tv Europe Revealed Deutsche Welle November 17, 2022 2:15am-3:01am CET
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so there's the teaching of life skills coupled with football and technical skills. you're there in sales. organizers help the program may 1 day reach up to 700000000 children worldwide with the ultimate goal of nurturing talent for the game. while encouraging children to stay in school. and that's it. you're up to date for this. our next is doc film, looking at europe's dependence on coal, oil and gas in ports. i'm anthony. how, thanks for company, for the elderly, more nice headlines in 45 minutes time. don't forget the website they. if you needed at d, w dot com i will interest the global economy our portfolio d w business. beyond here, the closer look at the project, our mission to analyze the fight for market dominance. get
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a step ahead with d w. business beyond. ah, donald has long been a close link between fossil fuel exports and authoritarian machines. and that having a therapist and it's a good affinity becomes more democratic, if people can control what they can tired. so yeah, that's why i'm convinced europe can become a role model for the green transition for quite understanding pamela, when we don't have a lot of time left to stop the climate catastrophe him. we'll fight for that up and i believe was succeed. ah, energy is the wellspring of modern life in europe, without energy, we couldn't produce our food, manufacture objects, communicate, work,
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or travel to the war in ukraine is a painful reminder of the price of our energy dependence. for a long time, europe's prosperity has relied on cheap fossil fuels. much of it imported but time is running out to avert climate catastrophe. the continent must achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 geopolitical conflict has made the energy transition more urgent than ever. but what will it take to achieve this transformation? in 2020, the year of pandemic locked downs, global carbon emissions fell by 7 percent. but to meet the paris climate pacts to degree go, emissions would need to fall by 7 percent every year through 2030. will
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we succeed? can we achieve or secure an sustainable energy transition before the war in ukraine? 40 percent of europe's natural gas and 30 percent of its oil came from russia. about 60 percent of the use energy needs come from impulse. a trend that looked set to rise. this map shows all the oil and gas tankers that sale for europe in just one week. many passed through the suez canal on route from the oil rich middle east . and these other pipelines that bring gas from siberia, north africa, and the north sea. europe is dependent on a vast oil and gas supply network that extends half way around the world.
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time and again, europe's energy dependency has come at a heavy political price. wars have been waged over access to raw materials in the middle east, the caucasus, africa, and iraq. many treaties have been signed with kings, with dictators, and with soviet bureaucrats and soviet union began building pipelines toward western europe, all in the service of securing energy. now europe needs to free itself of its reliance on brush and gas. the controversial north stream to pipeline project has been frozen 1000000000. this will fall into a project that would have increased germany and western europe's energy dependency . over the next years,
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europe will not be able to wean itself off gas imports. on the contrary, to replace russian gas, europe will increase its importance from the united states and canada. but what's behind europe's unquenchable thirst for oil and gas impulse demand for crude oil continues to rise for fuel, the asphalt roads, the tires, but also to produce plastic cosmetics, fertilizer and even pharmaceuticals. products gas. 2 is used in many industrial processes and for heating and cooking. it's also burned to generate electricity, germany and italy, which want to close their coal fired and nuclear power plants are especially reliant on natural gas. that's why the price of electricity is linked to the price of gas. the which makes sense from an environmental perspective. electricity from
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gas emits about half as much c o 2 compared to coal. but does gas powered electricity really makes sense? in germany, many young people have been protesting this development for years now. once an enclave, you corporations and government, the selling, the idea that gas is agreeing alternative. we need to fight that. then we handle the for decades, governments around the world, governments in europe have failed to respond to the climate catastrophe. chemicals call for 3. again, we have no choice but to take matters into our own hands. highlander limits could have him as nathan yansa live in balloons. brutal near hamburg, a new terminal for l. n. g imports from the u. s. is underway in summer 2021. many environmental movement as such as fridays for future and indigo lender mobilized to
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oppose the project. the northern port region is already home to many industries that rely on natural gas, a refinery, a fertilizer manufacturer, and automotive subcontractors. the impact of decades of german energy policy is evident here, as long as natural gas was cheap, industries were in no rush to switch to renewables, and to help domestic industry remain competitive on the international market. europe subsidized oil and gas on a massive scale to the tune of $55000000000.00 euros every year. over the past 10 years, the thor dust diverts are germany's economy relies on gas up. it's a big problem for me and the only way to fix that is to expand to renewable energy ah,
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the soon as in, i man in a renewable several ready cheaper than fossil fuels, but they used to still subsidize signs of it's too late for compromise. it can kind of a promise. we don't have a lot of time left to stop the climate catastrophe outside. ah, in all the south and then we can, we'll fight for that service and i believe we'll succeed. optimised, the stuff that has happened the war in ukraine had overshadowed the energy transition, but global heating continues affects. the glowing red points marked the location of europe's 30 most polluting coal fired power plants. the dirty, 30 climate experts agree shunting these down is an urgent priority. this is bessie metals in poland,
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also known as the climate killer. the largest lick, ny, told brown coal fine plant in the world. it's europe's biggest source of carbon emissions and a major air and water polluter. but unplugging basha toff won't be easy. poland luke knight reserves have made it less dependent on energy impulse. about 80 percent of its electricity is produced from coal. and about $80000.00 minus depend on the industry. europe has grown rich from coal. it power the industrial revolution. the e. u is increasingly facing out coal. coal mines are being converted into a theme parks and open museums. ah, but in poland, germany and romania, coal mining continues. fields, forests, and even entire villages are being destroyed for it.
