tv Tomorrow Today Deutsche Welle October 10, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST
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i have been sent, i have been busy, i have been sick a straight did because we tried to to show dory of face mafia all over the world. environmentalists are in danger. the enemy, roofless corporations corrupted government agencies and criminal cartels. with a design and targeted environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d. w with ah, world is becoming increasingly digitalized. smartphones are almost common connection to this new way of life. but the technology used to communicate with people and objects is getting more and more sophisticated with
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a smartphone soon be a thing of the past in the future. other technology is, could revolutionize our world. welcome to tomorrow to day. the d. w. science magazine, 5310000000 people use smartphones, meaning that 2 thirds of the world's population rely on their devices in their everyday lives. we use them for shopping into acting in social networks, filming things, and playing games. and sometimes even for making calls, like without a smartphone is very imaginable, but it may soon be a realistic prospect. our love affair with the smartphone could soon be over. so say bosses of sony, apple, facebook, and others, samsung exact
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d j co gives them another 4 years for now. digital expert christian shiffler is still a smartphone junkie. lang when he alfie get money. i, when i get out on swap, the 1st thing i look at is my smartphone, the stuff and wakes me up. i'm tired, it's the 1st thing i pick up. and the last thing i put down talk, i'll stand keyboard. but he also thinks they're well past their zenith for this and you have one in be tips with the citizen economists tell us that technologies have a product lifecycle, get the smartphone. the smartphone has been somewhere high up in terms of the product lifecycle for years. it's cons i not went from. yeah, you might not have bought a new smartphone for 5 years, and then you do and you realize that not much has changed his dagger misconduct. and those are all signs at the smartphone is reaching the end of the road as a smartphone. crazy invisalign ouse entry could vert is the smartphone to meet the same fate as old style tv's, rotary, dial telephones, wireless radios,
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and walk mans. and if so, what's next? digital ethics, expert 0 speak, i'm on, says silicon valley has a clear vision of what's to come as, as good, not taking a 1st. i don't think when ideas, of course, quite dominant for the tech world, papa permanently having a voice assistant in your ear. who does everything for you as, as 10 miles for i knew the name has gone on. we saw this vision of the future in the film, hers and song. all mankind has all got bob. there are also glasses like a smart glasses, google lunch inhaled that. let you take an avatar with you on this flight and you might have configured in a virtual world and then it, it has been a few at a voice assistant action. or what about if our brain could directly communicate with the digital world without typing swiping more voice commands? recently, a so called brain computer interface was launched that enables users to control programs with their minds
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a corporate video from the company. next mine shows people playing video games, making music and using household devices all with the power of their thoughts. it sounds like science fiction. i. so we got hold of a test device to try it out. christiane doesn't have a chip implanted instead. sensors on the back of his head are supposed to register what he's thinking. ah, i have on the, in the many digital devices i have time, i've never controlled any of them with my new outlet. i'm very curious as to if it works and off back up does have a helpful watson yet the brain computer interface or b c. i measures the brain waves in our visual cortex. when our eyes focus on a certain point, the sensors pick up this information and send a corresponding digital signal to the computer, montana's caliber, he and,
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and i get the sonic and calibrated. and then there's a scale from $1.00 to $5.00 items. this one is the worst and find the best best and have the 1st several times i used it. i only got one out of 5. so nothing at all. i just, i things of garnished and now i'm starting the calibration. he'll doesn't is in there. the 3 line i and if i do it well, take a come together to form a triangle for being. let's see, lam die egg on his microphone. good christian succeed this time in controlling his brain waves so that a triangle is formed. is it really as easy as the corporate video? say it is while christian tries to connect his brain to the interface. we ask andrea's chima from the tech company, huawei, what he thinks will replace the smartphone. the smartphone built kind of my phones
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will have a central role in the way that they do now be busy with different devices will share different functions and i'll be able to just move things back and forth between them. depending on what the situation i'm. i'm pushing on here, hold and they haven't con enough team investment, is it? what if i'm on the sofa off and have a big screen in front of me and gotten i can take a video called there, you call even of them go smoothly, can be a name. and many times when i say i've got to go home, for example, to another room, i can just transfer it in there when they finish, even if i want to leave my apartment to me, i can take the video call with me on my smart phone line and my wearable i submit, so to evolve at the end of the day, it's about the devices adjusting to the user and not the other way around the motor and pass it on the mac. next up, more about what a future without smartphones might look like. but how did it all begin?
