal with others is usually an enjoyable experience in its own right. and it's healthy. eating together regularly helps us avoid getting overweight according to a major study. but what about when we eat alone? some types of for you to believe to lift all moved. but if you're thinking of crisps or desert, thanks again. for psychological balance and well being. comfort foods like these might not be the best option, says nutritionist, martinez,
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lama. i am wanting to modify soccer. people always think that sugar makes you happy . even wonder, but anyone who's ever being in a hypoglycemic state will tell you they were anything but happy that that's because i offer a quick sugar high comes the crash done with you. get by tempered and irritable eating. a lot of sugar will make that happen with to make an order of pasta 30 up to let's glue. pasta is often seen as a happy food path, but in the body. white pastor is biochemically nothing more than sugar is the quickest carbohydrate molecules in the white flower are quickly broken down into sugar molecules and absorb ashley, which gives you a blood sugar spike and a crush making you feel hungry and irritable, has to pass that on to took out the struggle. addison at janet is closer to a happy food because it contains the amino acid trip to fun with which the body uses to make the happy hormone, serotonin. but chocolate often has a lot of sugar, which again, causes a crash on the amount of trip to fine is so small,
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it's almost negligible newton could. serotonin is one of the substances that plays a key role in happiness. alongside many other neurotransmitters and hormones that circulate the brain and influence sol, mood alongside serotonin feelings of happiness can come from dopamine, norepinephrine oxytocin and endorphins. but how do we get them into our bloodstream and our brain by eating foods that contain the building blocks that make them as the gold power stein of the building blocks of many of these hormones and neurotransmitters are amino acid. an amino acids are also the building blocks of protein which is on here. type of man are preferably you should eat a small portion of high quality protein with every meal cortinez. high quality protein includes fish, poultry, meat, eggs,
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cheese and legumes. but eating, those is only half of the process them. it also cover you to create hormones. i, our body doesn't just need the building a lot of the amino acids. it also needs a few holes in the form of vitamins and minerals on vitamin c, vitamin b, 6, magnesium, folic acid. and i and i have going to making serotonin, for instance, that these so called co factors are usually found in plant based foods. pistachios and sunflower. seeds are packed with vitamin b, 6 berries, and bell peppers provide him and see folic acid is found in green beans and fresh herbs. there's magnesium in pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, and go to mineral water. iron is found in oates and lindsay, but also in all kinds of meats. fats like oils also play an important role. studies have shown that they have a big impact on on mood. some of the most important are omega 3 fatty acids,
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like alpha lynn, alina acid, a coast to techy, and no acids and doe coast, the hex a know acid. these not only help the body fight inflammation, they've also been shown to help with low mood and depression. high levels of omega 6 fatty acids like a racket, donek acid, on the other hand, have been found in the blood. and brain of patients with depression and anxiety disorders was provided for on. this means we should eat more. if the good omega 3 fatty acid had found an oily fish like salmon back, mackerel and sardines, and also in linseed oil and algae oil. and that we should limit omega 6 fatty acids that counteract omega 3. i fair common in sunflower, oil and processed meat. i bacon and sausage in flight poodle v fine or spec order
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was pump as also potential. happiness locked inside. saturated fats often demonized because they contain coalesced role. but we need to kill astro, for example, in the formation of cell membranes. and the body can use it to produce victim, indeed, which in turn is needed to make domain. the hormone that allows us to feel pleasure and motivation. cholesterol is found in dairy products, light cheese, butter, and whole milk in coconut oil and eggs. and in fatty meats, including poultry and fish, and it's also needed in another area. color salinas m collette fuel is very important because it's a precursor to video on d and all our sex hormones like eastern and testosterone here that are also linked to good moods of us that could optimal to to loop good mood. food is best prepared using fresh ingredients because studies have shown that the less processed and
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fresh air the food is that goes into our daily diet. the better it is for our mental health. mm hm. in stressful situations, we tend to tend to fast food to fatty or sugary treats for comfort. scientific studies have shown that we ought to that calorie rich consumables. stress is experienced by city dwellers every day. and that affects the brain. the psychiatrist mazda ugly is researching exactly what impact at house depending the fall off mom, i can draw that for you when he is, and i think those are the inner workings, hon. the i looked al, and here's the a mig della, which is where emotions stress and threats are processed for alberto and the bigger the city in which you live,
