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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 10, 2022 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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ah, ah ah ah ah, this is dw is coming to live from berlin. large explosions have rocked the center of chip with mccraney and emergency services. a reporting deaths and injuries blasts are also being reported in several
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other ukrainian cities. the cranes president says they're trying to wipe us off the face of the are these attacks of retaliation from russia. vladimir putin meets with his security council today following an explosion. the damage to bridge serving as a key supply route for moscow's invasion. also on the program in iran and tear gas mixes with smoke and fire as police. try to rain in protests across the country, following the death of a young woman detained by police packers supporting the protesters managed to disrupt the state. tv broadcast ah hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. we start with breaking news this morning from ukraine. several loud explosions had been heard across the country,
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including in the capital t ukrainian authorities. se missile strikes of hit several cities far from the front lines of the war. critical infrastructure has reportedly been targeted. people are being warned to take shelter. president ballade mias lensky has accused russia of wanting to quote wipers from the face of the earth. the blasts come a day after moscow blamed key it for an attack on a key bridge between russia and occupied by me. are correspond funny fortune joins us now from here. tell us fanny, where you are in what you seeing and hearing there in the capital this morning. a we changed location actually several times today because when we rushed to the scene a trying to find out what exactly has happened on that busy road that actually we are using pretty much every day hearing he of city, more explosions, a hit the city. so we were really literally running for our lives strike, look for a shelter. we left that shelter now because to be other explosions. and we're close
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to another shelter right now. just really literally coming out for this life. and we're going to look for protection, just like so many citizens right now, because in this is a, what is quite scary right now, that all of these explosions are happening in a very arbitrary way. you just don't know where the next strike is going to be, where the next mrs is going to hit. and you are rather not outside or when that's going to happen. so the situation is quite tense. people are on alert. people are checking their phones and try to find out what is to come, but this is exactly the question for which you can only find a very speculative answer because you just do not know what pooty and the president of russia has up his sleeves. when it comes to his, a revenge that he's possibly the revenge of course, to or what happens with your crimea bridge over the weekend. can you give us an idea of the scope of this attack funny because we're hearing that not only kia but other cities have been hit, were hearing as well,
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that there is several explosions in fact, across ukraine. a places that we visited to the past, for example, live in the very western part of ukraine that's been spared from explosions pretty much throughout the course of the work, but also in the center of creating how many litski i place. you also visited. also a place that usually is not hid, however, and this is exactly which takes us back to the 1st question. people just do not know right now as russia sees itself on the defensive l, but in a way of the way we've are, we are seeing that you create enforcers, of course, have advanced very much so in the past weeks, these ports, of course, are rashanda edge trying to domestically show that they have the war still under their control. and as a result, what we're seeing right now is an arbitrary shelling of places that actually a be spared because they're not close to the front lines. so these are places like companies, as i say, livia, but also nipple ends up,
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or he just the city of upper asia, a city that russia would like to control, but does not, is under heavy shopping for the past couple of days. and again, it's residential buildings, it's apartment buildings that are being hit and with that it's civilians that are the casualties of all of this brutality. tell us funny, i know it's still early days. all this is just been happening the past couple of hours, but what sort of response or with hearing from the ukrainian government? well, very bluntly put that they are seeing that they're going to seek revenge. and this is the danger here, as i'm speaking to eye witnesses, i'm speaking to civilians. they are scared of the ongoing escalation of this war that has entered a new faith. because as russia says, they just want to retaliate in a way or what happened to the crimea breach what they are calling a act of terrorism on the same to at the same time, ukraine is saying that this is a bluntly just cynical because how can you retaliate by hitting civilian targets.
