tv The Day Deutsche Welle October 29, 2022 12:02am-12:31am CEST
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ah, ah, on his twitter profile, ellen musk now describes himself as chief twit. the world's richest man has just paid $44000000000.00 for twitter. a social media company known more from making headlines than for making profits most broke the news by tweeting the bird is freed . and he's promising a new digital public square free of censorship. that could include a possible donald trump come back. that in turn may turn off advertisers, meaning musk may now be the owner of a bird. that just won't fly. i'm break off in berlin. this is the day. ah, there is
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a chance that that one of the 1st things he'd like to do is bring back everybody that was band or bring back everybody that was controversial. so there are certain activities which are non compliant with, with the rules regulations in laws. so i'm not on twitter, it's likely going to result in even more chaos if a big pot of sort of the public or a debate is controlled by potentially sophie people. oh so, so key big companies then that with putting a lot of a, a development xena feature in that one is controlled by the chinese. one is controlled by mark zuckerberg and one is controlled by unless things related to, hey, speech to criminal activities, to terrorism, etc. etc, also coming up the community in the united states where the war in ukraine perhaps more than the economy or determine the decision of voters next month. the ballot
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box. i think it's a shame that we have seen this become a polarizing issue in the united states. when the war began. it was bipartisan support. we're to our viewers watching on p b s or the united states into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with the billionaire who now owns the tweets late on thursday. ellen musk officially took over the social media company, twitter, ending months of starts and stops. at 1st, the board resisted most his offer of $44000000000.00. later investors tried to sue him for threatening to back out of the deal, or that is all history now. and so are twitters top management today most fired for executives. as for the rest of the companies, 7500 employer employees who are known as torps. the future is uncertain, as the new owner most could lay off workers and refused to pay them what he promised in the buy out deal. stay tuned for that. and what about the future of
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twitter mosque is promising to make it a censorship. free digital, public square that will not become what he describes. and i'm quoting here, a free for all hell scape. all social media remains the nest of misinformation can most can clean up the part of that nest that he now owns. who were what is going to make him? if he doesn't, we have more now in this report. let that sink in. this is how elan mosque, who walked into twitters headquarters in san francisco. with the grandiose gesture, the world's richest man signal to employees and users, it may be the end of twitter as they know it. in a tweet address to advertisers on a platform must claimed the acquisition was not aimed at making him more money. musk told advertisers that his goal was to counter political polarization in traditional media. he set the polarization, had now spread to social media,
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and that he wanted to preserve twitter as a space for dialogue. the reason i acquired twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner. an ambitious skull and in musk sewn words, one with a very real possibility, a failure. the serial inter printers bold moves, don't come as a surprise to analysts, but his exact vision for the platform is still somewhat unclear. you have to grant that he's a visionary that he's done some amazingly innovative things. but having said that, it's a little worrying in the sense that when you tear it down to build it back up again, you have to have some sort of our north star vision to take people along with the said, this is the reason why i'm doing that and we haven't quite seen the other than some
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hand weaving at free speech. but some twitter users fear that what musk wants for the platform may not be reflective of what they want. i believe that e b line must buying twin or annoying twitter will begin to twitter. we're already seen changes the algorithm on getting a lot of right wing stuff all the sudden and on my feet that i wasn't getting before ever since. so ever since musgrove ounce, this must has only vaguely implied what his vision for free speech but look like for now twitter users are left, you wonder where the new ret lines will be drawn. oh, i 1st guest and i have spent time on capitol hill advising all makers on economic policies, including key legislation during the financial crisis. he's also the author of goliath, the 100 year war between monopoly power and democracy, a book that may justify a 2nd read in the week of this twitter deal,
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man solar joyce b from washington where he is currently director of research of the american economic liberties project was just oh, it's good to have you back on the program. let's talk about elan mosque here. he says he wants to remake twitter into a digital public square. but the public here has no say in a private company which twitter now is. are we left to take mosque at his word? yeah, i think whether it's mark zuckerberg over facebook or the chinese communist party tick tock or ellen must, can twitter google in youtube. we have this situation where really key infrastructure on how we communicate is controlled by an unaccountable actors, private actors. and we have not yet excuse me. and our public agencies and institutions, democratic institutions, legislatures must particular haven't written rules to facilitate how we want these
