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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  November 4, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] a because population is growing and young people clearly have the solution. the future for you is 77 percent every weekend on the w versus the w news. africa coming up on the program is the war in ethiopia. finally, over the war in parties are finding peace deal in that end. in 2 years of civil war, we talk to one, i'll is to find out if the deal will hold. and if the country can reconcile,
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also hed international conference on climate change of 27 opens this weekend in egypt. african countries i demand in billions in compensation from wealthier high i mentioned nations to help deal with the impact of global warming. and young activists are leading the charge. it's not only affecting our future, it is affecting our president for the need for all of us to come together as one boy to champion for climate action. i'm giving kids the chance to read the local tennis program in canada and is given less fortunate kids for trinity to play a sports that gives meaning to the our lives with i id my junior and you are welcome to the program after 2 years of fighting in ethiopia, warren parties have agreed to lay down jobs. that's all thanks we piece deal broke
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it by the african. the conflict in the northern t gray region has left thousands dead, millions displaced and brought firemen to the region. here's what we know about the deal. is government and to gray on authorities agree to we orderly, smooth and coordinate disarmament. also agree to restoration of law and order and restoration of services. but most importantly, for the people there in the region to get unhindered access to humanitarian supplies. now many wonder if the piece deal will hold. we'll explore that in a moment. but 1st, let's look at how we got here. the signing of this piece deal has been long awaited on wednesday, the ethiopian government and regional forces of to grey finally put ink to paper, bringing to rest a conflict that began in 2020 the
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law. look over the cost of this war has been too high. a lot of blood has been spilt milk property destroyed. you've got enough the conflict and degrade region began due to tensions between prime minister abbey ahmed. and the local government integral. ethiopia was ruled for 3 decades by the tig dry people's liberation front r t p l f. but when ahmed came to power, he formed a coalition that left out t p. a left members t p. l of blamed him for centralizing power. ahmed denied the accusation that resentment turn to revolt after the government got d. p a. let's funding and other disagreements piled up both sides. blame each other for the 2 year war that has raged and displaced more than 2 point. 6000000 people with hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides and hundreds of thousands facing
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famine. a 5th fire was declared in march 2022, but it didn't last long. and the war began again. people into gray are welcoming the p steel, but they are only cautiously optimistic. and i'm happy about the peace treaty. every one is that we've been living on the siege blockades for 2 years without power, internet and banking. but nothing has been said about when these basic services will return that roads, banking no one knows how quickly changes will come about, or if the piece that just begun. when last for some more analysis on this, i'm joined now by adam garcia, senior advice, awful constitution and piece filled in at international institute for democracy and electoral assistance in the hague, the netherlands. so say i welcome to the program and agreement has been reached to
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seize hostilities. does that mean piece has returned to ethiopia? and certainly not, it's a necessary measure, but it's far from suction. so it is critical that they have gotten to the stage about a piece will require a lot of complicated measures and it will take years. it will take years. but we are still trying to be optimistic. the last agreement did not last. how optimistic are we that this piece deal would last? well, i think that the last one didn't, didn't last in the sense that they all sides still maintain their strengths at that particular moment. and crucially, it was a unilateral agreement, so the, there was no dealer set each side essentially made the announcement announced a truth. but this time it was assigned to under the, to, to, you know, to so ship of the african union really over the rest of the united nations and the united states. and he got, there's a lot more actors involved. and the military situation on the ground or saudi
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dictates it. so there is a sense of superiority, especially on the, on the federal side. but there's also an understanding that piece piece deal and negotiate the deal is necessary to and, and so it is different and there's no guarantee that it will stick about it certainly different. and i think more hopeful. ok now though a lot of issues. misunderstandings, aaron, dad that led to the war in the 1st place, has this deal resolve the issues that caused the war? no, it does not. we're all done, but it provides a framework for the resolution. if you look at the deal in detail, it provides for a lot of negotiated outcomes for some of the key issues, including the, the, we presentation of decline the in the center, the kind of inter ministration that has to be stablished. and crucially, also for, for the resolution of the contested land between, between a, between and an integral reaches. and so it's an assessment, they said, but it's,
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it's not sufficient. it provides a framework and necessary framework. and if the parties take advantage of them, i think they have the best chance to arrive at the negotiated sustainable solution that will not only end this war, but also, but also crucially, and future wars to prevent future worse as well. so what are the next steps to take out the strike and is deal a number of measures to do? there's a lot of agreement around session of facilities, establishment of an interim arrangement. and that requires 1st the removal of the t p. i left from the terrors, terrorism designation, which would hopefully happen quickly because that is necessary for, for a lot of deals for my negotiations to happen. and of course, it also progress around around negotiation to solve the land issue. and now this and so there's a number of a number of a number of measures and a piece of equipment. i must say it's quite optimistic in terms of its timelines.
