tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle November 4, 2022 9:30am-10:01am CET
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democratic and of course that that hasn't happened. and we now we now know that we've seen the, the geopolitical issues you ask about are things like sions, young, where we have the oppression of the wiggers. we have the tensions in self, rural, taiwan, which taiwan sees itself as a country, china seas, taiwan as, as the records, it's part of its territory, m and m. the fact that the u. s. is basically trying to decouple from, from china. these are, these are the ju political backdrops to, to, to add this, that this is the geopolitical backdrop to this visit. i think, yeah, maybe we could look at the other video to show some of the backdrop that we have. this is a report that we have looking at at the backdrop to this sir, to this visit. change through trade. for years, that was germany's china policy. oma chancellor, anglo michael champion, the idea throughout has 16 years and power suggesting that making money in
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fostering change go hand in hand. china is now germany's biggest trained partner and concerns are growing that this has made germany dangerously dependent. but if you look at a couple of the kind of key clusters of dependency em when now, particularly down to parts of the car and the auto sector and the chemical sector, and i think that's where you have the real dependencies china and all powerful president, she jin ping has undergone profound change. the economy has reached new heights, but instead of opening up politically, c has doubled down on authoritarianism. the idea of change through trade looks dead yet the new government has been wrestling with what to do about that. the coalition deal, the government signed last year, looked tough, with passages on taiwan and human rights. a hallmark of the green party, which holds important ministries in the government,
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sites among the time when people say trade, no matter what, no matter what the social and humanitarian standards are. this is the point for relations. this is something we shouldn't allow ourselves any longer. this means that we will also establish a more robust trade policy views of his china for europe, australia. but the man at the top doesn't seem so sure. chancellor on of shots has pushed through a controversial deal, allowing a chinese state enterprise to buy a steak and damn his most important port. hamburg the decision was met with uproar from his own coalition partners, most notably from the greens, all of shawls as decision now to travel to china with a business delegation is only adding to the divisions. so where does that leave germany's china strategy for many will not just look, have to look at how to diversify economic relations, but actually how to reduce strategic dependencies on china,
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particularly in critical areas such as raw materials. and so for example, areas such as so wind turbine, so solar modules and her electric batteries for electric vehicles, crucial decisions lie ahead, but it's not clear if the german government can make up its mind. and you're watching d w use. i'm here with the current are now trying to rex, but following this visit by the chancellor, the 1st leader here in the european union to visit china since the pandemic. and since the war in ukraine, china has positioned itself quite strategically. in that case, more behind russia, but hasn't come out to say that in, in those woods. but we do see a supportive partnership they're developing between russia and china. and the
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partnership we're looking at today is that of germany and chinese, europe's largest economy in china, being it's most important trading partner, which does cause quite some friction on political levels here and building. that's for sure. clifford. can you tell me a little bit more about how germany wants to move ahead with its relationship with china, considering the huge business ramifications that i mean business leaders have told me time and again, there is only one china. yeah. i think, i think this is something thinking back in this looking to back in the last couple of years where we had effectively very, very little try trade between germany and china, between china and anyone because the country was basically locked down so much supply chains were seizing up because of the coven pandemic, in many ways you think that would be a great opportunity to start thinking really thinking about your china policy. because it's not so much, even the idea of doing business with china,
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that's problematic. what we've seen in germany is seems to be this rush to create dependencies that it has this dependency on russian energy which is problematic. and now it has this dependency on selling volkswagens and chemicals to china as well. it's, it's, it seems to be all or nothing. and there seems to be quite short term thinking in terms of, in terms of diversifying, you know, any, any business manager knows that it's good to diversify your options and, and that sort of thinking doesn't seem to have happened. and i'm asking myself why, why that, that hasn't happened? and at the same time, it's a very attractive market. it's a huge market 1400000000 people. it's very hard to say no, and it's a very demanding marcus. a lot of the, you know, when, when b s f for when they're v, w go in there, they want access to quite a lot of the technology, for example, that's that these companies have to offer it because ultimately they want to make
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themselves, they don't want a german company to make it, they wanted chinese company to make it so against this backdrop, you would think you would have 2nd, if not 2nd thoughts. you would be thinking more strategically, a more long term advisors. and i don't really see too much of that going on. tell me more about the corporate executives on this trip because there's been covered chaos unfolding at, at this mega factory, for example, that assembles i phones. and surely that would set of alarm bells to the business executives of be a say if the chemicals company you were referring to and i also the order giants and other industrial grades. absolutely. i mean the optics of that have been, have been disastrous. i mean, this is the biggest manufacturer of, of i phones in the world. the taiwanese company, fox con, in jung, joe, the most heavily populated in our province was heavily populated part of china. so in some ways, most typical part of china. and you've seen these scenes of people with their pulling along their suitcases and wearing their apple backpacks being confronted by
