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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 18, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm CEST

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ah, you pay won't pay. taxation and politics starts october 21st on d, w. ah, this is d w. news coming to live from berlin. renewed russian strikes target, ukraine's energy infrastructure. power is knocked out in the capital key and many other towns and cities. president zalinski says russia is carrying out the era tax to terrorize and kill civilians. also coming up, concerns grow over the safety of an iranian competitive climber. illness reca be
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went missing after taking part in the bench in south korea without her head covering their our fears. she may have been forced to return to her, ran and could face abuse by the morality and an exclusive look inside the blood. gold mines of the democratic republic of congo for a corrupt and brutal rebel group holds the wealth of the nation in its hands. ah hello em, terry martin, thanks for joining us. russia has carried out more strikes against key of this time, apparently targeting energy infrastructure. president vladimir zalinski said russian forces had destroyed a 3rd of ukraine's power stations and repeated attacks tuesday strikes hit an unspecified energy facility in northern kito. you and says russia is targeting
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power facilities in other cities at in other cities as winter approaches. but missile and drought attacks are also hitting the civilian population. at least one person was killed when a c, 300 missile had a residential building in the southern ukrainian port, city of mc ly, of on tuesday, and a wave of deadly drone attacks a day earlier targeted the capital and cities in the eastern sumi region. ah, a team of journalists and security guards run for cover. they've spotted a drone overhead. antiaircraft batteries tried to shoot it down before it can strike. but it's too late. or with oliver. this is the destruction the
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drones left behind. one side of an apartment block, reduced to rubble among those killed in the attack, was a pregnant woman. in a week after russia renewed its attacks on the capital, the as strikes have already become a new normal for some key residence. but a ship when the you'll a blow to china last monday was scary. but now it's like we're used to has mcgill air rights every day, slimy, wake up, look at social media to see what's going on. and so this morning we bo cattle and after 10 minutes or say, off alarm, we heard the 1st explosion while on the reward for the shoulder and life in the capital goes on despite the looming threat. oh no, put your eyes live void. you think it out, i feel really bad and i have 2 children and i am morning started very loudly mumbled. because the area where we live in the tree station. it was about
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a wood was because a lot of water. but after the air was finished, i had to get my job done allen up. that's and i tried to my work, but there was an air raid. again, the solution is i'm trying to stay close to a shelter, but i'm still outside and so it is a minute. while previous russian attacks on keith were mostly missile strikes, this latest assault was carried out by what appeared to be iranian made. so cold kamikaze drones in his nightly arrest, the ukrainian president followed him. he zalinski said the ukrainian army managed to shoot down $37.00 of the dragon's hills mission. and that aside from the capital $25.00 other areas of the country were hit by spoke shore. while ago with our correspond mathias billing in kia. he gave me the latest on the attacks. yeah, there were again a tax this morning my iraq at this time on an energy facility. the prosecutor's office has just said that 2 people have been killed in this attack,
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and the infrastructure has been damaged, but pretty much fits the pattern that we've seen throughout the past few days. russia mainly targeting energy facilities, heating power stations, and electric power stations. before winter in order to inflict more damage on civilians here in ukraine. so far, these attacks keep happening and keep happening in a massive way. today several targets throughout the region. yes. today, 40 drones we're hearing. we're launched on ukraine. 37 were shut down by ad defenses, but still approximately 10 came through and they were hitting facilities here. and key 5 drones hit, not the facility itself, but a building next to the residential building. and that's where the yesterday 4 people were killed. you say there's a pattern there mathias. how do the attacks that we've seen today compare with
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yesterday strikes on t event, other parts of ukraine besides the fact that today that we're using rockets and yesterday, jones, it's pretty much the same pattern. it's that these are attacks on infrastructure object. these are attacked also on civilians. both keep happening at the same time. we do not know for every rocket to joan whether it hit the intended target or something nearby. i just said the drones yesterday here and they might have been targeted at the energy facility. but for example, this morning, the rockets that we seen in mc alive was hitting a residential building again. and that's what happened in the cities near the front line. they're mostly hit by as 300 rockets, so it targets trying to inflict damage,
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not on military facilities, but on energy infrastructure and civilians. what people you're talking to, they're in the capital and elsewhere around ukraine make of these widespread attacks. what do they suspect is behind them? what's the strategy? people here call it terry a terrorist strategy as strategy that is meant to inflict terror among the civilian populations, thus says presumably the kremlin hoping to weaken the ukrainian resolve that's obviously not working. is also an attack on the economic infrastructure in order to weaken the country all this according to people here linked to the failures on the battlefield and the kremlin seeking revenge mathias. thank you very much. our correspond mathias pulling other in cheap wells more than 200000 men. some with their families have led russia since president vladimir putin announced
