tv DW News Deutsche Welle November 9, 2022 9:00am-9:31am CET
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believe results, suggest democrats, a boy to wipe out as public in hopes for a red wave fizzle. and then there's this. we had a big day to day and don't let those cheaters and crooks think anything different don't. in arizona, the republican candidate for governor again costs down on the integrity of the voting process without evidence. she's in one of many type races in these elections, full coverage coming up from our team across the united states and the reaction from europe. ah, i've been fizzle and welcome. in the united states, results are rolling in from crucial midterm elections. voters choosing who will control congress for the rest of jo biden's presidency in a make or break vote. that will set the countries course for the next 2 years. let's take
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a closer look at the latest numbers at the moment. it looks like the republicans are going to take the house of representatives. us voters have been choosing lawmakers for the entire house so far. $167.00 out of the $435.00 seats have gone to the democrats at $198.00 to the republicans. now let's have a close look at the senate. let's stop with the seats that are not up for grabs in the selection. if you add in those newly decided seats, you can see the democrats with 48 seats so far, versus 48 seats for the republicans. wow, that's tight with vice president, pamela harris, able to cast tie, breaking, vote. the republicans would need $51.00 for a majority. but of course, for both chambers. it's still too early to draw any conclusions with raise a thin margins in key races, a full picture may not be available for days or weights. and in that battle for the senate,
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democrats have emerged as the win is in the key battleground state of pennsylvania . on feather men, secure the critical wind for the party of president joe biden. that happens. victory flips the republican held c boosting the democrats hopes that they can retain control of the senate. pittman who suffered a stroke during the campaign, has portrayed himself as a champion of the working class. he beat documented as a wealthy hot surgeon turned t v personality. in his victory speech, fredman credited a campaign that saw him focus on winning back working class areas for the democrats . we launched this campaign almost 2 years ago, and we had our slogan, it's on every one of those signs right now. a and that's exactly what happened. we jammed them. oh, let's begin,
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dw corresponded michelle, the cook. now who's in washington dc for us. michelle, what about this fed them and flip yes, that is very spectacular. and it means that the republicans need to gains not just one now to gain control of the senate. it also is proof that these mid term elections, mid term elections in general, afford on very local issues, are for locally and on fed them. and he is a very local kind of guy spoke of himself as having been brought up in rather privileged surroundings. he's very tall. um, he's more than 6 feet tall and he is someone who showed physical weakness. he had a stroke very early on in this campaign, and he had a debate with med, ours doctor. ours is. he's nasty known from television, from appearing with oprah winfrey,
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where he didn't come across very well at all. and at the same time and managed to capture the hearts of the people of pennsylvania. so that is probably the one biggest victory for the democrats tonight. okay. having a stroke may not mean he can't do the job, but what kind of politician is fed of it? yeah, he is it when, when you speak to him, when you see him speak, i mean you can see that he is impacted by the stroke and that is something that his campaign kept a bit quiet at the beginning. so that was seen as a huge risks going into this. he was mayor of a small town beforehand. he lit, she looks out of his window, is looking at old, is still works. he speaks the language of the locals and that really came across with it as being much more abrasive. and in the end, oprah winfrey, you work with him for a very long time, recommending them recommending that people vote for fed them and not them at all.