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but i expect that given the complications given before the seriousness of the issues that will be dealt with progress will be made. but the 1st step would be my opinion to start that, is there a moment process also to remove the terrorism designation. so that all the other measures can, can proceed as planned. we're talking about the war that raged on for 2 years. a lot of people have lost the loved ones that many have been displaced. i mean, many lives have just been brought down massively. how does it move on from those others if you yeah, we can file with all of this. i think that's perhaps the $1000000.00 question. you right has been a brutal, brutal war, particularly on the civilian population. 100 sounds, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians have died and most important to be the propaganda, the hate speech and the,
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the animosity between to grant and i and i'm her and i far but across the country where it has been, has been extremely, extremely worried. as in that says, i think that the most fundamental job will not, not just be to silence the guns, but also to side to side of the propaganda and starts especially reversed gear and used traditional traditional leaders, religious leaders, and public media to promote a new sense of identity, a new sense of relationship as it would be difficult. i think we've broken a lot of bones broken, a lot of a lot of mind, but it would be necessary. i think sustainable piece will require it. and then in this regard, the agreement already anticipates and mechanism, a transitional, just mechanism to lead to reconciliation, healing to sterling, also as necessary accountability. and then of course also was necessary compensation and redress for, for individual victims. so, you know,
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this is an outcome of the animosity of head trade off of decades and it will take several years before it is it is completely result. ok. adam cassie, of it, senior vice, are for constitution and piece building that international institute for democracy and electro assistance in the hague netherlands. thank you very much for the time. thank you very much. ah. there wasn't, did of the news africa still to come? a local tennis program in cameroon is changing the lives of less fortunate kids, given them the chance to dream for a possible grand slam. before we get into that, let's talk about cop 27 international conference on climate change. opens this weekend in egypt is the 1st time since 2016. that the summit is happening on african soil and opportunity for the continent to address urgent issues. for
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example, according to some estimates, africa loses between $7.00 to $15000000000.00 a year due to climate change, despite only imagine less than 4 percent of global emissions. by comparison industrialized countries like the u. s. canada, china, japan, and large parts of western europe have contributed about 50 percent of planet warm in greenhouse gases over the past $100.00. yes. as a result, african countries now see more extreme weather, like massive flats. are we karen droughts? so that's called $27.00. african governments will push hard for a deal to tackle the impact of climate change. one of those countries in this a hell is in the chair. it's foreign minister. assume you must, who do believe the region needs a huge financial package or a steamy. we have estimated that $440000000000.00 would be needed between
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201820342 be able to face the climate challenge in the south region, especially to adapt to and mitigate the damage with them and tell them that this. so these climate issues are global issues for humanity. dixie merson, dickie, so they require global solidarity. so we have drought here because of the actions of others. we are not responsible, is that so? so the fit but not them some but it wasn't. that wasn't jazz, foreign minister, assume you must to do. now, while some parts of africa, stuff are severe, droughts, other parts are experienced in heavy and frequent rainfalls, as is currently happening in nigeria. a small town in a democratic republic of congo is also dealing with overflows from lake tanganyika, one of the world's largest lakes, the fishing communities, i've already been suffering from high water temperatures,
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killing fish. now the rise and water levels and matt slides are fair about invested in the community. the lake is eating away at homes, bit by bit and meter by meter. the water is or isn't so high. the thousands of people in the town of calamity have been displaced, was known as ab would have one you bye. let come by i'm here was a very nice house, adequate, fuzzy. i, lia, who live on the other side, all the people have fled when we don't know where to get help so that we can rebuild the what it, what they like it, they will quote the will when am i look at all this closely? but i love what the rest of us have it back in. busy about a living to one nightmare. tanganyika has destroyed us a little, but what did i monet, young lady that i needed to find out? and i'm funny, because tanganyika is the world's 2nd deepest, fresh water lake local residence, depend on its fish to make a living. but rising water temperatures have killed massive amounts of fish. on top of that, the lake has become
