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tv   Squeezed Out  Deutsche Welle  September 10, 2022 9:15pm-10:01pm CEST

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looked excite bit after to ma monsieur. this nifty footwork made it to one just before the hour mark. but a 90 sick and minute penalty handed stood got a lifeline, was an emphatic finish from c. do jude assy? you sent trembling fans. i'm back to stood. got very, very happy biased i top, but that might change after sunday's guess you've been watching d. w. news up next. the hidden cost of orange juice in our documentary film titled squeezed out that june for that. i'll be back at the top of the next hour if mornings a vibrant habitat ended glistening place of long the mediterranean sea scene of l muster. and so far, abdul karim drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and the editor ringing.
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he's ready to eat journey this week. on d w ah ah, orange juice is a several $1000000000.00 industry. brazil is the world's largest citrus producer. here on almost 600000 hector's of land oranges are grown. some of them becoming germany's favorite juice. thousands make their living picking oranges. but there is much to criticize about their working conditions to fight. don't want to dance your under extreme pressure and accident can happen because you're concentrating on the harvest and get careless gotta possibly it's scott will. you're on top of a ladder with heavy bag on your shoulders. musk is bitterness, like human beings. he's like live stock. shirley depend on them,
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but they also depend on us is lou else is going to pick their oranges. is there any truth to these accusations? we embark on a journey to brazil to investigate. how is the orange juice produced there? ah, to 4 30 am the many orange pickers in the state of sao paolo are already on their feet . among them is alfonso. like any other day, he has 8 hours of work ahead of him. as the gothic a sick leave this canister was 5 liters of water. no, but that's not enough for a day's world. the sun is too strong, will go off,
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and he to these canisters to get through the day mortal. then you drink 10 leaders a day. here we, yes, exactly. the sun is very homes in temperatures on the plantations can reach up to 35 degrees celsius directly under the sun. it feels even hotter. for 6 years, alfonso has been picking oranges for the juice industry from monday to saturday. and a good month, he earns about $250.00 euros. that is more than the brazilian minimum wage yet he barely manages to make ends meet for himself. his wife and their daughter, jo boss, which is, you know, i fantasy. i like the worry though many don't think i, i but everyone here needs them. did they have to work by many, also have families guarantee you can get by with what you earn on my or there's nothing that i'll save. active is tyrese will be that even though it's hard, i want my daughter to have what i didn't have no matter how hard it is,
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even with the l. mims. in do bazaar. i phone so's wife, also used to work as an orange picker. now he is the sole bread winner because i phone so would like to spare her the work in the fields. ill go boston sophie mandel can at us off in the mail. listen as it is now. yes. so issue with i don't want her to suffer like i do. you work in the sun rains, hold extreme here. it is physically exhausting. bagley's 27 kilos. that's too much crossing. i mean, i don't mean for women in general that from my wife from you, i don't want her to have to endure what i go through in the field. i, you'll, you'll pass no horse and critical. a posse. ah, what exactly do alfonso and his colleagues experience and the field we want to accompany them, but filming the pickers at work is not so easy as we are about to find out
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ah, will be nashandra, the village, where our phone so lives is rather remote, just around 5000 people normally live here in, but between may in december, that number can grow to 6000. this is because the region around will be deshawnda, which is in the state of sal. paolo is home to most of brazil's orange plantations . many are seasonal workers who come to the village from northeastern brazil some 2000 kilometers away, where people have fewer opportunities to earn money. in sao paolo, they work for a few months each year before returning home. after the harvest is finished. to reach the plantations a form so has to travel by bus for 45 minutes. the ride is organized by the company,
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but the workers aren't compensated for this time. we would like to accompany affonso, but his employer won't give us permission. we ask on other plantations to, but do not get permission to shoot. most claim it's due to coven 19 security measures. but our team has attracted attention in the area. it seems we are being watched with the blood as do i have to buy some goodies, little there. we were hoping to visit a phone, so and his family again in the afternoon. but that's not possible any more. the plantation owner has informed a phone so that he has violated his contract. the apartment he rents is provided by
