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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 26, 2022 9:00pm-9:30pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] ah this is d w live from berman, it's in the election when as promised to restore national pride to georgia maloney's course to become the country's 1st 5 prime minister since world war 2. and promises unity not division. also on the program. growing opposition to vladimir putin called up a free service to fight in ukraine. more than a 100 protesters i rested. i just won rally in russia and iranians. the fire government cracked down to hold a 10 9th of protest spock by the death of
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a young woman arrested by the morality police. ah, i'm, she'll go welcome to the program. italy's new right wing leaders are on course to with a clear majority in both houses of parliament. the alliance of art is on the right is led by georgia bologna, who's that likely to become the country's 1st female prime minister and its 1st far right leader. since the 2nd world war, she's promising to restore national pride and so she will work to bring unity rather than division. georgia maloney takes the stage in a historic election when she is now set to become italy's 1st female prime minister and the 1st leader of a far right italian government. since world war to her right tween coalitions to had 44 percent of the vote. well ahead of her lettering rivals, signaling
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a tech tonic shift in italian politics. maloney's party brothers of italy has its roots in neo fascism opponents fear. rollback of rights. for the party is quick to disavow any connection with italy's fascist past. good, i could, if you look at our percentage fidelity darya took a 26 percent of the vote in italy. so unless you want to say that all the italians are a fascist, or most of them it's, it's, it's something that is not true. now we, we are not that we are ah, new way to think at the right, ah, politics and, and that said others here that the election results may tip the balance in a you decision making to the right as rights when governments rise in europe, toyota and greedily will be led by the right, but then the,
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the trend that arose in sweden, a few weeks ago, has also come here underneath earlier. today is a sad day for italy and for europe earlier. there are hard days ahead of us. jordan duty. no, maloney has been known for her hard line views on social issues like immigration and same sex marriage when she took the podium after her election when she promised to govern for all italians. it's a message that resonated with many voters. the yoga simple for legit i always supported the left but they disappointed me. i'm 75 years old. i would like to see change. yeah. let's get this a try. sure it's risky that maloney seems quite competent when he changes the milligram daddy with the cost of living crisis and the war and ukraine. maloney takes the reins at a time of trouble for italy and europe. her leadership may set
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a new course for both. as you can imagine, this result has prompted a mixed reaction from president emmanuel. macro says he respects the democratic choice of the italian people a right wing leaders in poland and hungary of welcome. the result of the vice president of the european parliament ha sounded a cautionary note. but she said before the elections doesn't give us much hope. she has already announced to support the oregon and to join him. 5 some hobbyist from poland in the fighting for europe, of the patriots, which of course means more egoistic politics from the capital, from the member states. and they might be joined by sweden. so this is not a good development for the european union. as kathrina, barley, vice president of the european parliament, let's join us, bent her rieger to her correspondent in the italian at capital. welcome band.
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george maloney has adopted some strongly euro skeptic positions in the past. now she says she's pro e. you. what can brussels expect from a maloney lead government if that happens at these in the beginning of her tenure, you can expect a more pragmatic edge approach because mrs. maloney still wants the money to do to put it bluntly as she is expecting 200000000 euros. homer recovery fund that is financed by the u. she got grants and cheap loans to rebuild italy and she needs that money desperately. and she knows that she has said also in the campaign that she will work together with you commission. on the other hand, she also said that the party now is over in brussels, and that she will fight more fiercely for italian interest without specifying what she actually meant with that. and on the other hand, you ought to have the governments in poland and hungary that are rejoicing now because they think they get a new, very strong ally. italy is a,
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is the 3rd biggest country in you and a founding member. they think they can fight this maloney for their concept of a liberal democracy and fight against all these things that come from brussels. and also in the dispute with the commission about the rule of law. they think it delivers support them from now on. we have to see how that plays out. right. and the massive issue facing at europe at the moment in so many ways. ukraine, what is the georgia bologna stance on that war? been and, and is her attitude to president putin life to threaten r e u. unity i don't think so. it'll leave been not alter. it's foreign policy in this point of judge maloney in the has a denounced the war she says put in is wrong versus aggression against ukraine. she
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is supporting the sanctions of the you against russia. and she's also supporting her the supply of weapons and money to ukraine. but she has to a coalition partners and for the lager, and for, hey tanya, it's not so clear if they also support this stance. but experts here say she will not alter her. the russia policy for now, right at the turner was low by italian standards and about 64 percent. why? yeah. what's 10 percent lower than the last elections? 4 years ago because italian voters are actually fed up with the whole system. they had 3 governments in the last 4 years. all parties were somehow involved in that except fraternity, italian brothers of italy's, or this was the only opposition party. and this is also the reason that georgia maloney could gain here because she could always argue i was not involved. i can do things differently. and she actually jumped from 4 percent in the last election to