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the more active leave out of this region react with stress. if that is into your month, leapt, that means city dwellers brains are extremely sensitive distress. and i got another unit here there, and then there's another region here. you're got the ford anterior or fronting single it cortex. it also processes stress and emotions about it. but if you want, if you go and it reacts more strongly in people who don't just live in a big city, but also grew up their city dwellers brains, therefore are almost programmed for stress. despite that, not every urban dwellers get sick, the body seemed capable of balancing stress well. to investigate that, mazda oddly and his team have used an m r i machine to analyze the brains of city dwellers while putting them in a truly stressful situation. his test subjects were given math problems with
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a mischievous twist. they weren't solvable in the allocated time, and they were showered with negative feedback full on stress. then the research team looked at the environment in which the test subjects lived. did that influence stress levels within india that would look against her involved in this experiment that we see extremely clear signs in the eyes that the proportion of green space around where someone live soccer field plays a big role and have active the brain areas are in that regulate emotion with thought and, and help balance stress and stress. also glycogen health. and can, we can say the group is in the green or the living environment to the more active the brain regions that regulate stress. yes. legally isn't an hood, like you wanna simply having plenty of trees and parks near your house is enough to guard against long term stretch. they also act as social spaces that help combat
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loneliness. they promote contact with others and encourage people to look around and linger. that's why mazda ugly recommends more green spaces for cities, but only ones that encourage communication. too often ugly plantings and sad green spaces are found between dreary apartment blocks. no one wants to stick around there. because financial concerns often dominate construction plans. the area around houses is rarely of much interest, but it's the city planners responsibility to change that new studies. i've found out that even small green spaces between apartment blocks or many parks like this encourage social interaction. there's always time for a little chat here. and projects like this are even better when neighbors take over green spaces together. urban gardening is
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a trend that helps counteract stress and loneliness. there are now open gardens like this in cities, the world over. they have been monday. city dwellers are also more exposed to another problem, more than mice, appellation from fine particulate matter. road traffic is mainly to blame. particulate matter describes the dust or liquid droplets, but is suspended in the air. particles that are smaller than 10 micro meters are classified as fine particulate matter. they can impact our house because they penetrate deep into our lungs. scientists are asking with a more greenery in the city, could help me dumb stance. city tunnel is a surprising slight biologist. killian lincoln and landscape architect kitty and fun. leah have created a mini jungle made possible by
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u. v. lamps and artificial irrigation. the isaac symphony looked as was indiana mc. yes is really crazy. number here is an extreme location is extremely high. air pollution and the tunnel that's been the case for the last few years and we're trying to find out here what influence these plants and systems in the tunnel can have on the reduction of particulate matter until nitrogen oxides take oxy lit up. so they hope that the plants can absorb particulate matter and other air pollutants and perhaps even break them down via them metabolism. you can even see how large particles a court fast by the leaves. the tunnel experiment also aims to show how resilient the plant saw idea. after a year's growth glucose developed on the wall. it's great the city of damage that hopes it will reduce air pollution, but it's not an easy task. this is the reason of understand phone. we're making
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quite an effort that's true, but particulate matter is very damaging to the body, even small doses under the harmful limit or damaging to the human body rather associated with forensic rubber. it's still not clear whether the plants reduce pollution. killian friendlier takes regular samples to see what the plants absorb and which if any pollutants they collect. last week we analyzed the virginia and a swish log killer war. the off mama, microscope images showed that the plants actually do absorb particulate matter. they act like a filter, as other studies have also shown, if it goes well, this experiment with the green particulate matter filter in the dark tunnel will be repeated above ground. ah, at the bavarian center for applied energy research, a team tests where the plants can cool a house facade, temperature sensors in front of and behind the wall measure any difference
