tv Like. Hate. Kill. Deutsche Welle November 5, 2022 3:15am-4:01am CET
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you know, just, i know we are not attached and delicate because population is growing. and young people clearly have the solution. the future belongs to you. is 77 percent. every weekend on d w. will you become a criminal, a ready? no, with hackers and paralyzing the tire societies. computers where you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for but how they can also go terribly.
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what you know, on youtube. oh, our lives seem to follow a clear path until we're blindsided by an act of violence. young men become killers far right terror. the world over deep on the internet, young people are becoming radicalized and planning attacks. we entered this dark world of propaganda and violence.
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we found young people who secretly become right wing terrorists in their bedrooms. we discovered an environment that influences and recruits teens, turning them into taking time bombs. how can we find them and stop them? munich. july 22nd 20. 16 dobbins. on bowling an 18 year old high school student fills, 9 people with immigrant backgrounds at the olympia shopping center. then himself
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at a memorial service, 5 years later, there was still so much pain. the victims families still don't understand how it happened. was it a racist attack? and how does a student become a right wing extremist on the internet? ah, it's a world the police seldom enter. they considered san bully a lone wolf, but loan no longer means alone. where from the same generation and know the depths of a new world hidden to many the world of internet gaming, we wanted to better understand what happens there. why young people give up their lives and become murderers. we mapped out a pattern and david san bully's radicalization which we used to search for other
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potential violent criminals. still active online. a lawyer supplied us with files from the investigation, hoping our research could avert further crimes. devin, somebody by some bully was 1st and foremost lonely and clearly to one languish. often he created his own reality online or just kind of built up a whole new circle of friends in the company to write me. katrina and the terrorist committee psychologist assessments on file paint a picture of david san bully as a young man fascinated by far right extremist violence. and last in hatred for people with an immigrant background. i knew funny when he started planning and then posted it in the office. yeah, i'm going to shoot him. i'm going to do it just, i'm going to kill them because i hate them. all these files contains on bullies,
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chat histories, and posts. along with his contacts, we analyzed the data and compiled a list of all his former contact. most were teenagers at the time, many still living in germany who, one of his chat partners was a young man from southern germany who communicated with san bully. before his attack in munich. we found his cell phone number and a police report. we contacted him and convinced him to meet with a month later he appeared on camera for the 1st time and told us how radical he had been ah, the young man will call him power, wants to remain anonymous, fearing revenge for talking to us. even before the meeting, people from the extremist community threatened him with violence.
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a slice does at that time happen, john, i was already thinking every day about how to kill as efficiently as possible. let's go by english class. i was 15 kind. there wasn't a day. i didn't think about it. um then when you ready sigma, i'm a community you know, amongst tina and i think the terracing is mostly hom, doesn't ask my younger failures. well, she would have said some, i'd guess 95 percent. just curious what us tele, when i was active as he liked, he felt i would guess there were probably about 10 to 20 real threats at my level and germany in deutschland or at the time power was active on steam, a gaming platform with 120000000 users worldwide. it hosts hundreds of games
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and young people including us play online together. the platform allows gamers to network and chat in various online groups, most of which are harmless. the chat groups are mostly about gaming and the everyday lives of gamers. it's a place to make friends but there are also dangerous groups, openly spewing massage jeanie extremism and violent fantasies in 2016 levied. san bully was active on the platform and how to who are they communicating with at the time? which chat groups were they in? are there still potential threats there today? answers normally hard to come by. steam automatically deletes chat histories after
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2 weeks. but we found an insider who archived hundreds of chat history since the munich attack. he to wants to remain anonymous before i'm half. so i was sick for a while in the fall of 2018 mileage on the i was lying in bed gord and i started looking for original sources shopping. i started typing in the names of terrorists escaped. there were hundreds of uses who named themselves after far right? terrorists shop. i found 3 or 4 groups named after david. some believe that means he had a real fan based on the same event, seen the problem is you don't know how many are being ironic is how many a serious the all new sri feed lloyd, the minus answer above that. we know now that davidson boley mentored seriously so long as he did it, the up the christ church bomber was also serious and the holla bomb, others in e dot on gazette, start with online distinct syndic. if i to behind to come online. there