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his employer. and according to the contract, he's not allowed to let outsiders in, including us. even though our visit was arranged with a phone, so a supervisor the day before a phone, so his band from working for 11 days, losing almost half of his monthly salary. alfonso request, we do not contact his employer. but we ask the association of brazil's major citrus producers, citrus b, r, to clarify the situation it is not possible to obtain accurate information about the alleged incident. however, it is likely that depending on the company's code of conduct, the employee has signed a contract for bidding them to disclose internal company information which may be considered serious misconduct. since we are still being watched, we call off the shoot with
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a phone. so we don't want him to get into any more trouble the fact that our visit had such drastic consequences for our phone so raises more questions for us. how exactly does the orange industry work in brazil, around 75 percent of the world's orange juice, exports come from the country to make it workers pick between $65.11 oranges a year by hand. the industry is dominated by 3 multi national companies. louis dreyfus, citrus circle, and co trolley they are responsible for a large part of the juice exports, about half of the oranges for global juice production come from their own plantations. the other half comes from independent farmers who supply the industry . ah, ah, days after we last saw a phone,
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so we finally get permission to shoot at an orange field in sao paolo, the visit is organized by the jews companies association on the plantation of one of their suppliers. unlike in supermarkets back home, the orange is here are green and yellow. this has nothing to do with brightness, but rather with temperature, the green chlorophyll, and the peel only breaks down below 12 degrees celsius. and this is what makes them orange. in this field, 30 workers pick oranges for consumption in brazil and the global juice industry using a ladder. the workers pick the fruit from the trees which are up to 5 meters tall. a filled sack weighs about 27 kilos.
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by 30 documentary beginning, i did everything wrong for a murder. now i knew that you worked the tree from top to bottom and one go ha ha. when i started i picked all the trees individually just at the possible point there . and then i picked them all again, individually article just at the top. i took the boxes up, say, dyer donald, are in the wrong place. it was very complicated, were back with we notice the tremendous speed at which the workers pick with their bare hands. each of them harvests about 1.6 tons of oranges a day. so on average, each one fails just under $827.00 kilo bags per hour. those who can't keep up this fast paced risk losing their job. at least according to the union.
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lou, we meet up what i see though peaceable. he works for the agricultural union, fed i asked, which also conducts independent studies documenting the working conditions on the plantations. i dare gotta d w lewis, you called only, jamie, neither going to dodge. it's these companies only keep the workers who pick a certain amount as the santa cut to be able to do the job next year to they have to harvest an average of 60 back. in addition, the boss, known as the got to who constantly exerts pressure though, and this is because his salary also depends on how much the workers harvest kept to my problem. ice. the $1000000000.00 juice companies pay the legal minimum wage of $1200.00 ray eyes. the equivalent of around $200.00 euros a month, regardless of the amount harvested this wage is barely enough to survive in brazil . that's why according to the union, many workers try to collect even more,
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so they can top up their pay with bonuses. we need e b up hub and nettle director of citrus b r. the association of the 3 juice giants. he is the voice of the brazilian orange juice industry. he explains that the productivity principle is there to reward those who work hardest. this increases an average salary to about 280 arose. although nettle states that he does not know the specific quantities, workers are expected to harvest. he struggles to understand the criticism of the productivity principal will meet my dis, doing you every job you have to reach a certain goal in order to continue working with and doesn't seem strange to me by that. but you have a certain goal and it has to be achieved with. if you see that, i don't see why i should be any different in orange county. i just did each bit age here on the plantation where the association has given us permission to film conditions appear ideal
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e b up hob. a nettle assures us that what we see here is common practice. across the citrus industry. workers are wearing personal protective equipment, goggles and gloves against the sharp, thorns of the trees and leg protection against poisonous snake bites. these are required by labor law on all orange farms. the industry association assures us this is also written in the contract with their suppliers and orange pickers. but the union tells us a different story. with the union's help, we find a small plantation in south hollow where we shoot unnoticed and without permission . here things look very different. some of the workers don't have snake protection or gloves. we cannot say with certainty whether these oranges are also intended for jews. but what we see here is no exception. say the trade unionists also, and the juice and the street
