tv DW News Deutsche Welle October 3, 2022 9:00am-9:30am CEST
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ah this is the w news life from both in brazil are leading presidential candidates ahead for a ronald folks after neither received the majority of the old votes counted left as challenger and for the president we sent out a silver is ahead of the current right wing leader, president giant books and out of the 1st few rules are held in indonesia for
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victims of santa brian and said, he did say at least 125 people were killed after fans of the losing side story. the pitch of police responded with he is losing the battle field. reality he faces is i think, irreversible. for time top american general david patricia says the us and its allies would destroy russia's troops and equipment. if you include if, who uses nuclear weapons, if you can't push the head with its counter offensive and now fully controls the strategic eastern city of mine. and as the heavens open with the title of the line in singapore is not so glorious feeling of spinning in the right will be the one contended. ah,
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i think for solon, welcome, brazil's presidential election will be settled in a 2nd round voting on october, the 30th, as after no candidate took an absolute majority of votes on sunday. with nearly all of the ballads counted former president lewis in our seo little silver, who is simply known as low as 48 percent, while incumbent jaya of. so now to received an unexpectedly strong 43 percent moderates that morning. it is trading with 4 percent. louis spoke to supporters in the commercial capital l polo putting an optimistic spin on the result. it, i always believed that we would win these elections. and what i can tell you is that we are going to win these elections. this is just extra time for us. the race is proven tighter than most surveys, suggested revitalizing incumbent president of both scenarios campaign. after he insisted that poles could not be trusted, is surprising, showing dashed,
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lose hopes of a quick win. this is, i think we will form a good alliance to win the election saturday. well, christiana margot is from did use portuguese for brazil service. tell us a little bit more about this result. i mean, we're going to have to wait a little longer. of course, to see what happens, but we, you surprised? yes, completely surprise. i guess it was a big surprise for all the brazilians. i did polls the election polls show the very difference and situation with lula, a heads from both on idle and with a big advantage. so now the analysts are trying to figure out what really happened . i would say there was a higher absence. many people went on, couldn't go to vote on like 20 percent. so i guess this could be because many are, were fearing tis political violence. and also we saw many queues long, long,
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long time to vote. so many people probably just said we are not going to wait. so does change it. maybe it is results. lewis currently ahead is lead brazil before but tell us a little bit more about who he is. yes sir, when you on it, he was how you, when you on union leader and her very popular his government and brazil was really he left the government with a huge popularity is till. and after being accused of corruption, he was in jail. and then after the supreme court decided that this was not a fair judgement, he was freed. and now he's the, the big hope for the brazilians to defeat most on either the followers from lula. i believe he, he would be the right person to do that. of course, you gave us a little bit of an idea about the,
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the election atmosphere before. what's the actual situation, like in brazil at the moment? what's the political climate like going into this next round of voting? and there is a big polarization and now is going to goes to further the division in the society . i would say we could expect for the 2nd turn and more political violence and more fear from voting also may be attacks against the media as we have seen, against the justice system from the ball. so not a followers. and i would say that it's, it's now much more difficult at to lula also to run for the 2nd term. but at the same time, we had other candidates like sim, only tablets. and she could probably go now to offer hers his, her support to both or not to lula. and sorry, so i guess her desk would be,
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he could lula shoots and when much more supports from the other candidates to ok. so things are, could be looking good for luther, not so good for for the voting atmosphere. it's not the sort of atmosphere you want that's conducive to, to good election. but cassandra, thank you very much for coming in and bringing us your insight into the selection. thank, are much indonesian president, joker widow has ordered an investigation into a deadly brian at a football stadium on the weekend. and fans of the losing team stormed the pitch police fire t gas triggering a st. pete. the 1st few rules have been held for the 125 people who were killed. the death toll having been revised down by officials or indonesia correspondent killed matters for these report about the events in my long on the island of java.
