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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  September 14, 2022 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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deleted that to address the summer 2022 will remain in people's memories. really of yes. assess. we've all seen the dried up rivers, the burning forest, extreme heat. yeah. and the situation is much worse than what we can see. the glass here does i? i'll shelf either plays out of the or alpine glass years have been an emergency reserved for rivers like the road and the rhine here to laughter for, but movie honestly, the europe, glass years of melting faster than expected. future drought will be much more serious. i like that we have to work tirelessly to a doubt not to climate change and to make nature our 1st ally, not when you push up apple and not government. that's why our union will push for a global agreement on nature that is ambitious, shall i view them. when we go to the united nations conference on biodiversity, which will take place in montreal this year, and the men, or we will do the same shot at the caught $27.00. the charm l shake would have all
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she had in the short term or that we also need to be better equipped to face up to climate change fee in a polluted no country can combine or know what the weather on it bear on and the destructive force of extreme weather event, news about this summer invalid we sent greek aeroplanes, alley suite swedish aeroplane as on the italian aeroplanes. no man to combat fire in france and in germany again. but these events are becoming more and more frequent up and more and more intense proof. europe needs more capacity. jody janice, that's why to day i announce that we will double us on our capacity for fire fighting over the course of the coming year. the european union will buy 10 easy, light aircraft, air, chipley, marty, and 3 additional helicopters, while to complete its fleet. that is european solidarity and practice.
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hon members. the last 2 years have shown how much europe can achieve when it is united. after an unprecedented pandemic, our economic output overtook pre crisis level in record time. we went from having no vaccines to securing over 4000000000 of these life vedic and saving vaccines for europeans and for the whole world. and in record time, we came up with sure. so that people could stay in that jobs even if the company had run out of work. we were in the deepest recession since world war 2. and we achieved the fastest recovery since the post war boom. and all that was possible because we all rallied behind
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a common recovery plan. next generation e. u has been a boost of confidence for our economy. and it's journey has only just begun so far . 100000000000 years have been dispersed for member states to member states. this means 700000000000 euros. still haven't flown into our economy. next generation, you will guarantee a constant stream of investment to sustain jobs and growth. it means relief far economy. but most importantly, it need means renewal. it is financing you, wind turbines, and solar parks, high speed train, and energy saving renovations. we conceived next generation to you almost 2 years ago, and yet it is still exactly what europe needs to date. so let's stick to the plan and bring the money to the ground. it has to be delivered because it's necessary now as investment. and hon members. the future of our children
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needs both that we invest in sustainability. but also that we invest sustainably. we must finance the transition to a digital and net 0 economy. and yet we also have to acknowledge a new reality of hire public direct. we need fiscal rules that allow for strategic investment while safeguarding fiscal sustainability rules that are fit for the challenges of this ticket. and therefore in october, we will come forward with new ideas far economy governance. let me share a few basic principles with you. member states should have more flexibility on their dept reduction path. but there should be more
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accountability on the delivery of what we have agreed on. there should be simpler rules that all can follow to open the space for strategic investments we needed. and to give the financial markets the confidence they need. so let us chart once again a joint way forward. with more freedom to invest, that's necessary. more scrutiny on the process. what has been agreed has to be done more ownership by member states and better results for the citizens. so in short, let's re discover the mastery spirit. stability and growth can only go hand in hand because on of our members as we embark on this transition in our economy,
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we must rely on the enduring values of the social market economy. it's the beautiful, simple idea that you have his greatest strength lies in each and every one of us. our social market economy encourages every one to excel, but it also takes care of the fragility as human being. it covers the big risks of life, like poverty, sickness, age, it rewards performance, and guarantees protection. it opens up what you wanna tease, but it also sets limits. and we need this per day even more than ever. because the strengths of our social market economy will drive the dream and the digital transition and our achilles heel for the smaller median enterprises are basically 3 things. it's, do we have an enabling business environment?
