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tv   More Life  Deutsche Welle  October 13, 2022 3:15am-4:00am CEST

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valencia, the united nations has voted overwhelmingly to condemn russia's illegal annexations of 4 occupied regions. and ukraine. $143.00 countries supported the resolution and only 5 opposed it. 35 nations abstained including china and india. that's it for me, for now, coming up next, our documentary series doc film investigates whether the aging process can be stopped or reversed as after the brit. there's more news at the top of the r one, our website e, w dot com. i'm told me liable for joining us for a vibrant habitat ended go listening place of long in the mediterranean sea scene of elma star. and to far abdul karim drift along with exploring modern
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lifestyles and the editor ringing, and he's ready to eat journey this week on d. w. ah, what is aging? is it possible for us to affect it? how much more can we do? these are big questions. they're going to take us 2 answers that are going to be illuminating to mankind as a whole. aging has become a hot topic. we are right now at the point where we can already develop strategies with amazon injections, stimulation methods, personal programs, pills, or we're in the midst of a seismic shift that will open up possibilities for more healthy agent. and i talked to with a, something in the air and we can feed it and plenty of people all ready show you
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goal is not going to sit on say, this goal here. you know, right now we're seeing a huge gold rush. once the proof of concept is established on longevity, it will go viral. what was your name and date let the person will live to 115. it's probably already been born. i know it's highly likely. it is, this is with ah
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. 2 i'm 15 right now. how old i think i, i think that you know, i do wanna live a full and happy life. so i think whatever number i can live into at that time, that guarantees need to have a very healthy life. i love the number i got about earlier, we got burly just because it's important for my house to do this. so i do it literally going to be consistent in your sleep schedule. it's easy for me to be consistent with waking up at 5 the sort of some nice, quiet time and yeah, i mean it's, it's, it's, so i do, it's that i'd have consistency because that's really important. think future katie or them?
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nina tara 1st became interested in longevity, research when she was 12. now the teenager is one of the scenes rising stars. nina stands for a generation that takes a new view of aging that wants to see aging eradicated when she's not in school. nino holds talks around the world. she's launched a small start up with a couple of friends. the groups searches for scientific clues on how to crack the aging code. yeah. yeah, and one of our proteins is probably involved in that process in some way. so we
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could weigh how much that protein is involved in that process and try to give an estimate even if we're not adding a whole new protein involved with that process. yeah, i think that definitely something that we could that's useful to measure my grandfather did have it for me to my check. that was not a problem and i wanted seasoning with that one in 6 women get dementia after the 65 and i'm one in 10 man which is a lot of people when you think about it, right. it's these diseases that you previously thought were inevitable. so we thought maybe we'd have drugs to alleviate the pain or to sub one particular type of disease from occurring, but never sort of to, you know, look at the root cause of these diseases and haggard from there. each animal species has inserted race an expiration date in a mouse. it's less than 5 years in the bo had whale. it's 211 years in humans. it's a $120.00 to each species has
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a time that's kind of allocated to it. and the question is, why is that in nature? death is a normal part of life. but can we humans push this biological age limit? human life expectancy has risen steadily and recent history. back in ancient rome, it was to 25 years by the middle ages. it was still only $35.00. now we live in to our seventy's on average medical advances and better living conditions are enabling us to get older and older. but can we extend our lifespan indefinitely? and would we really want to
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as even believe vision to the lots of people want to live forever. and when they wonder if we can reverse or slow down the aging process. and unkind in existence tells us so much about violence which steph and dying. but it also touches on reincarnation and live live. it's a hugely popular fema niga. immortality is a topic that will never die is on stablish. in germany, there's a famous painting, the fountain of youth. and on the painting you see all the old men and women, particularly taking their clothes off and getting into the fountain of youth and swimming across to the other side and emerging young and healthy on the other side . then going off to the tents and dressing and then having a wonderful dinner together with plenty of wine. ah, and it's, it's man's age old dream to be able to reverse aging his room. wouldn't it? this fountain of youth is become an allegory in biomedical research and that's no
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longer just about eating a healthy diet and leading a balance lifestyle. and we want to make more serious adjustments if you and we can take pills or get injections and so on. and will end up living longer when you come into the idea, the fountain of youth that's outside me. and i'm end of that. i can jump into the you, we shifted to a fountain that's put inside the 1000001 injected into my eyes and get busted. we're closer to finding the fountain of youth than ever before. but what if aging were kind of program a program we could hack into an initial clue as to how humans might be reprogrammed, leads to an unassuming setting in central america. ah,
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i've lived in costa rica since 1972 and just completely fell in love with costa rica peninsula. natoya is a place where people age very well and long. i think about it all the time. i think about it all the time because it's really mysterious and they themselves cannot give you any clue as to why you ask them. and they say, i have no idea. it just is what it is. but yet we are more curious and we want to know more on a gail. glenn takes care of some of the regions, centenarians, the residence of costa rica, natoya peninsula, not only live longer, but stay healthy for longer to