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so we'll never find out how much that worked. now one of the big stories of the night the, the big when of florida governor rhonda sad is tell us more about that. yes, that is rather spectacular. it is a backing for rhonda santas who is hugely popular. he fussed, managed to become governor of florida with the backing of someone like a political patron, donald trump. none other than then president donald trump, the to have grown a pod. they have become potential rivals, looking at the 2020 for presidential ticket when donald trump says he's due to make a major announcement on the 15th of november. we all expect them to declare and rhonda santa's never really quite answering the question whether he might want to throw his name into the ring there himself. that is senior increasing the likely he built
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a reputation on resisting and the kind of locked down measures. other states implemented during the pandemic. so he's living in a very good position. now, if anyone within the republicans is to challenge donald trump for that presidential ticket, it is rhonda santas, and that is once again supported by his huge success tonight. any of the results we should be looking at with poles. now quote, all the polls are closed, but i can say that the counting will be going on for potentially days. and it looks like we'll have a run off in georgia in that race for governor in that is there. so that will also be a very interesting one actually in the race for center there. so that's very interesting . and one to watch. we still don't know whether that will make all the difference. also, history has been made just around the corner from here. and maryland is the 1st
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black governor in massachusetts has its 1st opening lesbian governor tonight. and the 1st den, the house member has also been elected in florida's 10th district. so history in the making and we're still watching whether that word seems to be still momentum for the republicans will indeed turn into something that is really deserves being called a wave. one thing is to saw, it looks like and that the house me switch to the republican side, but not with a very large majority. so that will make life hard for the sitting president joe biden to get, for instance, is climate agenda through it to not see it reverted, but will also make life hard for that. now still, minority leader mccarthy, if he is going to become the leader of the majority, there. will michelle talking about policy. let's have
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a listen in to board. some voters believe have been the key issues going into these meters. they were having technical problems. there we were trying to get an idea of what the opinions are going in to these mid terms. let's have a another listen it note when ok to get the miss yellow. ah, well, there's a whole grain of that big. there's a whole range of topics from abortion to ah, ah, to gay rights for example. let's have a listen in now. i think 3rd time is a charm. no,
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i was lied to michelle. oh, we'll forget that. let me ask you another question. and it is a bit like politics been like politics is a little bit, but very clear polls that have so that really the overarching concern has been the economy. and then it really depends on which side of the aisle voters come from. on the democrat side, abortion rights featured very large, also concerned for us democracy. also, crime was on the list. on the republican side, it really is yes, the economy at the top inflation and the fear of crime. and i think one key example how both sides, how deep these divisions on how they're talking past each other is that when the republicans talk about their concerns for crime, they also mean that, you know, potentially making it easy to have a weapon of people want to be able to defend themselves,
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and when democrats talk about crime, they often mean gun crime and want more restrictions on guns. that's just one small example of how voters, how the republican democrat side increasingly into parallel, well existences, realities really and are talking past each other even on issues where they potentially could have common ground. okay, we're going to stop talking there before anything else goes wrong here. technically, michelle or griffin, i thank you very much for keeping patience and that great analysis. but one of the most watched contests in this election is in the state of arizona, widely seen as one of the closest races for governor initial result saw democrat katy hobbs take the lead reflecting mailed ballads returned a head of election day. but her lead over republican carried lake is expected to narrow considerably as ballads cost in person on election day accounted lake is
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a former television use anchor. and 1st time candidate considered a rising star on the right. she's echoed form of president donald trump's false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. and she continued to question the electoral process indicating she will only accept the result if she wins. we have a big day to day and don't let those cheaters and crooks think anything different. don't let them down. don't let them good doubt in you we have a movement. we have a movement and we know it. did you feel it? did you feel that movement? dw correspondent, bureau chief venus poll is following the race in arizona in the capital phoenix. i asked her what that statement tells us about lake's campaign. she deliver them at a party from a republican party, which was meant to be her big victory party here in phoenix, arizona. but it turned out to be a very,
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very difficult night for carry lake. and therefore it took her like 3 or so hours to come out and address her fans. and i mean, she did it again. she just repeated the big liars, she said that on an old road we were just playing but early on the speed that the 2020 election was wrecked and dead. she is still a cons, declare winner now because again, or the whole system is not correct. and then you one shouldn't just one should not a trustee, legs an outcome. so that's her main message. as she has done that before, she kind of declared, even before election night, if she wouldn't be the winner of these elections, this cannot be a fair and correct result. just how close is the result going to be where you walk? it is clothes and a katie hops is in the lead. but you know, we have to be a little bit careful with that. and michelle, you like,
