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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  October 29, 2022 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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the inside our cars funds is on the ground reporting from across the continent. the firms not mother to you. in 60 minutes on d. w. sometimes the books are more exciting than real life. raring to read. ah, one of there's no escape. literature list, laundry, human ma, street, hello, and a one welcome to another exciting edition of the 77 percent. the home of africa's you. my name is wendy camara. and i'm so by delighted that you are here.
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we have a lot in store for you. here's what's coming up. african business women in brilliant tele respondent, my thoughts eve of their challenges. we find out how elian alba is helping young women pursue their dreams in sierra leone. and we meet thought african host nosy bella. come gun, i. my alba, who runs one of the country's most popular channels, are leaving the ha v female enterprise nurse are making waves across africa, contributing more to the continents g, d p, than ever before. some difficulties remains or including the gender peak up, but unleashing the power of business. women could be the key to economic growth and lived in communities out of poverty. to say that women on the backbone of african society is an understatement. in fact, they are more economically active as farmers and entrepreneurs than women in any
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other region of the world. according to the africa developing fact group women on one 3rd of all businesses, including a majority in the informal sector. in recent years, many african countries have pushed harder for women empowerment, giving rise to more female entrepreneurs. today, women make up 58 percent of africa, self employed, population contributing around 13 percent of the continents, g, d, p. according to the world and group, botswana, south africa and ghana are among the countries with the highest percentage of female entrepreneurs globally. but there's still a long way to go. many african women still held back by the side who constraints, female entrepreneurs still and much less than they male counterparts. nonetheless, fema, let's not up are increasingly becoming key drivers of economic development on the continents unleashing the power of women. entrepreneurs will only boost economic growth and help lift people out of poverty. one thing is clear, women,
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other movers and shakers of the african continent and the time is now. indeed, women are the movers and shakers of the african continent. and it's a good thing that more and more investors are mobilizing funds and resources to support women in business. however, the other side of the coin is that wide gaps and differences still exists across the continent. to get a more precise picture of female and to printer ship in africa, my colleague michael ot caught up with some female african business leaders in berlin. over to you, michael. the summons. so in percent is coming to you today from the home board forum here in berlin. we are coming to you on the side lines of the al forum. and the reason why we are coming to you from the homewood forum is to talk to these people about a role that young african female business leaders complete in move in the continent
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forward. i'm going to come to you and find out why do you think it's important for women to be in business? one is empowering and you get assessing kind of dr. from starting something building something. been a part of it. and that alone allows some women to get out of their shell, you know, and dare to dream big, and then a manifesting sleep. always desired. yup. and unfortunately, door um, the differences between men and women in business is quite big. when it comes to, for instance, funding a lot more men are likely to get funding than women. and that is where melanie comes in. tell us a bit about the funding situation for men and women. what are the dynamics? so actually on the african continent, there's still a huge, i'm finding gap when it comes to financing women. today we're talking about $42000000000.00 of financing gap to support. we men, entrepreneurs or businesses that can support women. so to deal nowadays,
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more and more initiative, seeing that abyssal a challenge in front of us there have been developed from the financial industry. i'm thinking more about the 2 x challenge criteria, which is an innovative the has been launched after the g 7 to support in particular a we met through financial instruments. so $15000000000.00 having actually being mobilized since 2011 and out of that 25 percent went to africa, which is the fantastic news because it means that we have more and more investors that are mobilizing funding, particularly to support women. then i mean, obviously than it, it's easy going for you ladies to get funding because there's one available. yeah. what's your experience? and sometimes it ring, doorbell door, portuguese is how to see or find those opportunities is a huge port button already and, and be eligibility. sometimes you may oxford your books, the ruckus of these businesses,
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but this businesses are multiple times traditional and traditional female businesses don't keep these base. so if dorothy has become too much of her criteria before i go funding the flu, lemme look at some it. do you identify with ah, the point that she's just made, i think is less than 2 percent of funding. venture funding that goes towards women businesses, sophie more lead businesses. and i think that's abysmal because, um, we know that women are the forefront of ensuring that businesses do thrive. i'm considering the fact that they help you know foster community development like push push and money running through the families and then and, and, and the community. so i would say that in my experience it's been tough accessing funding, but then i'll say that the opportunities are there, if um, other players like accelerators, esoteric and also, you know, chipping. now i want to ship the conversation and look at the legal framework of