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the current geopolitical crisis and soaring energy costs look set to delay europe's coal phase. our targets but the e u doesn't only need to reconsider how it produces energy. it also needs to take a harp look at consumption, who exactly uses energy, and how much? in europe the richest 10 percent emits 6 times as much c o 2 per person as the poorest, 50 percent. this energy inequality is often ignored by policymakers. yet there are many people for whom access to energy is still a luxury pal mancha and boy co even after live with their family in eastern bulgarians. their apartment is poorly insulated. today's he derek says, i'm going to cut them to turn the passcode. we only turn on the heat when the children take a bath before and as soon as they're asleep, we turn it off. no good to the specifically true mickey dogs. yeah,
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to thing we thought we keep our coats on. it's so cold. we even sleep with our coats on any. some was to got to do a smithson when the water and electricity bills arrive were surprised and ask ourselves, how can this be artistic? we can't manage. it gives me energy, poverty of facts, some 50000000 people in europe. there, especially hard hit by soaring energy prices. the way we produce our energy is the reflection of our lifestyle and of our individual and collective choices. energy is always political by very one, even as an office was in one year when i got my engineering degree. boy,
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i wanted to do something to benefit society under i became interested in renewable energy and started working in regions with little access to electricity. threat. we set up solar energy systems in remote locations on a few places in north africa and the middle east to rec. today, samuel for works for the enter cobb co operative. he helps coordinate local, green and renewable energy projects in the west of france. on that benefit, we have solar panels installed above the parking lot local from a through the energy is fed directly into the surrounding administrative buildings or through the wellness theater in front of us and the tourist information office, which is right behind it to dial when our energy has produced directly where it is consumed that eliminates transportation and transfer losses. this parking lot is no different from all the hundreds of others in the area. we want to show what we can achieve with local production, michael and replicated on
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a municipal scale the community baltimore local energy generation helps reduce impulse. another step towards energy independence. samuel falls next stump is a group of farmers who operate 5 wind turbines. the physical natalia, you're welcome sir. i see that you also know we love working with wind park projects because they raise awareness update. well these people are rooted in their region and know the land order. and if they can address issues like noise associated with wind turbines on the doctor understood for private operators, a different authority or their main concern is operating in the regulation of one oscillation already to gosselin process on your doctor. thanks to wind parks like this and hundreds of citizens who have gotten involved, what we've been able to reach out to schools on the community. and when people over to the energy transition either who is accept arissa said more or both group audrey
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us and she, she bought, producing energy isn't enough. we also want to limit energy consumption and have me about a topic in our schools and communities, and teach about energy management. so robert, in global already, i'm, if he's really no, buffy, don't need to keep all your appliances on all the time her that lead insulate your house. some is is lies, right? oh, let me, i know the best energy is the energy we don't use. microsoft reduction is good, but cutting consumption is even better on reducing consumption is key. if europe wants to meet its 2030 climate targets and ensure its energy independence, but are such local decent, relies to projects enough to achieve the energy transition for an entire continent . if there's anyone who understands the link between energy policy and geo politics, it's blue hans to piano in 2015. the french diplomat was
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a driving force in the negotiation of the parish climate agreement on voice. and yes, you'll have a complaint not in develop on the if europe had pressed forward, amenable such as solar and wind, we wouldn't be as dependent on coal gas and oil imports, especially from russia. studios, climate security includes fighting climate change and achieving independence from fossil fuel exporters. so normally people is this to day that's russia may be exposed to morrow, it could be some one else. she said that on not levine in the seller's will show his another. the hans to piano is relieved that the e u continues to support its green deal despite the covey pandemic and the war in ukraine. the ambitious, 600000000000 euro investment plan aims to make the european economy more sustainable and more resource efficient regarding the seller ported, the green deal is a peace project. it can support democracy because it's
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a decentralized energy project manager. it will benefit all of society. hello, good, good little to class was hit the woodland when it comes to the green deal. one country stands out. denmark, not long ago, denmark was a major producer of gas and oil. today, it's a foreigner in the energy transition. denmark has an ambitious plan to produce 100 percent green energy without reducing consumption, evolve. kaleya denmark can show europe that it's possible to invest in green technologies and to actually get a return. it's more than an annoying obligation. may. it's actually creating opportunities to fax word to haskel willa. denmark aims to become the 1st
