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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  November 4, 2022 3:45pm-4:01pm CET

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to send to lisbon, but have recent economic russians opened the industries business model. our chief tech correspondence is on location with the on it's that time again, d. w. business. welcome. germany's chancellors in china in an attempt to warm up the frosty trading relationship between the 2 countries. schultz noted that he and chinese leader she didn't ping a coming together at the time of great tension. he pressed china to exert its influence on russia in the name of peace. our reporter, emily leshana, has been looking at the tense economic relationships between the 2 pals. the visit comes as germany's reliance on china is being scrutinized. european leaders say it puts germany in a vulnerable position just as its dependency on russian energy exports left it exposed after the war. new crane. but entangling itself from china's market will be complicated. for the last 6 years in a row, the country has been germany's largest trading partner in 2021 more than
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245000000000 euro worth of goods were traded between the countries. that's way ahead of germany's next to most important trade partners. the netherlands and the united states polling shows nearly 70 percent of germans want to reduce dependence on china, even if it means sacrificing prosperity. the sentiment may be harder for german businesses to share. about 5000 german companies are active in china to day with investments of about 90000000000 euros, or many is mattress, the major source of investments that creates a lot of jobs, including in places where china's economically quite struggling. like in the northeast which is sort of the roster. that's where a lot of like the german carmakers are and they provide like a really important ballast to the economic situation in those regions. it's a relationship that has advantages for both nations. beijing controls much of the rare earths and lithium that's needed to create green infrastructure. germany also
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relies on chinese semiconductor chips during anglo merkel, 16 years as chancellor ties with china flourished. merkel often favor engage manual rather than confrontation bushels. his current coalition, government has called for a harder stance that says even to national pop, not by and it is not just a partner in international issues, but also a competitor and even more arrival in view of its understanding of the international order i internet to 9 autumn in may, germany, a con, me minister, robert havoc denied volkswagen guarantees on its investments in china, which it had enjoyed for years. all part of habits plan to reduce germany's dependence on the chinese market. meanwhile, chinese state backed and private companies are buying up critical infrastructure across europe. like see ports and wind farms,
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a risky competitor or an essential partner. the world is watching olaf sholtes is government to see where the relationship between china and germany goes next. and from all on shelters, trip to china, we can speak talk, correspond, and so some hon. um, what the both sides want to get out of this trip so well, if we want to know the answer 1st, we want to look at the timing of schultz and visit. show is the 1st european leader to visit china after the latest party congress of the chinese communist party, where she's in pain, began his 3rd term, unprecedentedly the chinese on top leda. and also for all of shows is also his 1st visit's china after he took office. so if we quote him, his words that he thinks that this visit will enhance the mutual understanding and trust and deepen product called corporation in various fields. and in china,
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many experts also look at that shows the visit as a business trip. the he brings oldest business giants along with him. so in this trip, also people expect the 2 sides will talk about concrete and trait fans or even market access for a lot of them german business. so for china is also important because we know china's economy is looming, under its own. they will call the policy, so it also needs germany to come to china to talk about more practical economic corporation, us their leverage for their political interests in europe. ok, so there's a positive tone right at the start of this meeting. is there any sign though, of the ice thawing between the 2 nations while daniel? yes and no. of course the both leaders talk about the next stage of the final german relationship. but we know there are a lot of precondition for china because the person she and he also mentioned that
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both sides should, should, out, should have this relationship based on principles of mutual respect, seeking common ground while we serve indifference, as we know that the main goal of all of shelves to time or another goal is to have a talk with simpson on the ukranian war when china have this like cause the support attitude told the war. so a lot of leaders, they hope that. busy of short will be able to raise this question and ask him if he could possibly, maybe have a talk with the russian president putin, to put on some pressures on russia to stop this conflicts in your credit. but we know china has a very different attitude. you told this issue, so if both sides cannot reach consensus on this issue, it's really hard to say that if germany and china will be able to, to have a better relationship with they have such a different offend on the issue on ukrainian war. so we've seen all kinds of in