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surrounding setting up a business and running a business. i'm in africa and i'm going to come straight to you priscilla. you operate in gonna, what are the legal requirements for running your business? first of all, you should have a business registration documents, and that is where the problem stuff for i messed up l. m to register and it takes me months half a year, one here before i get my business registration documents, but the same government will come to me. i'm not paying taxes. how do i pay that taxes when i don't have my necessities? and as a start up, you expected to pay taxes. yes. in as much as you have we've, as, as a start up you still p m u r g r a, because the 1st thing you need to get is your 10 that he used a 10 to get that done is your tax identification number. then you use that to get the business registration documents. then later you will see the food and drugs board. if you want to food like me coming to you,
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you will see your municipal coming to you. and if i don't have the basics of, it's all the registration documents. how do i do that? i see you nodding. jacqueline, do you have any thoughts on this a while our fault, randa? it's a whole different story, like phone registering company doesn't have take even 24 hours and is there to pay taxes like running profit. i wish like what's happening in grand i, it's not like i'm biased, but i wish once i've been in run nights with that'll happen. and i'm as many countries as possible africa. do you wanna move your business to rwanda? no, my people should benefit. all right. i want us to now shifted the conversation and look at solutions. earlier you talked about funding that is available for especially women and the white on the more women here who have talked about are the challenges and accessing funds. talk to us about what it will take for young businesses led by women to access this kind of funding these an estimate shelving
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formation. it's very difficult as priscilla has said to understand where there's a funding accessible and then to understand how you can be legible. for that funding. so now the work that you need to do is really to make sure that we can make more women business is eligible for that final helping them get access to those registration document, that tax compliance, all the process that the bank need to go through. so that they can tick their boxes and be able to give this loan. now, audrey out, back to you, if you could change something about the wing business in this is done, and in gonna to make it better, especially for female, our business leaders. what would you change? i think out, change the culture of partnership. it's necessary you know, to look at your next i next business as an ally, as a partner in solving, you know, your objectives are in solving a problem in society. when you want to start a business it's, it's kind of hard,
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his challenge in doing it on your own, but when you get to interact and then you know, leverage on either on people who walk that path or have the blueprints is easier now quickly to you press law, what would you change about doing business in kumasi as a female? yeah. for them not to see me as trunk. so one for now for allies is when we see female seals, we put them in attack. you are too strong in a pervasive the puts mushroom because imagine used to campus flesh with a mill and we'll see shoe as swift trunk. i'm the strong. i'm just trying to be me . i'm just trying to make that business prosper us. some we, we are all trying to make that well that they took place yet we are not competitors . we are not quite to think jacqueline, what would it take to encourage more young, fema rwandans to also going to business. i tend to believe that not everyone is
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tended to be anita printer, but to whatever your dream ease be 100 percent into weight. thank you very much. that's a really useful, important point to take. i'm from this conversation. it is here that the young future leaders have been telling us how they are making africa fit for the next century. thank you for watching. my name is mike lety and see you in the next one. thank you so much, michael. you can watch the long version of that debate on our youtube channel. now, making africa seats comfortably and fashionably for the next century, is the aim for our next and to printer, jim. okay, data is the young woman behind the multi $1000000.00 funny to manufacturing brand, till she designs for the average net julian using local resources like and kara, and esl kids, fabrics and style to make special pieces like to discuss
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global quote. marquee she did well. i was trying to make it, it was really simple for you born, you know, from day lot of young people that are, it's you to know about you to have you seen this new brand new la kill africa. this is like a lagos is known as one of the worlds fastest growing cities and urban areas. from here, the revolution to change, the african lifestyle expands, and she is the one who started it all. jim, okay. data who runs a nigeria is biggest and $1000000000.00 worthy furniture company. like for me such as out the law would walk well day initially when i was like starting to lodge a brand, most of the furniture brands i see are on the italian fil is bulky chinese
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fil, there were no bronze, you know, doing things like incorporating look almost hear us like tire and i, i do a are shockey and anchor. the reason why i'm doing this is i only want every single africans on it to be so proud that you know what this is medically by my own people here. i don't feel like i've done something of i'm satisfied customers says, or this is made in nigeria, you know, this is similar as well. get it from europe or from the you were so this i like someone you so for us does windows so i can me a chair a while for i like people go see a part of them. so a lot of this initially with exposure is because, you know what, or this looks like a because a country that's relied on international furniture purchases.