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in 1994, the i b m. simon was the 1st device to feed to a touch screen. it was followed in 1996 by the nokia communicator the sensational development because it could send emails and faxes another 3 years later. the 1st cell phones with cameras hit the market to see both come in. for example, had a modest resolution of 0 point one, mega pixel, 2007. so the birth of the smartphone, as we know it today, when the 1st i phone was unveiled. but all that could soon be history. tech firms are working on the replacement for the smartphone. google hopes to make touch screens redundant with projects solely. it aims to track our every move using a tiny radar chip. like a bat, it sends out short signals and interprets the echoes that come back. these are then transformed into digital signals. this would make touch screen superfluous. so maybe one day we'll be able to control our kitchen appliances,
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cars, computers, and consumer electronics with gestures using augmented reality glasses like microsoft's hollow lens, it's already possible to work with holograms in a virtual reality world. cell phones barely play a role here any more. the sconces one on each and the common consumer consumer belie thing, isn't consumer ready yet a garbage that they're still working on as a foster? hey, it says the pillar out. of course you can imagine in say, hey, get psyched. i'll put on the glasses a tour and be able to check the temperature in my field of view in more small city me off. and when i have to go somewhere, i won't need to look at a matter we can have, instead not a fallen arrow wherever the sadness sends me, thus have i so clearly uses exist and what's the long hill dream? the smart world is getting closer to becoming reality,
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but what happens to the huge amounts of data which these things collect about us? that's more and more personal medical data movement files, buying behavior and emotional states. isn't there a huge potential for miss use? the internet of things, let's tech firms read each one of us like a book right down to the chinese details. are we marching towards dystopian blade runner type society? does it so confidence? yes, i miss future that is being sold as by silicon valley visionaries like eli mosque and co will lead us straight to a dark place fact. and i don't good come on. does this dark sicily, dark science fiction that jackson and it's dark sy fi they've grown up with? this is kind of ale longer a world in which i have friends or pet fee, or a yard where people meet munsey, tift, and every one sits in an enclosed virtual space or 2 and the hall. with that now
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that startled cla, journalist and digital expert christiane schiffer doesn't have such a negative view of the digital world. here he's trying to connect his laptop to his brain, thought harker best. this is the best result today. yeah. discovery taking the i think i'll get a 3 act slash a too. too bad. yeah, i did better at home and you could see that most of the time it wasn't a triangle. but you out of 5. not the heads. 5 good enough to play games, colonel eyes with right. and so we could try brick breaker for exam breaker, all young classes and saw can he control the paddle using the power of thought alone?
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ah, i mean any time does ita i buy it. i try talking at the same time, i forget it and you really have to concentrate the ab health, constantly ya, next up around of jump and run a plan. so i see these a phase in the clinton, you see that self concept. and now i have to concentrate again and try to move it out of the way. my, my, my n. austin picks up the we can use the touchpad to control the green box. okay. got this. gotcha. okay, i had done it then, but i also need to shut my dog under it. latasha. oh, incense potassium and he had misconduct is totally fascinating in gushed i,
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i'd never have thought i could control anything with my mind as i was surprised as a super that's quite an epiphany is, is exploded him really strenuous, extremely slow food and you always have the feeling that it just might not work on the same kind of 20 foster. and so i can't imagine this will play a role next 5 years on the or in the coming years at all now. hard of fear, floors night factor, but tech billionaire, you learn musk is certain that it will work one day. he's experimenting with brain computer interface or b c i implants, which he believes will be how people will communicate with the digital world in future. so it might one day be possible to upload your thoughts to the cloud or connect yourself to the internet like smart devices already do. people could be directly connected with robots, enabling them to master tough tasks or explore faraway places together. but that's
