tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle October 17, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST
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. paula hi, crease own today show. we'll hear about a highly controversial topic, an oil pipeline. currently under construction in east africa, it could have disastrous consequences for the people and also wide life. but before we get to that, we also have these coming up with why oh, begun the funding and high take unknown to mutually exclusive, cold gunners cutoff breeders on trying to solve the animals from getting diseases. and, and why will, since of africa at under enormous stress in africa. frayne. governments are spending 40 times more on for so fuel projects done on initiatives to reduce the impact of the continent sick and biggest killer air pollution according to the un, every single year. close to 10000000 people around the globe, die from air pollution. yet due to the current energy crisis. many countries still
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one ox as to cheaper and less eco friendly fuel supplies. and hoping that countries like uganda, anton zeniah, will be able to deliver. ah, ah, murchison falls, national park, and northwestern uganda is a sanctuary for wildlife. it's just one of 35 reserves sanctuaries and parks managed by the uganda wildlife authority which was established in 1996 and tasked with the protection of the countries flora and fauna. the parks attract a lot of foreign visitors after farming and forestry. tourism is one of uganda's biggest sources of revenue. but it for these biodiversity hotspots, are under threat from plans to extract the 1700000000 barrels of oil that have been discovered under the ground here. set to open in 2025,
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the east african crude oil pipeline, or eco, will begin in hymer. and one, nearly 1500 kilometers. it will transport oil from the to langer and king fisher fields and then continue to rain forests and alongside towns and villages. before passing just west of lake victoria, a fresh water reservoir for millions of people. the pipeline will then cross northern tanzania, before reaching tonga on the indian ocean coast. from there, the crude oil will be loaded on to tankers. north, in early 2022 uganda's energy minister ruth non chavira, sat down with the c e. o, a french multinational total energy in kampala to sign the lake, albert development project into operation. the 2nd biggest investor on board is the china national offshore oil corporation, or c, n o c. the 2 companies have committed $10000000000.00 for extracting and
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transporting the oil. we're doing a whole no a welcome development for uganda estate, minister of finance for investment, even any day. this is an exciting news for a country. it's a long awaited news. we should actually throw a petit the ugandan state has a 15 percent stake in the pipeline. and there's widespread optimism about the oil produced in the country bringing thousands of new jobs as well as additional revenue. among the critics of the project is dickens kamesia, an attorney, and the head of the africa institute for energy governance. he's been skeptical from the outset if you would order the other countries that are really producing, leaving you in africa, you discover that does not create the job if you would, the community that that was in the properties that are being feed,
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invented it when the money has a reader of the value of the actual didn't come from good school for the deferment is most of them are getting broken. don't say that those people are finally going to get a job. this is the village of guido, not far from the 2 language oil fields, like their parents, the children playing innocently here are about to become so called pap project affected persons. among the older generation is charles atima, some online, and he used to own some of the land here. i received my new from the tires. he rented a promise to give me a house. the corporate investors have faced accusations of giving locals like, oh, tamer, insufficient. if any compensation from one is not, then the process is not conclude that people will remain on land
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until went out. and she's a really important, this is we both on 1st, and she's somewhat as a guarantee to push who would be to be and mental total energies. activities in uganda are being monitored by mazda galle, a member of the e u parliament. and now that uganda has pledged to implement measures to limit global warming, the green party politicians as uganda is in a good position to turn it back on. fossil fuels, not renewables are just the far better option for you gun than people. and i mean like they do have all the minerals, they need to create a really carbon free future. they could be a play and very, very important role in the green transition. but decision to leave the oil under ground and thereby limit emissions would also be supported by conservationists. the w w. f has raised concerns that the pipeline project could disrupt over 2000 square
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kilometers, a protected habitat that is home to a diverse range of animals. the parliamentary opposition in uganda is in favor of the pipeline but also shares the concerns of those who oppose it. the government is said not to have done due diligence and to have an environmental impact assessment. adequate environmentally backed up. ok on the fix of the pipeline on the areas where the pipeline is good to go through their water bodies, the land and air. those are what issues that you is raising. the immediate worry for dickon kanisha is the grave environmental impact from the pipeline proximity to like victoria they can use it in the middle of over 20000000 people in the kenya in tanzania,
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in uganda. and it is the 1st river late that 1000. how many countries? so we don't think that the reason why you should risk such a natural resource with the project. they're planning concerns that are not unfounded, given previous incidents elsewhere in 2008, several 1000 leaders of oil spilled out of a pipeline in nigeria, leaving the soil contaminated by chromium, lead and mercury with lasting consequences. our lives in bordeaux depends largely on the sea. we depend like on the sea, on sea fruits. today, almost all of those sea food of gold come find them again because of the oil. on these has led to the level of poverty i will find no, not find the way to describe over in france. total energy is eager to rule out disasters of that nature. with the new pipeline project,
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there will be monitoring process for fiber optic or along ohms. and pipeline, this is 1st and in the addition of this monitoring, we'll have what we got so many line broke valve. that is to say, is some tools that we can use in case of incident. and thanks to this, we can really be able to plug the stop the flow of the product at any place of the sort of piping in brussels. however, environmental risks and human rights violations remain on the agenda for e u. parliament members like malta, galle, he continues to press for answers and accountability together with like minded colleagues and was among the initiators of an e u resolution. we want them to hold the project until all this is resolved and of course as well. you can then and tens and ian
