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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  October 10, 2022 10:30am-10:46am CEST

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for you to know also in book form, imagine how many portions of lunch are so now in the world right now, climate change event story. this is my flex the way from just one week. how much work can really get we still have time to go. i'm going on with his subscriber all morning. was like oh yeah. all right, i'm gonna go go, go out of the, go, go, go, go, go, go with a, a,
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a, with the whole problem of one of the biggest problems for female athletes is that that tough training regime can cause their periods to stop. failure to fall. yeah. mm becomes mish, as far as complete, you can't simply starve yourself or train hot and at the same time expect your body to remain fertile boxes on. mm hm. laura philip is a triathlete, one of the best on the planet. like other professional,
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her life is geared around her sport and the punishing training that goes with it. but on one front, she's very much leading the way it's been here yet. i now train with my cycle and work with my body instead of against it. ah, laura joined the triathlon world in 2011. she trains like most other female athletes for the 1st few years. i wish up, i'm father. i did the same training program as man, as with most sports triathlon is dominated by men. and so i was basically doing the same as them except i was sometimes slower. of course you monitored is long, but my ultimately i expected my body to deliver the same performance every day.
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uneven tar the flesh. appleton for con, her biggest success to date was winning the 2021 iron man european championship in finland. one of 3 long and middle distance races. she's won this year. one major factor in that success has been focusing on her own body. she stopped taking the pill 3 years ago and soon saw her body react of a hole for her a week earlier. for example, the interval unit had been no problem. i felt goods and was able to run the times that philip had sat, me, and on, even papa, when i tried the same unit a few days later, it suddenly felt like i was running on a rubber band struggling with every step. why was there this difference mere then something clicked have wow, it must be linked to my cycle at whom you asked, months ago, so torn. we were so close on board with i didn't know much about ministration and sport. i,
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we sure i hadn't really been an issue for me with it until it suddenly hit me. from our experience with laura focused awesome. would do a lot. laura and her husband coach philip followed side the box and tried out training options oriented to her menstrual cycle. oh, there is still debate about the exact links between sport and the cycle. but what is clear is that ignoring the cycle is risky, them and affect thank is kind of the end of the day. i think it can lead to you losing your period and also losing your natural warning system on tides, on that makes you far more vulnerable to injuries. but as for lessons, i'm fairly governed by also in the case of endurance athletes. the impact on your bones is a really big issue. it can mean a far higher risk of osteoporosis, attack band address. mm hm. the menstrual cycle generally has
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a 28 to 35 day rhythm. and has a wide ranging impact on everything from tissue last to city, to body temperature, energy requirements, sex drive, and mood changes all due to a highly complex interplay between various organs and above all. hormones, buses. good answer. go spend a what i like about my cycle is that it gives me monthly feedback from my body. other. it's like a 5th vital sign alongside pulse, breathing awesome on warmer, on the letter. and all it also has a cleansing function of the bleeding. also sheds heavy metals and other contaminants from the body min and so it gives women a huge advantage. it allows them to get rid of these toxins every month on hum. will not lish once all at rough and bleeding, fuckin' blue,
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blue shaft fossil tear. i'm sure i've tried to depict my cycle here and as the 1st half ends with of elation, that's in the middle of the cycle. and i asked for men that the body releases an egg fry, either the right or left ovary, lesta, fly, and food of the egg is ready for fertilization in the 2nd half of the cycle after before. that's infinity. if that doesn't happen, the egg dies and the cycle begins again with the 1st day of bleeding. asking character, brutal. hello. and how does your conflict noise and your height of it is lighter in there? i have minutes with you to close on squad. laura has addressed the issue in 6 episodes on her youtube channel explaining the cycle itself, why it's important, how you can train best taking it into account and what disturbs it as well. i know
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how to affect one dennis. im also mastery by mine am problem. yeah, mit as humped. we're lucky. there is and fact is our stress now the item. emit them names? pardon i? yeah, russell. my mom and stress infinite is not too super individual. stress is, i am so might be off spot with i, but i will upload on them. i have known for, for the, for them mm . spot is beauty of sports involves bio chemical stress, because the adrenal glands release, the stress hormone cortisol. if we do too much sport, it means we have a huge amount of stress hormones in our body, manufacturer to spin up and with women that leads to whole mono problems,
