tv DW News Deutsche Welle October 10, 2022 11:00am-11:16am CEST
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as train always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor, not a guest. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information. ah ah, this is d w. news coming to live from berlin. large explosions have rock t of and other ukrainian cities ukrainian emergency services are reporting deaths and injuries. crane's president
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says russia is targeting the country's energy infrastructure, and its people are these attacks retaliation from russia. vladimir putin meets with the security council to day following an explosion that damage to bridge serving as a key supply route for moscow's invasion. ah . hello m terry martin. thanks for joining us. you are joining us as ukraine comes under heavy fire. several blasts have hit at cities across ukraine, including the capital q. crenan authorities say russia fired 75 missiles also targeting cities far from the front lines of the war. critical infrastructure has reportedly been hit and people are being warned to take shelter. president blogging zalinski has accused russia of wanting to quote wipers from the face of the earth.
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blasts come a day after moscow blamed kia for an attack on a key bridge between russia and occupied framing. for the future is our correspondent in kia bright now, she joined us a little earlier from near the scene of one of the missile strikes a we changed location actually several times today because when we rushed to the scene, a trying to find out what exactly has happened on that busy road that actually we are using pretty much every day hearing he of city, more explosions, a hit or the city. so we were really literally running for a live strike, look for shelter. we left that shelter now because to be other explosions, and we're close to another shelter right now. just really literally coming out for this life and we're going to look for protection just like so many citizens right now, because in this is what is quite scary, right? now that all of these explosions are happening in a very arbitrary way. you just don't know where the next strike is going to be,
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where the next miss site is going to hit. and you are rather not outside or when that's going to happen. so the situation is quite tense. people are on alert, people are checking their phones a try to find out what is to come, but this is exactly the question for which you can only find a very speculative answer because you just do not know what putin, the president of russia has up his sleeves, when it comes to his a revenge, and that he's possibly the revenge of course, to or what happens with your crimea bridge over the weekend. can you give us an idea of the scope of this attack funny because we're hearing that not only kia but other cities have been hit we're hearing as well, that there is several explosions in fact, across ukraine. a places that we visiting in the past, for example, live in the very western part of ukraine that's been spared from explosions pretty much throughout the course of the war. but also in the center. if you creating how many litski i place you also visited. also a place that usually is not hit,
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however, and this is exactly which takes us back to the 1st question. people just do not know right now as russia sees itself on the defensive l, but in a way of the way we've are, we are seeing that you create enforcers, of course, have advanced very much so in the past weeks, these ports of course, rashanda edge trying to a domestically show that they have the war still under their control. and as a result, what we're seeing right now is arbitrary shelling of places that actually have been spared because they're not close to the front lines. so these are places like companies, as i say, livia, but also nipple ends up, or he just the city of upper asia, a city that russia would like to control, but does not, is under heavy shopping for the past couple of days. and again, it's residential buildings, it's apartment buildings that are being hit and with that it's civilians that are the casualties of all of this brutality. tell us funny,
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i know it's still early days. all this is just been happening the past couple of hours, but what sort of response are we hearing from the ukrainian government? well, very bluntly put that they are seeing that they're going to seek revenge. and this is the danger here, as i'm speaking to eye witnesses, i'm speaking to civilians. they are scared of the ongoing escalation of this war that has entered a new faith. because as russia says, they just want to retaliate in a way or what happened to the crimea breach what they are calling a act of terrorism on the same to at the same time, ukraine is saying that this is a bluntly just cynical because how can you retaliate by hitting civilian targets. now ukraine is saying for one people should same shelters because obviously nobody knows how these days going to evolve is, is it going to be likely that apart from civilian infrastructure, also energy energy infrastructure, military infrastructure. he's going to be hit in different faces. we do not know.