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cooling for houses is increasingly important as cities experience hotter and hotter summers due to climate change the team use a thermal imaging camera to illustrate any cooling effects, and it actually shows a clear difference on the, to some baked walls. the plants on the surface have cooled it down by a whole 15 degrees through evaporation could in my house, the average homeowners, it's still not really viable just now, especially if the house is already built receive. the goal is to integrate this oil into new houses at the building phase, so that you can maybe leave out certain facade features, secular, and save money that way. come and go. i'm spawn, green facades. could mean there's no need for air conditioning for the team is also investigating where the green wools can bring a bit of nature to the city. a rich variety of plants attracts insects. who in turn
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draw predators like the bush cricket. a small bio type with its own food chain seems to have appeared on the test facade ecologist to deter mars bag is surprised by how much he finds in the walls. he's square meters mishenko strand. i think it's a huge gain for urban living spaces, but makes a real contribution to biodiversity. if you would give us a table. a study in singapore even showed that the variety of species on the green facade of a skyscraper was rich ethan, that in a neighboring park, a little slice of nature in this city. lights most stop cities around the world getting really dark at night. that can disrupt the buyer, rhythm of humans and other creatures. it can also obscure a fascinating spectacle in our skies, scoop ag life,
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all night glide. the ad satisfy consists of various layers. the lowest level, the troposphere is about 12 kilometers, is it's thickest above that is the stratosphere, which we took up to about 50 kilometers. then as the masses fair and the thermos fair, the very upper most layer is called the axis spare. the magical phenomenon that we're going to tell you about next is formed in the thermos fair and massive sphere. it mainly occurs when some light splits oxygen molecules into individual atoms. when the electronically excited oxygen atoms recombine, they release energy. and that's visible as green light. from space the anglo can be seen as a small illuminated bond high above our planets. back down on earth. it's not quite as easy to observe on the ascent at dusk,
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tight rowley and spent filling a and norbert spawn are going to spend the night on the mountain. i dare say if it's a magical night, very dry. yesterday snowed burnt, and i want to go up to look for the air glue, or in german. the magical light of the night sky knocked him his eyes ever since they discovered a green glow in one of their photos. about 7 years ago, they've been trying to photograph the air glow phenomenon. at 1st they thought there was a technical problem with the camera. but now they know the air glows at another form of the northern light, but it can be observed in central europe to be experienced. stargazers also photograph other celestial phenomena like stars, interstellar gas, nebula, and galaxies. today they are hauling 90 kilos of equipment to 1600 meters above sea level. it's
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a real grind to fight. i'm. we to insignificant human beings under this canopy of stars, sensing the universe with these 5 or 6 things we might discover. i don't think there's anything more magical in the world. the pair go to great lengths to capture the best possible images of the stars on spending in the night out in the mountains in winter is an adventure. when they arrive at the frozen and snowy open bank lake, nor batch bon and bent willinger, set up their equipment. a tripod with a computer controlled motor. the motor guides the telescope so that it compensates for the motion of the earth and contract objects moving in the sky. even if they are millions of light years away. lou social to take action also follows the x axis. alexa,
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that's dear sexes. come out, run smoothly, and no you can set an object 50. that's the 2nd access, not the one there. and in for can record a moment. there we can take an object from the sky. in this case, the moon. i'm all the more to run smoothly. we close at once, close at twice on this kind of now we can observe us again of them all directly organize the moon. really? there we go. can i or the mont, exactly on palm in orbit orbit min orbit until it sets an over there is the summit ingle. but to night may have something very special planned for the moon. you get a long overnight defense ins, fixed into the height of the smell. tonight we really want to observe the entire air glue of the night, sky glow. that's the reason fight. we went up a little but bound to night tried to catch up 2 or 3 other highlights in the sky, usually than one of them is the moon set at the summit cross and difficult to get him in the boat. we always go until mountains to take pictures so that we can avoid all the smog and light pollution. the moon still dominates the night sky.