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young a creative design such as gym. ok. how close the gap? by creatively designing pieces that are different? yes, affordable using locally suit materials. bringing in nigeria center stage in this challenging and competitive market. next time you sit on a chair, it might just be a tailor furniture masterpiece. even when, if you look at that idea is out, she sees her success before her eyes. i'm excited for this through i think is one of my favorite places. so i enjoy cuz you know, it's an art meeting right now. like here. it's like having a meeting with one of my colleagues. i walk, it feels good to just come around and get to see the things that we get to come to life with a picking up zillow most with that. we certainly just launched on we got out of court fire. i'm like, well,
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some other really excited about it because he's done the 1st meeting to own in the pieces that he was on. i'm just a mom of 14 at your convenience. i'm also very excited about the b, b, r a. if you just look into like an entirely different landscape deductibles will become about from the gulf of your will you please give me that stuff and just generally our experience on yes, definitely point on working with you. ok. phone working with you. i don't see, you know, stopping in in east africa and south africa of europe. i see taylor in america and i few is just the time you know, get to the point where you, where you have been friends, you know swedish, their new brand from africa like would boy to become an internationally recognized
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friends. ah, i'd love to have one of those sit now to meet our next power woman. we stay in west africa. after 7 years in the united kingdom, it mean alba decided to move back to free towns here in your and she is now using her new phone skills in recruitment and management to help young people pursue their dream careers while strengthening her own connection to the continent. as much as you know, we have major gaps and it would be nice for everybody to come home and filling those gaps and everything. some people actually create more value from being out there. everybody doesn't need to come home and live at home. i'm at the bar, i'm the managing direct search. job search is a human resources fan. so we do recruits men skills development and just general
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human resources management services. i'm so employee is i was wanting free town. so at 17 i left home and went to the u. k. when i left i thought i was going for a year now to do my fema and i'll be back. but unfortunately, the war prolonged my day and i was there for 7 and a half years. i learned a lot. it was a good experience to me. it made me grow up. you need me see things differently. but i also found studying quite difficult because i just couldn't picture the, the environment that we're talking about when i to my parents that i was moving back. my dad didn't want me to come back before completing my studies. but i promised him that i would complete my studies, but i needed to come back fast, mentally. really. i needed to be out and i needed to be here. when i was moving
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back, i had to my tv to my mom. and she said it should my aunt and be waiting from accounting firms accounting, dropping my tv. oh. so i have that in mind when i moved back and thought about how i could help the people who wanted to come back to, you know, find the jobs. my friend had a website called you and i used to look through the newspapers and post the job ads from the newspaper onto the website. so some people would send it to me . could you please print this and send it off for me? so when i come home in the evening, i send off the application. so that's how he started me to my vision for job search is for us to be the, the go to win one, you require challenge. but then on the job seeker side,
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when the looking for jobs or when they're trying to acquire skills in order for them to get the right job. i want job says to be the plea that the to the best advice that i have received is to me to slow down and recognize stance icons. do everything that i want to do. my advice to people moving back would be come with an open mind. come with an attitude of to learn, right? but then also to teach for me, i'd like everybody to have a connection. i'd like them to have their children have connection. i don't want them to lose africa. and when you make sure you, you do things to your kids love the place, right? don't complain too much about a power the want and all of that. don't get the kids into that. just enjoy and get
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them to enjoy. so they want to come back. but then let them also see their issues that they would want to help fix as well in the future. just have a nice balance and indeed having a nice balance is a good remainder for us all. now our next leading lady takes us all the way to south africa. nosy bella, come gun on. my alba is a self published author, an h. i v activist on the presenter of the increasingly popular port cast. don't hold buck. a collaboration between d, w and kathy. so media, and that's not all. let me talk between this. indiana spoke so africa, nosy, be linda yarboro, runs one of the country's most popular channels on living with h i v a. everybody, welcome to my youtube channel. me even though for me to go back and say i had been inspected,
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why didn't come out with a boy with the men? i thought that that that was just that was just kill my mom. hey everybody. my name is nancy bailey. i'm going to welcome to my home. i cannot wait to have you and to share a little said about my life. ah, no, she lives with her husband. c combos, though very far away from the conservative environment of the port elizabeth township. she grew up in since being a small girl, nor they dreamed of rising above her impoverished background. she became the 1st in her family to graduate from university and secure a good job. then in 2013, she was diagnosed with h i v. this felt like a low blow, though i remember my doctor asking me like, what are some of my fears? and i was like, i don't wanna die. and to young, i still have