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are dozens of violent terror groups that worship killers and far right extremist groups which spread neo nazi content. these worlds blurred together, joined by a common fascination with violence. we infiltrated these groups in order to follow san bully's footsteps and track down other threats. an expert from london helped spin july 8th now. and my name is julie eve, now i research extremism and terrorists allies and have infiltrated various far right extremist networks act as get either m yachts. i didn't say so in 2016. in particular, there was a lot of activity in the far right seen. and more and more networks international networks were formed. come either an act. latifah based off capacity of built up their own world of alternative sources of information types which relates to gaming . it is also very strongly ideological and stack on yoga elemental hi
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to minimize the sand from a lag. in most cases, i created profiles for my undercover identities and spent months here building them and making them credible it to my someone else to bon we to went under cover that you communicate with other members and gradually slip further into it and what stickers, they lead to other more radical channels says sweet fish with by the high end, based on and you very quickly get to a hard core group, launched a product. some of him are prepared to use violence language to adam happen. can that an archive as a guide? that is, contagious ourselves paranoid vanish. i'm somewhat paranoid myself because i've often been in networks that have produced terrorist housing and then telecom and finally comes in before creating an account. we wanted to make sure we were protect
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it. what threats would we face entering such a dangerous online environment and chatting along? we set up a meeting with alexander stevens, a defense attorney from the national socialist under ground trial. wellness is a prompt, as eyes does in the words, become a crime of tedford for his abs. fillets guns as lords themselves don't hurt anyone now. and johnston is as ish really sh. but larry, hard to prove criminal intent from plans on those fuel can get in it's and all at once with the also begun and hum thou san connecticut to criminal offense to not report to plan the crime office time when you actively learn about the crime that can still be prevented. location, acc, teeth that this must be a very serious crime, nor for him her to hunt an attack was on a terrorist damaged off outside. now, watson is punishable what an anti lock tail is to shes laughing. with all these new of provisions aim to protecting against her as often as this law is actually recognized that it can be important, especially for the authorities which are cut also for journalists,
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ludden on to make contact with the circle, for example, and talk to prevent serious crime that his boy has create exclusion criteria that are, are, it really says, this does not apply if, for example, it serves professional purposes as it does for you as a journalist, as modest was what is allowed in what is not of us keep me degrees since i've missed on them on the can limit in text is when you really inside concrete action, toilets on tele, avoid this at all costs much higher than if you write some one he may with said you once wrote that he thought the olympia attack was good. so much interested in joining in nancy bush that crosses the line, not on it, always problematic when you condone another planned action it are we alone in these groups or do authorities also monitor the threats there? we asked the office for the protection of the constitution in virginia, a german state security agency. and my name is stephanie thomas, and my name is stephan comments. i'm president of the state office for the
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protection of the constitution into regina on the x s t. i mean, this is the longer the, the internet online radicalization has existed as long as the internet. but we have seen a surge in recent years. partly due to growing globalization. obviously, it is a major challenge for all security already engaged in specific threat prevention. also good is from i v concave, lavonne said follow if both major hurdle is finding relevant chat histories or people who may fantasize about attacks or violence. fun does extend. ah gotcha. but obviously even under this we need young experience. tech savvy people, pass on the next step is to move out of the virtual world and identify individuals in the real world. what's the name if we become aware of criminal acts or planned attack? if we will, of course, inform the police, do not do this,
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but our interest is primarily in uncovering networks in convicting criminal actually both you and so let's go to me. i which potential offenders from the files we obtained are still active today. how many threats are there and how do young people like power find themselves drawn into these groups in the 1st place? discovers of them as to point madame is in the scene come with a medicine i 1st came in contact with the seal because i randomly type 10 hash tag . column bible has to columbine. i gave him up in 1999 to teenagers, shot and killed a 12 people at
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a school in columbine usa. 24 were injured towel was fascinated by the shooters. i'm kind of lean hosty. i'm a psychologist and threat manager for linfeld dow heat attempting to try to learn bite, even unconsciously from violence. home people mentioned disease of i'm baked torque of iot, vague how to solve my even off my. but it's often only about them indulging their fantasies all. ash amazon. what will happen when i share this? i tyler vincent and how will the world reacted to health feelers? fulton yet to thank you. bye. not a said satirically. politically incorrect jokes. we could say that's just freedom