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silence on the soccer pitch the day after the milan stadium disaster. all of this has now become evidence in a desperate investigation of how things could get so out of hand outside the hospitals, in my lung, in the province of east java. hundreds of people are searching for their loved ones . like this father. he can find his 18 year old daughter. so far, i've been to 3 hospitals. and i can't reach her. maybe the phone is on low battery. i also can't reach her boyfriend. the tragedy unfolded the night before when frustrated supporters of the losing home team invaded the pitch throwing bottles and other items. police officers fired tear gas triggering a stampede. the world suckers governing body fever prohibits tear gas in or near stadiums. the local police chief decline to answer our questions about the event. what's clear is that the stadium was filled beyond capacity. 42000 tickets for
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a venue made to hold 38000 spectators. hospitals are now struggling to care for scores of injured. ah, initially we received 93 patients now 12 our left 5 with serious head injuries and 4 in critical condition. the rest on the way to recover ha ha linus. they have been outbreaks of violence at matches in indonesia before but not at the scale. the president has now suspended the league until further notice demanding a detailed investigation in what is one of modern histories worse stadium disasters? until now, by our correspondence sharon, maggie, it's to my long groups outside the stadium in my long. so it's one day after the disaster, do authorities have answers. now how this tragedy have unfold?
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yeah, been so right now i'm standing outside the country to hunt stadium in milan. and previously i went to the press conference on the national commission on human rights. and they said they now have pocket did videos and also voice note that show the use of force and also tear gas an o right now. the also asked everyone including the police and the military to be transparent during the investigation. it's day to after the disaster and the authorities are still looking into the cause of it, they haven't come into any conclusion yet. could the police have prevented the sand paid by refraining from firing t against while most observers, including a many on that is ends on the social media, agreed that the tear gas triggered to panic. according to the fever regulation, no firearms or crowd control gas should be carried or used by stewart's or police. when yesterday journalist asked the east gala police just like, oh,
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what you have watched earlier. whether it feeds their standard rule of procedure or not, the police declined to comment, but there is now an official investigation on who may be responsible, who gave orders, who allowed police to bring it a tear gets into the 1st place. and also they are looking into this is a d, v, so we're still waiting for the investigation to be done by viet. so along in my long east java. thank you. let's take a look at some other stories making use around the world. british prime minister least crosses reversing her plans to slash taxes for the wealthy. the policy is a rebellion in her own party and lead to turmoil in financial markets. the decision is likely to put trust as leadership under increasing pressure less than 4 weeks after she came to power. religious and traditional leaders in booking offensive say the self declared you leader abraham, our as accepted the traditional resignation of the countries. now ex president fall on the nita bye junior army officers on friday to respond. concerned among
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whoa powers as the region band is a growing islamist insurgency, moderate pro and both via candidates and taking the lead. in both the general elections, voters cast their ballots for the countries complex. 3 way presidency. the election following a campaign plagued by threats of succession. political in finding an extensions around continues to be wrought by anti government protests, and the parliamentary speaker is warned that the unrest could de stabilize the country. officials have searched or urged security forces rather to respond harshly to any one they say is endangering public order. say media is reporting the board for he. protesters and police officers have been killed since the protests began over 2 weeks ago. oh, you'll never get rid of us. we are here. the women chant daily on the streets of
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command shall in kurdish west thereon. and in the holy city of ma, shout in the east, in spite of brutal repression across iran, thousands of women are demanding self determination and freedom more and more people are being detained, including many students. some university professes have suspended lessons until all students are released. the regime is playing down the unless b as they blame iran's enemies abroad. if all mccoy, named battle. yeah. i meant, if all me, the united states of america is inciting these misguided young people to rise up against the islamic republic buddy. bye at vol. it'll show what they will not succeed morrow. deuced ladon, the general promised retaliation for every attack on the regimes forces. the
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authorities rely on violence and propaganda in parliament, ultraconservative hard, linus rallied round the men at the top. we give our lives for you, our leader. they shouted, but no plans have been presented to deal with the grievances of their own citizens . even the regime supporters think that denying that there are problems is no solution. that's growing criticism of the rigid enforcement of the head. skull flores. i guess a shot and i'm not for over against the morality police, but they all the reason that many women in iran suffer to valesvi or failures by mom, even if the headscarf is compulsory, it should not be enforced in such a brutal manner and they're holla, but as i am available, other, some supporters of the regime think the headscarf protests could be the beginning, the end for iran joy
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a bit. they attack ambulances know that just because of the heads, garcia, muscles next. they will burn the koran and then the mosque while i'm out of the mortgage, is that it all down because she women life and freedom. that's why iranian women return to the street. it's putting increasing pressure on the conservative regime the latest on the war and ukraine now for us army general david betray us as nato would respond to any use of nuclear weapons by vladimir putin, by destroying all russian forces in ukraine. the warning come, several days after you crane sees the eastern city of the mon key russian supply hub. the defeat is a stinging blow to potent and triggered a cold from his chechen ally rum sancho dear off moscow to deployed low yield nuclear weapons it ukraine. gerald betray us gave a b. c, news, his personal assessment of how the us and its allies with respond in just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a nato,