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e u country to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035. that goal will require a broad social consensus, a collective decision supported by the public and by industry. in this time of crisis, glenda napier task has become even more of a challenge. she hopes to persuade government ministries, universities, and 400 different companies to develop innovative technologies. which i'm miss. if i ever lose my focus at why the scale, i just have to open a newspaper to remember why my jobs important a yellow meter and nobody can do it alone. not me. it's not my organization. it's not one company on its own man. hey, like the ink that we're all in the same boat. the else i miss amber. denmark has already invested vast sums in the energy transition. wind energy, now supplies,
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half the country's electricity. the porters, s. b log is a hub for the offshore wind industry. for out of 5 of europe's wind turbines passed through here on their way out to the north sea ahmad at absolutely farm and to your what evil are told that having park many of europe's wind farms are installed from here, damage this of it's a good opportunity here dickie has started from the industry just keeps growing. please from to the vaux or voucher or them i'm when they are, these installation ships are impressive, yet each leg goes deep into the sea bed. but for the game is day we have to invest la crazy. more than ever before, just to keep up a pro about for them to him. i live at the, at the, it's because the turbines keep getting bigger, which lets them generate more energy and they keep going farther offshore, where there's more wind, which also generates more energy. in ag, denmark is thinking big. it's planning to build to energy islands. each
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will connect some 650 wind turbines. they'll generate more wind power than denmark needs. well, as of you saw my mass of in ballasa all because we'll have so many tabs, pines, we can bring some of that to denmark and exports. some of it to them, and we could use some of that green energy to make green fuel so know that they're going in a good tell out quantum passa, i think m all than her phone for klein. a glance off can have water put these green fuels. it could supply kosky, acrobat and trucks. if you equipped an airplane with a battery late, the battery would be bigger than the plane, so that's no good. we need green fios to d carbonized, the transportation sector because a sale chore we're transport sector did
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not did. or, if that's probably our most exciting project, one of the green ammonia project will demonstrate it is if it's possible to use ammonia as fuel on a large scale stores. if yesterday, that ammonia could completely replace what's produced by the oil industry said, may fall endlessly. is invisible is a lot of interest these days in local networks, especially when it comes to food and organic farming is it's an idea that really resonates people, want to know what they're paying for and their energy bill housey samuel falls next stop is so you are came where the town hall itself has become a green energy producer, the profits from the song, your keams, solar units flow back into the public coffers, which allowed the town to reduce local taxes. allowed to be the 2010. we
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mainly targeted schools to raise awareness, access your pedagogy on any suffering. we've installed solar panels on the roofs of club houses on the carnival warehouse. yeah. and on the tennis hill, by seberio, did you mean it's allowed us to drastically cut the community's energy? expenses were partly self sufficient, which helped cut our energy bills like turned in, ellicott. this unusual location might soon catch on a solar project at the municipal cemetery. for now, it's the only plan of its kind. the electricity generated here will be used by local residence. it boil morris law, will i clear this? we're also hoping to create a kind of energy package for me in the future day. it would help struggling families by providing them with free energy and reduce their monthly bills gadri to denote equal but yet if you could demonstrate more to convince of ne detail, many municipalities have already come to see our work. it's raising awareness
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either. i hope our example will encourage them to get on board more quickly. hot that review real easy during the pull. these are exciting times. we think we'll need energy used to be ruled by the big players adult that nowadays consumers expect new models in germany, held up on 2 thirds of renewables, are owned by local entities, horse in france, a longstanding energy monopoly, oversaw all state investments with adult and started from we're transitioning from a centralized energy model towards one in which people collaborate and invest together on a local level who is the fulfillment the contrast between these local and decentralized initiatives and denmark's industrial and commercial projects is striking. copenhagen also has its share of spectacular projects like this ski slope built on top of an ultra modern power