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of expression, that's just tasteless. humor is macklemore. is a self means by listen shaft lots like when 2 scientists make jokes about atoms. this has nothing to do with atoms on and it's more kind of social interaction i'm. i was taught during our search for clues, one steam user kept catching our eye. he promoted violence and incited people to commit crimes. his user name was ivan, but he's known in the groups as ivan, the jew hunter. he stood out for his radical extremist posts, which he shared with davidson, boley, and powell. in 2016, we searched facebook for users who spread similar hate messages and found islands account still active. on the platform, he openly portrays himself as a young, violent student his profile says
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he lives in spain. we asked him about his posts and he actually answered you in groups where they are talking about some bully, them unique shooter who killed 9 people 4 years ago. you were commenting on it years ago. oh, i remember that. yeah. he was in esteem group. we all did we just for eci kids, but it was all jokes, or least that's what i thought i distanced myself from that world off the happened you call yourself once i've in the jew hunter. right. ha. yeah. well, the name was given to me by another friend, i liked it, so i just went with it. i was just joking around. i'm not responsible for people taking it for real. ivan continues to post images of weapons, terror and nazi propaganda. got, i'm not in. i'm looking bustos ish for i realized i was surrounded by people with
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the far right ideology, as it would matter wouldn't describe my 15 year old self for myself today as for right, but on mister musk of hocked at obese young musk. if i've been asked vernon of, if i had anything against jews or foreigners, it might have said, definitely not in how to get higher hub would. i was often gelato. i also know that i shared content or laughed at anti semitic ciocca. munchman dawson busy middle school mitts, i think i went along with it to be notified on something and i was afraid of losing contracted, contacted civilian social august psychologically dearly. they replace real contact us as compet of was not so the basic need to belong is fulfilled rights, but it's not real problem shot. we also need real physical contact with other people and i mentioned and that the problem problematic. they move more and more into a fantasy world, chow, where they talk about certain topics and then about games, other people, crimes. i'm a violent fantasy is alene said we might be that we all have seen these dynamic
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grow time. and again, facts where these members in size each other more and more to violence, clermont and provoking some one to carry out an even more successful attack were even more people are killed. and that's the danger on that as often as alice dynamic just a few days after we went online with our undercover account, a user had already written to us describing killing fantasies. one of many online who glorify mass killers, terrorists, and sometimes the 3rd reich. to find more young people like this, we wrote an algorithm to better search internet groups. the seller goes good esteem brought us ality, feel instantly i that worked quite well on steam because
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a lot is open and downloadable out. a lot is if i go with most as we used an automated algorithm, which looked at the other accounts in a group that david some boley was in based and as base are constant in india. it seems that english btn global, done them to fundies an account, then it looked at the subgroups of these accounts. and then the members of the sub groups into ost, these and gotten redone directly to the sized for, but i, that's it. so it spread through this network and generated a map of david, some bullies network and environment fun. and then let's stick with him also on daddy's can and through this we found people we didn't know about before that. but since the deepest and only account, we can see that they're all somehow connected as the elegant themes. and there are always important people in the network. and it's these important people that we wanted to contact the traditional. i'll talk to you power connected with a teenager at the time through a video game. the goal of which was to kill as many people as possible. but that
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alone does not make you violent. exempted videos, few sienna dismissal and gaming is extreme. is very counter productive and just not true and published every annotate. and after that you cannot just casually say male plus violet game, but left loaner equals killer. i'm freaking out of a staff. and here we would have millions of killers in germany. daytime we don't want as on m, alina da, so spend playing violet games come, can be just a past time. deckles, i'm general is and i did in general the gaming scene more pride to radicalization. the failure theoretically steal mach, there's a seattle, and valerie's overlap parts of the scene are drifting an ideologically radical direction. these are the color i still am very simply put on the loneliness issue, cats, t market become of bothers, full hatred, swim contact. so i normally cannon dell playing
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a game called hatred answered while i got in touch with an american, i was ranked number one world wide and i noticed him because of his name when he 1st natural select on the glitch and different manifestos. he'd written test. i saw that he was really interested in natural selection. here honestly isn't was yet. that's basically a code word for killing all people to learn society. i'm fuzzy. d gazelle, i wrote to him on the off chance and hobbies, mile of good look english women. powell was texting with william atchison, an american, fascinated by killing sprees. he was already secretly planning an attack. no power didn't know about that. together they watched violent videos. ah, and from my suit as his shoe, miss anguish lawson had
