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tv   Ice Cold Passion  Deutsche Welle  October 9, 2022 12:02am-1:01am CEST

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ah, ah, devastated houses of to how we can with cars carried on money, effects of climate change. i mean, felt wired before a station in the rain forest continued carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. young people all over the world are committed to climate protection. what impact will they have? because change doesn't happen on its own. make up your own mind. w. late for mines. i have been sat down. i have been beaten. i have been taken straight it because we tried to to show dory of face of mafia all over the world. environmentalists are in
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danger. the enemy, ruthless corporations corrupted government agencies and criminal cartels. the one i think with a design and target environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d. w. ah, lini leaf and style was an injured dancer from berlin, searching for new perspectives. arnold frank was a celebrated film director searching for the perfect pictures for his mountain films frontline causal a month ago. thank was
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a great romantic whose skill lay in conveying the grandeur and beauty of the mountains to a wide audience historical bites of like millions of viewers in the 1920s, leaf and style was fascinated by fax, thrilling images. that this came out exactly how a skier feels when he's under way leaks this leaf in style decided to become a mountain film actress and contacted frank the director fell for the young dancer and became her teacher. she performed for and with them on screen and off in 1932 they travel to greenland to shoot the feature film as so s iceberg. the 1st german american film production is me and i presume both. thank and lenny reef install hope to make it in hollywood. hopefully it was to be a film of superlatives, based on a true story, the crash of general umberto nobela and his airship italia,
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while returning from the north pole in 1928. the rescue operation made headlines worldwide for thank and leaf and star s o s iceberg marked a turning point. she went on to make films for hitler, and shaped the image of the 3rd reich. meanwhile, thanks. fortune's plummeted. ah . blue. in may 1932. the ship borrow dino was anchored at the port of hamburg on board was film director arnold frank in a few hours he and his team planned to embark on a 6 month long trip to greenland. also, a board was asked audit
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a world war one flying ace, who always played himself in fangs films. every one was ready to go. just the lead actress was missing, lini leaf and style was holding up the largest film expedition of its day. the swan only felt so tired nima there were about 40 participants in this expedition and omitted to extra ships to smaller ships. so they could get around once they were there. i also took 3 planes for and students, and 3 polar bears from the hamburg zucker, mom had everything with them. that's all cell cluster by go help. the pressure on thank was enormous. the funding came from hollywood from the founder at universal studios, german and mcgray car lem that he'd contacted arnold thank a year before hoping that the director would have a good idea for new film. on go farther in an sites
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whiskey as thomas compton call in a magazine from back then called corolla. my grandfather saw pictures of greenland 50 austin beautiful coin. they were obviously the 1st photos of greenland had ever seen and showed icebergs, eyes huge icebergs. and evidently looking at these iceberg pictures made him realize. so for man, that's just my thing. what i've been doing for 20 years, socket, snow and ice. it's once a shot mother, new and ice. thank screenplay was inspired by the crash of the in ship italia, in the arctic, in 19 he ate. it, sparked the largest rescue operation of its day. in fact, story, a researcher gets stranded on an iceberg. his wife tries to rescue him by plain titled s o s iceberg. the film would be shot in greenland. log about the country as an iced him. he thought he could perfect his eyes been wonderfully barrel and in studio execs invited him to come to america to come in april
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1932 thank travel to los angeles for contract negotiations. he hope this film would be his big break in hollywood. the chances looked good as the director and his lead actress, lini, leaf install, had been successful pairing and durham, and cinema since the mid 19 twenties and had even attracted attention in the us. it was also clear to universal that facts idea had blockbuster potential. they struck a deal which would give thank a budget of a dizzying 1000000 ice marks. all that was missing was the contract of able to sleep with the car it was signed, an american director popped up from he just come back from greenland where he'd also planned to shoot an iceberg film to, to him. it wouldn't, he'd set off there on his own ship with 120 maps away,
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but just no 19 came back alive to go. the others had died hugging. now every one at universal was against the project. lemme universals director got up and asked me thank what do you have to say? did that mr. lemme le, i said i guarantee that on the 10th day off to my arrival in greenland, i'll be standing on an iceberg. filming, and cabling you actually ugly in cobbler. but frank didn't realize the challenges awaiting him in greenland. the spotless lemley mitigate, lemons, parting words, v expedition were and it can be done. but of course, the underlying message was also do it and so on and do it right. so your matters wish ledler had high expectations, trusting that frank would deliver outstanding footage as good. and you shouldn't be mental and it's always about what people can do. the gillonson humans so that they keep pushing the existing boundaries a little know she really both not is