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site to respect human rights and to comply with them. and this should also be a clear sign at to every other company in europe that is active outside of europe. that a we will watch them very clearly and we will not turn our backs to them if they are involved in human rights violations. supporters of the pipeline in uganda recently vented their anger at the resolution outside the u. delegations, offices and kampala. oh, you stop recon moody by brilliant. you can serve. we are here to tell you to be on union to stop, to start meditating one 0 you. oh, you know is our hope yes. oh, you know is a bad over so so one of employment. yeah. again and uganda's president, you're wary mu 70 has accused the
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e u of arrogance and dismissed the competence of it's politicians would be to ship you when you got this part of it is i just youngest member of parliament, you know you, you are looking to meet what, what to do in uganda, you younger citizens criticizing the pipeline face being arrested as seen in a growing number of cases posted online. what's more substantial deposits of gold were discovered in uganda earlier this year with the chinese company said to mind the precious metal. ah, the question again is what price with a country's delicate ecosystems have to pay? ah, what a story will be sure to keep you updated on any new developments. now we head of to
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northern gunner, where the cato ranches, every way you look. but they are dealing with a serious problem, climate change till a small crease will change in whether pot inside increase in the risk of infectious diseases. we came across a project of that allows farmers to better protect their animals with the help of mobile technology. let's take a look. so seine rymer is worried, his family's cancel and not doing well. here in the severely good districts in northern garner, it's dry sees in the grass has been scorched by the sun and good watering holes. a rarity float where he does open them from the house. though it are moving, you yourself will suffer and the curtain, they will not get it like the rainy season. so it is done. they are not enjoying damp surf, but the animals may be more than exhausted and hungry. the herdsman fears they may
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also be seek. climate change means that it's getting hotter and the cut all have to work father to find food that makes them susceptible to new diseases. ganawe's, chief veterinarian, doctor, we're, she'll kick him more to works at the animal health laboratory. the ministry of food and agriculture. government agencies have noticed that more and more livestock are becoming ill due to climate change. unless are for to travel long distances. looking for the water and audrey for the same sauce. and then by convergeone liberal disease from one to the another, 2 will move frolla animate another solution. live stock market. meet reduction is an important part of the economy, especially here in northern garner. but every year, farmers here lose about a quarter of their animals to diseases. many losses could be avoided,
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but there are not enough veterinarians in the country, and far too little prevention through vaccines. the young denny and stat up cow tribe is currently trying to develop this potentially huge market for 5 us dollars a year. the company registers farmers interested in veterinary services or products in a database company. the families use their cell phones to sign up. looking at the platform, you can see where groups of farmers are located. so we send messages to them and say this is the time you should resume to animate in order. and when they respond, we know how much demand is in different locations, the company and the farmers workouts in annual vaccination shed altogether. the stat obtains the vaccines from distributor's or the government in the future. it plans to order from international manufacturers directly in other talked
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a more favourable conditions. vaccinations a shed old for to day in saint lou, a village about 30 kilometers from the nearest col. try branch. the vet is employed by the company. jacobo addresses sheep a 1st up i think gonna be a vaccinated against or vine vine, to pass 1 am pool is enough for several sheep. it costs around $10.00, which includes a 20 percent commission for cow tribe. oh mine for your cuba. it resume. it's worth the cost because more animals survive and he has significantly fewer financial losses when your production is high, definitely you get more money. you sell out so. and now the way our and my were
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dying, they were nearly gone as things. so now we have more of them any time we are in financial crisis, we're saw to sell in some of them. so it, as in fact that i lot economical for us over $7000.00 farmers and their animals in northern donna, i already among cow, tribes, customers the dollars happy because we protect the animals, i guess diseases retrieve them, we impact knowledge on them and it's so helpful but for sandy ry, matt has not yet had his cattle vaccinated. he still wants to wait and see whether his neighbors investments really pay off. we're staying with agriculture, but our next report takes us to europe. you might think that organic, farming and high tech i incompatible not so we visited a far my gemini,
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who's completely rebooted as business. going high tech, save. same money. and it's completely sustainable. me. ah, if i get my that let me show you all the nerve center of my cattle shed. this is our fully automated milking system. make it consistent of 2 individual milking robots. the cow's milk here automatically 24 hours a day. all of the key field plants is still numb taco tomorrow to ski, moiety. they have completely free access to the system and get a little treat when they arrive. look a bit of mash finance and that's why they like to come here to be milked. they all so gone from making for me, therapist as old, obviously automatic, milking is a huge help because it gives me complete flexibility and my daily routine always. i thought it will then it's i for i had to be in the shed at 6 o'clock every morning in the evening to milk them. i'm for my target. then there's all the weekends and
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holidays are f county for those be fun. i can call up a specific cow on this outline. let's take number 79. otter on bar he led to make. when did she last check in the how much milk did she produce with what ingredients either is when was she put out to pasture? is she there now, my so marcus raised the graze way, sorting gait works a bit like the milking robot. it recognizes a cow by its color transmitter and decides if it's allowed to go to pasture or not for the knee. ah, the scowl, depending on its milk status in this field, that's great for us because it selects the cows for us. select yield,
