tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle October 24, 2022 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST
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always 2 minutes to go. and just 3 minutes after shaka had leveled to the school was it's the 1st time how to have one at home the season, and the victory lifts them, 3 points clear of the relegation. so that's it from me coming up next close up, looks at the future of farming and how to keep feeding the world's watching dw use for me and the team here in berlin. and thanks for watching her i have been set and i have been visa because we tried to to show dory of face mafia all over the world. environmentalists are in danger. ruthless corporations corrupted government agencies and criminal cartels. targeted environmentalists in danger starts october
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29th on d. w. fresh food galore in germany where used to supermarkets brimming with produce but often it has come from far away. that makes our supply chains. vulnerable is a kind of the war and ukraine is revealing our limitations we can tell from the empty shelves. what didn't come on germany, us. i'm thinking of that one. come, we need to feed more and more people globally. but intensive farming threatens the environment and our survival. if we use for fiscal agricultural practices, the next 2000000 people that will be in the year 2015, we will need and lambda, the source of refill. it's time to switch to sustainable farming practices and new food sources. if we want to support the global for change,
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an or for an alternative, then we need some growth and of see what food will we eat in the future? farmer eunice should send me half has been refining this recipe for a long time. it's something special he thought up for his 3 children. when done though, to the thick life anaki, this is going to be a kind of chick pito for you. i'm going to cut it into little fish shapes for my children, fish form schneider. then i'm going to fry it a bit so it gets that extra bit of flavor done. it's a meal made almost entirely from chick peas. and that comes apart from the spices entirely from local production. think you know, i'm
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a boat was to look like to florida chick peas or a gar, bonds, or beans, or a protein rich pulse from the middle east. that the farmer has begun to grow in eastern germany. he thinks agriculture and eating habits need to change. marcia nelnet swamped, i'll sin. how should we eat in the future as eating snips or every day isn't good was in it probably isn't good to eat. just let us every day either cover up at variety the i think that's the most important thing. that means we don't have to go without anything delighted in it, but it means that our food is very varied and nutritious about us via their feet fetish and i shall tish anson and come in at his farm in the german state of saxony, unheard. you must surely sydney hoff grows all kinds of super foods. to day he sowing keynote seeds. the grain is native to the south american andes, but feels increasingly at home here. then via among,
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if we keep on growing what we always have from them, we're not going to get anywhere in the fight. climate change means getting used to the idea of cultivating different crops. so that's why i find it really interesting fun and keen. why is really healthy and tasty? like i'm enjoying doing this and i think that's the most important thing possible if you enjoy something, you can do it while hung collins, i felt like when showed sidney, huff took over his father's farm 8 years ago. it produced traditional crops like wheat mays and sugar beach, but he decided to switch to non native crops or forgotten one. he's gearing up for the future with nutritious and more resilient crops, better suited to new climate conditions. and that's annoying. on the one hand, i want to try out new things and on the other hand, i want to have long term goals. that's important to me. when my father always side farming is about thinking and generations. and i tried to live by that principle, and a foolish had alkaline so called super food like keen while are becoming more popular
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due to their high nutritional value. but demand for keen, why here is driving up prices in south america and threatening their supplies. yet this hardy, pseudo grain now thrives in europe too, does not seem as in the thing of, it makes much more sense to produce things locally. if its possible value dealing with him apply a certain degree of globalization will always remain. i'm sure you can, but we save an amazing amount of energy and emissions by avoiding unnecessary transportation. and of course, it would be great if we could grow our own food supplies to log on. new drug resistant crops could help in saxony. unhealthy spring rainfall is dropping, and summers are getting hotter and dryer. kilowatt is a timely solution. it needs a 3rd of the water required by wheat that it has. the food and agricultural scientist or to gov inca is supporting the adventurous farmer.