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a former alpine ski racer and camera man. the footage he shot for james bond films is now legendary. funks in law, the frank films were an inspiration to anyone working in the field. and for new images they still have different images, other dimensions and contrasts. that's what the camera man or filmmaker is always after the lima and he him he to his thank would become the 1st person to shoot a feature film in greenland. lemon been then given the time in which they made it. they have my utmost respect homes, many constable to speak in 1993 adventurer and extreme mountaineer hind hud messner crossed greenland on foot. a 2200 kilometer trek england been driven to magnet should complex are making a film in greenland is much more complex than making one in the himalayas. b in
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greenland, you have to fly quite long distances and the helicopter can't get you to the mainland to do your shopping. and then get you back to what you're doing. and field is dennis miller shooting a film is not just a question of creating images with the camera or capturing sound stuff that will not suspend it. it also requires a complex logistics to bring people materials, equipment, and technicians to the location question. it loads them on site to live and then work with them on doping on me. then for all of albert, thanks to universal. thanks, phil mixed. the addition would set off well equipped director was frustrated for other reasons. on the day of the scheduled departure in may, 1932. he learned that laney leaf. michelle had another appointment. thank. couldn't imagine with him leaning, grieving chill out of his office. so often in her life marked he plenty of youth install, actively sought the attention of a powerful man. in this case, it was hitler seeing the feeder, but she always said i must get to know this man sat in good health. she met him and
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huddle mozilla, where he was running for election by now. they went for a walk on the beach, and hitler allegedly said, when we are in power, you must make our films in one at lazy. that's what reef install says in her memoirs in school tomorrow. after their meeting by the north sea, hitler flew her to hamburg by plane, giving her a taste of the luxurious lifestyle that might lie ahead. each doll had been of the install, of course then kept close to hitler side home. she didn't know what was to come out . on the other hand, she shot this movie for the americans with fine con this law with jewish money. it must be said, though she saw no contradiction in that. she kept options open, obstinate hollywood, or he had luckless on the expedition to film as so as iceberg was finally able to start all, be it one day late. but after they cast off, it soon became clear that leaf and stars mind was elsewhere. instead of studying
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fang script, she was reading otto, hitler's mind. come. that often borrow news from hitler. apparently she also had a photo of hitler with her during the filming of s o. s iceberg. as an oscar, you go and according to her co workers and colleagues carter, she built a little alter for this hitler picture, old. i'm with this man. she raved about hitler horned and about her future to that often you let's accomplish farmed, shunning discussions about the screen, play, grief and style flirted with hands. adel instead, sank, had hired him as a mountain guide for as so as iceberg. later after they came thanks, camera man, leaf and style admired the daring climber of the regime. the law she's shown to be on the journey. she'd already been after me shallow. then we were in the gentleman's lounge playing cards. and suddenly lenny came in and looked at me with her wonderful eyes. she thought she had wonderful eyes, shaw,
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she showed me my article from the hamburger, illustrator. oh, still no. did all this it. she said to me as i'm telling you it can no longer be denied. so i was never so infatuated with a woman as i was with her back then for those who. and lennie herself came to me and said it is over. often he cons you with your cat size. i want to scratch them out, but i liked you too much. good to know. she was completely crazy to wash. ah, yet for her director arnold. thank. she had nothing but i see disregard. what had happened up until that moment there shared history, read like a fairy tale. it began almost 7 years earlier in the spring of 1925. back then the berlin plumber's daughter, lena. he finished off with staring into avoid any injury. had put an end to the
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dancing career, she pursued against her father's wishes. so she was looking for new projects. these often bes, on her way to an important doctors appointment up and so she's sitting at a subway station when suddenly a movie poster catches her eye of the it's the mountain destiny. and a film by dr. arnold, find its playing at the cinema across the street. him, she forgets all else and isn't utterly fascinated as easily as i'm foy common. fast . cbs leaf ashton skips her appointment and goes to the movies instead. the nature and the actors in the film cast a spell on her lam months. builder. the, these were depictions of men who still went out into nature, which did not smooth city slickers ali plan. she'd been fascinated by mountain is all her life up from batch dragon fast to new. i think maybe when she saw thanks
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films, she wasn't just attracted to the mountains, but also to these figures that lead very different lives from the people in the urbanized world as live in fulton as the mentioned in the or money field. but aah! law with this vision minutes and i believe that turning to the mountain films was indeed a form of emancipation for revenge. darcy, phyllis and good thing, she left her family circle for good as she left the city for gert. see, she conquered this new cinematic space of nature, the mountains, the back road, and she found refuge with a new father figure in nor, namely, arnold frank with an annoyed heart of equivalent to hurst arnold frank. and at the time, i know frank was germany's most renowned director. after 10000000 people flocked to the cinemas to see his films linearly from style was also fascinated by facts,