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a collective effort that would take out every russian or can rhetoric conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield, ukraine, and also in crimea and every ship on the in the black sea. so dw corresponded to connelly joins me from the ukrainian capital. keith, how has that warning from the former general got down in ukraine. well definitely it's being listened to with a lot of intensity and kind of attention to be paid to these remarks from jump teresa, he's not the only us for my general to make similar comments in recent days. and there is a sense that even though they're saying this is all their personal opinion and that they're talking macy out of their prior experience. without talking to the current administration, there is a sense that this has been choreographed to send a message to moscow. and whereas previously, there was a sense that this was just bluff from the russian side. and no one really was willing to believe that this could actually happen. it was seen as
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a kind of symptom of russian weakness having to escalate the rhetoric. there is now increasing concern here that this might indeed happen, and there are reports people by id and tablets trying to work out what to do if this kind of attack, what happened. there is a growing sense that this is a risk, that israel all the while presidents lensky has announced gaines in ukraine south. what more can you tell us about the counter offensive list? the interesting thing, because all the summer we heard ukrainian figures talking about the south to record a song. and in the end it ended up being really seeming like a diversion tactic. because in the end we saw you crane putting most of its efforts into the east, into hot give region and the front lines that had san oh, not moving a great deal. but there is a sense that there is finally some movement going on there that the ukrainians are heading towards the city of castle from the north. now rather than just from the west. and this is the kind of isolated russian or exclaim of control on the west bank of the the pro river. the ukrainians have destroyed most the bridge is going across. it's very difficult for the russians to re supply those forces that of
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systems last week. that is a bit of ukraine that has been illegally annexed by russia. so this is you a direct threat to blame putins claim to be in this part of ukraine forever. and there is a sense and increasing a kind of panic to messages on russian social media from military bloggers that ukraine might actually have some success there next year. well, it's german unity day. so he, 2 years ago on the 3rd of october 1990 west germany and the german democratic republic came together and fully re unified. it was the 1st time since the end of the 2nd world war $9045.00, that there was a single german state again. chance, lola sholtes and president font fighter style my are expected to attend the main sir. celebrations in the city of airport later today. but for now, let's take a look at how re unifications came about berlin on the 3rd of october 1990. when to germany's became one again. it
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was soviet leader gorbachev's policies of glass not than perestroika had thought about german reunification. the fall of the wall marked the beginning of a new chapter for germany, and the beginning of a new era of appeasement, between east and west, russia and europe. we're both at 32 years later, putin's born ukraine has fundamentally changed that relationship. germany has imposed far reaching sanctions on russia and is now sending heavy weapons to fight russian soldiers on ukrainian soil. and ordinary germans attitudes towards russia have changed. hats full in my mind hasn't changed considerably because i hadn't quite expected russia to act with as much brutality as it has actually done. now i meet us as, as education as have anc isn't good to have a good image, really. that's not the current russian politics are, of course not. okay, and i have a personal fee as well,
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sir to so what was really positive for our unification then now has to be seen in a totally different line on the scene. while many germans support the government's current policies towards russia, there are significant differences in opinion in the east and west of the country. a recent study shows the satisfaction with the german government's reaction to the invasion of ukraine is lower in the east than in the west. when it comes to specific policies like the delivery of heavy weapons, the cap becomes even clearer. while 54 percent of germans living in the west are in favor of germany delivering heavy weapons to ukraine. only 32 percent of germans living in the east support it. there is of course, a reason for this imbalance to nicks. i'm a good, 1st of all, there is a different historic relationship to the soviet union slash russia, which isn't the soviet union any more. of course, on this and i, there are stronger ties to central and eastern europe. but if we did an actin,
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it wouldn't just the ukraine that would probably fall, but also poland, the baltic states, and so on the phone. and that can't be in germany's interests can not in the interests of his germans sought fence on on it to him. i got all the dos lockson's i getting more east than germans on board with the government's russia. policy will be a hard task. more than 30 years after germany was reunited, divisions remain between the former east and west. some sports news hour and inform you the one red bulls said you'll perez has won a very wet singapore grown pre. the mexican driver took a lead at the start and didn't look back championship lead amongst the stop and could only finish 7th and we'll have to wait to clench his 2nd straight drive. his title with the rain pouring down in singapore. the drive is new. they rain for slippery evening for policy to charlotte class that came at the start while he started sergio perez, go to way cleanly edging ahead of the ferrari man. and that's how they'd stay
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behind them. championship lead and max for staffing had fallen even further back down the great. he described the race, his messy, 5 safety car periods made it very stop start. because forget singing in the rain. this was more like spinning in the rain. ah. even while champions weren't immune, lewis hamilton slate off the track before offering this apology to his team. i had us what he's doing. and then for staff own who'd worked his way up to fi, did the same. by now, any chances of him clenching a 2nd title this weekend had long since evaporated. much like the drying track, the 2 man who can catch him in the standings cantering off into the distance. perez crossed the line in 1st. he was late adult, 5 seconds for breaking safety car rules for camp is victory.