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together they are checking how the 1st seeds of the year are developing his and this has come up quite well. yana said yes, it's coming up quite well in the field. there's a lot of weeds growing up between and we can't see the rows of seedlings from the tractor. the colonel. so we can't use machinery for hauling at the end of the machine, knocked over to sonics crops, new to the region like he was and practically forgotten. ones like hemp meet a lot of trial and error. things can go wrong. but diversity is key. that isn't on the missiles we, there's risk with all crops. if the weather isn't right the my crops might fail. obviously from that point of view, i am reducing my risk by diversifying this eigen please. it is unlikely that all my crops will fail at once. so she should go to lunch, toya, of course, there are costs attached to the learning process. it is a sort of survey. we are investing quite a lot of work in something with an uncertain in
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a very uncertain outcome on the business. but it's an investment for the future, holds gung i'm other than in the season and it's so called can what it sounds. keena is a super food. it has plenty of calories and it's very healthy and bringing it here is also an opportunity to diversify what we eat. tongues amplifies a pin of item, bought a galvan can one saxony, unharmed to become a super food producer. the agricultural scientist has set up an organization to achieve this goal. ah. used voucher's vision for farming in the future doesn't involve cultivating the land at all. oh, got from dialogue. the river on board with him are german, marine biologist, zavy ash, cows and developer. leaning a home on their workplace is in
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a sense under water. 124. 034. from here, for from here, down in the water. there is something that they would like to see enriching the diets of people in europe see wheat. ah, ah, there are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of species of algae world wide. only a fraction has been researched. seaweed can be cultivated on ropes at sea. sylvia cows quickly identifies the types of edible seaweed, thus as forgotten that sugar color. now this green one is see, let us learn. you can need that to come on all se
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danasia is and that's what coming on does. it weighs at least maybe 3 or 4 kilos. but i think he long there is an artist pennsville fair enough for dinner tonight. in europe, this slippery stuff is still regarded with a little suspicion in many parts of asia. by contrast, seaweed has long been popular vouchers would like to see it catch on in europe. too and help make our diet healthier and more diverse. now the world mainly eats rice, wheat, corn and meat that promotes the rise of mana cultures. makes us dependent on just a few types of food and vulnerable to crisis. if we want to support the global food chain and offer an alternative or re need the stress on the current system. and then we need to grow a lot of seaweed 4 years ago about
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a set up the seaweed company. before that he worked for an unhealthy or part of the food and drinks industry. he was a manager for a beak soft drinks company. the birth of his son led to a rethink. now i'm making plans to get children drinking more does beverages, but my boy gets older, i don't want him to drink. and then i realized that those big companies that exist, it's very hard for them to change. actually, i don't think they can change, they wanted, they ride it on their social media, but in the end it's just nothing. currently his company operates 9, see we'd farms cultivating the species that are native to the local ecosystems. the beauty of c, reed is that it grows in water. we don't need length, it doesn't need fertilizer. it doesn't need fresh water. see, we'd also absorbs a lot of c o. 2, a lot more than most things grown in soil because it develops
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a lot faster. so if you roughly calculate every 1000 feel of wrongs of wet, see we've has a sore 100 and turns into the bronze here to to help popularize it in the european market. the team is also developing new recipes and products in the area around matt to book is one of germany's corn baskets, or to cove income wants to use its fertile soil to start a new trend together with her team. and farmers like even us should sidney hoff. she's introducing new arable crops to saxony on height. she's using his farm as a test field. as for blame us in the problem is that most farmers experiment a bit o that, but because there's no scientific supervision they don't get listen to the initial wasted. i had this entity only and you're only deemed important when the university
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is on board to the researcher. from the university of ha is using her standing to back this agricultural transformation at the moment, just under 16 percent of what is harvested worldwide, directly ends up on our plates. 72 percent of it is turned into animal feed and 11.7 percent is used as biofuel or as an industrial commodity. emerson v. done via awfully. we have to move towards producing more food and away from animal feed and fuel type stuff. we have above all, we need vegetables, hospital men at the moment it's brought in from around the world. i'd like local agriculture to increase and become more crisis resilient rushdin. if we ate less meet, there would be enough food for another $4000000000.00 people. that's another reason why all to call vega and her students are looking for plants that might thrive
