tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle September 19, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST
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and he said to me, rides, for these words, all true and faithful. and he said unto me, it is done. i am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. i will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life. freely he that over cometh, shall inherit all things and i will be his god, and he shall be my son. remember oh lord thy servant, elizabeth, who has gone before us with a sign of faith and now rests in sleep according to thy
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promises grant on to her and to all who reposing christ, refreshment, light, and peace, through the se in jesus christ, our lord. amen. merciful father, and lord of all life, we praise thee that thou has made us in thine image, and that we reflect thy truth and light. we gave special offense for the life of thy daughter, elizabeth, for the mercy she received from thee. and far the example that through her life of service, love and faith, she has sat before our eyes. above all, we rejoice at night, gracious promise to all i servants living and departed.
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that we shall rise again at the coming of our savior. jesus christ. we pray that in due time, we may share with our sister that clearer vision when we shall see thy face in the same jesus christ, our lord am oh, father of all. we pray to thee, for those whom we love, but see no longer grant them peace, let light perpetual shine upon them and in thy loving whitson, and almighty power work in them. the good purposes of thy perfect will through jesus christ, our lord. oh lord,
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support us all the day long of this traveler's life. until the shades lengthen and the evening comes. the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over and our work is done. then lord, in thy mercy, round her safe lodging. a holy rest and peace at the last. through jesus christ, our lord. amen. lord, god almighty katy of creation. bless our king and all members of the royal family. may godliness be their guidance. may sanctity be their strength. may peace on earth be the fruit of their labors, and their joy in heaven thine eternal gift through jesus christ, albert oh god save our gracious sovereign and all the
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companions living and departed of the most honorable and noble order of the gods on as our savior has taught us so we pray our fall, which are to heaven had owed me my name though i think i will meet you know, as it is and if else is day bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them with the trespass against us. and lead us not the temptation, but deliver us from the line. is the king ah, and the glory for ever and to have on
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i me, ah, in all the viewers and just joined and now you're watching a dw news and we're transmitting the committal service for queen elizabeth. this 2nd let rest in windsor castle in this george's chapel. and now we're going to see the presentation of the instruments of state. there will be received by the dean of windsor from the queen's barge master. and
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which is then placed upon the coffin. like as a father, bluetooth his own children, even so the lord merciful unto them, not fear him for he knows where off we are made him. he remembers that we are but dust the day of man are but as grass for he flourishes as a flower of the field. for as soon as the wind go with over it, it is gone. and the place thereof shall know it no more.
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but the merciful goodness of the lord injurious for ever and ever upon them that fear him and his righteousness upon children's children go forth upon thy journey from this world. o christian soul, in the name of god, the father almighty, who created thee in the name of jesus christ, who suffered for thee in the name of the holy spirit, whose strength honestly in communion with the bless, it's saints and aided by angels and archangels. and all the armies of the heavenly host may thy portion this day be in peace
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and line dwelling in the heavenly jerusalem farm. then thus it has pleased almighty god to take either this transitory life unto his divine mercy. the late most high, most mighty. and most excellent mana, elizabeth, the 2nd, by the grace of god, all of the united kingdom of great britain and old northern ireland. and of her other realms and territories. queen, head of the commonwealth defender of the face, unsolved, of the most noble order of the got
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a long life health and oh no, and oh worldly happiness the most high, most mighty and most excellent monarch, all sovereign lord charles the 3rd. now, by the grace of god of the united kingdom of great britain, the northern ireland and of his other realms and territories, k, head of the commonwealth defender of the faith and sovereign of the most noble order of the gotta go forth into the world in peace be of good courage,
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hold fast that which is good ran dead to no one evil for evil. strengthen the faint hearted support that weak helped they affected honor all people love and serve the lord. rejoicing in the power of the holy spirit. and the blessing of god, my teens, the father, the son of the spirit be amongst you and remain with you always ah
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a lin bring to you live the committal ceremony for the late queen elizabeth this 2nd from saint george's chapel in winds on the grounds of windsor castle. and that the service is now coming to an end. we can see the congregation is starting to leave the chapel and leave me here in the studio is robin merrill from our house department robin. you've watched both ceremonies today this morning and the state funeral for queen elizabeth. and now this rothermel private ceremony are smaller affair. so in this 2nd service, what stood up for you. well, as you say, i'm more more private a fab with the cameras that will be ne mole private to find me in
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a couple of hours time when just roll family with that. and anybody else will lay out in the royal vault with me just interrupt you, that it was still 800 people that and the congregation who was that? actually? yes. again, a bit more private because it was at the extended roll family. of course, i'm some friends, i saw john major, the former who was a friend of the queens, for instance as one, but a lot of the royal household, a lot of people who worked in the rural household a knew the queen privately. there were also governors of the realms and the commonwealth, which was of course something she loved so much. they were also there, but it was a lot of people from the role has or from normal works, blah walks of life, i should say several different clergymen. yes. oh indeed, the was the a minister from karate kick, which is the little local church that she always worshipped and,
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and bow moral. he was most probably the last priest to see her before she died most probably. and he, he spoke some of the prayers add as did the, the reverend from sandringham, one of her estates as well. and there was a lot of tradition of ancient tradition that we saw there. and more so than in westminster abbey. i thought, you know, we saw a, the king handing over the queen's company, carla, on to the coffin, you know, and also we saw the lord chamberlain who broke his it's called a one and that's a significant thing. he was the head of the royal household, and now he, he is no longer he, as the crane dies, he retires. and there will be another, a lord chamberlain and he breaks the ones very significant thing. i see and still
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seeing life of pictures there of prince william with his children about to leave the georgia sample in winds of their prince andrew, they're in the right hand corner and cause i should also say that the instruments of state, we saw the beginning of the service somebody at the coffin was that the crown, the obe and the set of these are the instruments of stanke me. so some that beginning sort of loosening them cuz i was wondered when it was on its wave. had they didn't fall off, they rosie attached, they were unattached, they are significantly taken to the old and they were, they are now belong to king charles the 3rd in i think they're kept in the tower of london most of the time. but those are his instruments. of state, and now that's, that's sort of the mon in full swings. you will, isn't it, they, these symbols are very, very important. they seem to be,
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they are very important and they are really ancient. a sim, symbols and traditions that have gone on for hundreds and hundreds of years. and that's, i mean, to be honest that a lot of people are, they find that a very attractive side of a, of the monarchy that is part of the pomp and the pageantry that the brits are actually the best that and, and indeed we've seen all wonderful pomp and pageantry we have seen of the last days or it's been a marvel to see thousands and thousands of service men, women, and so many people involved and it's all gone perfectly to play. so thank you, robin a so far. let me just recap for our viewers or who my just have joined us. what's just been happening. britain has bid farewell to queen elizabeth the 2nd with the
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