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ah bell, benito agrees the 70 year old has dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of brazilian orange pickers. he was the head of the fed. i asked for union until 2017 though he is now retired. ob alba hendo still maintains close contact with the workers and nobody showed up, which is how he learns 1st hand about the conditions on the plantations. if you let me see what else is done by you deborah notebook that the workers rarely have any protective equipment, especially at a smaller suppliers where conditions are worse. if they do not follow health and safety regulations that you go by. companies have been allowed to outsource work since 2017. this means that they can
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hand over work and responsibility for it to 3rd parties, including individuals. as the ministry of labor explains, it's especially these sub contractors who often lack the financial resources for protective gear or compliance with labor laws. as outsourcing has grown since 2017, the problems for orange pickers have grown to really finish a simpkins closing on the missouri assessing but is nausea called to them here we always find violations when 3rd party companies are involved double double outdoor this product or manner the working conditions of a smaller producers are often not the same as those of the big companies that purchase. the fruit prosecutor shows they madonna has been monitoring labor law
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violations for 25 years, including on orange plantations. on site inspections are part of his job time and again, he encounters unregistered pickers working off the books. he describes to us the violations he encounters when inspecting workers load id will. are there living conditions or precarious se, but they have no personal protective equipment individual. this is what pictures of former inspection show in the last 7 years. the ministry of labor in sao paolo has recorded over 1300 violations, mainly among the industry, smaller suppliers, as the prosecutor tells us in the no, they won't cover the cloud, the buffer, this will have face. so there's often no place for workers to have a proper meal or even toilets not frantically tomba. we also see the miss handling of agro chemicals, da da coleman years with black box. madonna and his colleagues usually carry out
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inspections on the basis of specific complaints. for a few years now, the number of inspections has been decreasing. what is the reason for this? the inspections are not a priority for politicians. the prosecutor explains. since the country has been in a severe economic crisis, funds have been cut and there's a lack of personnel and on site inspections. need just that time money and personnel also because they can only take place with police protection. ah no father was up at our site. think he eyes. i say goodness for a kid, lost no sub it was oh good. all didn't him? was it that we don't conduct inspections without security personnel? what was that? because we never know the level of hostility will encounter alyssa, we often encounter supervisors who are prone to violence. i blew in the weather, numerous workers reporting to us. and with us we've, it's often drummed into them. the government inspection is there to take away their jobs vsl. instead of improving their condition, sounded about it. that's why we only go with securities. consequent of we ask
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debbie up hob annette, though. what does he know about the conditions on the plantations, especially with independent suppliers? so seen quaint mucus saw us get that by loan on a sofa at the de zealous e date of the sauces. nathan's as lost as former 50000 people work in the field. every year yet, and i guarantee you that in our field is keyed in the fields of the industry in was not working conditions. lloyd, our state of the art, the doot doot doot and our suppliers are encouraged, motivated by, trained to do their best. but them beef as if someone doesn't play by the rules she tail gate that has to be address lukea g as a haggard, a ne i. e. so think the violations are the perception. i gotta not the rule that has got his cell alleyah this. so noah had whether that's true or not, we can't say, however, prosecutors was, they might do it on our reports, that conditions did not improve during the pandemic. and he describes further
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problems. altima is best, so law does love, the thick thumb was a locked room. adipose mother made she during the last inspection of an orange plantation by we discovered a group of about $37.00 workers. it was the cold seasons looked. some of them were living in apartments without bedding, without adequate mattresses, sank without protection from the cold. if force had declared st proposal, a condo for you. we also witnessed similar housing conditions, but can show them only in part to protect the workers. this is accommodation that companies rent to migrant workers. these images show footage from 2020 by swiss n g o. public eye workers living in cramped quarters then broken mattresses. hardly any furniture, hardly without protection from the often chilly evening temperatures between june and august. in sao paolo the unions to report poor