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locally. need to be whatever flourishes here in the test garden could help guarantee food security in the future. the pop noise lot, we need new species. that's why we have this garden of to morrow here. and for that, how so farmers don't have to try things out on their fields that we're doing a bit of the leg work in advance for we can say yes, it works and you can try it out. look, it's growing really well or what? no, let's take one is i have battled look. does this lentils don't really work in your soil or chick peas need? those particular conditions have support at the, on the stand up being on the students are recording every experiment. they're amazed at how many non native species grow? well in this part of eastern germany live over in here. we're trying quite a lot of the pretty crazy way out with things here. for example, the potato bean malavar spinach and perennial. cale would really wild as against
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public bizarre. so come spies in or a future foods is the name of the project. it promotes kilowatt and chic peace. millet sloop heaney beans, ham seeds and lentils. some were wide spread here, but fell out of favor. now they're making a comeback. when did it even sucrose? faison is the idea of sucrose. shy isn't, is from farm to table is to get farmers and cooks and trying out new types of produce trying out different systems, new agricultural systems of the see the local cultivation team of new plans here and are still often i have friends on so bong, but system change can only work if every one participates. she's convinced of that . and she's got a plan living in the local youth hostel. the agricultural scientist is giving cookery courses together with her colleague, lena horne at lynn of atlanta. what are we doing with the game? what am i a day we're going to make a king was salad and
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a came watching p. patty at the workshops, local cooks chefs and bakers are learning how to best prepare the new ingredients. if agricultural system change is going to work, their role is vital. and asthma was in been mun, it only makes sense if you can get what the farmers are growing on to people's plate sensing, sighing. so we are showing people who work with good what to do with it because you're baker's what to do with it. and that's the basic idea, i guess for the one to put it simply hang from farm to table on fed. often tell us the baker is trying his hand at making hummus from regional chick piece kids with honda too much lemon juice. oh, it's our me up. it's absolutely new for me and i'm a regular baker who uses ry, wheat flour and salt. but i've got 30 years working life ahead of me,
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and this is the future. my children, my take over my bakery business, and i want to build a foundation where it's on last alternative. i'm looking forward to it. let evil, before most of the hostile cook is also enjoying the change museum, woke up. it doesn't always have to be potatoes and why not use something different for a change that can be just as easily cultivated, you know, something from the region which is sustainable. keen was salad with beetroot and apples. for instance. a local choir is getting to sample the food, all the ingredients are vegan, hollow and kosher. so the cook doesn't have to offer alternatives and can put on a really good buffet without spending more. so how's it going down? minute talk. my daughter clicks like this. so i'm a bit familiar with it. i think it's good. it's but do it personally, but i'm still a bit conservative, benign opposition?
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quote. i thought was a little hotly. no, i would also make a patty from chick peas from buffer. we know it from falafel and so on. it's good, definitely of info yes most. and now we'll have to see what went down well and what didn't. and will need to continue supervising micah the time. but hello to calvin glass to attend to other things. first. on an inconspicuous building on the edge of copenhagen. could it be the solution for many of our food problems? owner sleeman certainly think so. the name of his new fangled farm is nordic harvest. my background is as a financial analyst at an investment bank and 8th years ago, i was sitting doing an incentive program for the employees offer the bank which gave them the opportunity to earn 100 percent on top of their salary if they were
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high performers. so then i thought you said ok, just to sit and learn some money for yourself and not do enough for the society. the banker became a farmer and set up europe's largest indoor farm in the danish capital, for and as leman, vertical farming is a way to stop the destruction of ecosystems and feed the world's growing population . at the moment 38 percent of the world's land area is used for food production. it consumes 70 percent of fresh water and is responsible for 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions at re months. eco friendly, vertical farm crops grow without any soil at all. this is the roots growing directly in the wall from the roots absorb nutrients from water more easily than
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from soil. so they need less fertilizer. if facility is also constantly recycling water, it uses almost 95 percent less than conventional vegetable farming. but the biggest challenge was finding the right lighting one day on my way home from the metro at 3 o'clock at night. after going out in the town. i thought what about if he lives have that been developed enough to make photosynthesis for pen? so you can throw them in, lay us in water. and in actual fact 20000 ellie d panels were able to function like sunlight and stimulate plant metabolism. the light looks purple because vertical farming combines different light spectrums to promote plant growth. we have a field which we put into an aluminum fact and the aluminum will absorb heat and put it out in the room. the temperature here is between 22 and 26 degrees celsius,