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institutions to work. so we are lacked with these kind of private actors making the rules. and this is just another kind of example, but it's not like the old executives at twitter, we're accountable to kind of the public in the line must you know, isn't it's the same, the same regulatory schema, which just puts a point on it. but, but you now have a one person who owns a major social media company. it's a private citizen. now the company is, isn't, it's not going to be listed anymore on the new york stock exchange. he's going to have the power is were to own a company that has the power to influence public opinion around the world at b, should this purchase? should it be raising flags with us regulators? well, make mark zuckerberg can. so there's a number of answers to that. i don't want to downplay the embedded concerning your question. can you have concerns over musk, buying the purchase, but not for the reasons that you'd necessarily imply marks. arkenberg has total
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control over facebook. it's a public company, but he controls the voting shares. he can do whatever he wants and that's, that's a problem because there are regulatory schema allows that same thing is true in this case with twitter. i don't think there's that much of a change from the old executives to, to must, except for one really key problem which is the iran musk. his wealth is dependent on the chinese government. he has major factor factories in subsidies from the chinese government for tesla, which is where he made most of his fortune. and because of that, the chinese communist party can exert its influence over mosque, who now controlled this important social media platform. that wasn't the case before when the old management of twitter didn't necessarily have any dependencies on the chinese government. so that's why i'm concerned about these particular purchase. but it's not because he learned husk as like a bad guy. and the old people who are running twitter were great and totally accountable. we have a regulatory problem. we haven't, we,
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the people through our democratic institutions have the right rules for these platforms and haven't done that yet. me about about one pickable did so about the chinese i was reading to day that with this purchase mosque now has to start paying back his creditors, the chinese a $1000000000.00 every month. so it sounds like we're looking at twitter possibly becoming a tick, tock, 2 point oh if you will because of the chinese connection here. well, so i'm not sure where that debt. i think it's, he has to pay back the, it's something like a $1000000000.00 a year, and it's going to be the, the debt hasn't been sold yet. so i'm not, i'm not totally sure that the chinese on that debt or not. but the dependency is through tesla, which is his electric car company they, they have a major factory in shanghai which was essentially built with chinese, like they essentially gave him a free factory. and his,
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the stock that he sold to buy twitter was tesla stock. so he was worth $25000000000.00 before the pandemic. now he's worth about to $250000000000.00 in that increased tenfold is a result of chinese subsidies and a variety of other things. and that's where the dependency is coming. because at any point the chinese could say we're going to shut that factory down if you don't do the x y z, think for twitter. so just to, you know, just to be clear about that. and we will be following the story too. and i'll please come back and talk with this again. it will ask you to if we see the chinese exerting any influence over mosque and twitter, medstar, we appreciate your time to night. thank you. thanks. ah, was it a politically motivated crime? police are trying to find l just that very question. early on friday, the husband of hell speaker, nancy pelosi. she was attacked. he was attacked inside the couples, san francisco home. a break in an attack. at the san francisco home, a papa,
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lucy is being treated for injuries at a local hospital, but is expected to make a full recovery. the alleged attacker is being held in custody. nancy pelosi, we understand was not at home at the time of the attack. all right, here's san francisco, chief of police bill scott, now describing what happened at policies house. when the officers arrive on scene, they encountered an adult nail and mr. policies, husband, paul, our officers observe miss below c and the suspect both holding a hammer. the suspect pulled the hammer away from its velocity, and violently assaulted him with it. our officers immediately tackled the suspect. disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency back up, and rendered medical aid. i have more now, i want to go to ethan barrett. he's
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a u. s. political commentator and attorney and an edge, a professor at loyola law school. he joins us from los angeles. ethan, it's good to see you again. you know, 1st things 1st, if you heard anything on the condition of pol pelosi, well we understand that he went in for surgery a few hours ago. they expected it to go well, but i have not received an update or since he went in for surgery. and what more do we know tonight about the, the attacker yet. well, he is a 42 year old, originally from canada, british columbia, and came to california, apparently about 20 years ago. he and in recent years has been posting significant numbers of kind of right wing extremist propaganda conspiracy theories around things like the coven vaccine, around the january 6th attack on the u. s. capital,
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among others. so there were some leanings that were going on there that seem to indicate in inspiration from the conspiratorial right wing. have you heard ethan, these reports that the attacker, when he was beginning to beat mister polo, see with the hammer that he was heard shouting, where is nancy? yeah, i, i've heard that report as well. there is a source on that. and as i understand it, it was prior to the attack with the hammer in that he was asking, where is nancy? but i've definitely heard the same this clearly, at least on the face of it into we receive more evidence. but on the face of it, it appears to be an attempted assassination on the u. s. a speaker of the house, nancy pelosi and unfortunately her husband was home alone.