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police and by officials in hazmat suits who won't let them leave, even though they're trying to escape quarantine. and it shows that the, the working environment in china still has a way to go. and if part of your requirements is a corporate, are that you, you treat your subsidiaries according to international labor laws. for example. you can sort of see a lot of problems developing there. also even just securing supply chain seems to be very, very difficult because people clearly vote with their feet. and china isn't obviously unusual in that, but the structures there are so rigid that it doesn't seem to be that, that this is a possibility. but that's been the problem for so many years now that western companies aren't treated the same way. the chinese companies are treated then it brought. yeah there's, there's always been a way of sort of, i mean, out sourcing has always worked that, you know, there's been a lot of looking away with sourcing and that's becoming less and less possible. i think b m as, as these companies,
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as chinese companies and in other developing markets as they become more sophisticated, for example, they demand have the same chinese workers wanted the same rights as, as european workers. this is something that, that's going to happen at some point and it's going to have to be dealt with other government level both by both in china and also by the, by germany and the u. s. and we're going to season so many different sectors. the world, the world is changing that way and the days of cheap production i'm looking going from cheap reduction venue to another is it seems to be changing. or let's see if we see any hints of change while we wait for this press conference to set up where we're expecting leakage, hang the current premier to talk to the press any moment you've described him as a lame duck premier, he seemed to be out going premier in the next few months, but he has played an important part of the economy has and he, he has,
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he's always luca, young has always been seen as the as the, the economic, the man who manages the economy. and in some ways he's been seen as a much more approachable figure internationally. he speaks good english, she's, he's got an international perspective. whereas she's focus has always been very inward, very party focused on economy is now slowing down so quickly in comparison to past decades. exactly. and, and we saw this recently with you, a good girl who's the b s f china head who is also head of the european chamber of commerce. and he says that how ideology is trumping the economy. and that's something that you can almost see that in the fact that li, coach, young the, you know, the economies is being pushed out in favor of leach young, who is a close ally of them, of the coach young. and he will be coming in sometime in the next couple of months and, and what we're seeing now is a very ideological focus in china. things are becoming very, very political. i mean, they always war. but the idea of where that may be,
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the party will hold back on certain actions or maybe introduce reforms. and a lot of those, those debates seem to be gone. now the focus is just so ideological and on on she entrenching power of the heart of the communist party, espousing this idea of we, we've always spoken about and socialism, which on ease capitalism with chinese car characteristics or socialism, a chinese characteristics. what we're seeing now is a focus, a bit more on the socialism, done on the capitalism. it sounds like a lot more. yeah. we know where it went just going to to did. now. did you hear from both german chance though? that folds and chinese, primarily katrinka and feed up, which we paid our she did our own on its own for new for limited. that's and zealand cop feel. how are the journalists just being told to put on their headphones for the translation? hopefully we'll get a translation to in a 2nd. from the kitchen. go a tutor,
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puleo dash yamaha. could you go down to me? her chart says only you don't concrete into job shinta cache shows and she legal council only just couldn't tack oliva rather than own go this turn the place of it and stung premier minutes that he could challenge one of those shots just to as to via to minutes of a vinegar to young statement upkeep, and chancellor shots begin to begin with. premier mika june will take the fly, the take care to have the las colinas. charlotte's chancellor shows a joke. madison, luckily for men, is their federal journalists. ladies and gentlemen surgical to luckily target. i wish you all a very good day monday. it is a great pleasure for me to come and speak to you today in the company of chancellor shots. not, i'm no to begin with. once again,
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on behalf of the chinese government and also i would like to welcome you, chancellor. sure. got to china and to congratulate you on your journey, please. that is a very warm welcome to you. it is your 1st visit to china, assholes, german chancellor. good in the way i le matic relations. i have continued now for many decades. a very warm welcome to china. we had an fish conversation which cove home took place in an open, honest fact based to move atmosphere. lauren, we are 2, we both shared the view and with china and germany. we are both fillings and major economies in today's world that geographically we
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may be far apart. at the other end of the your age, for among the continents bloomington. dubois was so there's a huge geographic distance, but design her ties and cooperation between china and germany is couldn't been renewed to improve and bearing richard fruitless as well. him the ties between china and germany. barrow remain you all done here. important. and there's a lot of common ground and a great deal of potential for our cooperation, trudel. we know that the international situation is very serious and is very complex for me and challenging in many different ways. some issues to the well, it is all so far with risk june, hong would dingle against this background room. here we need to have