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a partial military mobilization. last month, when he travelled overland, waiting in kilometers long traffic lines at the borders of neighboring countries like kazakstan, georgia, and finland. some have made their way to germany. officials here have said they want to make it easier for those who've been called up for military service to find asylum. but for other men and women who might expect draft notices in the future. finding a way to stay in germany isn't easy. maria calls this car her say there when of letting me put in announced a partial mobilization on september 21st. maria her husband and their 2 kids left everything behind and drove to finland, fleeing the draft. ashley. i was scared. i was shaken from that moment from the evening of the 21st until we step into finished territory you up to that
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point. i was insanely uncared so that that woman interval of isms rational. maria is not your real name. she also doesn't want us to show her face. she worked as a doctor in moscow hospital. she and her husband, i was eligible for military service. they cannot imagine taking part in the war against ukraine, where they have relatives. they decided not to wait for draft notices to arrive yet at the hotel. by from the moment you get a draft notice of leading would mean deserting them. and you most likely won't be even allowed to cross the border on either at the airport nor by car by so we decided we couldn't wait for draft notices. we have children, and we had to rescue every one i somehow philip corsica also left rush after mobilization was announced. he was going to go on vacation to europe at the end of september anyway. but after put in speech, he decided not to wait a crucial decision. on september, thirties, finland close its borders,
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foot to his from russia. authorities led him over the border after some pointed questions. neither of them still to come and visit some letters on the receipt choice. do you know that mobilization has begun in russia? do you know about criminal responsibility is re, are you eligible for military service? when did you get your tickets off? when are you going back? it only lasted a couple of minutes, but it seemed endless because you don't know what can happen any moment. being his national, it was almost positive. only after crossing the finish border could both maria and philip bruce a sight of relief. both headed for germany, not least because of the promises of german politicians to protect deserters and draft dodgers from russia. yes, because alice dynamic bringing my stuff, jim and he said it would accept those who are fleeing mobilization battle defeats. on the contrary, he said that they didn't want any one muggy, if so we couldn't stay there. no, well anyway, we have some friends here. now who know the language i have and can help us. not
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only as is the call back at a more with molybdenum from which, but getting political asylum in germany for people fleeing they dropped in russia is not an easy task. says elena sir, gave up roy berlin based n g o. the risk of being rejected is high. she and her colleagues, i have sent an open letter to german authorities asking to ease the conditions for those who don't want to serve in the russian army. my boys, him all we asked for simplification of publication rules, documented charin visas because now it's a very complicated process and one can apply only after having proved and political persecution. and of course, we asked for simplified asylum for those waiters hope both the pollutants regime good is very much. but before the rules are ease, philip and maria are trying to find other ways of staying in germany. like a blank for a work or student visa. they say,
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going back to russia is not an option for them to catch up on while the stories making headlines around the world today, state controlled media in russia report that the death toll in a war playing crash has risen to 13 a russian jitter. a fighter jet reportedly crushed into a residential building in the portal of the ice near ukraine, setting the structure of blaze. russia's defense ministry says the crash was caused by an engine fire. australia has reversed a previous governments. recognition of wester russell m. as israels capital foreign minister, penny wong said the cities status should be decided through peace talks. israel slammed camber's move in a tweet prime minister yard lupky had said it was a hasty response. a change of plan germany will keep all 3 of its last operational nuclear power plants online until april, next year. germany had planned to phase out nuclear power by the end of this year,
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but ukraine, but russia's war in ukraine and the energy crisis forced a rethink. the head of footballs governing body, pipa, gianni, infant, you know, and indonesia, president joker with dodo, have agreed to re evaluate safety measures at stadiums. across indonesia is comes after more than $130.00 people were killed in a crowd stampede at a match. this massacre was blamed on police firing tier against fans, went on the pinch. iranian climber who competed without wearing her country's mandatory hit job has allegedly made an online post apologizing, illness rica be did not wear the headscarf during the final round of a climbing competition. in south korea, human rights activists fear for record be safety will say she placed jail when she returns to her ran an instagram post from her account claims she was rushed before