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who have not talked about that earlier on. why is that? here in arizona the voted bennett was really high. one 3rd or so of all voters are turned in their ballads before to day. and normally all these early voters are rather democratic and republican. these votes have been counted yesterday, so they were out immediately after the pulse closed in all the republicans who went out vote i today, these votes are so con, counted. so it's really far too early to dig to declare katie hobbs or the little winner of these elections here in arizona. we might have a very different picture in a couple of hours. and he has of course, if you do when it's easy enough to say ok of one, if you were, it's easy enough to say the votes rate ah, how wide spread is this idea or concept of election integrity when with
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told time and again by officials in so many of these races that everything is going by the book and went mistakes made there even making that very well known to the public and, and correcting those mistakes when it comes to a machine breaking down or something happening right. there were really transparency in arizona. the roof is, is some problems with printers. but indeed that is a huge problem. michelle also talked about that some 150 or so outspoken election deniers got voted in office today. and that is huge because it's not only about the governors, it's not only about the senators, it's also about different lower levels. judges who by the end of the day are going to decide who has won the 2020 for presidential elections are declared outspoken election deniers. and that is a huge problem for a democracy,
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even deniers by the end become the very fires. so this is something many people here in the united states are concerned about. so any other, any signs yet as to how these mid terms are going to shape that 2020 full rice well it depends on how many of those election deniers really will be in place. carrie lake is one of them if, if she becomes, or the governor of arizona, she definitely will play an important role. but i think what we already can say, even so. so many results are not in here. putting our pure lice, being an outspoken election, deny or, or doesn't prevent many, many republicans from voting for you because their care more about the inflation. more about abortion laws. more about 80 beauty q plus
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a rights. and that is a new dynamic here in the united states in as probably a new dynamic in the united states from phoenix, arizona. thank you very much. and let's get some more behind the scenes analysis for william. good crossed, he's had about think having the mid terms. will you what questions that you asking yourself as these results role in a lot of questions which i always like. i like to be able to ask questions um, because it's so much more interesting than having a definitive answer sometimes, and we're waiting for definitive answers. you know, one of my big questions is we're gonna have to see which of the major issues or a collection of the major issues drove, which amount of voters to the polls more. that's something because we've been hearing about inflation. we were hearing about abortion or be hearing about guns. we been hearing about the very nature of democracy in america. and we don't know exactly the comp them the composition and the influences and what is actually driving people to the polls or those who have millions of people. as you heard from ines,
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the millions of people who have already voted also small things like the weather in nevada, in the las vegas area, there was bad weather for voters that might discourage some people to go out to vote. and if we follow the line of reasoning that more republicans tend to vote on the day of and more democrats and vote by mail. well, maybe that's going to press republican voter turnout. so even small factors, things you can't control, like the weather, could be a decisive issue or decisive, decisive in the outcome of this election. what about this red wave that so many people were talking about prior to the election? yeah, often when the party that's not empower, we hear about a wave in 2018, were heard about the blue wave, and there was actually a blue wave in 2018. and now we're hearing about the red wave in jo biden's midterm . because the party non power historically tends to do better, voters are angry or disappointed with the, with the party in power, they want to send a signal to the party empower. and we're not so far seeing so much of a huge red wave, which must be very disappointing for republicans because given everything going on
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right now, given how many worries, how much existential angst there is among many americans. and given again, historical precedence that the party empower, loses power, you have to ask yourself, why aren't republicans doing better? that said, that sort of a theoretical a question. if at the end of the day, republicans take power, they've taken power. but what that shows is a divide advice, not only in america, but also in government. and what will that mean for getting work done? well, 1st of all, let's not have disillusion. that's so much got done when the democrats are completely empower and still are completely in power. a joe biden. and his democratic congress are heavily criticized for not be able to push more through. jo, mansion, the, the democratic senator up often, you know, sort of the, the punching bag for a lot of democrats for why things were stalling. and now, joe biden and democrats can shift the blame to republicans if they do take power. but there are some good things about divide a government. there is more of
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a check on, on power. there's more maybe more caution, things on sale through as much. and i've been talking to some foreign policy. people are saying, you know, on ukraine, for example, there's bipartisan support on ukraine's bipartisan sport on standing up to china, for example, on, on bringing manufacturing a high tech back to america. it, those things will probably still co, through a congress, even with republicans in charge. there might just be more oversight, there might be more questions, i can ask that said it depends on what happens with the trump candidates with the anti biden candidates who might, you know, really, you know, gunk up the works possibly. okay, well we're going to look at ukraine in a 2nd. william blue cross. thank you very much for your analysis. certainly many parts of the world watching these mid terms of where the outcome could impact a raft of issues including u. s. foreign policy, the war and ukraine is a concern. some american voters questioning how much longer the u. s. should