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all in the distant future back to the present. so what exactly will life be like? am a post smartphone error? it's the museum her doesn't. i'm quite sure we'll be talking a lot via had fluorescent via and they'll be a lot of competition that just like there was with smartphones to start this cover for saturday were walking around with many computers in our pockets. many could, i can imagine in future, we'll have the content sound of many computers in our ears. smart earbuds, a our glasses, smart homes, and maybe even mind controlled devices. oh, look and believe it. i'm sure that in 10 years, at the latest, most new buildings would be a i support it. when the a, i knows which actions to carry out. why do you need a smartphone or to call your slot? and the tech giant envision that in the near future will be fully integrated into a virtual parallel world in which we work,
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travel and play. so we need to lay down legal and ethical rules for this brave new world. now, because even if smartphones are on their way out, our growing dependence on technology will continue the matter. this is an integrated network of 3 d virtual worlds augmented, mixed and virtual reality. but experts say that building it is expected to take another 20 years because it requires so much more computational capacity than what's currently available. and how exactly will it work? the measure, this is a virtual space populated by people's avatars. the next generation internet, basically where you can enjoy immersive into active environments and experiences, entertainment, games, crypto currencies and everything else you can currently find on the internet. and
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not just fantasy worlds, but duplicated real life environments to forget shopping on websites. this virtual world enables you to actually visit the store. it's designed to be fun, but useful to you can meet up with friends and colleagues who are far away in the real world. that's the promise of the mit averse. it all sounds very exciting, but can you really imagine living in a parallel, digital world like the most of us? that's what we have here is on d. w. social media channels. maxime roblis thinks it's pure fantasy. he writes, reality is always superior. the virtual world will not supercede the real one, but it's something louis sample can imagine. humans, he says, are known for their ability to adapt, so it won't be any different when it comes to constantly evolving digital world. for may more the met averse doesn't make any sense in terms of the prospective
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experience. although it might be interesting from a shopping fashion and beauty perspective, victor day is fenmont compares the to taking drugs to escape reality. but at some point, you have to return to your real life to re, i can't imagine any benefit from living in a virtual world and prefers the real one draw lima reckons it's going to cause problems across society for those who are exposed to these technologies. and grow up with them. it will affect an entire generation social and communication skills. thank you for your comments. ah. the societal problems caused by the most averse that joe lima mentioned in this post, already evident in smartphone use. for many teenagers, their smartphones are given in germany 96 percent of all 16 to 18 year olds used
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one among 10 to 12 year olds, the figures 86 percent, and 21 percent of 6 to 9 year olds already have a smartphone 3 years ago. researchers at london university conducted a study covering young children and teenagers. 23 percent exhibited problematic signs of excess of use, which can lead to depression and stress. did you know that using a smartphone has an impact on your brain on our phones help us navigate. remember birthdays look up info and capture special moments that did you know that relying on them heavily could be harming your memory?
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studies show like taking lots of photos can make us remember things less seeing the world grow. our phones distracts us from many details around us. have something feels, smells, sounds. our brain links this info to create stronger long term memories. but smartphones shift our focus. research even suggests that when we capture a moment with the intention of sharing it, we are more likely to remember it as it was captured, not as we experienced it. we look at our lives from the outside. there is one upside. our visual memories could be getting stronger in a steady museum visitors who took photos noticed more visual details and looked at more objects than those who didn't. but what about those fun facts? the museum guide shared? many had forgotten them. another problem is cognitive offloading.