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$25.00. now this is a huge game. thank about bad bad, bring it in rome, not a crime. he says it has not yet made a decision on closing russia's board despite a flood of men leaving to avoid being called up to fight in ukraine. the mobilization could c as many as 300000 reservists, santana neighboring. georgia is one of the country seeing a big influx of russian men long lines of vehicles at the larger border crossing an entry point to georgia. these men of lean russia and let me put in the military mobilization lab lube supported the suite, a $1200.00 to be escorted to the point to the killing, which is 3 kilometers before the russian checkpoint on the russian georgia border to this place. just not because if you just honestly stay in the queue, leaving russia could take at least 72 hours long. our feet, we made it in 30 hours. of the russian authorities acknowledged
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a significant influx of cars trying to cross into georgia. this comes after an announcement of a partial mobilization sparked an exodus of fighting age men. and some feel that the situation will get even worse. your father got if i expect martial law to be declared as a result of unification with those eastern parts of ukraine to russia, which will be followed by a global mobilization glove. well, for me personally, i st. neither ideological nor legal grounds for myself to get involved in this war of my own you to those who are pretty interested with the way a sentiment shed by many in russia were protested against moscow's call up of military residence in the doug, astonishing there were clashes with police, human rights monitors as over 100 people wimbeles asian, liam's to louis, geoff. we see the people in particular and daggers than that began to fight for their lives. lady houston, we see that they are beginning to understand that this is
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a question of their lives. they actually were yamba. why should their husbands brothers sons dying? this war? now a me in a war that no one wants, nothing in a war against our people on our land game, on juniper selection of he does not send his children to war. but it is that those family yet braving as we are to marshal d g trying to stop the exodus. russia toughened penalties from wall injury, surrender, and refusal to fight with those who do that now facing up to 10 years in prison. but for many, the alternative is far more intimidating as get more honest from mc comley in key. welcome, nick, how, how are ukrainians? responding to the news of russia's military mobilization? but 1st of all, on social media, there is a lot of interest and kind of surprised at the lack of protests in russia,
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if you go beyond that northern caucasus reasonable region, where most of the purchase of been people asking, why would russians leave their country? why would they waits your days at border points to cross if they could maybe gotten the streets and change on the home? so definitely kind of lot of critical reactions there. as for the experts, the military kind of high ranks here in here. well, there is worried longer term that russia will have so many greater numbers of boots on the ground. that is surely the case. but there's a lot of question and kind of concerned that this actually might very, will take a lot longer than the russians are hoping that actually you'll only really be felt by early next year after the winter season. where basically, it's not expected that the front line will move very much indeed. and it was the question of how well the people are being trained and what kind of equipment they've been given. there's lots of photos and video on social media. rusty, a k 40 sevens been handed out people given uniforms. it looked like they've been in a store cupboard for the best part of
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a few decades. so worry in the long term. but in the short medium term, not so much of a concern in the sense that lots. this is more about kind of politics inside russia and less about real fact on the ground. meanwhile, so called referendums, being about joining russia are being held in ukraine's occupied east. that what's being said about them? i think no one here in kiev takes them serious. it is being seen as a bit of political theatre one where the result was already clear before they were called here. this had been on the calls for months, but then was very hastily announced. and then kind of held a couple of days off. the announcement came through, i think the bigger worries. what happens after this? are we going to see vladimir putin then? you know, at the end this week is expected calling these regions. part russia saying, now this is all russia, so if you ukraine, try and regain these churches and you are directly taking russia and we will threaten you with nuclear weapons. that's expectation. and that's something that people are definitely taking very seriously that perspective that yeah. russia in,
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in, in a tight corner with military options kind of being last time by day, by day resorting to the kind of ultimate threat there. and definitely can potential for greater escalation. right? so, and so that's why that, that if the vote happens as we all expected to but these are these places at join russia then that's the big change of russia is able to not show up notch up this war. another couple of years will definitely in its own logic, obviously no one outside russia. it looks at to recognize this. we've even heard from some of our closest allies like alex on saying that they're not going to take this here as anything legitimate belarus is not recognized. russia's annexation of crimea since 2014. so this is definitely something the only re concerns russia, but in their logic it would allow them to up up the rhetoric and threaten this kind of retaliation. and also the other thing is mobilization, right? people there on the ground in kind of songs, upper asia are increasingly being pushed to take russian passports and such could