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therefore there was no us capitol, police protection, and he was significantly injured. and the attacker is going to be facing some very serious felony charge is definitely at the state level. and there are potential federal charges against him as well. and even this is, it's a terrible incident that happened. but it's not a total surprise. is it me? we've had the f, b i this week, warning about an increase in the probability likelihood of politically motivated extremist crimes in the us leading up to the mid term elections happen. absolutely look, it is, i am going to point some fingers for a moment, which is we have an entire political party in the united states, the republican national committee, and i believe it was february 4th of this year. or maybe it was last year,
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forgive me, but it was february 4th, shortly after the january 6th attack on u. s. capital, where people died. there was significant violence leading to hundreds of people being charged with federal crimes. many of them being convicted, receiving sentences in the multiple years, and the republican national committee put out a statement, calling it legitimate political discourse, an actual attack on the united states capital. so there is significant language being used by some on the right, that is clearly flame in inflaming people who are susceptible to these messages. let alone with the former president, him himself has been sang during his tour lately. yeah, it's a tough time right now for all parties concerned in the us. that's for sure. even berman in los angeles, even as always, we appreciate your time and your insights. thank you. 6,
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brent. ah, until recently there was one issue in the very polarized us that enjoyed bi partisan support. so i'm talking about the bite administration strong commitment to supplying ukraine with military help. but in the course of campaigning ahead of these mid term elections, the 1st voices of descent have emerged with some republican saying that the u. s. cannot afford to keep writing blank checks for ukraine in the midwestern battleground, state of ohio. the republican senate candidate is against funding the war in ukraine that has not gone down well with the ukrainian community in the town of parma, debuse in his pole. she travelled there and has his report. welcome to parma, like quiet city of 80000 has become grown 0 for the battle over u. s. support for ukraine. nearly half of the population is of ukrainian heritage. traditionally, they've supported republicans. but this year that could change rudy's strudel and
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bakery lies in the heart of palmer, and is known for its ukrainian specialities. our programs are well known internationally. i like to say because we have some interesting flavors along with our traditional flavors. lydia mother, refugee from ukraine, herself took over the shop in 1970 for a really nice, simple, you know, when we heard about the war, the night that they attacks 1st happened. um, of the we were up all night life cousins and ukraine. so what we did is that, that following saturday, we don't need it all proceeds or sales to to the cars and crane, which raised my $10000.00 that very day before is interest miles and miles away. it's right here. it's in a front doorstep, it's on our telephone with that our email is happening to us. and it's the same exact thing that happened to our parents that are here only days away from election day. the support has become highly politicized in the state of ohio,
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j. d. events is the republican candidate for senate. and he's been saying things like, this is not america 1st, to ignore the problems of your own country and to focus instead on ukraine, enough with the escalation. let's focus on our own citizens, our own problems, and ignore the candidates who want us to fight a war with white mir putin because it makes them feel tough. people here who worry about the situation and ukraine, didn't like that at all. and this matters because the results here in ohio could be so close that the ukrainian vote could be decisive. tie psychology, micah brown, us, and petro fudzinski are deeply involved in the ukrainian american community and are all volunteering at the ukrainian museum in nearby cleveland. i think it's a shame that we have seen this become a polarizing issue in the united states when the war began. it was bipartisan support, and i consistently voted conservatively, i will not vote for that person j
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d vans because he is not represented of the conservative philosophy that i belong to experience republican establish than in ohio and the united states understands the importance of ukraine and supports ukraine, it seems that the mango republicans do not. our children are watching. what are we setting up for the next generation? it's, it's about them. well, it's about these children that, that don't have a home for many here in palmer. the support of ukraine is not politics. it's a matter of life or death. and this could lead many ukrainian americans to change their woke from republican to democrats here no higher. that could make all the difference. ah, or from north to south america, where the politics are just as polarized voters go to the polls on sunday to elect a president. in brazil, the left is challenger, louise and osceola, that a silva is polling just slightly ahead of the incumbent. right wing president.
