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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 10, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm CEST

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ah, he won't pay jackson oh, don't talk to between 1st on the w mm hm. ah, ah ah, this is b w. news live from berlin. dozens of russian missiles hit keith and the other ukranian cities. at least 10 people have been killed and thousands more injured. ukraine's president says russia is targeting the countries energy
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infrastructure and it's people also on the program. letting me put in says this strikes were in response to an explosion on the only bridge that links russia and the annexed crimean peninsula and threatens further retaliation against you. frank grant's president's blood in his lensky and g. certainly this will hold emergency talks on tuesday to discuss the latest russian attacks german chance the olaf shaw says, ukraine has berlin's full support. ah, i'm glad else as well come to the program. ukraine has come under heavy fire. good missiles have struck cities across the country, including the capital keys. at least 10 people have been killed. roches president said the stripes on spawns to an attack on
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a key bridge between russia and the annex crimean peninsula. ukraine's president has accused russia of wanting to quote wipers from the face of the earth, and his warning it citizens to seek shelter. ah, multiple black rocks, central keys during morning rush hour. who should i live? a more civilian targets were struck in the barrage of strikes the 1st to hit the capital in months. but i would rather not go with you in the morning. we were woken up with his greeting from our neighbors in russia. you know, that you see all this here and across the entire city almost through his yes. sure or same order rather law fortune war. i am putting these a synonyms for more. we hope for our victory include them willer with re this is a tragedy, not just for civilians who are dying, but also for the military. or are they all for the sake of a whim?
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of one idiot who leads russia, or if you could, were ukraine's president accused russia of trying to wipe his nation from the face of the earth. speaking on the streets of clever, he said this strikes were time to inflict maximum damage. on the proverb bank, you the one acquaint panicking chaos not they want to destroy our energy system as me. the 2nd target is people with general, they deliberately chose such a time and such targets in order to cause as much harm as possible. but we are ukrainians when we help each other, we believe in ourselves. we will restore everything that was destroyed on several other cities far from the front lines were also rocked by explosions. zalinski says energy infrastructure across the country was targeted in the western city of live electricity and hot water were cut by the black people across ukraine are now
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taking shelter as they brace for a potential new phase in russia's war. all correspondence funding for job is in key front. i asked her what she witnessed there this morning. i was basically starting my day to really sunny october monday morning when i heard these explosions. first, i didn't know whether actually it's an explosion because it sounded like something else, but certainly the 2nd and the 3rd one was a huge bang. so what we did going to the scene as soon as we could. and what we found there was a lot of debris. our cars are that way, black because of the a shelling that happened there, a huge crater in the middle of the street. it's a road by the way, one of the main roads here that people use when they go to work, actually it's one of those rows that we have been frequently using as well in the past. so being there we, we are shocked ourselves, seeing they're seeing all the emergency units trying to calm through what they see
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. they are trying to help a people. and as we are, they are at the scenery and we are trying to talk to our witnesses at that for more explosions happen. so we also had to leave the scene and look for shelter. right now we're able to actually report again on camera and talk to you on camera again. because the air raid siren that was on for hours is off, doesn't mean that everything is calm and safe. certainly not. in fact, of the ukrainian officials or, or warning people to stay in those shelters as long as possible today, because nobody really knows how these days going to unfold. now what's known about visa times what is know so far, according to your ukrainian information that more than e t, mrs. strikes hit towns across ukraine, and about half of them apparently have been intercepted that you're talking here about numbers. and if you look at the side,
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especially where we are at this morning, really just a block away from we are staying in this hotel. you see again, this fear is short and also this panic in the eyes of people. something that i remember from the beginning of the war when we were here on february 24th more, almost like a discovery of people backed up with yoga mats, try to go to a nearby shelter, which is the metro station for most of the people. as far as the numbers are concerned, there is conflicting information just how many casualties they are when it comes to key of city. the latest that you've heard about 5 people who have been killed and at least 15 injured. but it's expected that this number is going to be corrected upwards at simply by looking at, at the destruction there, at that main road and, and, and what is to come as a result when he comes to the number of injured people. and as i say, this is only key of city. there have been explosions in many parts of ukraine today . good. have you heard anything from the other parts of your grand, the other cities that have been it actually have been just on the phone with our