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be then subjects to mobilization as russian soldiers were definitely seen. russia trying to get as many troops possible from danielle galvan square, they've been in charge since 2014, to the real sense. they're the people who haven't be able to get out so far and have very few options, get out safely, could soon fighting, be near, forced to fight against their own country to fight against you. crime. i see that nick nick connelly and cave take a look at some more news making headlines around the world present to tens granted russian citizenship. but to us whistleblower edward snowden. the former government security contractor fled to russia in 2013 after leaking secret files on violence operations. the u. s. national security agency is wanted in the u. s. on espionage charges. a government has killed at least 15 people as a school in central russia authority say the shooter, targeted students, teachers and security guards before turning the gun on himself. investigate to say he was wearing a shirt with
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a swastika. the motive remains unclear. lebanon's parliamentary garter class with retired soldiers running against custom monthly pay protesters in the capital bay, real briefly briefs, security near parliament, but pushed back with tear gas. public anger over the countries collapsing economy is growing. more bodies have been recovered after a boat carrying migrant sank of serious coast. nearly a 100 people are now known to have died. survivors have been taking the hospitals in lab, and on the boat left a tripoli carrying syrians, lebanese and palestinians. naturally, rom, where officials say they've arrested more than 1200 people taking part in anti government protest, triggered by the death of a woman and the custody of islam. mac morality, police human rights monitor slightly 76. people have died over 10 days of unrest as protest is to continue to defy authorities. protests of also been held outside your radiant embassies around the world, including turkey, france,
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and the u. k. understood the streets incurred is controlled north and serial. where mass, i mean it's become a rallying cry. your honors accused the u. s. and other western states of using the protest to destabilize these land republic. ali for told the judge is a germany, radiate political scientist based in berlin. a welcome to d, w. at 10 days of these protest open protests in the streets is not unusual for iran . well, it's not unusual since we've also seen protest in the last few years, but the ferocity of the present protest maybe something extraordinary. and this also goes back to the overwhelming presence of women at the forefront of this protest movement. encouraging their meal kind of parts to take part in them.
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and also the social compensation is certainly wider than in the past. but the 1st ra city is stronger and stronger for everyone to see. right, so we have 76 deaths. so the involvement of women in this process doesn't seem to have the state. the hand of the author says they now say that they will bill decisively with protests. what is that likely to mean? that's true. i mean, 1st of all, we have to take the figure that is cited with a grain of salt because probably the real death toll is much higher. and also we've seen an intensification of the a brutal crack down after president rice. he's returned from new york where he was giving a speech at the un general assembly to iran. because during that period, the iranian government didn't want to stoke too much negative coverage. but now there are no more restrictions. and we see much more brutality now of the security
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forces also against women and other protesters. so how was this likely to end? and it, even though with that barrier, this, this ferocity that women on the streets can be arranged or thought is afford to be beaten on this one. well, so far they could have forwarded to create a blood bath as they did in november 2019. were you know, up to 1500 people were killed on the streets during an internet black house. and also it depends also very much about depends on western capitals, reactions, notably from europe or the lot of commercial interests with the iran. and as long as that there is no harsh consequences about the sombre public has to fear, because of the brutal crack down against those protesters, they will continue unabated. so this is an important factor to bear in mind. so just thinking about the west reaction to iran, of course,
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already subject terms soon. significant sanctions at canada today announced that new sanctions against iran is that is that much room full mole, punitive action a by the west given the iran is already under severe sanctions. well, i think there is some, a room of maneuver here. one could, for instance, from the european consider a diplomatic, no cops out, you know, summoning iranian, and not only iranian investors as a german, it today. but also stopping diplomatic relations as long as the present situation continues in also to reconsider. they are iran policy, which has so far has been only looking at the nuclear deal and has been ignoring the very bad human rights situation in the region, but also your honest retail policies. so it's now time thing to rethink
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fundamentally iran policy and to make it more comprehensive because otherwise we're going to see a repetition of all of that again and again. okay, thank you so much for joining us at gemini, iranian political scientist, alley atalla, the chad and q over 6 weeks until mid term elections in the united states sand immigration is one of the big issues, the republican governors of texas, arizona, and florida of said walton 10000 migrants to democrat run cities in the north saying that democrats have to share the burden of the country's celtic immigration system. but critics accused those governors of a political stunt. i correspondence to me some escandone matter. one immigrant family recently taken by bus from texas to washington. oh, it's a fresh start for jefferson and katerina from venezuela. they arrived in washington