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housing conditions. then what would i do? you go there are no decent beds there. no bathroom get. it wasn't just no decent place to rest before going to work the next day. the conditions in many houses are terrible, don't you? and the next morning they have to get up without having properly recovered to go back to picking oranges in the field with the citrus producers, citrus to go could that ali and louis dreyfus right to inform us that there housing conditions meet the required standards. no official figures or information on housing is available for the independence suppliers. trade unionist, a potties seato, baseball is in contact with many workers in the region. he says that despite poor housing or working conditions, many are too afraid to complain or file
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a lawsuit. as impair the skinny, i won't be caught you. yes, sorry. became a conversely, the companies keep a record of the workers who complain and they can forget about being hired against us on this on this practice should be bagged locally. so ged, people shouldn't risk beams, honish toward demanding their rights is local. no, so genetic nice fed us, no prison skill sets of new companies blacklisting workers. can it be true? our team meets a local lawyer who wants to remain anonymous at all costs for fear of the companies . he knows several workers who are not satisfied, but the fear of possible consequences from filing a complaint is great. he forwards us a voice message from one of his clients on the set of pope probably did the so
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please give forget about my complaint. ever about that. we need this work good. that my family and i can't afford to lose this job. please. excuse me. we sat get got, what can we do to get go far as the boy industry association, citrus be our rights to us. the companies are regularly audited by both the ministry of labor and the unions. this shows that ways to launch complaints exist and are effective. it is important to highlight that brazilian legislation guarantees that any worker can claim their rights in a court of law. so during our research, we learned that it's especially workers on the suppliers, plantations. the smaller and independent companies who are not always well
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protected. we are on our way to meet former farmer it any b as o d. we don't know what working conditions were like for him in the but he tells us that he too was under enormous pressure as a supplier. who no no, i me a eat on ye. yes. wrought you my love is either an e e b as a teacher wouldn't did he, i worked as an orange farmer for 30 years. it all of a sudden i had to give a tug of pot and leave everything behind. dish a lime left with my sadness sewage up my memories. so dodgy. elaine bonus on his 60 hector's of land. he farmed oranges, which he sold to could trolley and citrus who co 2 major citrus exporters. he did not have fixed contracts for the regular purchase of his orange as he says. the big industry players only bought oranges when the harvest from their own fields was not
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enough. the purchase price often fluctuated. at times he says he had to sell his oranges at absurdly low prices. in the end, he could no longer cover the costs of production and harvesting, and it was costing him too much to maintain his plantation was 5th hon out didn't. that ends were much of his i, 30 years. i worked the fields with lower and dedication gaiety until i was so indebted or bitter god, but that i had to give up everything equal which is very sad am weekdays. mm. be as auntie is $75.00 and it will take him at least 4 more years. he calculates to pay off his debts. he recently joined a class action lawsuit in london against juice, giant coo trolley, represented by the law firm, p g m b m. more than 1500 former farmers are suing for financial compensation. the allegation is that co trolley was part of a cartel that colluded to push down the purchase price of oranges, bankrupting small farmers. qu trolley
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denies the allegations. the company, however, has already admitted to price fixing once before in 2016. while filming, we meet a woman who has also filed a lawsuit against one of the big companies to protect her identity. we will call her victoria. she's been working as a picker in the orange field of sao paolo for 27 years. having come here from northeastern brazil as a child, her parents wanted to build a better life for themselves, and in the beginning they were doing just that. let me look it up for me, orange picking was every thank you. i never wanted to stay at home. i always wanted to be on the field. well, you day, i only go because i have to, i need the money. my zones know. she earns between $180.28 euros a month, but says her health is suffering legally. since