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almost die. i will hang on to my leg. okay. and the way, oh navy sa codo is 90. 1 people here often live to be over 90. many thing to over a 100. dana florida ski photos in both of these are herbs. you've used to heal diseases, corner stuff, he had a bizarre for you. that's right. what you're hampton, and lots of people all around the world, want to know how to live a long and healthy life. what's your advice to have a component? i live for many years. huh. guam bed. eat a healthy diet, gift that a that in lead a peaceful stress relief to you or will. oh oh i had some vitamins it ha ha she it. so when a person eats lots of chines,
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their heart won't stop today or not. i have to go about ro this area was very, very distantly removed from the mainland, so to speak. it's a peninsula, it's still connected, but our roads were bad. communication didn't exist. people survived here on what they planted on, what their parents taught them, how to survive. there was no pharmacy to go to say yet was now. so good luck when this armed treat fever and all kinds of things. in the fact that people in natoya live to be older than average went largely unnoticed until one scientist stumbled on to some unusual data some years ago. before monsieur professional in seattle, i was initially an economist,
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but it never really felt like to wait field for me. eventually i found my knees and demographics to much more precise with clear cut rules, plus it's black and white, whole eat they could or them, anita kassawa, not by sheer coincidence. we discovered that mortality rates from the region were much lower than the rest of the country. you don't have them which importance help initially. i didn't pay much attention to it, martha, i'll knock on when i presented my findings at a conference, and there was a lot of skepticism we asked about whether was really so public and costa rica element that less casa, sassy then on will not persona, but one person from the audience approach me afterwards and said, rose, it's because it's a blue zone. you can look at him when mom and at that moment i realized than to koya. it really was a special place. it's un no korea, nicole? yeah. fike, so called blue zones. had been identified so far on our planet. these are locations
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where an unusually high percentage of the population lives very long. men in natoya have the world's highest life expectancy. an 80 year old male here is likely to outlive his contemporaries elsewhere by an average 8.2 years ago. but why this is our love it? is it the diet rich and fruit and acoya or does religious faith? explain how in costa rica say, put of you know what i mean like i just only ok see most of it campus. we carried out a study to see what happens when people leave natoya to have. yeah. you know,
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and what happens is people from other parts of the country and moved to nagoya as part of the ease of eating the core. yeah. the mosque, we found out that neither of these groups that she, the scene, one jabber to me, that is those who are born and spend their whole lives. here are nearly the outdoor temperature in blue zones. eating seems to proceed more slowly, coming up the environment and the lifestyle appear to positively impact human biology. but for matthew, but how exactly? and will this help us crack the agent code? and the molecular biologist viacom's. i'm interested in understanding the origin of
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businesses. the majority of diseases are those associated with the agent grocer. so i'm interested in understanding why we h o the molecular liver. i wanted to have all my life to on this found the origins of concern as united i felt illness could be the keep. the human body consists of around 37 trillion cells, some last a few days. others lived for years. we constantly produce new cells to replace the old ones. it's a process that involves duplication. before cell division can take place the chromosomes in the cell, nicholas have to be duplicated the dna double helix. they consist of is unwind and separated into strands. each strand then becomes a template for any one. the ends of the chromosomes,
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which are especially prone to replication errors, are protected by telomeres, which are sequences of non coding dna. but with every cell division, these safety caps becomes shorter charged. i feel charged with the shoe. all that tillman. ah, imagine this. so a shoelace is our chromosome. so the spark of issue lays is the dna where the genetic information is. and this little plastic bart, which is very important to protect the shoe lace, would be the tiller. so the d lamerse are very important to protect our chromosomes
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to protect the dna. as we age the domains become shorter and shorter. this is because every time that we have a dominance, this has have to multiply over janae, the damage on this shortened the dilemma, the cell division of the sort of implication. so at the end, the dilemma began so short by we don't have any more a t t m. so now our dna is unprotected, and this is leading to asia as leading to the c's. and ultimately, we'll be leaving to this cell division and the rate of telomeres shortening may be influenced by our lifestyle, smoking, stress, and via mental pollutants. and poor nutrition are all negative factors. some researchers believe living in harmony with the natural world has a positive effect. and contin, i must get less persona than eco. yeah. generally people from the koya have longer
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telomeres, significantly longer telomeres than people in the rest of the country. just on bias . scientists like maria glasgow, are exploring ways of artificially lengthening telomeres in order to slow the eating process. but this does come at a risk digger fata by is this, does creep the danger is it cancer can develop it because cancer cells are immortal and is alene. we're walking a fine line here yet. do we tell the cells to resist the pre programmed cell death and risk that it will result in cancer of lesson? or do we leave things to run their natural course and let the cells die? when their time is ala stooped on a scrap, then there is no proliferation. and we just accepted or fine destination him up around 122100. 25 year will not sponsor chris will not from an sponsor liam's. yeah . but of course we all know the answer. humans wanted test the boundaries and see if they can really live to 150 or 300.