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station, fueled by waste incineration. there are so we generate enough energy here to meet the annual electricity and heating needs of around 1500 households. about 350 to 400 trucks arrive here every day. oh, great to twist. what it was, it would be a shame for the waste and open landfill. it admits lots of methane and to see this shows how much waste we produce. he bought some for insane amount. the incineration plant is already one of the most efficient in the world. now it's embarked on a new experiment to capture c o 2 before it enters the atmosphere. harvey hor serve load and ag, suitable vance. this is our carbon capture pilots projected design. as abilene math, we learn how it can work most efficiently on what liquids we need. move out of an
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miss. go start by capturing 850 kilos of c o 2, a day gallery to what we need to capture some 500000 tons a year movies. go all the fun things to talk. oh, so did i find that to escape is missing? what will happen to the c o 2? once you've captured it. another thing, once we have a full scale facility, will capture and pressurize it, then tankers will collect it and take it out to the north sea, hinder the asylum. guinasso carbon capture is one way that europe could gain time to produce more green energy. it would be a groundbreaking solution. but right now, the technology is still in its infancy and storing carbon dioxide. in d, commission gas fields in the north sea would be extremely complex. yet
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what fact is pulling all the ga cloud? i'm sailing. i believe europe will accomplish the energy transition dust awesome. in to the account, i'll put it. it will require political courage. i miss dana, it is and massive investments in the right technologies in our so very care and it will require the public to understand that the green transition is an opportunity we have to gras even or to have michel you make a see at the energy policy of the future is not just a national issue, would say it's an issue that transcends borders. look up a traffic on soccer. professor lynn today, roughly 38 percent of electricity in the e. u. comes from renewable sources, but that's still not enough. denmark is forging ahead, but the country is also part of the european energy network in which electricity is exchanged between countries to compensate for the vagaries of production and demand
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. and denmark still hasn't sold one of the key obstacles on the path to green energy. how to store the electricity produced by wind turbines. when winds of strong denmark produces more electricity than it needs, the axis is sent to germany and the netherlands. when as little wind, the country depends on the importance of german coal power and swedish nuclear power. research on new storage methods is underway that apart from dams, in norway and the alps and experiments with hydrogen, there's no good way to store green energy. if europe is serious about d carvin izing, it's industry and making the switch to electric vehicles, it will need much more green energy, at least twice as much as what it produces to day.
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that's why a low carbon form of energy is enjoying renewed interest. one that many in europe turn their back on as too expensive and too dangerous woman them all in that. welcome to photons, luis a nuclear power plant. mm hm. well, i like select gonna go with go rivera housekeeper, how much electricity is produced here? now let me look around 8 tara, what's a year? that's about 10 percent of villains, total electricity consumption. all of this 3rd of nuclear produces about 25 percent about a quarter. yes, ella. finland has always been a quiet supporter of nuclear energy. but now green m p 's, like at a harriann, are taking an interest i ran with the model to medical respects army narrative, given climate change. i like it doesn't make sense to decommission plans to the
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still serviceable all is, well i got to california raul and i spent boston behind that was crucial as reducing emissions, preventing deforestation, and ensuring people's well being thought of hammer gallagher saw people expect affordable energy for their daily lives and well being that he was how he left. that's another points in favor of nuclear or micro mcbeal. in europe, 28 percent of the electricity generated comes from nuclear power. the issue is a divisive one. the largest producer of nuclear power in europe is france. but several reactors are also active in sweden, great britain and eastern europe in germany, italy and belgium. much of the public seas, nuclear energy. as a threat. the countries are planning their nuclear exit. but upheavals on the
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energy market could change that. my benefit, i was born a couple of years before chernobyl. all of our worst nuclear accident, no matter. a uniform different are water on nuclear power isn't risk free. what, according to these risks, can be mitigated. me, ma'am? that's why we shouldn't simply condemn it out. right? tommy, big. we don't want to expand nuclear energy. a mom, sustainable development, or nuclear is a to holiday in a tool perhaps. but what about the problems and risks associated with storing radioactive waste? finland requires nuclear plants to store their waste 110 meters below sea level. but will those disposal facilities still be safe in centuries to come? isn't it that damage quantities of radioactive waste is stored here and he never
