tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle October 2, 2022 2:30am-3:00am CEST
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it is, but what happens when the power of taxation is undermined? you won't pay taxes and politics starts october 21st on d. w. mood swings and peer pressure. welcome to puberty. it kicks in any time between the ages of $9.14. it's a time full of new experiences. your body thoughts changing dramatically and producing sex hormones. neural connections are pruned or strengthened in the prefrontal cortex, the decision making part of the brain that also controls impulses. what are the
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biggest challenges of puberty? we'll look into that this week on, in good shape with puberty for girls. that's when they 1st get there period. but studies show that it's happening earlier than ever, on average, 9 months earlier than 40 years ago. experts think that might be due to woman disrupting chemicals in the environment, such as pesticides and softening agents in plastics. the early onset of puberty also causes unwonted side effect sooner. oily skin can result in what every teenager dreads pimples. dermatologist yell oddler walks us through the problem of acne in their properties. indeed mention
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humdrum puberty there is an increase in mail hormones due to the sexual organs becoming active. and it also happens to girls. they also have male hormones, even only a little less of either those hormones stimulate the spacious glands, they grow and stimulate, acting up. the acne acne am. pimples are often blamed on bad hygiene, but is not really true. if this kind sizes from his a not a sign of poor hygiene that it's something happening deep inside the skin's pores. there's strong inflammation, there was no dirt is something on the surface of the skin and it can't cause acne also isn't come, but it's good to wash your face. well, especially if you have acme right. if, if the guns prior to the flesh of money using lots of soap and scrubbing the acne and peeling it is the wrong response that can make the acne worse and trigger inflammation. and the whole thing is made worse still. if you eat foods that release more growth hormones into your body, things like cow's mil, sugar,
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white flour, fast food, because even smoking marijuana makes your skin greasy or an can promote acne. i think a house for that and send owen to improve your complexion. the doctor recommends zinc selenium, and apply a tin rich foods. meat contains lots of zinc not come, concedes and oats. they're a good source of selenium and biotin and omega 3 fatty acids are good because of that anti inflammatory properties. brazil nuts have the most selenium. hoffen us a day is actually enough them and thus a few food isn't nutritious enough of them. you might need supplements, but i recommend you measure blood levels. first. there are a multitude of products that claim to make. acme go away. we explain which really work and which ones you should steer clear of. some of the recommended products are in the skin care. i'll at the local drug store. no, i'll pick
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a little acme and pimples are in illness. it's better to go to a doctor than buy something in the cosmetics. i'll them off. some people swear by tooth paste to tree, tack me. that sound passively idle, using paste. instead tooth paste, can inflame the area, and doesn't really have any healing effect. the battle might be gone, but the white head is still there, vice and pool. the corner without lemons are acidic, and that helps just like vinegar, water does to strengthen the skins natural ph level. but pure lemon might be too acidic diluting one or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one leader of water is ideal to imitate the skins own p. h level housing a. t. m ornate. if i'm feedback that honey has an anti bacterial quality. people use it on dry lips to it, moisturizers and it's a great home remedy. you can put it on inflamed areas of the skin. garlic isn't very user friendly. you smell like garlic on the areas you treat. i've never recommended it. it wouldn't be my home remedy of choice. my leavings house with on
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the internet. you always find tips to fight pimples. sex is supposed to help. is that true? as about sex when, when we have sex, our sexual hormones are raised somewhat, hormone levels go up. so women get more female hormones and men more male hormones, but that has no effect on acne effect of the ottoman. oh, so if the most wonderful activity on earth doesn't help, what does, and how long will it take to get through his pocket? if anthony is definitely curable, there's a huge arsenal of therapies. don't waste time looking for remedies yourself or think it's just a cosmetic problem. you can solve with products from the beauty, i'll get help and prevent all that suffering, especially because it can lead to scars, be proactive, and the treatment will be over in the acne healed in a couple of months when i ha warnock. and the acne delegate alls guys,