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a machine sibling. and you missed and i had already decided to kill myself through to conduct than he for. i went into the sea and he did come up to more. i felt like i couldn't just let all the people who had bullied me and hurt, meaning i couldn't just let them go again. listen, i couldn't let them when it's as given. and then when i was ready to kill those people 1st and bring him delighted a fun home skulls toward soon boys imposing one last they wanted to do homework during the break than asthma motor and mish uninterrupted. the sat down at the table even as octed fend of this guy told me, i couldn't sit there when he pushed me down and spit on meat as a rookie sword, as he had hidden phone been and had my anguish booked it. after that. listen, since i took a knife to school every day, and now he intact mess um it initially. i thought it may get out of pocket if that happens again. so i'll just stop here. mad up. oh, william acheson rated violent attacks on a wiki like page online,
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according to the number of dead and injured. he wrote the rating for the munich shooter, his former online friend and the article he admired him and wrote what he liked about the attack. including the large number of people with an immigrant background who were killed was to an antibody being the best of killing. really drives you got to get to didn't mention ah so his cause in most law was very prepared to kill. i'd had a real plan of attack concrete and flexibly nada. ah, power started planning using a school's fire escape route. he mapped out where he would strike 1st is a user, no true selector, admissions, and bullied, and fuzzy natural selector. and could i have the son william mia?
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he had a concrete at arkell, had asked if he knew german speakers on state dizzy who are in the sub johnson d o of steams and mid month, like my spoon, canada. ah ah, zone bull you had he chose, i got to know some bullying glance to sell hines amber mainly because he was also lonely and felt misunderstood. the she had to for am then i seemed very depressed and wrote about killing himself exploits. he gives him the same confidence on sibling son, bolian, powell withdrew even further from reality, from their bedrooms, bound by radical ideology. they texted about their plans to kill others and
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themselves, all in manhattan . now leasing that kind of find the huddle is mish deleting and photon counter vas on bully. you had no friends to really confide in the real world to see it. i could tell some bullying the other things. i couldn't tell my parents and initiates it. harbor when think of hogs um about us. okay, is ye me are and yelling at me in the community. oscar tossed are deeper. i got into a community right now, but the more prepared i was to kill for the sake of killing this word. an english committee does was v and it was like, i was on a mission to kill. it's wooten. i'm forced to have done something motto. hm. ah, not only with guns, but bombs, too. natalie is me a booster? i know bombs, a sneak innocent florida was the reason god left extreme elements of surprise. her
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next timothy marshal's woman was also a teacher. so in this adver neglected as feel a lot, i can get a lot of people at one of our english. hm copy. i was more into building on and using hand grenades since because especially when people attract isn't with as a result of a mom at the moon for let some sleazy cougar spirit by land from the sept. so bone building the myself was really risky, that anger hinder that that never stopped my hm. oh, well, if i saw it in a higher sense in harbor and offered as he had a smile for men, it was always exciting. sean for miss been an adrenalin rush, he does. philosophy unlike may be how extreme sports are for others of us as well that i was really blind. it much longer dots. okay. i knew what i was doing was outside the norm i've, there normally is 1st authors, a lot of people would've called me a dv up their dispensation. gooden or abnormal as up momma about
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a spammy done. so i didn't care, go relish. and for august i had a philosophy of life too, so there may be more of to head out here in a talk for little few names in a dusty niche. my book list, i don't think any more than likely to be wrong. ones and eop that society has wrought at an omelet. mine on my way is right, and i am one of the few you see that is in the hospital. so the hopelessness grows and grows that you can run at some point and they want it out of this out in the real world and, and, and, and, and eventually commit a crime onto its kish kit with potatoes, flu. he started shooting just before 6 pm begun yet, so she said, oh, attitude her and i want to students were killed today in a shooting at a high school and as tech new mexico. ah,
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isabel cincinnati, mom o'clock upholstered right away. i posted that. i knew somebody the munich shooters with dan asked more or less co hype. tal alady, everybody was asking what he was lying olivardez or by demand. and i'm of you go on a killing spree, and you're like a hero in head leaner . after the munich attack, some one noticed powers online terror plans and immediately reported him to the police. globus around 3 o'clock in the morning. and i heard a lot of the car door slam max was one after another guns freelance and under monte king some fenster. i looked out of the window dawson and saw 10 or 15 police officers or some with machine guns in full. it's a somewhat normal game as was on the machine. professor was coming quickly towards