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how far can we go? how much should science interfere in nature is blueprint we don't have to necessarily accept current biological limitation because that's what we do as a species. we're problem solvers. we don't just sit around and get rained on, we build houses. so we may want to transcend normal biology at some point and set goals for ourselves beyond just normal concepts of health. ah ah, when you wonder why this aging, you end up asking how tissue repair. this is a process that he says, feed,
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poorly understood, says progressively accumulate damage. they age bad when bakery to st threshold. they undergo it sewage, they become kinessa. i like to describe them as zombies, because you know, they're like in a middle stay between alive and dead. to not either, but they're at the same time, they're really damaging her head and this and says produce an alarm signal so that they, or this has him to body, realize that there is the damage or i'm being go and they repaired. the problem is that as we get food these repairs, they are also and they don't go and they don't repair. and we accumulate the says that are constantly producing these alarm. this is a phenomenon that is called in some major in old people who have inflammatory
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sickness innovative, caused by their own sadness and says that are not eliminated. we are trying to crack the code of the sin s s i was trying to understand they wouldn't need these how to kill them without killing the non finance and said in some initial experiments. manuel serrano and his team were able to show that mice lived longer once their senescence or zombie fells were eliminated. but that does not guarantee eternal youth. it's a double edged thought. finesse himself play also very good. an important role with for example in wound you doing, if you have a wound, if you don't have senescence, the wound will never hear. so you could have a treatment that removes all sin s themselves, and suddenly you have terrible side effects. it just means we need more research
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and research into telomeres. in sante cells are only 2 approaches in the race for longevity. and one thing is certain, whoever cracks the code is set to earn millions. all right. so guys, how do i look guy? i look old. so you've seen what we did when i was that $255000000.00 res is the largest rays in our industry today? ah, hong kong has the highest life expectancy on the planet today, which is no surprise because it's very often correlated with well and i hear people
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are filthy, rich welfare is increasing dramatically in the region in china and mainland people who are present just 35 years ago they are now multi 1000000 years and people demand one of the heel for biotech company. and i tried to collaborate with a lot of people and they tried to contribute to as many projects as possible. life clinic is a very fun concept where the founder is decided to bridge the starbucks concept with preventative medical care, you choose a cocktail of all kinds of nutrients that will be going into your blood while you're sipping on
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a juice may offer ivy drips and all kinds of other interventions. i cannot vouch for some of them. yeah, i'd be in hong kong or anything geared at increasing life expectancy already promises mega box dubious wonder drugs and id drips are readily available. the region is also attracting biotech companies from around the world. money from wealthy investors has created a much high start ups. he longevity research is hong kong. new dot com boom. i'm brooklyn neu, a new development is that the research is being carried out with business started met with massive capital me got company. we're investing retorted. we're pumping funds into it, we're throwing cash out and you're from them that will invariably result in
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a product fin, due to an infallible economic model. the boss, vicky will always work in 5 from to noon market. these are huge market. what these new companies want really to have treatments for, for the season. so that's where the, the big box that i'm willing to experimental myself because there is a lot of data on me. i'm one of the most well study of humans on the planet. and i try to optimize for high performance at this point of time, i try to perform at my peak. i've tried ripple mice in the past. it's very often referred to as i and i checked drug in longevity in not in the same line as metformin bucks likely to be stronger than the form and it's not without side effects. so there is a chance that you're gonna see poseida on a few others. so we decided to try to lower south in a very controlled mode. and i did not at home 0
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friday and i was exercising the hotel. i got some serious mental math increased. and i feel good. all right. yeah, that's me. right. cool. thank you. thank you so much. a lot of life school like rappa, my son metformin, m a d boosters. do any of these substances really help? how can they receptiveness be tested?