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so acne is an illness, it has nothing to do with bad hygiene. if you have act me, find a dermatologist as fast as you can. it'll clear up in just a few months. adolescence is a time of figuring out who you are, who you want to be and how you feel about the people around you. appearance is all important, but many young people are unsettled by all the ways their body is changing. according to a w h o study, in many european countries, 20 to 30 percent of 15 year olds. think they're too fat among goals, the figures even higher in some countries it's as much as 50 percent. dollars does mum. he and hog m o social media hang on social media every day. and you're always confronted with how other people look. god, it was social media is possessed. social media especially is filled with models who
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are quite then, what i promise to or celebrities who have botox, lips coward, is enough. and this puts a lot of pressure on us to be beautiful, especially on young women. let's talk off on, am ya kado a young from on house with for a long time, rebecca felt she couldn't compete with the models on the stars on instagram and tick tock in. so lifelong save an inch b o i still use you look in the mirror, you think it how something's wrong with me. uh huh. i'm not fit enough. i'm not curvy enough copies. i have a pimple on my face, so i don't have a pumped up lips. happy picture english is have missed alpha for phillip from the now 22 year old felt under pressure comparing herself with female influences tree
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it unhappiness and soft out my lips, but wilson is naturally complex. astarte my self confidence is completely destroyed when i see the beautiful ideal every day over and over again on the internet in lynch. be your cooker done than i look in the mirror myself, and i feel lousy chaise. i feel fat, i feel ugly. miss hess lis as wish i feel crushed and sometimes i feel really bad because of it. aunt i'll tie vesit seamless, slashed as a big young girls in particular seek help from psychologist miriam hoff because they feel fatter, uglier and worth less than the stars on social media. again. and i as a sort of a move in general, adolescence compared themselves or locked it said developmental process to integrate yourself into society. and this also includes comparing yourself with older people with others asking which group do i belong to? the who do i fit with? who much who don't i fit with? i think about this. and so this developmental process is completely normal,
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but now it's running up against unrealistic ideals on social media that we don't have a tool in our everyday lives. and that's what so nasty. just ask a minor doing everything for the most beautiful photo, the most attractive selfie. but many young women are chasing an impossible ideal. they measured themselves against filtered and photo shopped, images of super thin models on the internet. not many girls manage to distance themselves. instead, they feel so anxious that their view of themselves suffers. biskin need to addictive behaviors and depression version the adolescent cancer, we see the whole range of eating disorders including bulimia, anorexia, binge eating, and these can cause lasting damage to our sense of self worth. this in turn can lead to social anxieties. such is no longer daring to show yourself because you're
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constantly questioning yourself, measuring yourself against ideals, and realizing that you will never be able to meet those. so you give up, don't go out, withdraw, stay at home, all the way up to avoiding going to school or survive. all hin rebecca wanted to be as thin as her instagram idols and harbor the off yoga bish up column. i lost a lot of weight in van, and at one point my here fell out. how's the final my know? my family said to me, you're regressing. what's happening to you de rigueur joy? beckett stitched look. you look like a child. russell's mother perceives m. joseph, elsewhere the and can, i could also get back into my old kens clothing lesson regarding a past, and at some point it click on come, then there, click, and i thought to myself and i, i want to become a woman over and i want to be big and strong growth and i'm just destroying myself physically and mentally about college old sergio's cup. what she didn't menstruate for a year and even the smallest physical activities became too much. she knew she couldn't
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go on like that to day when she looks at models and instagram. she knows that the photos are neither real nor realistic. instead she's learned to like herself, as she is not flawless, but nonetheless beautiful bus. if from if natural, if my her, what do we do now is always look in the mirror and say, okay, the way i am is perfect. the it has been, isn't perfect. i have to love myself there, but that's the only way i can be loved by others leaving out look how shall fall and i give gone google and then the only way i can deal with it psychologically law when, when teenage hormones kick in the body and box on a rollercoaster. ride one that can be full of surprises. that can be unexpectedly pleasurable, but also stream the embarrassing. so what's going on?
