tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle September 26, 2022 5:30pm-5:59pm CEST
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i know texture does so much to you, it needs even though a real goal of architecture is to create habitat for humans about their struggles and dreams to for responsibility is hugely have so much to lose. ah, shuddering the glass ceiling, women in architecture dismiss has to be really, really good story. september 30th on d. w. the human body is truly amazing. with all that it's able to do what can the way we move, reveal information about our overall health class? could bacteria feta is provide the answer to antibiotic resistance. and can we repair broken bones even more effectively?
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we provide the answers here on d. w. science show. welcome to to morrow today. ah ah. many people enjoy listening to music. good hearing can also mean the difference between life and death, but what happens if our hearing becomes impaired? an explosion or injury caused by caution. earbuds, for example, can damage the air drum. this problem effects 30000000 people each year and can result in complete hearing loss. current treatment options are less than ideal, something one team of scientists has set out to change injury to the ear drum caused by illness or an accident can result in hearing loss
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. many of those affected never make a full recovery. or a team of scientists in dresden has been doing research into reconstructing damaged ear drums. and they recently achieved a medical breakthrough. sometimes a defective ear drum can heal, but that wasn't the case with this patient. so he was given an implant made from his own cartilage these days. it's a standard procedure, isn't comfortable. can you tip your head back a bit? the problem is that an ear drum made purely of grafted cartilage will never be as good as the real thing was the offer. in agreement that we have to use cartilage with a certain thickness and stability. i would say quickly that has the disadvantage, that the eardrum doesn't vibrate as well as a natural eardrums of this vision. this complex, then that means that not all sound waves are transmitted to the inner ear with now
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. so even after surgery, oh, hearing can be impaired. that's when i'm headed. given that impaired hearing often effects patients quality of life, marcos night at decided it wasn't good enough. together with his colleagues at the dressed and technical university, he's developed an implant that helps restore hearing completely over implant todd, what's different about our implants compared to the current standards of technical implants, is that we've precisely reproduced the natural structure of the air drum torvard. that's what makes it unique. that's the stuff that was on to hide as a medical textiles, researcher dilbert ib boost task was to find the appropriate material. she established that a protein made of silk warm cocoons was most suitable. she then combined it with a biodegradable plastic common her if they're also the ear drum has a collage in a stretcher, hardens him to put more of i am i a proteins?
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a one component said we wanted the material used for the e drum to be as similar to that as possible induced asthma. the scientists also wanted to replicate the structure of the air drum, as well as the material. the team had to figure out how to develop fibers that are both super thin and robust. ma, marlow, iran, yeah. as far normally fibers pulled mechanically and wound on what bobbin, for example victor. but with spinning fibers, the to super thin in the, not i, me to range. so we can't do it mechanically combine was which on optim, instead they use electro spinning technology. the process involves spinning the mixture of protein and plastic and to find nano fibers. these filaments are produced under high voltage and are deposited on a collector that replicates the shape of the air drum. oh,
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there's it out of his lungs are like this. it slowly turning white the hours. that means the nano fibers coming off the tube, settling on the collector of movers after the collect to all the structure gradually emerges on this is both must be, it's grab this one. and this is the results of the spinning processes. a very thin elastic membrane which is robust enough to be used as an implants, implants, todd, i'm good for them. that's because it resembles the natural ear drum in both material and structure. but doesn't also have the same vibrational properties. the researchers compared their implant with a natural air drum and a standard cartilage implant. to do this, they got all 3 to vibrate. just you chun monitors the results on the computer.