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i was interested in anti aging science since i was a teenager growing up in frankfurt, germany. i had a group of friends who were very interested in science. and at some point we realised the most important challenge of our generation is to prolong life. we had very lofty goals, i need to tell you in our we have crazy goals. we wanted to study physics, math, biology, chemistry, also we wanted to do space travel, and then the minute you finkel space travel, you realize that you will need decades in order to travel it organized centuries. and so we felt we really need to solve this problem for us to extend our life span
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before we can even think about space travel one day by accident. really because i did somebody a favor i, unless these methylation data, i immediately recognized that epigenetics or methylation is really the data source that has a tremendous thickness for aging. he was able to find clusters of genes whose methylation state could tell you how old you were at a particular time. the amazing thing about this is that it works. from the day you're created as a fertilized egg cell, all the way until the day that you die with there are more than 200 distinct cell types in the human body. although they all contain the same dia, hey, there is a mechanism that tells the cell whether it is a skin cell or a liver cell, for example,
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called epigenetics. this involves information that sits on the dna, resulting and genes being switched on or off. perhaps the best known type of epigenetic change is methylation. the addition or removal of methyl groups on the d n a strand. these changes continue to take place throughout our lives. the dna contains for left us a c, t, g methylation, sometimes attaches to the letter c and modifies it similar to an onslaught by keeping track very carefully. which parts of the dna gain methylation or news methylation we can measure aging methylation can be thought of like the rust that accumulates by measuring the amount of thrust we can determine h. so if we have some hours glass, the passage of time is measured by how the sand,
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how much sand accumulates at the bottom. the dna molecules though, has 28000000 different our glasses because we have 28000000. let us see an hour dna. so by averaging the measurements of 28000000, our glasses you arrive at a very accurate measure of age. this is one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind does read it. and what the invention of the we addis. that that was a turning point meeting. i think that was to severe a very, very important white rubric. hey, we can measure aging. now the epa genetic clock has revolutionized research into aging with a simple dna sample. any one's biological age can be determined. however,
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that can produce some nasty surprises. my name is mark a toy i've out, and i am steve's identical twin brother. he's my order twin brother, 5 minutes older than me. however, only at 1st, he measured epigenetic clock a couple of years ago. then according to one of the clocks i was actually 4 years older than him, which is not necessarily couldn't oh, the, those technologies are enabling us to accelerate aging research dramatically by not waiting until you die. we can now measure where you are in life and measure how different interventions effect that prediction. we pick
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this up and applied a i to the same problem and developed many, many asian clocks. above all, the quest for eternal life requires personal biological data. the digital devices we use every day can provide mountains of it. big data is currently one of the most promising approaches to cracking the agent code. unlike conventional medicine, artificial intelligence can scour the data for hidden patterns to help prevent diseases from developing in the 1st place. this situation looks very similar to tuft on the subway. so when you pull your wallet and you don't know who every human on the train looks the same, they move, they move a different patterns to
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observe many, many of those scenarios. it may subways globally to develop really precise algorithm for catching people. that's not the way you train a technologies to recognize those thieves and predict human behavior. and i think nowadays, and advanced countries like mainland china, there are video monitoring techniques that allow you automatically to recognize the fact on movement. so it's very similar to recognizing those proteins that misbehaved during aging and cause trouble at the touch of a button, startups can run through thousands of possible outcomes and quickly discovering new medication. we recently receive $255000000.00 from
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a group of ultra elite investors. so it turned out that we are in the right place in the right time with the right technology. i think that very soon we will see you guys like amazon. i'm waiting for those guys to react, guys like facebook. i guys the produce video games, netflix, those people who, he'll your time. they will come back and try to figure out how to make more time. so you can wasted on the product. silicon valley is already on board in 2013, google founded a secret of biotech venture called calico it's longevity. research is carried out behind closed doors with nearly unlimited resources. a group, backed by amazon founder jeff bezos has also burst on to the anti aging scene. with hundreds of millions and funding altos labs is recruiting top scientists from
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around the globe to join the project. they include steve horvath and manual serrano . there's even a longevity clinic in the pipeline. before steve horvath embarks on that new task, he's focusing on another promising project. it's the so called trim trial designed by his colleague greg fi to reverse immune system aging. hardly any other study in the field has prompted as much interest in recent times. the flow of immune cells plays a central role in fighting illness and our bodies, but there is a limited supply of these essential cells. our bodies, thymus gland, produces t cells. the superstars of the adapt of immune system. however,
