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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 10, 2022 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing and download it now. feel free ah ah, this is deed of you news, a live from berlin. britain's charles, the 3rd is proclaimed king. you're seeing life pictures from saint james palace in london, where a ceremony is about to get underway. in which charles has accession to the throne is formally announced. it's the 1st time that ceremony has been held in 70 years
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and will have full coverage ah unexpired. welcome to the program. charles, the 3rd is about to be formerly proclaimed king at saint james palace in london. he became the monarch of written in 14 other countries when his mother, queen elizabeth the 2nd, died on thursday. her 70 year reign was the longest in british history. and one of the longest in the world will be bringing you special coverage from the u. k. before that and join now in the studio by d. w reporter hanner, clever hannah were waiting for the official proclamation of charles as king. what can we expect? this is a gathering of the british political establishment from actual politicians to bishops, to pick members of the royal family. and lots of members of the very strange
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sounding privy council, which we talk about about once every generation. because it takes back about a 1000 years. that is the collection of politicians, royal family member, row family members, judges, senior clerics, all these important people that represent different branches of the establishment they has, please don't mind. they're going to talk now. sorry, and we're going to see our late sovereign lady, queen elizabeth, the 2nd of molested and glorious memory by whom to cease the crown of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is solely and rightfully come to the prince charles philip, off the george. we therefore, the lord spiritual and temporal of this realm and members of the house of commons together with other members of her late majesty's privy council and representatives of the realm of em, territories, alderman and citizens of london and others. do now hereby with one voice and
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consent of tongue and heart. publish and proclaim that the prince charles fillet off the george is now by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and rightful liege lord. charles the 3rd. by the grace of god of the united kingdom of great britain and northern islands and of his other realms and territories. king, head of the commonwealth defender of the faith, to whom do acknowledge all faith and obedience, with humble affection, beseeching god, by whom kings and queens do reign to bless his majesty with long and happy years to reign over us. god save the king. oh, okay. i
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now invite those on the platform to sign the proclamation. ah, so that was prince william. he's just starting, he's just signed this proclamation. we now see the queen consort her camilla, queen camilla. she's signing this this proclamation. there are a bunch of people on that platform, high ranking people within the british political establishment, who now going to put their names. you see behind kimler that's list trust, the new prime minister. they're going to put their names on this proclamation. it's like the official signing of something that happened actually the moment the queen
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elizabeth 2nd died. charles became king. but this is kind of official stamping of it if you like, with some of the most important people in the country signing it. this is now the new prime minister this trust, putting her name on that piece of paper. an error just so we understand the whole process. there is another step here before the coronation occurs, right? this is the coronation. could be any time in the future. it took nearly a year for queen let's with a 2nd to be current to actually have her coronation that was in 1953. she became queen the moment. and this is really important for the whole idea of continuation within british monarchy. the 2nd that one monarch dies, the air to the throne becomes king or queen. so charles has been king since the moment his mother died. this is all now pis, procedural. you heard there, the lord spiritual and temporal. i mean, you always have to translate what has been said because it's very old traditional
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language. these are now, oh lord, spiritual would be that some of the people who look like they're signing now talk members of the anglican church. and lords, temporal would be people like list trusts who have a political more elected, grounded function. but yeah, this is the whole, this is a procedure, this is to dition. this is stuff to anchor. this transition from one monarch to the next in tradition and procedure. and just for our viewers around the world, i mean, your british, i'm canadian, a, have a little bit of an idea. and what i found interesting in the, in the procedure was there was an element of consent. people sign people agree to this and not to go back to magna carta. the monarchy in britain is not just read it . there is an element of, of some people approving it. i'll be in a tiny italy. yeah. it's very important that this is seen because you have this parliamentary mala, monarchy, so to speak at them democratic monarchy. this is part of that procedure. this is
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very important that people see now that you've got elected politicians putting their names to the idea of charles being king. and am i right in thinking this is televised for the 1st time, but the last time was 7 years ago, but apparently time apparently. so 70 years ago, i don't think you'd been able to do it and it certainly would have been held behind close doors because it was held to be so special in this part of the opening up of the monarchy of these very were traditions where we're going to have a little a new toes turn out soul. one just was ordering the proclamation to be printed and published in specialist supplements in the london, edinburgh and belfast possess. 2, directing the lord chancellor to affix the great seal to the proclamation proclaiming his majesty king charles the 3rd 3. directing the king's heralds and pursued vince of arms to attend at the court of
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saint james to proclaim his majesty king charles the 3rd for directing the lord mer the court of aldermen and commons of london to attend at the royal exchange to proclaim his majesty king charles, the 3rd 5, directing his majesty's secretary of state for defense, to give directions for the firing of guns at hyde park. as soon as his majesty is proclaimed, 6, directing the constable of his majesty's tower of london to give directions for the firing of guns. at the tower of london. as soon as his majesty is proclaimed, 7, directing his majesty's secretary of state for scotland to cause the proclamation