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diable, sonata lula has promised to strengthen environmental protections, give more rights to indigenous people, and to raise taxes on the rich. now he has been president before, and he had a corruption conviction overturn. critics say that boston aro, has marginalized indigenous tribes and that he has let business over exploit the amazon rain forest. opponents also condemn also, nor was handling of the pandemic really, the budget was like, well, to talk more about sundays, big vote. i'm joined now by maria and mini it's valez dale almeida, she's a professor of political science at the university of sel. paolo, it's good to have you on the program. the most recent polls give lula a slight lead over bull sonata. it's not a big one though. how close is this election going to be on sunday? very close. oh, pose a shows since the,
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the end of the 1st ballot shows that blue lays the front runner. but the difference, hey, is something between 5 points or 7 points. so it's new, it's a, it will be a tight competition. and what is, what is being contested here. mueller and both an arrow. is this a context of the 2 policies that these men represent? or is this a contrast of what these 2 men represent? i think it's more a den. i dispute about policies. he says, dispute aysa contest about democracy. not this, not a competition between the last thing in the right wing that can to date both so not always a. ready stream right back to this politician. that doesn't value democracy. and
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on the other side today, a lula represents a broad coalition. then he's own a left tweak part he. he represents a broad coalition of democrats in brazil, pollution that from the left to the center, right. i would say, professor, once the market is not about policies, if i could as me, i'm ask you about this notion of politics for this election being about fake news guns and god. just as it is in the united states, there been a lot of comparisons. talk to me about the, the appeal to religious voters that we have seen in this run off bell. what is it done to politics and brazil? well, a brazilian, a brazil was
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a religious country and has always been. but it is the 1st time that the politicians have mumble, eyes, religious identities. and it is what, as most, and i do has done since 1918 i, he mobilized, specially and what we, we call he and you and then the coastal ah roots, it fund the 1st time a brazilians, i, i, religious, but really religion has never been a political divide in brazil, and then at this moment it can be because it's politically mobilized by the stream, right? something that it's, that we still emulate towards united states. and what happens after sunday, i'm thinking about the, the, the resilience of the political system here. if lou winds the vote,
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do you think that also narrow, realistically, will be able to give a power? do you think he will refuse to do so? i think he will refuse to do so. he will try to lumber lies his political basis, which is but the huge in a, in brazil and, but i think that brazilian institutions ice, i, strong dead brazilian organized civil society is also strong. but it will vary a very difficult and very hectic. i mouse a scene from deal actions to july. the 1st when, when it will take power of attorney, you will try your case. capitol hill?
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he would try until capital ok. well we will be following that professor. unfortunately, we are out of time. we appreciate your time tonight. thank you. thank you. and and finally tonight, if you've ever felt like you don't really understand what an abstract artist is trying to express, what let me tell you you're not alone. a german curator is claiming that a famous painting by pete montreal has been displayed upside down for the past 77 years. i'll take a look at this. this is the painting. it's called new york city. and i'll just pause while you considered that. and here it's still the wrong way up, and this is what it should look like. the painting is currently on exhibition. here in germany. it will stay hanging the wrong way up, turning it around, we understand, could cause real damage. the days i was done,
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