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a danger to the people. it once fed floods and storms are common in tropical countries, like the democratic republic of congo. the climate change is now making them more frequent and more severe. now, when it rains, the earth slides that's washed, huge chunks of silt into the lake and cause water levels to search. the rise, according to this official, has been very rapid. well, you will receive, among other marquis of lake tang jenica, has risen to a level of more or less 5 to 6 meters in height and advanced to 100 the 250 meters in land towards the continent all in 3 years or something count met or still really plausible for calamities, residents each day has become unpredictable. the hope is that the global community will take note of it and that's why well
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lead us government officials and other delegates will attend this. yes, climate change conference in egypt. many young climate activists will also be there for how the, on our speaking to one of them. and he does selena a 22 year old environmental activist, an offer from kenya. she told me why it was so important for her to attend cobb 27 . i 1st of all believe that the only qualification that we all need to confirm environmental puts a bit in climate action is the fact that we live in this planet. and the fact that they say they've no planet be, they've no livable planet be. we only have one at an eye that met today. the way we of young people shall come and protect the planet. another thing is looking. it's not only affecting our future into the affecting our presence. so they, the need for all of us to come together is one voice to champion for climate action . very eloquently said now a while ago you said quote,
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we already feeling the effects of the climate crisis. there is no way to quarantine from the climate crisis. therefore, we must act and now are you seeing that lead us? i'm not doing enough to tackle climate change. oh yes, our leader have previously not tackled clement crises that cracked is that it is. it has been on times and conferences and meetings of discussions and commitments being put in place, but not really being taken at the crash if that it is why i say so if, because it has taken a lot of the lives of fear of hunger that we having now in kenya, mudslides landslide planning, even in the western countries for lead us to actually start looking at it like it to the emergency. when clearly all these things happening were predicted before. so if they took leave of an emergency, that it is, i believe that would not be having the worst effect of climate and that we having
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right now, i remember when i joined the space, i used to hear these of these seeing that fantasy are wanting, that by 2030, we are going to have the was impacts of climate change being a valuable for this is to say that there has been sense if acknowledged before, but there have been little action towards climate. another thing is also i am looking at covered here. the reason i see. so even because of covered covered should have that are lead of can actually, if they want when we had no covered cases a day late to day and day like tomorrow we have one coffee case and there was money been put in place to contain coffee. there was a lot of a lot of action towards containing coffee. so i was trying to imagine, you know, for coffee, the list we call self. i still live, we call quarantining the house. but for climate change, i don't know how you can quarantine from flooding. so it is clear,
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clear that if nickel absolutely on that, then it could be easy on the end for the if we cannot self isolate. yeah, totally. i mean, as you said, no plan to be. so this is the only plan that we have. tell us you particularly have a personal connection to climate change. what is it? yeah, i'd say growing up is the pattern from the master community there i proudly belong to we have been the most affected. one of the most affected communities by climate change. i mean, we have had drought before by this time it's been very severe with almost 4 years of no short and long grants we, i remember growing up elsewhere from my mom's family, which is away from them. i say community we used to from 24. we used to from me twice a year, but today because of changing weather patterns and rainfall distribution,
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you really that we have to me the only one other thing that i've also affected food production. we have the what us custody issue, it's affecting livestock and it, it's actually even affecting our way of lives. it's affecting everything including culture, which now we as personally have to start thinking how we are going to live differently . how we are going to do away with, with, with lives took so that we can be able to adapt to the current climate change situations and possible future if i, well canyon and climate activist anita lee. and so what does africa need to tackle climate change? that's the question i put to true committee j. k k, a professor of global climate on the mental governance at alex equipment federal university in jail. so 5 kings basically for nice to be