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pictures of rugged mountains. vancouver and causal man, to thank, was a great romantic horse whose skill laying, conveying the grandeur and beauty of the mountains, along with the danger of the mountains in black and white, to go to a wide audience, frightened publican by itself. and he inspired people to enter this magnificent world. the good built in england, mid frank, with thank the mountain, gained whole new powers of attraction. this was ahem, fug students for the 1st time, audiences saw how clouds moved over the mountains in fangs films. they saw steep cliffs and avalanches and felt the frost of fog. thank was good at giving folks a feel for the cold that prevails up there to go and the sense of threat. there's a constant sense of threatening images. he brings this nature which was previously viewed with skepticism and concern from below into people's living rooms and the cinemas, silva. the baldness in the born storm presumes of vintage in of far thank. mountains
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were sacred. as a child, he'd suffered from asthma, which triggered choking fits and panic attacks. only when his father sent him from hester in germany to divulge in the swiss alps, did his health prove. jesse, that's where he decided he no longer wanting to be up hysterically. the rather from that moment on, he'd live a disciplined and athletic life and from then on facts, life revolved around the mountains. he earned a doctorate and geology worked as a ski instructor, climbed mountains and took pictures of them and a lip as well as if we were gonna give you a currently one time a storm cloud rose somewhere behind a force and he took wonderful photos of it from the mouth about the storm cloud didn't move in the photos and you found that to satisfying the fear. so when moving pictures came along and became accessible to him, he suddenly realised, oh, that's my medium. i wonder. ah,
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implicit cause injustice. my medium thank wanted to move the camera and capture natural light. so he did something unthinkable for the time. he took the camera off the tripod and out and to nature. this style became known as unchanged camera. is this good now to skip through. exactly how a skier feels when he's under way to skip the sydney tons. that's what you want to convey on to. so it's clear that you have to move the camera to take it with you. if you want to get those emotions across, even with you on the limiting mil, new perspectives and innovative technology have enabled villa book now to further develop and interpret what arnold frank began. ah,
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driven by a desire to shoot moving pictures, thank founded accompany a 1920. he and his team developed the 1st as alar film camera, and the 1st optical zoom lens. he also mounted a handheld camera on skis. thank had all ready proved to be a clever inventor during world war one. a dispute not an appeal that i needed for the working counter intelligence. he employed some photographic tricks. he probably taught himself by good puffed hunter, namely photographing certain colored stamps and documents using different filters to, for example, equip agents with new passports, aunt stomach condom, and on him for muslim, which again can bit annoying, personal shopping. while in the military, he also saw a slow motion camera for the 1st time. it was used to analyze how grenades penetrate armored walls. out as a contest as noise, he recognized that this kind of camera for new cinematic possibilities. v as
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a could show the movements of a skier, or ski jumper and very slow motion, often come in in a fit of madness. he bought one on file from von it was from a company called animal life on the film waste in dresden germany. the rest of them, the camera way, 200100 kilos and they hauled it up in the mountains. come up using it for the 1st time in the wonders of skiing in 1920 along. so that's one says i just wondered if nash was shown, does the estimate? angus, it's for the 1st time the audience could see movements in slow motion. it was a sensation with their pictures. thank. and his team developed a new genre. the mountain film. it's focus was on nature, photography and daring stunts. the story was secondary given her desire. thus for today we'd say it was a bit of an action film to come by. this was in that sense both things came together with the visual attraction of nature and the entertainment value offered by the action. it was actually perfect. a complete package was packet,
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but no cinema wanted to screen fax documentary the wonders of skiing. so he and his colleagues rented auditoriums and travel to germany with the film reels in their suitcases. their marketing strategy worked more and more people clamored to see the spectacular pictures. ah lif inch doll than a dancer with a knee injury was fascinated by fax recordings. ah, yes, i thought it was a totally different film, a pioneering one. back then there were no mountain films, no such moving images. the clouds, for example, were alive and they moved. they'd never been anything like it. frank was a pioneer. the slow motion shots and above all the lighting the back light and the framing. it was also autistic. so far, far ahead of its time right away. even without knowing much about film,