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this shows the reaction of a natural air drum. it's very different from the reaction of a conventional cartilage implant which is much more rigid with the new implant. on the other hand vibrates much more effectively mimicking the function of the original ear drum. one to one is ready to cullman fem hung in from the artificial ear drum membrane that we've developed. the successfully transmits the sound energy hog. that means the patient will be able to hear better how best. however, it's likely to be another 5 or 6 years before the dressed and researchers invention can actually be implanted in a patient. oh, we have more than 200 bows and our bodies very incredibly light and yet also very hard. but they can be broken, children and elderly people are particularly at risk. ready after a break,
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it's important for the bone to be set back in its original position so that it heals properly. metal plates may be used, screws or a place to cost increase, such as have now come up with another idea. it's hard to believe that just 3 months ago, marcel ashburn crashed his mountain bike, breaking his hand and neck. at 1st he didn't know that his life was in danger. luckily for him, there was adopt her in his cycling group who took care of him immediately. then he was diagnosed in a clinic the us the also the 1st thing they said to me after the x ray was you'd better not move an inch? you have multiple spinal fractures, crucial orthopedic surgeon, re shout, sir, lie operated on spawn. during his follow up examination, he recalls how dangerous the situation was. zane here in blue, you see the bruise here times you see the rupture disks and also at the back the
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ligaments are affected. the risk is the effect becomes displaced then the spinal cord could be injured as well. a month when you look at the pictures and also the story as you tell, it will have to say you've been very lucky home harbor said i had to operate on marcella. bon, twice, 1st from the front of the neck, rebellion, we don't want to remove the disk and have it compressed because then the nerve endings would be narrowed. instead we want to maintain height. so that's why we put a placeholder in and stabilize it with the flight to plot. then the doped, his operated on myself sh bombs, left hand to stabilize the fracture. they pushed to titanium wires into the metal copple bone of the little finger. this small titanium implants, minimally invasive spinal surgery. today's high tech medicine has saved marcel sh bond from life in a wheel chair. the small scars have healed well. but
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that's not always the case. i skipped not to lose all kinds. of course, there are still limitations. are should, for example, they can be implant infections or wound healing disorders, which we still struggle with daily. often i talk. hm. that's why scientists are always looking for new therapies to treat fractures even more efficiently. like antonius lent line from the helm, hold center toto. the materials specialist wants to help ensure that in the future, severe committed fractures where whole pieces of bone are missing can grow together better. and he's doing this with the help of a white foam that stimulates the growth of new bone tissue inside the fracture. then lines porous foam consists of gelatin and the amino acid lysine. it would fill the gaps between the broken bones, then cells can migrate into it and begin to form new bone tissue. the foam is
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a place holder for the newly growing bone wendys of sand or to 9. when the cells migrate into the gaps may need an environment that signals that its own should be formed. lear, no hunger bad spell. if also we need a guide and structure that the cells can crawl along and which then transmits the by a mechanical information bure, mashonda should inform out soon we permitted and lay as landlines foam is supposed to function as a lead compound. indeed, in animal experiments, he and his team have already shown that cells settle in the foam and begin to grow recognizable here as green and blue dots. the fracture closes as new bone tissue grows, the foam dissolves in the process. the slaughter alicia gospel, it's obviously something that you work towards for a long time. and then when it works, it's fascinating your van, because so many different leads had to be realised with his multi functional
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materially on his yet we are most am. clinical trials on human bone fractures will now show whether this new material is tolerable and superior to conventional therapies. phones in place of metal plates and screws supported by external splints during the healing process. this is still a vision of the feature. in marcel spans case, his plates will remain in permanently, but he's already very pleased with his treatment was cancelled on the whole i think i've been lucky english because of his good medical care teenage for zach. there are many jobs that requires strenuous physical activity, but often it's the same actions being repeated over and over. then there are other jobs where be hardly move at all. whether it's one sided activity or no activity at all. the result is
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a loss of bone density. the bone that is rested completely will least 10 to 20 percent of its density in just 2 to 3 months. so our bones need to keep moving the movement, laboratory of the robot bosch hospital in stuttgart mobility researcher launched piquant wants to record the amount and quality of his patience movement as accurately as possible pressure sensors and the shoes measure the load on the soul of the foot, this allows klaus plant on sequence of movements to be mount. he's taken part in the study since the start lunch spigot equipped the pensioner with several dozen sensors and reflectors. he's investigating whether these precise measurements can be achieved with a single sensor suitable for everyday use. for geriatric medicine, specialist claimants, becca mobility is