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fighting inside the german government over its approach to china. could the german government views on taiwan and human rights abuses in china? make 2 countries coming together difficult? yes, armed any obese to all the toughest questions for china, because they considered tie one problem as their internal affairs and they don't want anyone to have a voice on it because at the same time that while all of shows is in china, they are group of european lawmakers in taiwan, where china has a very strong protest against it and also on human rights issues too. they think that these issues are raised based on unfair accumulations, on paging. so if these germany, you want to take a tougher stands on these 2 issues, it's really hard for the both sides to also have a better relationship to even after all of shorts, visit. so in type a forest,
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thank you very much for them. now to some of the other global business stories making news, e commerce giant amazon announced it will temporarily stop hiring new employees for its corporate workforce. that's due to an uncertain and challenging economy. says the company said the hiring freeze would remain in place for the next few months and its official twitter is laying off a large part of its $7500.00 employees. one week after elan mosques, acquisition of the company employees will receive an email today confirming whether they've been fired or retained. twitter offices will be closed for the day and badge access removed. mosque is expected to cut around half of twitters workforce this week over $70000.00 tech executives and investors are gathering in the portuguese capital for this year's edition of the web summit. europe's largest technology conference, but soaring inflation around the world. and
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a looming global recession haven't dampened the mood. well, joining us from lisbon to explain all about it is the w's chief technology correspondent, young oce, delta e on us. we've seen amazon, microsoft meta struggling in the current economic environment. some say the known tech business models that succeeded so far have been appended. what are the great and good of tech saying there at the conference? well, you know, the atmosphere really is different from previous websites in the world just isn't the same. the war in ukraine has prompted global insecurity. we have storing inflation around the world and the market reflects that. the company, the hiring less, they're investing less and tech executives. and investors here are really saying in a brace yourself for a couple of tough month in the years to come by, the situation might get even worse. okay. and which areas in particular, do tech leaders seem to think that will be particularly hit hard by this downtime?
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i mean one area that will likely be hit particularly hard as the world of start. that's right. you know, young companies, upcoming companies who rely on fresh money to roll further. and it's actually something that we already see. i mean jag mcconnell of the business intelligence like punch, but he told me that between july and september of this year's start up around the world, raised over 50 percent less compared to the same period last year. and almost everybody i talked with here actually expects this trend in you i'm afraid it seems that you all found has just dropped off there. that said, a pity, ironic, considering that the tech conference and we're having issues with the tech right now. but thank you very much, yun, osh del co reporting from lisbon forest that i will see from get more from you on that. later in the united states, bitcoin mining farms are multiplying the country is now emerging as
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a global leader in the industry. but those who live near these farm say, the noise from the fans used to cool down the crypto generators is proving a problem. the soothing roar of the niagara falls. it's a sound synonymous with nature and the outdoors. it's being disrupted by another roar of a bit coin farm near by the cheap hydro electric power from the falls makes it an attractive place for companies looking to mine crypto currency. it's also what attracted big industry decades ago. but the noise generated by fans cooling the crypto mines is too much for local residents. communities are and are not wrong. because of the grant pass that's valid, they make the sounds like a 747 john. the bitcoin farms here are owned by 2 separate companies, us bitcoin and block fusion city hall cast. a statue dictating that mining bitcoin
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farms must shut down until they can reduce their noise levels. block fusion complied, but the u. s. bitcoin, mine is still up and running, niagara falls, mayor roberts stay know, is preparing to take additional legal action. and so right now, you know, we're working with our attorneys as well as with our residents to make sure that we have our documents in place. so that if they continue to refuse to comply with our order to, to stop and we'll have to be in court until that happens. residents hope their protests will be heard. and just before we go, hundreds of drones lit up new york city skyline as a massive mobile video game. candy crush, celebrated its 10th anniversary on thursday. thanks. as take a look, a 10 minute display. all the 500 light equipped,
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choreographed drones took over new york city skies as part of a new marketing ads that a ton to the sky into the largest planet, largest screen on the planet. i should say. however, the drone show a start controversy over its potential environmental effects, as it is threatening of course, birds and other wildlife king games. the parent company of candy, crushed, dismissed criticism and said it was in close collaboration with government agencies to follow protocols. and you're up to date with d. w business, that's all from the and the business team here, invalid. thank you very much for watching with
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4:00 pm
you have revealed this week on d, w. ah, ah, this is dw news lie from berlin. germany's chance her walks a fine line during a controversial visit to beijing. all shots asks china to use its influence with russia to end this war in ukraine. the chancellor also looks to expand economic cooperation with jeremy.


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