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i realized that this was a very, very special art form i was seeing on screen for the 1st time. and so yes, with an event at least the 22 year old had a new career goal to become an actress. and fax films, ah, these i thought 2 and 3 ought devised. she just traveled to a location where she knew frank would be filming how things it. but she didn't meet him there her. instead, she met louis tanka and suite, talked him into arranging contact with funk of the cooking hockey but human contact here. mr. arnold frank was in his early thirty's back then i found the privacy lenny grievance tall in her early twenties. he brought in jail kirk, she was a very attractive woman and had perfectly mastered the art of party crashing as we put it to day long in dallas chung perfect perished, asked to see how you were this ruefully. he certainly had great hopes for a personal relationship that went beyond the professional one media of the effect she had on him was enormous if he was in otherwise he wouldn't have written
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a screenplay for her within a few days of getting to know her and label physically, a whole script that was truly tailored to her focus of see all took it in one thank most i'll high nichols. thank must also have had great christmas and because otherwise the young beef and star would not have been so crazy about him in. so that's how it was the dismissal. the feature film, the holy mountain is facts visual declaration of love to li, finished on. but the script also reveals his jealousy of the with tanka, who had had an affair with her in this dye extra hope. this was a marlin back, a sheet in the manner shotwell portrayed in the holy mountain. 2 men desire the same woman who was in. so you can read inch with a personal situation between frank tanker and he from style style. it's clear that these 2 good mountaineers are which tanker and funk also were vying for the same woman dusty on his own before. she's the moon,
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with lini leaf and style as his leading lady. a new narrative horizon opened up for fang zanfeld medium, his lambs, which had up until that point been very light on part simply lacked to narrative element. just showing men climb up a mountain and ski down at again, haven't you? well, you could not villain that so often clean the female element was missing to this money. what let she tell a happy or unhappy story, a rivalry on the mountain and so on. what he had and frank realized that in many reef and style, he'd found the woman who could play that role. he does want, he was also willing to be subjected to the extreme conditions that prevailed during a film shoot up on a mountain green. one prepared to go along and do that, and i did feel bitin bessy debit i'd is dummy to gain want us of to mom or still linearly from style. knew she needed to acquire many skills to hold her
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ground with fag. she quickly learned how to ski and climb was about to write on his . she was prepared to scale a rock facing the dolomites without a rope in difficult conditions where i to day have to make an effort not to make any mistakes. but of course, she was young, very agile and she was a dan. so i little she had all the prerequisites to become a good climber up. and it, but it took some time and effort before a girl from berlin. she'd gone down there. we'd never seen a little before. one would have enough calluses on her finger tips for that to work, help us with our folks in the upper news referenced. i wasn't yet able to show off her climbing skills in the holy mountain. her character deal. tina stays down in the valley. ah, i p the high owls is still the mens combat sound right. it's not for her yet. and but while watching the film you already suspect that reef and style won't be satisfied to stay behind in the valley. look in her private life,
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she also forged a new path, breaking off her engagement to well known tennis pro auto. for a time. they had told me she didn't define herself by the man at her side. as for you that had always been her creed undone. having kids was never a consideration was because if anything was truly important to her, it was her art. i mean, if you need to, well, it was really about as a woman, defining yourself through your own creations and achievements not through the person there attaches to right after 11 days had see the expedition s o s iceberg reached the base camp in o. my knock on the west coast of greenland in late may 1932. it took over a week to offload the material and construct a cage for the polar bears they brought with them. since fac didn't, what are those any time he sent answer would it on reconnaissance flights. thank aim to keep his promise to carla and shoot on an iceberg. 10 days after our arrival
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. when cause for the condensation boots are essentially my grandfather knew his way around, ice and snow pretty well due to his previous films. but i think he never imagined that. remember why so much more difficult. condos islov? isn't it forced to? no one in the film crew had any experience with icebergs. and the scientists who traveled with them could only venture a guess which icebergs were suitable to shoot on. ice the can. i slopes also tiff over. they melt from underneath and flip the home brute. as promised, thank shot. his 1st picture is after 10 days in greenland, and soon captured the sensational images. lemme wanted. for the 1st time ever cameramen filmed a glacier calving. the bliss of death,
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he says of eyes keep breaking off the front face olsen. they can be the size of a small state or south to roll a little. but then they shouted completely on financing. and when a pace falls into the water, it goes under churning up everything for 50 or 100 meters around. but in fennel, i can even make a boat capsized better than the i surfaces and goes under again and keeps going up and down until calm is restored. of guns. availability is triggered by a careless act. thank still crew experienced this dangerous natural spectacle. first hand listed on some unself, the whole crew fell into the water. was a chunk of the iceberg. with some cars, up above it smashed a hook into the ice to anchor the ship hobb on the surface, among which been the opp garaged we've been. i slipped off and almost drowned, continued i couldn't swim because i had crampons on my feet. oh and under water i said to myself, the last god help me how to go to the tow for mia?