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support ukraine's fight against russia. russia's war against ukraine is one. the u . s. has not been able to look away from. americans have already sent more than $60000000000.00 worth of assistance into this was a democratic president, joe biden has promised to continue to do all it takes to defend ukraine sovereignty . as americans head to the polls in the mid term elections. us congress is expected to turn more republican. and the big question everybody is asking is, what impacts that will have on us assistance to ukraine and other allies? well, the answer depends on who you are. there will be enough support no matter who controls which house and given president biden still in the white house. so i, i am quite confident that very, very strong support will continue for ukraine. yet one prominent republican stuff is sending a very different signal ahead of the elections. kevin mccarthy is the top republican
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in the house of representatives. he said he believes americans would no longer be willing to write a blank check to ukraine in the face of a biting recession back home. after all, the soaring prices of gas, food, and housing top, the list of worries for ordinary americans. democrats see that a republican majority in congress could soon make ukraine a domestic bargaining chip. but poll, so more than 2 thirds of americans back us assistance to ukraine, even if there is a republican majority in the house and or the senate. i think perhaps the experience of working together are so closely and so confidentially and with so much trust on sanctions might perhaps help to diffuse and
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tendrils over trade protectionism in general. or over the larger question of how to deal with malignant chinese behavior in the trade and technology route. i'm going to say i'm cautiously optimistic on the warnings that china may try to invade taiwan. rather sooner than later could become the next test for the west. and for america's willingness to pay a price for global leadership. well, is there caution or optimism here in europe and joined by the w spectrum? you know, that has cool bird here in berlin and our brussels correspondent, visa barbara financing, ukraine's fight against russia is 1st and foremost in many people's minds. here in europe. will the funds keep flowing from keeps biggest donor washington? i mean, that was the fear that european governments had that if there would be an overwhelming wind for the republicans, that the tide my turn that the, the feeling towards ukraine as a money pit, you know,
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you throw money at this war and it doesn't get better it doesn't stop when it's being mired in the swamps of the ukrainian countryside, that this would sort of turn opinion and that europeans themselves would be called upon to shoulder a much larger part of this heavy financial burden. i mean, we have to remember like more than $50000000000.00, that's a huge chunk of money. europeans are stepping up into a much lesser degree. could they find increasing funds? i mean, that was the main worry here in brussels and within european governments. and it seems now, as the race is much tighter than had been thought even a few hours ago, that political deals can probably made in washington and the danger is somewhat receding. but of course there where fears, fears about ukraine, fears about the future of nato, the military support. i mean,
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all the trauma of the trump use was somehow lurking in many people's minds. and we'll have to watch for the final outcome. but it seems that the picture from the european perspective is somewhat getting lighter. and the german perspective, i mean, what's germany think your biggest economy? sure, but it does need a partner in the u. s. in helping you absolutely. it needs a partner when it comes to defense when it comes to ukraine. one of the 1st reactions here in berlin was from know that worked in a conservative politician, the former chairman of the bonus tech foreign affairs committee. and he said that americans are doing more for ukraine than all of europeans combined. it won't stay their way. there was she sat so rather cautious approach st. germany in europe need to step up their efforts when it comes to ukraine. and now that what can also tweet at the parts of the republicans and that something also that we just saw on the reporter want to end the so called blank a check for ukraine and that he also expect expects more debates on how the yes, how in europe, how now nature should support
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a ukraine when it comes to weapons exports and benyamin even more caution, if biden, and the democrats lose both houses. so one of the big concerns and there's also other transatlantic coordinators, me killing, says is regarding to those who don't accept the results. and that's something that nobody can sad as well saying that trumpet poisoned the republican party and that he only accepts the election results when they favor the republican. so that is a big fear that something that the trends are 20 coordinator also said when he visited the u. s. recently. and after that, when he went to george and he went to texas only a few weeks ago. barbara, what would it mean for europe if the republicans take control of both houses? if they take control em, some things will remain the change. it will remain the same. other things might come under pressure, for instance, the relationship with china. if the republicans turn out to be much more hawkish, which is expected on china, european will have your europe will have to sort of step up to that,
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which is very difficult for many countries, particularly germany, but also others that are heavily relying on trade was china even though there is a lot of talk now about changing that, it's going to take time. and also of course, the specter of authoritarianism rising. there are a number of european government as we know italy, we don't know yet, which way they're going to turn. and that are in danger, like hungary, to turn to the extreme right. and so that is an example that europeans hope will not sort of being pushed very strongly from the united states avisas in brussels, benyamin of high school, back in berlin. thank you. and i'm thankful and thanks to watch ah
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w. o. what's it stay for the well, when americans elect a new congress as us democracy faces. yes. another stress test. we're here to renew the latest. well, the fear of violence translate into action. and what the thief, mid terms mean for the next presidential race in 2024. let us bring the back story across all platforms. this week. on d, w ah, in modern life, we're always on the move,
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