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now ukraine is saying for one people should save shelters because obviously nobody knows how these days going to evolve is, is it going to be likely that apart from civilian infrastructure, also energy energy infrastructure, military infrastructure, he's going to be hit in different faces. we do not know, and at the same time, of course, you cravy, seeing that people are not going to be scared of this. they're not going to say that for them. this is a way to cave in now and to even start negotiating with russia. know, ukraine is steadfast in there, a goal to, to make sure that they can liberate all occupied territories off the ukraine, and that they can win this war. so a very much so in the light of the fact what's going on, ukraine is try to show and express that this is not going to be won by russia. and the revenge is going to take place because of what's happening this morning here. and he of city funny, thank you very much for now or correspond funny picture the in q l officials in
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ukraine say the city of up a risha has been as seen as 2nd night of russian shelling. it comes after an explosion on a key bridge, as we mentioned, linking russia to occupy crimea on saturday. russian president vladimir putin is due to hold a meeting of his security council today. he called the explosion on the bridge, a quote act of terrorism, fire ukraine, engulfed in flames, half to saturday's explosion. now, president putin has pin the blame on ukraine. there's no doubt it was a terrorist act directed to the destruction of critically important civilian infrastructure on the author's perpetrators. and those who ordered us are the special services of ukraine was good. while ukraine hasn't claimed responsibility for the explosion, the bridge which has since partially reopened, is
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a key supply route for russian forces in southern ukraine. and keith has previously threatened to target it. putins accusation came hours off to russian missiles toll to this apartment block in the southeast and city of separation. more than a dozen people were killed in the attack that had multiple residential buildings in the city, which russia has struck repeatedly in recent weeks. as rescue, as in volunteers work to clear the rebel ukraine's president vladimir zalinski, condemned the latest strikes as terrorism. and urged the international community to take action. what in official designation of russia as a terrorist state, as needed designation at all levels, but in which we need a clear condemnation at all levels of every escalating step by russia local from terrorist attacks to the criminal attempt to annex our territory. annex she
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nationally, that authority, that even as ukraine deals with the aftermath of yet another russian attack, that could be more suffering to come with putin poise to decide on a response to the crimea bridge explosion. well, more suffering has indeed come to ukraine this morning in the form of bare strikes for more, i'm joined by military animals. frank led, which he's a visiting fellow at the kia, trans atlantic dialogue center and a former military intelligence officer. good. see you again. frank. frank, talk to us about these airstrikes and ukraine. do you see them as retaliation for the crimea bridge explosion? yes, certainly. i mean we won't play, but the point of course is to who the terrorist is here. that's been case and start with the 24th. but what's quite militarily significant is that the russians have decided to use a fair number of quite valuable precision cruise missiles to attack as funny, outlined, almost entirely civilian targets in the center of here. now,
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as far as i know, that in the summer for a couple of months, i know several of the target locations quite well. as far as i know, the center here has not yet been attacked. so what we see here is who to say, you're not in any way. this is what i'm willing to do. i'm not going to be discriminated. we know that anyway, i'm not even pretending to be discriminant about the target set. so there is a slight change that with respect to the key of situation, what it will pull it up though is the nature of the requirement. now from the west, being sober about this, what the west needs to do once again is to step up. ukraine need a, an effective, integrated air defense system that can come from countries like the u. s. and determine how is russia position now frank, to respond to, to continue with its attacks,
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given its major setbacks on the battlefield. it's in a very poor situation. what we're going to see over the next few weeks, are you creating forces, and we talk about revenge from the kind of you trends taking vengeance. savage motors, perpetrator population every day by cutting away russian forces. but over the next few weeks, we'll see you kind of forces close, it will not cover in the south, not far from person. that's the start of the crimea canal, which was one of the complaints the russians had many years. and now the plan is about to get that back. so that will be a major blow to russia on the battlefield itself. they're in a dire situation, and that's why, of course we see what long been known as terrible me in the civilian half of, of ukraine. so to answer your question, go to the source of choices on the battlefield, almost not actually. but what options do remain in other domains such as continuing terribly like this, which will have no effect to talk. cyber though is
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a major field undoubtedly is going on. if i decide to conflict, and it may well be that at some point a cyber attack may get through the effect of that might be a significant just as the kinetic explosions that we saw today. if, for example, a banking system can be attacked in ukraine or something of that order. so we will be seeing an escalation here even beyond what we're seeing today. now this is a military confrontation, russia launched an invasion of ukraine, but the language is being used to describe what's happening now is shifting with the word terrorism being tossed around. i know you mentioned you don't want to belabor that point, but what does that tell us? about the way this war is progressing. well, that's it. that's it. now to point it's, it's, it's a weapon in the information wall. it's a way by which polluted kind of justified repub, seated, as you said over the last few days, especially since you talk of the bridge can justify pretty much anything that's done. i mean, let's become, did we use, we west flying around accusations of terrorism to justify the invasion of several
