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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  September 28, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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and help me become a forgotten sil tire ah. leaning high finch, dotted and the arnold funds. between hitler and hollywood. in 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening a film project that became a major milestone in their lives. love, seduction, and power ice cold passion starts october 8th on d. w. with in a result that surprised exactly no one else or foresters in russia controlled regions of ukraine if announced a victory in their so called referendums. but they dissolved lugens, cat, hassan, and upper region. i've now called on president putin to formally annex the ukranian territories into russia. the use response couldn't be clearer,
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no recognition of vote results and more tougher sanctions. i'm fil gale in berlin and this is the day. ah, we do not accept the sham referenda. and any kind of annexation in ukraine with the residents of the south region voted for joining russia and were determined to make the crime and pay for this further escalation. russell was there last month . i ask you to consider the issue of lou hands, people's republic that is becoming part of russia. i see today, we together proposing a new package of vital functions. again, we're, we're reuniting without big motherland with a great russia. also on the day
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financial turmoil in the u. k, triggered by government plans to slash taxes, bring criticism from the international monetary fund and have the opposition scenting blood. well, the i am at the statement is very, very serious. and it comes on the back of what the back of england said early this week. and i think for so many people looking at their mortgage payment this morning, worried about whether they can now afford to pay them for prices. they will be not just frustrated, but angry because the government has lost control of the economy. welcome to the day, the european union says it wants to hit russia with biting new sanctions, targeting trade rushes, military, and the people who organized annexation votes in parts of occupied you crate. brussels says it was russia to pay a price for escalating the crisis by holding what they called sham referendums. you commission president, those are the fatherland. explain the rationale behind these additional measures
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isolate and it rush us economy even more. so we propose sweeping new important bands on russian products. this will keep russian products out of the european market and deprive russia of an additional 7000000000 euros in revenues. were also proposing to extend the list of products that cannot be exported to russia anymore. as get more from the w, terry shea. dina with correspondents, terry schultz in brussels. that welcome a terry. let's start with at the tone of the commission. presidents us speech. she was, she was in fighting mood. that's right. the european commission and ursula of underlying herself, have been threatening for some time to bring forth this 8th package of sanctions against russia. and now this combination of the sham referenda, putin's mobilization of, of more people to fight in ukraine. his,
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his new nuclear or his repeated nuclear saber rattling, has all really gotten on the nerves of the european commission. so ursula underline says she wants to make the kremlin pay for what she calls, bringing escalation against ukraine to a new you look to a new level. so talk you through these latest functions and how that work. so as you heard, underlying mentioned, they want to ban the import of some 7000000000 euros more of products into the e u. they also really want to try to prevent technology from getting to the russian military, which of course is using it to fight in ukraine. so they're looking again at semiconductors, at other high technology to, to keep it away from the russian military. there's also a pretty interesting development on individuals who would be targeted for sanctions . and that's going to include, for example, people who helped organize these referenda in the for russian occupied regions of ukraine. and there will also be a band if this, if these measures passed,
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there would also be a ban on e, you citizens sitting on boards of russian national companies. now of course in germany that will bring up the name of your heart. schroeder, who sits on a lot of these boards and this proposed cap on oil prices. how's that going to work? and this is a very complicated question, phil. and it certainly is in the beginning phases of, of being implemented in the european union. the g 7 has agreed in principle to put a cap on the price that could be paid for russian oil that has not yet been agreed to by all e u countries. and what wonder line is proposing in this package of sanctions? is li, the legal framework, so that should all e u countries agree to this price cap on oil that the laws would already be in place? and this is something now that e, u ambassadors, what we'll be discussing here at the end of this week. and i spoke to an official tonight who said that perhaps if all goes well, this entire package may be adopted by the time there's a, there's a summit next week. okay, thank you for that. terry addie doubly correspond to schultz in brussels or the