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sources in leave, but also honey gibbons is in the center if you crave leave is on the western part of ukraine they are describing, they have no running water, no electricity, no access to internet. and these actually reflects well ukraine's presidents lensky has been seeing that one target is civilians as a, as an act of terrorism, really. and another target is critical infrastructure, energy assistance. basically every thing that can turn people into chaos and panic, not knowing what to do, and this is all happening by the way, at a time guard when a lot of people are coming back to ukraine. if in fact i've been traveling on this overnight train from poland to ukraine last night, and there were so many mothers with the children, a longing to go back to keep sit in other pos, a few crane because this simply missed their home. so all of this is happening at a time where, especially people who live in bigger cities far away from the front lines, felt quite safe and, and, and according to the government, this is exactly what now
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a russia is trying to turn this feeling and rather say that russia is under control of how this war is going to develop, and people are concerned. it's going to be worse. fun. such other reporting from keith. thank you. funny, ukraine's president, florida missouri lensky has spoken with the leaders of germany and france in the wake of the attacks and urge them to increase pressure on russia. he's also issued a video statement for me. ukrainians of the extent of the strikes use the statement and full bane ukrainian ukrainians. this morning is tough that we are dealing with terrorists dozens of miss isles. iranian showerheads. they have 2 targets. energy facilities throughout the country. kia region, uncommon ascii levine, and in the pro vinitez here, woman, yvonne o. frankie is region supper, asia on the sumi region khaki region. see, to me, region q of rad region the size of the country women, again, novel,
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they want to panic, and chaos is of they want to destroy our energy system where they are incorrigible again. the 2nd target is people the time when the targets were especially chosen to cause as much damage as possible, but we're ukrainians, we will help each other. we believe in ourselves, we will restore everything that is destroyed. there may be temporary, par, i things know that, but there will never be an outage of our confidence. our confidence is victory will be why so strikes exactly. the enemy wants us to be afraid, wants to make people run, but we can only run forward and we demonstrate this on the battlefield and it will continue to be so in the rescuers are working now. our air defense system is working. 38 aerial targets have already been shot dying enough. please stay in shelters to day. thanks for the help of our military. everything will be fine and always remember ukraine existed before this enemy appeared, and ukraine will exist after it. jury to ukraine. la maria sir jenko witnessed
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several of the s drive this morning keith and earlier she told me what that was like. so i was caught just 10 minutes before the priest rocket. i hid the, the key it, see the sandra because at least 10 minutes from the city center. and it was around 8 something am when i heard the vessel and then the explosion. now, how did you react when, when the arrow says sirens a went off, this molar did you immediately go and, and, and take shelter. i went to the shelter after i heard like some explosions already because i didn't. and i, i hear the, the 1st before is alert and maybe because it's been, i think, 3 or 4 months since that the license shall in here we as citizens became a big class, you know, attentive to the erase alerts. that's why i,
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when i heard the explosion itself and the whistle of the rocket, then i went to the shelter. the president zalinski said that the air stripes also had vital infrastructure including power stations. did it anything next or to you, or is it already probable that infrastructure was hit? yep, i'll leave just 3 or 4 minutes. walk from the power planter and when i wasn't the shelter for about one hour and a half, it was relatively wired to me. then i decided to go to my bathroom to take some warm clothes because it was really cold. and then it heard the super big explosion, and that was the explosion of on the rush and the head, the thermal power plant. and also the business center which is just to, to 100 meter is from my house. so both of them were heath and the whole as 3 was in
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the smoke. and then even my ears were really winning and i ran immediately to the shelter. and it was really frightening to me to tell us about the mood in the city now that the, the wall who as you see, mentioned, has been absent from a key, if in a way, but now it's come back with a vengeance, not only to cuba, to other places as well, but when you, for example, when you were in the shelter this morning, you've been with other people there. what's, what's the mood like right now? and you've people really are not carried away because they really believe that it once change our strategy and ukraine will win in any way. we all are her, our president who was actually talking to us this morning and people in the shelter . they started seeing ukrainian songs and even, you know,
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playing the piano when they had some musical instruments. so the mood is not really depressive. it's, it's not that case. but of course, in kia but we've been without active shalean for quite a long time. that's why right now, it was a very it was a shock for everyone. it think it was to president mercer jenko speaking to us earlier about the miss all the time. now kiera roodick is a member of the credit parliament on the leader of the opposition voice party. and i asked her, what message she thinks russia wanted to send with a fresh strikes. the message is at despair. when the crimea bridge was destroyed and it was illegally built military object, was used to deliver oh, there deliver rockets and supplies to russian army. they decided to attack