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ideal growing conditions for salad and the electricity supply is carbon neutral. thanks to wind power inside things grow a lot quicker. there are 15 harvests a year outside only $2.00 to $4.00. vertical farming is independent of the seasons and climate conditions. it's more secure now off the foreigner and the wall and you frame, we are very vulnerable for security of buying pool. so we need to be able to have full production inside of the city as part of the infrastructure. shorter journeys also mean human saves transport costs and avoid c o 2 emissions. it's just a few meters from the shelf to the harvesting machine. most of the work is done by machines, but the technology is still very expensive for
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as far as facility far would be about $45000000.00 euro. because if the technology is that have just been profitable. so when the civil approve of and it can be profitable in all the countries of the world, they are not using the facilities entire surface, but already supply $120.00 supermarkets went up to speed. the farm could produce some 1000 tons of leafy greens, 250 times more than conventional agriculture from the same surface area. at the moment, nordic is only grows lettuce and herbs here. but more vegetables and fruits like strawberries are planned. hello laura. how's it going good for him to know about the result? german plant scientists last may get ski overseas process is in the vertical farm. we want to keep them. she's working with bacteria that will support plant growth. yes,
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we'll do better. thank you. is thank of you. hm. yes. the consultation and i think that we have all the technology here at hand and we have to ensure that we also use it in a positive way for the future on we're doing good pioneering work here to make progress on that front and thus sponsoring population growth means that such trail blasing work is becoming more and more important for millions of people. aah! at the ost, i swear to barrier in the netherlands. used about us is tending his freshly harvested seaweed in the waterside facility. the seaweed is dried or kept fresh in water tanks for further processing. so what you see here is then the sea week, after it's finished, that is at the end of the season. beautiful leaves of o for a wave sickly. you still see them here on the rope. this is not so you can see
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a full rope here. and then we, we cut that, and then we process it in our, in our products. he is already preparing new spores and glass flasks in the refrigerator. ready for seating here you see the beginning of the whole life cycle. this is where the c re, babies, in a very early stage are growing and kept. and this is where we start the base material for see read. the spores will later be sprayed onto the ropes that will be dropped back into the water. but to day, he and his team are trying out a few products they intend to use to stir up the food industry. finally, some ford was well, filming what do we have here low, so we have now see we'd sausages and see burger with
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barbecued meats with seaweed. these sausages aren't made from pure pork, but include 15 percent. see we'd expect this beef burger is 30 percent c. we'd use photos and his colleagues realised that not everyone was prepared to give up meet entirely and see we'd helps to cut c o 2 manhattan credit. but it means you can use 30 percent less meet that's less meant to be produced. and of course, it's much more sustainable. thus naturalists business now heidegger and cattle. farming produces lots of the climate killers, methane and c, o 2. on average, the production of the kilo of beef has a carbon footprint of 13.6 kilos. if you replaced 30 percent of the beef and beef burgers with seaweed, the carbon footprint would drop to 9.5 kilograms per kilo. marine biologist, sylvia shed house also wants to popularize a japanese dish in europe. it's
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a kind of seaweed fondue quickly. turns green green immediately, but and now we're take it out and debit. wait. oh oh, oh, i love it and crafted. go ahead. in restaurants, we can, we can have this as a our to say that as an experience. so you get some fresh, she read on one side, you put a full view on the fable at is this is really nice sometimes about us finds it hard to believe how far he and his company have come up. 10 years ago. he was still a manager in the soft drinks industry and now he is working to create healthy food fit for the future. he's moved by the thought that his vision might come true. i. so like if we can cultivate seaweed on a big scale and let the world no and benefit from what syria can bring an offer
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alternative for a food chain. i think then i'm happy. mm hm. ah thought i hope everything's been assign assessment. oh great. um. so what do we have here? chick peas, keno, an hemp. when tons money to smith, organic farmer, eunice should sidney huff and agricultural scientist ought to cov ankle had been working on their joint mission for 3 years now. with today, the super food expert is promoting their climate friendly and draught, resisted foodstuffs at an organic market. much fenders officially in law. and i think it's important to get into conversation with people and asked them whether
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they liked the food or not just most, what are they looking for? did they have questions? that's why i like going to the market again. i want to listen to people and pass their feedback on to the farmers and into the field of research. just give a shout and i've heard from them to look more and more people are getting into chic piece. over the last 10 years, imports have risen fivefold coughing. i would like to meet the demand domestically and gain more chick p fans i guess on 1st week. freshly mil to flour in bake them yesterday. i've hardly ever seen some things over. i said also, if i had to guess, looks like of them. that's true enough, bessie. and they're lovely. so crispin nutty one. and if you can eat chick peas but can eat not with a great alternative hbo pride. i've even line to miss you unless it's my mission to create coming and a future fit for coming generation. i want to get other people on board and give them a plan b and b again. yes. to get them on board and tell them that there are ways of