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the house lest langler come on to list and i get off this house again. up the mormon tourist and i was arrested immediately. couldn't touch peter m as a last. if i wanted to go into a psychiatric hospital, how to reach miss dunn within 24 hours, i made up my mind off fargo between the position 3 and was and less mr. dunn for him and unobserved. as nittany. gov could and spent 6 months there had to see about hulu. in 4 months of research, our algorithm had unearthed more and more of the network behind the attacks and munich and the us, and clues to other potential threats. to revisit, we knew that david, somebody in the munich shooter was in contact with william atchison was from aztec, new mexico of ja oscar font. and we learned as more people are involved, the standard may i mentioned to read and hang ram, and you clearly found a young american car toils, who had chatted on steam with william atchison with william edison. it was scheme,
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patch at definitive contact our to give the invites or them you late brayton, another young american may also have been in contact with atchison lucas of isaac, contact us both hilde themselves younger, but biter wouldn't i in both wanted to shoot up a school that didn't finish good time. there are other people in this network who may never have planned anything will happen on our end is next week and we'll get into some by spirit, even the unique ivan the jew hunting. for example, i was in contact with david some boley and allison william atchison, compacted. these are clear are also networks around other attack making around halla and germany, for example. and christ church you zealand twins into that. so not in my zealand in christ church. it isn't tant, unhandled assisted, these may be individual killa, they're not really not isolated case manager to sheds was good corporate groups with much clearer structures lies the what should be done that gets on to fall
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right? terrors with dish and but i, she doesn't even know if will you creak division for example, and the atom above and division of mainly in the u. s. i mean, it really isn't national and on the south texas. oh, international ah, these criminal organizations are still active today. we wanted to look into these far right, terrorist groups. how many members do they have? are they really that dangerous? we joined dozens of groups on the encrypted telegram messenger. thousands of hardcore national socialists are in these groups worshipping the 3rd reich and its ideology. ah, we joined more and more private groups where attack fantasies are discussed, including channels of the foyer, clique, division or f cod day,
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and the autumn boffin division, our experts tell us these are to day 2 of the most dangerous neo nazi groups with about 600 members around the world, their goal is a civil war, one by the white race. the movement began in the u. s. and is now networked world wide via chat groups. they seek out young people on gaming platforms and incite them to violence, showing them how to build bombs and illegally obtain weapons. ah, the german authorities say the groups are under surveillance. but we saw many groups grow unnoticed by splitting into smaller groups.
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after 5 months under cover and these groups, something happened that we hadn't considered the state security service showed up at our door does about to 30. it says, all men, dad, we that really changed our research that had sent me any comfort dismiss method became real ca bins when one that when a mother opens the door at 9 guzman really irritated me. it is, it is a ham hustling. what do you want, what can i do? what have i done? we'd like to speak to your son. is whether they asked if that was when i 1st knew this was virtual method to elegance unless this was real. but no, i don't mess up my kitchen or you'll all have to clean it again as well as an amount was when i asked myself, if we had done something wrong with us fight schema, lemons had things, it's making small, wasn't a sucker. she sat down complaints when it started and i realized i was then
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threatened to very ada crashed by at blinding gets us with the visit by state security was unsettling from the start. we thought the authorities were not active in these groups at all, but obviously they had become more sensitive to what was happening there. how far did we want to go, or how far could we go to expose dangerous groups? verizon, what did we need to report? are we putting ourselves in danger with fin? you months? if someone feels very concrete plans to commit to crime on and there is no longer any doubt and they will commit this crime and it's fifa. now, this must be reported to the authorities. i'm was 1200 and he's in miss summers. i was thinking of it isn't here. we are now in group of sneakers from some classified
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as criminal terrorist organization. and i understood in canada or america than for less minions out of my now on some kind of list of a fly brought and been yada, muscles is not foolish for one that divine you have to be aware that every she has different laws and regulations because either the unglamorous, anglo american security authorities, especially have no mercy there, but will should be very aware of what you download on your phone once. as long as and watch as long as it is not an unconstitutional organizational and germany or otherwise planned by the ministry of willie materia, for example. it is not a crime rafa by years old. oh, state security knows where journalists making a film. and then we stood on my radar and my honest and you know, the we continued all be it carefully. our algorithm found more users into far right and terror fantasies. we chatted with them via our account