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a ukrainian infrastructure to ruin infrastructure and to kill ukrainians whenever the arc. this is a message that is intended to internal auditory in russia, where put in a saying that no attack on the rush, i will go unpunished. but it also shows that there is nothing else that he can do. and for us in ukraine, we only stay stronger, and it only allows us to say, give us more weapons, give us protection. so we can store brush in this house, give us an ability to defend ourselves because you see what is going on today. put in a put ins, rocket attacked, man, it's a children's playground. is it like it? is it something that even supposed to be happening in 21st century? and in 8 months, in this war, we have been begging for our life to close the sky, or give us the ability to close this price. and as of right now, the fact that we are still unable to protect ourselves from the attack from the ear
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is, is just like a pity and shame and an ability for us to, to screen for help. please give us that jet, please give us an air force protection, leave you as well by a fund so we can defend ourselves. we can protect our life. less of our children. that was the economy, a member of parliament, she roodick speaking to me or not. russia's action and carrying outstretched against your friend in civilian targets have been widely condemned as spokesman, full european union called the attacks war crimes. the russia is opting for a tactics with aiming, an indiscriminately born being the civilians. this is something which is intern against international humanitarian law. and these in this community targeting of civilians and mounds to avoid crime you foreign policy chief use apparatus said he was deeply shocked by russia's attacks on civilians in
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a treat. he said, such acts have no place in the 21st century. i condemn them in the strongest possible terms. and he promised additional moultrie support from the e. u is on its way. the chinese foreign ministry called for t escalation. we have taken note of the relevant reports and we also hope that the situation can deescalate soon you k foreign minister, james cheverly tweeted, rushes, firing of missiles into civilian areas of ukraine is unacceptable. he said he had been in touch with ukraine's foreign minister to pledge the you case, ongoing moral, unpractical support to ukraine. this is a demonstration of weakness by putin not strength, cleverly wrote. now let's have a look at some of the other developments related to the war and new crime bell erosion president alexander lucas ankle has announced. part of his country's armed
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forces will be forming a joint unit with the russian army, because it says he and rushes of vladimir putin had agreed to the move. at a recent summit and st. petersburg, he claims to have received intelligence. suggesting crane was planning to attack, fill a routing territory or national group. you commission president, also a funder lion and the prime minister of estonia, kaya colors, say they back the formation of an international court to investigate war. crimes committed in ukraine on the line is in the baltic nations capital city tullen for a summit on a digital glo corporations and so conventions. thank you. russia, president vladimir putin has now confirmed, but many had suspected that the range of strikes against ukrainian cities are in fact, retaliation for an attack on the curt rail bridge. over the weekend, the bridge between russia and the occupied crimean peninsula was opened only 4
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years ago. it was a flagship project for moscow. picking up the scraps at the sight of a bridge that stood as the symbol of moscow's illegal annexation of crimea. saturday's powerful blast caused the strategic bridge to partially collapse, disrupting travel. and what is the only direct link between russia and a crimea in peninsula? a key of cars stretched 22 kilometers on monday. some passengers said they'd been waiting for up to 12 hours. let's carry that. we have to go home. the bridge is now open for transport, but only to vehicles weighing less than $3.00 tons. he calls wearing more will have to cross by ferry brush in president vladimir putin has blamed ukrainian secret service agents for the blast. calling it a terrorist act. he has vowed to rebuild the bridge. i saw time ago,
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i spoke with military alice franklin, which she gave us his assessment of put his reason for unleashing these strikes at this point in the war. the objectives of the russian attack was to attack mara morale, the civilian population is clearly failing and that is what it means. he's trying to attack the will of the defending ukrainians to undercut that motivation to fight further. and in this, as you heard before, they are down to face. why exactly do you think that that is? so what you heard from your previous to interlocutors 2 reasons. first of all, the resilience and 2nd, the anger. but from a military perspective, we can also look at history. so every campaign that was designed to attack civilian morale, so called strategic bombing, has failed be that germany in the 2nd world war b, vietnam in the viet,
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not that vietnam war because of the, i should say, in the cost, the cost of a war. and so for the one example, sometimes rate is an epo, by the way, led by the same general to a leading this brutal war where some success was achieved. but because there they weren't fighting the mass forces of an extremely capable, military power that have shown themselves capable, willing and able to defeat russian forces in the field repeatedly. now, what do you think are you crying? and its allies should do non response or care that was talking about air defenses. and i think what we're going to see over the next week or 2 is an uptake in that particular military capability. and specifically, i think what you're trying to be looking at american region nice times. now there are some already on the way it may be deployed. but more importantly, patriot systems, not a problem. there is a need a while to train,