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changing things. lucas tried, vassal for and none. mm yona show, it's in me hops chick. peas. already for sewing in the idea of growing a new crop. came to him in his kitchen. pulses contain a lot of protein, but domestic types like garden peas, don't grow so well here any more with an i mission leak, it's more difficult now with native legumes because the weather the climate has changed. with the mild winter, we saw a big rise and pests which among and of into shot, and i was on the lookout for alternatives. and one thing led to the next. now i'm growing chick. peas will come on my lunch, alexia dickie, of the farmer's home grown chick. peas have been on the market for 5 years now, and recently, he's acquired a big customer in berlin, who's using them to make co food, something akin to toe from mr. dana,
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we need to you less, meet a more clear protein that we need more variety than before matthew. and then i think we will be able to feed more people using a less land loiter. that's what we have to aim for. if we really want to survive as a society, as human beings on august the 16, but you're not sure it's a ne health is already making the switch to a new type of farming one that could ensure that there's enough food for every one . ah, every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word always been the cook week is in germany to learn german. why not learn with him? simple online, on your mo bile and free to shop. d w e learning course,
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nikos vague german made easy on the green. do you feel worried about the planet we to i'm neil, host of the on the grievance of cost and to me it's clear we need to change the solutions are out there. join me for a deep dive into the green transformation for me to do full of them. ah, this week on world stories, fishermen protesting in india. a 13 year old artist paints for the homeless in france. we begin in ukraine, which has reclaimed more territory from russia after
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a counter offensive in the south at the cost of many deaths and injuries. these positions are well fortified. ukrainian soldiers have withstood several months of shelling in these trenches. the lines haven't moved to most of that time, but recently things started shifting up ahead. they've started to a tech russian position is more aggressively by. yep, a phone as well, in some directions. we have been able to move forward. even right now, an attack is going on, let us, we try to put them under constant pressuring, so it will go our way. the way official civil loved him. just because of the looks, of course, let me show you where i guys live. the soldiers stay for several months. the army doesn't have enough personnel to retake them in and out. more often,
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this group is getting ready for the cold seems to have written fluid fewer kelly. as we move forward in winter, we will have to heat all the space it will be in his song by then. let's hope so for god's sake. 2 days ago, a shell hit just above their beds or on a thankfully the roof and so well build and get through hostile naperville. further behind the lines, ambulances wait for injured soldiers to evacuate into hospitals were told that 3 ukrainians were heard by a storming, rushing position. frontline paramedics had them over to an ambulance that shuttles between the war zone and the hospital. oh grain, you know,
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authorities have admitted to roughly 10000 dead soldiers as well below estimates of russian losses. but neither side are releasing precise or credible number. oh oh, this time none of the injuries seemed to be severe in the flight. for this, for the roof the counter attack is costing ukrainian blood. the paramedics say they've become busier recently. a bishop on nick a matter the number of inches high during the attack because our guys move forward to the positions of the russian villains. and then it's easy for the russians to hit them because they know their positions well. and can shelven unit by going to some it was, it's in a car, right. the paramedics returned to their waiting position. they don't know when the next trip to the hospital will be. they know it will come.
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ah, in russia, more and more young men are being drafted for proteins, war to compensate for heavy casualties. but these recruits lack almost everything. rusty weapons and squalid condition was recently should her dishes or that'll that approximately millennial. these are just some of the images that have been circulating on russian social media and telegram charts, showing the things that mobilized russian men are having to deal with a tampon. do you know what it is for? you stick it in a boy and it expands and stops the bleeding. hard to predict what dmca. these pictures also from telegram allegedly show residence, bringing supplies to a military base and also burst moscow's mobilization efforts are not going to plan
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soldiers or missing sleeping bags. food and medical equipment. we found groups on russian social media where relatives of russian soldiers are sharing pictures of the equipment they are sending to the front. we reached out to russian soldiers but couldn't get any to appear on camera for an interview. when asked why they were going to war, one of them replied, i'm not looking into the causes of this war. if i was mobilized, it means that my motherland needs me. i am a simple soldier. the question why and what for is not my responsibility. russian lawyer mux aiyona chief, says, social conditioning like this dates back to soviet times and as part of the problem . and he had the majority of russian people who are not ready to go to war.