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buchanan godson, tag leyden. we can let the cows graze all day, but only the ones who've been milk regularly van that way we don't have to keep hurting them and the type of one who insides bueller's an organic grass fed, dairy producers, free, grazing his essential innocent garlic. all cows need space, they have to and want to get out doors line and that's why they get their grass on the pasture. he accost bones off to via detection. as you fortunate on, do you click knology and ecological farming are in no way a contradiction in terms want understood. technology just helps us work more efficiently. unsustainably and above all helps us to conserve resources. shawn stipend. yolanda chastity bombing is very capital intensive business these days we had to take on very high liabilities to get this project off the ground. we had its big
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creature comforts for the cows or the pre stall and the automated milking system too. clearly that takes a certain level of self confidence need given and calculated entrepreneurial written record. does this all the spite dishes are flow cleaning robot i get real name is discovery, but we call it disco on. that helps me with the daily drudgery of keeping the slots in the floor. clear spot, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. and that's a huge relief because i used to have to do that every day by hand in the morning. uh huh. and doing that once a day was nowhere near as effective as when disco does it all day long would yes and out of the cannot to the in general farm work should give you the chance to enjoy what you do along with all
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the hard work i need to have times where i can simply take a deep breath and just save of the moment to have them come from. the use of our last in south africa is among the top locations for we'll watch it. but over the last 10 years, drastic changes. i've been detected among it's will populations. what's happening there? sandra? well, one challenge, eas, global warming. it is affecting migration. ruth, and also the unimed was ability to reproduce local scientists, their hobby, observing the huge aquatic ma more for the kids. so we paid them a visit to find out k costs on the right. right. yeah. you know, a little guy. there's mom. but at all don't know. mothers. yeah. looks under us. yeah, just hold back. despite appearances, this is no conventional well hunt. matthew,
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dennis hasan and his colleagues from the memo research institute at the university of pretoria. i'll try to take scientific samples for the benefit of whale kind. so in the arrow, the some, bob's a hook and that some of the skin or blood. so the skin is flush, pardon in the lobby, the fatty parts so we use it for different that is not painful. i mean it feels like a bee sting or something just like a quick, sharp pain. and sometimes they just flip the tail. but generally, as we saw, they normally just dive down and then within a few minutes, they don't really care. the bay of admonish, just east of cape town, is a winter base for many southern ride whales. they migrate thousands of kilometers from their feeding grounds of antarctica to carve in the sheltered waters. but the numbers coming to south africa have been dropping for some time now. the researchers are trying to find out why. back on land,
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the scientists returned to the lab to process and labeled the skin samples and linked the mothers with their cars, the samples of and frozen for further dna analysis. gps data of the whales location is also locked into the system. some whales are tagged with satellite transmitters, explains research manager else for me alone. they provide insight into the mammals movements. for example, this fema went with her path to the falkland islands. will her cat from now on? do that always? or will this kathy random as they appear next year? i'm going to go to close a i we don't actually understand that what we're doing now. and another student is overlapping dna would stay isotopes as they were isotopes with basically markers in the skin that tell you where the animals been feeding when it's been feeding on the research is have waiting station record books on file of to hunting. pushed the
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southern right whale population to the brink of extinction. wailing was banned in south africa in 1935 and the population was able to recover. right? well so i mean we, but recent years have seen an alarming reversal fuel rails and a worrying development among the females. in particular, looking at body condition, we see to fema forgotten skinnier. since the last when years to something's drastically changed in the last decade. all the crew that whales feed on moving further. so or is there just less of it? no one really knows. but the research is a sure the climate change has a big role to play. oh. and let girls know that if the whales stay away, it would be a disaster for the small town of admonish. the wheels outside are very significant, where minus i would say that the men are driving force for traffic here. everyone will come here. they come looking for wheels, it is important for tourism. it is,
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it is the meantime from force for tourism. the pandemic restrictions hit hard, but admonish is now once again welcoming well spot is from around the world. i just laughed to see him when they die. and it does come up, is it such beauty in so peaceful, like i said, and we need to make sure we manage it. so i'm hoping the leaders of the will understand that not just on the south african perspective, but just understand that climate change is affecting us all. and we need to do something about it and do something drastically about it to matthew jim is hasn't, is no doubt that the oceans are changing due to climate change, but to discover how that is impacting on the whales. he will have to spend more time out at sea. wow. what's amazing creatures. well, that's the forbores this week. we hope you enjoyed watching and found our reports inspiring. my name is chris lambs could buy from a good state. nigeria. i'm so that we know of you,
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the global economy. our portfolio d w. business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the fight for market dominance. east, this is west. good. instead, with the w business beyond law has no limits of love as for everybody. love is life. i love matters and that's my new podcast. i'm evelyn sharma. and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that more survive and denied that. and this i have invited many deer and well, i guess. and i would like to invite you to an end oh
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