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put it on the left. like the hello alum give manila, then there's room for $10000.00 barrels here obviously. and he won't be able to enter those areas any more with the bunny. me mm. those are the little calon magazine. silly will of the facility as we built to last for millennia. with luck, we thought of it on, but i know by the carrollton bar me it almost about we must act quickly to stop climate change unless of habitats. yeah, anyway, we're like building a nuclear power plant takes time. zina martin, we need to slash emissions by the end of the decade. that was we have a lot of work ahead of us in the century. one decade won't be enough to minnesota, so mm. ready europe can't win its race against time on nuclear alone. nuclear power plants do generate common free
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electricity. the deconstruction is time consuming, dangerous, and very expensive. the brand new reactor in the west of finland is a good example. construction was slated to take for yes. instead, it took 17 and came in way over budget. so there's no nuclear miracle on the horizon, at least not by 2030 and that's not all. countries like france, which heavily backed nuclear, shown here in yellow, have invested last in renewable energy, is shown here in green and blue to achieve its climate goals. europe must overcome this divide. nuclear energy is also extremely centralized. so complex and expensive. that
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investment has to be funded by the state. that's why entrees in jenko is banking on renewables. he's the founder of ukraine's 1st green energy co operative. this was filmed in slow view teach some months before the war broke out. the town is located not far from to noble. the sight of a nuclear disaster, 40 years ago, stood there but a civilian sci fi, the chernobyl workers were relocated a half to the accident. besides peaceable hopes, lost the basic apostrophe. they break the symbol of this project as an example of a town reinventing itself optimally. and as a town that was once a sensor of nuclear power, it's discovered a new purpose, an identity, or even the frequency. andres in jenkins project is called solar town. solar panels have been installed on the roofs of buildings to make them self sufficient. jenko wants to encourage residents to take charge of their communities,
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energy, future law, or on you, sir. i looked at him all over in the past. never like we could only generate electricity, big power plants that often was subsidized by the government and much the corporate to day. so you can buy solar modules at a supermarket, will generate electricity at home obama, and that had cost they, a bit of energy is more democratic when people can control some of what they conceal. iron. yonder myers jaw, the more the people understand how it's produced, like the more economical they'll be with a cheese a year kilometer energy is a back door to democracy. russian troops entered sla view th soon after the invasion, but following massive peaceful protest, spy locals. the russian troops withdrew from the town in march 2022.
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europe urgently needs to move forward with the energy transition. but it will take time to come up with reliable alternatives. time that is running out. ah, one thing could radically speed up the process. money. milva is an investment fund based in paris that specializes in renewable energy. no, it's very bused. i've also been talking to them about the spanish hydro project and you know, they wanted to meet with the sales team this week. okay. and it is olu. so fast, is it about the cost of budget? yes, it's about the cost. our last proposal wasn't attractive enough. o t o r t
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o. would it be done in your own? i shot it at the start of the meeting. we talked about a wind farm. we buying in poland. then we discussed a solar project portfolio that could be base ground and reef mantids. there's a great deal of investor interest and lots of projects in development projects. they've got all righty. thank you very much. have a good day. see you later. you didn't the 10 years ago the, this was the dream of a few pioneers in utopians. it cuz he knew we started with 3000000000 euros or a drop in the bucket. i live today. i'm. yeah, we manage 23000000000 euros and a growing quickly. i thought a be sure miro fire is part of a movement that would dominate the entire market. rushing for a long time. activists have accused the financial center of investing in oil and gas to reaper quick profit. nowadays, even the central european bank has warned that climate change is hurting the
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economy. if today's investments destroy the planet, to morrow's profits are also at risk. could the financial sector b, our salvation. moreover, has tracked the speed with which major investors have abandoned the coal industry. it's an alarm bell to everyone who still invests in fossil fuels. shortly reserve. we'll rogers equally if we were to burn all known fossil fuel reserves. don't global heating would have 3 or 4 degrees celsius on the put bub hulu. if we're serious about the 1.5 or 2 to re limit. we can't just rely on fossil fuels, boss of as, as i get an oil companies, a considerably overvalued week. you will be seeing lots of stranded asset as for the by when you compare companies think those who haven't yet started to take action are being punished by the market. so i think and that's very interesting. pathetic, excited take exxon. i an oil company that had no interest in any of this. the