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it's the question of, do we have a workforce with the right fields? and do we have access to raw materials our industry needs? this will be the 3 crucial questions to answer right now to have a future with the models as with, as i've described, right? no, we must, far as him ease, remove the obstacles that still hold them back. they must be at the center of this transformation because they are the backbone of our industry. and you have a long history of industrial prowess. and they have always put their employees 1st even and especially in times of crisis. but inflation and uncertainty are weighing especially hard. and then this is why we will put forward an s m e relief package. it will include
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a proposal for a single set of tax rules for doing business in europe called the beef it it will make it easier to do business and our union less red tape batter abscessed to the dynamism of our continental market and unable members. it is high time that we revise the late payment directive because it's simply not still that one and for bankruptcy. that's 25 percent of all bankruptcies are due to invoices not being paid in time. this can't be possible for millions or family businesses. we have to revise this late payment directive. this will be a lifeline and troubled waters. my name is written down on hand loads and john decided this was the team among alon
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pelzer. now the 3rd 2nd big topic is the lack of staff for our companies. that's a major challenge for european companies. ne, number of unemployed. no, it has never been so low. 6.0 percent, 6 percent unemployment. that's a good thing. it's side of the same time. the number of unfilled vacancies is at record levels. hgtv drive in airport star nurses engineers, i teach technicians only visited right from unskilled levels to the highest university degree. we need people at all levels and we need to in 1st or in my further education and higher education as you hike about and about making. you know, we need a clue, careful knowledge of what staff are needed and how we can fill those very concert. we need to combine that with the wishes of workers for their own careers. we've got the assess, that's
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a great instrument that isn't at the same time we need a structure that ensures that the money is effectively used in listen. good, seattle, and that's another important point i was land unborn. we need to know what gets last qualified staff is from abroad, that can strengthen europe's growth. so to ensure an important step is to ensure that all these people can get their qualifications and recognize more rapidly in europe tomorrow. that's one way to make you more attractive for everyone is got skills and want to be part of europe and asia, up on each ladder for does hit us yard. so i propose some of the year 2023 to be don't my should be europe via a year of education and training. that is the right for i already to step forward. one minute allentown, aboard newton. deborah to port numbers. the ladies and gentlemen, 3rd point it's, it's very important. and linda's team are small and medium sized companies,
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all of our industrial sector stuff and upset about, well, does it matter tips for the vote to on whether we're talking by her and if you about her and a chip in her fan or granted reality storage, cuz for soul of our facilities is access to commodities to raw materials is decisive for the success about transformation to a sustainable and digital economy leads some uncertain lithium and rarer sight wish to god. zine are going to be wind gusts more important soon as an oil and gas are today. and they've been in our needs for rural roads. oh, alone. so rare earths alone will be multiplied by 5 fold by 2030 and effect. with ration temple via line, i think this just shows how rapidly we're moving forward on the european green deals. get say a problem is i'm suggest lunch that the month is just one country that almost completely controls the entire market via listen for hinder. that we and night we
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need to avoid finding ourselves stuck in dependence of the kind of dependency we now see with oil and gas. that's m as in feeling that the get ambien. a lot of steps must be taken up on, on that front. but trade policy comes into question there. we need new partnerships, geographically, these are all matter yaya. these i'm plot sunday. raw materials are not just located in one place on earth. no ones have related shelf, new partnerships, not just to strengthen our economy, but also to pursue our interests and values at the global level isn't like isn't and partner, and we are outside when doug, i'm with similarly minded partners, we can work beyond our borders to improve labor and environmental conditions, 9 for latisha, pardon and renew reliable partners here that are here up from where we couldn't mutually grow your agreement with actually mexico and, and you zealand, hon,
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will be put forward to ratification tylen and we will continue negotiations with partners like australia and india, now we need to learn from the mistakes of the past. but securing supplies is only a 1st step. the processing of these metals is just as critical. and to day china controls the global inc, global processing industry, almost 90 percent 90 percent of rare earth and 60 percent of lithium are processed in china. so we will identify strategic projects all along the supply chain from extracting to refining from processing to recycling. and we will build up strategic reserves where supply is at risk. this is why today i am announcing
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a european critical raw materials act. we know that this approach can work. because remember, 5 years ago europe launched, the battery is alliance. and soon to 3rd of the batteries we need, we will produce shear in europe at some big success story. last year announced a european ships act and the 1st ships get our factory will break round in the coming months. so we now need to replicate this success for raw materials. and this is also why we will increase our financial participation in the important projects of common european interest, the so called apc ice. and for the future, i will push to create a new european sovereignty fund, because we have to make sure that the future of the industry is made in europe.