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a clear plan. second to nice to be clear policy terms, there needs to be finance a force, there needs to be technical capability. and the 5th one down is to be strong, international collaboration. actually when you look at her african countries, you see that many of them have already ah, ticked the box in about 2 or 3 of dos. so are nearly all african countries have a big ambition to tackle climate change as contained in the, our national lead time in contribution. some african countries have already gone on her to make net 0 pledges. for example, nigeria has a net 0 pledge by 2 into 60 and also jose and national climate change act. one thing you mentioned, things that we all sorts of that. you know, one thing you mentioned in your 5 points that you made was the finance show parts right. financing is very key in helping to tackle climate change. and we know that africa is going to
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a few the effects more while the mean pollutants. maybe not. so much but pledges and commitments have been made by industrialized industrialized nations, but they have not been cap to why is africa not getting the help and needs well, i think that is the question that is perhaps have been best answered by the rich countries who have made it promise is unfair to keep them. this is also the question that i have harmed for the rich countries. for a very long time. they often said that there is no money bow tie. what we saw were decoded 19, was that when they needed the money, they were able to get it. so how optimistic are you that? well, lead us. well, at the end of $27.00, walk that talk i would like to be, but unfortunately i'm not very optimistic. the challenges are coming to serve on is taking place at
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a time of very difficult as your strategic landscape where to warn you korean. but also the mid term election that is common in the united states. and so we do not know even though some of the big lead us will are turned. however, that house not soft african leaders from macon to point dot com. 27 has to work for africa. so let's see how he goes. ok to cool, mary. do ok again, professor of global climate of our mental governance at our legs, equipment federal university and jerry, thank you very much for your time. ah, now what do you do when lack of opportunities prevent you from chase in your dreams? that was a situation for some kids in cameron until they finally got their help they needed . a local tennis program is providing kids with iep, please to plead a sports and dream big. the program was set up by for my communion tennis champion,
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just f i a bug. a few years ago he turned his family's backyard into the tennis court. did abuse blaze, a young went to visit the place and sent us this report from 2 other former to miss champion has transfer more get into tennis court. it is in a modest sub income rose larger city. for chanel is 13 years old. she lives with her mother and her father, just a few minutes walk from the academy. she lost the knees and goes out to practice every day. jesse martinez dream she, i feel very relax and i'm quite motivated. when i play tennis, i don't give up. i'm glad for every point gain because i her every point is important. example motivated by all that shooter shanice daughter play here. when she was just 6 years,
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all the academy takes intruder where each between $3.00 to $18.00 or from disadvantaged by grouse. most of them come to practice every day after school throughout the year. like most of the other keats shall know. spirits still have more spare money, but i know this could be life changing for her if but ownership, what it is, my parents always support me when i come here to play. tennis was a loud despite the challenges at work and the financial problems i get support from them as i push ahead with playing tennis, even with diesel football is the most popular sports in. cameroon is equality. the most accessible tennis on the other hand is still seen as a sport for rich people. the academy has produced dozens of geno national champions in camera. some of the children have gone ahead to play other african countries, while others of gin scholarships to saudi in america. these is doctor sees it is
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the impact the program has on the chewed it in this poor community. the more to be seemed the most to which knowing at that school they don't know where to go. some of the normally street. so when the initiative came up in this katie, which is our to recruit them and bring them to the tennis court that would integrate into tennis, who can better ally by tennis on the left is better in tennessee. you can see by yourself. shalon may be playing on a concrete caught in a baggy at, in walla, but one teeny stroke at a time. she has a i said on a grand slam mash point. and that's how we wrap up the show for more of our stories . go to d, w dot com slash africa. oh, visit us on facebook and twitter. i remember club 27 begins in egypt this sunday, a time for well lead us to taco climate change together. we leave you with some pictures reminding ask why we need to preserve and protect the only livable plan that we have. i am eddie micah junior. thanks for sharing your time with me.
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ah ah, all we can be the generation ends it for good. malaria must die. so millions can live ah, ah, this is the w news, and these are top stories. russian president vladimir putin has urged civilians to leave the illegally annexed city of hassan as ukrainian troops advanced in the area . the statement is the latest indication that russia's army may be planning to


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