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countries. and it was to some extent so, so it is, it is not if that works. i'm not seeing what we did. what russians do some time to filter, but you can see the effect that can have also was saying by the way that you, craig, is having a very, very, very, very effective information campaign. legal can pay to have russia right to declare a tire estate. so, i mean, there's a risk, of course, a losing the median these was, but you can see why putin is using not to justify pretty much anything he's about to do because we only just seem to stop today. frank, thank you very much. that was military analyst prank lead, which thank you. you are watching dw news from berlin still to come, as the trial resumes and friends over one of its worst ever terror attacks. the w here is a vivid 1st hand account from the survivor of the 2016 programming in the 1st
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german foreign minister, alina bell. buck has strongly condemned to rennes response to ongoing protests. speaking with the german newspaper bill, she said he runs leaders on the wrong side of history. adding, she would ensure that you imposes entry benz an asset freezes, all those responsible for cracking down on protesters demonstrations following the death of a young woman detained by a rend morality police have been taking place for a month. activists clashed with police and even managed to disrupt state media broadcasts, shape millions of us tuning into iranian state tv were in for a surprise on saturday evening. pack is managed to interrupt to prime time use bulletin with an image of supreme leader ali come and he in flames. the blood of the youth is on your hands. it red beneath it with photos of women who act of a say were killed by security forces. the nation wide demonstrations show no sign
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of stopping despite entering their force weight. they were sparked by the death of masa armine a 22 year old woman who died in police custody after being arrested for allegedly wearing her. he just incorrectly duffy according to reports, police used to tear gas and rubber bullets against demonstrations. he responded in kind with molotov cocktails. he runs leadership, met for an emergency session to deal with the wave of protests sweeping the country . afterwards president abraham racy addressed students that work out some apparently imagine they can achieve their evil goals that are universities. but our students and professors are alert. they will never allow this to happen. i got caught back to what state tv didn't show the president being viewed by students and told to resign october 10th marks,
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world day against the death penalty, a call to abolish capital punishment around the globe. last year, 18 countries including the united states, executed people. china is among those that refused publish data on the death penalty. that makes it almost impossible to know exactly how many people were executed worldwide. what we do know is that iran has one of the highest global execution rates, at least 314 people were executed there in 2021 that's adding to amnesty international as up 28 percent on the year before 3 of those executed in iran were under 18 at the time of their alleged crimes. many more people in iran had been sentenced to die on her waiting execution. the w, as persian service, has spoken to one person who can't be identified his received the death penalty, but is currently on bail and does not know what will happen next.
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you know, when you get the death sentence, everything changes from that moment on. it seems that every one was different or everything was going very slowly. it's like my brain didn't want to and couldn't accept it. i was in deny. i couldn't believe that i received a death sentence called me after that my illness relapsed in prison. they did not give me my medicine at all. they didn't give me medicine until i was very sick. they had to take me to the hospital with 2 prison guards. do you know what one of the guards said in front of me? he said he's been given a death sentence and he's going to be executed quickly. so why are they taking them to the hospital? what is the point? when my mother was told the verdict, she was at work and she fainted. whenever my parents called me in prison, they were sobbing. they both broke off
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early i spoke to motherhood, a mary mug donly, professor of neuroscience at the university of oslo. he's also the director and co founder of the n g o iran human rights, which monitors human rights violations in iran. i asked him how receiving the death penalty can affect a person. and well, you see the theme of the wall day here is that the penalty road paved by torture. and as we could hear also from but, and the prisoner said life changes completely. we have talked to many prisoners, they are traumatized for the rest of the life. don't get the we know the situation in the, on the detroit and a disaster and beside the process of being sentenced to death in iran. very often
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people are sentenced to that based on, confessions extracted by torture. so, so i don't think we can actually understand how it feels to be, to be on that role. how difficult is it to compile information about the use of the penalty, any ra well then you run in authorities do not announce all day q sions. so this morning just published a report showing that at least 428 people have been executed in iran still car, 2022. 89 percent increase. authority is announced only 12 percent of these execution. so about 88 percent have been documented by iran human rights. it's very difficult, but after about 15 years of monitoring that, that better if you have a broad network, enabling us to document and to confirm cases. so what we