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2018. i'm no longer the same with him as back then i was healthy but to day and plagued my headaches and my whole body hurts to the rib. so the badly the knees. i'm in a lot of pain. a fade, she wanted to spare her children, but in order to have enough money to live, her husband also works in the fields and their 21 year old daughter recently started to know these t at side. this is complicated. i didn't want this kid in liter, he came home, he's in, but we don't have a choice. if he's it's difficult. i didn't want my children. they're picking oranges in the field with me at the law knowing they might get bitten by a snake or fall off the ladder because they take that risk every day. when we did the guy, there's got to be them, would have to kill his kids claypool. me, it's terrifying,
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turned on me. she worried that their health will be compromised too. since 2018 victoria has had to take daily medication for shortness of breath and headaches. she believes it's the pesticides and the orange fields that have made her sick. little boy came up to north madison because he didn't come by them. i. i remember it like it was yesterday and i felt sick on the plantation and in the afternoon i couldn't work anymore. i went home while my husband continued to work the next day. i couldn't get out of meddle, she's my whole body was hurting seaman a dentist. i went to the doctor and was on sickly for a week cubism. i needed money. bainbridge, when i asked the company if they would reimburse me, they asked why, please. and i said that i had suffered, poisoning abuse. douglas vittoria explains how pesticides are often sprayed near the workers. this happens in the fields all the time. she says,
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both her former employer and the industry association reject these accusations. so while you're going to say any bought this should not happen under any circumstance you. so again, boss. so what i see here are extreme situations. hobbs that are absolutely typical . you cannot serve as a reference, city, or common practice, but on the brazilian citrus industry could apply the lead. the brazilian ministry of health calculates that on average one person dies every 2 days in brazil from pesticide poisoning. the amount of these deaths that can be attributed to orange forming though cannot be estimated but victoria is certain that her symptoms are due to pesticide poisoning. in 2019,
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she decided to take her case to court a step that has not been easy for her. lind porch in who had told me the day and we'll keep it as is because you keep gillies are big companies and they're very powerful. i wouldn't recommend any want to mess with them. boylen, i didn't really want to do it. don't see, this is a very small city of engineers travels fast. it was a glock up. we are close, she's keep wanting to speak. english can make it hard to find work in close ability . no, probably be tory as case was dropped before evidence was even presented, but she received a small amount of compensation. her wish for the future is that the workers on the plantations are treated with respect trade unionist, about se door knows other workers who have experienced similar problems. he would
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like to see the companies regularly check their employees for pesticide poisoning. oh, i shall. i won't say there's also so not a problem. i think they got somebody, they agree official, g, nathan. i would like the companies to address the problem without the need for outside parties to intervene on tommy as well, but the industry wanted. so i think workers should definitely sue and defend themselves prison. it's not fair to go to work completely healthy by me and end up poisoned with pesticides in your blood in guantanamo to coin. she's gonna talk according to the industry association. strict guidelines are followed on when and how pesticides are applied to the field. farming oranges is demanding and completely eliminating the use of chemicals is not currently possible, says giuliano, i'd as managing director of phone dacy truce, the research center was funded by orange farmers and the juice industry in 1977 to help make citrus farming more sustainable. new corners choice g
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kalima, the climate in sub tropical areas like sao paolo, florida, mexico, where it rains a lot, short is perfect for citrus farming. it's going from so and for great productivity and quality. but unfortunately, it also favors many past us and diseases, therefore, and in certain situations ish, pesticides are needed to fight them. will donal cause either put my product to us? according to scientists, the huge mono cultures and orange farming also lead to more passed than plant diseases, which is why numerous agro chemicals are used according to fund dacy truce. these do not pose any danger to workers, but the workers who handle the pesticides often lack in horton expertise, explains the prosecutor who repeatedly carries out inspections for the brazilian ministry of labor. almost them squat arm on the arm of them. i mean,
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what does is most of them was fall to the capacitance. so quint, all my major did not stem was probably he encountered the following problem. so can we, does this pesticides are stored in correctly for at the bottom? there's often a lack of training in the handling of these poisons. they are improperly distributed and often without protective equipment. e. in addition, not clothing that has been in direct contact is not adequately clean, but do still good to see that i'm including his ads. not going to talk to our investigation. takes us to brussels, where we meet lottie, some miasma. bob g. she's been researching agro chemical use in brazil for 12 years . in 2017, she published her findings in her home country c as in books, the says nostradamus, according to the ministry of health, 56000 cases of pesticide, poisoning reported between 20102019. so the so that's an average of 10 per day. but