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results of the so called a referendums, held in for regions of ukraine are occupied by russia are in officials in store by moscow say between 87 and 99 percent of residents voted yes to be annexed. by the russian federation, some separatist leaders of all ready, formerly requested incorporation new crimes present. zalinski says he will defend all his countries territory and force russian troops out of the occupied regions. applause and don yeske chris. the results of the so called referendum came in for the russian baked authorities. it was a day they'd been waiting for for years. the visitors fitness under them, we were dreaming about this in 2014. and then we were making history ideally, and that's what this is in a book to day we live in historic days. we are reuniting with our big motherland murphy with great russia, lily, se, according to officials and before occupied regions and overwhelming majority of
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roads were cast in favor of russian annexation with a high turn out. but ukrainians, who recently fled those areas till a very different story. so selected austin results were nicely drawn up on paper. but in reality people didn't fold up a kind of the turn out, wasn't that large? those people are very much opposed to the referendum. no one wants to join russia. no one novice comes with that. with this pressure, people are scared to what will yes, cognition. and yet, but i saw members of the voting commission filling and ballads themselves while sitting in their cars. i thought with my own eyes, they did the same in their voting districts in them. i know my relatives, my friends sicily, no one voted in a home. you only hello, what the clipper, this is what the referendum is. is this what free will is walking around with assault rifles and making others sign ballads. sure. keith and it's rest on their
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lives. have denounced the referendums as illegal and illegitimate. say 1st of all you do this, fos in the occupied territories cannot even be called an imitation of a referendum when you we will ok to protect top people in the her son region in these parisha region in dumbass image currently occupied areas of the hockey region and in crimea, if cromwell, the u. s, said it would ask the you, unsecure to counsel, to condemn the votes with the resolution, ordering russia to withdraw from ukraine that condemns these. but with moscow having a veto in the council, there's no chance of the resolution passing with the same votes out of the way it's, it's most up to president putin just how fast he wants to complete the final step. and next in the occupied territories and escalating his 7 month old war, once again. ah,
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a european union laid, a se, ruptures in the gnawed stream pipeline were probably caused by sabotage scientists recorded undersea explosions or on the lines connecting at russia and germany. and there in the baltic phase, now churning with x k escaping gas. though there have been no claims of responsibility. poland says the leaks mark an escalation in the war on you cried. a kremlin spokesman said it would be stupid and absurd to blame russia for the attack fuel spilling out into the baltic sea. afterward, the eas, top diplomat, joseph burrell, says, is a likely act of sabotage. b 2 at nordstrom pipelines linked russia and germany. 3 red dots, mac, the places where the leaks were detected even though the pipelines are not currently delivering rushing gas to europe. they're still full of fuel. european
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leaders say they're fairly certain about the cause of the leaks says that we have swedish intelligence, but we also have received information from denmark. and based on this, we concluded that this is probably a deliberate act. it is probably a case, a sabotage. they also told an feel gall met sabotaged the e. u has vowed retaliation for any attack on the energy network. the leaks are expected to last for at least in the week. and only then can investigations begin. and while nod stream pipelines $1.00 and $2.00, and now out of action, there's a conflict brewing over the other major source of europe's gas from russia. this is the transit line through ukraine gas from is threatening to sanction ukraine's state gas company nuff the gas because the ukrainians have been seeking arbitration to make gas from pay it's bill for transporting gas through ukraine to central
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europe. and that could result in gas from halting gas exports to europe. through ukraine. just keeps getting worse, doesn't it? alarm as their car is an advisor to the ukrainian energy ministry and has been an advisor to the c e o. of the ukrainian state gas company. she joins us from burning . thanks for joining us. welcome to the w. this argument has had a much lower profile in the media. is it likely to end in this pipeline being cut off as well? hello. oh yeah, definitely. yeah. the dead swan. oh, the sign that russia is very serious in desire to actually year, ah, raise all this tiegs in energy were against to europe, and the supply now on listed at the sound of the contractual obligations through ukraine bed. even these to mount, i think, is very considerable now for europe,
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when it does not have any possibilities of either sources of thrash and gas. so actually that the last route to euro excludes, ah, the darkest dream. that seats no other ways, how to deliver rush and gas. and even though they're threaten us with their sanction, against nothing else. and actually they can see there that are the actions of narcan does where unfriendly. and they want to do that from in unfriendly jurisdiction. patches, thirst, switzerland, right, a part of gas problems argument is that ukraine has failed to fulfill its contractual obligations by refusing to allow gas through separatist controlled to hans, they don't have a point. ah no,
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because they occupied this controlling point and we lost control on this particular point. and we suggested to red route the yes to another point to where it says to jack and which is capable to deliver all necessary amount of yes. and actually they can go to arbitration as well, even they see that you grade does not full sealants obligation, right? but as, as you say, that the notion, the idea of arbitration is one that goes from dislikes and because there's as use as you say, other said it is in an unfriendly jurisdiction. now, it probably comes as news to many of us that russia is still sending gas through ukraine to the west. isn't it in ukraine's interest to see about to halter that and another source of russian income removed? i don't think that this is said the income and source from russia,