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but that will have what they deployed will take some time. they will have the effect of being able to shoot down the missiles today. most of them that got through. so i think that's what we're going to be needing. that's what it was to be asked for. will also be asked no fly zone consideration given i spent to be refused . now the russian attacks on critical infrastructure are designed to fix serious pain on ukrainian citizens targeting their energy supply, heating, head of the winter. what do you think? why do you think this strategy will actually fail? as you mentioned earlier, because history history demonstrates it where you know, whether it's of the blitz spirit that we see today in ukrainian shelters where people are singing. the national anthem will sing national songs are keeping their spirits up and combine. not with the anger and determination and grit of this country and the people that's put up with brutal aggression successfully to the last 8 months. that's not something that's going to be depleted by attacking
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playgrounds universities or glass bridges. and by the way, failing to hit to hit the latter had to quickly with a half a 1000000 pound precision guided bomb tells you something about the gun that come straight to come to a literally can't live without being flippant, forgot to answer your question directly. what this does is increase resilience, your population, reduce it around. i was frank lab, which there. thank you, frank. not germany's chance. the old shows spoke to you friday and president followed them as a lensky following the attacks. shall, spokesman said the chancellor told zalinski germany will do everything in its power to mobilize additional aid to ukraine and in particular to help restore damaged civilian infrastructure. the russian missile strikes have renewed calls to speed up the delivery of a german air defense system requested by ukraine. defense minister christina lumber, time set berlin would quickly deliver the 1st or 4 iris
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t systems. but they have not yet been dispatched. during a visit to lithuania, the weekend lumber condemned russian missile and grown attacks on the ukrainian population. now let's bring in a german m p or been wagner. he's a member of the greens and part of the german defense committee. ukraine is asking once again for more weapons. germany is once again promising to deliver an edifice system. but germany is made that promise not only in june, but also just a days ago. are we talking about an additional one now? well, actually concerning the different systems, we made the problem that we said that it will take some time to live. but what we need to do is react strongly on the now which are born out of your protein with christians, ukraine. and we definitely need to support ukraine even stronger to take just a growing european union and with more sense, but also with more main,
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better tanks and onwards areas in order to be able to liberate. very sorry you talking about 4 months and months and months where to hold up. well actually we have said that we will deliver addison's and we said that it will take some time. but definitely we need to increase the effort to deliver and but in addition to that, it's not only adding fans, it's also grant support. and we should take the lead us abroad. i sla government to take up the new role in european union in the trans atlantic community and make a step in the community to deliver modern west tanks and more modern west in total for ukraine. and because that is what is making a difference, what we see now is the action of futons criminal minds reacting to his failing warfare that he's doing. he's failing because of the support that we have done it
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because of the bravery of christ. but we must not let him created terror that he's trying to spread in civilian population. so we need to defend population and have ukraine liberate that territory because that is the only way to stop or now russia also seems to attack critical infrastructure more often. not only ukraine today, we hear bother so far, unexplained power outages on the danger born home. there was a recent act of sabotage on the german railway system, still unexplained. just 2 weeks after sabotage the tax on a been north stream gas pipeline. does germany, does europe have to prepare for more acts like this? we are in a constant aggression of totalitarian totalitarian, jasmine against democracy that we're seeing here. we don't know yet the exact cause of what's going on in on home of what was happening with the german railway, the sabotage. but what we know is that we had political murder in germany that we
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have these de visitation campaigns that we have cyber attacks going on. so it is a constant attack that is going on here. and that is also something that we need to take into our calculation when we respond to russian, a war of innovation, ukraine. we have to stop russia in ukraine, also for our own safety and germany. so what, what is germany currently doing to, to guarantee, let's say the safety of critical infrastructure where we are, we are working on plans, how to better support us, even in critical infrastructure, what we have, and that is a problem. we have 60 years of leadership, conservative party in germany, and we see that we are not very good in account espionage and that we are not very good in protecting the civilian infrastructure that we are not very good in defending against cyber attacks. but we will have to improve on that. we have seen the reports on the you can see with the hash ticks i backed loan on twitter,
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we have, we see all of these things. we need to react on that because we, we have a heritage of very weak defense and that's that part. and that is something we, we inherited from our conservative party after 16 years. thank you very much of in wagner. they're from the green party. thank you. and that's it for now from me and the news team. i'll have a world news update for you at the top of the hour. don't go away. india is up next our environment magazine. and of course, as always, a lot more news and updates on a website that is d, w dot com, got office in berlin for me and the team here. thanks with with
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