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we don't feel the need to remember something when our devices are already doing the job. we use them as our brains external hard drive. but like a muscle, the memory storage of our brain. the hippocampus, literally grows. when we train it, do you know any numbers by heart? can you find your way without your phone? why not try it for a day? if i was little why i gave you numbers, do you have a science related question? i think send it in. if we feature it in our show, we'll send you a little surprise as a thank you. come on,
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just dance. you can see our postal address at the end of the show, but you can also find us online at d, w dot com slash signs or on twitter. this garage is said to be the birthplace of what eventually became the apple cooperation . many of today's tech jones had humble beginnings. now they influence the everyday lives of millions of uses. how will the digital world of the future look? one of today's young inventors wants to help the visually impaired to navigate their way through every day. situations on the street with a rush came ahead car the low to ride growth. rudolph peace mayor is almost completely blind, but he can still identify objects around him. thanks to an invention that gives him
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a heads up to match. nish wants to help people with visual impairments and came up with a device where around your neck of, of indicators on a chemical for both of a device. has a camera linked to a computer come on and the camera records images that are analyzed using artificial intelligence, harlan to identify potential danger, like a car and sensors measure how far away the obstacles are federal to when elizabeth rudolph is testing the invention on his daily walks through regensburg here from the doug. i'd like obstacles to be flagged well in advance for a pedestrian crossing that's not adapted for the visually impaired. it should tell me if the lights green or red, if i can walk, are now to green orders over king colonel than east navigation aids for people with visual impairments is an expanding market tomasz who just finished high school, wanted his device to respond to the challenges posed by road traffic, he built
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a small computer that uses sensors and a camera to analyze the surroundings in real time. yeah, the color is the cameras, the green ship here. it records 30 image is a 2nd of the road traffic and sends it to the a i system, gets flight up. the system can recognize objects and people and identify whether they're potential obstacles. thomas train the a i system using a database of 60000 images. teaching it to differentiate between 10 different types of objects. is advanced by a beautiful day included. pedestrian nodded. it's cars, as you can see here, would also. so i suppose the motorbike or chairs benches, trash cans. when pedestrian crossing lansing an x test have shown that my a i system is about 75 percent accurate hyphen that's right in the middle of the performance range for object recognition networks is vos heights object there
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between about 70 to 80 percent accurate descriptions of social axis port, saint thomas also wrote his own software program for the device. the result is a new kind of navigational aid that can identify obstacles in the surrounding area and inform the user through headphones act warnings. pedestrian ahead. let's take a look at how that works in practice. we'll hear the information that rudolph is hearing, and see what the camera shows. the color box has show what the a i system is identifying. but not every object should trigger a warning to marsh program. the software to identify which objects are obstacles. after warning, i bicycle ahead and which ones aren't. the invention is still a prototype and intended only as an assistive technology. so rudolph also uses his
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came the 1st test, will the device identify and approaching pedestrian act warnings, gadarian ahead the message came relatively late. will the technology react more quickly to an approaching car off warning car ahead. when we were standing in the road earlier, i had the feeling that it reacted a bit late. judging by the sound, the corridor already passionately form tornado as alternate level by wall. not sir, no sir. test i use these kind of talent and recordings. so i can look at it afterwards, form study, what happened and make adjustments to this is still fossil on this method austin naco steel. the next test is an important one in germany. not every pedestrian
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crossing has an acoustic signal for visually impaired people. act a warning to on the cross walk. light is ranch the stop. the on the light is green . see could you may proceed. although no blue cross walking, it was really great all at pedestrian crossings. it's especially important because many lights don't have acoustic signals or additional tactile information. so that's a very important situation where this device can really help ricky heard from cold . so how happy is rudolf with the invention overall? legacy is good. clearly, there are definitely a few things that need to be improved, but it's really on the right path. you'll keep it up to. so it's very me the story orse. so unless i'll use what we've learned here today to make improvements, i'm quite happy with the way that it recognized the cross spotlights. then that's fine. what's very important to me, lou camacho would also like to make his device much smaller,
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with creatives from africa, and the african dias. you know, if you find a different life path, 5 different perspective aren't 21. 90 minutes on d. w. in 2016 as like a bunch of the queen customer wants to see if germany was for me. the last few years have been quite a ride. get a brilliant touch with averted on the home when it comes to jenna. based on of course, i always look right in the eyes. birch is, but perhaps the biggest on the new hobby of mine. i'm no longer a prude. i love to be and then you'd better repose americans. but when you're feeling altogether, you'll realize that culture is just another way of living. are you ready to meet the driver and then join me, right? just do it on b, w. come have a feature counting the highlights you every week in your in box. subscribe. now they are eternal dynamite and the pillar of state and society.
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a symbol of arbitrary rule in the struggle for justice. taxes the right to levy taxes and the obligation to pay them both inherent in the sovereignty of the nation states and their citizens. but what happens when the power of taxation is undermined a tax on top of the tax on top of the tax that was due. well that broke the camel's back. i've been running forever. thinking to myself, when is it all going to come crashing down? you pay won't pay taxation and politics starts october 21st on d w ah
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