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and at the same time a forest ukraine is saying that people are not going to be scared of this. they are not going to say that for them. this is a way to cave in now and to even start negotiating with russia. know, ukraine is steadfast in there, a goal to, to make sure that they can liberate all occupied territories off the ukraine. and at that they can win this war. so a very much saw in the light of the fact what's going on ukraine is trying to show and express that this is not going to be won by russia. and the revenge is going to take place because of what's happening this morning here. and he of city funny, thank you very much for now or corresponding funny picture the in keith. russia's president vladimir putin is expected to meet with a security council in the coming hours to discuss events unfolding in ukraine. among them, saturday's attack on a key bridge linking russia and crimea official say 3 people died in that explosion
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which severely damaged the crimean financial is only direct linked with russia. the crossing is an important supply route for russian forces. fighting in ukraine routine accused a crane of carrying out what he called the terrors attack and promised retribution . so these air strikes that we're seeing in ukraine this morning come just days after the crimea bridge attack. frank lead, which is a former military intelligence officer. i asked him whether this is retaliation for that attack. retaliation at many have been expecting. yes, certainly it's the, i mean we won't play, but the point of course is to who the terrorist is here. that's been case and start with the 24th. but what's quite militarily significant is that the russians have decided to use a fair number of quite valuable precision cruise missiles to attack as funny, outlined, almost entirely civilian targets in the center of care. now,
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as far as i know, that during the summer for a couple of months, i know several of the target locations quite well. as far as i know, the center here has not yet been attack. so what we're seeing here is to say, you're not in any way, this is what i'm willing to do. i'm not going to be discriminated. i mean, we know that anyway, i'm not even pretending to be discriminant about the target set. so there is a slight change that with respect to the key of situation, what it will pull it up though is the nature of the requirement. now from the west, being sober about this, what the west needs to do once again is to step up. ukraine need a, an effective, integrated air defense system that can only come from countries like the u. s. and determine how is russia position now frank, to respond to, to continue with its attacks, given it's major setbacks on the battlefield. it's in
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a very poor situation. what we're going to see over the next few weeks, are you creating forces, and we talk about revenge from the kind of you kind of taking vengeance. savage motors, perpetrator population every day by cutting away russian forces. but the next few weeks we'll see you kind of forces closing another cock about in the south, not far from person. that's the scarf at the crimea canal, which was one of the complaints the russians had many years. and now the plan is about to get that back. that will be a major blow to russia on the battlefield itself. they're in a dire situation, and that's why, of course we see what long been known as terrible me in the civilian half of, of ukraine. so it was your question put in the sort of choices on the battlefield, almost not actually, but what options do remain in other domains such as continuing terribly like this, which will have no effect to talk. cyber though is
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a major fear that undoubtedly is going on every day decide the conflict. and it may well be that at some point a cyber attack may get through the effect of that might be a significant just as the kinetic explosions that we saw today. if, for example, a banking system could be attacked in ukraine or something of that order. so we will be seeing an escalation here even beyond what we're seeing today. now this is a military confrontation, russia launched an invasion of ukraine, but the language is being used to describe what's happening now is shifting with the word terrorism being tossed around. i know you mentioned you don't want to belabor that point, but what does that tell us? about the way this war is progressing. well, that's it. that's it. now to point it's, it's, it's a weapon, information wall. it's a way by which putin can justify repub, seated, as you said, of the last few days, especially since you talk on the bridge can justify pretty much anything that's done. i mean, let's be candid. we, we, on the west flying around accusations of terrorism to justify the invasion of
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several countries. and it worked to some extent so, so it is, it is not if that works. i'm not seeing what we did, what russian students totally disability. but you can see the effect that can have . it's also was saying by the way that you prayed, is having a very, very, very, very effective information campaign legal campaign have russia rightly declared the terrorist state? so, i mean, there's a risk, of course, a news in the media these was, but you can see why putin is using not to justify pretty much anything he's about to do because we just seem to start today. frank, thank you very much. that was military analysts, frank lead, which here in germany, the russian rocket attacks have renewed calls for progress and delivering an air system. an air defense system requested by ukraine transfer all of shots agreed in june to send the iris t system. defense minister christina lumber also said berlin would quickly deliver
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the 1st to 4 iris t systems. during a visit the lithuania, at the weekend, lambert condemned russian missile and drone attacks, only ukrainian population. for more of this, i'm joined by our political correspondent, benjamin our us group. but what reactions to the attacks in ukraine this morning had there been in germany? there has been a reaction by germany's education minister bettina stock, that singer who said that the attacks on key or a new low of russian terrorism against ukrainian civilians is she said that there can only be one answer to this image is continuous support for ukraine, especially through arms deliveries. and that's a debate that has been ongoing for months in germany and we're expecting it against especially considering would you just mentioned that the german chancellor sat back in june. the germany would offer this, as he called it the most sophisticated a defense system, a to ukraine. to us more about those air defense systems,
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sir benny mean, the systems that germany has promised ukraine, and when ukraine can realistically expect to get them that's the question that many not only in ukraine are asking themselves. laughing repeated questions also with the federal government, but they're really not giving too much information when it comes to weapons deliveries. they have even published a list of weapons deliveries to ukraine it by saying that they will not give additional information. we just saw pictures of cassini lumber if germany defense a minister who was in lithuania recently saying that the security of the twin is also the security of germany, saying that the systems is sophisticated iris t systems as well as raiders will be delivered by it to ukraine in the next a days, but that's something that we've been hearing for several weeks now. so we're waiting for the confirmation at by ukraine to tell us when exactly the systems it will arrive their system. that according to the german chancellor,
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will give you credit the capacity to defend big cities as well. germany over the past few years has not maintained a particularly robust defense. posture itself is germany planning on strengthening its own air defense capabilities in the face of russian aggression. absolutely, and that's something that we have to see when we talk about this discussions on just defending em, ukraine, when it comes to this. russian missile attacks chancellor shows was recently in madrid. he was also in prag, during a summit, saying that there are concrete plans that they are in talks for a european anti missile system. it would have several steps that could have is iris t system, for example, that will be a sent to ukraine. that has been pledged by germany, that they will also be other steps. for example, patriots that are also systems that can be used also to defend itself against russian missile. so that's something important that we have to see here. it's not just sending these weapons to ukraine is also seeing what could happen if russia,
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for example, decides to attack the balance or other european countries to have the system. there will be able, a full make it able to this different european government to protect themselves at from a danger, from missiles that could be sent from russia to other countries as well. betting me . thank you very much. our correspondent benjamin elbows group are there you are watching dw news from berlin. coming up next, we've got a documentary for you with a film on americas black upper class. i'm terry martin from me and all the team here at georgia. bella, thanks for ron. ah, i have been the 2nd i have been visa because we try to to show a face off over the world environment.
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