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an ice gilt, then a block of ice appeared in front of me. i clung to it and it pulled me up. dobs hit me head off. then they pulled me out onto the jetty. and liza dr. thanks, future wife. i flung herself around my neck and kissed me dr. song, but lenny came up from behind, tearing lisa away and berating me. how can you let that dumb, broad kiss you help me? resumed? we constantly flung, didn't burden by bob chris marston. the scientists on the team advised stopping the shoot. but frank ignored their advice, and doggedly kept filming. while some were looking for safe icebergs, others grew closer. back at camp leaf and stiles tent stood next to hands out of soon the 2 were enjoying shared accommodation. a colleague warned out all that for leif and style men were like candy. she ate them up till she had her fill. still,
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she let every one watch her dance performances in the lady she's to show that lenny could show off. so she with her clothes off. and so when she was, she was beautiful and she danced. and we just stood there without tongues hanging out. taking that showing go but thank was enraged. he was jealous and doubted he from stars willingness to give such a passionate performance for him her director. so although his fiance, lisa kent was around, he left love poems, relief and style in her tent was one him of light. several people were always in love with her. and that made for a delicate balance. she had to watch out the director of the camera man and may be the producer who were all there. kept feeling well disposed towards her to make sure she didn't put any one off. i'm as in giant fulfilled. how did she pulled off
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this balancing act? as i lifted little thoughts, i won't lot of the expression now. listen, i don't want to do that slab. the. i believe that as a woman in this team of men in this world of men, she had many admirers because she had powerful karima was most good looking, was in it in her work. and certainly did, at least as much as a strongest man isn't. sophia gave him the dish. dexter mina was good, ancient that's in there than i sentence than a colleague's memoirs about s o s. iceberg. dish keep, he wrote you that am. when we said the water here in greenland, there's just too cold to jump into. lenny he finished all jumped right in just to show us. no, it's fine dusk, each one ah danny v some savage even star, was an anomaly in the weimar republics film seen since she was the sports woman. she distinguished herself from all the vamps and shady characters who populated the
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movies, otherwise forgotten. she was practically the antithesis of molina detroit awe from her 1st appearance in fangs. films creeping style, like the director himself, had been willing to risk her life for a perfect picture. back then colleague suspected that thank was torturing the actress with whom he'd had a short affair to punish her for not committing to a long term relationship with him. as of india, but when she had to tight road walk over some narrow ridge when, when she was let down on of right, her mouth full of snow and my health with more ice and snow, et cetera, as if those were extremely painful shoots. but she persevered when he had later as an old woman, she said she hated frank, that she hated him for what she had to put up with. not to stay up on the mountain with the men and not be sent back down to the valley or by the men of light to dolphin, when it's time to speak to the ah,
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during the shooting of as so as iceberg. thank also pushed the limits to secure striking images for hollywood. nobody else? zapata said this, i think lead actor suppressed under the greatest hardships. but he had to jump into the icy water more than 20 times until the shot came out. the way my grandfather had imagined longest men cause the water was 4 degrees celsius. he practically had to swim between ice floes and blocks of iceland. it's a wonder he even survived them was wonder, swapped about it, and the dust only. the chilly water wasn't the only danger. the polar bears they brought along were also a threat. in one scene, a bear was shot dead just before it killed an act. instead of scrapping the scene sank,
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plan to continue filming using the other polar bear bounced. would it secretly shot the 2nd bear to prevent a catastrophe? after 3 months, thank had shot just 10 minutes of his feature. film time was running out and even lini lee from style was reaching her physical limits. touch via the cooling kept. she suffered from severe colic and wasn't well here. then there was the cold to these extreme and, and again as extreme schuessler jumping into icy water. it was a real mental and physical challenge that she only withstood with great effort and out of necessity. which guy, if not, then lea finished, i got a bladder infection, a potentially life threatening illness as antibiotics weren't available yet. the doctor advised her to leave, but she decided to risk it and continue filming that k. thank new hope,
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but the reference style was only doing what he taught her sticking things out. punk out of his on a back from her shrunk, had a certain recruiting process for his mountain film cruise, which he didn't necessarily take people with experience in the film industry like actors or camera. men. rather, he hired scares or mountain guides like louis tanka through barnstead field was to anchor in, but it was important to him to find people who were tough, who could handle the rigors of the mountain. and that had, let's say a technical interest in fillasy. i'm is, i'm a mile in junior music is into guess a hom. i'm film ah, and fag recognized these young men's potential doesn't jayden. and once again that isaac the late 19 twenties and early thirties, it was a time of total economic crisis in germany with mass unemployment and did the hard that gave rise to this movement. we now call the mountain vagabonds or is it many had no work? and simply moved to the alps where they went on insane climes instead of working to