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that's about digital film to follow obligations to transport these guess to europe, and we are reliable partner and we're very much cherish our reputation. understood . that's what's indifferent. i understand. i'm changing subject slightly because i am aware that as well as advising the energy ministry, you're also a ukrainian, the ambassador. extraordinary. so a word then about these, these votes that russia has been holding in occupied ukraine, and of course, they be inevitable. yes, to russian annexation. what's, what's your response to those? that's just an analogy of sake and don't hold these take a referenda because bad and misuse of the term eraser. and this is not a referenda that and another c n as
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a show which was orchestrated by russians and all of us were absolutely aware that about death possible result of these the of sate in advance. so that's why we were absolutely ready, was this results, and we will continue to fight for our territories and for our freedom. thank you so much for spending time and joining us on the w. alonda zacko, ukrainian ambassador, extraordinary an advisor to the ukrainian energy ministry. thank you. thank you. ah, plans are by the u. k. government for huge tax cuts financed by borrowing have drawn strong international criticism. the international monetary fund issued a rare warning to a major world economy saying the tax cuts may fuel inflation and the likely to increase economic inequality. plans have already triggered volatility on the market,
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forcing the bank of england to announce today that it will buy as much government death as needed to restore order. the government plan announced on friday for deep cuts and the regulations are intended to be 5, a stagnant economy instead of triggered an economic crisis and seem support for the opposition. surgeon is the head of the opposition labor party. they've lost control of the economy. now, you know, we all understand when the international issues crises that cause fluctuations in the market. but that isn't this case. this is a situation where the government has self inflicted harm on our economy and people looking at their mortgages, looking at prices this morning, will be worried sick, i think. and i wouldn't be surprised if a little bit angry that the government has lost control of the economy, a self inflicted wounds, and they're now picking up the bill. let's take a closer look at this with philip in when he's the economics editor of the you case, observe a newspaper economics writer for the guardian. welcome to d,
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w. a part of the u. k. new government lost control of the economy. well, it's make some really significant, there's coming to office, it's just taking over from the previous foreign johnson regime and the blue and now huge amount of all of which things done with borrowed money. and that's just going to add to the again, the government already has and that's going to the supermarket because, you know, just adding to something that isn't going to generate growth, which i think is most economist is a recipe for disaster. and how's this affecting households? and businesses well, households now going to see them all, but as far as, i mean, they're already seen and we'll just rise. and, and that's the problem because obviously we are a property market economy have been for some time. we do get
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a manufacturing on top of the services seeking financial services. awful lot of the economy is driven by what goes on in the market. and that's always talks increase. so i think one of the analogies that people have used is the britain this now putting is for the seller writer to try and generate growth with tax cuts. and that is just for the bank to put his foot on the brake. and you know, when you drive a car with a foot on the accelerator to break, you're probably going to engine ok, but the government says there's no need to change course the u. k. is economic fundamentals are found, they say, and the bank of england is taking action to calm the situation. we'll hear from the number to the treasury, andrew griffith and then come back to you. we've got a very, we've got a very strong balance sheet, the u. k. has the 2nd lowest debt to g d p ratio in the g 7, the bank is to say is taken the timely action that it does it's, it's its job to regulate financial markets. and then what the government's got to do is to provide people with that confidence
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a really big interventions to help every single household with the cost of energy. if we hadn't done that and just think about what the implications would be in terms of people's confidence. and their cost of living this winter. so fairly pittman, the government's due to flash out the details of the plan in november. just explain to us what happens then and why about waiting so long. while they're waiting so long because they haven't really worked out what they're going to do, they have a plan to try and generate more growth with even more tax cuts. and they know all that see about how to do that because they realize that rest of the financial community, economists, analysts go bankers are all saying, well, actually are skeptical, but this is going to work. so they have fitness it, in some way to convince they also have we have a body in the, in the office or budget of civility that 10, that's been given instruction since 2010 or sort of adjudicating on every project.