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a medical issue that will only grow more important in the future. we will have irish and does it make sense, why within the next 2 or 3 years, we hope to ensure that every new drug is tested to see how it improves mobility or possibly worsens at others. for thought that something we don't know that was missing, vanish before measuring lush, be got calibrate the cameras. the rod is studded with reflectors that can be detected by infrared cameras. they'll record close planners, movements to within a few thousands of a millimeter. put a miskin ada. everything's ready. please walk slowly up to the orange cone, and i'll record it with the senses. but in all these movement patterns will one day serve as a source of information to determine a patient's overall state of health. to evaluate the effectiveness of medications and therapy, or to monitor the course of a disease. the
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cookie gung quality. if we can measure jake quality one, for example, whether someone walks unevenly above what we call gate variability and location, or if someone lamps to possibly spare their joint delinkum. okay, so that's extremely important with osteoarthritis or if someone's had a bone fracture, exclaimed british shopping in the scientists have already succeeded in capturing a person's complex movements with a single sensor. this allows them to collect movement data from patients or to subjects like cloud brianna for days on end during their daily lives. did be v garnished in either any exercises, actually it'd be all and named all in old age. now we know that it has a significant influence on neural or brain function, and you feel better safe bristle suck. every runner says, sir endorphins. you feel happier when you do something?
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that's why i was very happy to take part of the say, again, the media mot. these events are not layman's lanka and louse shrink out to examine the data. the sensor has collected over the course of a week. it has recorded movement and all 3 spatial axes and save the motion curves . algorithms developed specifically for this data, identify important information in it. among other things, about the pace, quantity, variation, length and symmetry of the strain pattern. if, when and for how long the patient walked, cycled or climb stairs during the day, all of that is documented. the quality of movement or any impairments and mobility are also recorded. an international consortium is conducting research as part of the pioneering mobilized d project. the mobility data should aid the development of new therapies and
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medicines for an aging society with isn't with many traditional law. we know that people who walk faster than 1.2 meters per 2nd have extremely good chances of survival even shawls. mm hm. that the stark image is the grim reaper stays well behind. becky doesn't come any closer. you listen to. we know that people who walk slower from 0.7 to 0.8 meters per 2nd. just managed to keep their distance from him or not but walk any slower and the reaper comes closer and closer. and that's often more important than collect, draw, or blood pressure levels. they're huge data sets showing that music is so exercise is incredibly important to be was all going obviously so the lesson is keep moving, preferably as fast as these gentlemen here. drug resistant organisms where no antibiotic will work are becoming a growing problem. in 2019, over a 1000000 people died worldwide from infections that couldn't be treated. studies
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show it's a huge problem. certain viruses can help fight bacteria, so called bacteria faders have been used in georgia for the past 100 years. but there are no reliable studies to show whether they're truly safe with antibiotic resistance on the rise, intensive reset interfaces is now underway around the world. this is what an alternative to antibiotics looks like. bacterial faces. they're highly specialized viruses and the natural enemy of bacteria. that's why neurologists thomas kessler has been interested in faces for a long time. the goals for thought for the big advantage of a cheerio pledges, is that they can be used to target specific strains of bacteria. the way they kill least targeted bacteria is just like a key that fits in
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a keyhole long. sit bazzi on loosely austin 1st law. the bacterial sage is only target certain bacteria, the phage docs itself onto the cell wall of the bacteria, and then injects them with its genetic material that causes the bacteria to replicate new features. ringback the new age is cause the bacteria to produce an enzyme which dissolves the cell walls of the bacteria. the bacteria then destroys itself. the features that are released can infect other bacteria. the special thing about the phases is that each one is only effective on specific strains of bacteria, o tbilisi, the capital of georgia. there's a place here where phases have been used to battle bacteria for decades. here at the other institute, patients come every day to get bacterial ages to fight infections of the bladder or