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a relationship between germany and china, which is sound and stable home. and lactic can send a signal to the world that we reship are pursuing multilateralism. hemoglobin, will we all support a multi polar world to them? we are both interested in pursuing free trade, who is or not. and we want to meet our partners on an equal footing on the basis of cooperation, foreign reducing. we want to ensure that our relations continue to be stable. this is smith, helpful for the world economy as well, which is very lynn stable in other ways and there are various different challenges involved in doing so. we can create a better world through the, with our co operation should use which is pursuing stability and
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world peace. who handle it will contribute to both will pragmatic cooperation between china and germany, and a discussion of the issues that we have to address. we're talked about at length mo, be here, in particularly in particular regarding trade triggered all jo on the tip of weasel. you should, you know, these are issues here that are the basis of our kind of hacked says we also touched on the major projects that are important to the german sides and bullet who has its own issues. it presented to the chinese side in the chinese side, also had its own issues as you and when you, we talked about germany products on the chinese market around that we continued to
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believe unlearned, las were too long asis from germany in accessing over our markets. and we are doing this specifically learning magazine in the hope of seeing an opening part of both countries towards one another. gregor china is pursuing a peaceful woman curve on the path boone and is pursuing struggling from bush all the other. it's a political approach that should be chinese will modernization, which model you were you reality must also viewed serve the prosperity of the chinese people as a whole. mol told china than google hand in germany. sure. and you have cooperated in many different areas. investment, for example,
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shuler tongue and you feel this is very promising. we discuss these issues at length with one another pitiful in person, but a to the and on both sides agrees all me a room. you don't book this regime. we need you to have the necessary resoluteness the men to make progress with our project. china and germany, bearer responsibility for the entire world, a world currently fraught with so many problems are we in terms of grain supply and energy we're moving. china is a big country boat with 1400000000 and how we need to be able to guarantee the cerebral father. good. how to good least woman that we have and wish you all should use an autonomous grained supply or surely on hand.
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we want to also supply many other countries with chinese grain. we very much hope that the world green market lay balances and we hope that the international energy supply market also becomes more stable. because if not, it will be very, truly damaging for the economies, but not just of our countries but of the world. and for this reason, china is trying to not only unfold our own potential, traditional legal and our own grains supply in a sense. but we're also trying to contribute to stability in the grain muslims with what we discussed with the german sales journal as well. you know, the issue of climate change from you don't particularly are regarding marginal
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junction on climate change. we very much committed to our responsibility legal. she'll go through as an emerging economy, her thought, and hoodie lulu both of our countries are very much aware of our responsibility towards preventing climate change. and we discussed areas of cooperation. we talked about establishing a mechanism between germany and china to tackle the climate change problems facing us. we had talked about other issues in general in depth as well, and exchanged opinions. for example, those we talked about the current ukraine crisis. you should both of us there should very much hope that this crisis lands soon on. we cannot
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afford any further escalation of this crisis. worry, and we very much council should you hope that we can move the parties involved to piece talks to, to we do not want the stability of the region and indeed of the world as a whole, to be shaken by this crisis. any further, what we do not want the international production and supply chains to be disrupted any further either or even destroyed. we do not want to see this issue bar some door. yeah. but we want to see a peaceful world suite and regional stability in this area. but you know that germany and china also have many differences in terms of culture, history and social systems. so naturally we had different views. we had controversies as well in our discussions which can hardly be avoided,
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but we spoke very frankly in room on these points come from local, shared the view, whom young hooked up. the chinese market side is of the view that the international community should preserve. it's values of freedom, democracy, equality and development. good lisa values that china can share as well. cleveland and all of humanity who shares as universal values and therefore come, we shouldn't be kind with one another printers. and naturally, we know that there are certain issues where we differ. but on the other hand, there are controversies there as well that are better spoken about openly under the problem. most of them go that to war are controversial, should be discussed frankly. and we should look at common ground, for example,
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when it comes to finding compromises with our differences. we will continue with the reform and opening of china and lead wall. i sure would like to have we and more internationally compatible to formal use with environment based on the root law also for our commercial activity so that china can remain a, an attractive investment location together. we want to work together to toys, prosperity and development of humanity and for world peace. we do she a yard without harm and one woman. we do end up leaving today. joe, i have a she i should have to post a further appointment with mr. shaw. it was the to meet captains of industry, germany, from germany and china. we are prepared to take any questions you may have as well. and we hope that we can find short solutions for the problems in this