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the ministry calculates the every case reported 50 go undetected. that that means that we may have to median seek and poisoned people. this is a tragedy this and want to get out. the brazilian industry says oranges for juice are grown under strict regulations. they say the pesticides used to pose no danger to the workers, but whether that is actually the case is hard to verify. according to bomb body, pesticide poisoning is not always easy to prove it, but of so that's how would you know that there are agra, chemicals that you can't take in the blood. fox, other types of testing need to be done in the field was often a blood test is not enough because your health professionals are also not always trained to detect pesticide. a many highly toxic pesticides used in brazil are supplied from countries in the e u. although some of them are banned in the u itself,
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they're still sold to brazil or vaulted st. is, is they? if there are a 116 pesticides approved to citrus cultivation in brazil and over 30 of them a band in the u. haul them yet 10 percent of these band chemicals are sold to for sale by companies in europe. 3 b. as a bonus, he trust disagrees saying that only pesticides approved in the you are used in the orange fields. them according to lottie. some years bombarded ye the band of pesticides could cause parkinson's disease and be carcinogenic, among other things. but the use of these substances also has consequences in the e. u. o is my, the pesticides, the erupt, cells come back to the market in the fruit, the juice, the coffee, the main europe is one of the biggest consumers of bristling products companies. this is a vicious cycle of poisoning and 2018. the european food safety authority examined the products imported from brazil to the e. you. about 7 percent had pesticide residues above the use approved limit.
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and 2019 letty semi age bombarded, you decided to publish her studies in europe. as a result, scandinavia, as largest organic product supermarket severed its trade ties with brazil, and bombarded g received threats. was gonna say, well, as english now, i would offer english after i launched the english version of the atlas in europe, the intimidation and threat started school miss article. this is threatening e mails, warnings from colleagues and a break in at home. the more time passed, the more she feared for herself and her 2 sons. in early 2021 bombarded de left brazil and moved to belgium. she's now continuing her research and brussels and her appeal to the e. u commission. nobody minimum ain't
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a n. mccoy ethics should come 1st and foremost above economic interest. give it you can't sell something to others. that is forbidden in your country belt, though he needs to act ethically up to walk, which things are changing for germany in the future. the coalition government is planning to hold exports of pesticides that are not approved in the e u. on the basis of protection of human health. similar measures are also being discussed at the e u level or in brazil fund, as he trust his researching biological past controllers. to reduce the use of pesticides among other things, they are breeding a species of wasp that feeds on one of the past's. busy when they see that we produce about $100000.00 to maria
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a month ago and released them in the orange, feels there in the citrus bell to looks up auto with its research fullness. he trusts, as it has already managed to cut down past aside used by 50 per cent compared to 20 years ago. but doing without agro chemicals is still unthinkable. a sal paolo, apple. she is it possible to grow oranges organically here? no, it is a plant that currently produces 200 kilos of oranges. him would then only yield 10 kilos. s y k 2. most of the organic orange juice bought in germany comes from mexico, where orange plantations are smaller. after the u. s. germany is the biggest market for orange juice in the world, and the demand for juice is with feels of certification is increasing. in addition to the e u, organic seal, which focuses on ecological sustainability, feels such as gape, our fair plus, and the fair trademark guarantee. high social standards,
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no honeycutt to c. t modus in the hopes of industry shown side langham sustainability is a topic that the juice industry has been reckoning with for a long time at institution to dang. it is now often a requirement that that products are produced according to sustainable criteria. and it's like min klaus, huddling from the german fruit juice industry association, represents the company's selling orange juice on the german market. he is aware of the accusations that minimum labor conditions are not observed everywhere. we discuss selva hoped lawful cba document, he admitted, and can housing billings introducing in order for the whole thing to be documented in a traceable way. we didn't, but we decided to certify the orange juice as in cooperation with the brazilian supplier edition. as a result of the reinforced alliance certification has grown quite a bit is of 20192020 lions, said if it's equal to michelle to renew. hoyt today, i would say it's