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seemed men id seen these men who fought in world war one of the top folk. i have almost all been awarded medals of bravery. see how they have terrible daring situations behind them, and now seek danger rather than safety. as these men are, after all these war experiences lost in a normal middle class life. i know they have no present, no past and no real future i, so they choose, adventure and viewed as are, and that adventure is a thank and ultimately risking their lives to make his films to sleep and slips gently on berlin. rufus dahl linear even star, was not one of the hon. then she was not a mountain vagabond, but she belong to this anarcho nature, romantic circle, or man patience. okay. she was on the inside is recognized by these guys portion. otherwise, those relationships that you formed back then wouldn't have existed. mr. gib linearly from stars spend weeks and months shooting with
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a mountain vagabonds on snow covered peaks. with that monkey, what did they do? they, they told each other stories because she heard all they wore adventures these on had those men's voices in her e l. the noon. i think this experience even predestined her to make those knots. he party rally films gum to find access to those guys. and those images he, that's extremely important and she was the only woman to hear those things called it as good. her friendships with these men laid the foundation for her future career. anybody from sees mail networks kept lenny l e finished all moving ahead of fuck the week on the mountain. she learned to be tough on herself and to prevail over men. she also profited from thanks way of working. i'm back for when shooting
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a mountain films, every one had to be able to replace any one eyes off normal. every one had to be able to step in as a production manager, a camera man, a stock person, an actor, or a director house below. it was like getting a general degree in film studies on the mountains and in that alo the food isn't often i'm back thank introduced re from style to the world of film to win her affections. he overwhelmed her with letters and gifts, but he from style never wanted a steady relationship with him. the reason she had mentioned referenced, i always regarded people in terms of whether they were useful or beneficial, thought alice, whether they could help her or not. yeah, hey, from couldn't and she divided people accordingly and to friend or foe and find i'm tired. she couldn't have cared less. which country they came from, what race or religion they belong home, fisher ferocity and good for her. it was simply a case of will they be helpful to me or not happened to me or the hyphen diminished . and thank was very helpful to her for
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a long time from him referenced i'll learn to see the world from different angles. he taught her how to use the latest camera equipment and shoot a film. how to be patient and wait for the right moment. yet as though it might be bizarre to see alice from the time and again, she said that she wrote on everything that she observed. and she always noted every camera setting every aperture setting and every scene. it was that she was just eager to learn and understand things. castillo and of course, should always maintain a very good relationship with the cameraman vehicle to sir hypnos smith and come on like mammography. touch after the success of a comedy, the white ecstasy and the drama, the white hand of pittsburgh, lou. we finished. i wanted to get away from mountain films and from thank but she had no offers from other directors, viewable nor desire to day. we place even start tended to over acting to use quite dramatic, theatrical expressions. he had crowded and even back then folks weren't so fond of
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that and i must missed go fine. thank also recognized, leaf and styles shortcomings, and sought out other actresses. it's love it, us, linda, it was done. i think that after a few years of being in the business, acting in front of the camera, training, taking part in this often grueling life, linearly pinch does said to herself, i can do what those men do. admit, i'm going to make my own film go. it's my name of evelyn to the hot done on before she started to develop a concept before the blue light, frank, out of the of an or tank. i told her about an author in his material, which she then rewarded. once he had done with the help of the mountain film crew, not just thank but also the cameraman. she knew from previous yona, she started to the blue light. oh, i'd see dumbest the floorless done. that was an unusual step and quite a bold one for a young woman to go with buffer in a dream of all. the blue light is
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a mystical romantic mountain film. in addition to playing the lead, quinta, lini, leaf and style directed and produced the picture. she also solve problems her own way. yet and into beacon imogen and she had a permit to film in italy but was detained at the border and had done so. she wrote a letter to mussolini. when on then she signed it, not only with her name, but also in the name of arnold fanciful. i. lord, she later wrote in her memoirs that frank wasn't even on that trip. with her off to the right, she simply used his name because she knew mussolini didn't know her. but that he knew arnold, thanks to this, mussolini, and 6 hours later, they got the go ahead and were able to cross the border into this go and continent with extensive that she pulled an incredible stunt there. and it perfectly illustrates her basic approach on things are daunting, leaked out. she always turned to the highest authorities directly, certain that she'd be able to charm her way through the moment as if and 90 percent of the time. so it's, it worked on to 90 percent of us from to mute leaf and sheil confidently gave the
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blue light her own signature style. while thanks protagonists battle against nature, her hunter is at one with it. he would any party didn't want to become a 2nd tongue reefed, but her recent style original was he so the blue light isn't set in i and snow speed. it takes place on a summer, me and then she could dress differently and above all moved differently. and us in the funk films, people are partially paralyzed by the cold. i've, i've so they move almost robotically. this is in the blue light lenny leaf in style and place. the main character hunter could be very cy. pool healthy line, lightly dressed. kansas is she nice? her charms dixie? i it's a different thing entirely. as its own defeat was guns, the film was under funded to leaf and style needed. thanks. people. 2 of his cameraman waved their salaries while a colleague help direct,