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a lot of things that i want to do. i still wanna travel the world. i want to get married al, inject children. i wanna build a really successful life for myself. bad care. i am. how am i going to use all of this? am for the better the turning point for noses life came when she decided to live positively with h. i b, and teach others that a long and healthy life is possible with the right medication. her youtube channel was named one of the internet's top 15, dealing with atp and 8 am. how are you feeling? and i said, i'm actually, i am glad that i had spoken to you and i'm glad that aid i'm talked to you. and lastly, i was in a step as a 1000 times, but thank you. so mash, i'm since i, we have started this youtube channel. i'm giving you the platform to share my thoughts and using my story. please trust the process and you will be okay. once again, the deepest, deepest pain am and least let my greatest potential. when i get to intact to so
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many different people, but most important to me, change lives continue to change, and in the process she found love. even though a toby negative himself, he can. buddha was unconcerned when she disclosed her status on the very 1st date. after being together for 3 years, they married in 2019. are going prison as can seem to the people with pearson. she loves all her to m. so if you could me experience this positive attitude on your side, are much more about me that who speak to gib. so really it's the love, it's the warmth that, that i am experiencing on a daily basis. nosy, definitely does not hold back from challenging people's perspectives. rather than waiting for things to change for her, she decided to be the change she wants to see in the world. in collaboration with daughter bella, check around and east coast radio. she also started the podcast. don't hold back on
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my gaze towards you. day is an old childhood friend and we grabbed together, we went through the same challenge is growing up in a township and he has made himself household names and the such like a really amazing conversation that is going to happen. run it by and sexuality around, you know, spirituality, with his loud in her pot, cars, nosy, purposely deals with uncomfortable to boot topics concerning health, sexuality and identity. she believes in the importance of creating a safe space for young people to talk. i was a conversation. i am lost for words, but that is where we live for today. thank you so much for joining as if you want to see change in some of her, you know, challenges that we are experiencing as a country. the 1st step is to acknowledge that these things need to be addressed.
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we need to have open conversations. we need to have platforms where i can freeney talk about, you know, so many different things with that being judge or with that being silenced. and the dawn told buck podcast provides exactly that platform. you can check out the podcast on our social media platforms. well, ladies and gentlemen, the future is bright and it's definitely female. that's where we'll have to leave things. today's show focused on highlighting and celebrating african women enter printers. did we leave anyone out? do write me on facebook, instagram, and youtube, and also you can drop me an email at 77, a d w dot call. thanks for watching for now. i leave you with a musical treat. here is the energy by supper. the greek featuring that didn't then
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got busy enjoy and until next time. good bye lisa, my lad. germination realize all the time we lose a my gosh with energy drink up or does on of course then i for a now we see a ah, with
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who was making the headline to stand. what's behind d. w. news africa that shows that the issues in the continent lives was slowly getting back to normally on the street to give you in the report. on the inside.
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our correspond that is on the ground reporting from across the continent of the trends doesn't matter to you. in 30 minutes on the w wasn't to put to vladimir putin has made a monumental mistake. he believes that he is destroying the ukrainian state son. in reality, he's only destroying his own. he won't be able to retain power for much longer craving for power, restoring empires former glory by any means necessary. who rushes dreams of glory. in 75 minutes on the w. o. these places in europe are smashing the wreckers step into
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a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of europe's record breaking sites on google maps, youtube and now also in book form. again, they get all the harvesters, are immigrants, dolock, if they come in, every thing you enjoy eating at home with your family, was harvested by people who are being exploited. then i guess we're going to need to, we can't keep doing what we're doing for that. we need to be commit sustainable as possible, and that's why your green revolution is, can absolutely necessary. europe reveals the future is being determined now how documentary theories will show you how people, companies and countries are we thinking everything i'm making may to change with
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stuff? we don't do something our children won't be able to enjoy fresh air. you are a 3 deal. starts november said on d, w ah, this is dw news line from berlin. russia spends in international deal on ukrainian green exports. moscow says the move is in retaliation for a drone attack on navy. the agreement had helped to use the global food crisis. dozens dead in a tropical storm in the phillip.


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