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they have to come in and they will say actually this plan is going to work that already said in your face. and the government is now very wary of a budget that is just going to add to even more criticism. the big one of the big headlights today is that the international monetary fund is added to these criticism, saying that those plans would increase inequality and worse and inflation and at downing street should rethink them. this sounds like quite a severe telling off for a g 7 country. but why is a little local economic difficulties and put it that way in the u. k. why is that even on the i m f radar? well, the elements has been criticizing most european countries without meaning them for the bailouts that they've been pushing through over the last 6 months from germany . that doesn't like anything that they've been doing because they think they're to
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blunder. just spraying money around on the rich and poor to try and get through this energy process and you know, different what you have done as really excited the math really got line. great is because we've added on top of so we've not just have an emergency energy price cap, which is trusting a 150000000000. we've added on top tax cuts, which will be recovery, which will go on forever. so that's really the u. k is also part of a reserve currencies. so the year i was a euro as a reserve currency, the dollar, the n and sterling is as well. so now we're one of the reserve company currencies of this, well, the all messing about suddenly causing chaos. and the next thing, so this is a moment in history when the last and i need is a country to start causing unnecessary scales. and so just a brief word then about government thinking because with a country facing
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a recession, rising inflation and a post covey, economic hanover, what is this new government hoping to achieve by these tax cutting measures? well, they have a theory. the theory is like i sort of ronald reagan condo, you go and borrow the money and give it to the rich and entrepreneurs in tax cuts and they will learn and really they will build factories. they will invent things. they look out earlier in the morning because they can make more money and they will then generate the kind of tax returns you need in the future as a country. all mean the britain goes from a gross right of about one and a half percent a year to basing sooner office and that's going to happen over the next 3 to 4 years. they think their problem is that they've held this theory for many decades. they've now have the chance to implement it,
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but they're doing it right of the point when we have high inflation. so actually all they're doing is stoking even more inflation, but they can't help themselves. this is the theory. this is what they think generate growth. and they don't really care, but the economic environment plowing their foreign into is actually really stony, rocky ground, gonna break faro cause chaos buys very clear. thanks for joining us and outlining that to so clearly flip in from the garden and observant news. thank ah, iran has now seen 12 days of protests over the death of 22 year old and masa armine, who died in police custody demonstrations have been met with a violent response from all authorities, human rights groups, lately 76 people have died in the crackdown which is causing concern for iranians around the world. the w matched to be writing athletes now living here in germany,
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who were worried about relatives taking part in the protest. ah, iran is rebelling. but some iranians are stuck on the side lines. one chair mercer it could have been me and massa me needs place with them, but i've had similar experiences in iran when i went the practice at the university . the garnish, the morality police mistreated me in the same way as well by the man paris. if i shady and cost for our metty poor job, our professional taekwondo athletes originally from iran, they fled the regime 3 years ago. the internet is what connects them to family and friends. but the regime blacked out internet connections last week. now messages don't reach home. oh mahoney is bought in a somewhat southern bahama when i was lost in touch with my sister. she told me that my family took to the streets this fighting for freedom. the police beat up my
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sister, her hands were bleeding. i'm so worried for a shady, one second place in taekwondo at the 2010 asian games. but now she and partner made the point to john are so consumed by any news that slips out of iran. that not even sports takes their mind off of things. in berlin, for shady trains kids in taekwondo, but doesn't want to upset them in that class. by little man, i just told the kids, the practice that a lot is happening in iran. i didn't want to go into details to get them out from wasn't what remains for them are demonstrations the refugees join in germany and social media. oh, man for their own father. my follow is aunt jess from a wrong think they're international. i'm glad that for the 1st time the world is hearing app please for freedom, which holl, i'm kid quillen. do anybody have any more so them are that each other?
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because for them the fight against the regime in iran just went into another round well, the day is nearly done, but the compensation continues online. you can find this on twitter. i. d w, yours, follow me out. fill gail. have a good day with
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how they can go in for, and that's how they can also go terribly. ah, what you know need to ah this is the w news live from by and then the european union outlines its latest package of sanctions against russia. they include new trade restrictions and a cap on the price of oil, as well as targeting officials responsible for brussels, described us sham referendums and also on the program. russia.


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