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with, with phil, how big it alike celebrations, then for red bo, but the biggest celebration is still to come in the women's buddhist li, goodbye and munich. close the gap at the top. thanks to an easy formula. they try and do spoke to goals from linda diamond had by and to nil up. inside the 1st 20 minutes, the visitors slowed down slightly after that. but another 2 goals in the closing stages from leah, sheila rounded underscoring the greasy spine moved to within 2 points. of leaders all spoke the match of the weekend of the women's wound. as league though, came in cologne, they came out on top of a 6 goal thriller with told bina potsdam,
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complete with red cards, own goals, and miss penalties. we joined the action in the 1st half with the score tied at one or winter been potsdam, went to one a head through a man, the is lacquer or golden, a livid minutes. it looked like curtains for cologne. as lacquers 1st match, as captain was not going to plan. then came a moment of madness. from potsdam keeper, vanessa fisher. she saw red for a professional fowl in his locker at the end of the 1st half. but the cologne skipper's miserable day, got worse, and she saw her penalty safe by sub gorly jill fraser, after the break, cologne eventually made their numerical superiority coat. martina vin kafka answered as like his own goal by putting through her own net to make it to to before is like a redeemed herself to give her to the lead. and
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a sweetly struck free kick from moore to meliss, added some gloss to the score line, cologne back to winning ways. while potsdam remained without a league victory on sunday, in the men's boat as they get struggling here to belinda held hoffen hind to a one old draw. sh, i think. scoring the 25th minute oftentimes, and they come hedge netted this one is 200 under slager appearance at the home side responded through dordy, look back, he'll for his 3rd goal this season. heter still without a home when this term and it's on a late game out spoke scored more than twice for the 1st time. this is an initial free to victory over shy cash m ready in their marriage netted to early goals to give out for the solid, laid but shanker, for back and leveled after the break through tom house. aside in gold,
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him after ox or went down a man as under the hand, secure the victory? let 77th minute of spoke have now 13 wrote adequate look at some of the other sports stories from around the world. manchester cities adding allan has now scored hat tricks in each of his last 3. premier league home games is latest game against crosstown rivals. manchester united in a 63 victory. ireland has tallied 14 league gold so far more than double any one else. what he has done, i didn't teach you once when the bullies ride and disappear for the action and after tag the box. when, how was moved behind the central defender away of the action? so having crumbling incense when the bullish coming door i there in tennis, no bakovich has won the telephone open. the soap was in dominant form seeing of
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martin chillers in straight sets. it was brokovich as 19th when of july in 21 matches. the telephone title is his 3rd trophy this year, following titles in rome and at wimbledon. in modal gp, katie m. ryder. miguel ali vieira has won the ty, grown free. the portuguese defied the reigning conditions which delayed the start to cross the line point 73 seconds ahead of dechaudis jack miller. it's olive years 2nd bit re of the season. and remind her of the top story way following for you this our brazil's presidential election will be settled in a 2nd round runoff. no candidate took an absolute majority of votes on sunday. with milly, all of the ballots counted former president louise and nasty, noted as silva has 48 percent of the vote. while they compet jaya votes, and ao 2 has 43 percent. also, indonesia has set up an independent team to investigate
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who eco africa? droughts are hitting rwanda heard this year. now the government is taking action by providing free access to groundwater and teaching people how to use it to sustainably avoid power with. firstly, every one is responsible for protecting jeff. secondly, because we have to know how to use the water without wasting it. eco africa next on d, w o
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. d w. so talk, show, strong opinion, clear positions, international perspectives. every week we get to the point on our current topic with open controversial. commit it to the point on d w. m. how did she become at all for hitler's favorite director? and how did he become a forgotten filled pioneer? leading hyphen style and arnold funds. between hitler and hollywood. in 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening a film project that became
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