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it is easy, but there's a willingness to rely on the government's decisions. is it because there is a belief that authorities no better form seen the people don't think critically. thus they don't understand that when the government is using them as cannon fodder looked at. what did you wish? ah, it's been 3 weeks since russian president putin announced a partial mobilization. since then, hundreds of thousands more russian families have been drawn into the war. in corolla india, a controversial port project is expected to boost the economy. but fishermen fear that this could threaten their fishing grounds and hopes. for weeks, hundreds of fishermen have gathered to protest at the sight they have been
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protesting, day and night in front of the visine. yum a dani port being built by india's richest men, gout tom, a dod among them, jackson to buck a, run, a local fishermen who comes here every day with his family. i bad for him, protesting is the only way to fight for his arrival. in last year we saved our house by using sandbags. now it is a major would arise because of his port. i'll lose my house and family inevitable. today, jackson is visiting a site near the a donny port to check the status of construction. lena, this is not a natural port, the construction of the breakwater when the road, the coastline on the other side, it will start losing our homes by now or so. now there are around 40000 fishermen in this area since the port work started in 2015,
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at least 500 houses have been damaged. and more than a 100 families have lost their homes due to coastal erosion. just a few kilometers away. hundreds of displaced families are living in these cement warehouses. deva shy young, a local fishermen has been living with his family in this tiny cubicle for the last year. what a boy, when our house got damaged, i was sleeping on the beach for many days. my love sometimes i slept in other people's houses around brenda m, whatever. and anyway, today he is heading to fish and deeper waters as pork construction has chased away fish from this area. but even here, he has no luck. but in the day i got nothing, no fish at all. it's a bad day for me. i don't know how i'll feed my family with the c o of isn't yama. donnie group sees things differently. he says this port will boost
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the economy if this boarded operational, this has been off. if he seen seed to logistics cost and time not only imply mc misery, bush and then go to the presented committee. so deed will be the media been in c, c. but as the protest enters the 5th week, fishermen like jackson are not convinced. he says he will not give up, even if it means fighting the countries richest man while awarded them. to souffle is a 13 year old french artist who sells his paintings to support homeless people. he has been doing this since he was 5 years old. at chill souffle is 13 years old and a budding artist,
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but actually doesn't paint just for the sake of it. i wanted to help the people on the street and i didn't know how, but i saw some artists on the beach and i thought i could do the same. this afternoon at your house is playing some of his works for sale and an artist run gallery. if you could not, every one encourages what he's doing eventually to the receipt. okay, so really gone. so some people think it's too much for me that i should stop over cooper at yahoo and his family will use the money raised to buy food. here they're on their way to the city of to weigh in northern france, where 20 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. a 3rd more than the national average. their meeting go highly jabrisa as social worker and family friend, and lou to victor ferpa. a homeless man. oh no mister la fella is an alcoholic. he's been homeless for 4 years and he yeah,
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his situation is challenging, but out she refuses to lose health. i'm unhappy. but mary, of course, i guess i would literally it good to go. i lost a good friend of mine. the horse as well as the authority is have to be informed of your situation so they can help you. oh, pretty fucking, please was 81 foot girl. i don't think they're really interested me aren't good. good. that found my mr. la copa has been living in his car for months. he smelt it with blankets and made a home for himself. roger don't come sits in my realm. 2 of them will bloom and i will bring some light to a dark situation. oral, the moment. you're the king here? no, no, no, no. i'm not the king of anything more. of your life. it
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well, you at least should live life to the full thin wolf. oh. what does it mean to have up to you at your side? whoop! you're a lot of good forms, my horns here. if possible, i think you going to find a way out. come on like ghetto. you may i please look. you've taught me a lot thanks to a few to you may not have changed mr. le fabulous situation. but he has shown him that there is someone out there who believes in him, and who cares about people experiencing homelessness. ah,
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the flood is over. but people continue to die in pakistan. more than 1500 have died from drowning. flood relate to diseases countless have lost everything. there is hardly any support from the state on private initiatives, helping as best as they can be 3000 in 30 minutes on d, w. ah, in many push it out in the world right now. the climate change very hot, the story. this is my flexing way from just one week.
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how much was going to really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with what 5th, his subscriber all morning, like. is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like return in the normal and we visit those who are finding it a successes, a weekly kobe 19 special every thursday on d w. ah, ah
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ah ah, this is g w. news live at from berlin tonight, britain getting a new prime minister, the 3rd new leader in the span of just 2 months. rishi sooner received a rapturous welcome today from his supporters. the countries former finance ministers, number one priority now is shorting out the economic chaos. left behind by his predecessor.
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