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d w retorted derek williams has the arm says so you just woke up drowsy and warm, but something's not right. feels awfully moist and sticky down in your nether regions. oh my gosh, you whisper. i just went to bed. no, you just had a wet drink. ah! what dreams, what are they? and why do we have them? well 1st we may call them wet drains, but the proper name is not terminal emissions. it's when you have an orgasm in your sleep spontaneously without any of the sweaty action that usually precedes it. you
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ejaculate without the conscious physical stimulus, excess or masturbation. often not turn emissions happen during a dream that's clearly erotic. but they can also happen in dreams that you struggle to define as erotic at all. common misconception that all the guys have wet dreams, but women had them to the logistics and the mechanics are different, of course, but they can happen to anyone. the point is where dreams are absolutely normal. i mean, even though not everyone goes to the experience there, really comments. nocturnal emissions usually start in puberty, which kicks in at different times for different boys, but generally begins between the ages of $9.14. that's when young male bodies begin to make a lot more of a hormone that you've probably heard of testosterone,
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as levels of testosterone rise. it has all kinds of biological effect. for instance, that can drive up levels of oil and his skin causing ethnic. and it prompts here to grow on a young man's face and in his own pit and in his gone. and it also encourages his testicles, which is where testosterone is produced by the way, to begin producing firms from that moment on and barring any mishaps, sperm will be turned out in the vast numbers and at a steady rate for the rest, that young fellow's life and have all the farmhouse to go somewhere. sometimes it just comes out in a wet dream. researchers say the underlying mechanism behind having an orgasm when you aren't even awake, involves a phase asleep known as ram or the rapid movement phase. that's when you have those particularly vivid dreams that i was talking about earlier. during ren phases of
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the night, human males frequently get erection. so a lot of blood flows into the penis, having the knock on effect of making it a lot more sensitive. it shouldn't really come as a surprise that sometimes things get a little out of hand. one thing that a lot of guys wonder is whether nocturnal emissions are somehow inevitable if you don't ejaculate otherwise regularly while the data are. and then on that yet. although studies have looked at whether more frequent, masturbation reduces the risk of wet dreams, the science is still out. but what is clear is that there's really no 100 percent way to ensure that you never have one. if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. some people feel ashamed of their where dreams, like their body has done something dirty and they didn't even concerned. but hey,
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cut yourself some slack, it was a dream. there's nothing to be ashamed of. just be happy that the plumbing is working as advertised. in any case, wet drains are mostly an issue for our younger selves. dr. say that from lowest dies, they'll happen last often as he ages and his testosterone levels fall. when you're young and not through emissions happen for the 1st time, unexpectedly. they can be pretty scary. so all you moms and dads out there, make sure that you explain wet drams and what they are to your kids before they hit puberty. it could really save them a big freak out here, or much more likely when it happens to them for the 1st time. just say a teenage idle young people often become completely obsessed
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with their favorite pop star. and the stars of cape up in spy, even more diversion than most with millions of fans around the road with because you'll crush doesn't have to be an out of reach pop star. that it can still be someone who never actually meet in the real world. digital flirting can be fun, but it also has its risks. i don't yeah. a 15 year old lucy was in love with the boy she met online. you showed me her. they had a purely digital relationship using what's her head? daddy's does the thought upside. this one the most idle is you know, because it's so far away from what's happening in the real world is
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a lot easier to be vulnerable and express thing as like, sadness and love. i'm, i'm one does ask me for time my cat died and i don't think too many people around me knew about it. i didn't really feel the need to open up about it. i because i'd already done the online hotter about diggity. i just think it how shall i took a game up? ah. the lucy's partner lived hundreds of kilometers away. still, she felt close to him to their online exchanges. cowski she after i met him on with me called al, it sounds cliches, but when you're not brave enough to talk about your fancy, you can send them on whatsapp upset and you don't feel like you told anyone in front of you don't have to deal with the consequences i live with, i is more like i'm trusting you with one of my secrets, and that's who i really am. but a sense of connection comes about because it feels like you have a special connection with one another either because you created it by yourselves.