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norbert spun wants to capture the exact moment when it sets behind the mountains at around 1 o'clock in the morning. in the meantime, the temperature is dropped to minus 10 degrees your stargazers climb into their warm suits and use anything they can to keep themselves warm, including heated socks. the cold is good for the camera because it means there was less image distortion on the processor. and the images become clearer and sharper. the time has finally come. the moon is about to set. the camera needs to be aligned precisely so that it disappears directly behind the summit. cross of the open back tubal down about 2 and a half kilometers away. will it work? don't jojo, please look, it's a giant cross smaller denali, or super right on the summit, cross and blown away the piece to get into it doesn't get any better than this.
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does it hang the big to dreamer? yeah. awesome. at all. this is the home of the help i think i've been trying to calculate that somehow the whole morning cracked and i've got to type of astronomy software. you or i can lay the panorama over the software. so exactly this area from the open burn lake. i tried that for 2 or 3 hours on the 57 meters back and forth. and then by chance, i found a point where i could catch the summit, cross 100 was all and then i shifted the position until we got a spot on altered and folks in it. oh, the moon pictured behind the summit, cross a real highlight for the 2 photographers. finally, it becomes dark enough to begin the search for the air glow the night sky light of them meet latitudes. they don't need a telescope to do this. instead, they are using a highly sensitive professional camera with a special wide angle lens sketson's over 20 seconds. they expose the image and search for the green glow, the skull, claudia, of disappointment,
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lots of stars, but no air glow. that is, is completely clear. it's collected from monica and stuff, isn't them? i misled, i'll hold my belief in the vice most. the northern lights that are a few ups that tell you if there is strong light radiation on a particular day. yeah. and you see more of an aurora? there's no art for the air glue yet. keep sicily, it's not yet truly understood. white shines in this direction and there's no forecast for it. you just have to try it out a bit more often. unclaimed the mountain was mumble. housebroken will differ of a bucket. but they have photographed the air glo before. in the meantime, scientists have figured out how it's created. uv radiation causes oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere to glow. but what remains a mystery is why the air glow only appears at certain times
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nor that spawn and then drilling of hope to find out the conditions under which the phenomenon appears. meaning they will be spending many more nights to come out in the mountains. if our blood is red, why i gave you a now over to you? do you have a question about science then send us a video, a text or voice message. if we answer your question on the program will send you a little surprises. a thank you. come on, just ask this week's question comes from last year, my shadow montero from brazil. why is the universe talk soon? i'm milky way alone consists of hundreds of billions of stars. and there are
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countless other galaxies out there to 10 times more than previously thought. in fact, as the hubble space telescope has shown, that means we should see stones shining everywhere in the sky. and yet the night sky above us looks dog. firstly, because the intensity of light decreases sharply with distance stars which are far away appear as tiny dots in the night sky. rather like sky lanterns do when flying off high into the air. and secondly, because ever since its birth with the big bang, the universe has been expanding from us, we can only observe a tiny part of the universe. many stars is so far away that that light is yet to
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reach us light from on neighboring galaxy. andromeda needs 2 and a half 1000000 years to get here ending cosmic terms. andromeda is just around the corner. sadly galaxies and not just made up of stars. they also include clouds of gas and dust. these blocks the light emitted by styles behind them. and fourthly, space is not only expanding, but doing so at increasing speeds. the further away the galaxies, the faster they fly away from us. with expanding space, the night waves emitted by stars change shifting their light towards wavelengths in the infra red, which can't be seen by the human eye. the european planck spacecraft has detected light created shortly after the big bang and which is found across the entire
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universe today. this image shows the several 1000000000 year old relic radiation in the microwave wavelengths made visible here night that our eyes cannot see. that's why for us and the universe is dog. that's all from tomorrow to day. thanks for joining us. to see you next time and remember, don't start asking questions. ah, [000:00:00;00]
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