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world today. chantelle show that you have the floor and i will tell us the school ladies and gentlemen, it is good and right that i am here and by jane to day, intently because we had intense debates at length with our 1st with president. she will until now go to the forks, premier lee, this is my 1st visit to your eyes like my mum thought. the chancellor of germany visiting with china and screw up. well we had had video conferences as well with both prison. she and premier lee all but we have also met before. we have only managed to communicate with one another. with premier lee my middle face. virtually this is our 1st time to meet in person. it like for level ball impersonal, of course, and it's my visit occurs at a time where the world is racked with conflict and crises with them a time where it is more important than ever to speak with one another and to
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exchange of use of the russian attack on ukraine has brought more back to europe with its attack on a sovereign neighboring state. president putin is not just infringing brutally on international law, but he is also questioning our security order as well. this is also generated a huge hike in prices for energy and for grain, and this impact most partially on poor countries through china is an important country. as a member of the security council of the u. n, china also is responsible for peace in the world. i have said to president t that it's important that china exert influence on russia. it is about the principles of the un charter that we have all agreed on and asserting these principles like sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country. these are important issues for china as well. russia must restart it attacks on
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ukraine that caused such suffering on the civilian population and ukraine and to withdraw from ukraine's borders. we have agreed that threatening nuclear attacks is irresponsible and dangerous in mind using nuclear weapons on my my land was, looks we'll have to put in would be crossing a line. we have seen that the majority of international communities can international up. current trees rejects the referendum or pseudo referendum i should call it. and all that over. and putin has conducted another challenge that we're facing is the pandemic. since nearly 3 years, the coven 19 pandemic has had the world in its grips and has crossed all borders. the coven 19 pandemic has triggered problems all over a lot of times in germany,
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one of the most effective vaccines to combat the pandemic was developed. and with this vaccine, we've created a basic basis to ease the massive restrictions on our everyday lives over campus. like to restart the differences in mind and german and chinese policy for combating covered 19 differs from you very much, but we are both taking on responsibility to ease the impact of the pandemic. on the world. i talked with the premier and the president of been about working more closely together with this would mean allowing by and take it for experts in china and approving it within china. this would only be a 1st step, but i hope that the circle of those entitled to use it will increased to the point let by on tagrid will be available for anyone who wants it. in china. we're also talking about an approval of biotech humor with a huge,
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with the association responsible for this decision in china. this would contribute to combating the pandemic. we also agreed in exchange with experts in medicine, to coordinate between the robert cock institute and the chinese institute responsible for combating the pandemic my visit, which is my 1st visit here, occurs when we are celebrating 50 years of young ties between china and germany in this half a century, our bilateral relations have intensified. this is particularly true in the area of trade, but we also have to say that the economic exchange with china recently has become more difficult for germany. this is true for the access of the market, which is very open from a european side, where as china is closing its markets in certain areas, it's also about difficulties that lead to have problems with economic
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ties. and we are seeing discussions in china tending more towards autonomy unless towards economic ties. and these views are often culturally discrete ones that need disgusting. we talked openly and frankly, i said to my host said it's very important that we speak on an equal footing. we supported him when the germans and chinese, all i can make partners pursuing their own ends. what's important is that economic ties marked against central european member states affect all of the e u and we cannot accept this as in the world as facing a number of crises that can only be solved together with europe, china, the u. s. and other major players. after that, we need
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a partnership between our countries. this is particularly true when it comes to combating climate change in the office or pushing for biodiversity. food security vandals, world sovereign debts on the way that the china deals with the environment is significantly different because it is such a large country and so low populace. we want to support china to ensure that it is ambitious in its goals. but to combat climate change strategy, we want to increase our cooperation between german and chinese video to untold over table audit for the comp. lemme climate change policies and we want to agree on this at an from meeting next year in order to achieve success in this area. and we've also agreed the multiple chemicals that we want to have a transformation dialogue that we set out and establish, looking to move by the obviously the last global biodiversity to threatens our lives worldwide. more than 35000 flora and fauna species are threatened by
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extinction. of germany and china have committed to an ambitious agreement that combat the loss of by diversity and stops it by 2030. yeah. or do my, we'll also talk about seen approaching the members dates involved and asking them to push for biodiversity. and to be ambitious in their goals, it is done at the loss of by diversity more than 700000000 people suffer from starvation across the grant. the world because of writers attack on ukraine, the food security system has become worse. grain supplies didn't come at all or can very late. i would like to call for the new russian president not to refuse to extend the grain deal. starvation cannot become a weapon in war ventures within the framework of i g 7 presidents.
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