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thank himself supplied the equipment free of charge. and assisted with the editing was as he had asked her by, they asked they turned out that lenny reef and star was overwhelmed when it came to editing the 1st version. and from an off now she couldn't part with any of the shores of the beautiful picture. she taken to products or an artist. so the production decided to bring frank him and ask him to re cut the film to bitten did . soon one more day was 9 to south, brief install, couldn't bear to have any one interfering with her material. and certainly not her former taskmaster jamante go. that must have resulted in tough conflict with petty jealousy, nervous breakdowns, et cetera. for this did line enough to some question, et cetera. at the end of the day, i'm frank likely edited a good portion of the film. and namely, 6th film rolls out of the 9, a lady referenced all 3 wanted and it was definitely a collaboration as well. there, cooperation, and this is on my mind on co bought soon. but present style later claimed like always have that it was all her own artistic work from start to finish line,
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yet will artist as chris bushes back from opposite when the film flopped in cinemas, leaf and style hood invested her own money and the project was bankrupt like many others in the spring of 1932, she feared for her livelihood. d doff when i was decided because she was endlessly disappointed about it and best and then it meant she had no other choice but to go back to found. it's a fun like then leaf and style attended one of i know if hitler's rallies intrigue, she wrote him a letter asking him for a meeting. he invited her to her who mazili on the north sea. but at that point, it wasn't yet clear if hitler would help her. so even though they'd been at odds since the blue light leaf and styled beg thank for work, he was hesitant, but eventually engaged her for as a west iceberg. facts team had been fighting nature's
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adversities in greenland for 3 months when a leaf which does bladder infection worse, and so they quickly finished shooting her. sean's leaf and star later said she suffered kidney damage as a result of the shoot. she left greenland on september 1932, 2 months before the rest of the crew. any 2nd flint creeks install returned from greenland and strengthen her relationship with the nazi elite, which was about to take power in the country. and as a lead to the quotes, the force dbhdd to day, we call it networking. you've written hartzog networking, but she was networking within the nazi party in 1932 and 33 in the, in a very successfully. oh southland, rosalind glasses to africa. shortly after her arrival in berlin even style contacted hitler. he promptly had her chauffeur to the hotel, kaiser hove where he was staying. it glowed as if she'd long even saw this week. i
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think hitler, nathan styles understood each other so well on a personal level. but because both the belt, they were artistic geniuses who couldn't fully realize their potential due to adverse circumstances. he finished comment huntington for hitler boss. it was painting out he'd apply twice to vienna's academy of fine arts and been rejected both times yet still believed. as he was a kind of political artist going slow on, but for heathen star, it was the film industry which he thought had denied her big acting roles. he had talked and she blame the media for the failure of the blue light is blown. couple interesting mom. a few months after filming wrapped, arnold frank sent the footage to hollywood, convinced he delivered sensational material. but contrary to expectation, lemme commissioned an additional suit for the american version of the film in switzerland and without fang. ah,
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miss nelson endorsement, for instance, it was disappointing for him to see that the sensational things which objectively really were there on film weren't enough for the americans. and i'm like on on that i was going, i mean, they'd spent half a year slaving away in greenland up in the most dangerous conditions was and then the american said, well, it's all very nice. mm hm. but it's not really sensational enough. i think that really was a bit better for him. publish law columbus from that african. ah. and that wasn't his only disappointment for the premier of the german version of s o. s iceberg. in berlin. in august 1933 universal, replaced facts, dramatic finelli. with an american happy ending hunters, huggins, what made him so angry he refused to go get on him. so thank miss. seeing lenae lee from style allegedly perform a hitler salute to the dismay of the jewish producers from the us. even hitler and
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grubbers jumped at the chance to attend the premier and heard it comes to somebody and of course they used it to their advantage. and it was a huge hit that the film was shown all over the world. i think in almost every country on earth, ulten so sure it was nice right from the start in 33 to be able to say, look what a fantastic film we've made this on hunger motto, o. contrary to universals expectations, the audience loved thank sensational footage. millions of people around the world flocked to theaters to see these breathtaking images, nazi propaganda minister usa. gus also recognized the directors talent and contacted fag went on as good as the gums if not. and then gerbils came late when i didn't talk to him. i am a seemingly very obliging and friendly horn too,
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but then he asked fark open. wouldn't he like to join the nazi party like a model right at the start in 33 or the south blanco's fatherland, december, my grandfather declined rather flippantly, saying that he wasn't even a member of a ski club. so we didn't plan on joining a party either. i'm on her bill had warden childress, leading above the la gerbils apparently said nothing, but that was probably the 1st nail. and funks coffin on board is lini, leaf and style reacted quite differently. in the summer of 1933, she accepted her 1st commission from hitler more would follow triumph of the will. and her 2 olympia films of the 1936 olympics caused a stir of worldwide. their images unmistakably bare thank and his camera men, signature escaped is of the router. if there is the famous opening sequence from triumph of the will with hitler in the plane. and it descending on the clouds and working. this view of the cloud is a classic mountain fillmore