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dc with the newborn daughter leah just last month. they're hoping to make a home theory and leave the economic crisis in their home country behind with an emergency aid though, venezuela this work, but money doesn't get you anywhere. money isn't enough for anything. in venezuela, you can work in the most normal jobs, but it's useless because you'll never have anything by now. but again, we got in, in minton, after crossing into the u. s. they heard about busses heading north from san antonio, texas, and jumped at the chance to go to the capitol. they've paid little attention to the politics behind that bus, right? know, and yet politics have taken center state republicans in border states have transported more than 10000 migrants from the southern border to democratic stronghold this year. to make a point go with florida governor, run to santas took credit for a flight of migrants to martha's vineyard. in massachusetts, a group of those migrants has filed
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a lawsuit. the biden administration and democrats say it is a highly publicized political stunt using migrants as part and, and, and leaving city, age and aid organizations scrambling to help organizations like i, you there. it's providing legal services therapy and basic supplies, including food and waterfall is true. on a christina plaza is the social services director. she says her organization is at capacity and needs more funding, not political battles. i do understand that the border is also at capacity, and i don't think they were prepared to receive that many. my grants, ah, what is inhumane is the treatment, and they can't they, in, instead of politicizing these, they should sit down at a table and discuss what's best for the border,
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for the migrants and for the community in general. for jefferson and katerina, their hopes now rest on a bright future for their daughter. it jenica, sun life, what makes you grow up healthy and strong? and then we can put her here and put her to study here with you, since she's already in american way. we can put her to study here and then she can go to high school and she can choose whatever she wants, whatever she why? yeah, low get go ahead and get get them for now. they're hoping jefferson will get a work visa their 1st step towards starting a new life here. small stories making a headlines around the world, columbia and venezuela have reopened their shed board after years diplomatic deadlock and partial closures, cargo trucks have crossed over for the 1st time. it's 7 years in commercial flights will also resume the promising relations of thought since the election of the stove, or petro, a columbia of 1st left leading president, humor's become the basis country to approve same sex marriage after
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a referendum on the islands of family law system over 70 percent of cubans voted in support despite strong resistance from church groups. new measures also allow same sex adoption and sort of get pregnancies to have a chance of shelves as tested positive cove 19 showing mild, cold like symptoms. and he recently returned from a meeting of gulf leaders from meeting golf, leaders in the chancellor's now isolating his home in berlin. there's no need of a rebel group from the central african republic has got on trial at the international criminal court in the hague, homicide, abdel county denied the charges including war crimes, is accused of running a torture unit during an anti government uprising in 2013, they weigh more than 2000000 students in nigeria having to work from home because their lecturers are on strike. the academics have been refusing to work for most of the year in a dispute with the government over pay the w's and the search equipment reports
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from the country's biggest city lagos. with students, patience is wearing thin. o university students here angry. the are protest blocked the main access road to the legacy international airport, causing disruption for travelers and snarling traffic. stay once the government to end the monks, long strike by the electrodes union asked you, i will be good. i will need you to also do is to listen to, oh wow, your so grand with because our own educational, who granted with us as to saying to deal with a government for better pay and conditions back in 2009 boss. the union says promises mid bin, i've not been camped. i reported here at the university of lagos. when the strike
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spotted, i see february, nothing has changed. the halls of learning after closed. i'm students, nigeria mex international professionals. i held hosted by this academic sco, make. e format, yuma is a 2nd year student of economics. the strike has kept her home since february i think points i got slag to chris. i was like, i wasn't really going to like a coach just oh, that does strike in lecture as to return to work, triggering some hope for a former if they can call it off to d, we'll be very happy. i'm glad to go about our classes as well as we are hoping for . butts would electra as union pledge in through appeal to ruling and in return to the classroom, look spider off. even more distant is a permanent solution to university funding in nigeria. i sent you up to that it's
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all have more world news at the top of the our up next here on d. w. global $3000.00 include cert reports on melting glasses. in alaska, i'm brazilians, tony own bottle tops into scapes. i'm good with
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with who knew alex, andrea is up to it in the store. monuments are in danger and residential neighborhoods are being flooded with people are afraid when the city council is trying to contain the impact of the waves. ah, is it a hopeless fight against the effects of climate change? global $3000.00. next on d,
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w. o a i think is everything jenny fair, some are big. i'm listening. so much different culture between here and there. so challenging for everything ah, and to some of this, i think it was worth it for me to come to germany. shove my got my license to work as a swimming instructor on dish. and now i teach children who don't just with what's your story? take part, share it on info, migrant dot net. ah, imagine how many portions of love are thrown out in the world right now the climate change. if any of the story. this is my flex,
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the way from just one week. how much work can really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with what for his subscriber all morning with like a welcome to level


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