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do, we, we get it from life, i with that as other present, there's people within the system, families, lawyers. but it is difficult and reporting about the death penalty illegal. and the person doing that can be sent in too heavy reason or even death. ok. just want to repeat that figure. you gave us $428.00 executions so far this year. you're calling that an 89 percent increase on the year before assuming this information is correct. why would you, why do you think that executions in iran are increasing to that degree? what did this is the number that we have managed to call them through to independent sources and our research of the death penalty trends in the last 15 years shows that despite the fact that most people execute that are charged
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with charges like a homicide or drug trafficking, the timing of executions are very closely related to political events. when the authorities fear protests, they increase the number of execution so that the authorities has been expecting protests in 2022. and, and we believe that their aim has been to create fear in the society to prevent protest, but obviously they failed. you can also see in other countries, you know, the teachers that we have from dice isis when they took over syria and iraq is bit picture of math execution because death penalty is the main instrument of creating fear and political oppression for any behavior professor,
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thank you very much for talking with this that was professor muffled, a myriad moga, dum, director of the n g o. iran human rights. now to france for the trial resumes today of 8 people suspected of involvement in the 2016 nice terror attack. a man cloud, a truck into crowds as they watched the bus today fireworks. now some survivors are hoping the court case might offer the answers that we use. lisa louis meant one of them to find out what the pullman had these on glare a spot of earthly paradise turned hell on the 14th of july 2016. theres callie mobile. starbuck patrick. peas on municipal police officer was off duty that day. narrowly escaped. the attack half of yellow rollers, who i happened to be under
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a pergola which was too low for the truck to drive through her over there. there were a few palm trees which were also in its way no sufferers icama coming on. i was somehow in a safe zill apathy remarked ariana, come you, i followed the trucks path shall, my gosh, everybody on my left had been killed as if for some people were as flat as my 2 hands together. it was unbearable. oh my brain blanked out people's cries and the smell of the blood, it put me into a protective bubble. yoder that had driven past me. you know, without seeing me it is you have you done? oh look on the whole gallery that night, a 31 yell to museum attack are killed 86 people and injured more than 400. it was at wetzel by tomorrow. once the truck had stopped me, office up, he's all went down to the beach to look for some friends he'd been with earlier. eventually found them. they were also unharmed. physically, that is by who was it because you're since then i wonder why i am alive and not
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just like the others. i feel guilty about it. that makes life a struggle, but i feel i have to be thankful for every additional day in my job as a municipal police officer. i can't go on petroleum or i can only do office work. the slightest sounds as a skateboarder behind me makes me panic. ah, i've become hypersensitivity complete. it's as if there were a snake inside me which sometimes bites me and makes me cry. oh, hold on critic. he killed off any more. he will replace it prisoner. all your values are peas all says, come on the rate of ceremonies and statues, to remember the victims like this one, help him feel less alone with a pain. and the upcoming trial could be important for his healing process. he's one of roughly 900 civil plaintiffs was historic issue i want answers, for example, to the question what the attacker did when he went off radar earlier that day for half an hour or so. but i need to know that to build my personal resilience and i
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expect the judges to condemn these people in a fair way for what they've done or poor newly. the trial is also place for us victims to tell our side of the story and what we had to go through. it will be another chapter on the way to healing chemical. unfortunately, a figured law office up he's all says he'll never be able to leave behind that dreadful memories of what happened that night. but he's determined the horror won't take the spark from his life since forces now and him been asleep. football, how to berlin, hosted fryeburg in a clash of 2 sides, and radically different situations how to had only one when and 7 points going into this much. fryeburg, on the other hand, were in 2nd place and hoping to move up to 1st, but the result left both teams disappointed, had to berlin were hoping to finally get their 1st home when of the season here at
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olympic stadium. but they faced stiff competition from fryeburg. and indeed it was the visitors who got on the score sheet 1st. thanks to god international daniel coffee, yet a writ pseudo on with some nifty moves to set him up for the score with 22 minutes gone. but 12 minutes later christian going to handle the ball in the box and doty look a vakio converted the penalty. one all and that's how it remained at halftime and at the hour mark hertz. i took the lead sewage sir, die with a superb. so low effort but on this free kick fryeburg denied heritage there elusive home victory. kevin shot at the beneficiary of a major blunder from keeper oliver christensen to all the final score.
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frustration per heritage remain stuck just above the relegation zone. but also for fry board who missed their chance to possibly grab 1st place to watching d. w news. just reminder the top story we're following for you several ukrainian cities including the capital t of have been hit by russian missile strikes. ukrainian official say at least 8 people in the capital have been killed. i'm terry martin. sports life is up next. thanks for watching. ah, with
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