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t for motif. also typical for mountain films are the heroic low angle shots of people, of which we finished are also used in her nazi party rally fills our spotlight are strewn from olympia food from the new even sto, gibbs of nominees, leaf installs from olympia foods footage. that's always thrilled me personally begun is the shots of the high divers taken by hands earlier from one of my grandfathers cameraman, want them to always captured images of the clouds before the diver jumps off and performs as per a wet guns on the pillow and of course i see my grandfather in her somewhere. we'll mangoes father. ah, it's monte at least d e. d. done by it was my idea to install my camera inside a soccer ball faced with a little window and operated from outside using rubberized controls to come up. that was my 1st underwater camera going up. then i took these great shots at the olympics door. so the next day the footage was presented,
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and lenny shouted for joy. 100, you did that or it's unbelievable. but then she kissed me in front of every one already. you don't mean that embarrassed me right in front of my colleague. is it a pain? the butt, but yeah, when i worked hard on the unchanged camera, all the yoke, regular of i did all the in felton camara. ah. doing the olympic games more than 30 camera men, shot over 400000 meters. a film even shall then spent a year and a half, creating a montage from the film strips this time unassisted, a laborious endeavor. in the end it was her film and her success alone. ah, them on t clinic of you. just you know, i'm sure you take a closer look at the iconography and try to identify the sources of these images. but as you soon land up in the sports photography of the 19 twenties and in the mountain films went back from moore, is only the distinction. is it so clear yet?
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because i believe we've still fallen for a nazi marketing qu, that's another to listen. and his marketing, who says this is a reef inched, are filmed only a recon style film and nothing but to construct film on st. garnett. so that's how we see these films today. the fema as the sole products of laney leaf, installing it, which they definitely were not with definitely finished. while ethan style went from one triumph to the next fax career, stalled out and twist doctor's us. not sure he thought he go on for years to come. he was still physically fit and not too old. so he could have it was where i had trouble finding his mom can. given his pass disappointments, fact, no longer wanted to work with hollywood, he went on to make films like the eternal dream and the daughter of the samurai. but by the late 19 thirty's, his mountain films had fallen out of favor and no commissions were forthcoming. not
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even joining the nazi party in 1940 changed that. so fang had to rely on the mercy of his former student. cassini leif installed him, opened one that at some point lenny leif install was giving him assignments, film commissions, and even put him on staff. does i think he found that 20 humiliating on the gun trinity made him steamer to conquer, which elijah glitched with maybe even speaks, and thanks favour that he just gradually disappeared from as he had 2 in this constellation, he lived much longer, but remain modestly in the background as nothing more than an outside observer, mass bill of the for the most. after world war 2, arnold frank was unable to resurrect his film career. he worked as a lumberjack and died poor and largely forgotten in 1974. lenae lee from charles career also came to an abrupt halt in 1945. but she made a comeback as a photographer and underwater filmmaker. she died in 2003 and is considered
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a film icon to this day. ah, ah ah. ah.
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with ah, for your vacation you wanted beautiful the city it should be by their fee and you want to serve to art history night life are also on your list with how about here today i want to discover give them with the prize they want to know more checking in 30 minutes on
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d w. a vibrant habitat ended listening place of longing, the mediterranean sea, it's waters connect people of many cultures. on to our next destination to media, jaffar abdul karim meets young entrepreneur and visits the jewish community on the island of derby. in 60 minutes on d. w. with that has no limits. love is for everybody. ah love is lies. a love matter.
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and that's my new podcast, i'm evelyn sharma. and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that north divides and denied that. and this i have invited many deer and well known guests. and i would like to invite you to an in vibrant habitat ended glistening plates of morning the mediterranean sea. it's waters connect people of many cultures seen of almost rock. and to far abdul karim drift along with because born modern lifestyles and mediterranean, where has history left its traces, meeting people, hearing their dreams. ready to join this week on d. w. a.
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some people don't care about me because they don't see my beauty. some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to give but 2000000000 people due to then i am every day at home, the a food their livelihood that day by day i do. and so does everything i give to 1000000000 people care about me? need me and now i need you
1:00 am
to speak with this is d. w. news live from berlin, ltd. traffic flowing again after a massive explosion on the bridge connecting russia to crimea. moscow, he says he kind of blowing up the link to the illegally occupied peninsula, gave expresses delight, but is not admitting, carrying out an attack. also coming up in the match like old german proposed classic goldman school. dramatic last, 2nd goal to salvage
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a point against tribals by and mean that and much more coming up is.


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