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competing and is now going back to her, read on a pre arranged schedule like a be not wearing the hedge up comes as deadly anti government protests in a rent enter their 5th week. the head of dw is purchase service, yada tar box is following the story closely. i asked her earlier for her thoughts on, on this record bes, instagram post suggesting her, her job had fallen by mistake. it's may obvious not only for us as, as iranian journalists also for all right, bring in people that this is, of course, a force kind of confession where we are witnessing a lot in doing the whole time period of protests going on. but let me give you some, some background maybe because and disappeared after the competition and she was out of we saw her phone was taken. we know that by some reliable sources, her phone was taken, her password was taken, and there was no sign of her for the last 2 days until right. like
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a story instagram story post. and actually made by herself around $11.00 and a half hours ago. and it is very clear that she must have been either either yeah, maybe also tortured or another thing that we know so far is that her brother has been detained in iran who is also a rock climber. so of course there is trying that that's a way to put pressure on her to post such a story. and we don't even know if she had posted it by being forced, or it is by originally are cope's or intelligence. this is, the story is getting a lot of media attention. how are people in iran reacting to it? you know, of course no one falls for this because and knowing the, knowing the metrics of iranian after it's not
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a good public. we've seen so many forest confessions on state t v. and now the recent years on social media platforms. and this is nothing new, actually iranian people have been at that with the stand for the last 43 years. it just that now for the 1st time the, like the world is watching or how, how they are operating. and there's a lot of outreach on social media. there's a lot of reactions, people saying that we know and as we know what, what is going on. and also people making fun of it in a way saying that, well, from now on when we go on the streets without he job, it fell to his job, fell down by mistake or accidentally because it's very obvious that this was not the case. how can those record be expect to be treated by authorities when she's back in iran? well this is of course very we have to worry about her being, being put directly to the notorious evan prison,
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where housing off protesters in the last 4 or 5 weeks have been taken to. and of course, as i said, her brother's already did change. we have seen that a lot in the last 4 or 5 weeks that the young women who have been killed, who have been raped, who have been beaten up like massa many. but there was a lot of more like 345, at least other young girls. and they had their families have been put under pressure to confess. and to say that it was either a car accident or a heart attack or a suicide. so of course it is very boring. her situation now going back to run the all the thank you very much for your insights. that was y'all, the far box head of dw purchase service, european union personnel sanctions against members of iran, security forces over there, violent crushing of dissent in response to those mouth long protests. we've just been hearing about
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a broad range of people from school children to oil workers have joined the protests. the movement reflects the hopes and fears of iranians at home and abroad to a radiance of exile spoke with d. w. sonya veronica in paris. marble be muradi isn't really an activist in paris. she's at almost every demonstration in the french capital to show support for people risking the lights in iran for weeks that have been protest there over the death of gina martha a meaning who died in police custody in pet on like her marble be, was also arrested but the iranian morality police for allegedly, by leading strict rules requiring women to cover the hair with the head scarf. but unlike many, she survived growing anger at the 22 year old's depth is why so many iranians are defined a deadly crack down by authorities. hey, i heard that a message of iranian,
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and they say, it's not important how much people were, will killed. we have to continue. we had the time after their slamming probably to cry for them. but now we have to keep our anger and have to conserve it, to put an end and his lung republic. oh, the protests have spread to several radiant cities. marble be says, even people fearful of taking to the streets have devised ways to resist. for example, they are in their car, so at 1st they are banned as threats to prevent the forest come to the people. the other is to blowing the hahn in a continuous slate at the other going from the head of the house, the from the windows. yeah, a for example, they say no to the dictator. now we don't want to sloniker public republic, this protest song, but all ye, which means for impulsion, has become
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a soundtrack to the civil unrest. it's taken from messages posted online by ordinary iranians voicing the anger. or the song has special meaning for a son who sins ivy. the lawyer fled to franz from iran 4 years ago, after facing threats for his work and human rights, his drumming up support to build an international case against the iranian governments, human rights violations, reformer. neither of those something is senses. this video was filled in there on, on october 12th. he's extremely concerned about the reported arrests of thousands of protesters when you get arrested there. so we're kind of risk that you will face. first of all, you will not have access to the lawyer of your choice. the 2nd is a torture. the dandy do risk of being tortured. other is the, the, the,
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the phase is forced confession, forced confessions, the put people in front of the tv national tv. they don't have any choice. they say, either, you confess in front of the tv or the even torture you for iranian exiles like these and paris. the hope is that france can help put pressure on the regime and that on to, in the bloodshed bow to the democratic republic of congo. its home to mines containing some of the purest gold in the world. but while consumers and richer countries are prepared to pay high prices for a finished product, the men who mind this precious commodity are paying a price of a different car. extortion and rights abuses are rife at the d. r. c. gold mines which are controlled by a brutal rebel group. access for foreign journalists has been restricted until now,