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once we reach puberty, the thymus begins to shrink. it is replaced by fatty tissue and eventually stops producing new t cells. once we've used them up, our bodies become more susceptible to pathogens and to h related diseases like cancer stroke and dementia. ah, when i saw that you could use growth hormone to regrow the thymus and take immune system. sions that was down to about 20 percent of the young immune system function all the way back up to a 100 percent of the youthful function. i just thought we have to do something about this, but nobody took any action. so i did an experiment on myself and i re grew my own thymus. he published a scientific paper that described one person and that was himself. in 2016, the trial was repeated. this time
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a total of 9 test subjects were needed there, thymus v suspected the treatment was having a positive effect on the whole body. but how could he prove it? this person came to me and said to him, to help me to analyze a treatment, and the minute he set the word thymus rejuvenation, i already said yes him a ha steep horvath compared blood samples from the test subject before and after treatment. and he was just as amazed if not more amazed as we were about the results. if they are confirmed, it will be a sensation. the original intention was, get rid of the fat off the thymus. this treatment had a side effect, an unexpected side effect. it really rejuvenated the methylation the epigenetic clock. all 9 test subjects turned their epigenetic clocks back
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by around 18 months in a year of treatment. that means they had essentially reversed their biological age by 2 and a half years. we began to get reports for some of the people in the trial that i feel great. you know, i feel so energetic. now i feel my mind is working faster than it's worked before. before this trial was over, this volunteer says, you know, my, my wife has been telling me that my hairs growing and dark again. and i said, really i, that's interesting. let's have a look. so we looked at his hair, and boy, it was a big, very strong difference. and his hair was darkening all over the place. i need to say we're all very excited about it. but we are also very sober scientists. and therefore, we always felt we desperately need
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a 2nd validation study. and that's really why i continue to work with break. why i become a study participant. a 3rd study with more test subjects aims to corroborate the original results arrive. so is successful. find this regeneration could be the 1st scientifically proven anti aging treatment for human beings. but the scientists need more data. steve horvath and his brother have volunteered to take part in the trial. as identical twins, they are ideal candidates. steve will get the rejuvenation treatment, and marcus will join the control group. we're now ready for your baseline testing, and this is that the testing that you do before entering the trim ex trial. and i'll give you a countdown on your mark. yes, go my
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my. now that we have your blood pumping, we're going to looking at your epigenetic clock. the the 80 women and men of different ages are taking part in the latest time of study. and the treatment inventor also hopes to rejuvenate himself once again. i can't wait any longer, right? i'm getting older. i don't want to age. i'm 71. i don't know how old i will be. that's an open question. i hope longer than usual. that's all i can say at this
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point. the main component of the treatment is a growth hormone. to counteract certain side effects, the steroid hormone, d h. e a, and the diabetes drug metformin are also added down the hatch. i think about the future of biotechnology and changing the composition of our bodies. worries me my dream is that there will be an intervention against aging free lucky and 5 year and 10 years. and then people go to the annual checkup. the doctor says, you know what, you're aging a little bit too fast. why don't you take this pill? that's the dream. so we are now building the toolkit. many enable technologies that need to converge. and we need several more technologies to
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come to life in order for us to make a major leap. in terms of jeopardy for everyone, i think we are 25 years away with the development of an anti aging wonder drug raises issues that threaten the foundations of our natural and social order. what will our planet look like if we live to be ever older? would overpopulation make our ecosystems and social systems collapse? how can longevity be in harmony with the natural world and human civilization? our lifestyle is expensive, it consumes resources. it creates over population. this is true. ah, we would live in very short life didn't have such a value and also not care so much for nature for anything. so maybe it's not bad that we live longer because we would care more about our planet on our vitamins on
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the life of the rest of the, the big news, the news ah, searching for solutions the energy crisis can gas rescue euro much energy can heat actually said in private home and julie cuts, transportation costs, don't you band banking on a ton of trains made in germany. in 30 minutes on the
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enter the conflict zone. the war in ukraine has raised political tensions throughout europe, but relatively between cost and serbia in brussels. officials have told both sides to co rhetoric and warn cost to vote without an agreement to normalize relations with belgrade for time. for joining the e. u is running out my guess this week from christina, because i've been quoted to prime minister a conflict zone. 90 minutes on d w o n i have been sent and i have been beaten. i have been taken straight it because we try to to show the face of mafia all over the world. environmentalists are in danger. the enemy, roofless corporations corrupted, government agencies,
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and criminal cartels. we want to speak with a designer who has been targeted. environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d, w. o . this is d w. news and these are our top stories. united nations has voted overwhelmingly to condemn russia's illegal annexations of 4 occupied regions and ukraine. 143 countries.


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