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no one else is a part of it, not even the outside road. i think you find yourself in a digital bubble. the time bobby, and within their bubble the couple appeared to be growing ever closer. lucy was sure she'd found her fair retail prince. those options of his earliest kind, the text messages i only saw the personality traits that i wanted to see. he can fake along, i'm especially online, he get a message and you can interpreter any way you one and the so much room for interpretation to say, oh, you're like this and that. and most importantly, you're exactly what i'm looking. it's just down up fine. oh you, lucy was on cloud 9. she neglected real life in favor of her online relationship. at one point, it was just too much. she needed to meet her online love from england. my can can and i'm going on bad one can you can't take someone in your arm and she can't say
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you're sorry and express that 3 body language and i contacted the eyes of the gateway to the soles and the sense that selina psychologist, museum hoff knows that turning an online relationship into a real one is something many young people struggle with. after all, online relationships feed on fantasy of the various more been online context. the contact remains online only. then there's a lot of room for projection for idealization and fantasy. it was a lot of wishful thinking when a thief, the real life encounter is missing and because we can't compare it to anything. in reality, we fill the gap with projections that have nothing to do with the person as yet, as about garnished from a dap as ordinary annotate. it's like young girls being in love with hop stars faster than they project all their hopes and dreams for their prince charming on to them without having even met them. i've so kenner doesn't, that's was an online relationship, is like, there's no reality checking for as
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a degree. i live at gagnen, mich stetson. that just appointment is inevitable. often, digital relationships are a kind of escape mentioned if it's, you know, on april who invest in online relationships. i usually avoiding real intimacy. it's the fear of inadequacy. i don't know if they hide behind the computer screen, the profile name behind the construct that they've created and avoid any confrontation with the other person i. otherwise they might become aware that no one could ever fulfill the expectations. they've constructed themselves when dish mia in early schools play. it had after 2 years in the online relationship. lucy finally met her prince charming. off as were asked on flowers, bitterly disappointed. you have expectations that the other person will give you what you need of his own. i'm at the higher your expectations off the more disappointed you were through yesterday when i was visiting him,
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i stayed at his place. it was during my 2 months, summer vacation. we lived together in one room and it was horrible and everything got on my nerves. settlers can't elisha alice's alfred rig? lucy was frustrated and had to admit against me, but i didn't know me a toys if he didn't even know how. i take my coffee finn, and he didn't know what i'm like when i'm angry or my real personality. because you'd only heard the stories i told it was beard is like you've projected a picture on to someone who thought, okay, something that's not real. and because you've never really seen in don, vanished when i'm actually dash, everything about me surprises you that you never saw on my facet as his wounded agnes bending conference. i said, that's why in hindsight, i'd say there never really was any intimacy at all. and bob found it was all make believe at that far the out of he's gone since musician dinner. the whole physical side of things isn't just missing from the conversation was were also in the relationship, has watching,
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builds intimacy. and i find that it's important to see how open your partner is to that. now, any notice these things out in real life and have i $0.30 is a totally missing online off. and when does he can't say here? i'm giving you my hand. i'm from, isaac const, here is, has a mind, hampton, but it's more like, hey, look, your message are holding hands is something completely different. handle holding. hands can keep your feet on the ground. dynamo, we don't want to talk and that really gives lucy butterflies in her stomach. puberty as a turbulent time, notice for the young people going through it, but also for their families. the good news, at some point, it's over by 18 or 20 body and brain will usually have returned to an even keel. his are round up of helpful hints for navigating the many ups and downs of life with teens. try talking but don't expect too much from your 1st
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attempt in it will likely take a number of tries before you get through consult other adults and the teenagers life have they also observe the st worrying behavior? if not, perhaps it's not such a problem and try to ease the pressure about how you can best be supportive seek professional help. if nothing changes, there are a number of professionals who could provide support and try to avoid making accusations or playing down your teenagers concerns or anything. and don't be and too much of a hurry to handle it. with. a exercise is good for the body and soul,
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whatever your age. so why not give this latest work? how to promote alia? i go with hello. today we have an exercise for our arms. all your needs are too light weight, for example, to affordable of. let's go take your to a weight, and then you raise your arms, your shoulder height and then you move back. your arms are slightly bend it and go control to always up and dial with . with this exercise to train your whole muscles off your arm and of course your upper back with
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d w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the fight for market dominance. east, this is west. good. instead, with the w business beyond who, how did she become at all hitler's favorite director? and how did any become a forgotten film pioneer? leaning, he finished and arnold fund between hitler and hollywood. in 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening a film project that became a major milestone in their lives. love seduction, and our ice cold passion starts october 8th on d. w in.
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ah. the dw news line from berlin, ukraine, the brights. another key telling from russian the occupation ukrainian soldiers are filmed, raising their flag in lima and in the countries east. moscow says it's troops pulled out to invite and circumvent. also coming up. angry protestors attacked the french embassy, became a pass was capital for water dougald. that's after true leaders accused friends of harboring the countries i was to president. they say.
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