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for proclaiming his majesty king charles the 3rd to be published in scotland. 8. directing the clock of the council to issue circular letters for causing his majesty king charles the 3rd to be proclaimed are here by approved. and that concludes the business. for this part of the council. i now invite the deputation party to accompany me to wait on the king in the council chamber. okay hannah i'm just gonna ask you after that procedures taken place, the king we understand will be making an appearance but, and he's leaving and coming into the presence of former prime ministers who may be moving on all the top political assumption. where does he fit into the political
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system amongst all these people without that sort. so interesting about this of the kind of fudge decision that was made so long ago to have a king, but also to have them some of chrissy. it sounds like some people are leaving. if you see this is that the political establishment there? you see 5, former crime, a 6 from a prime minister though i just spoke to john major as well. you got your major to resume david cameron. i saw gordon brown there for his johnson, and also kiersten are the head of the, of the current head of the opposition. you've got some ranking people there and then behind them a whole bunch of people. nobody's ever heard of. this is this, this part even to he earlier on about consent, and that's where the monarch fits in to this political system. it is a fudge because monex and not really supposed to have any power, but they are supposed to be the top dog. it's an interesting photon, it's always slightly fluid and they are they not in a way, you know,
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the constitutionalist to write about their with system works that sort of maintaining the magic of the monarchy in participating in the process. although it's sort of formal vote. yeah, well yeah, i mean there's no vote. there's no voting going on. this is, this is something that has happened. some people who believe would say by the grace of god, one monex died. the next monex become that monic. so this is the people on earth and kind of put in the names to paper saying, yeah, okay, we can take this, this is acceptable to us. but you know, if you heard in some of the speaking earlier on that king, king charles will be not any head of the commonwealth but defender of the faith will reign over all these people. i mean, this is some archaic language and this is not code procedure. that is slightly being dragged into the, into the 20th, or even into this century. and by the fact that you have televised ation of it by the fact that you have your most people in that room will have
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smartphones in their pockets. and yet they're taking part in a, in a ceremony that dates back, 1000 years. it's, it. yeah, it's a great big can span of time in of progress if you like. i know he's just stepped into the job and taken over the throne of what kind of challenges do you think charles is going to face? will challenges for him. the over things that he does have authority and does have power over kind of a really focus on, on a so to get his own house, if you like. he's got, you know, once and william who you saw there, who is the next air to the fro now who's very popular. and he seems to be taking the job very seriously and, and really buying into his 2nd son. harry, as everybody knows, has gone to the state, so, you know, he's moved to the states of macon. is he going to try to bring harry back in or not? you know, harry is now a hot be away from or not like 3 or 4 hobbies way, but he's, he's, you know,
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in that line of succession. the other thing he needs to sort out is his own brother . prince andrew. yeah, lots of boss of work and, and giant shoes to fill with the passing of queen elizabeth the 2nd. we're just going to go live now to a correspondent who is in front of st. james palace in a moment, karl norseman should soon appear on our screens were continuing to locate former prime ministers and members of the church of england and dignitaries, ambassadors and i commissioners filing out of the room where we just heard the accession proclamation. read aloud. karl does not seem to be joining us. you will be joining us or sailing by harrison nicholas. carl, can you hear me and what's going on where you are now? i can hear you now. guess i nick. hopefully you can hear us. you can see us, there was just a murmur that went through the crowd. there are hundreds of people gathered out
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front of saint james's palace. of course, we're just steps away from buckingham palace, which is the residence now of king charles. but we saw the essentially, the, the crowd starts apart behind our cameras and a procession of police motorcycles followed by 2 black range rovers and those are traditionally the vehicles that we see members of the royal family riding. and so i can confirm it, but it does appear that just in time, king charles is now arriving at saint james's palace. we just saw the business that was concluded, the ceremonial signings. and those are of course, done before the king is allowed into the room that is done with it. that is before, without the presence of the monarch. we do believe now that the king is arriving or has arrived and may be making his way into the building as we speak. okay, thanks for that car. what else can you tell us? what was happening in the rest of london today? well, this is the beginning of
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a large ceremonial day to day we'll expects of course king charles to be entering saint james his palace where he will then take an oath and some declarations as well of loyalty. at that point, that's kind of window the fun begins. of course, if you think back about this ceremony, it's an ancient ceremony dates back hundreds of years before television before smartphones with for social media. this would have been the way that many people just as we see today, gathered outside would have heard that there was a new monarch or that the old monarch might have passed away. we saw more of that history earlier on when the queen passed, when we saw just a all notice pin to the gates of the palace. this continues in that old tradition. there'll be a proclamation from the balcony of saint james's palace. we expect trumpet fanfare . all sorts of ancient pomp and circumstance and that will be when the.


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