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chat which became disturbing. i'd like to learn more about you. can you tell me more about your ideology? i started to watch shooting videos. by the way, s k, d is a good group. they spread the message and we find very good people there. what about facing the white race for now we can provide assistance, but we can hold your hand through the whole thing. if you are really serious and truly dedicated, you have taken the most important step. do you think you can build a bond by yourself? i want to make sure you are using a good recipe. we also found young man with a tac fantasies all between 12 and 26 years old. in berlin, piano california as love sweden. and in south america,
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naval states security knew about our research. they once again paid us a visit. they confiscated our hard drives, laptops, and phones. but the potential threats with whom we had made contact are still active online today. they recruit young people, teach them to build bombs and help them plan attacks. they've told us the authorities have not yet been to their door. ah, wanting to share our research with the authorities. we reported several people to the f. b i including a young are again, planning an attack in the next year. ah, the f b. i had been monitoring the gaming seen longer than the german authorities. something has to happen for the priorities is that when they ask my permission, i think it's a huge success that we've turned our attention to the phenomenon of gaming platform
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by like although when we move in unconventional directions, leticia and always ask it's such an approach is even compatible with our work, with the 100 bonds are they some of the classic off isn't public service allowed to game during working hours even the final so that has really prompted long discussions in different committees even for feeding them. damian opens a lot of our help allow silent each up to the area of isaac, is that my and to that if we weren't allowed to do that, then we couldn't complain about a lack of information about one of the let's face in this hasn't really been a focus on the intelligence world. news we are faced with the challenge of doing more in the digital world steel, more professionally positioned in the end at the same time now also doing traditional leg work in the analog world. yes, we're still in a sub optimal position, but i would also like to make it clear that we are already much better than we were
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a few years ago. why the young man is really lacking in the area in prevention and intervention high especially when you look at the far right games and subcultures on the internet to our prevention programs. you really get into these groups and stablish, initial contact, online sustain when kind of feel fun from senior and you can apply offline g radicalization model on the online wound and well, that's owned mentioned you didn't and identify at risk when people start to radicalization all recruit them 50 radicalization program and his young answered submitting his dimension for the article is young's or camera and that it all has to start online online. begin. any of these people are anonymous or you susan and vital noon and you won't be able to get him into an online tea radicalization program right away for camping and colon escalated are by then i'll finish to they don't have to be repressive measures. as on an i pad,
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independent of police intervention events, you on a bash with about bonding one, been about solutions and route on speaker. ah, it's an endless spiral. some young people leave the online groups, while new ones become radicalized. there is no simple answer. marceau to foretell is a good on to sit in therapy for face very few produces. alice was in the news normal society also discussed there is i learned how to relate. certainly not my galant ah, d, losing for these kinds of a solution to this whole problem of people becoming killers for i am getting deeper interest, i guess, very comply after eustace. that's who can't includes people communicating more when they feel chuckling his role them than he does. i'm not condemning that person
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personally. on their knees appears only to foot woods and but my mother, for example, mademoiselle torps, my teacher of the right, the high side populated said it might have been lotus. i not managed. disregarding the tend to criminal was bologna portraying them as evil, doesn't help any one and had really tackle the cause and talk to the personal in especially i for i'm so i'm talking to lane me because i want to raise awareness and in a so it will who felt the same way as i did it? how should have a way out even if it's very difficult, delicious. ah, we need to take these online chat groups seriously. and a new generation of potential perpetrators needs a community that doesn't turn a blind eye.
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to help restore soil words. natural balance has already been destroyed or artificial microbes really the answer to morrow to day and 30 minutes on d. w. we will need to know what keeps us society together. extraordinary projects from all over europe. provide a clue, houses made from recycled, waste, 40 energy saving idea, and reclaiming graceful people in they all have one thing in common. solidarity 0 ma'am. i do w a rare natural spectacle in an improved world, a return to the cost of the with
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any success stories, ration of biodiversity. sign starts november 18th. oh, d, w ah ah, this is d, w needs live from berlin. russian president vladimir putin are just people to leave the occupied ukrainian city of care on a site that rushes military may lead the area in the face of the ukrainian as thoughts on the program.
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