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shareholders force the board members to talk about it at every board meeting, early valley, the summit, nor a shackle savings. huston minerva has seen the cost of solar energy drop by 90 percent over 10 years in europe. it's the cheapest form of energy. so why isn't europe moving forward more quickly? over the past decade, investments in sustainable energy have been 7 times more profitable than fossil fuel investments. that could be a boon the de carbon eyes ation will europe's financial centers get on board. so basically we might, if we believed momentum was linear, me we despair, you on the developer, there are also positive economic developments that grow exponentially. yeah, it so hydrogen might take another 5 or 10 years ago, but when it's ready of it,
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it could happen very quickly. it looks it's these tipping points that we need to identify quickly. shashi is we're lacking. give us something to be optimistic about like yoga burner and gardeners of optimism if the client is have to set the bar as high as possible. you yeah. and push the market in the right direction. in spain, some solar companies are out performing some oil companies on the stock market. solar has a bright future. one study suggests that europe could meet its entire electricity needs by covering half of all roofs, with solar panels. money will be vital to a successful energy transition. it could also help offset job losses. that the de carbonized ation would entail. attainable, bel spent 29 years working in
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a romanian coal mine. then he made a fresh start. ah the mother and i will cut bill to bill, i will yama the 1st time i climbed up a wind turbine. i was amazed by the few. got it. when he looked, dab media us with darren ny won't as of it, there's nothing like that in the minds. michael bertram there we descend 400 meters underground that they met thee here where 120 meters above sea level vast brownie below a muddy plaza doors is demetia to day art annabelle bow now works at fontanello. the largest on shore wind farm in europe. he provide safety training to new wind park while his take your time. okay. take your hunt off the letter b. good. i. i just like that. budget that okay,
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no safe in trying to pull it up. but then it these came out. maggie. the victim has started breathing again. we move him so that he's lying on a side of it. then we take off his mask to free his nose and mouth. okay, get it. i thought it be under the european union has set aside billions of euros. the special programs to help fall nicole minus one are on northern figured i did it outbreak to lee annas with oakland on the zillow of your do for this project . was born 2 years ago when romania was still pondering, the energy transition, isabella, and, and thought the other one as to what this year. the government said, all our minds will close by 2032, that is issued last year in the 3rd to july. then thanks to the e u and romanian joint strategy that will generate at least $7000.00 additional megawatts from solar and wind been to rochester shop. and that will generate around 7 to 8000 new jobs the old me than light looked at them in cur. the
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european union's green deal wants to create 1000000 green jobs by 2030 jobs that will help save the climate and will be less dangerous than working in the minds. jojo, i was under ground when there was an explosion at the vulcan mind oyster rosier, la la bon. that shockwave spread a few kilometers under ground. they could look, you know, making well, i'm sure that am jaclyn chill watches through something like that leaves it's traced on you energy. what though, this is clean energy for us, the sticker, and there's no risk. they school to worry that your life is in danger from jacka, from my address. that's important to me because that was a major, big stress factor. authentic woman to stress chill klatera
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with some of his oral she. this is our future and our children won't have any clean air to breathe. if we don't take action, what is that? only as the climate emergency is the greatest threat we've ever faced. and now, green energy has also become a matter of peace and security. the energy transition would help us solve both of these problems to protect the climate and our own freedom. we hope that after the war we will continue building a new cooperatives. and while the energy democracy will come to the ukraine. and that's, that's our message to the whole world. wait with hall, but popular walls until you're 4. we are doing it, but it will be building, you know, by a gas station you saw installations and saw your helper. ah
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often. now to be big lies a fact made in germany in 30 minutes on d. w. enter the conflicts all with tim. sebastian russia has suffered key. busy reversals on the battlefield. that's curious. horses have come to attacked and seize back a wide suede of territory. my guest this week from moscow is andre coalesced me up senior fellow, as i think time to come get endowment for international peace as anger mouse among some of la putin supporters. how boehmer boy, is he conflict zone? in 90 minutes on d. w. o. a rear natural spectacle in an improved world
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the meeting of the little whale sharks, the remote island of say, told me it is a testament to the quality of the waters. one of the many success stories from a bastion of biodiversity. st. starts november 18th on d, w. ah, this is the w news, and these are our top stories. nato and poland have said a missile, that struck polished territory on tuesday was likely fired by ukraine. in self defense, 2 people were killed when the suspected a defense miss i'll exploded in a village near.
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