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wounds. that won't, he'll, he'll round it 1st, they take a swab. the bacteria are then cultivated in a petri dish to identify the germs causing the infection. the bacteria, if ages the institutes precious treasure, or captain refrigerators, each type is tested for which bacteria they kill. these stages formed the basis of the production of our medicine that we sell in a standardized fashion. usually it's a mixture of different phases and fog that re we raise the level of effectiveness. a simple test on the cultivated bacteria shows which page cocktail is most effective in fighting the patients infection. fades therapy is part of george's
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basic health care system. the institute has developed several standard fates, cocktails, you can get them in any pharmacy. in this ages also have another great advantage to building every shotgun gospel. i'm like antibiotics ages only destroyed the bad bacteria in the organism. but do you know the useful bacteria aren't affected? alien antibiotics kill based the bad and the good bacteria about dealing that's the clear advantage of phage is shanpa. she pockets back to switzerland and thomas kessler. he's been keeping tabs on developments in georgia for a long time. with great interest, he's been de tbilisi, where he conducted a study on urinary tract infections. for the 1st time, thomas kessler also used such features here in switzerland, in an experimental trial. namely with jacqueline male camper, balsam blair. on 5 consecutive days,
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the features were flushed into her bladder via a catheter. so then the thief, bankhead, 2nd, gone during those 5 days, the entire feeling in my body changed. it was them into i was out of the infection mode lamp up, you know, the period where the body is only fighting off illness and thought it was a wonderful feeling that finally things would be different on the siege. those on the halter. no 100 bucks. but in spite of the pages, the infection returned to it will still warm me going to fools as we're assuming that the bacteria of ages were not able to kill off all the bacteria that were present. so other bacteria were able to keep on growing. and the symptoms came back, all isn't told me to talk causing to stop that from happening again. thomas kessler is working with micro biologist at martine loses environment for more of the physician and the crime. the researchers hope to have conclusive results in about 5
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years. if i'm a blood is read, why i gave you a now over to you. do you have a science question? send it to us as a video, text or voice message. if we answer it on air, we'll send you a little surprise as a thank you. come on, just ask and don't forget to check out our website. oh, look us up on twitter. and now to this week's question from rodrigo, mankato in ecuador does water drain in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres. it's certainly the case with tornadoes and hurricanes. the mass of air vortices rotate in one direction in the north, and the opposite direction in the south. this is due to what's known as the cory. all this force our planet is constantly rotating. everything on its surface is moving to, but at different rates. it's like
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a ferris wheel sitting in a gondola far away from the central axis. you would move faster than someone sitting at the wheel center. equally, some one that the earth's poles is effectively spinning on the spot. this variation and speed also affects the oceans that cover our earth and the atmosphere that surrounds them. and as a result, winds blowing from the equator in a northerly direction are deflected eastwards, while winds blowing to the south flow in the opposite direction. this means the air flows and the 2 hemispheres of our planet effectively mirror each other. the corey, all his effect means typhoons and hurricanes, always turn in the same direction in the northern hemisphere,
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they rotate counterclockwise. while in the south, they turn clockwise hurricanes can be up to 2000 kilometers in size. the flow of water in our bath tub is tiny by comparison, too small to be affected by the korean less force. here, other factors come into play. how symmetrical is the bathtub? how does the water move once the tap has been turned off, and in which direction is the planck pulled out? it's these more random factors that caused the water to drain and varying directions. and they apply equally and both in north and the south. that's all for this week. thanks for joining us on tomorrow today. see you next time with
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i love matters and that's my new podcast. i'm evelyn sharma. and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that more divides and deny that this i have invited many, dear and well i guess. and i would like to invite you to an end. imagine home, any portion of lunch or throw it out in the world right now, the climate change. if any, off the story. this is my flex the way from just one week. how much was can really get we still have time to go. i'm going all in the 5th it subscribe all morning. like who? how did she become adults? hitler's favorite director and how to me become a forgotten filled pioneer leaning. he finished and i know to
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ah, ah, this is the w news live from berlin. italy's new right wing leaders promised to restore national pride. george maloney is poised to become 1st far right, prime it prime minister in italy since world war 2. she says she'll bring unity not division. growing opposition to vladimir putin call up off reservists to fight in ukraine. more than 100 protesters are rest of us just one rally and.
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