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honorable members. as we look around at the state of the world today, it can often feel like there's a fading away of what once seemed so permanent. and in some ways the passing of queen elizabeth the 2nd last week reminded us all of that. she is a legend. she was a constant throughout the turbulent and so informing events in the last 70 years, stoic and steadfast in her service. but more than any think,
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she always found the right words for every moment in time. from the calls she made to war that she was in 1940 to our historic address. during the pandemic. she spoke not only to the heart of her nation but to the soul of the whole world. and when i think of the situation, when to day her words, at the height of the pandemic still resonate with me, she said we will succeed. and that success will belong to every one of us. and of course, she always reminded us that our future is build on new ideas and founded in our oldest values. since the end of world war 2. we have pursued the promise of democracy and of the rule of law. and the nations of the world have built together an international system promoting peace and security. just stick an
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economic progress to day. this is the very target of russian missiles. what we saw on the streets, out streets of butcher in the scorch, fields of grain. and now in the gates of ukraine's largest nuclear plant is not only a violation of international rules. it is the deliberate attempt to discard them once and for all that we have to know. and this watershed moment in global politics calls for we think of our foreign policy agenda. this is to the time to invest in the power of our democracy. this work begins with a core group of our like minded partners, our friends in every single democratic nations on the globe. we see the world with the same eyes. we share the same values,
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and we should mobilize our collective power to shape global goods. we should strive to extend the core of these don't democracies, the most immediate way to do this is to deepen our ties and strengthen democracies on our continent. this starts with those that are ready on the past to our union. we must be at their side by every step and every day because the past towards strong democracies and the past. what's our union are one and the same? and so i want to know the people of the western balkans, ukraine, moldova, and georgia to know, and i think i speak in the name of this noble house. you are part of our family. you are the future of our union and in our union, and ours union is not complete without you. this has to be the message.
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and we have seen that there is a need to reach out to other countries of europe beyond the accession process. this is why i support the call for his european political community. and we will set out our ideas to the european council. but our future also depends on our ability to engage beyond the core of our democratic partners. countries near and far share an interest in working with us on the greatest challenges of the century, such as climate change and digitalization. and this is the main idea behind global gateway. the investment plan i announced last year, right at this place. it is already delivering on the ground together without african partners. we're building 2 factories in london, senegal to manufacturer and marinate vaccines. so they will be made in africa for
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africa with world class technology. and we are now replicating this approach across latin america. as a part of a larger engagement strategy that has to pick up no urgency. all this requires investment on a global scale. so we will team up with our friends in the united states and our friends in the g 7 partners to make this happen. in this spirit, president biden, and i will convene a lead us meeting to review and announce implementation projects for this investment. honorable members, this is part of all work of strengthening our democracies. but we should not lose sight of the way foreign autocrats at targeting our own countries. foreign entities are funding and situations and institutes that
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undermine our values that this information is spreading from the internet into the hold of our universities. earlier this year, the university of amsterdam shut down an allegedly independent research center, which was actually funded by jamie's entities. and this center was publishing, so called research on human rights, dismissing the evidence of forced labor camps for you. we gore's as rumors. these lies at toxic for our democracies. and i think about this, we introduce legislation to screen foreign direct investment in our companies. for security reasons, that's correct, that's good that we did it. but if we do that, how economy shouldn't we do the same for our values? we need to better shield ourselves from a line interference. and this is why we will present
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a defense of democracy packed. it will bring forward, convert for an inference. it will set the light on shady funding. we will not allow any autocracies, troy, and horses to attack our democracies from within. for more than 70 years, i'll continent has marched towards democracy. but the gains of our long journey are not as short. and many of us have taken democracy for granted for too long, especially those who like me who have never experienced what it means to live under the fist of an authoritarian regime. to day, we all see that we must fight 40 more crises every single day. every single minute we must protect them both from the extern threats they face,