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a basic requirement for orange juice. so i, the boss is unfolding fuel, volt and soft good rain forest alliance, and n g o operating in 70 countries. awards product seals to plantations that meet certain environmental and social criteria, such as fair working conditions. it now certifies around half of the juices in germany, according to industry estimates. in addition to seals, it is also behind initiatives promoting better standards. the new supply chain act, which will take effect starting in 2023, will also force the industry to comply with human rights along its supply chain. but this applies primarily to the direct suppliers of german companies. for the remaining suppliers, it only applies if there are actual indications of a violation. so at the lower end of the supply chain, such as on plantations where most violations occur, the supply chain act as it is now,
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will have very little effect. back to brazil and will be dashava. this region is where the majority of oranges are picked for the juice industry. here we witness where the mechanisms fail. we meet 3 women who speak openly about working for a supplier without registration. just like, according to the ministry of labor, an estimated quarter of all orange picker. so i think it's much better not to be rochester to be of a feel if i registered with. i think it does have the advantage that you get to medical certificate. if you're saying that if you're not registered, the salary are much higher. you get paid to double $0.20 a bag instead of only 10 social security health insurance and pension insurance, which can be important for the future don't matter to them. the main thing for now is to survive. ellen, it's the only thing we have here. there's no other work in this region. mainly the
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majority here picks oranges because it's the only job in town. the oranges are all we have left, right, and if you don't pick oranges, you die of hunger boys. they know that legal regulations are sometimes disregarded, such as mandatory breaks from work, but they put up with it on the last month i, if you're not registered, you're free to decide whether you take a break or not. okay, and ill. oh, isn't it better to take a break because the work is so hard with work less. and if you work less, you earn last going according to the industry association, subcontractors receive regular training and are required to adhere to specific contract clauses. hiring workers who are not legally registered is strictly forbidden by member companies glue. any irregularity must be fought against an brought in line with brazil. strict laws
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a much has improved on the orange plantations in brazil, in recent years. seals, now sad standards o. as a result, certified plantations are monitored more regularly and yet as the prosecutor from the ministry of labor witnesses again and again, the strict rules are constantly broken in order to produce more cheaply itsyana, if he stays o'clock the best way to set sample bo this year i have done 3 or 4 inspections in the state of sal paolo every time our department, my presence dickens, the workers were not registered in call can order for loss to be respected in the state must act quote, more visible and present. it is walk by the fewer violations there will be men, laura, but so good. all did school. remember. in other words,
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more state controls are needed, but these are not in sight right now. on brazil's plantations, orange is, are produced for the world market. a profitable business for the big companies. so the workers don't end up paying the highest price for the orange juice. every one needs to keep a close eye on things. ah ah, without don's, i don't know. i would, i'd now meet tom london. so choreographer from south africa. he can get everyone moving and shows us what modern african dance can do because i think it's so
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important for you to not route your call. so let me go good. my don don goes how this goes. i think it all depends on who you i the clara 30 minutes to w. o. i'm you can that i want that's hard and in the end is a meet. you are not a lot of to you anymore. we will send you back her. are you familiar with this reliance of the what's your story. ready i mean, wasn't, i was women, especially, and victims of financing and take part and send us your story. we are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor,
10:00 pm
not against you want to become a citizen info, migrants your platform for reliable information. ah ah, ah, this is d, w. news live from berlin. russian troops withdrawal from key areas of hockey as the ukranian counter offensive against momentum. odyssey grant, omni ami, liberates dozens of settlements from russian occupation in the eastern funds more devastation also.


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