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probably after a relatively short time with severe menstrual pain, irregular bleeding or no bleeding at all. or signs from the body that something isn't right. with doctors tend to respond with the same old solution here or fix that the most common suggestion is to take the pill or hormones regulate your cycle, which is plain wrong for factors, photos. well, everything seems ok not menstruating, means you're not really receiving those signals from the body. i 1st lived with the real cause of problems unclear. you don't know why your body doesn't seem to be functioning correctly. ball is mine. car park. harding stirred fulton the admissions the pill, deactivate the body's natural interplay of hormones and interrupts ovulation. so by
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taking the pill months in advance, women can prevent menstrual bleeding during meets. the body is fooled into thinking it's pregnant. there's no bleeding, but it also means a major hormonal imbalance, guns go through the lifestyle and there are a huge number of performances we simply wouldn't see in the sports world. if women did not suppress their bodies must be quite find it fascinating to know what phase of her cycle of female athlete is in when she's just won a race at live in big one, have to buy it him and think of a woman in the 2nd half of her cycle who has one iron man, hawaii, and who is still menstruating. oh, i'd have even more respect for her performance then headed out on a female aspect. laura's stance of listening to her own body has prompted plenty of reaction on social media and not only positive alcohol is heard from a typical and some man here saying who cares the her half the world's population or
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women, alamo, they might be interested. you. what i hear this is and coming from a woman, this is wild fear gazelle this jabbering on about women's biggest problem. i think by my mid thirties, i'd had enough and had my usual removed, done after that no more bleeding and intense pain every 4 weeks. come out of her was on that, i just think it's sad that this woman never really found a connection to her femininity and to herself, i was kind of this erica fulton, her will be spotless, and i didn't have his an yolande misanthrope or medical lawrence, customized program incorporates not only training but di to in that flattened surface in the 2nd half of my cycle, i really noticed my blood sugar fluctuating. i might be on my bike and off to just half an hour. i feel this craving for food isn't. and in the 1st half of my cycle, i can be doing the same training units, but it's one and
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a half hours until i even think about fading. the right nutrients. the best timing for muscle growth, resting and interval training factors that laura learns by listening to her body it must a i think, a full test. but thinking being a dish wasn't i had to reconsider if you thing us and stuff i'd assume to be right . but now question of sin and there's no substitute for practical experience knowing their alternatives and then trying them out on does phone some it. when done awful been that this must be in them. yeah. we single laura cycles become increasingly regular. you do am no longer thrown off balance by me. i got the coach. i yeah. yeah. i mean if i can, i add some thank america. we really noticed how certain training units would cause chaos with my menstrual cycle when i did them around the time of, of elation. and after that i had an overly long cycle again done so long sucrose
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got. busy yet i mentioned, we all have physical cycles on daily wisdom. and women have a monthly cycle on top of that when it's learning to live with that rhythm makes you healthy. i live in laguna is mon ish mac does inner constance utilize. so i see it in the consistency of half performance and in the contentment she shows that she seems to do with stress a lot better than used to be the case may of this upcoming. but it's 2 for con, like they were switched off my paying attention to my cycle has put me more in sync with my body. i have a far better feeling for my own body, rough and full, and that consciousness is crucial when it comes to the demand sports, them in place on their bodies, on a daily basis, you causal stack and because glowers jewish jesus, but will. so i am at the shop ah
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ah ah ah, the amount of plastic is increasing every year, many im gonna working on landfills and we work very holiday destinations drowning and plastic white we, we wine that at the cause it every year of the exports are $1000000.00 tons of plastic with use there. another way. after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines. i haven't had ended listening place of long. the mediterranean
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sea. it's waters connect people of many cultures. seen of almost rock and jaffar abdul karim drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and mediterranean where has history left its traces meeting people, hearing their dreams ready to meet this week on d. w with ah ah, a centuries old tradition, the dairy farmers up to roll,
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tracking home with their cattle on their way back to the valley after a summer and alpine pastures. many, you always want to be where the cows are happy. this is the highlight of the year here in the alps. the olive tree, the festive cattle drive. we're about to get louis and the cows know it. it's just 7 in the morning and the high pressure cleaner is already blasting full steam. everything has to be spotless for the big day. absolutely. everything. all 80 cows need to be clean, head to toe. hundreds rolls up his sleeve and get down to business. he's the guy who does the dirty work around here.


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