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but also from the vice that corrode them from. with him, it is my commission duty and the most noble role to protect the rule of law. so let me assure you, we will keep insisting on judicial independence. and we will make sure that we protect our budget through the conditionality mechanism. and today i would like to focus on corruption with all its faces. the face of foreign agents trying to influence our political system, the face of shady companies, a foundations abusing public money. if we want to be credible when we are candid countries to strength embedding, mocker sees,
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we must also eradicate corruption at home. and this and this is why in the coming year, the commission were present measures to update our legislative framework for fighting corruption. we were re, standards on offenses such as elicit enrichment, trafficking in inference, abuse of power beyond the more classic offenses such as bribery. and we will also propose to include corruption in our human rights sanctions resume our new tool to protect our values. honorable members of founder's only meant to lay the 1st don't of this
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democracy. they always thought that future generation would complete their work, and that's true. we have to do that, it's an ongoing process. democracy has not gone out of fashion, but it must update itself in order to keep improving people's lives. you will remember these words. these are the words of our friend, david sali, a great european democracy has not gone out of fashion, but it must update itself in order to keep improving people's lives. david, sorely thought that europe should always look for new horizons. and so the adversity of these times we have started to see what our new horizon might be. a brave a union close to with people in times of needs, bold and responding to
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a story challenges and the daily concerns of ours european and to work at their side when they deal with a big trials of life. this is why the conference on the future of europe, what's so important. it was a sneak peak of a different kind of citizens engagement well beyond election day. and after europe listen to its citizens voice. we now need to deliver the citizens panels that were central to the conference will now become a regular feature of our democratic life. and in the letter of intent that i have sent to day to president met solar and prime minister yanna. i have outlined a number of proposals for the year ahead that stem from the conference of ergo, conference on the future. they include, for example, a new initiative on mental health. we should take much better
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care of our friends and partners and beloved once and for many who are burdened with anxiety. and who are lust, appropriate, accessible, accessible that so important and affordable support can be life saving. we know that this support is not there to day, excessive, affordable and appropriate support. so we have to make sure with proposals on mental health that we really improve in this subject. it is for some of our fellow europeans life saving. her honorable members. democratic institutions must constantly gain and regain the citizens trust. just like europeans did, when millions of ukrainians come knocking on their door. what we saw wasn't
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is europe at its fest, a union of determination and solidarity. but this determination drive for solidarity is still missing. in our migration debate, our actions towards ukrainian refugees must not be an exception. they can be a blueprint for going forward. we need fair and quick procedures. a system that is crisis pool and quick to deploy and a permanent and legally binding mechanism that ensures solidarity. and at the same time, we need effect of control of our external borders in line with a respect of fundamental rights. i wonder europe that manages migration with
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dignity and respect. i wonder europe, we're all member states take responsibility for the challenges we all share. i want to europe that shall solidarity to all member states. we have progress on the packed. we now have the road map and we now need the political will to move forward and to match honorable members. 3 weeks ago, i had an incredible opportunity of joining 1500 young people from all over europe and all over the world that gathered in tizzy. they have very different views. they come from very different countries. they speak different languages, they have different backgrounds. and yet, this is something that connects them, they share a set of values and ideals. they believe in these values. they had the term and to
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reach them. they'll passionate about something that is larger than themselves. and this generation is a phenomenon generation. it's a generation of dreamers and makers and in my last state of the union, i told you that i would like you to look more like these young people. we should put their aspirations at the heart of everything we do. and the place for this is in our founding treaties, every action that our union takes should be inspired by various prince simple principle that we should do no harm to our children's future. and that we should leave the world a better place for the next generation. and therefore hon members i believe.


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