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but a joint investigation where the german news weekly dash beagle has resulted. and d, w is mario miller being allowed to enter to rebel controlled gold mines and speak to minors themselves. this gold may gleam brightly, but it is stained red with blood. people likely die for this precious metal destined for the rich world's finest. julie's, the democratic republic of the congo has some of the purest gold in the world. but experts say almost all of it is smuggled out of the country illegally. that often means links to armed groups and human rights abuses. it all starts here in suffocating lea, hot tunnels that hit up to 40 degrees celsius. young man scrape out the gold bearing rock. they earned barely enough to survive on for fear of reprisals. this man wants to remain anonymous. when you go to work,
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he just pray to god because we're feeling like it's a death sentence. often it is when the minds cave in 6 years ago, more than 20 people were buried alive. when i was there with my 3 brothers and other minors, alco, all of them were trapped inside the mine. even now their bodies are still inside when i was sad was really down than it was when you said, but i can't be sad for long. i have to earn a living i then it was nice and i do my eyes and stuff with them. and on top of that, this mine is controlled by an armed group, the my, my, yeah, catawba, according to a recent un report, the rebels demand what they call taxes from each worker. it beat me up with an iron rod because i couldn't pay that tax. they threw me into a mud hole for days with no food. i was imprison there with 6 other people. he lost 10 kilograms. he says other minors tell us similar stories.
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they say that my, my are never, far, even now they're hiding further up the mountain because they were informed we were coming. this is the 1st time journalist have access this mine. both the my, my yahoo! tomba and local government officials declined our interview requests. it's widely known that the rebels often work together with local authorities and even share profits with them. but with the money they also fine and brutal attacks on an ethnic group who they see as their main enemy. they may my claim. the bonham will linger, don't belong to the d, r c. so they're burned down their villages, rape and kill scores of people east and under were survived one of these attacks by led to the core of a to contain a value. they found us at the place where we had thought refuge and they killed 3 people. sure. now and then young. they murdered my father in law and injured my
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mother in law. ne, a called me. both of them were over 80. she says she and her family were forced to march for days with no food. then there took her husband on, she never saw him again. later, she learned he was hacked to death with a machete. they killed dozens displaced hundreds. now is that safe? sheltering at a friend's house, rebel control of the minds means conflict gold. but that's not deterring this business man. the purity of the precious metal has convinced him soon he plans to open the 1st gold refinery in the country and export from dear sea to europe and america. at the moment we're discussing a lot with the government. they will check all artisan war coming to work here. we will, they will try and trace how is going on, and maybe it will help. i hope it will help, but ensuring authenticity will be difficult. traitors tell us de fake certificates
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to hide. the real origin of the gold is done and a horror can only appeal for an end to the trade and blood cold i can. in the last year, when i year my, my cell goes to white people to buy weapons, verify that is why they sell the gold trailer. he'll know his own. i want to tell these white people to stop buying from them. best buy so they don't kill us. will these apartments are poor that for easter, it is a simple equation. as long as armed groups can re profit from gold mining, they will keep earning the cash to kill. turning now to sports, where are the world's best football players have been crowned her the balloon door awards in paris. the women's prize went to spain's alexia potatoes for the 2nd year in a row. she was the top scorer for the spanish title winners. barcelona who were also
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champions league runners up last season. the men's belen door was awarded to france's karim ben's emma, who scored 44 goals and 46 matches for rail madrid, helping the club. when the champions league and la leeker, you are watching dw news coming to live from br, left up next, our football magazine kick off with much they tend, in the honestly get. meanwhile, you can find all the information you might want on our website. this d w dot com. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. ah ah, with
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who the galapagos islands? not sure. paradise that seems almost on tough. but pollution and over fishing, how threatening the fragile ecosystem scientists are investigating the causes
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and joining forces with local people to facile species extinction. close up next on d. w. o . ah, is the end of the pandemic in sight? we show what it could look like. a return in the normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult. exceeds his successes at noon in a weekly coven 19 special. every thursday con d w. i have been fed and i have been beaten. i have been sick, a straight did. because we tried to to show dirty,
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a face of mafia all over the world. environmentalists are in danger. the enemy, roofless corporations corrupted government agencies and criminal cartels. with an old design and the apple, it's targeted. environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d. w. ah, the eastern pacific ocean is home to an incredible diversity of wild life. unspoiled nature and one of the richest marine ecosystems in the world.


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